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00:00 - 11:0011:00 - 00:00

@lisardggY The d30 sounds like a couch magnet.
Yeah. Way too round.
My DF group has several new players, and it shows how inexperienced they are with the simple act of rolling. :)
Years of dice-full gaming teaches you to roll low and flat. When you roll from on high, the dice bounce and roll away.
DF? Dresden Files? Dungeon Farce? DragonForce?
@lisardggY Apparently my friend with Bad Rolling Luck has been able to learn to roll a little better just by changing how he does it.
@lisardggY The best kind of Dresden, I think.
The source material's a little off in a lot of ways.
Yeah. We're a session or two away from the end of our second story, and it's the first time something explicitly Dresdenish has happened.
Specifically, a Warden showed up.
Oh, man. Our Dresden FAE alpha had PCs with such messed-up backstories that the campaign started with two of them hunted by a Warden and a third convinced the Warden was after him instead.
I've talked before about how limiting the setting can be in that respect.
We're much more peaceful. Sorta. Two humans, two supernaturals - a winter faerie, and a cursed immortal being who was cursed to turn into an eagle whenever she committed violence against humans.
@BESW Upon some consideration, I decided I rather dislike the sentiment portrayed here. First, it's obviously wrong. Just like there's spontaneous kindness there's petty cruelness. For every random hug there's someone kicking a dog. Just because. But more importantly, it implies that those who lead their lives based on reason and logic are evil, while those who live spontaneously are good.
@lisardggY Or use a cup
@Miniman Cup? Ha! Crutches for the craven and infirm!
It doesn't follow from what's being said, but it's implied - and the un-logical spontaneous side is presented as good which only serves to make the implication stronger. It's obviously a riff on the common sentiment of "no one thinks they're evil", everyone believes they have reasons for what they do. But it looses the nuance. And obviously it's 3 panels out of a huge work, and the larger context probably nullifies all of this. But as 3 stand-alone panels, no, dislike.
@lisardggY Yeah, the last time I had to roll 12d6 and didn't need to pick any off the floor makes me want to disagree with you
@Magician It does gloss over thoughtless cruelty, yes. But I'm pretty sure it's not saying that reason and logic are inherently bad and spontaneity is inherently good. And yes... context...
I think the main point trying to be made is that even someone doing something most observers would consider evil has some kind of reason for it
people are not likely to think they are evil
regardless of what someone else would define their actions as
@BESW I don't think it's meant to say that, but... "Evil is still being-- is having reason-- being reasonable!" "Is only good is not having reason".
I think what Ed is trying to say (and in context he's responding to someone saying exactly the opposite, that evil is hurting people for no reason) is that when someone does something bad, they usually feel the need to justify it, but that people don't really expect justification for good acts. But that's my reading into it.
(In even wider context, Ed's talking about himself.)
One day, I'll get around to reading it!
@BESW Actually, that's an interesting topic. How does one run games in an oppressive setting? World of Darkness or Shadowrun or Eclipse Phase or even DF. Where there are well established power structures much greater than the PCs. PCs do something, anything, to stand out, and the powers that be swat them like flies. And PCs tend to do things.
@BESW Our game is set in a fictional city - somewhere between Louisiana and Florida, approximately - that's very colorful and accepting, and so many supernatural entities hang out there as well. It's a relatively free place to be.
We had this problem in EP: PCs want to do all sorts of things, but don't because they know the retaliation will be swift and brutal. EP is tougher than many others in this regard, in that it's almost impossible to not leave recorded evidence.
@Magician I think it's about finding modes of expression for the PC's agency that fit the kind of stories the setting is set up to tell, and finding mechanics to encourage and reflect those modes.
Fate is, I think, an awful choice for the Dresden Files universe.
It makes sense in the way the Fate point economy encourages failure by using it to set up future success.
But the Dresdenverse has absolute caps on competency which Fate balks at, and... I've talked about this before. Let me dig that up.
in Fate chat and game room, Oct 31 '14 at 10:08, by BESW
@Tynam For me, it's that the setting itself is aggressively and violently opposed to anyone trying to change the status quo. Which is kinda what PCs are all about.
A system which is better suited to exploring personal/moral victories might make it more workable.
My Atomic-Robo-ish campaign is poised to rip the veil off the abnormal world, because my players feel they'll have more fun when anything big and dramatic doesn't have to get danced around so that normal folk don't notice it.
Paranoia is about failing to effect change.
@BESW Since we're only ish, we don't feel it limits us.
And none of us care much about system, anyway. We use the fate point economy as a tool to encourage action and to effect narrative change, but that's as far as it goes. Mostly freeform.
Shuffles in
Blaaarg. [Translation: Morning.]
@Aaron I believe it should be pronounced *BlaAarg", with the stress on the middle A.
@lisardggY Blåáarg.
@BESW Technically it should be written Blåáaduckduckduckrg. The duck is silent, you see.
Most ducks are... Sinister orchestral sting.
I stayed up way to late last night.
[raises eyebrow sardonically]
I couldn't sleep.
My mother has been going to some doctors and she finally told me some of what was going on. I knew it was cancer but they think it might be in her pancreas which means there is very little they can do if I understood right.
I'm sorry to hear that.
Oh, that's rough. Sorry to hear.
I know first-hand that parents' illnesses are rough. I got less than three hours of sleep last night because of my dad's latest developments.
=/ Oof, I'm sorry to hear that, @Aaron
She has been dealing with cancer nearly her whole life. Hopefully this goes like the others and they can remove it.
best comment ever to this closed question by F. Randall Farmer
Q: What wizard features does a bladesinger possess?

DolosI'm playing an eladrin bladesinger, but I cant figure out what wizard things I can use. Can an eladrin bladesinger use rituals? Can an eladrin bladesinger use wizard cantrips? And can someone tell me what longsword weapon proficiency actually does? Finally, since everyone online says blade...


Usually the power will say something to the effect of "Target, enemies in the burst." Or "Target: 1 creature in the burst." But I can't look it up while at work. Anyone know?
Nope, gotta wait for someone with access.
@sillyputty I no longer have a sub
but normally Id be all over that
in general though AV stuff is written really vaguely
some of it got an update via errata clarifying but there are still items and item rules that are ambiguous
the rulebooks for 5e might as well just be filled with blank pages
@BESW Fantastic.
Although nothing can quite beat Chris Hadfield's version, for entirely non-musical reasons.
@DavidReeve Sometimes I feel that way
@DavidReeve If you hate it that much, why answer questions about it?
@Miniman dat rep
I think 5e is frustrating, for me at least, because it attempts to go a narritvist route, but ultimately becomes an amalgam of previous edition rules operating primarily on DM fiat.
@Miniman because i like answering questions and i felt like the one that was there wasn't sufficient
it needs an errata that just says "we're so so sorry"
I haven't DMed 5e yet. The only thing I've done with it is play in a campaign that everyone went into with the express idea that it was going to be VERY loose. The standing rule about lore in the game is "Whatever I said most recently is correct." So a system that relies on Dm fiat actually works really well. It also helps that it's madcap and silly.
@sillyputty I'm on it
@waxeagle , you hero, you!
@DavidReeve did you see they are actually releasing a 2nd edition of the books and publishing an errata sheet?
why even publish the first printing then?
i think wizards jumped the gun leaving the testing phase, it really wasn't ready
I mean its mostly just wording fixes
2nd edition implies more than I meant to
lets say "updated and edited version"
@JoshuaAslanSmith So what you're telling me is that they knowingly released a product that wasn't properly edited and charged full price for it. Okay, sweet.
i mean 5e is clearly an unfinished product
they do retain some goodwill from me simply because the Drittz build for the ranger is a trap
Oh? Care to parse that out for me? I've only played a fighter.
Do we need to ask @waxeagle to unfreeze the 5e deconstruction room again?
@besw sure sorry, Im not trying to flame or bring down the tone of the room, just being a bit too flip about it I guess
Off to read the transcripts! Dons miner's helmet and pickaxe
You may also find 5e Overflow interesting.
Both rooms were created because around 5e's release there was a tendency to get edition wars in main chat.
thawed both in case they need additional discussion
Let's not revive any, please.
I know we can discuss the strengths and flaws of RPG systems, and how we personally engage with them, without making blanket statements about the objective value of games that other people do have fun playing.
Yes, all editions are equally valid in the eyes of our benevolent and loving Lord, Deca' Dohedron
Remember the Golden Rule of Gaming: Provided everyone is safe and happy, there is no wrong way to play.
@waxeagle Thanks.
@besw I'll say it now, if deadEarth isnt your favorite game system, then I dont wanna know you
@JoshuaAslanSmith oh, man. It's been way too long since I rolled up a three-pack of failure.
@BESW would gladly watch that happen again sometime
I still haven't managed to get a PC that was dead before play.
-completely monotone- Wait. Guysss. What about FATAL?
@BESW Yeah, kinda disappointing. And we came in with such high hopes of failure, too.
Useless, yes. Doomed, certainly!
@sillyputty I've heard a lot of bad things about it, but I don't think it can quite match deadEarth's totally ridiculous chargen sequence and the utterly ridiculous world-view implicit in the text.
deadEarth is funny because it's a broken game. FATAL is sad because its creator is a broken man.
@sillyputty see the golden rule, nobody's safe in FATAL
FATAL is too incoherent to merit examination. deadEarth's failure is spectacularly well-structured and multifaceted.
@sillyputty deadEarth isn't simply broken. It's not just that the creators couldn't decide if its post-apocalyptic wasteland did or did not have global satellite television.
It has all those snippets of failing to understand how stories work, how games work and how people work.
I consider deadEarth an immersive post-apocalyptic experience, inasmuch as it's the sort of game someone locked in a Fallout vault would write.
speaking of which, cant wait for fallout shelter to finally get ported over to android
@JoshuaAslanSmith Oh, looks awesome. I'd play that.
@Ben No I meant Setting. Really how rare an item is depends on setting.
@JoshuaAslanSmith They need to fix it first
It crashes a lot
3 hours later…
Woohoo, my copy of Dungeon World arrives today. Even if I don't actually play the game, I'll mine the rules for ideas. :)
2 hours later…
In Pathfinder is it possible to use two combat feats simultaneously in one attack? e.g. "Lunge" and "Power Attack"?
@mawimawi Yes, There's nothing that forbids you from using both feats simultaneously, you'll get a penalty to AC and to hit doing so, but as long as the use of the feats doesn't require an action you can use them together.
2 hours later…
Not yet 8am but I think I have my quote of the day: "The world's older than it is long." (source)
@Aaron So, for example the chance of me finding dragon's blood on the edge of a forest in a small barbarian town is unlikely except for the possibility of a strange crippled old man that for some reason shows an interest in me and reveals he's selling dragon's blood? Lol
Mornin' all
Hahaha you'd have problems finding dragons blood anywhere, unless you can find a spell that uses it as a component and find it in a component shop
Here at Guano Guys we maintain the best and most cost effective Guano for all your Fireball needs, At Guano Guys, all of our bats are fed the highest quality summoned mosquito swarms to insure that you get the Guano you need. Guano Guys, we'll handle poo, For you!
Yeah, but even the Ye Olde Alchemical and Spell Component Shoppe is only going to have a few vials of dragon's blood, not enough to fill a bathtub.
You could use the spell Major Creation to create the volume of Dragon's blood you need
I'm not sure if Minor Creation would suffice
But it might!
Depends on how your GM wants to field that one
Yeah, I'd suggest that dragon's blood probably counts as magical.
(Also, 5e doesn't have Major and Minor Creation - I think you mean Fabricate.)
Oh its a 5e question
Yeeeah Fabricate then
There's also the distinct possibility that anyone trying to acquire that much dragon blood is going to attract a LOT of unwanted attention, not least from dragons.
Yeah definitely dragons
I wouldn't be surprised if the dragons ran the spell component shops
Guano Guys is just a clever ruse
On the other hand, it's quite possible that the best route to take is to convince a dragon to help you out.
Get a sponsor.
@BESW What, like, "Hey there buddy, can I have all your blood? I'm looking to upgrade my bathing experience."
A sufficiently large dragon could donate without dying.
A sufficiently cunning dragon could see it as an opportunity to take out a rival.
Either way if you're looking to join the ranks of dragonkind it'd be good to have a sponsor to vouch for you.
BESW raises an interesting and plausible point
If you can find a dragon big enough and evil enough to donate their blood to your cause you can likely convince them that you'll kill one of their rival dragons in return
@Sandwich Why so complicated, if he can just convince you to take all of his rival's blood?
Well you could just kill him and take his blood
Well yes, but then it'd be you vs a dragon, instead of you + a dragon vs his rival dragon.
The odds are much more in your favour of actually winning in the second case.
@doppelgreener Except that the dragons aren't actually rivals, and they manipulated you into this situation so they could kill you together. #don'ttrytofarmdragons
You could just get a gold dragon of a large enough variety to sell their blood
They do love them some gold and gems
You could do that with any good dragon though
The evil ones would be likely to kill you after you pay them
@Miniman Haha yes
If I were the GM, no amount of wealth would suffice. Since the point of the exercise is to become more dragon-like, any dragon deserving of his creature type would give the PC a set of tasks to "prove his worth" where "worth" is defined by the dragon's agendas.
(Hello, campaign hooks.)
It turns out that Guano Guys is actually run by a Red dragon syndicate and you must destroy them from the inside out
But they make a killing selling you potions of resist dragon fire and hire goons to kill you so you'll never be able to reach them and use the potions
The goons were then told to break all of your potion bottles so you'd have to buy more
In the end the potions turned out to be colored water
So clearly the moral here is that everyone should always buy potions of resist goon.
@Sandwich Oops.
@Miniman I'm now picturing a heroic-looking dude in battle dress, rushing in and attacking you. It does no damage. He realises he is a goon, breaks down in tears, and leaves to re-evaluate his life.
Not at all like another potion seller, who doesn't do much business at all, it would seem.
> You're an unimportant character in a game, ponder what that means for your life.
From this.
On an entirely different note:
@Miniman ...I once convinced an NPC that I was herself.
Of course, that was the epic doppelgänger whose Bluff was high enough that detect thoughts only ever picked up the Knight2King Theory.
@BESW I can't speak for NPCs, but personally, I'd take a swing at myself if I met me.
Guano guys can make that happen with a small pocket mirror and a scroll of Mirror Image Mini
@Sandwich Nah, they just fade away as your fist goes through them. Not satisfying at all.
BTW, 3.5 doppelgängers are a good example of a creature never designed for PC use. All by itself having detect thoughts at will threatened to break my GM.
Not because I was smashing through his plots--this GM didn't have plots--but because coming up with the surface thoughts of every NPC we encountered is silly.
See also: Golden Sun.
You have Mind Read at will and every NPC has surface thoughts for you to look at.
Ranging from hints to fourth wall breaking to random silliness.
I may start giving my NPCs trains of thought like "I sometimes feel like there's something out there, watching everything I do. And other times I feel like I don't even exist."
And don't forget the RPG-NPC Simulator.
I like playing around with the concept of video game NPCs who only say one thing, because it's hard to reconcile that with actual people and not have it turn out hilarious. I think there was an episode of The Hero Yoshihiko that had a town full of NPCs forced to keep it up as a comedy act.
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