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I just wouldn't ever make him anything other than an NPC in on of my games if I was even inclined
personally, I just love watching stuff where he schemes and inevitably fails to overthrow his boss
watching some show where he does that is the best
@BESW For future reference... I should keep it PG?
That'd be safe. The Stack welcomes people age 13 and up, and many of our chatters are at work.
OK will do. Sorry again!
And, well, some subjects are just better to keep to side rooms regardless of their technical appropriateness because the "be nice" policy in general and this chat room's attitudes in particular mean we try to avoid things which are really likely to make folks uncomfortable if there's not a really good reason to be talking about 'em.
'sokay, now you know.
In other news, does anyone remember Biker Mice from Mars?
Makes me think of Ralph S. Mouse.
@Ben hand raised here
Starred so I can follow that up later...
I also recall the "Teenage Mutant Biker Mice" sign the toy shop owner put out once.
I remember them vaguely
I think I may have even seen an episode or 2, but I could be remembering that wrong
either way, I at least remember them existing
A quick Wiki browse distracts me with the knowledge that a thing called "Avenger Penguins" exists.
Funny story: My father was working in the mines when I was a kid, fly-in fly-out type thing, so he wasn't home very often. So in hopes of keeping my favour, he would often go out and buy me Biker Mice toys on his return
there was a point when The Mouse and the Motorcycle was my favorite book
One time he came back with Modo (the gun-armed one) and Vinnie's Bike (the guy the metal Phantom of the Oprah mask) I yelled at him that he did it wrong.
But in the meantime:
This site has this as a shirt :3
It sounds like a good conceit for a game of Car Wizards.
@BESW Why do I recognise these guys...?
@Ben Wikipedia says it's a Spanish-animated TV show with similar themes that aired at the same time.
> The story revolves around three bike riding Penguins that inhabit Big City, uniting to protect it and its citizens from the evil Caractacus P. Doom, an insane and reclusive criminal scientist.
@BESW Well then there goes that theory
Seriously though, Biker Mice From Mars sounds pitch-perfect for an "Exceptional Mortal" level game of K&T: Car Wizards.
"Keyantee: the Carwizardring"?
"Don't stick your tongue on the [blizzard] dragon!" -@UrsulaV to Redfur, the Gnoll Fighter. #dnd
@BESW I would hope "don't get your tongue stuck on a dragon [of any kind]" would be generally understood survival advice.
> Age Generation: Roll 2d10 and add them together. That’s either how many cars you stole last week, how many months or years you spent in prison before getting out last week, or (for cops) how many criminals you’ve duped into thinking you’re one of them. And just pick an age like in other roleplaying games where you make [snip] up.
@BESW Nice. Well handled, K&T.
> Wounds & Death: While in a moving vehicle, you cannot be killed. That is the inherent power of the Car Wizards. It doesn’t matter how that car is moving—tumbling over a cliff, flipping around mid-air, speeding while on fire—all that matters is that it’s moving. So if the rules say you’re killed, then either you’re not in a car anymore (maybe thrown clear) or the car you’re in stopped (perhaps suddenly into a semi).
(Because this is a hack from a game about Highlander-style Immortals, "death" is intended to be impermanent most of the time, and is translated to "grievously wounded" unless you're up against something truly out of your league--like an Immortal.)
Let's also not forget driving past an arsenal of machine guns, or the helicopter with a mounted gatling gun.
> Exceptional Mortals heal at the same rate as Supernaturals, because otherwise they would be boring as [snip] to play after the first fight.
@doppelgreener Hey, so long as you're driving past you're fine.
@BESW Of course!
What kind of idiot would actually stop?
(cough let alone drive there in the first place cough but that's not of import here)
@BESW Does K&T have anything witty to say about height/weight?
Question: real or fake?
hahaha,.. heart
what a joke
There was a Captain Planet movie in 2012, and Google Images says that poster has been around since at least 2011 and similar designs cropped up in 2009.
It doesn't seem to have taken off though.
Probably binned?
Oh, that IMDB thing was just a short.
Yes, probably binned.
> The Captain and the Planeteers fought villains such as Dr. Blight, Verminous Skumm, Duke Nukem and Looten Plunder
So, it may be real or a fake fan-made thing, there are similar designs that are real, but neither matters because it's probably not going to turn into a movie.
Duke Nukem?
The most recent news I can dig up on a live-action film is from 2013 when it was still in "rights negotiation" with Sony.
@Ben It's all in the name...
@doppelgreener Oh right... that guy.
I wonder if the name choice was intended...
From the Duke Nukem Planeteers wiki page, apparently he came first: "The video game character Duke Nukem almost had his name changed because it was identical to this Captain Planet villain."
@doppelgreener Somehow I see that as a win...
If you Google the names on the poster, you'll find people with acting credits like "fan-made Doctor Who film" and a porn studio.
I could not even read those names.
So... no. Utterly, completely fake. (And besides, Sony would have its name plastered all over that poster, with a release date, and not even Sony would commit the typographical crime being perpetrated on the "CA" ligature in "CAPTAIN.")
@BESW [notices typographical crime, begins screaming internally]
@BESW "And that Homeless guy Bob"
Aahh, good old movie poster credit typography.
@doppelgreener It's like they typed "OAPTAIN" and then somebody took a bite out of the O.
Oh no, I didn't even notice that bit coming out of the A.
For my own part I just noticed the font face as a kinda amateurish and inappropriate choice.
Well, yes.
There's a few other indicators, like how the planet shield is sharper and more in focus than the clothing it's ostensibly part of.
It's not the font you'd pick if you were hired to spend hours going "Hmm... which one is exactly correct?"
Oh wow, now that's sticking out like a sore thumb to me.
Also seriously there is no way they would have let that A stay in there.
That A sucks for this.
This would be that situation where even if they figured this typeface was appropriate, they'd use some other typeface's A.
@doppelgreener It's exactly the right font if you're making a fake poster designed to get people talking, because it's grunge. It feeds into the recent controversies over whether superhero movies being made dark and grim (Batman and Superman in particular) is good or bad.
But yeah, it's not a very good font. For... anything, really. Look at this:
OMG... I just realised... what was the name of that third person shooter that turned into a psychological trip? They went into the sandstorm in the middle east somewhere?
Eh, ligatures are... not unacceptable.
But look at the shape of it.
No but this doesn't look good.
The white space and the unintentional symmetries are awful.
(I don't like the LA. :I It doesn't seem right.)
Mmm. It's a forced ligature that didn't get trimmed properly. See:
...I know that face from somewhere
In a true ligature, the leg of the L would meld seamlessly into the stem of the A, without a perfectly vertical edge.
That would do it.
@Ben That is slightly off center.
Waaaaiiit, the entire "Captain Planet" is slightly off center.
@doppelgreener It was cropped in paint. Apologies
@doppelgreener Yeah, it's trying to send "Don't Pollute" messages but what makes every epis- oh, you mean the poster.
@Ben No, I mean in the poster itself. I'm not criticising your crop.
But the point was that I know that image from somewhere else... I was thinking Spec Ops: The Line, but now I'm thinking perhaps one of the COD games
It's pretty obviously lifted from somewhere.
This is annoying me now
Someone making up a Captain Planet portrait from scratch wouldn't go for the mouth-covering bandanna look.
@BESW I may have to use "Planet Bandit" somewhere.
@BESW They would if they were terrible people making a gritty Captain Planet movie.
Question @AshleyNunn would a Game-ID question with that image be ok on Arqade?
Theoretically, maybe
although the community might not react well (game-id in general isn't too loved, even though we allow it)
@AshleyNunn Eh... I got the rep :P
Maybe it might be a better question to ask on the Bridge anyway :P
Personally I'm getting a Power Rangers vibe off the triangular monopad.
And I'm getting a "lifted from Deviantart" vibe from the art style.
What is a monopad?
A word I just invented to describe a single piece of clothing that does duty as both shoulderpads.
@BESW Isn't the thing he's wearing a mantle?
I'm getting a... OH. Soul Reaver? Perhaps?
Hmm... no maybe not
Most of that mantle would've been pretty easily painted in, since the part beneath the planeteers logo is mostly flat colour.
@Miniman Could be, but...
@BESW Nah I know the Power Rangers when I see it.
@BESW Ah, yeah, I see what you mean.
(As some may know), I've been researching them all last week :P)
@Ben I'm just saying that particular bit of his costume screams "Green Ranger."
@BESW I realise that, and while some may think "yes", my 2 cents is a firm resounding "no". Just my input. Don't mean to press anything.
And my Googles have now revealed that the guy who played Ransik was in The Road Warrior.
> Cars Do Fly
When the SM tells you that your car probably can’t do something—like drive off of a perfectly good cargo plane, parachute down, and immediately start racing once you land—you tell the SM to shut their filthy lying face, then explain with the loosest grasp of physics why obviously it can.
Required: Kickass Rides 2+ because you go through a lot of cars, and Grandeur Rank 3+ to tell the SM to stuff it.
Did someone say Flying cars?
@BESW This is amazing.
I love the attitude of this author.
@BESW Perfect example of this: the backflipping car in the Blues Brothers.
The idea was going to be that being parked in a generator had given the car magic science powers, but the explanation wasn't included in the movie.
(Which was a good call.)
The idea for Car Wizards came from speculation about a World of Darkness hack after Macklin saw Furious Seven.
> Recovering from Hardcore Wounds requires completing a challenge created by the SM. You might trek to the Thrice-Blessed Fountains of Mu, or deliver a nubile princess to an ancient dragon—it’s okay; it’s some consensual kink roleplay thing they’ve been doing for centuries. Completing the challenge clears all your Wounds, but no challenge can be done twice by the same Immortal (unless the SM is boring).
Guys! Guys!
Q: Where is the image of the man from?

BenOk, so I stumbled across this image recently - And after some close inspection, it turns out this was fan made (Some clues indicate the Typography - the "C" looks terrible, the symmetry of the title is off, the Captain Planet logo looks too crisp against the rest of the figure, etc). However, ...

I found it!
Nicely done.
they stole that from another superhero
@Ben You mean Commander Keen found it, right? :P
@Miniman Indeed
All credit to Keen ;)
@Ben Now I see the paintbrushing used to eliminate the [S].
After all that... I can rest easy tonight.
And bask in the extra rep I just gained
"I have been gazed at by better things than you. And I include Rush in that grudgingly." - @UrsulaV to a basilisk #dnd
> Knowledge (Damascus Steel Production): Everything that’s worth knowing about swords, sword making, sword culture, all things sword-like. It somehow also covers ancient and modern Damascus, as well as the global steel industry.
> Knowledge (Damascus Detroit Steel Production): Since cars are made from steel, you can use D.S.P. to know the basics about automotive engineering (more detail would be Academics), the global automobile industry, and related fields including the oil market and emerging energy technologies.
@BESW Jet thrusters on cars: making roads statistically safer from injury by ensuring nobody survives being hit to be counted among the injured.
@doppelgreener Maxim 11: Everything is air-droppable at least once.
Or if you prefer, Maxim 24: Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from a big gun.
(I think this may be the case with the Nibiru-1 Object.)
Maxim 24 is sooo true :D
@doppelgreener That looks like a relatively small gun though.
It's about as big as her forearm.
That is true.
Also I've successfully GM'd my first session!
I had some plot points planned out and the PCs immediately did whatever and I was like :D
Then at the end of the session there were all like "let's keep doing this story next week" and I was a little D:
Because I didn't really plan that far.
@Pixie ... Okay, that's a bit bigger. XD I may need to get a stunt for a Really Big Gun eventually.
@RedRiderX Hooray!! Sounds like a great success XD
And like how things tend to go.
With literally the first action they split the party.
BESW himself has mentioned that in his very first ever game he threw out all his notes within the first ten minutes or so.
And never really came back together.
It was kind of surprising. One PC decided to just join the local gang while another was just aggressively neutral.
@RedRiderX But hey, it worked out! :)
@AshleyNunn Yeah I hope I can get something together for next week.
Aggressively Neutral is a fun pair of words.
@doppelgreener That sounds like you're trying to convert people to a new church.
@Nyoze That would not be very neutral of me, let alone aggressively neutral of me.
@doppelgreener They stood across the street and ate jerky as they watched a robbery and subsequent explosion take place.
@RedRiderX So that's what aggressively neutral looks like. XD
Then asked a blacksmith if their stuff was ready (as the blacksmith was running to help whoever was in the building), and then proceeded to just leave town.
It's an old west setting if that wasn't clear.
Some people just want to watch the world burn at no fault of their own because to do anything else would be effort.
What. XD
@doppelgreener No, you're aggressively pursuing an agenda by converting all the good and evil people of the world to neutral, thus spreading the word of neutrality.
@doppelgreener The best part is they knew it was going to happen before hand.
They came out just to watch
@Pixie That seemed to be the approach they were taking.
@RedRiderX This way, they get dinner and a show. Hey, they're not culpable, so whatevs. :P
Those they encountered as they left town may disagree :P
@Pixie Are they responsible?
@Miniman To me it sounded like no, but I could be wrong. :P
@Pixie I just thought it was important to make that distinction :)
They became aware of the plot shortly before it occurred, but did nothing about it.
Other then get a good seat.
(This is all from Aggressively Neutral PoV, also, not This is What a Good Person Necessarily Does PoV. :P)
Thinking of character possibilities for upcoming Kingmaker campaign. Oh so many options.
@doppelgreener One interesting thing about DYRH is that it seems to have no interest in whether the PCs ever cross paths at all.
the system doesn't at the very least
though if you fall asleep without another PC to help you, you are screwed
@BESW Hm. Do other systems care?
@Magician Yup. A lot of systems are built around assumed PC interactions.
At its most obvious, D&D tries to tool for balance around a "standard party" both in size and ability.
so it does care a little
D&D, sure, you need a cleric and a thief, etc. But Fate, for instance?
@Magician D&D 4e can handle a combat with 4 PCs vs X enemies. It will fall apart under the strain of an arbitrary number of one-on-X encounters. (If it doesn't, the GM will.)
Don't Rest Your Head.
Fate does care at least to the point where you can hand invokes to people
and compel other PC's and such
Fate's fine with people splitting up and coming back together later, but if you cut yourself off to the point you can't assist each other... well, that's that. Hopefully you're each coordinating or planning to come back together again.
Fate is mechanically party-agnostic, I think. Like DRYH it has some rules for PC/PC interaction, but it doesn't base its core mechanics and concepts on that assumption.
But, say, DitV/Princes' Kingdom? The whole point of that(those) system(s) is to fuel intraparty conflict over grey moral choices.
I think Fate is relatively flexible in that regard, yes. Granted, it all depends on what the GM chooses to throw at you.
Hot Guys Making Out, obviously, assumes that there'll be at least two characters together in most scenes.
...would they need to be male and hot?
As a general rule, yes.
(HGMO has four pre-made characters. The game is all about two of them making out.)
(If you have only two or three players, the other two PCs become NPCs.)
Paranoia's another game that assumes the characters will generally have more same-scene interaction than not.
You could probably squeeze it into Hot Girls Making Out, because a lot of tropes carry over from BL to yuri, but the further from these two genres you get, the more hacking you're going to have to do.
...sorry, I just got a REALLY weird vision of a HGMO/Paranoia crossover.
(Friend Computer is a fujoshi.)
so they would make out and then kill each other?
@trogdor They are only allowed to make out if they have the same color of... hair?
that seems like a lot of bureaucracy. then again it is Paranoia
it's all just still an excuse for the Computer to kill everyone
Instead of absorbing Red Scare cultural memes and spitting them back out as warped, twisted, and lethal parodies, Friend Computer does the same thing with BL/yaoi/yuri/etc.
which leads to the question of why you wouldn't just be out to kill it from the start XD
I've never played a "straight" Paranoia game, where PCs would actually engage in non-PC killing activities.
You get killed if you mess up Fujoshi Computer's ships, which change all the time.
The way I think of it, Friend Computer is compelled to manipulate society and individuals to re-create poorly-understood cultural memes.
In "vanilla" Paranoia, that's Red Scare memes.
@Pixie Yes.
Troubleshooters are sent out to push ships, or sink ships that the Computer doesn't like.
Sometimes, Troubleshooters are in the ships.
That said, I've experienced an absolutely fantastic intro to a Paranoia game. The GM handed out questionnaires for everyone to fill. It was full of trap questions, exposing one as either a traitor or a communist or a mutant. We agonized over it for a good 10 minutes. Then the GM collected them all, thanked us for our cooperation, and dumped them into a bin with a smile.
I don't know if that was a prescribed procedure in a book, but it created an instant sense for the game.
@BESW You're talking about actual physical ships. This is beautiful.
@doppelgreener They could be both.
> GM: should also point out that [cavalier] and his horse can't hold the front lines alone, just as something to keep in mind
Possible gunslinger: you're right
Possible gunslinger: [cavalier's] horse needs its own gun
@doppelgreener I think he means the Computer is shipping them together
but actual ships are fine too
@Pixie What, you mean some people don't know that ships transform into giant robots whose violent courtship rituals devastate mysteriously abandoned cities?
@Pixie this is cracking me up
@Magician a ship shipping ship shipping shipping ships. that's a whole lotta shipping.
@BESW Not to mention (yuri) ships that transform into cars that fight each other (sequence is NSFW for nudity and also it's really bizarre and it spoils something in the Utena movie but it's... worth watching).
@Pixie Carwash as a gateway, transforming people into cars? That's just a bit DRYH.
I'm pretty sure that whole film could easily be DRYH.
Utena, the series, is a deconstruction of shoujo and fairy tale tropes and employs a good deal of symbolism. The movie is pretty different from the series though (I haven't seen it in full but have been promised that this sequence makes no more sense in context).
The point remains: yuri car battle.
Probably my favorite part: "Are you surprised? It's a big mistake to think that you're the only one who can turn into a car. I'm a car now too."
@Pixie It will be a few hours until I can watch this video but that line is impressive. XD
@doppelgreener Someone described this scene to me before I saw it and mentioned that line specifically. It was hilarious, and the scene itself did not disappoint.
@Pixie I bet it won't.
@BESW Whoa, the Katanas & Trenchcoats Inspirational Songs playlist.
@IronHeart Ooh, I hadn't noticed that.
[plays the most inappropriate music ever for this project]
The thing that amuses me most at the moment is item 75, if you feel like glancing down the list.
...okay, that's not entirely inappropriate for my job.
I have a tremendously important announcement: ID Odds has a new home.
In retrospective, this would have made so much more sense from the start, instead of getting a separate domain. And now there's a nice new intro and fiction bits are actually posted.
@doppelgreener Left a comment with two potential links for what you were looking for.
@BESW Thanks for that link! There's one other I've been scratching my head over: I'm pretty sure at some point Fred Hicks just outright said Fate Core was being released free because of marketing. It might have been the kickstarter or fate RPG blog. But I can't find it. Do you remember what I'm talking about?
Second link in my comment.
Alternately, the first Google result for "fred hicks" AND "pay what you".
@BESW Game Design: Not Even Once.
@BESW I was googling "free" and "creative commons", that's why I didn't find it. :)
... I offhandedly mentioned dhamphir as a "probably too out there but kind of a neat idea" race choice for Kingmaker. Now my GM's like, "I keep thinking about how metal a dhampir skald would be." and everyone is on board with having a vampire spawn rage-bard represent their growing kingdom. I love my group. xD
I am so glad that opportunity was seized. That is pretty metal.
@Pixie Now just find a way to become a full vampire and abuse your soaring CHA for CON as well :P
I'm with doppel though, that sounds pretty damn awesome.
@doppelgreener I'm not 100% if I'm taking it, but it is a Strong Consideration.
Question: Who knows about minion rules for 5e?
Or at least where I might find them?
1 hour later…
@Zachiel oh, don't worry. The thing is that I am often considered a "Grace Note / Cactuar". Poor folks on meta/Shadow's Den are still trying sometime to actually determine which pronoun to use for me...
in Shadow's Den on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, Apr 1 at 10:39, by DroidDev
given that we don't know about gender of @SPA he/she/pony is also full of surprises :P
@SPArchaeologist Cactuar? Does that mean killing you is worth a disproportionately high amount of AP?
@Ben Page 92 of the DMG.
@Miniman Look at this page. Chris Jaeger is GraceNote, a community mod. People on the meta chatboard are still trying to determine its gender (and this is why I use the genderless "it"). This is why often users whose gender is unknown are defined catcuars.
@SPArchaeologist Ah, right. I knew about GraceNote but not the cactuar part.
@Miniman also, I work like MissingN0 - I crash your game/corrupt your saves if you see or try to catch me
@SPA I haven't been corrupted yet :(
@Nyoze You seem disappointed by this.
@Pixie Anything outside of the norm would be an improvement, yes?
@Nyoze That's a pretty broad statement! :P
I was leaving myself some notes on a piece so I could consider them for editing later. Looking back at them... "this was a Thing but now I maybe want a different Thing"
@Pixie do you still understand what it means?
@doppelgreener I do! It wasn't long ago that I made the note. I am still laughing at it a bit.
Tonight's dinner: green beans, onions, and sunflower seeds sauteed with powdered garlic, pepper, and lemon. At the end I added cooked lentils and a bit of soy with ginger salabat dissolved in it. Served on whole wheat penne.
For drinks, cranberry juice with ginger salabat and fresh calamansi juice.
[sigh] I guess my "free 5e adventure module" question will go eternally un-answered.
At this point I do not personally mind.
We were going to have a trial run way back when, but I'm fine going without :P
I'm still curious.
^ note for no SharePoint staff - the actual answers just acknowledge that no one can know
good morning
got free bagels at work :)
2 hours later…
@BESW I'm still keeping an eye out, but it's not looking good.
@Miniman 'preciate it.
@BESW My most likely scenario is one in which WotC decides that everyone who's even vaguely likely to buy the Starter Set already has.
@BESW If I know you well enough, those penne were cooked without salt in fear of ruining your pots, which makes the whole thing a lot different from how it'd taste in my kitchen.
And then sometimes you just find things like this..
@Zachiel Nope, little bit of salt.
@BESW Well, well, well, that's some improvement ;)
@AlexMitan That is really cool
@mxyzplk Congrats on 100k BRUH
Q: Do we need a tag to describe systems where players keep information hidden from one another?

ErikTriggered by this question: How, if at all do GMs deal with secret actions? It currently has no system tag, which is fine because it's not about a specific system. But it is about a specific category of systems where players keep information hidden from one another. Possibly because the assumpti...

1 hour later…
@Sandwich Thanks man!
No prob you deserve it
:( I'm sad to hear about the game-rec thing.
It's so hard to play a cleric as if their god gives him what he needs, when you don't know what's the good things you should RP he gave you.
What game-rec thing?
@Althis We don't accept game rec questions anymore
I might have had something to do with that.
I apologize for that.
Does anyone know about the "on-topicness" of character viability questions? I was thinking about making a meta question, but I figured it'd be easier to ask about here
Mm. Conflicted feelings on game recs going or staying, but then I think that probably sums up our entire history with them.
@HadesHerald Can you provide more info on your situation?
Basically, I'm currently working on a proof-of-concept for a DM, as I've never played table top rpgs before I have absolutely no idea how well a certain character path would preform. Thus I'd like to ask about the potential viability of this build.
However, I also don't want to waste my time and yours by posting an off topic question
Also, this information would be helpful to people who are noobs at stackexchange sites
Viability questions are usually on topic as long as you clearly state your goals and parameters you're working within.
A character might be viable in one campaign but in a different powered campaign completely outgunned.
So I should figure that campaign thing out :P
Yea will help.
I am still against removing game rec.
I think it is a useful thing to have.
Biggest problem with game rec is both askers and answers often don't follow the guidelines
But that is just because they are often new people to stack.
Askers yes, a lot of answers are not
They are not used to the very strict question formatting that you employ here.
I would argue that the usefulness of game rec is exactly on bringing new blood to Stack.
And maybe that the guidelines should be a bit more lax on that specific topic.
Game Rec has given some really awesome answers in the past though, which gives some good insight into various questions
That's part of the problem. Almost all SE sites block their equivalent of Game Rec. We allow(ed) it but only due to strict guidelines. If we laxed those we'd have a mess and even more forumy style answers
I guess I can't say. I like forumy answers.
When I have a question, 9 times out of 10 I would much rather prefer getting an answer by talking to another human being, instead of filling a form and getting an answer in another form.
Yea, but those questions are better suited for a forum like the examples given rather than a site that's focus is on clear/concise answers.
Which is why I don't use stack. XD
I just like the people here in this chat.
Yea there are great people who hand out here who have a ton of knowledge on things
But what I am saying is, you are missing on a lot of people by being that strict.
Maybe there should be a system that progressively trains people into getting used to clear/concise answers.
The level system could be used as a filter for that.
I don't think it currently is, though.
The only way that might be able to do that is to set who can answer game rec questions based on reputation, but then you are potentially blocking someone who has knowledge and the perfect answer from answering because they are new
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