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That said, I wouldn't go quite as far as @BESW and say that they are entirely unseperable - for example, I've certainly read books to get an idea of the mechanics for a game I might at some point be playing, before I have any character in mind at all. And I've certainly sat down with some friends at lunch and talked about how our characters felt about one another and what their backstories are like without mechanics crossing my mind.
For me, personally, the two are best when they intertwine.
Like, straight-up example in ARRPG: when I'm creating a PC and I get to that fifth aspect slot which isn't a high concept or a mode concept, I have to sit down and ask myself really hard questions about who else the character is. Being given that fifth slot to fill in, one which isn't directly associated with the character's primary modes of agency, pushes me to give depth to the character.
I'm not happy with Jessie yet because I haven't found her Omega aspect yet.
But these activities weren't competing with one another for a shared pool of time or interest. They were each consuming from their own seperate pools, and there's perhaps a third range of activities (which comprise BESW's general prep?) that consume from both pools at once.
Yes, that's very true.
I don't understand this "separate pools of time" idea.
So that's where the "Stormwind Fallacy" concept falls apart for me, I guess: at the base assumptions it makes about the nature of effort and time in RPGs.
Separate limits on interest makes sense to me, but time is kind of forcibly unified by, well, physics.
@Grubermensch The nature of a person's time blocks is not unified.
@Grubermensch As BESW was saying before as an example, you can't optimise your character while driving; you can't practice RP'ing different voices in public
@Grubermensch Consider it to be significantly more pools of interest than pools of time, though? Since I reckon interest is the dominant factor.
Some of my time is shaped so that I can sit down with a pencil and paper and reference books.
Other bits of my time are shaped so that I can't.
I guess that's true.
Even if I have four free hours, it may not be shaped like time wherein I can practice voices out loud.
I think this speaks more to the kinds of prep I generally engage in (and the kinds I ignore), that I don't see those limitations.
(More generally: some bits of my time are shaped (due to my immediate surroundings, my level of inspiration, my current goals, whatever) so that I'm in a mood to think about mechanics. Some bits of my time are shaped so that I'm in a mood to think about character. Some bits of my time are shaped so that I'm in a mood to think about both.)
My NPCs were a LOT better, I think, in the days when I walked to class early in the morning and practiced voices out loud.
For some reason I just can't do that in the car to the same efficiency.
(I think my NPCs were also better when I read more books and watched less television, and that's about the shape of my other time: I work more hours of the day, and I can watch TV while I work but I can't read while I work.)
@Grubermensch Perhaps. You have "I can prep" time or something, BESW has "I can prep X" time and "I can prep Y" time and "I can prep X or Y" time.
And I guess some bits of my time might be shaped so that I'm in a mood to think about exactly one OR the other but not both, but I've always found such bits of time to be vanishingly rare compared to the far more common other three types.
**Cool stuff:** [Bundle of Holding](http://bundleofholding.com "buy RPGs cheap in bulk, support charities & indie designers!");
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[Jewelbots](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1345510482/jewelbots-friendship-bracelets-that-teach-girls-to "open-source programmable friendship bracelets");
Heh. I missed some good discussion again.
Looks like :(
WELCOME, to doppelgreener's slightly uneasy emporium of second-hand conversations!
golf clap
I like my conversations fresh though :'(
@doppelgreener, I put some Amusing Speculation in the Spoil Lair that might interest you.
I probably wouldn't have been in a state to follow them at the time they occurred, anyway. :P
It is probably a good thing it remained at a small scale with a small number of participants anyway.
I tried to follow on and off while I was working, but... Work actually was fairly demanding earlier, and I didn't really have any input anyway.
On a different note. @doppelgreener, have you tried the new Dunked oreos?
@Nyoze No, what are those?
@doppelgreener Wow... I thought we got things late in Tassie now. They're oreos that have been coated in milk/white chocolate.
Presumably, second-hand Oreos previously owned by basketball players.
Sure, let's go with that lol
@Nyoze I have close to zero awareness of any developments in the candy or cookie aisles of a grocery store, so it could have arrived without my knowing. Google turns up instructions on dunking oreos though and studies into optimal milk exposure time.
Studies into optimal milk exposure time... I must look at these one day...
I'd ask other people, but I don't know if American's have them or not - Assuming so lol.
I don't know if they have these ones, that is just the study I mentioned.
If you do have them and haven't tried them - and you are the type of person not opposed to adult biscuit consumption, I suggest grabbing a pack and dunking them in milk :)
I do not think the point of these chocolate-coated oreos is to dunk them in milk. c(:
@Nyoze What, the chocolate coated ones?
They taste better then normal oreos dunked though lol
you are confusing me
I have eaten oreos and I have had them with milk, I just haven't tried these chocolate ones
Yup. The chocolate coated ones. The chocolate stays firm giving you texture, but inside you get all the goodness of a dunked oreo.
So wait, are you suggesting those also should get dunked in milk? Or are they somehow pre-dunked?
@doppelgreener Both, in different ways.
The product name is Orea Dunked in Choc.
Hence - Dunked Oreos. I am suggesting that you Dunk them in milk while consuming them.
i seeeeeee.
i will.... try this out.
@Nyoze I saw them. But Tim Tams were on special, so I bought them instead.
My friend just got up out of bed specifically to tell me that the Monster Farm DVD has been released. His immediate response to seeing it on his phone before he nodded off was "I HAVE TO TELL PIXIE. [jumps out of bed]" True friendship. [sheds friendship tear]
@Pixie Aww.
@Adeptus The Three Bean Tim Tams are amazing as well. I unfortunately have not yet had a chance to test these with milk.
@Nyoze I'm not a fan of coffee, so the 3 bean doesn't appeal to me.
@Pixie [collects in tiny vial, threads into necklace]
@Adeptus While you are here, can you find some small way to edit This Answer So I can change my downvote to an upvote?
@doppelgreener Curses. I forgot that friendship is also magic!
Don't worry, its yours to keep.
@Nyoze What, you downvoted me? [removes from christmas card list]
I only keep discarded teeth. Those don't evaporate while you're trying to perform evil sorceries.
Oh. I was almost excited at the evils one could work with the essence of pure friendship tears, but teeth do seem much more practical.
@Pixie I don't see it... The essence of Friendship tears is so pure that any magic performed isn't possible to be evil.
@Pixie Well, there's some pretty significant evils! It's just very painstaking treating the tear correctly.
You should watch and/or read Hogfather. It's in the Discworld series, by Terry Pratchett. The bad guy invades the Tooth Fairy's castle to fuel a magic spell...
@Nyoze Aha! Ahahahaha! That is what WE thought many centuries ago! Turns out that there's a lot you can do with something so intimately connected with friendship.
@Adeptus (this is exactly the thing I had on my mind)
I like discworld... Shame about the movies though.
@doppelgreener Innocent things are made to be corrupted! [tempts cinnamon rolls into lives of depravity]
I liked the movies/miniserieses
(what is the plural of series?)
I tried to watch Going Postal, and... One other, I don't remember which. They weren't bad, but they didn't manage to hold my attention.
Series is the plural of Series :(
@Pixie Yessss. Oh boy. I wasn't even thinking about what you could do with a Blackened Tear of Friendship. Has to be very suitably and carefully prepared and converted, though. Lots of little processes to go through to make it blacken just right.
Not to be confused with a Tear of Ashen Friendship, which is different, and you have to work even harder for that one, but it's only useful for a few things.
So many evil magics, so little time.
Monster Farm is in stock on Amazon. I can have it in two days. It is a way cheaper than I thought it would be. Exciiiite. @o@
@Pixie Excellent. :D
They said they'd release it over a year ago and then never said anything about it again, really. Now, poof. xD
Did someone say Monster Rancherrrr?
@Sandwich Yesssss. 8D
Link me
I wanna see
Here is a search for Monster Rancher DVD. The dub is released in 3 sets, while the sub (under Monster Farm) is all in one release.
Oh. I searched that in home and kitchen, somehow. xD
I see, I thought there was a new game X3
I guess I'll just have to keep playing Monster Rancher 2
Haha, I wish there was a new game.
All the recent ones havent been as good at MR2
Get Monster Rancher DS if you don't have it. It is good.
I played it and beat it, was fun for a while
Nothing is MR2, but it was closer. xD
@Pixie Ah, I always wondered where captured monsters in Monster Hunter went.
I played one that was uh
In some kind of circus
And I was like
..What in all of the flying Suezos...
4... yeah. The taming portion was not bad, but...
Oh, no. Not 4. Evo.
It was uh
Too easy
The training was like
50 points per training
@Miniman I need to play that sometime...
I think I've played ever US-released Monster Rancher except the first MR Advance, and I've enjoyed most of them, but Evo sorely disappointed me.
I just have MR2 lust
Nothing beats the disc system and the breeding system in that game
Plus it had what you call its to learn moves and stuff
And explorations to unlock hidden monsters
God it was so amazing
I think I just figured out how to make my Dex Crossbow awesome...
Thats what they were called
@Pixie I bought it after getting recommendations from a bunch of different people.
It's fun, but monotonous and incredibly long.
I like all of them except Evo, but MR2 is pretty much universally accepted as the best in the series. I did not like the story focus in 4, it undermined some things I liked about the game, but the taming portion was fine (I was thinking of it when I made that comment about Evo, haha).
@Miniman Ahh... another game I will probably never finish, ever. Not that it has stopped me before. xD
@Nyoze Oh? How so?
Ranged Trip.
@Pixie I can't honestly recommend it - I occasionally pick it up and run another mission, but it never really held any of my attention.
Once I hit level 9, I can as a full round action blast an opponent and knock them prone, then get a free AoO when they fall, and when they stand. Which.... Actually doesn't work as well as I wanted, because I can't do it on a normal AoO...
@Nyoze Also, you don't get AoOs with a ranged weapon.
Still... That's 3 attacks to prevent an opponent from completing a move action, which is never a bad thing.
@Miniman Improved Snap Shot - Threaten out to 15ft range.
@Nyoze Ah, ok - must be PF-specific.
@Miniman It's incredibly feat intensive, only works if the character is on the ground... But may be worthwhile.
@Nyoze Wait, you can't Trip flyers in PF?
@Miniman Nope :(
@Sandwich [criiiies] errantry could be so fatal
Some creatures—such as oozes, creatures without legs, and flying creatures—cannot be tripped.
I mean, I'm always hearing about how PF hates mundanes even more than 3.5 and actively nerfs them whenever possible, but this sort of thing still blows me away when I come across it organically.
@Miniman Yeah... If you want to play a melee class in Pathfinder, you better hope that no one else is playing anything but. There's ways in PVP to actually make a difference, but if you were facing actual monsters... You're screwed.
@Nyoze MC Hammer also cannot be tripped, as tripping requires a touch attack.
Hella fatal @pixie
@Sandwich But it was still super fun. On that note, I really didn't like it when they removed monster death. That seems like a strange thing to say, but it increased the emotional investment, and 3 actually did all I could have wanted with death mechanically. They should have just kept that system.
@Nyoze Hush.
Damn right, Can't touch that.
Actually, no.
@BESW If I make a ranged attack, I don't need to touch him, so there.
but I caaaaan't
@Pixie Monster death was completely calculable though
Each monster had a base lifespan, if a monster got stressed++ or tired++ it reduced its lifespan by one week
Errantry reduced a monsters lifespan by 2 weeks If I recall?
As well as the month it took to go on the Errantry
Oh, sure. But it was the principle of the thing.
Because they always came back with Stress++ and Tired++
But yeah monster death is necessary to let you know "You done screwed up"
You knew it was going to happen (after the first time, which was a shock). And you knew that your actions directly influenced it.
Especially if you had a breeding chain going
I will never forget the first monster I lost, man. It was a Granity, and, indeed, I done screwed up. I was 9 and it was my first time playing by myself. But oh gosh, it was so sad. I had the funeral.
The first monster I had that died was Dino
After that I was like NEVER AGAIN SOB SOB SOB
That little dude was a trucker
> Apex  created a new thread "A new ip for CelebCraft" in the General Discussion forum - May 20, 15
> Cougar24 (mod)  created a new thread "Apex (monty) Banned" in the Banned/Muted/Jailed Players forum - May 23, 15
...my rice cooker just immolated itself.
I hope it didnt burn your house down
Are you alright?
I mean
No, it was very polite and just burnt out its own wiring.
There was a burning smell, and then the "COOK" light went out.
Thats what happened to our microwave
Except I didnt get super powers for being too close to it
I had two toaster ovens in a row that set the toast on fire and melted themselves into uselessness, so... improvement!
And it was less burning and more.. Ozone? I think thats the word I'm looking for
[sigh] Left a "please read the tour and help" comment on a "doesn't answer the question as asked" answer from a double-digit-rep user, then noticed they've been on Stack sites for four years... then saw none of their accounts have the Informed badge. Sticking by my comment.
@BESW that sucks pretty hard
Yeah now he has to cook his rice in a Pot or a steamer :(
Or a double boiler
Pot On Stove is the option available to me. Haven't done that in a very long time.
You could put a pot ontop of another pot within a matrix inside a dream to make a kind of-double boiler
Hahahah. I use a rice cooker because it's easier and requires less supervision.
Yeah Suihanja are pretty amazing
Wish we had one
I love rice
2 hours later…
good morning
Hi hoooooooooooo
> "We must not be too ambitious. We cannot aspire to masterpieces. We may content ourselves with a joy ride in a paint box. And, for this, Audacity is the only ticket." (Sir Winston Churchill, quotes on painting)
I like those mugs
I don't like zombies though
Its a personal thing
Zombies are on the edge of my "no cannibalism" clause, and fall on one side or the other depending on how they're handled.
Marvel Zombies? Nope nope nope. Skin Horse necrotic-Americans? Sure, that's fine.
I don't really like zombies of any kind
I think there are better kinds of plots that accomplish the same things
@besw those mugs though
@besw my issue with zombies is that as an SG-1 episode put it years ago "They've been done to death"
Mmm. As an allegory, zombies are less versatile than many other monsters.
like what can your zombie story tell me or evoke in me that is new?
i don't like that all zombies are portrayed as mindless. some of them lead very rich lives
I like Skin Horse's necrotic-Americans partly because they're so diverse.
consuuuuuuuuuuume yes, yes, zombie, we know. Very good.
I guess there are just much better society ending/apocalyptic catalysts in my opinion
Skin Horse... doesn't do much of that at all.
@BESW I am unfamiliar with that
Necrotic-Americans aren't an apocalypse, and they come in a wide variety of mindfulnesses.
It helps that they're just a part of the story, not the primary focus.
UNITY's actually a nanoswarm fluid which replaces the blood of and animates a patchwork corpse. There's a sapient swamp which can fill corpses with motile plant matter to animate them as puppets. There's a swam of more regular zombies in a mad science city, kept smart and non-hostile through the application of vending machines that dispense cloned brains so they can be productive members of society.
Are the cloned brains self-aware?
No, they're just meat.
Brain-eaters in that setting, for the most part, just need high-protein diets and brains taste best. In a pinch, eggs will do.
I guess I always end up comparing zombies to other undead archetypes and they always come up way short
A lot of the problem with those zombies is cultural: lurching and eating brains together is a social structure which breathers aren't comfortable with, and admittedly zombies can easily lurch irresponsibly.
For example while I don't like a lot of vampire fiction that is made commercially, I do think the idea and many interpretations of vampires is still powerful and ripe for further writing
@besw A message from the surgeon general: Lurch Responsibly.
@JoshuaAslanSmith This is exactly the sort of thing Skin Horse would do.
A big issue with this sort of analysis is that the subject matter is inanely broad.
yes Im basically giving my general feelings on a genre within a genre
obviously there will be broad swaths I oversimplify
and it does come down to taste
Marvel Zombies, for example, spends its last several issues doing little except exploring the different kinds of zombie one can have.
(The primary Marvel zombie is intelligent, self-aware, with the same basic personality as its living self, but with a hunger for humanoid flesh which overwhelms the zombie's self-control until sated.)
(This makes room for character drama more familiar to vampire and werewolf stories.)
yeah or werewolf
AHA same thought
And, of course, the zombie as a corpse post-dates zombies in film.
Just like if you go just a couple centuries back, vampires and werewolves weren't so distinctly unique.
there is something about vapirism which and all of its symbols and tropes that probably resonates more with how I see the world (I like werewolves too but to a lesser extent). There are a lot of Christian sin metaphors wrapped into vampires.
yes thats very true
Vampires and zombies are very very close to each other, really.
Both are, in their most trope-centred iterations, a reanimated corpse compelled to consume its living counterparts, with the ability to inflict its condition on those upon whom it feeds.
In the U.S., at least, zombies and vampires have been theorized to be two sides of the same coin, each representing the fear of a different political ideology as viewed by the other, and the horror comes with they can turn you into one of them!
i dislike the relationship between zombies and infection
any necromancer worth their salt knows creating a zombie is an elaborate ritual
you can't just go around biting people
mechanically they can be similar but I view them pretty differently
Broadly speaking, you view them as tools for divergent allegories.
I also think zombies are usually a bad analogy for plague and or death
@BESW yes
Actually, zombies are most often allegories for the stupidity of crowds.
nothing in any zombie media I have consumed has ever made zombies feel personal, directed, malevolent, etc. There is that horror of someone you knew becoming a zombie and trying to eat you but like seeing a friend die/become a victim of a plague (or communism lol) it always feels impersonal
Whether consumerism, nationalism, or some other form of groupthink, zombies tend to represent the surrender of individual will to a crowd mentality.
Yea I think the whole point of zombies is for it to feel impersonal. The insignificance of the individual in the face of the masses.
It's one reason I like Skin Horse's take on zombies: they have a predisposition to swarming, but they fight it, or channel it, and zombies in small groups or as individuals are shown to have individual identities.
Living in a giant city of unfeelingness I guess that just never seems to trigger anything for me, it is the reality
@JoshuaAslanSmith Hah! Nice. I can get behind that sentiment.
But as I said earlier, zombies are less predisposed to a variety of allegories than many other monsters are.
Philly had to enforce a 9pm curfew for anyone underneath age 18 2 years ago because of repeated "flash mobs" that were not song and dance flash mobs so much as throngs of teenagers running through the streets and attacking people for the lolz of it.
Those kids will be kids...
I think largely because the public consciousness is more settled on 'what a zombie is' than they are on 'what a vampire is,' for example.
So you can get The Hunger and Buffy and Blackula and still have them all be recognisably vampires, but if you had that kind of diversity amongst zombie movies it'd be hard to sell them all as zombies.
@besw that is pretty true zombies within the western media were largely popularized by a small set of films and then works that were derivative and/or in reaction to those films
It's less a strength of the monster and more a flexibility in the public's willingness to accept that diverse monsters fall into the same category.
whereas vampires have long, sordid history in western media back to the Victorian age and many varied interpretations throughout.
I've mentioned before that I consider the Phantom of the Opera to be, functionally as a literary construct, a vampire.
Could you explain that last one?
It's less obvious these days--until you think about it as a progression--but it's pretty clear if we compare the original Phantom to the original Dracula. From there we can trace the two characters' movement through media over time.
Both are ugly, intelligent men from Eastern Europe who move West (to Paris or London) to own property, become rich, and steal the local women.
haha no I totally saw that the second you said it
(Notably, both are also chiefly opposed by an effeminate man who is betrothed/married to the antagonist's primary female target, but who is mostly ineffectual at the opposition.)
specifically if you think about the phantom's ability to mesmerize/hypnotize their target and the ability to seemingly move at will and appear places
They play on the fears of western European society middle and upper class society I feel
Then we can look at their progression over time, and see that as they moved from novel to film their qualities of "ugly but hypnotic" are translated into visual shorthand of increasingly handsome actors.
For a period of time in the mid 20th century both became little more than cultural jokes, tropes used as parody to disguise other, more important ideas--Blackula and the Phantom of the Paradise come to mind.
And then --with Anne Rice for vampires, and with Lloyd Webber for the Phantom-- they were re-imagined in the popular consciousness as sympathetic antiheroes rather than tragic villains.
Look at some of the most recent film adaptations of both concepts: the Phantom is a dreamy Gerard Butler whose disfigurement is little more than a bad burn, and he apparently spends most of his time sunbathing on the roof of the opera house; while the vampire is now also a brooding sex symbol whose dangerous charisma has been turned into a literally shiny distraction. Both are now presented as tragically flawed but ultimately redeemable.
An interesting parallel. As people became more accepting of the "foreigner" (at least of the Eastern European variety) the old monsters based on them became re-imagined as more sympathetic?
Quality, lasting monsters reflect the subconscious worries of their author and society.
Vampires have endured because they have changed with society's concerns.
@sillyputty I think it might be more tied to changing mores, in the post sexual revolution west the Bram Stroker's insatiable vampire lusting vampire is not viewed the same way
The vampires of Polidori and le Fanu were allegories for the parasitism of the upper class.
The vampire of Stoker was an allegory for immigration and the clash between tradition and progress.
The vampire of Rice became an allegory for internal struggles, a symbol of a society that sees monsters not in other classes or other nationalities, but within themselves.
The shift of vampire from antagonist to anti-hero was accompanying a societal shift toward self-reflection and self-loathing.
The monster becomes the main character.
(With that in mind, I find Twilight's dual protagonists fascinating: one self-identifies as a monster and can only overcome self-loathing through total devotion to someone else; the other self-identifies as a victim and can only feel validated when given total devotion by someone else. Objectively the self-identity of both is inaccurate, and their solutions are destructive to themselves and all around them. The social politics at play there is mind-blowing.)
@BESW Note that they also both attack the neck.
@BESW those books have a ton of weird wish fulfillment
@JoshuaAslanSmith ....yes, but then Anne Rice's first vampire novels were grief therapy. The general observation that monsters reflect societal pathologies is in no way a statement about the intent of any specific authors.
Although keeping your hand at the level of your eyes probably won't be too effective at staving off Dracula.
It might be more accurate to say that successful monster stories feed off the society pathologies of their audiences.
@BESW speaking less about the authors and more about the type of audience I have seen around twilight
@JoshuaAslanSmith Ah, yes. Bella is (whether deliberately or not) masterfully designed as an empty shell into which the reader can insert herself.
yep pretty much
It's a major element of the series' appeal, and it's also why I feel validated in examining who Bella actually is more closely: although she appears to be an empty shell, she has very specific qualities and attributes which ought to make her an alien mind to inhabit for some.
I suspect that revulsion to Twilight, by those who have actually consumed it, is largely due to an incompatibility with the proffered reader avatar.
(I've personally experienced physical revulsion while reading some better-written books which ask the reader to step into the mind of particularly incompatible avatars.)
@besw example?
just sort of wondering
I have stopped playing certain games for similar reasons
@JoshuaAslanSmith "What's Eating Gilbert Grape." I stayed up all night reading it for a class, because I knew that if I ever put it down I'd never pick it up again.
I have not read that though I have heard of it
The film is bad enough, and it left out the worst bits.
(Kudos for the actors, though.)
Twilight, though--Twilight's just not written well enough for me to step out of third-person observation of the avatar.
I'd love to have seen a tightly-edited version of Twilight written from an understanding that both Bella and Edward are seriously screwed up, and their ability to support each other is terrifying because it means they can inflict themselves on others rather than wallowing in their own neuroses.
@besw reading a brief synopsis I can concur that it sounds like a terrible story especially if its all first person narrated
@JoshuaAslanSmith Yup. Gilbert is the narrator.
@BESW hahaha that just gave me vampire gatsby vibes
Anyway, I need sleep now.
they are the daisy and tom of the twilight world
G'night, y'all. Trance safe, y'hear?
Good night!
I know very little about Twilight, certainly not enough to comment on it coherently, but I do find Robert Pattinson's reactions to Edward to be very entertaining. He seems to loathe the character more than anyone else.
@sillyputty They are amusing. The actress who played Bella has the same opinion about Bella.
It makes me feel badly for them because of the typecasting you have to imagine they would struggle to overcome. Then I remember how insanely lucrative the franchise is and stop feeling badly. =P
Right. They might hate their characters but they love the money I am sure
@sillyputty Bella's actress Kristen Stewart has other stigma to worry about than her typecasting
I just found out someone returned fire on that one.
@doppelgreener It says a lot that that's the best they could come up with.
well.... yes, there's that :P
she is not an actor who uses her face as expressively as she could
(she is a bit like Matt Smith in that regard)
(who is great, but does not use his face as expressively as he could. usually his eyes stay more or less fixed.)
I haven't seen any work by Kristen Stewart that has wowed me, or even had me take notice of her as an actress. Maybe she's good, but I find her to be completely...average to below average.
@doppelgreener keanu
Keanu constantly tries to portray the blank slate character ever since his success with Matrix. I think his goal is to make the audience project themselves onto him. His success in this regard is hit or miss. He certainly isn't the best actor, but he's not terrible.
not saying his bad at all
Ever pre matrix he doesnt have a huge amount going on in the face but a ton of body language
2 hours later…
Anyone have any suggestions on finding historical prices for church bells? So far the only think I've been able to find a price on is the Liberty Bell, but 1) the time period is a little late and more importantly 2) the price includes the cost of shipping across the Atlantic, which I imagine was a signigicant part of the cost.
@DrewS Time period?
what's the bell made of?
@Aaron No definitive time period, but I'm getting for of my historical pricing from ~1400, give or take
@DrewS Can you find the cost of copper and Tin?
@DavidReeve Could be anything. A couple of my players are required to to donate their shares of the loot for class reasons, so they decided to start a fund to buy the town a bell
Look! Cats!
I don't think they care what material it's made out of
Hello cats!
@DrewS Which system is it?
@Aaron Yeah, I've already got a price for copper, I could probably find tin
@Zachiel Swords & Wizardry (D&D retroclone)
I have no idea if that's a good question for history.se, but D&D (and derivates) are not really famous for having consistent prices for goods across the board
@DrewS Take the weight of the bell and multiply it by.8 for the copper then multiply that number by the price of copper per pound and then do the same for Tin only use .2.
@Aaron Add masterwork price.
So as below.

Copper= (Weight*.8)*(Price of copper)
Tin=(Weight*.2)*(Price of Tin)
Total price = (Copper+Tin prices) + Labor
Labor I have no clue about
@Zachiel lol good point. I'll take a look at history, thanks
@Aaron Yeah, labor's the tough part
@DrewS I would guess add about 20% of the price would probably be a good estimate for labor though.
How long does it take to make a bell?
They have to make the mold which uses concrete so I would guess that would take AT LEAST a week. After melting the metals down and mixing them and pouring the bell into the mold the bell has to cool for another few days depending on the size. Then the bell has to actually be installed.
So about 3 week minimum. And that is for a small bell.
@Aaron So I did the math and it actually worked out pretty well. Got a price that seems a little low, but in the magnitude.
Cool. Glad I could help :)
in the right order of magnitude*
Yeah thanks :)
For anyone whose interested:
Liberty Bell: Cost £150 13s 8d. Using Delta's conversion formula deltasdnd.blogspot.com/2010/05/money-results.html 9040.6 gp
Liberty Bell Weight: 2080 lbs. Using "And a 10' Pole"'s cost of bronze of 0.8 gp : 1664 gp, times 1.2 for 20% labor is 1996.8 gp
So I've got a good upper and lower bounds
I should compile a document with all the things I find D&D 4e faulty of, then everytime somebody tells me he doesn't like the edition because of some bowel instinct, tell him that my opinions are better than his/hers (even if they aren't)
=( ...i like 4e...
I feel bad about criticizing 4e since I've never played it. It makes a good board game though
It makes a slow board game to be true, but it's the kind of tactical game I like
and it has problems like "lots of emphasis on movement, but at epic levels everyone teleports around"
My friends and I once roleplayed our way through a game of Monopoly.
So the "it's not an rpg it's a board game" line of criticism has never stuck with me. I understand its validity, but I never experienced the problem.
@sillyputty How are you still freinds?
My biggest problem with 4e is that I know it can be used for a good, classical, roleplay-full D&D experience. But being a bad roleplay-full DM, I can't demonstrate it.
@Aaron =P Mainly through the roleplaying! If I'm screwing over my friend in Monopoly it can be frustrating, but if Baron von Trusk, Slumlord and aspiring Railway Baron screws you over with an outrageous accent and a popping monocle, it's good times had by all.
Not to mention villainous twirl of the moustache.
@sillyputty I envy you and your groups ability to get into the roleplay
I like to RP but I get shy when speaking. I much prefer text RP
@DrewS I learned a long time ago that I hit the holy grail of play groups. I am always eternally grateful.
I had a decent group but our DM split and the others were not interested in doing a group without him DX
The group I play with now is good as is the group I run game with.
4 hours later…
The first US copyright law turned 225 this week! Happy birthday to it but DO NOT SING THE SONG IT IS VERY TOUCHY ABOUT THE SONG
reminder: the best way to say benedict cumberbatch is to the tune of photograph by nickelback
(While we're on the subject of copyright-sensitive songs.)
@BESW This made me laugh a lot, especially with today's stuff from the whole Happy Birthday debacle (which I am so curious to know how it will end.)
Is that this stuff with it being discovered in a book a decade prior to the copyright claims in a condition that forfeits copyright?
@doppelgreener -- yeah :)
@doppelgreener I'm especially fond of the bit where the relephant line of text was mysteriously the only burred text in the scan that was handed over in discovery.

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