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Alright... I'll try on Reddit then
Can you link me to the bit in chat where you actually asked your question? I'm having trouble sorting through the backlog.
Ah. Hm.
If you specify system, previous experience, session time/campaign length, and so forth--everything you can possibly think of that's specific to your situation--then it might pass.
Specify what you're worried about being different with two people compared to the previous size groups you've run.
Morning - just a quick salute since I happen to be her now.
Still running around. These holidays are starting to look less and less "resting" and more of a fetch quest.
Anyway, will try to drop again here to say hi when I can.
For now, see you soon folks :P
1 hour later…
@SPArchaeologist I wonder which lady you happen to be now. We'd like to know who you're currently roleplaying as. [snickers]
Hrm. Accurate answer through total accident.
I'll take "Downvote with Comment" for $100.
@Aaron This.
Lol while they are technically correct they linked to 3.5
I see what you were saying now.
Mmm, and by using 3.5 they're making an inaccurate specific answer with a true general conclusion; 4e doesn't really go in for the weight/height range tables so much.
Trying to find size table in 5th ed and nothing in DMG/Players except for a reference to small and medium but uses the same height grouping as 3.5
Don't have 4th books here
4e won't have 'em.
4e's size table is literally just "here's your reach and the squares you take up."
It doesn't really care about that sort of thing enough to provide tables and charts.
You can find average height/weight ranges for races in their individual description write-ups.
@BESW It has one table in the PHB. The Rules Compendium dropped it.
Anyway, I'mo sleep. ttfn
5th DMG just says feet x feet = size
er MM
That does not help with players height stuff
@Tashio If you're looking this up for the purpose of the 4e question, 3.5e and 5e aren't relevant to it.
Yea, was more out of interest as I play 5th myself
Alright :D
@waxeagle just got 5e silver badge
@JoshuaAslanSmith nice!
1 hour later…
If a Compel gets the entire party in trouble, can I put one(or two, even) Fate Points in a "party pool" that everyone gets access to?
Let's say the PCs are manning an airship, and one of them has the aspect/trouble [Ooh, what does THIS button do?]... And he messes around and causes the ship to crash or change course irreversibly... Rewarding only them with a FP feels like a "Good job for screwing the team!" reward...
[digs around in one of the fate books...]
so, good question here is how to handle compels that send things off the rails for absolutely everyone, instead of just complicating things for that one individual.
previous question on the matter:
Q: How to handle compels that affect the entire party?

MagicianThe rules talk briefly of players compelling multiple targets and how they have to pay a fate point for each one. Similarly, it makes sense that if the GM wished to, say, knock the entire party out with Sleeping Curse, they'd each get a fate point. But what about event compels? To provide an ex...

however, compels are pretty clear: if you get compelled, you get a fate point. probably putting those fate points in a party pool might be cheapening it, unless that's in addition, but that still doesn't sit quite right: either the other characters are being compelled (and deserve their own fate points each), or they are not (and no fate points for them).
Why is it cheapening it?
because if my character's being compelled, i should get a fate point that's all my own. if three characters are involved in a compel, it should have bite for all three of them, and they should get fate points each. if we only get, like, two fate points to share between ourselves, that's not how the exchange works, and you're cheating us out of a fate point or two.
if the other characters suffer bite for what's happening, they've pretty much met the conditions for a retroactive event compel and they get a fate point. if they get off without much bite, this isn't a compel for them.
if the ship is crashing, make it a compel for each of the ones for whom this is bite, and reward each of them individually for suffering for it in their own way.
there are no "half-ish sorta maybe compels". Atomic Robo RPG refers to those as weak compels:
> If you can’t think of an immediate, tangible way that the complication changes what’s going on in the game, you probably need to turn up the heat. If someone doesn’t go “oh crap” or give a similar visceral reaction, you probably need to turn up the heat.
> It’s not good enough for someone to be angry at the PC — they get angry and they’re willing to do something about it in front of everyone. It’s not good enough for a Department of Defense official to cancel off their contract — he cancels it and tells the rest of the DoD to blacklist them.
If you can't think of something, or it doesn't seem serious enough, or someone just doesn't want to hose their character like that right now, ARRPG advises that you have the option of just going with a weak compel now, but let them know that even if things seem not so bad right now, somewhere down the line, they will take a turn for the worse.
So if there isn't enough bite to feel it's really compel-worthy, you can go with it, give them the fate point now, and just provide half the compel now, and half the compel later.
The shuttle crashes after Kirk pushes the button like an idiot. This is terrible for Spock because {reasons}, you have enough reason right now to compel him. McCoy isn't so bad right now, and it doesn't feel worth compelling him, but do it anyway, tell his player you'll claim the other half of the compel later, and later when he's looking for his medical kit, suggest it was destroyed in the crash.
i'm still practicing this stuff and i haven't been able to use compels nearly enough in theory ~_~ but this seems like the satisfactory way to handle it
I'd be interested to see what others might comment about on this later too. ^
there might prove to be a better way to handle situations where multiple people have to go down with the one compel, but i don't think a fate point pool is the right answer.
Q: "Grim & gritty" in game recommendations

nvoigt The players should play lowborns, so grim and gritty rules would match my thoughts quite well What is required to confirm "grim and gritty" rules by our standards? My answer was (for other reasons) D&D and I said that I personally find it grim and gritty at lower levels and that it can be p...

5 hours later…
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British Library Invites All to Decipher a Sword Inscription http://adweek.it/1HEHKOP http://t.co/zMiqiGOyGW
I was trying to beat the record of how long this chat lasted in quiet.
The most time on my record was 6 hours.
We were so close...
Yeah, that sounds about right.
What is that?
Volume of messages?
You'll have the best luck trying for a weekend.
When you say it like that I feel like it is up to me to silence people.
You do not want to give me that task.
I tend to be... effective.
Saturday afternoon/evening my time is most likely to be quiet for extended periods, because the chat-at-work folks aren't working and I, Trogdor, and Doppelgreener are likely to be playing games.
@Althis I think the goal here is to in fact let people talk when they have something to say
it is, after all, a chat room
That can't possibly be it.
Forty thousand years ago, meisters devised a way to test people's anti-social nature!
That is, they created a solely social medium.
To test people's willingness not to use it!
Talking in a chat is easy.
NOT talking in a chat is the real challenge!
@Aaron Yeah, none of the tools I'm familiar with will do what you need. Though now I'm tempted to try to code a solution myself because I see potential applications for my own endeavors. XD
mm yeah
4E isn't about realism, where lava would do the same damage no matter what level you are
4E is purely mechanically based on at least trying to be balanced at whatever the mechanics actually touch
I love that I can take a handful of basic principles and conditions and re-arrange them to create a nigh-infinite number of narrative effects.
"Triggering Creature" would be a good name for a band.
@BESW For whatever reason, I also thought of that.
@Althis The wonderful thing about triggers?
But it is very unlikely we thought of it for the same reason.
Just because stripe and trigger in my language sound very similar.
So my friend created a new DnD 5e character - a Chaotic Evil Dragonborn Monk.
I kinda see the character.
His introduction was the group came across him in the middle of the road, tied up and surrounded by dead guards
Until you said it was chaotic.
Can a monk even be chaotic?
His opening line: "We were attacked... I was the only one to survive"
Charisma roll 17
@Althis Alignment restrictions are a thing of the past! Live freely in this new world!
@Miniman Blasphemy!
"Congrats. They believe you"
@Miniman A true neutral Paladin...
I don't see it :P
@Ben, I would honestly believe him due to a simple technicality.
If he did kill all of them, how would he tie himself up?
His hands were tied only...
@Ben Really? I can see it pretty easily.
and he's a monk
@Ben, have you tried to tie your own hands properly before?
It is quite hard.
And no, I do not intend on explaining how I know this.
I have a dark past I don't like to mention.
Lol. I'm saying as a monk, sometimes you don't need your hands :P
Are you suggesting...
He killed those guards with looks?
He does have other appendages...
Like a tail?
he also has a breath weapon :P
although not as weird as visions dancing through my head of my Dragonborn Paladin/Warlock arc-welding things back together with her breath weapon :P
@Shalvenay, you win the prize for most eccentric character today.
and yes, trying to tie up a Dragonborn would be most unwise
I am still thinking about that whole monk situation.
Like, if he did kill all his guards with only his legs, why didn't he run away?
The point of that being...?
He could also have freed himself with any of the many sharp objects in the guards possessions.
My point is that this story simply doesn't make sense.
You realise you're probably putting more thought into this than he did?
The monk MUST be innocent.
@Miniman Yes I do, but that is the whole point of being me, so help me.
If he killed the guards, running away immediately makes him look guilty, regardless of whether or not it was his fault.
If it was NOT his fault, than he is not guilty.
Depending on where he was, it would be unlikely for him to find shelter/food, and therefore more worthwhile to wait for the next group of passers-by
Yeah, but he could have done so in waaaaay less suspicious ways.
Like, actually making a burial pyre for the guards?
Again, when you look guilty, no one really cares whether you are or not
That is, unless you roll high.
@Althis Why? If he was there prisoner, why would he burn/bury them?
@Ben -- I'd say that there are folks IRL who have had that drilled out of them, but they're not common, especially in your average campaign
@Ben He is a monk.
Chaotic Neutral Monk
btw, for the moderators -- I second the motion to add a link to the list-of-forums meta on the on-topic page for this site
@Ben Which brings back my point, how does that even work?!
a section like "What if what I'm after doesn't fit the SE Q&A format?" would be a good place to put it
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