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Nothings on fire
@SevenSidedDie SF&F.SE has its own version of the question, which was linked, but it's good to have the Big Meta backup.
@Pureferret For now. This thing hasn't settled yet, I think.
@BESW We occasionally get drama here, but that is a whole other level of drama.
SF&F has some lovely people, but its nature as a Stack about non-actionable topics makes it a strange place.
@BESW It's an odd one!
I'm especially bemused by the not-uncommon opinion that story ID questions (really the only sort of "real problem" question the site gets) shouldn't be on topic.
@BESW yeah it's odd
And the constant bugbear of needing to rigidly define 'science fiction' and 'fantasy' is a thorn in the site's side.
@BESW Huh. It always struck me as strange that it was still on topic, because Arqade banned them a while ago for being an impossibly bad question type. But now that you mention it, yeah, it's one of the few real problem questions that show up on SF&F.
@BESW STAR WARS IS FANTASY and I will cut anyone who disagrees *strikes a pose*
@SevenSidedDie I'm of the opinion that the entire SF&F Stack is teetering on the knife edge of "Why are you using the Stack structure for this?"
...Yeah. Considering they weren't even separate a few decades ago, I can see that being both a never-ending argument and super-contentious.
I kinda feel that genres are more about defining consumer audience than about defining content.
@BESW I suspect many would find that cynical, but given the history of fiction genre I think that's merely accurate.
This has been increasingly reinforced watching SF&F argue about these things.
I've talked about this at length before.
Oct 30 '14 at 3:55, by BESW
And this is why, I think, people get upset at having My Little Pony in the SF&F site: it's not that they're really so upset about MLP being considered fantasy, it's that they're being placed in the same category of consumer as the target audience for MLP.
(Starts roughly here.)
@BESW I'm trying to come up with a similar topic in RPGs and failing. We have our divisive issues, but there's (rarely) any serious consideration that maybe the subject isn't even properly about RPGs...
@SevenSidedDie It happens! Microscope comes to mind.
@SevenSidedDie FATAL, LARP....
The similarity of issue is that whenever we try to define RPGs, we can't come up with a blanket definition that fits everything commonly considered "RPG" that doesn't also include all manner of things commonly considered "not RPG."
@BESW As not-an-RPG? I suppose I could see that argument. There are enough people from the indie side of the field that it wouldn't get far though.
@Pureferret FATAL was clearly psycho-horror performance art hoax.
Any definition of RPG that includes free-form play-by-post games will have a hard time not including all manner of things that we probably don't want to include.
@BESW It's true. But tribalism doesn't get much traction in defining RPG vs. not-RPG. That tribalism is there, but always within the "right" kind of RPGing. There's a lot of "but we know RPGs when we see them" mostly-agreement.
And then we get things like "4e is just an MMO."
Like, the offense at one's identity being shared with "those MLP fans" isn't something I see at play here.
@BESW Yeah, but that doesn't really get traction. It's a fringe claim, rather than the core pushing out interlopers.
@SevenSidedDie I think the RPG community has experienced enough ostracism that it's a lot more tolerant
It's a curious difference, and I wonder what the structural or accidental reason for the difference is.
@Pureferret That might be. And maybe that we've never divided along genre lines?
@SevenSidedDie I think there's enough genre bluring
Eh. I'm not sure I buy the argument that communities which contain excluded peoples are themselves disinclined to exclude.
And you make the story too so you're not relient on having to join somone's camp
@Pureferret Yes. Unlike in publishing, where confusing genre-blurring is death for a book (they literally will not let you be confusing on the shelf), in RPGs it's a selling point.
@BESW It's a thing
But we do get into fanatical turf wars over stuff like the superiority of one's D&D edition of choice.
@BESW I'm not sold on it either.
And of course any attempt to generalise about the RPG community is doomed to failure. Dooooomed.
@BESW Yes, huge fights over that. But rarely is redefining the opposite's choice as not-RPG a tactic.
@BESW I see what you did there.
@BESW I've definitely studied the effect at school
@Pureferret I'm not saying it doesn't happen. Just that it's not a given, and in a group as diverse as the RPG community it's probably next to useless to make that sort of claim about the community's gestalt experience.
but it was aimed at minorities acting more like that minority
@Pureferret We're disinclined to exclude on the monkey-sphere scale (q.v. 5 Geek Fallacies), but on the supra-monkey-sphere scale we're as likely to exclude as any other tribal organisation.
(Purely anecdotally speaking, of course.)
Nov 8 '14 at 23:56, by BESW
@Pixie Claims about trends in the overall RPG community can often be supported, but never proven. The community is too nebulous for useful data about its entirety to be possible to collect.
...and un-done chores call. I should quit chatting and get ready for game night.
See you around.
@BESW Yes, that's the big barrier to ever settling these with proper research.
An undefinably large portion of the RPG community doesn't go anywhere near the experience of community because they see it as toxic.
Question: Would creating a thrall potentially break Oaths of Vengeance (Paladin/Warlock)
@SevenSidedDie Oops, I didn't read that properly when I cast my vote.
@Pureferret Did you create the Thrall for the purpose of destroying evil?
@Miniman Would, yes
I suppose you could see it as community service
@Pureferret Then no, you didn't break your oath. OoV is all about doing whatever it takes to destroy evil.
@SevenSidedDie it seems to me and a few others that the Answer to the Question you quoted me and the interpretation is a bit flawed. I could be wrong however. I managed to find a Twitter post from someone of authority on the matter that offered clarity to what I'm about to attempt to explain
but for the life of me I can't find it -_-; so here goes
PHB pg 190: You can move a distance up to your speed. You can use as much or as little of your speed as you like on your turn, following the rules below. "Your movement can include jumping, swimming, climbing. These modes of movement can be combined with walking, or they can constitute your entire move.....
however you are moving, you deduct the distance of each part of your move from your speed until it is used up or until you are done moving."
Your speed is a constant
so anytime you move, it is deducted from your current speed
according to the writing
farther is the Dash entry a few pages down
WHen you take the Dash action, you gain extra movement for the current turn. The increase equals your speed after applying any modifiers . any increase or decrease to your speed changes this additional movement by the same amount. If your speed is reduced to 15, you can move up to 30 feet this turn if you dash.
Your speed doesn't change, though. You deduct what you move from your speed to get how much farther you can move, rather than deducting what you move from your speed to get your speed (which wouldn't make sense)
what the Twitter post clarified was, this increase to speed takes effect the moment you use dash, minus any modifiers for movement or effects that half your speed, and adding any modifiers that grant you extra movement, like the spell "haste"
Right, it does
if i can find that post I'll link it here, which will back up the above
he stressed "minus any movement already taken"
But your speed has nothing to do with how far you've moved so far this turn
@Airatome I'm pretty sure you're misquoting there
This is all the twitter Q&As tagged "Dash" sageadvice.eu/tag/dash
Holy moly that was close
My players almost killed lennithon
Hehe....your suggestion for Langdedrosa were spot on. That battle went awesomely
@DavidWilkins Ah, oops. That was one thing for level 7 players I didn't think of
@DavidWilkins Yay! The duel, or the full battle?
The dual...it took them 2 hours to get the trigger for Lennithor to run
I let them attemp it because ANY of them should be able to do it
I finally had to coach them a tiny bit
And he wouldn't have lasted many more rounds
But the important thing....we all had a blast!!!
Hooray! Especially that you had a blast, I was worried about that
So much fun, and I was worried I had underplanned
Heh, three party members pursued the raiders as they left after the champion battle and fired long range shots into clumps of egressing raiders. The ones that were hit weren't hit hard, but yelled "Owwww! Damn you! ..." which was followed by "... thunk hey bro, it wasn't me!!!"
@DavidWilkins Underplanning can be a good thing, because your players sometimes often usually won't follow your plans
Well so far I am batting 1000
I have zero illusions of that lasting
It depends on your players, too
Mine are generally happy to follow the plot, but they tend to surprise me with how they do things
That is half of my fun
The straggler canpfire encounter....
One character is seducing a cult fanatic, the guard drakes are being admired as mahestic pets...
Majestic pets even
I replaced the original creatures obviously
My guys snuck up on that one, put marbles everywhere, then killed 12 kobolds with one spell
Thinking back, the marbles didn't achieve a damn thing, but it was funny at the time
Haha, mine waltzed right in and were unnoticed until one said "hey!"
And the npcs were all nervous...the pc druid offered to cookforveveryone...
The pally played his drum as the fightress sang, which enticed the drakes
The drakes regarded the party as submissive puppies would
One of the humans started to fall for the fightress
This fightress is our resident Munchkin, so seeing him roleplay her is friggin awesome!
The cultists keep wanting to get their weapons
One of the party members, after the cultists say the must be going on, says that since they are going the same way....
The party will go with
The cultists say ..."not comfortable with that"
The party offers them a 50foot distance ahead
The cultists take that offer and one tries to sprint as soon as it is 50ft away
The rest stand... but in the end, the party gets a prisoner and a drake while wiping 4 other CR 2 enemies....so much fun
Very nice
As soon as they offered the 50 ft advantage, I was like,"ok, let us take our weapons with us..."
And they gnashed many teeth
Oh my god I love DMing this
@DavidWilkins that sounds incredibly fun.
So much fun beiing had
Addendum to yesterday's musings on the apocalypse (would make a good name for a post collecting them!). Mechanics of AW don't just provide a rhythm of good and bad things happening to PCs. Rather, they provide a rhythm of narrative input being passed around. Succeed on a move and you say what happens. Get a mixed result, and you'll have to compromise. Fail, and GM will say what happens.
@Magician Thoughts on how it compares to the way PotFT does this?
Not that familiar with it, other than what you've described.
You have black and white stones, and pull them out of the bag, right?
You pull out three, and choose which colour to put back.
Depending on the number left, your pilgrim helps people and/or gets in trouble. You narrate the helping, everyone else collaborates to narrate the trouble.
Sounds like you have a bit more control over when you'll have narration, and can be greedy about it.
Remind me, do the colors matter?
Colours matter for determining the kind of advancement your character has at the end of the session.
Only number matters during the session.
So is there a reason (beyond advancement) not to always take the most?
Provided you wish to be successful.
Here, have a summary pdf that explains how the numbers you choose determines what happens.
So... If you're in trouble keeping either 1 or 3 stones will save you?
That seems odd. And why would you want to ever take 0 stones? Or are you expected to want to get into trouble, as a player?
Well, getting in trouble IS fun, and it's a good out if you can't think what to do to help someone that turn.
It also plays into the long-game about character growth.
Keeping 3 black stones might tip the balance toward advancement you don't want.
Hrm. Would really need to play this. Generally, I prefer games where you don't purposefully fail, even though failure is fun.
Fiasco is an exception here, as it's a game about monumental screw-ups, but I find players tend to disassociate from their characters when playing it. They are narrators guiding their hapless puppets towards their doom.
@BESW there is a Movies & TV stack that is picking up stuff sci-fi also covers (including My Little Pony, though no questions have as yet been asked about it AFAIK), and a book lovers stack
plus a web comics proposal in definition phase which was originally an xkcd questions proposal, which got renamed, and now there's people wondering why it doesn't cover comics in general
I love the stack! I'd been searching for the solution to a jQuery problem I had, couldn't find a solution. So, I started typing up a question on SO. It pops up with the suggested questions, and bingo, one of them is close enough to mine that I can solve my problem!
Yesterday Worldbuilding had almost exactly the info I wanted to figure out whether a new idea for my campaign would be interesting.
So, that's one set of suburb/state/postcode with autocomplete. Now to get it working with two on the page... should work exactly the same but isn't...
Of course not.
BTW, @doppelgreener: crystals.
@BESW :O ?
ahh, seems to be a conflict between ASP.NET and jQuery... and that's a problem for tomorrow
@Yokhen Hi!
@BESW [beginning to suspect this is adventure hints]
i seeeee :)
[is pleasantly intrigued]
3 hours later…
@BESW Testing anything in particular?
@Miniman crystals maybe
My Internet's spotty.
The main site still times out.
Ah, my commiserations.
Internet troubles are highly irritating.
@helplessKirk Hi!
Q: Is there a resource of compatible monsters?

JaffaAs the title suggests, I am wondering if there is a spread sheet, list, text, web site, wiki or whatever, that lists monster compatability? When I populate a castle, dungeon, landscape etc - I want it all to make sense. The Monster Guide mentions it for some monsters (like the Orc) which says ...

on my way out, but I suspect this needs some VTC and comment action
The coolness, it is shrinking!
Quick, link more awesome things!
Listening to a mindfulness podcast this morning, got on Tube going wrong direction, didn't notice for two stops #doingitwrong
i'm really tempted to give $100 for those pathfinder spells
**Cool RPG/SE stuff:** [Bundle of Holding](http://bundleofholding.com "buy RPGs cheap in bulk, support charities & indie designers!");
[ScaleModeling.SE](http://area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/82797/scale-modeling "in the Definition stage");
[Pathfinder spellcards](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/748035782/spellcards-for-the-pathfinder-role-playing-game-2 "improved design and expanded spell list");
[Shadow of the Demon Lord](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/432417423/shadow-of-the-demon-lord "a dark pre-apocalyptic fantasy RPG").
...and now I'm considering if there's a practical way to make a cool physical spellbook game aid. Because cards sort of worked for 4e (though much better in an electronic form where you could put int correct numbers), but I don't see them as a good fit for 3e and the like.
Doesn't have the right feel.
There are a lot of easy cheap ways to make a homebound book.
Oh, sure. But one that changes/grows all the time?
And with markers for what's prepared and in what way, too.
Colour-coded post-it flags comes to mind.
Sounds good. I guess I'd go for a scrapbook approach, glue in formatted spell descriptions, have icons for stuff like components and whatnot. Add random occult images to taste. Make a small project out of it, an actual personal spellbook.
Look into stamp corners!
@Magician I think it would def work for 5e
@BESW Oooh, yeah, that's an easy way to make it fancy
Mind you, that achieves a different goal than the Pathfinder cards. A fancy personal reference, rather than a convenient pick-up-and-play reference.
Also, no way to sell that as a product :)
I mean gf9 is selling spell cards
if you are playing 5e, you could buy em, and just hole punch em and then put them in a mini ring binder
or tie them together with leather straps
Can anyone tell me the rough date that 5e HotDQ takes place?
And which reckoning would a citizen of Silverymoon use?
...I guess Dale Reckoning (DR) is the norm for most folks...
and the only thing I can seem to locate online suggest it is 1489 DR
@Grubermensch what time approximation did you and @waxeagle come up with for your diary for the events
@DavidWilkins they might be able to answer it, though I think a remember some stuff with the moon and star cycles and it being fall OR spring
Thanks @JoshuaAslanSmith
@JoshuaAslanSmith There are dates on the entries on G+
Oh, hmmm. Not public.
> Eleasis the Seventh in the Year of the Warrior Princess
That was our start day
Ok! So 1489 DR
Thanks @Grubermensch
And this helps
Q: When does Hoard of the Dragon Queen start?

wax eagleOne of my players is attempting to write journal entries as session summaries, and I was wondering what date (approximate is fine), Hoard of the Dragon Queen begins. I know from my research that the year is 1489 DR, however the approximate time of year and month are not given in the adventure an...

I kind of hope this answer gets 10 upvotes, so I can geta gold badge. :)
A: Is Moonbeam amazing, or are we doing it wrong?

AdeptusIn a tweet from Jeremy Crawford, he says: When a spell's description uses "enter" in relation to an AoE, the entering has to be voluntary only if the text says so. So by RAW/RAI, Moonbeam will do damage when the beam is moved over a target. In the continuation of that conversation, Jeremy ...

@DuckTapeAl the edition for which I sigh sadly as a gm
Yeah, I'm not sure this whole 'make the GM do way more work since we intentionally underspecify everything' is going to work out so good in the long run.
I've seen more than one 5e answer on the site that has basically said "There's no rule for that, but that's okay, because there are lots of things that the system doesn't have rules for."
This question especially makes me sad:
Q: If I design a PC for use as an NPC, how much XP should he give when killed?

James Games2kAs part of an early quest, my PCs are likely to face off against a wizard. The problem here is that the stat block for Mage NPCs listed in the Basic Rules has a Challenge Rating of 6, while the PCs are going to be five Level 1s. So, instead of messing with the stat block and risk weakening it to...

It was a design choice so that all the old school players would feel welcome
I'm aware. It feels like WotC keeps overcorrecting with how they're changing each new edition.
Like, yes, 4th ed probably was too much of a miniatures game and not enough of an RPG for most people. Maybe pull back on that a little.
And then, instead of making a game that's more like a better-specified 3.5, they decide to remake 2nd ed.
@DuckTapeAl we'll see how it all shakes out
I need to codify a 5e as 4e meets dungeon world rules interpretation in an easy to reference document
3 hours later…
@Magician It might be convenient to use magnets if you want to switch things around frequently.
@JohnP waves
1 hour later…
@DavidWilkins waves back
@waxeagle so far out on a limb
Maybe I won't link to that Kickstarter in the Cool Stuff unless/until that gets a bit less wifty.
> This project will not be published or distributed in any way that violates copyright laws. It's a personal project that will be delivered as a gift to those who help fund its creation. No profit is expected, and no infringement intended. If no other avenue is provided, in a worst-case scenario, it will be printed without system-specific rules and backers will be provided with digital packets of the "crunch" for printing.
Wow, someone is heading face-first into legal trouble.
Pro: they claim to already have the material in-hand, and it's just art and production to be done. Con: no evidence of experience in publishing/production or working with artists, a very short turnaround for all the art, and does not appear to be aware that boxed sets can be a killer both in making them happen and in shipping.
I cant get over the, if theres no profit theres no legal issue, idea that everyone seems to have
Furthermore though I understand wanting settings and adventures for 5e, I loved the availability of materials for 4e as a first time GM, but some of this stuff is either coming out of people with no prior experience as in this case or by publishers launching way to close to the actual release dates of all the books for me to assume any kind of system mastery on my part
The funding goal seems really low for what's to be done, too. My verdict is good intentions on a road to hell, though still with some chance of turning off that road.
its like 3rd party pathfinder products
That sounds a lot like what the people trying to fund the Harry Potter MMO were saying.
@DuckTapeAl Wow, yeah. "We are dangerously clueless about a fundamental aspect of our project" is a bit of a red flag that a team might not have what it takes for the rest of the probject.
**Cool RPG/SE stuff:** [Bundle of Holding](http://bundleofholding.com "buy RPGs cheap in bulk, support charities & indie designers!");
[ScaleModeling.SE](http://area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/82797/scale-modeling "in the Definition stage");
[Pathfinder spellcards](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/748035782/spellcards-for-the-pathfinder-role-playing-game-2 "improved design and expanded spell list");
[Shadow of the Demon Lord](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/432417423/shadow-of-the-demon-lord "a dark pre-apocalyptic fantasy RPG");
Avast ya scurvy scallywags
How's you mister BESW?
Pleased with the magazine cover I just designed.
Goodgood. Magazine cover?
Anyone up for a moralistic question?
@Theik I'm the designer for the annual Pacific literature magazine published by the University of Guam.
Ah, neato
Go for it, @JohnP
Aight. Currently in my age/rank division there is nobody that has participated in creative forms for the year. So, if I compete in our regional in creative forms, that would qualify me for districts. As the lone competitor, I would automatically win districts and that qualifies me for Worlds.
Now (To make it RPG related) as RAW that is perfectly fine. Is it a moral path to Worlds, or am I taking advantage of a quasi loophole?
Not your fault nobody else is competing.
Unless it is your fault, in which case, shame on you.
That makes it unanimous so far.
And no, I haven't been running around pulling a Tonya Harding on competitors in 4 states :p
Then I don't see how it could be morally wrong. :)
I waffle with it. On one hand, I beat everyone that didn't enter. On the other, I didn't beat anyone to win the title. :p
Mostly I'd be using it as a ticket to Worlds, where there will be other competitors.
(And I'm already ranked in two other divisions, so this would be an addition, not a sole event).
To be fair, if nobody could enter because it's morally wrong that there are no other competitors, how are there ever going to be any other competitors to begin with?
Eh, the only reason I'm even questioning it at all, is because I can almost guarantee that I will be the only person at Districts, which automatically advances me into the World's group.
The wife thinks I'm being silly.
She's most likely right. ;)
I think it's valuable to have thought about the issue carefully rather than dismissively, but I also think that in the end it's probably not going to be a moral impropriety.
1 hour later…
@Polisurgist Hi!
@Adeptus Thanks for the edit!
Damn, so much wasted rep today :(
[watching scifi episode about hallucinogenic space ticks]
[Twitter feed blows up about opossums being super-efficient consumers of Lyme-carrying ticks]
("Hallucinogenic Space Ticks" would be a good name for a band. Or a tumblr account.)
(Except the tumblr account would have to spell "hallucinogenic" wrong.)
@BESW That's weirdly specific for a Twittersplosion.
I have a weirdly awesome (and awesomely weird) set of twits on my feed.
@Miniman No worries
@Adeptus Although now that I see it, I really like the phrase "being being". I'll have to find an excuse to use it legitimately at some point.
A quick Google later and I found Being Beings.
o/ @BESW
so, what did you want to bring up with me yesterday? I was at work -- saw some of it in the backlog, but didn't get the full context
Oh, I thought you might be interested in the conversation about the effects of a high-density, high-oxygen atmosphere on humans.
aaah :) yeah...things like SOD and catalase tend to run out of steam after too much pure O2 for too long
What effect would that have, and how quickly?
I'm looking at an atmosphere of 35% oxygen at about 4.5 bars.
Mostly focusing on the effects felt within the first five minutes to half an hour.
actually, you wouldn't notice that much, the ppO2 is only around 1.5 bars in that atmosphere
well, hang on
that's the CNS effects
so you wouldn't get those nasty seizures
I'm thinking mild nitrogen narcosis.

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