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@BESW Primeval spin-off? Why did I not know this was a thing? (How does it compare to the original?)
@Adeptus It's not really great. It stars the actor who played that annoying egomaniac who was supposed to be a heartthrob on Eureka, with... basically the same acting, but now he's supposed to be the sympathetic hero instead of the sexy jerkface.
@Dorian Bardbarian
And it's much more grimdark: instead of "Anomalies made my wife a supervillain," it's "Anomalies spat out an Allosaurus which ate my wife in front of me." No Wilhelm screams, lots of Break the Cutie.
[looks at time] Oh, that's why I'm hungry... lunchtime! Back in a bit
> WTTW, which maintained its transmitter atop the Sears Tower, found that its engineers were unable to stop the hijacker, due to the high microwave signals that the hijacker was using, as well as the fact that there were no engineers on duty at the Sears Tower at the time of the hijacking.
Talk about burying the lede.
...aaand I'm back
Me too.
@BESW I nearly peed myself. I must share this.
@Adeptus New World was cancelled unceremoniously after one season, leaving many dangling plot threads which, frankly, did not distress me overmuch.
eh, sounds like it's not worth the effort to hunt down
It has a couple cameos by Connor, being all Competent And World-Weary Secret Agent, which is terribly amusing.
For me, the show had three major flaws: it starred Niall Matter; it re-tread too much of Primeval's early ground, as the characters learnt things about anomalies that the audience already knew and had adventures the audience had already seen; and it was too savagely brutal.
They tried to spice it up with time-travel paradox plot arcs (which can be done well, but is also really easy to screw up--I'm not too hopeful about 12 Monkeys for the same reason), and I think the grimdark elements were meant to distinguish the new show from the old as well, but it didn't work for me.
@KitFox Glad you liked it. The Skin Horse comments are often at least as entertaining as the comic itself.
Im trying to make an rpg game any suggestions
Q: How to build X in (a point-buy system)

WrathchildIn strictly point-buy systems (like GURPS and HERO System) you can build pretty much any character/vehicle/gadget you can think of if you know how to combine the powers and modifications thereof. Trouble comes of not knowing how to combine them appropriately. I'm wondering if those sorts of ques...

> It was like ignoring the vegetable drawer of your fridge for a year, then opening it to find a bunch of very grateful sentient tomatoes busily working on their third opera
Soupe Opéra is a children's television programme. It was created in France in the early 1990s, and was aired globally as distant as Australia, originally on free-to-air, non-commercial channel ABC1, but is now shown more commonly on sister channel ABC2 on the ABC 4 Kids lineup. == Visuals == In each episode, fruit and vegetables spontaneously exit a basket, moving by themselves, and cut themselves up to form animals and objects. The animals formed then perform actions, such as eating the left over food. In some episodes, the food comes out of a garbage bin to form the animal, such as a possum....
Just to let everyone know: I'm recruiting for a new campaign, tentatively called There Will Be TPK.
The idea is that the world is out to get you, and character deaths are very often.
@AgentPaper -- hrm -- sounds like EVE Online ;)
I'm hoping to get a better feel for how to push players to their limits without killing them, by killing them. A lot.
Recruitment thread is here: giantitp.com/forums/…
What system?
@BESW The link says 5e.
dangit, I really need to get used to mentioning that.
....dangit. Doesn't look like Wacom ships to Guam.
I mean, I can't even say, "Well it's the majority so you should assume it!", since if anything something like Fate is probably in the majority in this chat.
I'm not sure this chat has a clear majority.
@BESW I'm reasonably sure you personally represent the majority of this chat.
I mean, my group usually plays Fate. But by far the system I've got the most experience with is D&D 3.5, and this weekend we'll probably play Cthulhu Dark.
in Not a bar, but plays one on TV, Nov 12 '14 at 11:08, by doppelgreener
BESW is actually a hive mind of like a dozen and a half people
**By RAW you would simply have the proficiency from two different sources**

This would not result in a double proficiency bonus, but would simply be a wasted proficiency. Also, by default you can not change the backgrounds, but with DM approval the PHB does provide a guideline for creating custom backgrounds.

>**Customizing a Background**
>You might want to tweak some o f the features of a background so it better fits your character or the campaign setting. To customize a background, you can replace one feature with any other one, choose any two skills, and choose a total of two tool prof
maybe add the bit about customization to your answer
Im wrong in the first paragraph and you beat me to the draw anyway
@mxyzplk Not sure if merging makes sense
The playtest had some differences in how it handled backgrounds
and that question is definitely about the playtest
Should questions about D&D playtest/"next" be marked as obsolete now? Or updated to 5e?
@JoshuaAslanSmith I thought there was a duplicate, but I couldn't find one when I looked.
@Adeptus -- updated to 5e I suspect
@Adeptus Oh, sweet Blueblood on a biscuit, let that sleeping dog lie.
We do not need another schism over the relationship between 5e and the playtests.
I want to make a Burning Wheel character burning and/or game-helping-running program (because this can be horrifyingly complex to track). Any interest from the denizens of this chatroom?
I have NFI about Burning Wheel @Emrakul
"NFI," clearly, stands for "Need Further Information."
or No Freakin' Idea
"The New Fraggle Ideologies" would be a good name for an album.
Probably from a post-new-sincerity nostalgia band.
So, related to my campaign: Any ideas on how to work the story for a game where character death and even TPKs are the norm?
Depends. Are we talking frequent character resurrections, or frequent character turnover?
Ugh... the /tg/ drawthreads on 4chan are nearly intolerable now....
@BESW Frequent turnover, most likely.
Hm, this might make a good question actually, now that I think of it.
Or would it be too opinion-based?
@Emrakul Interest: piqued. Ability to create a fork of myself that will have the time to assist you: not yet acquired.
@AgentPaper "I have a campaign where my characters die all the time. How should I handle the story?" is going be closed as unclear or opinion-based because, well, what do you need help with there? You handle it how you want. Are you having a problem we can provide a solution to?
If you say "I am trying to achieve this specific effect and don't know how," that presents us with a better site question.
like, are you trying to make the story still have gravitas when it is, in reality: a bunch of people threw themselves at this obstacle and like a hundred of them died and eventually a few of them succeeded and the corpse-pile clean-up bill was enormous?
@doppelgreener What language(s)/IDE(s) do you prefer? (In case you ever find time, I'd like to use something you're familiar with)
@Emrakul I'm unlikely to find time in the near future due to having my own personal projects and not being on schedule for those either, so don't base that off my comfort levels! However in truth I tend to learn whatever is suitable or being used for the job. I like C# and I'm very familiar with it, I'm familiar with the web front-end trifecta - html, JavaScript, css - and I like python and ruby but I've never done anything serious with them.
The only actual IDE I use is visual studio, and if I'm not working in that I'm probably using sublime text.
The only languages I'm truly averse to are Java (tolerable) and PHP (I might do it anyway and wonder how I got into this mess and why the developer chose this language)
PHP is superior to all! Ia! Ia!
@doppelgreener I've only mild experience with C#, but it's very familiar. I'm going to pick up C# In Depth soon anyway, so may as well start with that!
Hell, it'll help learn me a C#, and maybe even for great good.
(Though I might not start for a while anyway - a stack of about six textbooks on my desk, transfer applications, and transfer examinations.)
(Also, the application logic is horrendous in some places.)
@Emrakul application logic of what?
It's mostly that BW makes hundreds of little exceptions in the most annoying places, honestly
Oh! The logic of the program?
It mostly gets nasty in weapons and armor.
uh oh.
a-are you using component oriented design
if you're using regular inheritance-based OOP that's going to get pretty nasty
but components might make it a little easier to deal with minute exceptions
I did a draft of this in Java for an AP compsci project a while back, and I thought the entire thing would be very straightforward without all these strange recurring modifiers, so I did it pretty much solely on inheritance.
Which is, uh, yeah, where it got rather nasty.
Because I didn't realize how many exceptions there actually were?
Missile weapons have different statistical distributions (on the "Die of Fate"), different values for each of these distributions, different values if you decide to throw things, different values depending on how far away you are, two other modifiers, and if they're arrows the heads can arbitrarily change different things about the result.
Most of my problems came from making assumptions about the requirements of the project that turned out to be, um. False.
so much arbitrary calculation
Here's an overview of how this works, if you're curious.
First, you pick lifepaths, which require a certain number of years, give you resources, adjust either mental or physical stats. This can be either mental +1, physical +1, or mental or physical +1 - and in one case only, it's a -1 to mental or physical).
Lifepaths can lead to certain settings. Lifepaths are categorized by setting, and you can only pick lifepaths in your current setting or anything this lifepath leads to. If you pick something the lifepath leads to, you add one to the time it takes.
Lifepaths also give you general skill points and localized skill points, as well as trait points, a required skill and trait (or plural, if the LP is repeated), and optional skills and traits.
If you repeat a lifepath, though, your resources repeats once, but drops off after that.
After that, you take all the numbers and aggregate them. Use your age to get your base mental and physical pools, then add modifiers to those, then split those up into stats.
The problem I had here was that I didn't realize how much interconnectedness there was between lifepaths and choices made, so I only had very minimal ways for things to access and modify each other.
Things like "resources diminish with repetition" didn't actually occur to me to write the program for, which was horribly confusing when I realized I needed it. Same thing with mental/physical minus one (though that wasn't hard, just irritating).
The worst part of this is that it can't be dealt with in integers in places - Burning Wheel uses its own counting system.
Anyway, that was a lot longer than I meant it to be.
In short, before this project could even be started, it needs to be thought through somewhat meticulously.
oh wow yes.
I can imagine a lot of design or iterative prototyping.
well, both at once actually.
I get the feeling like it'd be really fun, but it's definitely not a small project
if it weren't fun, I wouldn't want to do it ._.
yeah, I'm the same ;)
1 hour later…
Still need ideas for charismatic leaders for character inspiration :/
@doppelgreener Well, if you ever have time, it'd take longer by myself than with help :P
but for now, sleep
2AM sleep + 8AM class = unhappy Emrakul
@Emrakul goodnight! time for turbosleep
> When a new Speaker of the House of Commons is elected, the successful candidate is physically dragged to the Chair by other MPs.
This custom has its roots in the Speaker's function to communicate the Commons' opinions to the monarch. Historically, if the monarch didn't agree with the message being communicated then the early death of the Speaker could follow. Therefore, as you can imagine, previous Speakers required some gentle persuasion to accept the post.
@BESW HA. I've seen this process happen! (The dragging part, not the death part.) Now I understand.
CERBERUS IN A CAN: Defeated & canned, 1244 BC, by Heracles in the Peloponnesus.
@Emrakul Go back to bed.
@doppelgreener Please note, the tongue-in-cheek understatement of that blurb is taken directly from the official website of the UK Parliament.
Quick chat poll: What is for you (and without looking him up), the most essential (iconic/representative/memorable/definitive) thing about Max Headroom?
If you don't know Max Headroom without looking him up, that's also a useful response.
I either do not know or do not remember a Max Headroom
@BESW I noted this. :)
@BESW I do not know this man, and will make an uneducated guess that it's his head room. (Or the room in his head.)
@doppelgreener In a sense, they could be thought of as one and the same.
To avoid contaminating the poll, more detailed discussions of Max Headroom should probably adjourn to the NAB.
If you want 'em, of course.
stabby rip stab stab
@doppelgreener, @trogdor If I were to ask you what your PC fears about themselves, would be hard to come up with an answer?
@BESW yes
but i could probably come up with one
What if I expanded it to "greatest fear," without the self bit?
That is probably easier. (Now that you've asked it, I also want to figure out an answer to her fear about herself.)
@doppelgreener I'm reading various horror RPG guides/manuals/articles/etc.
@Aaron I just started watching the anime Log Horizon. Gotta say, this is gonna get me soo hyped for your game lol.
@Dorian looks kinda cool. :)
@BESW Oh yeah? I guess that'd point out this being pretty important to know. :) Let me know if it has more to say on the topic.
One useful article (which draws heavily on Nightmares of Mine) categorises fear into (in escalating order): Evil Threatening Us, Evil Threatening Others, Creating Evil Ourselves, Being Evil Ourselves, and Living in an Evil World.
@BESW Also, do you want an actual answer to what that fear would be, or just whether we might be able to say what it is?
@doppelgreener I will be asking everyone in the group this question, or something similar to it, over the next week.
@doppelgreener Definitely, only one episode in and it's already awesome. And it has very similar themes to the game.
(I'm also having a little bit of trouble because there's a lot of things that would be very scary for Stellata if they happened, but are not necessarily things she thinks about, so I wouldn't say they count among her fears.)
@doppelgreener Ah, this is also cool: don't worry if it's not something she worries about.
She doesn't have to know she has a fear until she's confronted with it.
Okay. :D
If she has some deep subconscious fear of reverting to an unthinking plant, she doesn't have to recognise the fear to be affected by it.
Likewise, Doctor Light may have a deep horror that Stellata will run wild and hurt people, but it may never actually occur to him to think of that.
(And, when those categories talk about Evil, it's "bad things happening" sort of evil.)
So if Stellata fears losing her mind, that's Evil Threatening Us. And Doctor Light's fear that Stellata will become a villain is Creating Evil Ourselves.
Or maybe Stellata just fears aphids.
@doppelgreener Specifically, I think our Aether session will have Forbidden Planet style adversaries: Monsters From The Id.
So I'm putting together some questions about fears and desires and so forth in order to better craft appropriate monsters.
@BESW I have no idea what you mean when you say forbidden planet.
But I get Monsters from the Id.
It's the 1950s film that coined the phrase "Monsters from the Id."
It's kind of a combination of The Tempest and Beyond the Mountains of Madness, but IN SPAAACE.
On a distant planet, an extremely advanced and utterly peaceful race once devised a machine to eliminate labour and want by reading the mind of everyone on the planet and physically creating whatever they wanted. It worked great until they went to sleep and their uncontrolled dreams killed everyone and everything on the planet.
The film is about humans discovering the planet thousands of years later.
...and the machine is still working.
That actually sounds pretty cool.
It's an awesome film, though I just totally spoiled the surprise ending.
I highly recommend it to everyone. It's a seminal piece of sci fi culture that shaped a lot of what came after it, and it's a good film in its own right too.
@besw dat poster
It inspired Star Trek; the robot prop was used a LOT in various other films and TV shows; it's got the first totally electronic-music soundtrack; it's Leslie Nielsen's breakout role...
@BESW it reminds me of Marvin the Martian.
I am going to sleep. Goodnight!
Forbiden planet always makes me thinkg of asimov stories
The ideas it explores would be right at home in an Asimov short story, and Robbie the Robot has a version of the Three Laws.
pretty much
So, my idea for an upcoming session, while my players are hurtling through space toward the Sun, is to have the untouched Aether of space interact with their minds to create physical effects--animate or inanimate--which reflect their subconscious feelings, desires, and fears.
And to run it as a Cthulhu Dark session.
I've got a roleplaying problem, but I don't think it's appropriate for a proper sit question.
@BESW similar to the theory of reavers presented in the firefly series?
@Macona Shoot.
(in contrast of course to the truth about reavers presented in the movie)
@waxeagle Not really: the Aether magically creates physical manifestations of their subconscious thoughts. Literally Monsters from the Id for them to confront.
In a different campaign, I'd go with something more like your suggestion.
Perhaps weaving it into my Theory of Holodecks.
Our club has a new player. He seems nice and interested to learn, but he also seems so incredibly stupid. Some of the ideas he comes out with a really childish, and he can't seem to retain rules in his brain.
We also have to add up his dice rolls for him, because he can't manage it himself
What system are you using, and how much support was he given in learning it when he joined?
But it's his childish ideas that are the main problem. Has anyone else dealt with someone like this?
Rogue Trader. Very crunchy for a new player
@marcona inflict slight penalties for them not doing the work themselves
in terms of lack of math
like, I will always assume the default minimum roll if you dont add it up yourself
Meh. I'd advise against in-game penalties for out-of-game behaviour as a general rule.
@besw generally I am with you on that, I can't stand a player unwilling to put in effort to play the actual game
This question may be of use, though it's not quite the same scenario:
Q: Dealing with players of vastly different skill levels?

Zachary YatesIn my latest campaign (D&D 3.5), I have a player (let's call him P). P is on his fifth character. Yes, fifth. Except for P, only one other player has lost a character. The world P lives in is harrowing, that's for sure, lots of deadly skills encounters, traps, difficult combat encounters. It's a ...

@JoshuaAslanSmith Macona doesn't say he isn't willing or trying.
beyond that though this is probably a player and game/table mismatch
I don't mind doing Maths for him. He may have learning difficulties.
"Can't manage it" and "can't seem to retain rules" indicates he IS trying, in fact.
hmmm that is fair
He does try, I'll give him that
my inherent bias against lazy players led me to assume that was the root cause and misread his statements
Maybe some of the questions related to children and RPGs on our site might be applicable (no offense to your player)
If he has issues adding up dice see if he would be willing to download a dice roller application that does math for him.
My experience is that one of two things cause this sort of behaviour (assuming good faith on the part of everyone):
Also good morning
@besw by the way I wish I could pour a bucket of ice cold gold stars all over you for the we dont need another schism statement
How do I speed up the process of character card creation. The players in my party keep putting it off.
1) He's overwhelmed by the mechanics of the game and that's getting in the way of making good choices, and the stress of knowing he's making poor choices gets in the way of handling the rules. The way to break the cycle is to simultaneously reduce the mechanical pressure and provide positive support and encouragement for his choice-making efforts.
@Kaz_king which system?
@JoshuaAslanSmith D&D 3.5
you need a little more introduction than that
hmmm didnt know 3.5 used cards, unless you mean character sheet?
2) He's got a radically different idea about the kind of game you're playing together, and the group needs to have a nice out-of-game chat to reconcile playstyles so everyone's on the same page (and crucially that chat needs to operate on the assumption that everyone's desires are valid).
For my current games, that "chat" thing is more viable. In my D&D days when I enforced my playstyle on the party, I instead took the "sit in on a game and see if our playstyle is right for you" approach to new players.
Also consider: who is bothered by the player's behaviour? That'll change the landscape and influence how you deal with it.
@JoshuaAslanSmith Yeah I meant Sheet sorry.
@Kaz_king so they haven't built characters yet?
@Kaz_king is this in person or you just saying yoru players are taking whiel to actually make up characters so you can start the game?
If you're the only one who feels there's something wrong about how the game has changed since he joined, it might be useful to remember that the game must change in some way when the people who make it up change. If everyone including the new guy agrees that something's not quite right, you'll get a lot more buy-in on a group chat about resolving things.
You might find some pregenerated characters on the net instead of having them make their own, I know 3.5 chargen can be super intense
@waxeagle Well one of them made theirs another hasn't even started and the third wanted me to do it for him (which I did)
@BESW Cheers, I'll have a read of the related questions. I think he bothers all the players, but I they all tolerate him because they assume he's got special needs.
@waxeagle Except if you don't do it, you never really understand your character.
*but I think they
@Miniman true.
@waxeagle that just reminded me of how unoptimal all the 4e pregens for each encounter season were
heh, 4e pregens were typically pretty awful
(though i don't do store programs, so I haven't seen those pregens. The ones for KotSF were not good)
(that said, L1 pregens don't really have to be)
So I am going to be working on a d20 application with some friends. Would anyone like to assist with the design ideas?
If there is enough interest on here I will make a separate room for it.
@waxeagle I mean some of them came out very late in 4e's cycle and still took story/junk feats
@aaron what kind of d20 application
dice roller, character manager, story manager, etc?
@Aaron yo
@JoshuaAslanSmith all of the above hopefully
@IronHeart Morning.
Good morning
@Aaron that's a significant undertaking
I know. I need practice though and being able to show a highly advanced application, even if it is for gaming, would be a major boon on my resume if I ever leave my current job.
I will probably be the main coder, my friend will be designer as he is much more graphically inclined than myself. And another friend will be a secondary coder.
@Aaron def
The focus will be on PF but if we can I want to expand it to cover all systems I can legally use the rules of.
@Aaron I'd be willing to help where I can. Is it going to be browser based, or standalone?
@aaron so my only thought is why someone would use whatever it is vs roll20
@DavidWilkins We are undecided on that. None of us have designed an application that has actually gone online before.
@aaron ah resume experience
that is a worthy reason
@aaron I might be willing to help out in terms of system design
@JoshuaAslanSmith And practice. I tried to write a For Each loop recently and couldn't...
@JoshuaAslanSmith This will probably be in C#.
@Aaron lol, it's OK, I have to look up the syntax every time for some of that stuff too
(usually VS's intellisense is enough, but sometimes...)
@aaron UX as in user experience
@JoshuaAslanSmith Oh. I though you meant Unix
yeah I mean like usability testing and design
We could definitely use a tester. None of us have experience in that either.
sigh, health questions on coffee beta
@doppelgreener WHYYYYY
@Aaron I am a web developer by day, so if theres any way I can help, as I said, I am glad to offer
@DavidWilkins Ok. I will see if they would be interested in a fourth person. I think we are meeting in person but it would't be hard to setup a mic and share screen on skype so you can see the code as well.
Would a question about what systems I would be able to add into this app without having any possible legal issues suit this site?
Like I know I could do PF because it's OGL
That sounds like a list question
But if I coded in the rules for 3.5 I could get a cease and desist like that one site did.
@DavidWilkins It would be but it would also have strict-ish criteria.
@waxeagle What do you think? Would a question like that work?
Also, you could ask for permission from copyright holders to include their rules. You aren't very likely to get it, but you can always ask
@Aaron Don't use product identity (names, iconic original monsters, etc) and pay attention to the relevant sections in the books you're using content from.
Just got these to help speed up combat
(Actually, I could probably go about grabbing the content for you.)
@IronHeart So you mean use the rules for 3.5 but don't call it that?
Yeah, exactly. Don't mention Dungeons & Dragons by name, the same way that Pathfinder's been doing it.
@DavidWilkins do you want my skype? I already get spam friend requests so I am not too worried about posting it on here for the few seconds it would take you to get it.
That raises a question: Why is there no way to PM on SE?
SE is a Q&A site
@DavidWilkins There sorta is. We can make a private chat.
Well there's that I guess...
But that is pointless for something like this. I don't really mind if someone else on here grabs my skype and I already get spam friend requests as I said.
I have to find my skype user ID...I haven't used it in a while...What kindof time frame are you going to be discussing it?
I wouldn't be able to join during work hours is my concern
@DavidWilkins Do you mean when are we meeting? We are still setting those details up. We all have mostly the same scheduled. (two of us work 7-330 the other is in school)
@Aaron actually you can't...unless you're a mod
@DavidWilkins We are CST what time is it there?
I'm in Eastern
so I get out roughly the same time as you
@waxeagle Oh I thought there was a way as a normal user. My bad.
@DavidWilkins Eastern is one hour behind right? So it is 7:45 for you?
nope, you can make a gallery room in which only a white list of folks can talk in, but that's still indexed by the googles
@waxeagle Rants about google stalking him
An hour ahead
@DavidWilkins Ah. So it is 945. We should be fine then. Even if you work to 5 by the time we get ready to meet you should have time to do whatever you need to.
Cool. I can take down your skype now if you want
@Aaron There's actually a document of everything in 3.5 core that you're free to use, called the SRD. I shall prepare a copy for you to use, and then start sifting through splatbooks to see what else we can throw in.
@IronHeart Oh cool. Thanks man
@IronHeart is that different from d20srd.com?
@DavidWilkins lalalala
@DavidWilkins Yeah, d20srd applied a bit of errata and a few other small changes.
Also, it's .org
I can't connect to skype from work, but I emailed your id to myself so I can do it when I get home. I'll have to remember to take my headset home with me
@DavidWilkins ok
@waxeagle no gaming tonight right?
@JoshuaAslanSmith correct
going to see Andrew Peterson this evening
it seems like a lot of DM advice questions come down to "just be more creative"
which is a truism but also kind of terrible at the same time
wow that question
I could write a treatise on the silliness of dice rolls to do th ings in just about any situtation
@Aaron btw you can probably include any of the SRD information from 3.5 in your app. You might not be able to include any non-srd stuff. Take for example the DnDTools app that is currently on the app market despite DnDTools themselves getting a cease and desist order. The app itself only uses SRD material (though you can add your own database information to it or incorporate other databases if you find them). The app was also made by someone else, the site owner didn't make the app.
1 hour later…
@Macona Is he familiar w/WH40K? To be honest, it's kind of a weird setting, and a weird one to "play straight" especially if you have no familiarity with it. Alternatively, what's his background with other rpgs? If someone is used to playing Monty Python hijinx, and given how much RPG-related material is jokes on that same concept, I can see some people thinking that's how ALL roleplaying works.
So...I was able to register the domain my.space
Surprised that wasn't taken already.
see if fox wants to buy that. (does fox still own myspace?)
@waxeagle yeah, newscorp aka rupert murdoch aka fox.
@waxeagle - Check that. Actually, Justin Timberlake and Specific Media
ah, not surprised it changed hands without me noticing, though that does sound familiar now that you said it
Hrm. outre.space is still available.
did it just go onsale today?
wonder how many people would get the joke...
(*.space that is)
today or yesterday. I got the email this morning
outre.space no longer available. Maybe it will pay off for me in a year. :p
Q: what is the quality of 3.5 edition vs 4 edition

wyattI have a lot of 4th edition D&D books but i have been hearing about the merits of 3.5 edition. Do you think it's worth it to buy 3.5th edition books if i find a good seller?

Q: It seems like every skill check should always be made with advantage due to the 'Working Together' rules. Is this accurate?

PercivalMy group just started playing 5th last night, and we immediately ran into issues with the 'Working Together'/'Skill Assist'/'Skill Help' rules. By the rules it seems like nearly every single skill roll should be made with advantage, but logically that doesn't seem right. The rules about working...

When he mentioned threading a needle all I could think of was two musclebound type characters. One holding the needle yelling at the other to thread it, the other aiming the thread and with a yell pushing it through the hole.
This needs to be a comic. Two musclebound characters going about daily tasks with the same zeal they use to slay monsters. When they actually slay monsters they are calm like they are doing a normal task
1 hour later…
@Dorian oi. I already covered open game content.
@JohnP outer?
Just found this website: free mass combat rules for D&D 3.5 and 5th edition:
Has anyone tried out these rules?
@IronHeart Ya did? Didn't notice sorreh. Kinda bouncing around alot.
Found an awesome anime thanks to the guys at the anime SE and I'm absolutely loving it, only switching tabs during hulu's commercials
@IronHeart If you're a fan of anime at all you might want to check out Log Horizon. It's definitely worth it imo.
@IronHeart No, outre. Outer was taken, and I've always liked the word outre.
1 hour later…
So I have read the section of the D&D PHB over Cleric Spells multible times And it isn't making sense.

How I think it works:
1. At a certian time during the day the cleric meditats for 1 hr.
2. During this time The Select one spell per spell per day spell slot
3. The spells that they pick are the only spells they can cast and each only once per time it was selected.

Is this correct?
@BESW that is a very distinct skull shape
@Kaz_king Which D&D edition is that?
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