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00:00 - 07:0007:00 - 00:00

do ho ho ho ho
(For oblivious readers: Edward and Alphonse Elric, a couple of young kids and brothers, attempted some serious juju alchemy that was way beyond them. It backfired terribly. At the end of it, Edward was missing his right arm and the lower half of his left leg, and Alphonse's soul was bonded to a suit of armor. His body was entirely lost.)
(the jokes are now explained, COMMENCE LAUGHING HEARTILY)
(or speechless horror, or some alternation thereof)
Morning all. I am back
@Zachiel sorry for the late reply - anyway as you may have guessed that was just a typo - should have read "here", not "her"
@SPArchaeologist Hi!
On the subject of people being back, that reminded me - has anyone seen @gatherer818 in chat lately?
Does anyone here actually read Atomic Robo?
[raises hand]
The comic I mean, not the RPG.
@BESW, do you know of more comics like that?
[raises hand also]
I read it
and yeah, it is free
@Althis I've never even looked at the RPG :)
@Althis Hmm. "Like that," how?
Off the top of my head, though: The Middleman and Skin Horse come to mind.
Completely over the top with science and tropes and still slightly introspective.
Wasn't The Middleman a series?
They did a single season of TV show inspired by the comics, yes.
And then the last volume of the comic book is a crossover between the TV universe and the comic universe.
People say Girl Genius is really good too, but I've never actually met one of those people to explain me why exactly.
Is the TV show on spot thematically?
It's close.
I might go back to watch it then. I never really paid attention to it before.
Hellboy, obviously, is also similar to Atomic Robo.
Yeah... But I don't like Hellboy much.
I think it is the whole "I'm a rebellious without a cause" part of it.
Hmm. [pokes Internet]
A while back I read a blog that I think was by Clevinger, about how he didn't have Hellboy in mind when he made Robo, and he mentioned some of what DID inspire him.
I am impressed by your references yet again.
Well, that explains why I couldn't find it.
Live long and prosper!
1 hour later…
Btw, from the LoE OSW :
- 2 "Book Horse"
- 1 "Purple Smart"
- 1 "Best Pony"
- 3+ "Princess Twilight"
.... but we didn't have a Flutterlight or Twilyshy. I blame @Pixie and @trogdor for not joining. ;_;
eh? where was this now?
still in an endless alpha stage
I have heard of several games that were shut down due to several things, mostly copyright
@trogdor this one is the longest running one, and use no official name at all
I guess they can't or didn't copyright Equestria
Well, the name isn't copyrighted at all
the copyrighted names aren't used, so you have all sort of lookalikes.
Ponydale, Sugarcane Corner, Cantermore, Crystal Empire and so on
it is too bad that they would need to do that
Also, they don't reference characters or story element (the only direct reference is in the fact that there is a room that is an exact replica of the Twilight room from Winter Wrap Up, down to the hanging checklist on the wall)
Actually - the bad thing is that Hasbro doesn't realize that if they where to actually produce such game themselves they would earn tons of cash.
That, or a wii u Zelda like game with ponies amiibo.
yeah, but Hasbro has at least half a chance of completely messing it up too
that being said, it would be better if the actual holders of rights did a game like this and properly
Well, yep, I wasn't clear enough. I mean, hire the current developers and give them more devs, giving them right to the names and place and cash back with microtransactions and ads.
but that is something we won't ever see I fear. I would just love for them to find a way to keep the test servers always running instead of having open weekend events every 3-4 months
How is everyone?
I am pretty good at the moment
good morning
i'm doing well
feeling rested after the weekend
not too much exciting happening right now, but that is fine
@trogdor How to live your life in one easy sentence
some excitement is good every one in a while
as long as it is the right kind
Well, that's enough of that for today.
Enough of what, sir?
it was quite a lot of it really XD
1 hour later…
bangs head on desk 5th ed RAW requests with really really really ambiguous wording...
@Tashio Nystal's Aura OP, you mean?
To me it basically comes down to what on earth does Other refer to and is it even supposed to be there
does it mean other detection type spells, or other spells in general
and you end up with a specific vs general argument in the same spell description
I can just see no matter which way you post someone's going to go no no all wrong.
5th edition doesn't have raw </sarcasm>
@DavidReeve Yup
i think other here refers to spells that aren't magic aura
Yea problem there means you're now classified as whatever
So if you make yourself appear as undead, are you now vulnerable to turning?
i don't think so
Ah. Hmmmm
@miniman It states effects, such as paladin divine sence
@Tashio Yeah, noticed straight after I said it
That's what's made me think that it's only for detection purposes, otherwise it removes the use of higher level spells that grant similar effects
you're not classified as [creature type], just treated as if you were
so what would be the difference between classification and treatment
yea sorry word choice, I have a headache
nothing really
this is a word choice problem lol
Thing is I don't think there is a RAW answer.
the answer is obvious, just take every copy of the 5th ed player's handbook and throw them into the ocean
at least not a definitive one
that can't be disputed
short of one of the designers saying this is what we ment
what about spell targeting in particular?
divine senses and symbol aren't cast on a particular creature type, but they react to them
dominate person has to be targeted on a humanoid creature
It reacts based on what you are masked as
so maybe the spells treat you as [creature type], but the spellcasters do not?
Though they may TRY treat you as such.
that's the best reasoning i can come up with
You mask as a celestial and I detect that, so I try hit you with negative energy.
the spell would fail because it's an invalid target though
But if I try dominate person you, you're a humanoid it works
but because you're masking as celestial, I might not try it because I think it won't
let me look up how targeting works in fifth edition
it doesn't say anything helpful :(
there's a combination of ambiguous wordings between magic aura, spell targeting, and dominate person
Symbol has the detect xyz part then activates. Dominate just works on humanoid, there is no "detect humanoid" part
i think the specific wording of "spells and magical effects that detect creature types" overrides the ambiguity later in the description
at least that's what i'm going to say
Yea, that's what I've called
Odd to have a specific vs general in the same damn spell.
@Tashio Not that odd. Ambiguity is pretty much par for the course at this point.
@Miniman True
Just finishing up my answer then throwing it to the mercy of the voting population
@Tashio As long as you recognise and address the ambiguity, a lot of people will upvote regardless of which side they (or you) pick.
yay fun with English, throwing around affect/effect.
At least is not like Magic the Gathering card rules, who changes based on location, tournament, phase of the moon, card border color, what the referee had for breakfast, card conditions (mint/damaged) and so on.
that's why i always sit facing north whenever i play mtg
mtg is 10% playing cards and 90% arguing about the rules, so there's slightly more arguing going on than 5e
@DavidReeve MTG you can just call on an official referee most of the time at least. In D&D the obscure rules the DM has no clue on either
if only it had the munchkin clause where any rule disputes are solved by a shouting match, with the game's owner having the final say
@DavidReeve not by default, but I am sure there exist some weird combo that would allow for that.
Right time to get out of here. Catch you later.
... starting to like the room feed.
This one is just precious
> This system literally generates outcomes like, “Moderate success with something vaguely good, but also something vaguely better than vaguely good, but also something seriously bad in a vague way.”
@SPArchaeologist I just read some of the review. It sounds painful
.... maybe it is only the cover who got mixed up during printing. Maybe it was the Hitchhiker Guide rpg rulebook.
"Something quite but not completely unlike a success"
Q: Are Game Recommendation Questions On Topic, Revisited

mxyzplkGame recommendation questions are sadly NOT on topic here on RPG.SE. History In 2011 we embarked upon a brave experiment. "Shopping," or recommendation, questions are generally banned on all SEs given specific meta.SE guidance on the topic in Q&A is Hard, Let's Go Shopping. RPG recommendatio...

1 hour later…
See you later - bye for now
2 hours later…
@SPArchaeologist Yes, yes, I was just pretending. We're a jokeful bunch, here.
@trogdor Like "not storms", you mean?
@DavidReeve Wait, do they still use "any" meaning "every" even when any could also mean "any single"?
2 hours later…
@Zachiel yeah that kind of excitement sucks
3 hours later…
Morning y'all
20 past midnight here but ok, good morning to you.
Hello @AshleyNunn, what brings you here?
@Zachiel I've been lurking here on and off for a while now, because I like RPG stuff (been a while since I had my D&D group together, but I enjoyed it a lot) and I like the people here :)
good answer
@AshleyNunn Glad you like the place. Which D&D edition(s) did you play?
@Zachiel I played 3.5. Been poking 5e with a stick (mostly reading through the books and stuff) because my boyfriend and some other people are debating maybe eventually getting people together to make fun stuff happen
@AshleyNunn I hear the best and the worst about 5e, but I'm not going to move away from 4e anytime soon, while I still play under 3.5e rules in some weird mass online chat games. Just so you know what I might be able to talk about.
Weird as in more theatre of the mind slice of life in a D&D setting than really D&D stuff happening.
@Zachiel Sounds fun, though :)
Well it has its problems. No entry barrier for players (anyone including trolls can join and become part of the canon world), parties with varyng levels (like a leve 27 barbarian/fighter and a level 1 cleric fighting in the same battle), and then most people suspecting DMs make preferences. And yeah, last but not least the ruleset is tightly enforced so most of the freedom of D&D is lost (and it's more houseruled than RAW / read as written anyway).
But it's fun, in the end, because of the stories you build together with other people. Let's say its fun despite the system not being designed f
Makes sense to me :)
I know people who would say that D&D in general, even tabletop, is fun despite the system. Well let's say the authors aren't always fully aware of the consequences of their design choices, but it looks like they're (slowly) improving, while still being faithful to a RPG model that's dated.
While I still like D&D, Knowing about the variety of other RPGs out there helped me looking at everything with a critic look and a "what will this do to my game?" attitude. But at this point I'm ranting and I'd better stop.
Experience would help. Our DM has been DMing for nearly 40 years, across all the different games, even made a few himself :)
We're currently playing 5e and despite having a few newbies jump in, it's been really good
Ugh, wait.
@Zachiel Technically that is still morning though... :P
@Ben I've heard several DMs claim they DMed lots of different games, but really they DMed very similar games with different resoltion mechanics. Being proficient in 4 different D&D esition, 6 or 7 World of Darkness derivatives, Shadowrun and other games which are all made similar by the same dynamics* is often what "40+ games" is.
The syndrome of games being enjoyed despite the system seems to be fading out nowadays, and it looks like the Forge had a lot to do with that.
*you ask the DM what you need to do to make something, he tells you you succeed, you fail or asks for a roll, then he proceeds to narrate failure/success of your act independently from the roll (e.g. you manage to open the chest, but the things you were looking for are not there)
40 years != 40 different game systems :) I realise that
My group's enjoyed a lot of games because of the system (and because of each other) - but we've also been choosing the right games for what we want to do.
Pleased to announce that, having initially lost it to a rampaging pan-dimensional Time Eater, Thursday will happen as usual this week.
@BESW Oh good!
Starred for potential plot value.
Jessie disavows any association.
she is completely guilty of this
@Ben welp. :)
@doppelgreener If we're looking to Twitter for plot developments in our game... Myka could get assigned to help the new IT guy learn the ropes at Amaterasu.
Im not sure the new IT guy knows what he is doing http://t.co/QzcQS40QrX
@doppelgreener I think there's no game system that makes me do what I really want to (because I want conflicting things) so I just fare better with systems whose flaws I'm more used to?
Maybe I'm just more malleable... or more likely oblivious haha
@Zachiel Sure, ok. I was mainly responding to the general notion of how people related to games.
@BESW This new guy has the potential to shut down all of Amaterasu's IT department.... because they're busy watching him getting frustrated with cables and going "awwwwww~"
@doppelgreener I agree with the group notion. My main group has been together for quite a while, and has many different games, in multiple systems. The games may not have been all that good, but we still had fun together :)
all of them, except the one IT person who is convinced he is absolutely evil and trying to destroy everything (Myka).
@Ben Hooray!! \o/
I have had other groups where it really was just a task to get along. Some people just wanted to play the game their own way, which really ruined it for the rest of us
Oh nooooooo!! T_T
I don't think I've experienced that myself, thankfully...
@Ben I once had a player with the my guy syndrome who played a chaotic evil neutral halfling who robbed the party and whom the could not get rid of because he bribed the barbarian (with beer costing half of what he stole him)
A cool animated short about the training of Nie Niniang. https://youtu.be/3p79oGwxZZo (a seminal character and then archetype of wuxia fiction)
@doppelgreener I've had it happen a few times. Looking back I'm not sure how much of it was poor communication.
@Zachiel Haha. We have a similar situation, our rogue is constantly trying to get extra money out of people. We might do it out of the goodness of our hearts -- "And 5 gold... each"
@Ben Then he tried spending two entire sessions to convince villagers of a random town near to an evil temple to sell him terrains. Once we defeat the temple, these terrains will sell for way more!
Once you defeat the temple, the campaign ends, that's what.
Ugh. "my guy" syndrome is a destructive and unfortunate condition
@Ben This is why my original group got cut in half because we had that problem.
So we went from 5 people+DM to 3+DM because 2 of the people were just using the game to work out some unresolved IRL romantic tension and to also like...be the OMG overblown heroes
while the rest of us just wanted to tell a really cool story
@AshleyNunn Smaller isn't always a bad thing :) Our group is 3-4 + DM, it keeps thing s neat haha
Yeah, I liked the group. But then we all got jobs and one moved to a completely different city
Agh! Life! The bane of fun!
We manage though. Organising our game on one night a week certainly helps. We play on Wednesdays, so everyone knows to keep that night free. It works :)
@Ben You sound like this lich I know...
Macklin on modifying Teamwork mechanics, with brief a footnote on the basic Core magic framework.
@Miniman You mean, almost every lich ever?
@Miniman Oh, you mean Ted? Yeah we had a catch up last week... he really brought things into perspective for me. Then he swallowed my soul
@Ben One of our players works in restaurants and pubs. We're moving to saturday mornings to accomodate for his needs.
@Zachiel It's good when a team works to accommodate everyone :D
@Ben Also, my parents are probably away at that time so no more dad finding an occupied bathroom.
Also a plus.
In other news, Starscream is halfway done... Still haven't come up with an alternative name for him however. (Don't want to infringe on copyright!)
He's a snivelling "not my fault!" Tiefling Rogue
somehow I just don't like Starscream as much as a PC
or as not a robot thing
I'm also yet to figure out whether or not I can (or should) give him some minions, perhaps someone like soundwave for example
@trogdor yeeeaaahh.... We'll see. I'll show you when he's done, and see what you think. Optimus has taken a back seat. He's really not fitting the scope very well
and Starscream is my favorite
@trogdor Hence why I chose him ;)
If you want to give any pointers as to how his character should be, feel free to let me know
no I think you probably have it covered
00:00 - 07:0007:00 - 00:00

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