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Morning :)
Good morning!
Ni hao ranma
Q: What is a good combat system I can use for a story-driven PVP game?

John TorwaldsAlright, I know that most who read the title will go: "PVP (Player vs Player) games? In RPGs?! NO WAY!!!" Yes, yes, I know. Many advise against doing PVP in RPGs, arguing that clubbing GM-controlled Goblins is better for team cohesion than bashing each others' skulls in. I used to belong to that...

I want to play in this :(
i do not understand it for lack of will to read all the stuff
oh my god
one of my favourite artists has a new album (only their second one) and I wasn't aware of it :O
(well they did a cover album in the middle of it)
That's always a nice discovery to make.
It is!
I think I've posted their first album here before:
They've put the new one on the tubes too.
Basically... It's building a game based on an anime/manga where the players actually play against each other and not the environment.
Grah. Offbeat Classes opened their ask box and even though I got there 9 minutes after they did, they were already full and closed again.
Eugh :\
I got an ask in successfully last round (I thought), but it must have been too late.
Wow @_@
that kinda sucks <_<
'cause I haven't gotten an actual roll, so they might have not gotten to closing the askbox early enough and only actually processed the first 50. They're doing it in batches of 50 now, to keep the turnaround time from getting too long.
Just keep trying I guess lol
That's all I can do. xD
Sup anyway?
Not too much. A sleepy day.
Planning out some classes I'll be running at my workplace, listening to a wonderful song, reading about our language developed capitalisation.
According to the infallible Wikipedia in the beginning we only had capitals, but with the advent of papyrus and then vellum, people wanted to handwrite faster, which lead to them taking shortcuts which evolved the capital letters into our modern lowercase. The uppercase is still present and used because of convention and the clarity it can add to writing.
@doppelgreener What sort of workplace is it and classes do you run? I really have nothing better to do then pester people :P
@doppelgreener Huh... I always thought it would of been lower case first then Capitals were developed for emphasis.
@Nyoze so did I, which seemed like a strange enough state of affairs I wanted to know why. The other way around makes a lot of sense!
@Nyoze I work as an IT consultant and I'm currently placed in a government workplace. There's some tools they need to be across which they don't fully understand, but they fall within my expertise, so I'll be running some internal classes to teach them.
@doppelgreener You have my dream job. I hate you now :(
i'm shattered
I've taught them about WCAG previously (an accessibility standard), and will be teaching them about ARIA (a tool for increasing accessibility on webpages), then later I may be teaching them about the new HTML5 JavaScript APIs and Knockout.js.
@Nyoze What part of that is your dream job?
Someone online you've never met has expressed hatred of you just because of where you work. Be very shattered :P
@doppelgreener I work in Sales :\ - The time I spend not online crusing here or RPOL, I'm trying to convince them that they need me in IT or Business Analysis and Reporting, but they won't listen to me.
@doppelgreener So actually being an IT Consultant full-time would be ideal.
We could have a conversation sometime about that if you like, but it's not surprising if they don't plan to move their sales dude to another unrelated department.
(but being a consultant in and of itself is quite a different change to being any normal employee)
@doppelgreener Haha. I'm further then I thought I would be - I spend about 3 hours a week in IT, and about 10 hours a week doing business reporting... I just don't know how to actually convince them to make it a full time thing not a part time thing.
@Nyoze It sounds like this is the kind of employer who might have at least ~50 employees. Is that the case?
@JoshuaAslanSmith I actually went to a book launch a while back, of a collection of Christian-themed vampire stories. Bought a copy, but haven't gotten around to reading it yet.
@doppelgreener More like about ~8-900 at a rough guess? I don't have an exact number :(
@Nyoze Ok. This is the size where a very strong consideration in placement would be: "Given this employee, what can we assign them to such that we get maximum value out of them?".
@doppelgreener I just found an older album of an artist I like. It was obviously before they "found their sound", as it's quite different to the 3 later albums I'm familiar with. The Flatliners - Destroy to Create
If you do not have a strong IT education background and you are reasonably skilled in sales, that consideration results in "sales, with some of this other stuff they're interested in and decent at."
@doppelgreener Except... I have more of an IT background then anything else lol.
oh xD
Just for context - I work at Vodafone, in the customer contact centre down in hobart.
Started working in Customer Care - then moved to online sales to not have to be on the phone constantly. Now I'm slowly attempting to migrate from sales to IT, but the IT team never has many positions open lol.
@Sandwich SGDQ?
@Sandwich That just might drag me away from my shows on Netflix
Games done quick.
Summer Games Done Quick - a charity event wherein people speedrun games live to help raise funds for charity. It's very entertaining depending on the game and presenter and sometimes just awesome to watch.
Oh interesting.
Where are the chat enhancement userscripts again?
@IronHeart which ones?
Hmmmm.... SDGQ is a pretty cool thing, but it isn't RPGs, but it is games, and a lot of people like video games.
@BESW Should SGDQ be in the Cool Stuff, do you think?
That's not earthbound... thats LoZ...
@Sandwich You lied :(
Talking about speedruns always reminds me of when my roommate & I played through Day of the Tentacle. First time through, we took weeks to figure out how to get past all of the puzzles etc. When we finally finished it, we immediately replayed it from the beginning, and finished it in about 90 minutes.
They just finished the Zelda Swordless run
I don't know why they're doing a Glitched any % run
Maybe because they had to pre-emptively end the Swordless run because of Ganon cheese
But Earthbound IS next
Eventually lol
Oh its on now
Earthbound is LIVE @AshleyNunn @Nyoze
Mmmmm Earthbound
@Sandwich Shh! Watching Earthbound! :(
@Nyoze SHHH
Pretty sure Ness' dad is a time wizard
I just got back and I'm sitting here going "Where's Ness?" :\
There's Ness :)
Okay wtf is going on....
This is an any% run
They're using the cold/stairs glitch to move themselves out of bounds so they can change the map they're on
Any% Glitchless at AGDQ 2011 was really great though
Took like six hours?
Oh wow.
Okay... What?
Did he use a level glitch or something?
No he used an effect of Paulas pray ability to confuse the mani mani statue
Which caused it to attack and kill itself
Which gave him about 45,900 exp
And then he gets another 200,000
Oh shi...
Level 38 :\
So get this. Our internet isn't letting us load any new pages
But what I have open - This and GDQ are working fine lol
@Nyoze -- I've seen that failure mode from my ISP as well -- what sorts of errors do you get when you try to load a new page?
well, from my internet connection, not necessarily my ISP
Your request could not be processed because of a configuration error: "Connection to authentication agent lost."
Eh, IT are working on it.
And salutations
and M.... [poisons morning] MORNINGS
Poisoned mornings, my favorite.
noooo what have I done
crunch crunch crunch
I'm glad that wasn't my morning
@doppelgreener That's up to the chat.
Well... There's 3 days left of it, so help entertain people I guess :P
@BESW You are in the chat, so I'm asking your opinion. I'm also asking you since you probably remember a lot of what's gone into the Cool Stuff in the past.
@Nyoze only 3 days... T_T and I've barely seen any of it...
@BESW As a chatizen I request SGDQ be in the Cool Stuff!
@doppelgreener I just found out about it today, and I've got the next 3 days off work. :\
"video game speed runs to raise money for charity" would make a good tagline
@Nyoze fantastic!
@doppelgreener Not fantastic. I don't internet when I'm not at work :)
@Nyoze Ah. Well then. That's not so great. :P
It started Sunday at Midnight
I been watching it since
Havent missed a GDQ since they started
Sandwich has yet to sleep
Eyetooth picks?
Made from the eyetooth of a very, very big dog.
(the eyeteeth is are the especially long teeth that poke out near the front on either side.)
@doppelgreener I thought they were canines...
> You are looking out through a window at night. Candlelight near you allows you to see your reflection. You watch as your teeth begin to elongate: slowly, rather comfortably, like the growth of a tree-branch in spring.
Ah, the nightmares of FL. This is one of the earlier and more benign ones, but it's one of the creepiest, for me.
@Nyoze same thing, different name, forgot they were also called those :D
Ahh lol.
**Cool stuff:** [Bundle of Holding](http://bundleofholding.com "buy RPGs cheap in bulk, support charities & indie designers!");
[Summer Games Done Quick](http://www.twitch.tv/gamesdonequick "speedrunning games for charity");
[The Warren](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/bullypulpitgames/the-warren-0 "Apocalypse World does Watership Down");
[Microscope Explorer](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/lamemage/microscope-explorer "new ways to play Microscope");
[Jewelbots](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1345510482/jewelbots-friendship-bracelets-that-teach-girls-to "open-source program
@BESW thanks! :D
One-shot campaign idea looking for a suitable RPG engine: Robot Fight Club.
...have you been reading Questionable Content?
No, watching one of the recent Transformers TV shows.
One of the humans who just saw a big Autobot/Decepticon battle is being told to keep them a secret, and--
"I know, I know. The first rule of Robot Fight Club is you don't talk about Robot Fight Club."
argle bargle
There is a Fate question I know I can answer. But every time I go to answer Fate questions I have a voice saying "you've hardly played Fate! You don't know anything about it!" even though I have, quite a lot!
And I know stuff about relevant story needs.
I answered a fate question and I've never played fate
I only read the rules a little bit
And did some research
no that's fine
(sometimes :D)
I've answered 5e questions with playing 5e :(
I haven't answered any Fate questions though :(
On the subject of vampires, weakness: "gets soggy in milk."
@Pixie this is cracking me up
@doppelgreener I laugh every time I see it.
@Pixie Synopsis please? Work has blocked tumblr for some unknown reason.... /sarcasm
@Nyoze Wikipedia has a list of common vampire weaknesses. There is an entry:
(If that will display.)
Wait what?
If not, "Gets soggy in milk."
Very nice.. Vampires are apparently part cereal / oreos
The source: Count Chocula.
heh heh heh
That's funny stuff
I miss Count Chocula terribly. =A=
It contains an ingredient I stopped eating, but it was my favorite cereal, and I have never found another chocolate cereal with marshmallows. xD
I don't think I could quit something I liked even if it had something I didn't like in it
I don't really see the point myself
If you've already eaten enough of the thing you dont like why stop
Is X ingredient going to kill you one day? Like smoking? Because if not I'd probably say go for broke
Just think of it in Monster rancher terms
Because I sometimes review my dietary habits and make changes I feel are necessary? I wouldn't arbitrarily stop eating something I liked if I didn't feel it mattered. xD
If those monsters didn't eat those mint leaves they'd die so much faster
Mint leaves are good for monsters though. :v
If the FDA Evaluated that its actually killing you I don't think it'd stop you from feeding them to them
Because quite frankly the FDA does a lot of stupid things behind the scenes
@Pixie goodness gracious, that sounds like sensible and mindful dietary and health management
good stuff ᕦ( Í¡° ͜ʖ Í¡°)ᕤ
The ones that immediately spring to mind are unregulated bottled water sales and Trans fats
Because if the FDA is given the power to ban a potentially harmful ingredient, whats to stop them from banning anything that may be considered potentially harmful
Hell cases have been made that milk is bad for you, why not ban milk too
Same with bottled water
Huh? Where is this even coming from? I choose not to eat something. This is not "ban it," this is not "you should not eat it." xD
I think this might be getting a bit off track
Yeah I guess you guys are right
Were you eating like four boxes of Count Chocula a day or something
you seem to have a rant to uncork here but it isn't a relevant one
Because my mom absolutely loves Boo berry
And they stopped selling that here :(
Not sure why though
Seemed good enough
They stop selling them all periodically.
Usually they start again around Halloween.
My favorite cereal is still cracklin' oat bran
Until they make a cereal out of oreos anyway
And not Oreo O's
An actual good oreo cereal :I
@Sandwich It wouldn't work... It would disintegrate :(
Haha, OreOs are pretty bad.
All cereal disintegrates eventually
If you can press shapes into the tops of the oreos then why cant you press them into a puff that wont immediately dissolve in milk
All they would need to do is to take the oreo cookie formula, compress it in little balls, and ice it krispy-kreme donut style
I don't think those are comparable
With oreo cookie filling of course
Australia has almost no sugary cereal at all so I'm out of my depth here :U
One of our most iconic cereals is weet bix
You poor poor folks :(
Well, there's also the nutritional goals of cereal. Although sugary cereal is not exactly good for you, it is not like eating a bowl of cookies. :v
Wait wait
Weet bix?
Google it
@doppelgreener I still can't stand Weet-Bix or Vegemite :\
And I consider this a good thing
I did
And uh
That just looks like granola bars
@Sandwich Take Shredded Wheat, mash it into blocks, and then sell it as cereal.
@Sandwich Except... Take the stuff out of shredded wheat that actually makes it taste good.
It's pressed wheat.
I used to eat 8 weet bix a day.
Now I can't stand the stuff :(
@Miniman Yay. I'm not the only one.
Cracklin' Oat Bran is a breakfast cereal introduced in 1977 by Kellogg's. The cereal is made of oat bran flavored with cinnamon and nutmeg, and held together by brown sugar in the form of a rectangle. The cereal is a source of dietary fiber, as its first two ingredients are whole oats and sugar, but it contains a significant amount of saturated fat due to the use of palm oil. The palm oil used in the cereal is modified slightly to suggest more of a sugary flavor than normal palm oil. The recipe for Cracklin' Oat Bran underwent a major change in 1989, when consumer health advocates pushed for Kellogg...
That's my favorite cereal
Other than Count Chocula, it's hard to decide. Maybe Chex, especially Rice Chex. It tastes best if you put sugar on it, of course, which defeats the point, but I try not to. :P
@Sandwich consider that I experience similar befuddlement with this American thing of effectively eating candy for breakfast.
Its pressed so thickly that it literally takes like ten minutes for milk to start making it soggy
@Sandwich That actually sounds pretty awesome.
Its delicious
And you can stack it
And build stuff with it
Because its very stable
(I'm not befuddled by individual cases, but why is it an endemic cultural thing?)
@Sandwich I have never seen this in my life. It looks kinda cool.
@doppelgreener If it makes you feel any better I normally skip breakfast
Who would buy ten boxes of cereal at once
Thats ridiculous amazon
Amazon sells most of its groceries in bulk. It's fine for packaged goods that last a while and you use a lot of. Mostly, though, I'm like "I don't need 20 of those."
@Sandwich Someone who wants to build something really big out of them?
I guess so
It is really stable
@Sandwich Can those be used to play mahjong?
Also palm oil is evil. Eeee-vil. Palm oil plantations take habitat away from orangutans & tigers. Unless it's sustainably sourced.
If you can find a way to put symbols on them I guess
Nah I don't think so
@doppelgreener Part of it is the way the general cultural palate has developed (and I couldn't tell you exactly how that happened), but part of it is also born from the influence of industries with an interest in sugar (cane or corn).
Mahjong is kind of about the randomness of the tile layout
You could do a Mahjong stack though
@Pixie Mmm, now I remember that the corn industry owns America's food production basically
In contrast though... Australia has smaller portions (an American McDonald's small meal is our large, and I mean that), very little sugary cereal, and as a kind of testament, there used to be three donut places in the city and now there's only one.
Food culture in America is a big, broad, and sometimes touchy subject that is hard to discuss without getting into matters of politics and poverty too. It's also not the same everywhere and among all groups. But one thing I can say is that industry and lobbying have a profound influence on it.
Plus y'all have like fifteen times as many people as Australia, which makes for a whole lot more cereal companies.
Haha, that too.
... also, I want donuts now. TwT
I haven't had one in a really long time. I really don't like anything but donuts from an actual donut place, and even then, it has to be the right kind.
Donuts are the beeeeeest
Krispy Kreme Glazed for liiiife
24 hours a daaaay
My mom brought home donuts about a month ago and I straight up flippped
I am not fond of glazed yeast donuts. Glazed cake donuts can be good.
From an actual donut place the yeast ones are still pretty good, but I definitely prefer cake donuts. A chocolate cake donut is the best. @o@
Cake donuts are cake :U
And cake is also the best!
shakes fist
Dunkin donuts has cake donuts and they taste like garbaaaage
Donut Connection > Dunkin Donuts.
At least as I recall. It has been a very long time since I've had any of them.
@Sandwich The one donut store that survived is one of those.
Oh no
God help you @doppelgreener :(
@Sandwich What?
Wait you mean Dunkin or Donut Connection
Mouse over my message and see which one of yours gets highlighted
Or Krispy Kreme
It was way up there I didnt see it
yeah, Krispy Kreme
Krispy Kreme for days
When they're fresh its like eating delicious sugary air
From Krispy Kreme... nope, glazed chocolate cake donuts are still the best, but I'll eat the regular glazed yeast. They are pretty good.
What's this yeast/cake distinction?
Cake donuts are deep fried cake and Yeast donuts are donuts made with dough that rise and then are fried :I
Yeast are the round smooth ones that are more puffy. Cake are the lumpy, crumbly ones that have a denser texture.
Cake donuts also use baking powder instead of yeast
I don't know if they have yeast ones here <_<
maybe both idk
They also weigh like twice as much
Right, one uses yeast, one doesn't. xD
Krispy Kreme uses yeast donuts
Krispy Kreme has both.
(At least here.)
that could be the diff, but I'll be paying attention next time I guess!
... don't know when that'll be
(Krispy Kreme had two outposts here: one large indoor cafe / donut place, and one that's got one of the smallest booths in the shopping center and just sells from a smallish display. The latter one is the one that's still open.)
This is what a standard yeast donut from Krispy looks like:
Be still my beating heart
For we were meant to be together
Of course, the best donuts around here come from a local bakery. :P
those are called original glazed here, i'll see if they have a different texture
which kind is a cake one?
Yep that's the one
@doppelgreener Yes, the "original" is the yeast type. The cake ones are like this or this (the lumpy kind comes in blueberry too and maybe some other kinds).
Cinnamon! My favourite.
I have to gym! See y'all soon, goodnight to those I won't :)
I have no idea what to close this for.
@BESW That question.. wow
It's a fine question for a traditional forum.
My post is still at the top of Bismuth
Demogorgon has really let itself go:
@Magician Stress eating.
I answered that question mostly to sop the inevitable flood of answers poor enough to need moderation.
Hmm. Off the top of my head, Microscope and Penny For My Thoughts fit that querent's description perfectly, with Pilgrims of the Flying Temple coming close too.
Found while I was searching a new icon for my start button.
Origami Cthulhu
It could also be one of those ribbons that people use to advertise things
Like Breast cancer or support the troops
nope, the original image title was pretty clear
cthulhu origami present ribbon
oh, well, didn't really research it. Forget that then
So, Transformers: Prime has the primary plot device of "CRYSTALS!"
Specifically, crystallised "Dark Energon," which can do things like turning people into zombies if you stab them with it.
Sombra will be proud.
Heh heh
There was a "Water therapy chamber" at a mall I went to once
Where you got into a chamber kind of like a massage table and they shot water at your back

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