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I especially like the King Conga boss fight
I'm currently struggling with making it to the end of Zone 4 as Cadence reliably enough to beat Dead Ringer...
It's a fun (and hectic) fight, but I can't get to it as much as I'd like.
I think the best song in that game is the Area 1 Shopkeeper
It just sets the tone for all of the later levels
@Pixie When's the last time you did?
@IronHeart ... I just realised the protagonist's name, Cadence, is both an uncommon name for girls and also a word in music!! I like the wordplay choices this game does and how much it plays around with musical stuff.
@Sandwich What, with his singing? :)
Yeah that shopkeeper is a boss
@doppelgreener I don't remember exactly, but... a while ago. xD
@Pixie If it's been a year, then there's probably been a lot of updates and things changed in the meantime!
@doppelgreener Does it have a proper song loader now or do I still have to do folder witchery? :P
@Pixie Still need to browse directories and junk, sadly.
Three Panel soul
2 hours later…
I do tend to imagine my dog like that.
Every single time.
I am not even kidding.
Sometimes I think of entire monologues for him as he licks his balls.
This is a worthwhile thing to do with one's imagination.
Does anyone here play Monster Hunter (4, to be specific)?
I have a bit, seen it a lot
I don't suppose you have any good tips for beating Tigrex?
I do not, sorry T_T
I suspected as much :(
unrelated note -- would asking what to do about players who have chronically poor dice luck at the table be a good thing for the main site?
(it's clearly not a case of the dice themselves, since we're passing the exact same twenty-sider around the dining room table over here!)
Q: Dealing with extreme luck

Brisbe42As a DM for 4th edition, I have a rather interesting bunch of players, but 4 of them that show up at my table tend to have extreme luck. 'W' and 'J' both have bad luck--there are nights where they cannot roll above a 6 on a d20, no matter how many times they try. On the other hand, 'K' and 'S' ...

Q: How to help players who roll really badly?

SoulriftScenario: player rolls to attack, rolls a 1. Next round, rolls a 1. Round after that, rolls a 1. Fourth round, rolls a 2. This really happened today. He was going back and forth between two different dice too. It just so happened that this whole encounter had outrageously unlikely rolls and the...

Q: Balancing players' rolls, not characters

KhaalI have been the worst dice-roller in my party as far as I can remember. Be it D&D 3.5, 4th Edition, or any other dice based system, the goddess of luck has always been mean to me. To give you an example, I currently play a fighter in D&D 3.5, and as we are low level, when I do hit something, I ...

@Miniman -- looked at the first and the third -- and a lot of the answers seem to point at "there's no such thing as luck, check the dice" -- but what's baffling about this case is we're at one table with one twenty-sider and yet the distribution of rolls across the players seems bafflingly askewed (which frustrates the player who has this issue to no end, because he doesn't take well to sitting there and missing all day as a melee Ranger when the Sorc is tearing through everything)
I will have to take more detailed notes going forward re: dice though
@Shalvenay @BESW has had one such player with absolutely abysmal luck at rolling. We tallied it up over time, and even with a dice tower he was somehow managing extremely poor rolls. I would suggest that if a user has some concern, you do keep a record to see if it's confirmation bias or actual poor luck.
@doppelgreener -- I agree there, that's for sure!
(I also think having everyone at the table using the same dice for their rolls is A Good Idea -- it easily rules out uneven/loaded dice as a differential problem at the table, because you never know when someone will get the product of a bad day at the Chessex plant)
Mm, there are advantages to having different dice. If three people need to roll at once there isn't a queue in doing so, people can have their own special shiny dice they love, etc.
true, having only one twenty-sider at your whole table is mildly awkard
Especially depending on group and table size. (If it's a long table, and the people at opposite ends need to roll...)
2 hours later…
@Shalvenay Some people speculate that rolling dice is a physical technique which can be trained.
Try seeing what happens if he uses a different hand, or a different motion, to roll.
(This doesn't really explain my friend's dice tower results, but the sample size wasn't big enough to be really rigorous.)
Alternatively, try using a cup - I found my results became far more random when the die wasn't in my hand.
@BESW Can't it be both?
Fair enough.
(There's an old Doctor Who episode where the Doctor parks the TARDIS in an art museum, and later we see John Cleese explaining it to someone.)
@SPArchaeologist Hi!
This one is from Arqade, but I think someone here may like it too.
Heh. @SPArchaeologist Do you play Monster Hunter?
yep but I haven't much got in the online part for now.
Any tips for beating Tigrex? [looks hopeful]
I have to reorganize the placement of all my console and such
(I don't play online at all)
@Miniman I can think of something. Give me some time. I am currently hexing/weaving a SharePoint build.
Will try to have some suggestion as soon as I can.
@SPArchaeologist Thanks! No hurry, I'm not going to be playing for a couple of hours at least.
@Miniman Just for reference, and to be sure - Game and Weapon?
I assume you are talking about Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate since X shouldn't even be out yet, but I see it was also present since Monster Hunter Freedom 2
@SPArchaeologist Sorry, I was driving home from work. It is indeed mh4u. For weapons I've used dual blades pretty exclusively, but I'm open to suggestions if there's anything else that would make it easier.
ok thanks
@Miniman anyway, probably because I got used to Demon/Dark Soul, I tend to use Sword&Shield or great/long sword. I was skimming around for hints specific to the double blades, and as far as I got, people who main those don't seem to like them much for use against the Tigrex
@SPArchaeologist Hmmm, that's awkward.
Where are you looking for hints, btw? My Googling has been less than fruitful.
yep, I noticed. GameFaqs doesn't really seem to have much about it
It's weird, for such a popular game it's hard to find stuff about it.
I still have no idea how expeditions are meant to work.
actually, by the look of it, the wikia may have more usable info than GameFaqs.
I know that this isn't much, but have you tried skimming this page?
I hadn't even found that page, thanks!
@SPArchaeologist Wow, he's really down on dual blades for this. It might be time for me to try learning a new weapon >.<
Still, depending on you skill it may be worth a try attempting the suggested "hit and wait" tact, especially if you can actually access the suggested equipment.
I am engaged in the Super Serious Business of naming a new micro SD card.
I always intend to name my electronics but never do.
My laptop is Miss Havisham II, my tablet is The Arc, and my phone is Skye.
My system names usually wind up some iteration of Pixie (Pixietop, Pixietab, Pixiephone...), but I ran out of them when naming my Fujitsu, so she is Sakura instead.
Go-go-go! Pixie-rollerskate!
@SPArchaeologist More or less.
Btw. I happened just by chance to catch an episode of Adventure Time that explained Ice King origins. I was wondering.. does anyone know if that "issue" is ever touched again?
.... I hate the double post bug
yeah, that bug is a drag
I log back in sometimes and my last post is already re typed out waiting for me to press enter on it again
"The Double Post Bug" sounds like a 1920s dance move.
@trogdor I especially love when my bot dupes the messages she should be sending...
Sign in a New Delhi airport: Be Like Venus: Unarmed.
@BESW My usb key was called Masterplan. After it got pilfered by someone in the university informatics lab I got a new one. Masterplan II.
While that says a lot about music I like, my WiFi network says a lot about me in general. It's called the ShadowWeave.
I just realized that most of 4everfreebrony songs are also on bandcamp. Silly me not noticing before.
Heh. My network is Campion.
@BESW It could have been Cambion - had we had upside-down Ps in our keypoards.
I'm pretty sure cambions don't usually look like Peter Davison.
@Miniman -- I suggested digging up the dice cup from our Yahtzee game :P
you could always use an arduino...
not sure how the rest of the group will react to your request for them to use this strange new electronic dice... but hey, it is an option
You could disguise it.
Based on the current list of starred messages in the Tavern chat, I am really thinking of just moving here.
The level of bad taste humor is increasing steady
Good morning
Time of the day to you too
sigh I am really jonesing for my next Mutants and Masterminds fix, but the Play-by-Post games I'm in are in a lull and it's nearly another month before the tabletop group I play with has their schedules align once more.
I know how that feels.
6 hours later…
@BESW OH MY GOD I had my first game! :D
And everyone that I kept bugging nervously
I had my first game and it WENT AS AMAZINGLY AS IT HUMANLY... well, we can all get better and it's pretty clear to me where improvements could be made BUT IT WAS THE MOST FUN WE'VE HAD IN SO LONG
And months and months of building up were SO worth it! All the questions I asked and expectations I failed not to have! It was EXACTLY as good as I thought it would be!
Out of my two players, Z was kind of new, she'd only been in the failed D&D sessions (and Fate completely redeemed RPGs for her now) while the second, B, was completely, completely new to them and anything remotely similar... they both had a huge amount of fun
Starting with the worldbuilding, which they loved with all their heart
Up through the whole session which they carried maybe even more than I did
I'm glad it went so well :)
I'd go as far as saying that what lead to a nice wrap-up to the session was a chase contest ending in getting to a hide-out which the NEWCOMER spent a fate point declaring! I thought newcomers wouldn't GET it but she DID
And get this: the first part was actually quite freeformy, and aside from one simple overcome the first important roll was BETWEEN the players
where Z tried to fool the other one that she has this rare kind of crystal using her illusion magic... she was about to lose the roll, but I encouraged her to use a FP to improve her roll and win
She did, and the other player's character buying the lie drove the entire session, with people wanting in on the deal, authorities becoming suspicious, larger plot horizons opening up, etc
I thought the other one would metagame, knowing that it's just Flashy illusion rubbish, but no! The complete newcomer instantly grokked the idea that the player and the character have different positions
The character risked his life, then his future to get his hands on the illusion rubbish, which started off not just a plot thread, but turned a minor corrupt guardsman into a main antagonist
I had compelled a Suspicion [] boost earlier, causing them to have a guardsman become kind of iffy about them... they drove him away easily, both of them being rather good at that... so when there was a moment of stagnation in an alleyway where they were dealing stuff, I decided to not let that compel go... that same guard turned out to be this black market-connected figure that ambushed them with another thug
I statted them up quickly for a fight, but they instantly chose a non-violent approach, using their stunts and aspects to cause a distraction while they run for it... they succeeded by a margin of FIVE on the guard chief, which I had statted up as a "miniboss", leaving him covered in fiery magic dust, so I decided he's just not going to be a part of the chase... they wound up this big guy with a pistol through the forest until they almost won the contest... when suddenly the newcomer said she'd
had enough of this, and took him out on an all-out knock-out
the black market guard chief is still alive and mostly unharmed, and he hates them, but they found an incriminating letter in the unconscious thug's jacket... they asked, naturally, to loot the body, so I asked them "What here is interesting, that you find on him?" They got it immediately, so they said they took his gun, his jacket, and a letter that incriminated Mr. Rodrig, the chief
It was completely brilliant, and for a first session I'd say I handled it remarkably well
It helped a lot to have difficulties and temporary roll results on dice, like "Ok, so the guard rolled a 0, plus his quick and the free invokes that's a 5" [puts a grey die with 5 facing up on the table]
So I can think of other things
It was really beautiful, I loved it so much
They are both normally shy people, even more so in English... but in-game they were so proactive, they carried things... and when I wrote some notes or aspects a bit to the side they started conspiring and planning and having in-character chatter
2 hours later…
@AlexMitan Hooray!
that is fantastic
Q: Why was a seemingly constructive comment on an answer deleted?

LexibleI complimented an answer to How to summon an Invisible Stalker? in a comment today, and also requested whether the answer could be expanded to include magical items (possibly from Princes of the Appocalypse adventuring supplement, which has elemental themes), and not only spells as Miniman had do...

@BESW, I need your nearly wikipedic stores of information.
Specially since game-rec is no longer a thing.
Ask, and I shall answer. If we're lucky, the answer matches the question.
It is like my old Number 8 ball, but slightly more humanoid!
Only slightly.
I was helping a friend of mine with a board game, and I suggested that he had a look at the Hero System, that RPG system that enables people to customize actual super powers.
But he asked if I knew any other, and I told him to hang on, that I would search my sources(read: BESW).
That was about 3 hours ago.
I think he might actually have fallen off that ledge by now.
So, do you know any other systems that have that specific feature?
Customising super powers, eh?
Wellll. What tone are you looking for? What struggles is the story about?
[opens Folder O' Games]
Nothing really.
And I assume you mean games that have, like chargen rules for this, rather than games that let you make stuff up on the fly.
It is a board game, remember?
The guy is just looking for ways he can balance power customization for it.
@BESW Yeah.
So, less narrative and more mechanical.
[scratches out DRYH]
@BESW Exactly.
There's a couple Fate superhero modules.
I'm definitely not the best guy to ask about mechanics-heavy systems.
@BESW Are you saying my faith in your boundless knowledge is unfounded?
Time to start a new religion, then.
Ars Magica is.... probably not what he wants.
Probably not CthulhuTech.
I think Smallville uses the same system as Buffy, and I wasn't impressed by Buffy's customisation options.
But I could be wrong.
I didn't know Smallville had an RPG.
Also, why would you mention Ars Magica?
Because it's a super-open but also super-crunchy system for magical powers.
I think it's just open and crunchy in the wrong places for a board game to find useful.
Isn't it setting locked?
He's not looking to transliterate the system, is he?
Just ways to balance super powers.
His game has this thing where people can create any powers they like.
The problem is that it was REALLY unbalanced when I playtested it today.
Well then.
So I told him of Hero, and how it tries to enable the same freedom in creating powers, while still trying keep it balanced.
I'm not familiar with Hero.
So, whichever mechanics there are, they shouldn't be tied to a certain universe.
But, coming at it from a quick-and-easy-balance perspective, maybe he should be looking at games like Pilgrims of the Flying Temple and My Life With Master and Don't Rest Your Head.
In those games, the specific thing your power does is only important inasmuch as it controls narrative permissions about when you can use it; the mechanics of applying the power to solve a problem are always the same regardless of how you describe it.
That is similar to the way Hero does it as well.
But probably not as relevant.
The way Hero does it is that it categorizes powers in terms of what they do.
And the way they manifest is thought as little more than flare.
The important thing, is that it uses a point system similar to GURPS that tries to inform how OP you are.
Does he want people to "pick from a list" and their innovation is based on mix-and-match between list options, or is he looking for something more open-ended?
Comparing power characteristics through a point system is a really useful tool when developing an euro.
@BESW More the former.
I don't know what "euro" means in that context.
Ah. Sorry, board game jargon.
There are two basic kinds of board games, the ones we call ameritrash and the ones we call euro.
Mutants and Masterminds, Big Eyes Small Mouth, Open Versatile Anime, Four Colors System... I have no idea if any of these are appropriate to what your friend's doing, but they exist. All, IIRC, have a point buy except maybe Four Colors -- I can't remember how it works.
Ameritrash tend to focus a lot more on theme and feel for the game than in mechanics themselves. They also tend to involve a lot of RnG.
Atomic Robo has done a lot to move Fate toward a more defined point-buy-ish system, but I don't think it's enough to be useful.
Euro are board games that tend to be more fair, but also lose some of the thematic influence in trying to engage with players in a less narrative and more mechanic level.
Hmm. The Dresden Files Accelerated playtest has some rank ideas that would need a lot of tweaking, but might be interesting starting points.
Yeah, the problem of those Fate systems is that they are too ingrained in their universes.
The way their worlds work informs their mechanics, and so if we were to separate them, they would probably not hold up so well.
@Pixie, I've not heard of any of those before.
By god you are becoming the new @BESW.
Our game experience overlap isn't very large, so when you find a spot I'm not able to help in, she's often able to step up.
Oh hi guys!
Together you could rule the world.
Heh. My friends have remarked on how frequently I introduce them to games they've never heard of. M&M and BESM are fairly popular though. Of that list, the only one I've managed to play is M&M, which a friend once GMed, so I can't really give a lot of guidance. You can poke at them though.
I had so many pointless worries and mechanics ideas
(My focus is on small-rules narrative play.)
You guys were 100% right about the freeform support system paradigm shift
We actually freeformed a LOT
@AlexMitan Worrying about them probably helped them not be a problem.
True, I don't regret a single minute of reading or asking stuff
It helped a lot, now it's just my practice and emotional..ness being a few steps behind my theoretical knowledge
@Pixie How do the powers work in M&Ms then?
@BESW That is what I would probably like my focus to be, but I usually get the opportunity to play more rules-intensive games because that is what my friends play. :P (For the rest, I spend ridiculous amounts of time browsing DriveThruRPG and indie blogs.)
If you don't mind saving me the time while I read on the other ones.
I think my greatest successes in introducing Fate were two very blunt disclaimers:
1) Things can happen without dice rolling, the dice only come out when interesting or very likely failures loom
2) Stress and consequences are not health, but a measure of how effectively you can act in this scene and how much you've got until you cannot act
@AlexMitan Sounds like your players are willing and able to step up as co-collaborators so the pressure isn't all on you.
@BESW Yes, oh my god! They carried the game so well! They had so much freeform and in-character chatter while I was thinking of stuff or writing down aspects!
@Althis It's been a while, let me look for my character sheet to refresh my memory. But you have powers that are under specific themes, with specific point costs.
And they're two shy, what-is-RP, English-as-second-language people! And it worked better than most reports I've seen online
granted, Z and I never really use anything but English, but the newcomer was brilliant!
they both sunk their teeth into the worldbuilding so deep that they're still in it, and it's been hours
And @Pixie... you really did help give me more confidence about freeform RP, which carried the sometimes light mechanical occurences in-game!
But all of you guys, in different ways... you guys helped me so much... it was one of the best days of my life and I mean it
Oh man that makes me so delighted to hear that you had a good experience! I mean I don't know you really, and I am new to this room, but people having good RPG experiences just tickles me down to my toes.
@AlexMitan I am so glad that was helpful. :)
And @BESW, get this: The first roll was a simple tied Overcome, as I said, and I gave her a *Suspicion [] as a cost, which I compelled no less than three minutes in, and the second roll was the players technically against each other!
I did NOT expect that
It's awesome that you got off to such a great start.
Ok. BESM is not as relevant. But I will pass it on to the guy and see if it helps him regardless.
Yeah! I made extensive notes and I know exactly what I could've done better
Next. To Four Colors.
But I have such perfect players...
@Althis Okay, so you can basically build your powers out of effects with point values in M&M. Let me show you an example.
Please do.
> Magical Blast (+ Alternate Effect 4), Rank 12 (28 points)
Normal Effect: Blast, Rank 12 (Attack: Standard, Ranged, Instant) (24 points)
Alternate Effect #1: Dazzling Beam, Rank 12 Ranged Cumulative Affliction (Resisted by
Dodge, Overcome by Fortitude; Dazed, Stunned, Incapacitated; Sight-Dependent (24
Alternate Effect #2: Spirit Hand: Move Object 6 (12pts) + Perception 6 (6 pts) +
Throwing Mastery 3 (3 pts) + Improvised Weapon 3 (3pts)
Alternate Effect #3: Shadow Chain: Ranged Affliction 10 - Hindered - Immobile -
Also, for starters, aspects like Thug or Noisy or Losing his [snip] worked great
What this means is that she has a blast attack that is a value of 28 points. 24 of those points come from the attack itself. 4 points come from the 4 alternate effects, which are effects she can use instead of (but not simultaneously with) the blast attack, of the same point value.
And me using the threatening thugs and corrupt guards down an alley with no escape to see how far I can go until they choose violence and them actually devising a clever plan to get out without harming the obviously evil jerk... it was delicious
@Pixie, wow... That seems very very crunchy.
I would probably not get too into something like that ever, but that just seems exactly what my friend needs.
I feel like there's a very interesting sense of "I like devising a strategy narratively, but I'd hate moving miniatures around"
Sorry if I'm interfering, I just really feel like sharing..
Thanks for the tip, @Pixie.
By the by, what was the concept of that character of yours?
Because I cannot see the unifying theme to all those powers.
@BESW Remember how I was supper worried they'd do everything in a +3 manner?
They grokked the Golden Rule before I even mentioned it
@Althis It is crunchy. It's not necessarily my preference. It was fun, though, designing her moves. This is a witch girl who came to Earth to do good deeds, which translated into fighting an alien invasion. She uses shadows and spirits primarily.
"I want to do [this and this and this]"
"Hm, okay, what's your intention, do you want to actually harm him or just place some aspect?"
"Oh, I just want to slow him down, Advantage would work here"
"Okay... that sounds like Flashy, go for it!"
"I haaave... +1 Flashy, alright!" **rolls**
At the end, I told her I was afraid they'd swerve everything towards their +3... know what she said? "Oh, well I play for the story, not the competition[as in, winning above all else]"
Some other abilities included summoning a spirit minion, using her spirits to animate an object, and protecting herself with a magical shield.
I have a feeling they're much more set on doing whatever crazy, but not game-breaking move they thought up than on getting a numerical bonus. They tend to be big spenders, one of them even paid up to declared an aspect that would go away after the chase and another FP to get a bonus from it... guess what, to declare her signature spell once more
She thought... well, we all thought... that it was so cool, that it was worth spending two points on
And it didn't even have a huge consequence, since all it did was cause a draw in a contest that they were winning by two already
But they SAVOURED it, and so did I
By now I have a feeling that I'm just showing off my players, but... wow, I didn't think it'd actually be so great playing the first time
That sounds like a good way to play Fate.
I just picked these two to have my first session with because they're the two people I feel the most comfortable with in general, but it translated into the game right away
I am glad it went so splendidly
you seemed to be pretty nervous about the whole thing
I can understand being nervous... I'm sure it's nice to have that off your shoulders now, heh.
I was... I woke up today simply... not wanting to?... but wanting to
I mean I wanted to, I would've never forgiven myself for just not doing it
But I felt like I just couldn't
...worldbuilding helped ease me into it
Aww, yeah. But you did it and it turned out wonderfully. :D
It did! Healthy amounts of physical affection helped, as it always does :D
Fate has been soooo useful for my group
I think I apologised about 9 times in worldbuilding about asking questions, despite that powering the entire thing forward
I myself have been able to run several sessions in it now
and I was not experienced in running stuff
@trogdor I know, right? Z was aware that "It doesn't have to be like d20", but now she really saw what it should really be like, at least for us
as soon as you have any good idea you can basically run with it, and the PC's have so much power to help, if they feel inclined at least
She remembered how she spent every single turn in D&D either being at the mercy of an unmodifiable roll, or firing a bow with a 60%ish miss chance
I wish we had been able to play more Fate. I never had the time to prep how I wanted to, and stuff came up a lot, so the game got postponed multiple times (just the nature of our group). I think we originally intended to play some more before we got going with Pathfinder, but I think everyone (including myself) has transitioned over into excitement for it, so I'm setting Fate aside for now.
it is nice, coming from something like D&D, to get into a system with things like Fate points, for example, that let you modify rolls
I feel that she compensated for that hard with heavy FP spending, defending more colourfully than most people attack, and looking for self-compels, building up cool Advantages
complete dream player, she is
One thing I liked was how she tried to relate her actions to existing Aspects even when she didn't invoke them
I feel that that's a very good way to gain an appreciation for description
that sounds good
as long as she doesn't run out of ideas by spending them all that way XD
Hah, no chance, she basically fell asleep wondering about the socio-political implications of residual tribal sorceries lingering in the floating islands
I had no idea she's such an RPG person, though
neither did she, and I have a feeling so many more...Romanians...would enjoy it
the language is so poor for this kind of thing though
I don't want to go on a lengthy rant as to why, the language just IS poor for RPGaming, it doesn't even fit Magic The Gathering or board games, where this weird mix of Romanian and English is used
Hell, it doesn't even handle SNACKS, we call crisps "Chipsuri", where -uri is the Romanian suffix for plural
we're technically calling them Chip-uri-uri
Anyone else here with English as a second language?
not personally, I have known a lot of people from Korea, for example. mostly in High School
but like, they mostly seemed really well adjusted to english, considering
though they also switched to Korean to talk to each other a lot
I don't begrudge them that of course, but I do think it may have been a sign of how uncomfortable they still were with english?
yeah, some countries, like mine, are kind of nationalistically against English
makes some sense
I get a lot of heckling and criticism for using English with Z, in the form of "Hey, have you forgotten how to speak Romanian" or "Who the [ ] do you think you are talking like that"
that is a sucky thing
it really should not be considered a bad thing when someone learns a different language and uses it sometimes
but even here it can be kind of looked down on in some circles
Yeah, nationalism and barging into other adults' healthy relationships, two flavours that go great together
heck, the local language almost died out at one point because people "needed" to speak english
local = ?
@AlexMitan A LOT of folks in this chat are ESL, actually.
I live on Guam
Okay... so have you seen an RPG in your primary language, then? (to whoever is ESL here)
the local language is Chamorro
@trogdor Ah, okay.. googles googles
though the majority of people speak English, either as well as or instead of the local language
Yeah, Trogdor and I live on Guam, but the local language is... not a primary language. English is the default, and I've only met a handful of people under the age of 50 who have Chamorro as their first language.
it is an unfortunate holdover from a,.. frankly much more racist time
Chamorro (Chamorro: Finu' Chamorro or Chamoru) is a Malayo-Polynesian language (Austronesian) spoken by about 47,000 people (about 35,000 people on Guam and about 12,000 in the Northern Mariana Islands). == Speakers == The Chamorro language is currently threatened, with a precipitous drop in language fluency over the past century. It is estimated that 75% of the population of Guam was literate in the Chamorro language around the time the United States captured the island during the Spanish–American War (similar language fluency estimates for other areas of the Mariana Islands during this time...
@trogdor It sounds a bit like Malaysian with a bit of...Spanish?
Wait, does that mean there was some kind of... Spanish colonisation that messed things up and then added itself in the language?
it does have spanish mixed into it
I wouldn't necessarily say it is based off of Malaysian
@AlexMitan exactly
though Spain was just the first
then they got the good old USA to come in and step all over things too
@trogdor Hm, okay... very interesting that you can tell from the language, that's basically us with the Romans in a way
The Mariana Islands were colonised by Spain for about 350 years, but even while my mother was growing up, kids weren't allowed to speak Chamorro on the American school grounds.
then Japan,then the USA again
Japan was during WWII
it wasn't pretty
now Japan is the main contributor to our tourism income
Ah, I'm sorry... I don't mean to sound like I'm minimising it, but have you seen an RPG be run in anything but English, ever?
it's a little odd
@AlexMitan no,... but I only speak English
@trogdor I can see a lot of tension building up like that, I'm sorry
I wouldn't have got much from looking
@AlexMitan Not personally, but several folks in chat have talked about doing so.
@AlexMitan it isn't quite as bad as it sounds
There are some German RPGs that haven't been translated into English, for example.
..la damage sa ii zica "pagube"
.. skilluri sa fie talente
.. stat points sa fie ..puncte de stare?

"Necromanu face 200 pagube magice cu dintii"
"Necromanu face 1000 pagube magice cu sulita de oase"
"Necromanu face 1500 pagube magice cu spiritu de oase"
"barbatu sa invarte intr-o furie a vantului scazand viati in juru lui cu 4000"
"aura tepi"
"scutul sfant"
"mestesug de sabie"
"mestesug de topoare"
"maestru umbra"
"furia lamelor"

This is what a damn RPG bunch of things would look like in Romanian...
and I work sometimes at the main National Park site here
And we've had people talking about translating Fate into Dutch, and about the nuances of linguistic exoticism in Hebrew RPGs.
@BESW I can't help but think that'd sound like an animated cheese grater karaoke night
I see a lot of Japanese people coming in and being interested in the history of the island
I love Germans, but the language makes me want to apologise to whoever speaks it in my general direction
I've seen RPG systems in Japanese and French but haven't observed games of them being played. There are definite communities, though.
as well as many Chinese, Korean, American, Russian, and occasionally practically anyone else
we really do benefit a lot here from tourism
and WWII was long enough ago that it isn't exactly seen as a horrible thing that we have a lot of Japanese people coming here
Level one guardsman armed with an enchanted axe + Romanian = strajer de spetza 1 inarmat cu satar fermecat

How classy
people still remember how bad it was then, but there are also plenty of people who were not around during WWII, and people who were around then who at least don't blame any of the people coming here for simple tourism for that time period
it is mostly just considered a part of history now
not something that needs to be forgotten, by any means, but not something to hold individuals who visit here accountable for either
generally at least
I'm glad your country is more mature like that... in here it's like they got frozen right before the war ended and they're unfreezing every time someone says Russian or Austrian or German
there are some aspects of immaturity about some things expressed by some people here
but there are also,.. legitimate (or at least as far as I can see) grievances about certain things
like how much land the US Military has taken for itself here
and the fact that a lot of it was taken from some family or other
and not all of it necessarily paid for to a satisfactory degree, or at least according to some claims
I won't even try to say who is right or wrong on every count
there are also people who hate that Guam is part of the US, or that it isn't a State
people who want "independace" (a very vocal minority)
going much more into all this stuff would be a huge time sink though
suffice to say, we have our own social and political issues here
I don't really want to re-live... basically the outside of my house
It's always the same stuff, and I get tired of even acknowledging it
... I mean it'd be easier if not for the god damn packs of stray dogs
right now... at 2:36 AM... in a loud..social conflict
Heh, what is this?
2005 Black Panther.
Not the best Black Panther, in my opinion, but amusing.
Huh... haven't heard of it to be honest
Ok, damn, I really, really have to go
I'm just so psyched about today
heh, okay
Glad you had fun.
good night, everyone, and once again thank you for hugely helping today and the other sessions be so great :)

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