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a lot of complaints I've heard from friends regarding various D&D games with strangers is because of other players going for things that were good from their character's story perspective, but not a good roleplaying experience.
@doppelgreener Exactly. I'm really not thinking of this happening overnight, and even if I do end up carrying it out, there's going to be some extreme planning and cooperation involved, and even then that'll only be if everyone is willing to cooperate.
If one person says, no - I'm going to scrap the plan :)
@Ben cooperation with full awareness and consent of the rest of the real-life human players in your group?
Well... at least for everyone involoved. I'm thinking I might leave one or two of them out of the loop, (but only the ones that are not directly involved)
That is to say, if I’m planning to kill Bob, I’d talk to the GM and to Bob, get their consent, plan it out and all that jazz with them so they know exactly what will be happening. But I might leave Dave and Joe out of the loop, just to see the look of surprise on their faces when it happens, but fill them in later on :)
FYI, StoryBundle has a video game ebook bundle, that also includes all 4 volumes of Designers & Dragons (if you pay over the $12 threshold)
So @doppelgreener long and short - yes
@doppelgreener needs a wiki.
@Ben good :)
Did I tag my question with that? And should I?
@BESW no! ha-haaaaa! #betrayal
@Ben I added that tag to it myself.
Oh ok. Ta :)
@BESW added
So going back to my question about dragons blood... the monster manual suggests one method of becoming a half dragon involves a ritual with dragon's blood. How much is unclear, along with the purity of it. Is that ever defined anywhere or is that just up to the DM?
@Ben That's purely a tidbit for DMs to expand on or ignore as they please.
The effects of becoming a half-dragon are well spelled out, the method is entirely up to the DM.
Figured as much :)
Isn't that the way with anything? The effects are bound in rules, but the method is entirely left to the imagination?
@Ben Also, Reincarnate definitely won't work.
@Miniman what did you find out?
@Ben All it does is change someone from one PHB race into another.
Ah. Makes sense
Well, this is exciting.
I hope you don't mind, but can I encourage people to organise something to keep me occupied? :)

 The Back Room: Live Tabletop Games

A space for online tabletop gaming.
@Nyoze not so!
sometimes the method is bound in rules. sometimes the rules are unclear and the effects are entirely left to the imagination. ;)
I never knew that about Burning Hands...
@Miniman btw, fug out Golden Sun last night :)
@Nyoze Some games clearly separate effect and fictional method as a crucial piece of the design, some deliberately make them inseparable, and yet others are ... vague, at best, about the design's stance of their separation/mingling. Most games fall into the third category, for better or worse.
@Nyoze which says something about how important it is - you can ignore it. but there you go.
@SevenSidedDie -- do you have any non-manually-tedious suggestions for running FATE and friends in the back room? Our roller doesn't jive with dFs...
When it comes to How compared to What, I'm always reminded of the Cleric spells. You spend 1 hour doing Something, and you are gifted with spells in return. One would assume that everyone's version of meditation or supplication changes, and it's usually hand waved, but it's still there somewhere.
Q: RPG.SE Chat Fudge dice: a userscript for Fate & Fudge games

doppelgreenerAvailable on Greasy Fork: RPG.SE Chat Fudge Dice RPG.SE's chat rooms support dice rolls as an easter egg. This script will convert d6 rolls that you see into Fudge dice, using the ordinary conversion rules: 1–2 = minus, 3–4 = blank, 5–6 = plus. You can enable or disable these dice on a per-room...

@Nyoze -- yep.
2 hours later…
This question makes me want to run a game with dungeon player characters.
how do you edit posts in SE chat?
@Shalvenay hit up to back to that post, or click the [V] arrow on the left of the post
you can only edit within ~2 minutes of having posted it
@Miniman 13th age has the concept of Dungeons as living (sort of) creatures (sort of)
@doppelgreener Oooh?
@Miniman they are sort of like... enormous architectural worms that burrow up from the depths of the earth
they have an internal ecosystem of monsters and puzzles and doodads
and adventurers dive in and attempt to defeat them
they're probably kinda suicidal, given they seem to seek people out to defeat them
That sounds awesome.
Wait, do the adventurers know that it's a living organism?
Reminds me of Dungeonman from Earthbound
> The shifting labyrinth (ed: of the Stone Thief, the titular living dungeon) fits with the 13th Age ethos, too – it’s not a dungeon crawl, it’s a dungeon stride boldly forward and don’t worry about mapping every 20′ x 20′ room.
@Miniman yes, the nature of dungeons are widely understood in the 13th age setting. and as you can see from the picture, it's kinda obvious.
i will assume that the reason Miniman is suddenly silent is that his mind has been totally blown
That's what I always assume when I say something and no one responds: they can't figure out a reply worthy of the brilliance.
And yeah, living dungeons are great. They provide an excuse for putting whatever you want into your dungeon: the thing continuously gobbles up places, often along with people, and rearranges them inside.
@Magician nobody knows where they come from either, right?
they just come from... somewhere... way down deeper than anyone's ever reached
and make their way upwards for whatever reason
I think so - there may be stuff in the Eyes of the Stone Thief that elaborates. But I wouldn't be surprised if they spontaneously awaken. Would really suck for the original owner of the dungeon.
So they could either be real dungeons that decided to wake up, or something down there could just... happen... and stone decides to become alive.
@doppelgreener Sorry, I had a sudden and total existence failure which has now been fixed.
Existence has failed, rebooting. Please wait...
@Miniman The worst!
@doppelgreener Luckily there was a quantum mechanic available on short notice.
That was unexpected. Not arguing, it does make sense. Just surprised it took so long for someone to decide it was opinion based. (Referring to my latest question about party betrayal)
Though I suppose most of my confusion comes from the fact that a lot of my questions get the same treatment (seemingly opinion based), but they never get closed..?
@Ben There's a certain category of questions that are right on the line between broad but still answerable, opinion-based but can come under GSBS. They tend to accumulate close votes slowly, and are quite likely to get reopened.
For example, yours already has a reopen vote (and it got its first close vote about 15 hours ago).
it takes time for close votes to accumulate sometimes
and sometimes it just takes time for someone to cast that first close vote
i have been trying to form a habit of thinking about it for a while before casting a close vote
That dragons in D&D question is very specific about D&D, which is a shame. Because my first response was "D&D dragon party in Fate? Easy. D&D dragon party in D&D? Hahahahano."
D&D is all about humanoids killing dragons. You'd be fighting the system all the way to play a dragon in it. Which is a shame, because I remember being excited about the idea when Draconomicon came out.
That's not really fair though. Fate can technically handle anything.
You can't make a dragon sorcerer who burninates the country side and razes some paladins?
That being said, I'd love to play a dragon defending his horde from adventurers.
@Magician With all players as dragons, the only really tricky bit would be challenging the party.
@Nyoze so long as it fits within fate's narrative requirements, at least
Yeah, that's a point.
@Nyoze That's the point. Fate lets you make up whatever you want. D&D has non-trivial mechanical investment in humanoids. It's not a bad thing, just a thing.
Awww yis
I'm so good at league of legends
Such Mejais
@Magician Yeah, well... If you could anything you wanted and not worry about the rest of the system, it makes even the attemp of balance kinda pointless.
Very 4/0
Many kill
@Sandwich Which champ?
Doesn't count.
@Sandwich Time to upgrade your challenge! Make the jump to Dota!
@Miniman Does it count if I migrated from Dota to LoL? :(
Dota is less about skill and more about picking the right heroes
League for lyfe
@Sandwich Wow... Have you ever actually played Dota? :\
@Sandwich Say what now?
Yeah man, play Invoker spam spells all day :U
<- Troll
And... That's why you lose? :P
Nah in all seriousness I don't play the game because I don't like the camera perspective
It makes me feel less like a Legendary hero and more like an ant
An ant with moderately interesting abilities
Its harder to make fun of than Heroes of Newearth though
Okay, in all fairness... I've never played Dota2. But I miss Dota1 from time to time...
Haha, I played that once. It was so bad I burninated it from my memory.
You don't need to make fun of HoN...just admitting it exists is insult enough.
Just a look at the Champions list in HoN is enough for a good laugh
The artwork is laughable and theres zero characterization
The skins don't even look like the same person if you use them
What's so bad about HoN?
You can tear into it if you like, I don't have a stake in it. I just remember hearing about it when it first came out, and it was full of stunlocks.
Theres some uh
The problem with HoN is that you take the characters from Dota, buff the offense up to the level of someone in LoL, but don't increase their defensive ability. At all.
And the maps are kind of "Funny"
But not the funny haha
@doppelgreener So, imagine if someone played a mod on Minecraft, and decided that it would be a better game if it had a dedicated engine, because it doesn't really work within the constraints of Minecraft. So they go make their dedicated engine, and somehow end up with something that's harder to use and far less fluid than the original mod.
So you can play a full tank, and still get dropped in about 0.5 seconds.
@Miniman Exactly.
@Nyoze Offense here meaning damage, of course.
Both non-damage related offense and non-damage related defense are orders of magnitude higher in Dota than LoL.
As background I do know about DotA and its roots in WC3, and how IceFrog collaborated with Valve to create DotA 2 in its own engine
i was there during the transition :D
And there are some interactions with champion abilities, such as an ability that steals a huge amount of another champions mana leaving low mana champions useless in a fight
@Miniman Yeah, pure damage. LoL doesn't have a lot of CC at all that isn't slow. By contrast, almost every hero in Dota has access to at least one stun.
Things of that nature
So HoN is tuned heavily to benefit offensive strategies, which makes... y'know... being alive and doing things difficult?
@Miniman I'm a defensive player though... I don't use CC to gank. I use CC to protect my team. If you need CC to get kills, your playing it wrong :P
@doppelgreener Exactly.
@Nyoze By that logic, everyone's playing it wrong.
(Also, there's more than a few heroes who, played properly, cannot be killed without CC, so...uh...huh?)
@Miniman That's why I won a lot more often then I lost. Until I stopped playing like a year and a half ago.
I get kills by being good mechanically
Wanna see my lux game replay? :P
4/0/4 and ended up with a Mejais with 16 stacks before they surrendered
so... HoN's just got its combat mechanics tuned in a pretty un-fun way
invincible heroes, crippling abilities, emphasis on damage-based offense to the exclusion of the relevance of non-damage offense?
@doppelgreener Also crappy interfaces, balance problems, and some major issues with its business model until well into its lifecycle.
@Miniman what were those business model problems?
@Sandwich I'm sorry.. Wtf? That was just... =\
That was someone cutting specific trees down in the side lanes so they could take advantage of badly coded vision
@Sandwich what am i looking at there?
And using said issues to escape ganks
oh, they could duck into crevasses between the trees and become entirely hidden from sight?
Yeah. The ability to move into places you aren't able to see is... Not good.
that sounds doubleplusungood
(Was a long time ago, though)
the one thing HoN did have going for it was you could still deny... Which just made the power difference even larger.
@doppelgreener Sorry, my bad. It was a game you had to buy, it switched to a LoL-type system.
@Miniman Well... To be fair, you only had to buy it for a period of like, 2 years in the middle.
The original Beta was free, and all Beta members had access to the full game at no cost.
youtube.com/watch?v=68V5A8KUa-A An explanation on using a hatchet to escape vision
@Nyoze It was a closed beta, though, right?
League does have some relative balance in its degrees of games from bronze to challenger tier
Some champions get better the more skilled you are ( Khazix, Rengar, Akali, Katarina ) some champions get worse the more skilled your enemies are ( Master Yi, Heimerdinger )
Yeah, it's one of Dota's biggest problems - Valve only cares about competitive-level balance.
Heimerdinger can crush anyone at bronze level because bronze players don't recognize the damage that the turrets are capable of
But in Diamond people respect that difference in damage and play champions that can execute the turrets easily
@Miniman I'm not 100% Sure... I had a beta account, but that was what, 8 years ago?
@Sandwich People at Bronze actually fall for turrents? I thought that Heimer and Yi kinda dropped off once you got past level 15...
Bronze is an awful level of play
DotA had a learning hurdle I could not clear.
Bronze lacks any kind of competitive skill and map awareness
@doppelgreener Yep, it turns a lot of people away.
Most don't even know how to play their own champions
@Sandwich Yeah... That explains why even in mid 20s I was playing with silver/gold tier players...
Such as shops. I struggled with shops. League of Legends was just like "hey! hello! what do you want! here it is! go kill things!", dota had me running around like a headless chicken trying to assemble my next items
I admire LoL's lower entry barriers.
"You don't have a courier? Hahahaha WELP"
I need to try Dota2 eventually...
I can't be bothered getting a new computer lol
That's an awful thing to say
(Don't get me wrong, btw - I played LoL for a few years, and there's a lot I really like about it.)
A computer is an amazing investment
@Sandwich build $3k superpowered rig, process word documents
@Doppelgreener Nah my rig is only 1.5k
@Sandwich I spend all day every day on a computer. The last thing I want to do when I go home is spend even more time on it and not with my family.
mine too, maybe less than that, idk
@Nyoze Ah you have a family that explains it
Yeah... I'm one of those reformed PC gamers that actually grew up.
Miracles do happen.
I don't think I could do that man
I value my freedom
I don't think I could sacrifice that freedom and have children
@Sandwich Neither did I. I wouldn't trade it for the world now though.
I only get an hour or two a week of computer gaming time. Mostly with my daughter.
(that's what you get when you marry a non-gamer... at least she's a RPGer!)
I recently found out my fiance used to play D&D in highschool... Now I have to try and convince her to try again...
@Nyoze there's a lot of those nowadays!
and grown ups who pc game
Yeah... I never though I would stop, but now I wouldn't trade my family for anything... And I know I can't have both, so I'm happy :)
You can
You just need to do both in moderation
Or buy your kid a PC when they're old enough
And teach them how to play League
and also avoid trading your family for a PC
but you would not trade them for anything so this is ok
@doppelgreener Eh, with the state of the economy you'd have to trade in a couple of families to get a PC.
Okay, free background. I lied to my partner for a couple of years and tried to play games behind her back. Gaming and moderation don't go together for me, it's an all or nothing deal. I'm going for nothing.
Ah. Yes. That is not a good way to handle things.
On the other hand, serious respect for going cold turkey. I couldn't do that if I tried.
I tried and failed, hence the whole behind her back thing... Second time worked. Sometimes, something really is just that important.
Anyone, enough about addiction. I've got an hour left of sitting here trawling the internet. Someone entertain me?
Having a family (especially kids) can change priorities in a very real sense though.
There were some experiments done with apes - chimpanzees, I think - which put the ape on one side of a bridge.
on the other side of the bridge, obscured in shrubbery, was a speaker.
they'd play through the speaker the call of a young chimpanzee in distress.
the chimpanzees who had not yet raised a child, male or female, hesitated significantly before crossing the bridge or did not do so at all
the ones who'd had children rushed across immediately without any hesitation at all
Wow... I mean, if you think about it, it makes sense... But it's still surprising.
i agree
also, on an entirely separate note, i will amuse you with something i learned last night about chimpanzees
Okay :)
chimpanzees have a warning call for "aerial predator!", and a warning call for "ground predator!", which compel nearby chimps to rush to the ground or rush to the trees to escape the danger.
they also use these calls to lie like [bleep]s.
if a chimp finds a large trove of food up in the trees, they'll sometimes give the aerial predator cry. all the nearby chimps will rush to the ground, while the chimp in question stays in the treetops and stuffs their face while they can with whatever they can find.
That is brilliant...
eventually, the other chimps figure it's safe to climb back up again. and when they do, they'll find the other chimp... and they won't be mad at all. they'll just find the original chimpanzee munching away, and then join him or her and quietly eat the rest of the food with them (which is somehow significantly less abundant than before!)
Being able to lie to your family, and get away with it? Chimps are evil lol
they have enough of a concept of others' minds to be aware of how they can manipulate the other chimps, but it seems they aren't able to make the mental leap of "heeyyy... wait a minute, they lied!"
Whatever gets them more food lol
in a sense chimps are a little evil
they are violently genocidal of other tribes
they exhibit warlike behaviour, and band together to fight other tribes
Chimps, Lawful Evil of the Animal Kingdom...
I never realised quite how cunning they were.
they are pretty cunning
@Nyoze I dunno, Lawful? Really?
nature cares not for the alignment axes and will fit into any of them
any of them
i leave it as an exercise and challenge to find a way chimps fit into each one of them separately
except for wasps who are assholes
especially the ones that leave their young inside living caterpillars
And magpies, the only creatures known to have the "Psychotic Rabid" alignment.
i guess a lot of things in nature are just indiscriminately evil
but not in, like, the D&D alignment sense
in the disney villain sense, except moreso
Chimps are lawful because they actually have family tribes, will protect those family tribes, and want to kill any other family tribes.
Sure, the odd chimp here and there gets greedy and goes neutral like Dopple was saying, but I think overall, still lawful.
Yeah, but as we just saw, they only protect those family tribes so they can exploit them for their own gain!
They don't protect them for the purpose of exploiting them. If anything, they exploit them to become stronger to better protect them.
> Chaotic characters follow their consciences, resent being told what to do, favor new ideas over tradition, and do what they promise if they feel like it.
they are totally also chaotic
... I wonder if I could get away with playing a paladin like that...
They fit into everything, I hate alignments.
i hear from our older community members that the alignments started out in BD&D as literally just sides in a fight, absolutely nothing to do with personality
@doppelgreener that makes a lot more sense
I still hate alignments though
then around the time of AD&D or AD&D 2e, people were calling for mechanics to describe personality, and someone decided alignment would also be appropriate for that, so alignment became both the side you were taking in the cosmic war and a description of your personality
I'm still down with the "alignments started as an attempt to express the sentiment that goblins are evil so it's ok to kill them and take their stuff" theory.
That explains the 3x3 grid... I always thought that Good/Evil wasn't really an accurate description of personality...
@Miniman specifically the theory that alignment existed as a mechanism to make players feel OK with the idea of entering a cave, committing indiscriminate genocide and killing everything found therein, and leaving with everything of value they found?
@doppelgreener PC's especially in D&D, are aptly nicknamed murderhobos
@doppelgreener Pretty much, yeah. Especially since I doubt it occurred to the original authors that not feeling ok with it might be a thing.
@Nyoze it absolutely totally fails as an accurate description of personality and any nontrivial situation, which is understandable given it was made for a trivial situation: those guys are evil, go kill them and take their stuff
See? In my head, a Good character could do anything from "Evil must Convert!" to "Evil, kill them!"
That being said, the same could be applied to religion, which much less ability to know which side is which.
@doppelgreener Yep... it's "us vs them", with "us" being (usually) good, and "them" being (usually) evil.
There's multiple failings in alignments as a nontrivial device. First but only tied for the most major, the authorship is inconsistent. As KRyan and others have expressed multiple times in various alignment answers, given any single act, you can find at least one book that would support it belonging to each of the alignments.
Second and also tied, the alignments are not mutually exclusive. Take the alignment descriptions for any core book. The terms used are not exclusive from each other. Any real person can contain many qualities from all of good, evil, law, chaos, and the five neutralities. There is no incompatibility or incongruence in putting all of them together, they can mostly fit together just fine.
And other things.
There's a lot more I could say, but those are two of the big ones.
I wonder if I should take the time to scrape all the alignment/murderhobo discussions from chat and compile them.
Seeing as I'm giving a "D&D and the Cultural Origins of the Murderhobo" talk in September.
@lisardggY that'd be worthwhile
it'd give you more notes than you could read out in an hour
A lot of insightful discussion here over the years.
@lisardggY this is one of the things that makes this community so magnetic for me
there's a lot of insightful people to learn from
I have to admit I hardly read the main site anymore, but chat remains interesting.
I read the main site out of boredom, but the Chat is definitely much more what I am drawn towards.
i am drawn toward BOOOOTH
and i edit SO MUCH.
why do i edit so much
Yeah, it seems you and SSD, each, edited as much this month as all the other contributors combined.
Except each other, of course.
SSD still has you licked in the all-time listings, though.
together we edited 288 times, others edited 171 times
Roughly, roughly.
exact ratios aside, we edit a metric buttload
I don't think I could do what you do Doppel
...you still aren't using your expanded profile card.
@BESW not sure what to put in it
Oh, did RPG.SE get the new profiles already?
@lisardggY no, but they seem to be working on them
the other day our links turned blue for about an hour, so something's happening to our CSS
Why Yggdrasil spelled backwards @lisardggy?
@Sandwich To avoid naming collisions.
@Sandwich i do it 'cause i care enough about it, that helps me make room and energy for it ;)
You probably could've named yourself Banana and gotten away with it
I picked Yggdrasil as a nick way back in 1995 when I got on IRC because I wanted to have a unique nick that I won't have to fight over.
@Sandwich there are other people called Banana though
I seriously underestimated the number of Scandinavians on IRC.
/me awaits the upcoming milestone in his Meaningless Internet Points over in Scifi.SE.
This guy keeps ticking up in my brain as someone to design a PC around.
evenin all
@Ben G'devening.
@Ben Hi!
So I was thinking about changing my alignment (through a series of events) to hopefully get another player to rejoin us
Currently the situation is that he's really the only character in the "evil" alignment, so I think he's feeling a bit separated from the group
What's everyone elses alignment?
Lawful good through to chaotic neutral
Sounds like he made a conscious decision to be the Belkar
I don't think so. We didn't really discuss our alignments during CC
Has he been doing particularly evil things that people have been making him feel separated about?
No, his separation could be more from the fact that he doesn't get the opportunity to.
Well if he did he'd probably be lambasted by the LG guy
So that's probably an intelligent decision on his part. Is he neutral evil?
Noone else is stopping him from doing anything
And yes, I beleive so
I think this is where I link Making the Tough Decisions.
Lawful good would inherently prevent an evil person from committing an evil act by design. Otherwise they'd be Chaotically aligned.
Aaand this.
A: How do I play a paladin without being a stick in the mud?

BESWThe biggest issue with paladins is when their partners' behavior is judged as if the paladin himself had done the deed. If your DM is willing to avoid that pitfall, may I suggest... A paladin who does not expect non-believers to obey the laws of his faith. He hopes that through his shining examp...

@Sandwich Like I said, no one's stopping him from doing anything particularly, through character alignment or otherwise. It's not that he's trying to do anything and people are stopping him , it's more that I think he feels he doesn't have anyone on his side
And these answers have some good discussion about the pitfalls of Evil Without A Reason.
I guess I could see that, but I still think personally that Lawful Good are sort of like the police of the society in question.
If he didn't care whether or not someone was committing an evil act or not he would be Lawful Neutral
There's a big difference between caring and being violently interventionist.
Not holding another person to your standards of right or wrong
True enough
It isn't really lawful to kill someone on the spot for committing an evil act
But making some attempt to reform, or tried might possibly be a course of action for someone who isn't vehemently pursuing the law
Even telling someone they shouldn't do something because its evil is something a good character would do
D&D-style alignment axes are always overlimiting because they obviate the internal conflicts which define humanity. Depending on the system/edition, alignment is also internally inconsistent to the point of uselessness.
Also true
At best its a guideline for how a character acts
Nothing really set in stone
A good character could justify an evil act if its for the greater good for example
Lawful Good is easily a justification for tyranny in the name of It's For Your Own Good.
Just like an evil character can perform good acts to throw someone off of its trail
People are more complex than that. And, well. "Evil" as an alignment makes very little sense for free-willed beings.
Well a sociopath probably doesn't think of themselves as evil
"Because I'm Good" is sufficient justification for some actions. "Because I'm Evil" really isn't.
Well good and evil isnt so black and white either
This imbalance in motive is one of the fundamental problems with presenting alignment as an axis; the geometrical structure implies equivalency where there is none.
What a character can justify they would likely consider good, and what a character cannot justify they'd likely consider evil
@Sandwich That's another issue with D&D alignment: it's a world where alignment is objective, not subjective.
I prefer to think of the 3x3 alignment square as more of a graph
Most discussions about alignment run into a particular problem: the people involved in the discussion talk about Good and Evil in real-world subjective terms based on our own worldviews, when D&D is talking about something else entirely.
Law being measured on the top and good being measured on the left
And then you pick your alignment and then put a dot where you think you would fall within that alignment
It's a universe where Good and Evil are objectively measurable using spells like detect evil, and where they're Powers in their own right with the ability to imbue life, grant spells, and create entire planes of existence.
In a world like that, whether you think you're doing right or wrong becomes almost irrelevant to your alignment.
Unfortunately these are philosophical issues which D&D isn't really interested in examining.
It's a combat/adventure system, and alignment is a rough tool for furthering that agenda.
Like putting a dot at the very top right would mean you're vehemently opposed to anything that deprives someone of their freedom, while the bottom right of Chaotic good would mean you care more about personal freedom than the freedom of others, being closer to neutral than good yeah?
The implications of alignment on the nature of being aren't important to the designers.
And people playing D&D rarely consider the effect that killing someone or something has on the psyche of a character
So, @Ben, I think changing alignment to rally with another player may be insufficient or a misdirect.
Like, why can only people of similar alignment be "on his side"?
Your characters may still trust him despite having an evil alignment
One of my best and dearest friends is a very different alignment than I am. It causes challenges, but it doesn't make us antithetical.
Just because he's neutral evil and possibly self serving doesn't mean he doesnt have good points as well
@Sandwich Actually there have been a few "mini-conflicts" from me trying to help him out
Friendship, shared bonds of experience, common goals, similar interests--all sorts of things let people with very different worldviews ally with each other and even be buddies.
Maybe elaborating on those would help us help you resolve them
Sounds like the whole group would benefit from talking this over out of game.
Trying to re-negotiate PC relationships without everyone knowing that's what's being done? Is a recipe for disaster.
....also, in-game solutions to out-of-game problems are usually stop-gap at best.
Well, thanks for the input guys, I'll have a talk to him and see what's up, see if we can't come to a middle ground
Good luck!
cheers :)
Awww, I missed another alignment talk? I like alignment talks!
At this point I feel like every new alignment discussion is just a re-arrangement of ones I've already had. Valuable for people who haven't gone over the ideas yet, but kinda dead-horse-y for me.
That's why I like them. It feels missionary.
Then you're welcome to 'em.
user image
@BESW Dead, but not quite fully whipped yet.
....what are the d16 and d24 used for?
2d8 and 2d12 with a flatter distribution?
Like, what systems/engines call for them?
Dunno. Never ran into one.
I don't think I've used anything but a d10 and dF in the last couple of years.
Ahuh. Dungeon Crawl Classics apparently uses the d3, d5, d7, d14, d16, d24, and d30.
Because of course.
It's like someone playing music on a scale where every note is calibrated to be off for the scale you're used to.
@LarsEbert Hi!
@BESW good morning
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