because if my character's being compelled, i should get a fate point that's all my own. if three characters are involved in a compel, it should have bite for all three of them, and they should get fate points each. if we only get, like, two fate points to share between ourselves, that's not how the exchange works, and you're cheating us out of a fate point or two.
if the other characters suffer bite for what's happening, they've pretty much met the conditions for a
retroactive event compel and they get a fate point. if they get off without much bite, this isn't a compel for them.
if the ship is crashing, make it a compel for each of the ones for whom this is bite, and reward each of them individually for suffering for it in their own way.
there are no "half-ish sorta maybe compels". Atomic Robo RPG refers to those as weak compels:
> If you can’t think of an immediate, tangible way that the complication changes what’s going on in the game, you probably need to turn up the heat. If someone doesn’t go “oh crap” or give a similar visceral reaction, you probably need to turn up the heat.
> It’s not good enough for someone to be angry at the PC — they get angry and they’re willing to do something about it in front of everyone. It’s not good enough for a Department of Defense official to cancel off their contract — he cancels it and tells the rest of the DoD to blacklist them.
If you can't think of something, or it doesn't seem serious enough, or someone just doesn't want to hose their character like that right now, ARRPG advises that you have the option of just going with a weak compel now, but let them know that even if things seem not so bad right now, somewhere down the line, they will take a turn for the worse.
So if there isn't enough bite to feel it's really compel-worthy, you can go with it, give them the fate point now, and just provide half the compel now, and half the compel later.
The shuttle crashes after Kirk pushes the button like an idiot. This is terrible for Spock because {reasons}, you have enough reason right now to compel him. McCoy isn't so bad right now, and it doesn't feel worth compelling him, but do it anyway, tell his player you'll claim the other half of the compel later, and later when he's looking for his medical kit, suggest it was destroyed in the crash.
i'm still practicing this stuff and i haven't been able to use compels nearly enough in theory ~_~ but this seems like the satisfactory way to handle it