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@BESW Dr Dinosaur theory: the make-up of his brain is just so radically different from ours he appears entirely incoherent because from his point of view that is coherent. It also lets him understand CRYSTALS.
@Magician, @BESW - We'll need reply emails from ya to get the legalities out of the way. @doppelgreener, I hear you're iiiiinterested
@Lord_Gareth I am - I'm going to do some reading of the subject matter, and I'd like to talk to you to learn a bit about the specifics, and then I can decide whether this is right for me.
@doppelgreener Have @BESW sling you my email address when you're ready.
@Lord_Gareth Sure; given our timing differences and what I'm up to presently that may be this weekend
Or @BESW can sling you my email address and we can talk over email :p
Oh yeah, that'd work. @BESW Email me his email address when you get the chance?
Putting this here again for users who pay attention to Puzzling.SE:
Q: Empuzzler: A user script for hiding comments and answers until you want to see them

doppelgreenerI've created a user script that hides comments and answers on Puzzling.SE's main site by default, and reveals them only when you want them revealed. I've done this because I'm the sort of person who dislikes having potential spoilers or answers in view or at risk of being in view whilst I'm mull...

@doppelgreener is that literally an SE for Puzzles?
@trogdor that is literally an SE for Puzzles
mk then
spoilers for puzzles are certainly a thing
indeed, and I'm the kind of person who is immensely tempted to look at them
i have to resize my browser window, etc
(not because i want to know the answer, just because I want to read what's there, and then attempting to blank out that part of the screen takes effort I'd rather be devoting to puzzle)
I don't personally go in for puzzles too much
they can be fun for sure though
sometimes I do stuff like Sudoku, or play chess against a computer.
I suppose that counts, in some ways
I think those count, yeah.
Some of these are riddles; some are logic puzzles or require lateral thinking. I mostly enjoy the latter kinds, and I think sudoku is a cousin of that kind of puzzle, and chess might be too.
the thing with chess is, there is another party involved
Sudoku is not lateral thinking; it's pure pattern analysis.
@trogdor unless it's something like the Knight's Tour
there are literally chess puzzles
Compare the crossword puzzle, which is built around requiring your brain to create unusual associations between normally disconnected concepts.
@BESW Are you talking about regular or cryptic crosswords?
Simple crosswords requiring associating orthography with meaning in ways which most people don't: cross-referencing a word's non-signifying quality (number of characters) with its signifying quality (meaning).
Cryptic crosswords add even more layers of cross-referencing normally disassociated contexts.
(I've done a little bit of research into the usefulness of various kinds of puzzles as mental health exercises, for my dad.)
@BESW i mean they're logic puzzles :)
Fair enough.
(Although good riddles are also a form of lateral thinking puzzle.)
at least i think they're something in that near vicinity
@BESW I don’t think so, but it’s sort of implied, which is why I asked the question.
I didn’t lay out all of the possible ways I could have handled that into the question, although I was tempted.
Personally I think if there's an all-encompassing Rule 0 which can be applied to every RPG ever, it's "don't touch the randomiser unless you're okay with any result it might spit out."
In this case, unfortunately I just assumed that the guy would make the roll, so I was totally caught flat-footed when he didn’t.
I had the same thing happen to me a couple weeks ago.
@Lord_Gareth any reason for linking that? :D
And I hadn’t yet seen the rule “progress with a setback” rule which is totally normal for Fate but wouldn’t have even occurred to me for D&D.
@doppelgreener It's awesome.
@Lord_Gareth it is
@BESW this is an issue when any result of not touching the randomizer is bad or means you don't do anything at all.
@BraddSzonye Ahahaha, hahahaha, HA! You expect pity from the bloodstained Throne of Gygax?
There’s an earlier lock in that adventure that implies some retrying is possible, as the lock becomes frozen if you botch the roll badly enough.
In a system explicitly designed to harken back to the olden days of players sacrificed on the DM's altar?
Well, it’s sort of more like modern game design sensibility applied to old school rules.
Which I gather is popular these days.
@BraddSzonye In the case of locks, think about it. Your thief is jamming thin metal rods into a lock made of tiny and fragile metal pieces. How often has a single flake of metal in the wrong spot ruined a modern lock?
On a scale of 1-10 in terms of design quality, 5e is a unicycle made entirely of half-melted fudge
@Lord_Gareth Please don’t troll. I like the game.
Ancient locks have fewer fiddly bits to get jammed up, actually. But since most D&D adventures I've seen assume turning doorknobs, historical realism re: locks seems like a misplaced assumption.
In any case, there’s a lock that says you pick it if you roll 15, and you cannot pick it if you roll under 10, so that still leaves a big case where ... what do you do with it?
You could rule that they make some progress (ie, 2 out of 4 tumblers are locked in place and don't reset on the player) but there is a minor setback (ie, the tip of your pick chipped and isn't as precise, incur a -X penalty to future rolls until you repair the pick)
@BraddSzonye Not saying anything I haven't said before - and quite openly - in this chat.

 D&D 5e Overflow

For when main chat wants to talk about other things too.
@Lord_Gareth have you actually read or played 5e yet?
If you don't want to go that far, you could say a piece of the lock jams a bit and makes the next tumblers harder to set, the DC increases by +X but the player doesn't know that. You tell them to re-roll, and when they do it seems less responsive than it did before. They could still beat it, but it's harder.
You wake up in an empty room. There is a fudge unicycle in the corner of the room, half-melted onto its stand. What do you do?
oooh, I'm almost an "established user"
very nice!
And of course you could make the DC increase with each successive failure, up to the point where the lock jams completely and the BSF needs to use his "lockpicking" skill on it.
@Adeptus and now you are one
You following @BraddSzonye?
I think in a situation where the GM wants the player to succeed, making the roll fail then become more difficult would be not a good reaction.
Bleah, I don’t really want to debate, or even discuss the merits of D&D5 here.
@doppelgreener Woo! I shall celebrate by counting votes in a gallery chat room of my own creation! (or not...)
@doppelgreener And yes, that was exactly my conundrum! I wanted them to get in that door.
@Adeptus twelve! twelve upvotes! ah, ah, ah.
I like the avoidance of Goblin Dice but I really am not prepared for it in practice.
@BraddSzonye The easy out is that the second attempt attracts attention
Generally. give your players picking a lock a surprise round. If they fail the first time, they lose it. If they fail a second time, someone answers the door.
@waxeagle Right. Which was laid out very clearly with one lock in the adventure. Basically if you screwed the roll badly enough, you’d need to break down a gate, drawing lots of attention.
Wow, people are jumping all over that question.
I think the main practical problem I’m running into is that D&D used to have specific rules and costs and times for trying stuff like this, so there were emergent behaviors that worked. And now they have changed some of the design philosophy, and I’m not sure how to adapt to the new context.
@BraddSzonye well...we still don't have a DMG so we might still see them. But yeah, there's no explicit "a thievery check takes 1 minute" type codification
@waxeagle Right, I suspect that this is the sort of question the DMG is designed to answer. But that’s a couple months away, so practical advice in the interim is helpful.
@BraddSzonye tfw I gave practical advice and was completely ignored.
@Lord_Gareth Suddenly paralyzed by the simple task of writing a few words.
@Magician You can do it!
@Magician Check your keyboard for paralytics!
Save made.
I am disappointed that the official acronym for Atomic Robo: the Roleplaying Game appears to be ARRPG, and not ARRG.
@BESW you are just a wishful thinker is all
I have a dream of onomatopoedic RPG acronyms!
@Dorian Sorry, was distracted.
Also, I really don’t want to turn every lock check into a case of “re-roll until you succeed or the lock breaks” either.
For one thing, because this isn’t just about locks.
You gave one example, I work with what I'm given.
Also, in the case of locks... That's kind of how it would work in real life.
Even the best lockpick breaks locks if he's unlucky.
In some contexts, that could be the success-at-cost: "The lock's open! But it'll never lock again, and anyone walking past can tell it's broken. Better be quick."
Yeah, there are really lots of ways opening a lock could fail.
Or succeed at a cost.
And I already had an example from the adventure of succeed-or-break, that wasn’t really applicable in the other situations.
The second time, “succeed or attract attention” was a more likely outcome.
Or perhaps “succeed or frighten the people hiding inside”
Ha, good one BESW.
The manacle case is actually an interesting one.
Because they give you at least three ways to get out of it.
With the manacles, it’s easy for me to say, you can’t pick this, you’ll need to wriggle out, or break the chain. But then what to do when they fail all three checks?
I could say, you now need to wait for help from somebody else. Or I guess I could say, you can wriggle out if you’re willing to injure yourself.
I just feel kind of at sea at that point.
@BraddSzonye the latter. Success with consequence on the third failure
they've got disadvantage on their melee/ranged attacks going forward until they see someone about it/get it treated
Personally: I try to never ask for a re-roll of the same exact same type.
Yeah, something like that. I am just not used to running D&D that way. It’s weird.
I suppose I could say, do you want to succeed with this consequence? Or do you want to find a different way to do it?
thats definitely an option and provides agency :)
"You failed to pick the handcuffs. Okay, how else can you get out of them?"
"...I can dislocate my thumb."
"Brutal! I'll give you the escape for free, at a cost of -2 to everything you do with that hand until you get it treated. But I think we need a Con check to avoid screaming while you do it."
Actually I think I should edit that aspect into the question.
In essence: If you succeed on a roll, you're considered to continue to succeed at that thing until circumstances change and you need to roll again. The inverse is that if you fail a roll, you can't try again until circumstances change either.
Yeah, I’ve seen several RPGs take that approach to success and failure.
It's not something which previous editions of D&D have embraced, and I don't know 5e well enough to know if it's changed its mind.
4e had elements of it...specific things couldn't be retried (Forcing a door was one). I don't think 5e is any different on that I'd have to reread the skills section
The ability checks stuff is a lot more fast and loose and general than it used to be in D&D.
yeah, they're definitely attempting to be more rules light there...
That’s part of the struggle I’m having. While it’s not actually saying, “Hey, you can’t just keep trying the same thing over and over,” it also isn’t giving much in the way of guidance in the case that the players actually want to do that.
Like, once upon a time in D&D, if you screwed something up you just couldn’t try again.
Usually, not until you gained a level.
But lots of people objected to that, so instead they gave costs and times for each attempt, in great detail. But that is kinda boring.
So know I think they are trying to head in the direction of, only roll this once, or it gets boring, but we don’t yet have the DM’s advice for what to do instead.
Yes, and I'm not sure how much we'll really even see in the DMG (hopefully a good bit, but I get the sense this may be a different DMG than we're used to)
@waxeagle So many questions waiting on the DMG...
Stupidest book to be releasing last.
I'm still not exactly clear why they stagger the releases at all.
I suspect it’s tricky logistically to produce and distribute three products with very high demand.
There are probably some market effects too.
@BESW My unfounded and cynical assumption is that it's a purely marketing-driven decision
Hm, I want to edit my question to add a little more detail and direction, but I’m not sure how.
@Miniman it's probably the worst book to release first though
@doppelgreener True, but at the least it should have come before the Monster Manual.
@BESW Money. Secure basic income now, then a little more later, then a little more later. Rather than leaving them all until December and making no money at all until then. That's what motivated the agile release schedule that made Amazon rule, and this is more or less that.
In fact, this sort of goes back to a simultaneous release making a lot more sense
The Monster Manual was the first AD&D book, if I recall correctly.
@doppelgreener Also, a lot of people will be more willing to spend $50 every 3 months but wouldn't spend $150 in one go. And releasing them together makes it seem like they're a package deal.
I'm really hoping that the Breath of Fire 6 game doesn't suck like Dragon Quarter did >.<
OK, I expanded my question a little.
> For example, suppose that a manacled player tries to pick the lock and fails the DC 15 Dexterity check. Now, the player could try to pick it again, or he could try one of the other escape methods, or he could wait for somebody else to rescue him, or he could simply succeed with some setback like a minor injury. How do I choose how to proceed?
Sorry for the off-topic, but I was just looking to see if Dragon Quarter was really the last one that came out... Was hoping I missed another installment somewhere because I was out of touch with gaming for a while.
@BraddSzonye Do you allow your characters to always have a basic lockpick on them at all times, even when they get all their stuff taken away?
@Dorian 'all their stuff' would imply that they're left naked with nothing hidden on their person, so I think you mean when they have their equipment taken?
In any case, that really isn’t the point I’m concerned about!
@Miniman No, I mean all their stuff
@Dorian Then they couldn't have anything. That's what ALL means
@BraddSzonye Lighten up a bit man.
@Miniman You're obviously missing the joke.
There’s a joke?
The joke: In Elder Scrolls games you always have a lockpick.
It's a bit of a running gag in some fancomics too.
Because where the heck was it?!
@Dorian I thought about saying something about how 'all their stuff' could include arms, legs, genitals, hair, ears...but it didn't seem worth it.
I don’t recall that from playing ES games.
@BraddSzonye Then you've never been arrested my friend.
I seem to recall carrying big stacks of lockpicks actually.
The only way you can be without any lockpicks is if you deliberately drop them all. And even then, you'll magically get a lockpick when you're arrested, even though you literally lost everything else.
Bobby pins; where can't you find one?
@BESW Magneto's prison. (But it's only a matter of time.)
I was going to counter with plastic bobby pins, but they wouldn't be very useful as lockpicks.
Huh, my question hit the Hot Questions list. That might be a first for me.
There's a hot questions list?
@Dorian Hot Network Questions, on the right side of the screen.
@Dorian Main page, scroll down, look on the right. "Hot Network Questions."
Below the tag banks.
Aah, that explains it. I never scroll down on the main page, and rarely even look at the main page.
It's also there on the Questions page.
@BESW And when you're looking at a question.
@BESW Never really look at that either.
@Miniman Oh, hey.
@Miniman And when I look at a question, that's all I look at, idgaf what's on the side XD
Too used to ignoring adds on the side of the screen.
@BESW Hey, sup?
I hadn't noticed it on those pages, I guess.
[Deliberately fails his spot check for anything outside of his main focus on a page, due to annoying ads.]
@Dorian Can you do that?
@Miniman In game or IRL? (irrelevant, the answer is YES)
@Dorian In game, can you deliberately fail a skill check.
@Miniman Oh yes. You can also pass on skill checks (or just not roll them). You can deliberately fail saves as well.
The hulk in our party deliberately failed his reflex save to avoid getting struck by lightning one time... just because he wanted to see what would happen.
He took a ton of damage, and a worg skull which he was wearing got permanently fused to his head.
I don't think the DM gave him a mechanical effect with that, but we like to believe that the worg skull adds circumstance bonuses to intimidate checks lol
@Dorian That one was reasonably contentious - see this question
Well, in 5e, at least. You might've meant 3.5, I dunno
@BESW I think the stated reason was quality control. Easier to ensure quality when only doing one at a time. The actual reason? Who knows.
I suspect it's got a lot to do with staggering profits over quarters, with a side order of not being overwhelmed by bookkeeping and shipping/storage concerns, and then various other issues.
I did mean 3.5. I have no experience with 5e, and little with 4e. Either way, I see passing/deliberately failing/etc to be an option in every case except subconscious reaction (such as resisting poison or disease)
@trogdor In our discussion of ARRPG stunt budgets, I forgot to mention that you can voluntarily take more weaknesses/costs than you have to, in which case you aren't giving the GM's reserve as many Fate points.
@BESW mk
good to know I suppose
You might like using that to explore Doctor Light (RNP)'s drawbacks, both as a plant monster and a not-quite-mad scientist.
I have been considering what do do with weaknesses related to stunts
I do have some ideas
Trying for the self-learner badge as the first thing you do on this site seems very ambitious.
Heh, yeah.
His analysis of the rules was sound, but his conclusions were a little heavy-handed.
Also, if you're going to make definitive statements about RAI you're going to need serious backup.
Actually, looking at it I don't think he means RAI at all.
While the rules analysis seems quite sound, the two conclusions you present as following from that analysis are extreme opposite ends of a spectrum. This leaves no room for reasoned middle ground, and you frame the conclusion you dislike in blatant straw man terms ("game-breaking or not" isn't the only consideration in making a rules choice). Can you dial back the extremism and present conclusions which don't presume a purely dichotomous set of options? — BESW 5 mins ago
@Tack Hi!
@doppelgreener Better? Worse?
@doppelgreener That's a much better answer, it's got my vote.
@Miniman thanks; that's the kind of stuff I think needs to be poked at.
because, well, knowing a cantrip is an awesome thing. if we were able to prepare them, we'd have to use up prepared spells and spell slots on them. (note that the cantrip definition doesn't say they always get cast without slots, they just can be used that way, which is part of what I'm trying to get at in my own answer - it's weird if you open up this possibility)
but knowing them lets you do them all the time for free. that's great.
@doppelgreener I agree, and I always prefer answers with rules references. Unfortunately in my current situation my access to my books is mutually exclusive with my access to the net.
@Miniman aha, fair nuff
that's why i used the basic rules ;)
(in my situation, I have 100% access to the net perpetually, and 0 books :D)
so I don't think appealing to the fact there are mechanisms for learning cantrips is sufficient: being able to prepare them doesn't undermine those, because it's weaker than simply knowing them.
@doppelgreener Yep, I did fix my answer to take that into account.
Although it's still strictly inferior to yours :P
@Miniman ... it sounds pigheaded but I agree XD only because I think the real issue is the rules I'm poking at in my own
actually yeah I like your latest revision.
@doppelgreener Hey, thanks! Even reversed the downvote ;)
Can I get a 5e-aware higher power to look at this question? It really seems way too broad to me, and the answers back me up. (One is about increasing damage, one is about increasing number of attacks.)
@Miniman Is there a clear objective definition of "highest melee weapon attack"?
If so, it's a char-op question. "What's the most damage I can possibly do?" is a good one, but I'm not sure if that's what they're asking.
If not, it's an unclear char-op question.
@doppelgreener That's the sort of thing I mean. Unless I'm missing something, it seems to be 'make my melee better for great good'
@Miniman "Move ZIG. For great justice."
user image
@Adeptus Still makes me lol every time.
all your base are belong to us
@doppelgreener Did you ever get a chance to sink your teeth into The Spoilers?
what spoilers are these?
Spoilery spoilers of spoilage.
ah so they would happen to be ones I should not know or don't want to know?
Yeah, you probably don't want them.
I've recruited him to help me with the upcoming Doctor Who Accelerated sessions.
@BESW many chances not taken, but I read some of it. I'll see if I can sink my teeth in this weekend.
Fair enough.
@BESW ah ok
My concentration is shot at the moment but I have things I want to concentrate on. :(
Oh, I just mean at the moment, as in it has been for a few minutes or hours.
That was just a general complaint/vent
A close friend of mine with ADD has noticed I share a lot of the characteristics of her ADD, though I've never really been formally tested for it so I don't know if I have it. But, I do have a bunch of characteristics - and sometimes it's difficult to manage and my concentration just leaves my control altogether and becomes like a bullet ricocheting around a room in a cartoon, among the thoughts and stimulus available.
(and spending equally long at any particular spot)
At that point it takes some effort to wrangle enough concentration to focus on anything, and the rest of my thought process is like static and unavailable except more distracting.
Thankfully that doesn't happen too often and I seem to be getting better at calming it down...
I have found a wonderful quote about the troubles of humans having to remember passwords:
> Humans are incapable of securely storing high-quality cryptographic keys, and they have unacceptably slow speed and accuracy when performing cryptographic operations. (They are also large, expensive to maintain, difficult to manage, and they pollute the environment. It is astonishing that these devices continue to be manufactured and deployed. But they are sufficiently pervasive that we must design our protocols around their limitations.)

-- Charlie Kaufman, Radia Perlman, Mike Speciner, Network Security: Private Communication in a Public World.
I thin that is a little heavy handed in some ways though :P
Hello o/
afk shopping
3 hours later…
@Magician [wave]
@BESW Hello
Ohh. The lock question is on the hot questions list. That's why my blog got 140ish clicks so far today.
lol happy to drive you some traffic :)
@waxeagle Appreciated :)
[sigh] Yet another person who doesn't come to chat with a cool question they couldn't make work mainsite.
Good morning
whud up gangstas
nada mucho
Lots of discussion-as-question today!
o rly
not seeing anything in review
ping me if you need close votes
Oh, they've been getting stomped on pretty hard.
So I have a question for everyone
We had "How does X mechanic work?" which turned out to be "I want to have a discussion in which people tell me I'm right that this mechanic sucks."
And we just saw "Tell me stories about your RPG drinking games!"
The only owlbear orly I could find. Disappointing.
@besw do you have a link to both of them?
would love to see them
oh man
that self answer
Mmm. See, the question which is actually asked is fine and dandy, and the self-answer deals with it nicely.
It's the "MY STRAW MAN, LET ME SHOW YOU HIM" bits which take it into another level altogether. Enjoy the comments on Doppelgreener's answer.
Has anyone made automated Google docs spreadsheets before?
@Aaron automated how?
For whatever reason his answer made me think of harvey dent with a coin
@waxeagle Like character sheets.
@Aaron like with formulas that autofill when you change things etc?
which lead me to this gif, which I am declaring the unofficial mascot of RPG.SE
@waxeagle Yup
The ultimate answer to DM Fiat
11 hours ago, by BESW
Personally I think if there's an all-encompassing Rule 0 which can be applied to every RPG ever, it's "don't touch the randomiser unless you're okay with any result it might spit out."
Its true you can ultimately go in the other direction where everything in your game is RNG determined
both are pitalls on the road to good roleplay
The golden mean is of course to introduce chance when Chance would make sense and in a wider context that botht he players and GM have accepted together
I can do the automating and such myself just seeing if anyone had tips on how to pretty it up.
@Aaron yeah I'm no help there
@JoshuaAslanSmith I don't know why but watching this bugs me. How can he talk with his face like that
I understand it's CGI.
willful suspension of disbelief
harvey dent as two face has always retained full functionality despite his injuries
when his eye is probably the one thing that would probably be most likely to be irreversibly damaged.
Right. A burnt eye with no eye lid. It would be unusable if not deadly due to infection.
@Aaron "Court is adjourned while the prosecution washes off his false cheek. Again. Mr. Dent, can you please ask your doctor to help you find one which doesn't fall out so easily? And in the meantime, try to say it, not spray it."
in the film nolan does address it a bit though when he does the shot of whiskey when hes on his revenge vignette and some of it just falls out the side of his face.
he only operates as 2 face in the film for a less than 12 hour period of time
This is a problem with Nolan's Batverse: going gritty and realistic kinda works for Batman. But for his villains? No way! You either turn them into some other character completely (Bane) or make them distractingly improbable compared to everything around them (Two-Face).
@JoshuaAslanSmith Heh. Kind of how Barbosa in Pirates of the Caribbean drank from a bottle while in undead form and it poured down his ribs onto his cloths.
@aaron have you seen the film?
I mean its been a few years to the spoiler moratorium is off anyway
@JoshuaAslanSmith Once when it was released.
yeah so I mean harvey is probably only running aroudn without a face for 8 hours
its possibly mid morning when he gets out of the hospital and its some time in the night when he dies
He was on IV drip
@BESW I wonder if they are going to do the faceless joker
so he probably doesnt eat or anything
in that time period
and the eye is probably very dried out/painful in the meantime but hes pretty much on a mission
@Aaron Pretty sure Nolan's done with the Batverse.
DKR was his last film
the Superman v. Batman: Dawn of Justice is a soft reboot on Batman
folding him in with Snyder's Man of Steel Superman
This guy should do the faceless joker. imgur.com/account/favorites/DEhye
faceless joker was pretty meh in my opinion
Ah. So no more of that gritty batman. Probably good idea
@JoshuaAslanSmith I liked the idea. Need to get my hand on the actual comic it happened in so I can read it.
it worked as a shocking thing when the joker disappeared for awhile and then again when he came back, but its just distracting
whatever they do with batman I wont like it as much as the nolan trilogy, but Ill have it for all time
Id rather a soft reboot that I dont like than someone else trying to continue it without the same abilities
Haroom. Science fiction-y reasons to travel to the Sun.
searching for a story idea?
Sun dying, stoke the fires
Gravity slingshot to escape the solar system
To prevent a solar storm that would wipe out all electronics in the Solar system.
You have the shields to stay near a sun, the sun's output blocks any ability to scan, essentially being close the sun hides your ship from anyone
The ever popular storing of dangerous artifact.
It looks like our Atomic Robo storyline will be about making a ship that can travel to the Sun. So we need a reason that Tesladyne suddenly is interested in supporting the (obviously insanely dangerous and probably impossible) venture.
civilization is transitioning from Kardashev scale 1 to 2 and needs to setup satellites near the sun as part of setting up a solar system wide energy harvesting system
Setting is contemporary Earth, but with all the Weird Science, Conspiracy, and Adventure dials turned up to Indiana Jones levels.
Solar storms (I like 'em, what) form a pattern that can only be described as artificial. Is ETI affecting the Sun?
Solar storms doing Weird Science Things sounds like a good bet!
Somebody else is tryign to blow up the sun
you need to stop em
A capsule has been detected in sun's orbit, spiraling ever closer. It has probably been there for millions of years.
@BESW near infinite energy harvesting
@Magician I like that one, too.
One element I'm liking about the solar storms and capsule ideas is that it says what is happening, in a way which makes it obvious the team must do something, but it leaves why and what they might encounter open-ended.
Thats got a great horror sci-fi bent to it
ooh yeah, the storms seem to be following the capsules orbit
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