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don't know if the news has come in yet. the supreme court decided that marriage equality is protected by the constitution across the USA, so that's a thing, though that's not the news I mean. Stack Overflow decided to change their logo for a while to celebrate it.
But also, @Sandwich got mentioned.
> On Stack Overflow we don't care if you're black, white, brown, or purple, as long as you know the answer to a programming question, you'll get the upvote. We don't care if you're straight, gay, trans, queer, asexual, intersexual, questioning, poly, or a sandwich, we only care if you're right. That's a fundamental, core value of Stack Overflow. Whoever you are, you are equal in our eyes.
OK, this is the most hilarious interpretation I've seen in a while
NWN's implementation of 3e basically says that anyone can wear any helm they want...so you can have a druid running around there with a platemail helm on! O.O
Hats are special.
They are very special.
Hats = Special
And yes
That statement was specifically targeting me, Sandwich.
Q: Does armour weight half as much when you wear it?

DanlodiaMy GM told me that if you wear armour it weighs half as much as if you carry it. Is this part of the official Pathfinder rules, or is it a houserule?

This question is silly
Why would armor weigh less when you put it on or change how its carried
It might make more sense if you use the term "encumbrance" instead of "weight". A suit of armour is more encumbering stuffed in a sack or backpack than it is draped correctly around the body, where shoulders and hips can share the weight. As posted below, I'm vaguely sure this was an AD&D 1st ed rule (but not sure enough to post as an answer). — Greenstone Walker Nov 19 '13 at 0:18
@Shalvenay Eh, hats are purely decorative anyway. It's not so much 'their interpretation' as 'they didn't care'. Besides, everyone's going to end up wearing the Gilded Circlet anyway.
I've only downvoted anything FOUR times
Tonight's our first proper Geek Night in a month, and the first time in about four or five months that we'll have Greener and his friend joining us. Last session, we ended in the middle of an adventure.
Normally I'd roll Greener and his friend into that and finish it off.
@Sandwich Just remember, if you see something that should be downvoted, you should downvote it. It's good for the site. Unless it's something of mine, obviously.
But tonight we've also got two new folks coming in for the first time!
They've got a tiny bit of not-so-great experience with D&D in another group a long time ago, and I've done one quick session of Roll For Shoes with one of them. They haven't met many/any of the rest of my group.
I'm kind of at a loss for how to manage this.
@Shalvenay Sorry, I meant the Golden Circlet.
Old folks coming back, new folks coming in, ongoing stories...
Also it's gonna be a big group: six folks counting me in person, and two more Skyping in.
@Miniman -- not in NWN :P helms can give AC
among others
or actually, I kinda take that back -- they're described as giving no additional protection, but can be enchanted for AC etal
@Shalvenay Or, yanno, immunity to mind-affecting effects. Which is why everyone wears the Golden Circlet.
(How can I put this - I've played through NWN and Hordes of the Underdark somewhere in the vicinity of five times.)
my friend just sent me this re: the supreme court ruling and i figure i'll share it here
@Miniman yeah -- I'm playing it purely for multiplayer though
@Shalvenay Ah, did they make Enchanting work?
(this is like... a meme upon a meme upon a meme)
(it is memeception)
@Miniman -- on the server I'm on, yes!
@Shalvenay Oooh.
@BESW we can abandon the regular stories and do whatever for now!
and go back to the regular stories next week or w/e
@doppelgreener Yeah. I'm just--eight people, two of them on Skype, two of them basically strangers and new to any system we use...
[glub glub glub]
@BESW Daniel is unable to attend tonight, he has a work shift
Aw. But also--whew.
I might also choose to bow out too - give you some more space, and instead spend time with a friend who's not had much opportunity to spend time with us recently
I would definitely like to see y'all again but I can wait, and Dan may be able to make it next week and I will too
I've been really looking forward to playing with you again, but I won't pretend it wouldn't be a relief to cut out the tech hassle and reduce the numbers a little, just for tonight.
Mmhm! No problem in acknowledging that, it's the truth!
Next session Dan and I will probably have our triumphant return
We should probably do so by driving a motor cycle through a window or a weak wall and announcing we got there as fast as we could
(Thats what the people who help resolve the plot halfway through often do, right?)
> A distant roaring becomes suddenly louder, and with a terrifying crash a leafy motorcycle smashes through the diner's wall, scattering waffles and sending the waitress diving for cover behind the milkshake counter. Agent Baker dismounts and takes off his helmet as the bike morphs into a tree-woman. "We came as soon as we could."
"... as soon as we could find an opening for this dramatic entrance."
So my character in Fate just lassoed a flying, power-mad James Cox (who is currently trying to smash her crew with a floating Washington Monument) with a broken chandelier. While wearing clothes she stole out of his closet previous. While a genius gorilla and a famous English aviatrix try to gun him down in a tank.
...James Cox the Governor of Ohio, or James Cox the goldsmith with a penchant for automata?
@BESW The Governer of Ohio.
The other one bought Oliver Cromwell's head for a private museum.
Now I want to make James Cox the automata-maker an NPC in a game.
He invented a clock that wound itself using barometric pressure!
Ooh. Fancy.
He's a little before SotC's 1920s, but then again, that means very little. xD
Augh. Just caught my governor typo after edit range closed. The feeling of defeat...
@BESW Ooh...
I think my favorite automata are karakuri, but that is probably on the same level.
A blacksmith’s forge; A key to a perilous place; A hunter, stern and cruel; On fire.
Ahah! Another tale of Hourkesh, is it?
Things are on fire, but I was actually leaning more towards the Prince of Shadow's proclivities for this one. Why don't we have both.
Something had changed within the Hunter one day. Once respected by all, he has grown cold and cruel. People fear him. People avoid him. And most importantly, people don't understand this change. Fortunately, they've heard of a magical forge. That's where you come in. Out of the hunter's regret and hope, you will forge a key that opens his heart. Literally, a portal will appear. Enter, and you may find out what's been burning him up from the inside.
mmm, nice.
@BESW do you have a good link about that one?
Cox's timepiece is a clock developed in the 1760s by James Cox. It was developed in collaboration with John Joseph Merlin (with whom Cox also worked on developing automata). Cox claimed that his design was a true perpetual motion machine, but as the device is powered from changes in atmospheric pressure via a mercury barometer, this is not the case. The clock still exists today but was deactivated at the time of the clock's relocation to the Victoria and Albert Museum of Great Britain. == Design and history == The clock is similar to other mechanical clocks, except that it does not need winding...
Hmm, with our SotC game over, my group has expressed interest in an RP regarding cool items. It's a bit late for serious thought, but I put my musings and BESW's suggestions out there and also emphasized that I wanted to focus on whatever it was that drew them to items in games.
Especially because, like, everything draws me to items in games... sometimes I'd sit there and figure out exactly what my rations were with the 3.5 Arms and Equipment Guide just because I liked the detail. I knew it would never, ever come up in game, nor would I attempt to make it come up. It was just fun.
Or was it 3.0? It's been so long since I looked at it. xD
@Pixie -- I will have to introduce you to Entity, Lord of the Items, someday ;)
That one and this one are the best:
And here's what happens when you aren't handicapped and you park in a handicapped spot: imgur.com/gallery/72ag3iw
enjoy the work of the most manic item collector in all of EVE Online
Oh, @doppelgreener, I've been meaning to talk to Dan about the possibility of making Agent Baker more psychic sooner.
'cause I got the impression he wants to.
I have ideas about that
I even included some things for him specifically in the session I prepped in case I needed to run something today
Oh, cool.
I had expected that we would have everyone with us, or at least Hobbs and Dan
Technically, it is just something Dan could use if he wanted to, it isn't intended to pressure or force him as a Player
@BESW i will let him know of this when he's next home
One day I will roll a 20. Someday.
You have to be pretty patient to collect 9000 items in eve
Or you can buy 100,000,000 Antimatter S
Then you have 100 million items! :D
things that confuse me: stargates have a big FWOOSH, and it's a plot point that it vaporises everything in front of the stargate
why does the iris stay intact?
and wow I am glad they chose to go with the Sphinx intro for the TV show at some point.
Yeah it doesnt make a lot of sense
Its a cool effect though
it sure is
tv logic has its demands
I like the Teleport rings
They just come down and like wah wah wah and shoop
@doppelgreener as I understand it, the iris is covering the opening so well that there isn't room for that FWOOSH effect
Thats like the coolest elevator
it's pretty much just a hand wave
@trogdor that it is
but credit to them for coming up with a reason for it
it has been years since I saw the show
Hahaha daang that's some serious glittering right there
Hope he doesnt get fined
A: How come the stargate doesn't burn through the iris?

BESWThe iris is so close to the event horizon that it disrupts the vortex. It's a handwave, sure, but the official explanation is that "if the event horizon is blocked to within a few microns, the vortex will be suppressed." (source) This works because they make a distinction between the vortex and...

I was basically right, if rather over brief and unsure about the exact details
you were
episode 2 finished
@doppelgreener Sadly, they abandon the "Sphinx" intro after a season or two, for a more standard clip montage.
@Sandwich It really is.
The elevator or the glittering?
@Sandwich The elevator.
Yeah the ring elevator in SG1 is pretty sick
And as a narrative device it has a lot of elegance.
Gives a quick, relatively cheap beam-me-up for plot convenience and avoiding travel padding, but has built-in limits to avoid a lot of the problems with Star Trek style teleportation.
Yep, its really a masterstroke of science fiction and alien technology
I don't really care for the extending laser pistols they use in SG1 though
And the staves are pretty lame
But the rings and the ships are amazing
Zat guns are a bit contrived, but useful.
And staff weapons are well-designed for exactly what they're intended to do: strike fear in the hearts of unarmed civilians.
@BESW apparently i have never seen those episodes then
(when talking about a stargate for which they have absolutely no video footage of the other side, because the film was black) "This is crazy. We don't know what could be waiting for us when we come through." "Don't you worry boys, that's why the SG-3 marines are coming with. You can count on us to watch your backsides." "Actually, it's more my front side I'm worried about."
oh daniel
so much sass
5 hours later…
@doppelgreener Daniel's progression from sassy sexy professor to sarcastic badass science-soldier is easily one of my favourite things about the show's multiseason character arcs.
(The one constant about Daniel's character is that he always gets more sexy alien action than everyone else combined.)
Daniel goes from geeky nerdpants to A REAL MAAN
@Sandwich who's also still a geeky nerdpants?
Pretty much yeah
> Capt. Carter: [reading from Daniel's Abydos diary] "Col. O'Neill thinks I'm a geek. I have no idea how to get us back. I'll never get paid."
I feel like this sums up Daniel pretty well.
It stopped being about getting paid, but the rest is right.
4 hours later…
1 hour later…
@Pixie I must introduce you to Aurora's Whole Realms Catalog, one of my all-time favourite gear books for people who love detail down to the exact rations. It's in the style of old Sears/Eaton's catalogues. :D No longer OOP, available now in direct download PDF!
@SevenSidedDie Oh, nice! It wasn't something I made a habit of (because ultimately it will never be important :P), but it was fun. I will enjoy this.
> "We are saved because you're carrying a pound of cashews and several gold worth of basil." - no one
@Pixie Yes. I have used it exactly once, but I have loved the book for twenty years and treasure the print copy I managed to find. I understand. :D
@SevenSidedDie Thanks for pointing me in its direction. I'd love to have a print copy of this as well as 3's Arms and Equipment Guide, but PDFs will probably suffice.
@Pixie I got mine on eBay. (The original copy I fell in love with was a friend's.) There are a surprising lot available, in the US$15–20 range. I guess TSR printed a lot of them and didn't sell as many as hoped. If shipping to you isn't a killer, it may be worthwhile.
@SevenSidedDie Neat. :o I'll keep that in mind.
@Pixie I am an enabler. v.v
I rarely buy anything but PDFs though, even for books I'm going to use frequently. I think one the few things I have in print is the Sailor Moon RPG and Resource Book. xD
I keep meaning to buy a print copy of Maid, and I know I'll wind up buying core 5e books someday whether I intend to use them or not because I'm in love with the art.
@Pixie I understand that too. I've been limiting myself to PDF for most new acquisitions, except for core stuff I know I'll use often.

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