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I have realized I know nothing about map making aside from highly unrealistic maps for dnd games.
Current map
Still need to add some mountains and some water but this is it so far
So this is an overall world map kinda thing?
(or your portion of the world)
the whole map
world map
going to add cities but more worried about the overall look
@Aaron there's ways in which it doesn't jive with natural geography and how maps tend to look, so it would not look entirely satisfying compared to regular maps
e.g. let's compare against a square map of our own world courtesy of XKCD:
(caption left in as appropriate, haha)
The islands are smaller and much more spread out.
yet given that, they're enormous
your islands are snuggled up together more like an archipelago
Have you looked at the tutorials on the site I linked?
yeah, there's a lot to go into that tutorials can gracefully cover
@BESW About to
@doppelgreener so. More water?
Gonna look at the tutorials BESW linked and see what I can get from that.
for sure
@Aaron not so much "more water" as more space, and more relaxed spacing. from a look at that map i get the impression part of your thought process was "there is too much space here, i should fill it in with land" - maps can contain large amounts of negative and positive space in irregular arrangements.
@doppelgreener That might have been a subconscious thought. My main thought was. "Draw random so it looks realish not blocky."
@BESW Worldbuilding by map has some really good pointers
@Aaron people are terrible at simulating randomness :)
Not that geography is random.
indeed; it sorta looks that way from the outset, until you dive into the details and it seems perfectly logical.
Plate tectonics, glacial movement, volcanics, weather patterns, all combine in often unpredictable but not random ways to shape a landscape.
A collection of islands alongside a coast will be grouped differently than a collection of islands in the middle of an ocean, because they have different causes.
Well another cool way you can make a map
Spill some beans onto a piece of paper and then use a pen to trace jagged edges around the edge of the beans
Then add mountains, plains, ocean currents, forests, weather patterns, color, and then populate the map with cities
If you spill them on graph paper or hex paper you can use the squares or hexes as a unit of distance
If you'd like some help I can pull up photoshop real fast and draw you a map
And if you have skype I'll stream it for you
Wow... 10,000 views in 20 days. And on the Hot Questions list for a week...
@Ben What's that?
@Ben haha yes, that's quite impressive
but also understandable given the title
I think maybe everyone thinks their DM is out to get them haha
Or maybe it's another one of those "Memes of SE" type titles
@Sandwich What is your skype?
I just finished a new map based on the worldbuilding guide @BESW linked
@Sandwich Quick! Everyone add him!
@Sandwich Got it. I would delete this.
Delete, not edit.
Click on the arrow just to the left of your message and delete it.
We see the edit history.
There we go.
@doppelgreener No, that works. Though some poor chump might actually have that addy
Give me a sec to pause my stream
what do you stream?
@Ben editing it out isn't sufficient, if you can view the edit history of chat messages (like this one, click the left arrow and see the 'history' link)
@doppelgreener Ahhhh. point
Personal Opinion Time!
@Ben Pot?
DnD 5e - which feat should I take: Great Weapon Fighter, Sentinel, or Martial Adept?
I stream League of Legends and risk of rain speedruns
@Ben Depends on the rest of your build
GWF is nice
I am a Fighter - Battle Master, Great Sword, 17 STR
@Sandwich I figured it would have LOL in there somewhere after seeing your skype picture
Probably GWF
Yeah, you probably want GWF
You are set to do not disturb. Can I send you messaged when you are set to that?
Sentinel works better if you can make people want to run away, like if you're doing Devil's Sight/Darkness or something
And if you're Battle Master Martial Adept is kinda redundant
@Sandwich @Miniman yeah I thought that, but I'm thinking I want to go with a bit more of a supportive role. We currently have 2 barbarians, myself, and a rogue (with no health) and a mage (again with no health)
@Ben Ah, right, so you're pretty set for melee damage then
I'm too used to parties with only 1 melee character
So I was thinking maybe I should take something that could be bit more supportive. And in all honesty, I don't really need to be able to do more damage
@Miniman Lol. Yeah
I'd definitely head for Sentinel in that case
Good for protecting the squishies
And currently, by myself I wreck shit. +3 STR modifier, 2d6 damage, (re-roll 1 and 2) plus I have Feint (add d8 damage on successful hit)
@Miniman That was my thoughts too :)
My only other choice would be one of the armour feats (can't remember the name) - remove the penalty for sneak when wearing medium armour...?
"Medium Armour Master"
Currently I'm still only wearing leather armour, but I'm a damage sponge cos I have so much health and I have second wind
ugh. New office. Went from widely spaced, semi-open plan, to battery farm :P
@Adeptus make sure they advertise that they're "cage eggs" now...
@Ben What's your Dex?
@Miniman 13 currently. That's the only downside atm
@Ben Medium Armor Master would be pretty wasted then
Tbh, I'd be thinking about plate if I was you
I mean, 12 AC is legitimately awful
18 is pretty good
@Miniman hear hear. Currently sitting on 11 haha
@Miniman I'm just thinking about movement, that's my only concern...
@Ben [blink] Wait, what? Leather armor with 13 Dex should give you an AC of 12
@Ben With Str 17, there is no armor that can affect your movement
Yeah. Sorry brain fart haha
@Miniman Oh, really? Boom!
@Ben Your Str has to be 14 or lower for plate to slow you down, go for it
Obviously you get the disadvantage on Stealth though
@Miniman There are downsides though. I know that much. What are they?
Just the disadvantage on Str
And I suppose the time it takes to put it on and take it off could be seen as a downside
@Miniman no stealth disadvantages?
If you want to get weirdly specific, the fact that it makes you a target for the Heat Metal spell
@Ben Sorry, I meant Stealth not Str
Ah. Lol
@Miniman Somehow I feel like the DM would take advantage of that haha
@Ben Tbh, if having 12 AC hasn't led to your death, I wouldn't worry too much about the DM targeting your weaknesses
@Miniman Well, like I said, Currently level 3 with 34 health and second wind haha
And it does get used fairly regularly. So I'd say that's probably the reason I'm not dead yet haha
@Ben I gotta admit, that's pretty good. Your Con's what, 14? Some great HP rolls
@Miniman Yeah, 14. I was pretty amazed too. We have the option to take the "standard" (+7??) or roll for it.
so far the lowest I've had is I think 9
I did get a 14 once I think haha
@Ben Standard on a d10 is +6 (I think)
@Ben Wait, what?
@Miniman Correction: 12
Oh, right. As in rolled 10 +2 from Con
Yeah. I was thinking of my str mod for some reason haha
I gotta say, I am incredibly impressed with my fighter :)
Yeah, 5e mundanes are pretty strong
@Miniman there's gotta be some kind of a downside to them...?
@Ben Well, you don't get to fly, become invisible, throw fireballs...
There you go Aaron
@Miniman Yeah. The DM recently revealed an NPC "Dragonborn" with a tail. (My guy is a Dragonborn). So I got jealous of that. Then in the last session I found out he had wings... WHAAAAT??
Turns out he was a half dragon from the monster manual
But can he eat dragon souls? I think not!
@Sandwich wrong universe :P
@Ben Heh
@Ben The universe in which you can eat dragon souls is definitely the right one from any reasonable definition of right.
@Ben Equivalently, the universe in which you can't eat dragon souls is the wrong one from any reasonable definition of wrong.
Hey... Is "breakaway" armour a thing? The NPC I mentioned above had it so he could just pop off his chest plate and fly off... or is that a special rule..?
@Ben Pretty sure your DM made that up :P
Fair enough... cos I'm thinking of employing that mechanic... especially if I'm going with plate mail haha
@Ben IIRC, armor can be made to accommodate wings and allow flight while wearing it
But yeah, I don't think I've ever seen a mention of armor that can just be instantly removed
@Miniman I gots ta get me some wings!!!
@Ben Draconic Sorcerer is the only method I remember
Other than magic items ofc
@Miniman being one or hiring one..?
Level 15 wildblooded Sylvan sorcerer gets wings too
@Ben Being one :P
Air Elemental sorcerer gets a fly speed
dang it
All of these things are non-constructive to my cause! lol
@Sandwich 5e, not Pathfinder
except for the magic items ofcourse :P
Is there some way I could... become a half-dragon?
Go back in time and find a dragon to have sex with your mom
@Ben That's up to your DM. IIRC the fluff mentions the possibility of becoming a half-dragon via a ritual or something rather than just genetics
@Sandwich I like this plan
@Miniman This seems a bit more viable though haha'
You just need to find the golden fleece
So you can ride it into the past
@Miniman I think I might just know the mad wizard mad enough to help too....
Though I think I might ask a question about it... get the full story so I can understand pros cons, how to go about it, lore, all that jazz.
@Ben Fair warning, answers are likely to be "ask your DM"
And it might attract close votes, though that's hard to predict accurately
5e is young enough that splat for stuff like "I want to become a half-dragon" isn't as fully developed as in older editions.
Yeah. I'd imagine there'd be some leeway though because it'd be outlined in the rules..?
@BESW ohh, okay. nvm then haha
@Ben breakaway armor doesn't tend to exist because... y'know... if you can break it away, it probably isn't fastened in so sturdily your enemy couldn't break it away too.
Which means you're basically wearing pottery for armor.
@Ben If it was outlined in the rules, there'd be leeway. But from memory it's just a slight lore suggestion in the MM entry
In 3.5, it could be a matter of using the arcane arts to attune with your very very distant dragon ancestor, or of gaining the psionic self-control to redefine your physical self.
And if it is fastened in so sturdily, well then you're wearing regular armor that's very carefully strapped in everywhere.
But actually there's probably ways to model that so it's faster to remove/put back on, but actually I don't know much at all about medieval armor so who am I to say. :D
@doppelgreener I think "breakaway" might be the wrong term. But I get your gist
I want wings!
@doppelgreener -- well, it's not a concern for personal protection. Most reactive armor tiles I'd suspect are breakaway/easily detachable though for field servicing reasons -- using a bunch of fasteners to try to hold a shaped-charge tile down wouldn't fly with the field mechanic who has to put replacements on :P
Or you know
however, the idea of armor for wingy things makes sense :)
sticks @doppelgreener in the cockpit of an A-10
@Sandwich Last time the DM allowed something like that it was through the character being turned into a self aware servo skull (dark-heresy)
@Ben I think he means the Reincarnate spell
From the Druid spell list
(I'm AFB so I can't tell you whether this could work or not)
@Miniman we do have a druid npc... but I think he's the wrong archetype for thar
@Ben It's not archetype dependent.
(He might not be powerful enough, of course)
Yeah, that too haha
@Shalvenay [crashes it into the ground before even taking off]
@doppelgreener look of astonishment... quietly applauds Crashing a grounded plane takes skill.
I love half-dragons. And... anything that isn't human, really. The standard race selections in 3.5 and Pathfinder have always chafed. xD I do like that they've got dragonborn, aasimar, and tieflings in the core lineup in 5e, but I'm still like [reaches for more].
@Pixie One of Trogdor's PCs in our ARRPG campaign is a humanoid cyborg dragon from we're not sure where.
@BESW From Awesome, probably.
That seems reasonable.
@Pixie I'm guessing when you say standard, you mean Core?
@Miniman Oh yeah, that's what I meant. Not sure why I typed standard. :P
@Pixie I had a moment of thinking you meant LA +0, and then I was like "Naaaaahhh."
I was beyond happy when Pathfinder's Advanced Race Guide came out.
See... I like dragons, but... I like elves more usually :(
That being said, I'm quite happy with shapechange making me a dragon.
But even then, you still have to have a GM who allows the cooler stuff. :P Mine is definitely willing to work with me, but some things are just too obscure or powerful depending on the game. I have at least gotten to play a catfolk.
@Pixie In terms of having to wait for books to come out to get your hands on the races you want, I'm reminded suddenly of Magician's quote...
I'm so much happier in systems that encourage me to say, "Yes, that's awesome, go for it!" instead of worrying about balance and such.
I'm just waiting to find a GM who will let me use 3rd-party spells... I really want to surprise everyone by swarming Primal Dragons with a level 12 druid... lol
May 29 at 7:24, by Magician
As a friend said while observing my multiple shelves of D&D books: "If it's a game all about imagination, why do you need so much stuff to play it?"
@doppelgreener So true...
@doppelgreener That's brilliant...
3rd party content is fun and broadens options considerably, but I definitely understand why my GM is leery of it.
Balance and great expanses of splat were fun brain puzzles for a while, but eventually they stopped being minigames for me and just became hurdles.
Yeah. In my case, I want to be something that is cool flavor-wise, but I don't want to deal with its coolness conferring it way too much power in mechanical terms, as is so often the case with nonhuman things in 3.5. On the flip side, I get tired of being enamored of options that are cool but not very useful.
yeah, I like a lot of D&D's flavour.
I usually tend to make my own flavour up as I go, so I like things that are cool but do actually have a mechanical reason for being there.
Anyway. I'm bored at work. Is anyone up for heading over to chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/13/… ?
Well, that didn't work the way I wanted to... Still trying to get the hang of SE chat :(
I feel constrained by the need to be reasonable (power-wise) yet effective in games like 3.5/Pathfinder. I mean, within those constraints, I can do a lot. Still, it's not the most RP-optimal character creation for me.
@Pixie I learnt a long time ago to not go for what I want to RP, because it always ends up being the same thing every time. I try and make something different every time, and then see how far I can push it :)
@Nyoze I play a pretty wide variety of things. I can usually get a rough idea of what I want together in Pathfinder, at least.
@Pixie I prefer pathfinder cause everything is available online, so I don't spend hours leafing through books looking for an exact page... The fact that there is so much available definitely helps though.
@Nyoze Yeah, Pathfinder is convenient. I also like some of the rules changes. I get confused when I try to go back to 3.5 now, haha.
@Pixie Yeah, I love the PF rules compared to the D20 SRD. Now if only I could find 3-4 people who are online around the same time as I am so I'm not sitting waiting in PbP threads, I could actually get somewhere :)
I'd really prefer to get into Fate or something though. I don't dislike Pathfinder, but playing it is mainly convenience. It's what my friends play, etc.
Fate looks amazing, but it really looks like a back and forth style game, and I don't know if it would work online at all... Unfortunately, all of my gaming is done online because I have 0 friends.
Spirit of the Century works online, so I figure Fate would too. It's maybe not ideal, but we've had an easier time with SotC than Pathfinder I'd say.
@Nyoze -- FATE works in chat just fine -- it can be made to work for PbP as well if you have a decent dicebot in your thread
@BESW -- is said cyborg dragon flyable?
@Shalvenay That depends on whether you have the balls to ask him.
@doppelgreener -- heheh. sends said dragon over to Casey from Aviation.SE for a good edification in how to operate in today's airspace system
(@casey over there is an ATPL/CFI/CFII, after all...)
@Nyoze Online? Depends on the format. Works fine in an active chat session, works fine over Skype, but I suspect it would not work over a slow-paced play-by-post.
@doppelgreener -- I suppose it depends somewhat on the forum you're posting to. having a rich PM mechanism (basically private, multi-party forum threads) + notifications does help, I suppose
Nothing tabletop works that well in play-by-post, in my experience, but most of it is workable if people are willing to be patient and dedicated.
Yeah, I mean the kind of play-by-post where you see people once per week.
@Pixie Nothing tabletop works that well in play-by-post, in my experience, but most of it is workable if people are willing to be patient and dedicated.
@doppelgreener -- yeah, that's a bit messy no matter how you slice it. once a day is a more useful posting minimum
Taking discussions to PMs would be out of place in Fate, most of the time.
@doppelgreener -- the whole RP was conducted in a PM in my case
Yes, I'm talking about Fate, in a play-by-post.
Side conversations don't tend to happen, because it robs the group of the ability to provide input that they're supposed to have.
(well, 3 PMs -- one for sheets, one for OOC discussion, and one for RP)
Side-conversations happen in a public space, i.e. right there at the table, i.e. they're just part of the main conversation.
@Miniman Kind of the general rule, it's true, but it's better for some things than it is for others. Tabletop games are designed with, well, the tabletop experience primarily in mind, which generally means fairly rapid responses to move the game. The same is not true of many sorts of freeform.
@doppelgreener -- we didn't do it in a normal forum thread b/c it'd get derailed in 5s with the forum we were doing this on
(you want immersion breaking? try a Blakeyrant in the middle of your roleplay.)
@doppelgreener To clear this up, @Shalvenay is talking about a PM thread that the whole group could see and reply to
@Miniman -- exactlY!
@Miniman Ok, that's not a PM in the case of what I'm talking about.
Play by post isn't forums, it can include small mailing lists, private areas, etc.
When I say public I mean "the group sees it" not "the entire internet must have read/write access to your activities"
so when I say there aren't any private messages, I just mean there aren't private one-on-one conversations as the usual mode of resolving issues.
'cause that'd be inappropriate in Fate's context.
Here's a game for you. 13 Oracles - adapted from In a Wicked Age to 13th Age. No setting knowledge required. Roll 4d6 and make up a situation.
@doppelgreener -- aaah. I see -- I was using the term "PM" because as I said, thread derailment is hazardous to attempts to conduct PbP games on non-dedicated-to-purpose forums
@Magician -- any scenario at all?
For a test I chose Crusader, and got: Places 1 - a gaping portal to Hell; Objects 2 - a horse without a rider; People 4 - a hunter, stern and cruel; Circumstances 1 - possessed. So the party hears rumors of demons in the area and goes investigating, to find a riderless horse. Yay, horse. Unfortunately for them, its rider had gone through the portal and now come back possessed, and is tracking them.
@Shalvenay Now pick one of the icons in the list (just scroll through until you find a name you like).
because the situation I was going to make up was "you are an elf, creeping through a thick fog, when suddenly you feel rocks underfoot, and then a metal object. This metal object appears to be long...and you can hear a "whoooooooooo" sound far in the distance with your elf ears"
but, I'm going to rest
On PBP and its viability, I simply could not play the way I do in some of my freeform games face-to-face or even in chat. The actual need for time and reflection makes it impossible or at least kind of pointless to do live. I enjoy the method and the results, in some ways even more than tabletop where certain factors are working against me.
@Pixie Freeform, yes. 100% I wouldn't dream of freeform live. In chat, I have before, but a good freeform would go for months, and we usually need to refer back, so chat was never the best place for it.
@Pixie Yes, for sure.
@Nyoze By "live" there I meant "in a single session," so chat included. To be clear, I do freeform in chat too, but it's a different kind of freeform than what I do in a PBP setting.
For a long time, I wasn't comfortable playing IRL at all because I'm really bad at talking. >w>;; I can write fine, but when I'm trying to actually talk, it's hard to make my thoughts come out properly, especially depending upon how tired I happen to be at the moment.
To this day, it's not my favorite thing, but other aspects of an IRL tabletop experience are appealing enough that I wish I could do it more.
I don't know... I started on tabletop RPGs, then when all my friends stopped talking, I went to freeform online... I don't know if I could pick between the 2 now. Both great, but completely different.
Oh yes, they're both great for different reasons.
One of them just involves my weaknesses (talking) and the other my strengths (writing). xD
Interesting...I started in tabletop, briefly dabbled in online freeform, then ran like hell away from online freeform swearing never to return. (And then got back into tabletop.)
It's difficult for me to really roleplay to the fullest extent IRL because I have to concentrate just on what I'm doing and saying.
Online freeform can be challenging depending on what the group is doing.
There are lots of different potential experiences with freeform, and even at its best, it's not for everyone. But there are definitely a lot of things that can go wrong.
There's an online roleplaying group called Blue Dwarf, where the game is set on a mining ship that was sent out to look for the absent Red Dwarf. (This will take a very very long time.) They work out pretty well given the adventurey/comedy stories they go for.
(Players can post and lead whatever scenarios they like, as long as it is not "we actually find the Red Dwarf.")
@doppelgreener Heh.
@doppelgreener You mean like...3 million years?
@Miniman Yes.
I've been doing freeform since I was... 13 at least, maybe a year or two before. Mostly forum games. I haven't really had anything active on a forum for years now, though. Gradual changes in my communities led to it being less fun for me, and it got harder to keep games running as well. I haven't ever really found a replacement.
Thinking back, it's kinda weird having been present on a site for over a decade and having watched trends evolve. xD
@Pixie Wow... I've never kept an active online presence anywhere for longer then 3-4 years :(
@Nyoze I don't think I've kept an online presence anywhere for longer than one year.
@Nyoze I've been in and out some of the time; it's not quite a decade of active presence. But I still poke around every once in a while.
That's the fluid nature of the internet, and social interaction in general.
Anyway... I'm bored. Does anyone want to head over to the Back Room and play around with something? Also, can someone show me how to link correctly? :\
@Nyoze If it's certain types of links (youtube, SE question/answer/chatroom, and a few other things) and you post the URL entirely by itself, it will automatically give you a nice little box for it. For anything else, you do it like... hmm. I'll have to reverse the brackets so it won't parse.
@Nyoze ]link title[)link url(. Except do the brackets and parentheses the right way. xD
@Nyoze [Like](this if this was a url and not a random sentence)
Oh right, I forgot it won't convert it if you have spaces in the URL.
@Pixie It won't convert unless you have httP actually
@Pixie [Like](thissinceitdoesn'thavehttp)
@Miniman Really? Interesting.
I tried posting the back room box earlier, and it just posted the link. I'll figure it out eventually.

 The Back Room: Live Tabletop Games

A space for online tabletop gaming.
@Nyoze You had it in a message with other things, if I remember correctly.
Yeah, for boxes it has to be a link with nothing else
Like this:

 The Back Room: Live Tabletop Games

A space for online tabletop gaming.
Aha. Thanks :D
Links stymied me for the longest time, though. I can't remember what it was, but I kept doing something wrong, consulting the FAQ, thinking I had it right, yet not. :P Maybe I was putting a space between the brackets and parentheses.
I'm so used to html, I always catch myself typing <a href= before I catch myself and fix it lol
Heh. I gotta get back to reeducating myself in web design. I've had webspace I'm paying for forever and I hardly do anything with it.
I was actually quite serious about learning when I was a kid, but I was also quite... bad. I went back and looked at some of my old sites before Geocities closed, and they were hilarious. I think a very broken Angelfire still survives somewhere.
I have no idea what it looked like at the time I created it because it sure didn't work on a modern browser.
I have to say, everytime I see your dp @Miniman, I get nostalgia. Haven't played Golden Sun in years...
@Ben Well done for knowing it! Golden Sun (1 and 2, I consider them a single game), is still my all-time favourite non-PC game.
@Pixie I... Would be terrified if any of my old sites were still active. I actually get to do a couple of hours each week with work (Beats sales!) so I'm starting to learn again.
@Miniman I always thought it was some obscure new Pokemon that I haven't paid attention to... <_<
@Miniman Well, they really are aren't they? Haha. Have you seen the latest one they released for DS? (A few years ago now)
@Nyoze I was going through an old email account, and Webs (which used to be Freewebs) had emailed me in 2014 to let me know that over 50 people (or bots) a month were looking at my decade-old Sesshoumaru fansite. I was like, "..... why"
@Ben Yeah...I try to be fair to it and tell myself it'd be a good game if I'd never played the originals, but it's just so much less good than they are.
That one had a sitebuilder theme, though, so it wasn't a code disaster.
Also, all the continuity errors (which is most of the game) and contradictions really bug me.
@Miniman I did try too... but there was something about it that was missing.
@Ben I'd suggest any sort of a challenge would be the first thing it's missing.
I really didn't get far into it. It didn't grab my attention very well, then I moved and it got lost... not overly upset about that tbh
@Miniman touche
Yeah, you didn't miss much.
So; Favourite dungeon? vs least Favourite?
I don't know Why I had weird Capitalisation on that...
@Ben Let's jump to Not A Bar at this point :)
No one wants to roll dice and make up situations. I am disappoint.
@Magician If I wasn't at work :(
A flying realm; An umarked potion; A mad wizard (Mad, I tell you); Struck by a curse
The potion is obviously what takes the party to the flying realm. B plot in this adventure is finding the potion's counterpart in order to get back home.
The mad wizard has been trying to brew the counterpart potion since he got here, decades ago. Hence the madness.
A 10
Thats one hell of an ability score roll right there
I'll put that 14 in STRENGTH
When the party first arrives, the wizard of course appears mad. Mad as they come. However, the curse has actually been laid upon the realm. The wizard is the only person who wasn't maddened by the curse.
punches some guy in the face
He's been trying for ages to break that curse, and the potion was one of his attempts, by now long forgotten.
C plot involves the curse slowly infecting the party as they continue to be exposed to the realm.
A plot is one of the party members is declared god/elected ruler by some of the locals at the moment of their arrival.
And promptly challenged by the mad wizard?
Oh damn I just wrote The Wizard of Oz. [crawls off into the corner]
I'll try again. Lich King.
(Just testing guys)
The depths of the sea; An ornate gravestone; A ghost or lich; A flash of brilliance
@Ben Room for testing if you want to play around with it
@Miniman I'll remember that :)
@Ben Like the bar, it's mostly just a mechanism to keep the main chat somewhat less cluttered
@Magician Breath bated.
@Grubermensch I had just read something about Panko, so I glanced back and read this as "bread bated."
A ghost pirate had been plaguing the high seas. Defeating him in combat, as hard as it is, does nothing: he keeps coming back. The only way to get rid of him is to return his stolen treasure to his grave... at the bottom of the sea. To get there, the party decides to enter the tunnels left by the Tarrasque, safely asleep somewhere below the world. Nothing can possibly go wrong.
Heh, I did the priestess one, and it fits together pretty effortlessly.
Why is it always a Tarrasque? Nobody ever sends you down into the tunnels left by the cute fuzzy bunnies...
That was my third idea, after "drain the sea with portals" and "bring the moon much closer so low tide is really low". Which are all "brilliant" in their own ways.
Bringing the moon closer would actually pull the water towards the moon and flood landmasses though
5. A hidden shrine; 6. A holy book; 1. A false prophet; 3. In prison
@Sandwich While you're probably right, we're dealing with the kind of brilliance that brings the moon closer to the earth to drain the seas to get rid of a ghost pirate.
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