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00:00 - 06:0006:00 - 00:00

What you should do is clone the moon
So you have TWO moons to pull the water away
@Sandwich Yell at the moon until its feelings are hurt and it decides to go play by itself, removing the issue of the moon and its tide-meddling entirely.
(and ruining a whole lot of things in the process)
Without the moon the water from the ocean would actually be way more stable I think.
The only waves would be created from winds
Or underwater currents
@Pixie Make it less trivial! Maybe the party has to find the hidden shrine and the holy book hidden there, to prove the falseness of the prophet. The only wrinkle being, the hidden shrine of the Goddess of Mercy is in the death row of the harshest prison of the Dragon Empire.
I wonder if the existence of significant tides had a positive effect on the origins of life in the oceans? Especially with the moon being closer in the early times.
Obviously the moon caused the destruction of the dinosaurs
The moon got full, and the saiyans turned into giant monkeys and killed all the dinosaurs
@Magician Oh, I didn't mean "fits together effortlessly" in a bad way. There are plenty of places to go with it, expected and unexpected.
I mean, really, what didn't cause the downfall of the dinosaurs?
Then there were no more dinosaurs
@Sandwich The sun causes some currents but not as much as the moon, so they'd be much weaker.
Maybe the moon swung so close to the earth one point
That the dinosaurs got sucked onto the moon and suffocated
@Grubermensch the dinosaurs
@Grubermensch in what sense? certainly water movement helped early life move around, and brought it new water
or to new places with different materials available
The dinosaurs left on earth were shut ins who sat inside, watched anime, and tried having sex with their dakimakura so they died out
And thats the story of how anime was created
@Grubermensch hahaha!
@doppelgreener I mean as opposed to a similarly-positioned planet with liquid water but not a supermoon. Earth is a mighty weird place in the universe, as far as we've seen.
@Grubermensch ah, not sure then. not a professor of fluid dynamics Dx
what i do know however is it's been found that the pores in rocks surrounding volcanic vents was a very hospitable place for early life to form
there's all the right molecules and elements available, there's heat, and the pores themselves have enough water current to bring it all together and help it accumulate, but not enough that it gets torn apart before anything can form
(so a little bit analogous to planetary formation :D)
@doppelgreener Which makes a pretty good argument for life evolving pretty much all over the place.
What. I'm feeling so ripped off rn
@Sandwich It only does the Noble Six, alas.
41 it is then
@Grubermensch yep, pretty much
I own a 1d100
Its huge
And quite ignoble.
And functions as a bludgeoning weapon
Very ignoble.
a lot of scientists studying the origins of life nowadays are coming to the conclusion that life is pretty much inevitable given enough time, and environments that won't simply destroy it
Oh man
I would've ended up as a goblin on the reincarnation table
@Grubermensch You mean the Noble Five + the entirely non-noble d10, right?
That would've sucked
@Sandwich but you would've very quickly become something else on the reincarnation table, by adventure standards
@Miniman Sssshhhh we-do-not-speak-of-such-things
The Noble six, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12?
And uh, 20
That's six
skip 2
4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 20
Ordinarily I'd say the Noble Seven, but unfortunately we don't support d10-major.
2 is important!
we don't have that one
Not a die
i may be confused about what the noble six refers to
allow me to present the actual d2 though:
@doppelgreener That is probably because I made it up just now
That looks like a d1
Any die can be a D2 toppel
it is actually a d6, this was just fabulous coincidence XD
They're all divisible by 2
@Sandwich yes
@doppelgreener The Noble Five are the dice that are platonic solids. The d10 is a mockery of a real die.
Thats why they're so important
@Sandwich NOT THE D7.
The d7 and the d13 are MYTHS
I refer to the standard D&D dice set.
Cylindrical dice aren't DICE
@Sandwich @SevenSidedDie you are a myth
the dice roller is on a roll tonight
there we go XD
Balance has been restored to the diceforce
@Sandwich It's also a myth that the d13 only ever rolls 1s. Yep, definitely a myth.
my precccciioooooouuuuusssssss
Attack missed :(
@Sandwich Are those Crystal Caste? I have one of their d10s like that. Mainly, it looks neat.
Activate Memory-Reweaving Discipline to remove the memory of these dice shenanigans from all of your minds.
@Grubermensch Maximum dice in a single roll is 9
6 successes
Also, I just came up with a character concept: A Wizard who believes in the sanctity of geometry and will therefore only cast spells that use dice that are platonic solids.
Platonic solid?
@Pixie does it work well?
@doppelgreener I haven't gotten the chance to use it a lot. Maybe I'll dig it out and use it with some of my d100 tables.
i vaguely remember comments like "it rolls so well it goes right off the table" but that's the case for the regular d20 too
Heh, yeah. I roll everything in a box to prevent that.
(Also my cats try to steal dice.)
out of the box?
The box makes it easier for me to shield the dice from the cats. :P
I once left a few of my giant Bicycle d6 stockpile on my desk and then realized my mistake... not that I need them. xD Sometimes I give them some of those just to distract them while I roll other dice.
I need another set of polyhedrals at some point, actually. I'm always afraid I'm going to lose my amethyst ones, and that's the only full set I have.
@Pixie I've ended up with 6 sets just because every time I'm in the store I'm like "Another one would be really convenient, and it's only $10..."
@Miniman Heh, I wish I had a convenient game store. I'm not even sure what's around here anymore.
There's a game store I walk past every morning on my way to work. Of course, they open after I walk past, and close before I head home :(
@Pixie One of the pluses to being in a large town/small city - there are 4 gaming stores here. (Although 1 is extremely new and another I didn't know existed till recently.)
Large Town/Small City? Well... By worldwide definitions, I'm going to assume that could be any capital city we have, except for Hobart which is so small it doesn't count.
I actually live in a pretty big city, but... P: There's like two, maybe? And the ones I'm familiar with aren't around anymore. It seems like all the game stores are actually in the smaller towns in my area.
There used to be a big, nice one pretty close to my house, but that was a dying mall, so it was gone before I ever really poked around in it. :c
And one I know for sure still exists... they have a much bigger location in a smaller town. xD
Always the way, isn't it?
Hagåtña (pronounced [həˈɡɑtɲə] ), formerly English Agana /əˈɡɑːnjə/ and in Spanish Agaña, is the capital of the United States territory of Guam. From the 18th through mid 20th century, it was Guam's population center, but today it is the second smallest of the island's 19 villages in both area and population. However, it remains one of the island's major commercial districts in addition to being the seat of government. == Etymology == "Hagåt" (also romanized as haga', with a glottal stop instead of a syllable-final "t") means "blood" in the Chamorro language. The suffix "-ña" can be translated...
Doesn't count, not Australian. But wow, that's a small capital.
Hardly anyone lives in it anymore, just around it.
yeah, there really isn't much residential space left anymore anyway
i am looking forward to those extradimensional real-estate development investment opportunities
one day we'll run out of space in the third dimension and someone will decide it's about time we started filling out along the fifth dimension
there are not all that many hazards to doing so, once you get past the multidimensional all-consuming glutton worms whose enormous size is theoretically just the portion of them visible from the perspective of the fifth dimension
their extradimensional nature makes fencing a problem but we will figure out a way
> Condo for rent: e bedrooms and √2 baths, in a truly transcendental neighbourhood.
Wow... Trying to understand that e or Transcendental numbers just hurts my head :(
I've always been pretty good at the ideas of math. It's the numbers that trip me up.
> In mathematics, a transcendental number is a real or complex number that is not algebraic—that is, it is not a root of a non-zero polynomial equation with rational coefficients.
i need me a different language for explaining this
> A transcendental number is a real number that is not the solution of any single-variable polynomial equation whose coefficients are all integers. - source
so a transcendental number is one that cannot be reached by an equation? (if that equation has only one input variable)
ok i think i get it.
I'm glad you do, I sure don't.
may i see if i can explain it? (and maybe BESW will be able to correct me if I'm wrong at some point)
I'd normally say yes, but I just finished work for the day, so go ahead and try, and I'll see if I understand tomorrow :P
That being said, I don't think I'll ever need it anyway, so I'm quite happy not knowing lol
ok :)
i'll write it out anyway to see if i can articulate it and get fact-checked.
a polynomial equation is one where we can go: 8 + x + 4x² + 3x³ and so on that get used in graphing. What makes it polynomial is just that pattern of having x, maybe assigning it a power, maybe multiplying it.
a single integer also counts
if we keep piecing together bits of the form Ax^B, adding, multiplying, etc, we have a polynomial equation
4 + 8 is technically polynomial, 4 + 8x also is.
Write down a digit, and we can probably reach it using the right polynomial equation.
Pi and e are exceptions to this. We don't know an equation with only one variable (x) that produces pi. We need two variables; radius and circumference.
that's it
that's all there is to it for a trascendental number
given one variable, no amount of adding it together, multiplying it, dividing it, squaring it, cubing it, doing other operations to it, can produce a transcendental number. they transcend that kind of equation!
What about e ?
that is a good question
i think because it is an irrational number
the polynomial is infinitely long
Multiple variables isn't the key.
An algebraic number is one which can be expressed using algebraic terms and no irrational numbers.
A transcendental number is a number which can't be expressed within those limits.
What disqualifies e?
Hmm. Let me back up. Sorry, maths are still not easy for me, and I'm kinda distracted.
My math skills are visual and verbal, not textual--strange as it may seem, since most everything else about me is textual--so it's challenging to dynamically communicate maths in writing.
M'rr. Look at this and I'll get back to you later.
@doppelgreener Basically, it's really hard to prove anything is a transcendental number, because it's actually proving a negative.
Transcendental numbers sit there, daring mathematicians to prove exhaustively that they can't be defined by a certain kind of expression.
@BESW ok, so there's something in there i don't understand
because if e = 1/1 + (1/1+2) + (1/1+2+3) to infinity i don't understand why that isn't algebraic
or isn't polynomial or whatever
@doppelgreener I do see the relevance of the dupe, but as the first answer provides it's about the plot hooks in the story as well. I just thought I'd talk about it it here so we don't convolute the comment section
If any discussion does occur that is,
Mm. Usually those responses should at least start in comments, and we take it to chat if it'll get too much - otherwise we wind up having discussion and coming to conclusions the rest of the site attempting to moderate the question aren't privy to.
GMNoob's already suggested it may not be a dupe
Ok, so you think we should keep it in the comments?
Ok, I'll move my first comment there now
it might just flat-out be a case of "oh, yeah, this isn't a dupe, whoops"
@doppelgreener It would mean e IS algebraic, if that were true.
But when we assume it's true, we discover that we can use this assumption to prove a certain variable is both non-zero and zero.
Thus, we can prove that assuming e is algebraic produces contradictions.
...so e isn't algebraic.
...which means it's transcendental, definitionally.
[waits for Actual Maths People to point and laugh]
@BESW ooooooooooooooooo.....
Remember: transcendent proofs are proof of a negative.
The easiest way to do that, usually, is to assume the positive and then work until you find a point where assuming the positive breaks things.
- If not x [e is algebraic] then y [e is transcendent].
- If x, then z [k has a non-contradictory value].
-- Not z [k has contradictory values], therefore not x, therefore not y [e is transcendent].
And now for something not all that different:
2 hours later…
@BESW That bit that pokes into the foot near the big toe looks painful.
Cthulshoe, like Cthulhu, is dangerous but alluring.
...how rare is dragons blood
@Ben What setting?
Hullo all. Hope everyone is having/has had a fine day.
M'rr. Hi.
2 hours later…
> A questing tentacle
Gleaming, it rises from the zee. It coils lazily around a zailor, who does not speak, or cry out. She only steps into its embrace, and is gone.
No one
Ask, and no one will answer.
Did you imagine it?
The zee is quiet. Nothing stirs. But you saw the moon-pale limb of the monster... was it there? Did the zailor leap? Surely you didn't push her. Surely.
My character in Sunless Sea maaaay be going slightly mad.
Might be
Is sunless sea a lovecraftian game?
It's definitely one of the influences, but not a major one.
I feel like I should downvote this answer. While technically correct it does not back up the answer at all with evidence. Should I just leave it be or downvote it for not clarifying.
A: The unbodied in an anti-magic field

Dale MYou're right, he's wrong, "incorporeal undead" is a compound noun, not two nouns.

Q: Alchemist vs. Alchemy

KRyanJust a note, I just added tag wikis for alchemy and alchemist and cleaned up a few questions for each. I decided against synonymizing because a distinction was apparent in their emergent usage, and because it parallels the distinction we have between e.g. wizard and spellcasting. Actually, for t...

@waxeagle Game tomorrow?
Was checking out dice sets on amazon - had no idea there are fair dice with an odd number of sides. 5-sided? 7-sided?
@RobertF yup, gamescience used to make a whole bunch of different sizes
@Grubermensch yes!
@Grubermensch also, g+ tells me it's your birthday so Happy Birthday!
@Grubermensch - Happy birthday!
@waxeagle - I found a set of 18 unusual dice on amazon made by Impact! Miniatures. Now I just need to find a reason to roll a 7 sided die!
Ooh, you can also buy sets of blank six-sided dice with stickers so you can make customized dice. Nice
One of my RPGs, Advanced Fighting Fantasy, has an unusual system for rolling weapon damage - you roll d6 but instead of 1=1 pt damage, 2= 2 pts, etc., it can be a nonuniform distribution, eg 1-3=1 pt damage, 4=2 pts, 5=3 pts, 6=5 pts. You also roll for random armor damage resistance the same way.
It's a neat gimmick, but makes it difficult to calculate average damage results on the fly.
@doppelgreener It's true, I am a myth.
2 hours later…
@RobertF Because 7 is the best number.
One of my favorite dice is a d12 with zodiac signs instead of numbers. It's completely useless, but I love it.
@Pixie it could provide an interesting piece of a resolution mechanic in a story game. Similar to how Tarot are used in say Everway
@waxeagle That's true! Probably a little more than I'd like to keep up with, though. I don't think I'd find it intuitive. But it certainly sounds cool.
And now I sort of want to play Ogre Battle again. You draw tarot cards at certain points which influence your statistics and can be used in battle.
would the kind residents of Chat downvote this community ad? the image is broken and the creator doesn't appear to be maintaining it
(alternatively, if someone knows where to find the original image, updating with a good link from imgur would work)
but either way, it'd be nice to lose the broken image ad
it's below the threshold now. Hopefully they'll fix it asap thanks to your comment
Ah, community ads. The only time "please all serially vote this answer down" is acceptable practice.
Awww yis
Creative use of spells
I love questions like that
How to speak with an Ice toad
Hey gang, I could use help with formatting this question better. I feel as though I didn't do it properly (maybe I did!). rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/63968/…
I'd say that TMNT / After the Bomb covers Post apocalypse pretty well
@KRyan Odd. The image is actually there, just not displaying in-post. Perhaps they've messed up their file permissions and blocked direct links. I've rehosted it on stack.imgur in any case.
Covers all the bullet points anyway
@Sandwich is that one game?
It's...Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?
Yeah After the bomb is published under the rules of TMNT
Its about a Post Apocalyptic world where humankind is destroyed by nuclear weapons, which also simultaneously causes animal life to mutate
Interesting. On the list to show my playgroup it goes.
Players choose an animal and they can choose certain mutations based on a currency called "Bio-E" when making characters, which is short for Bio energy
Perhaps I should have just asked this question in chat...I'm a little wary of asking a game recommendation question on the site but...
The other one I'd say fits the bill would be RIFTS
But I'd say After the bomb is more fun
They're all sold by Palladium Books though I believe
Cool! I'll keep them in mind. Thanks! =)
Q: Where can I find a compilation of After the Bomb material?

SandwichI'm looking into hosting a game in the After the Bomb campaign setting, as I played in one before and it was really a lot of fun, however I'm having issues finding all the resources needed to run the game, as well as a lot of information on how to create characters, what system the game runs on, ...

The comments there link to the story behind the actual game system
But its definitely a fun game
@SevenSidedDie Very strange. Well, undid my downvote.
I just thought of the most terrifying monster in D&D History
Sentient Psionic bees.
Is there a 4e wiki or SRD?
@Aaron what do you mean? Which game? DnD 5e... if that's what you're asking
1 hour later…
@Ben D&D 5e's default setting is Forgotten Realms, which was also published for AD&D, AD&D 2e, and D&D 3e/3.5e and the default setting for most/all of those.
So game is separate to setting, to clarify it for you, but your answer gives Aaron his answer.
(but in the future there will probably be other settings published for D&D 5e.)
Forgotten realms > Greyhawk
@Ben Dragon's blood should be pretty rare
If you want some, (especially if you want enough to bathe in), you're probably going to have to kill a dragon
Also, when I looked up half-dragons last night I found a crucial piece of information you may want to know before you do everything you can to become one - they don't actually get wings.
Morning folks :)
@Miniman Yeah, I noticed that too. As I (sort of) hinted in my question about "backstabbing my friend" the DM suggested I could get wings, but I wouldn't really like the process
Q: I'm a quarter Draconian, a quarter Dragonborn and half Half-Dragon?

GMNoobWhat are the differences between "Dragonborn", "Half-Dragon", and "Draconian" races in D&D? In the Hoard of the Dragon Queen adventure, for example there is a Half-Dragon npc. I had assumed that when writing the adventure they were only allowed to use known material from Basic, and so renamed t...

apparently draconic bloodline sorcerers can get wings? (bloop 2)
@doppelgreener Yep, but it's at a pretty high level. Definitely not something you can dip for.
@Miniman that is the theme of anything cool in D&D, so yeah
@Ben by the way, regarding your player betrayal question: you may want to bear in mind there are things that make a difference between a good story and a good roleplaying experience
e.g. it is often (but not often enough) said to GMs who have constructed an entire complex fantastic detailed story they want to walk the players through, that they should instead write a novel, and GM something else other than that story.
likewise... stabbing your friend and taking their stuff is OK story material, but could just make you a jackass if you don't handle the situation well.
(and betrayal is difficult to handle well, because it is betrayal)
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