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Ah. You'll note a general aversion to 5E on my part, so...
Oh. Well then. I misread.
@waxeagle Ah, so you're deriving 5e's "core" from Basic, rather than from the Three Big Books?
@BESW for 5, yes.
Meanwhile, since centaurs are a clear and present danger, a guide to centaur wrestling! http://www.maxgladstone.com/2014/08/how-to-wrestle-a-centaur/
@waxeagle Local (Australian) price is $60 each. At that price, I'll pass... I don't have time to play another game right now anyway, and until they bring out easy conversion rules for old editions, I can't (easily) use it for my old adventure modules.
@waxeagle "Basic" classes?
@Adeptus ouch, what's the exchange rate right now? It's close to 1:1 IIRC?
@BESW Can you link me back to the FATE t hing we did recently?
/me wonders what shipping would be to AU

Translating an LoL cinematic into Fate terms

yesterday, 2 hours 38 minutes total – 212 messages, 5 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked yesterday by BESW

@waxeagle yep, I think it's about US 90c = Aus $1
yowsers $50 to ship
I think I worked out that getting the full set from Amazon would be about $120, so saving $20ish per book
Hmm. Maybe thinking about gruffs as gishes will help me stat them.
@Adeptus sounds about right. Do you guys have a local amazon? Or do you end up ordering from Amazon US when you do amazon?
Danke @BESW
@waxeagle There is an amazon.com.au but they only do ebooks & Android apps. Anything else, we get from Amazon US or UK (depending which works out cheaper)
@waxeagle a decade or two ago, Australia was roughly USD$0.50 = AUD$1
a lot of retailers seem to be selling stuff as if it's still the same rate
we are used to things being expensive
@NiteCyper to be fair, they probably should have called the unconscious condition 'incapacitated' or 'out cold' or something. That condition seems to be about how you could get knocked out and be out cold, and totally unresponsive. You can shake a sleeping person awake. You can't really do the same thing to someone who's out cold.
@doppelgreener It's often referred to as "the Australia tax" (note: not actually a tax). Especially when referring to digital downloads. Is there a reason why Adobe, Microsoft, Apple, Steam, etc charge us more to download a product than the rest of the world? No, just "because they can". Physical products, there is some justification for it costing more - shipping, wages, premises, etc. But digital? Nope.
To be fair, it usually entails negotiating an entirely unique copyright/publication arrangement.
There's a lot of stuff which is straight-up not available for Guam because we fall through the cracks of international copyright: we aren't a United State of America, but neither are we not part of the United States of America.
Amazon flat-out refuses to sell us most software and some hardware.
@BESW But how does that justify, eg, Adobe doubling (or more?) their prices for Aus as compared to USA? For a digital-only product?
I don't know if it does. I'm just saying there's more to it than you're seeing, behind the scenes, which could justify a price hike--though maybe not that much of one.
Digital download vs physical shipping has very very little to do with the price of the product itself, except inasmuch as people erroneously think they should pay less for the same amount of developer work if they don't have a product they can hold.
That's pretty silly. And Adobe is an awful example.
Adobe is doing its best to kill itself off, and has been for years.
one of these days they'll succeed and the internets will cheer. and then go...wait how do we do web animation now? and how do we pdf...
(and image manip)
Somebody's gotta be stepping up to the plate.
The writing's on the wall re: Adobe's stranglehold on the digital arts market.
So... yeah, I'm not arguing that such an extreme price differential is justified. But the fact of a price differential of some sort is an unavoidable practicality of international business, and Adobe is a bad example to demonstrate that the pricing is abusive because Adobe's abusing everybody.
@BESW oh yeah, no, in the inquiry, it turned out there was totally no justification at all.
@BESW So is Microsoft, and Apple, and Steam (or, some of the game publishers that release through Steam)
The Adobe was pressed on another line of questions by the inquiry: "So, you have an Australian section of the site, with Australian prices. Then there's the US section of the site, where you charge US prices. But, as Australians, I see we cannot purchase from the US section of the site. Despite the fact the software's exactly the same, you force us to purchase from the Australian section for twice the price. Why is this?"
The best they could say was "we have to customise the experience to Australians."
@Adeptus and yeah, steam sells for crazily high prices in Australia too. They just charge for less than the physical stores.
If they were to reduce prices, what effect might that have...
The Dave Conspiracy would have to teleport them to the Moon.
@doppelgreener ... what
> Butterfly in a cocoon-a!
This expired can of tuna!
@Metool they find a magical keyboard that lets them do magic
@JoshuaAslanSmith and @MadMAxJr y'all around?
@waxeagle yo
any of y'all wanna come join a 5e game for a night?
Normally I'd still have the caretaker for two hours, but her schedule changed this week so I have to be on call for my dad.
@waxeagle I'd love to if I had net at home
does anyone here use IE9 or below?
wait this is a userscript, this wouldn't work in there anyway
@doppelgreener You're joking, right?
@Miniman I wish I was
@doppelgreener Tbh, if you'd said 'does anyone here use IE 9 or below' I would still have thought you were joking.
@Miniman as of June 2014 statistics, there are more usages of IE than Firefox
(and signs are that that has always been the case)
Thanks for crushing my faith in humanity. I really needed that today.
Been trying to set up a new Eclipse project, which always does wonders for my positive outlook on life.
Hey, some of those might be IE10 or 11, which are actually pretty good. A lot of the remainder is people in office buildings with no choice in the matter because their tech teams can't afford to upgrade just yet. :)
@Miniman ugh. I tried to teach myself Android programming while I was off work. I partly blame Eclipse for my failure to make much progress.
As of January 12 2016 though, Microsoft is changing its support policy and dropping support for most versions of IE. From this announcement, they'll only support the latest version of IE for any given operating system that they're (also) supporting.
That means IE8 and below drop off the map. IE9 is only supported for people on Vista, which corporate environments have avoided, and Windows Server 2008, which doesn't matter much because that's a server machine, not an end user machine.
For all the rest - more recent Windows Servers, and Windows 7 and 8, the oldest version supported is IE10 or 11, and that's going to keep moving forward.
For unsupported versions: no security patches.
That last bit is what will get the tech teams moving.
So, the browser landscape is going to change in a few years.
Have they dropped security patches for Windows XP yet?
@Adeptus yes
A lot of companies started moving just in time, a lot are only now going "oh shit! we need to update!" and will get there in a year or two.
My work is about to update to Windows 8... when Windows 9 is slated for release next year...
Lots of people have said 8 is the new Vista. I'm hoping 9 looks less like it was designed for touch & had KB/mouse support thrown in as an afterthought.
Windows 8 is the new Vista insofaras the designers screwed up. In fact, the lead designer left Microsoft shortly after release - and was probably asked to leave.
Windows 8.1 takes some steps back.
whoops, got distracted mid-writing that and that came out wrong
Windows 8.1 takes some steps back in the right direction
Adding back various features that PC environments needed.
I'm hoping Windows 9 takes giant leaps back in the right direction...
It does.
Windows 8's lead designer seemed to think Windows 8 could tell people how to use their computer. "Everything you do should be fullscreen! Use your apps! It'll be great!" - but people on a PC don't work that way. PC users multitask a lot. A friend of mine had an early reaction to Windows 8 saying: "Nothing should ever be fullscreen."
This is a contributor to why the guy was laid off.
Also why people hated it, because that's not how it works.
@Adeptus Windows 9 still has apps, but they can run in a window on your desktop, i.e. it's how it should be.
Also they give you the option to have a start menu again instead of the start screen. It's kind of a hybrid between the two, because it's a start menu that also lets you have app tiles.
Those updates were originally slated for something like a Windows 8.2 update, but I can totally understand them wanting to abandon the Windows 8 brand and do a new version that doesn't have so much hate attached to it.
I've used 8/8.1 a little (as little as possible) because of all those things you just said
"Welcome to RPG General Chat, where one day we make up the rules of gourmet toast, and the next we bitch about software prices and versions of Windows!"
I actually updated to Windows 8 primarily because of the start screen, and I've been pretty happy with it.
I only use a couple of the apps: Alarm and Reader.
(Alarm is really useful. I use it all the time whilst I'm cooking.)
@doppelgreener That script link is timing out....
So, a customer did a variant on my Ravenlord archetype for Harbinger that turns it into a Spiderlord
"Part of my soul is a spider" "Prove it!" [Holds out giant-ass spider] "This is my soul spider."
@BESW let's hope that's just temporarily.
user image
@Adeptus that was me five minutes ago criting my guiding bolt spell vs a wraith in 5e in @waxeagle 's game
@JoshuaAslanSmith That guiding bolt is teh hax
ive actaully missed with it more than not
because cleric has MAD sadness
I think it must be to make up for the crappiness of the only cleric offensive cantrip, and yea, my cleric player keeps missing too
Then she took the observant feat, and I don't even bother to have enemies make Stealth checks anymore
The paladin avoids it mostly he still has it but less spells are CHA dependant and a lot work as bonus action utility or adding to a hit
it's interesting to me that most of the cleric's early stuff is hit or nothing, whereas like all the wizard stuff is save for half
I originally that mad would matter less in bounded accuracy but I feel it matters more
@JoshuaAslanSmith To be fair, a cleric only needs 1 stat to be a spellcaster. It's just that everyone wants the cleric to be a fighter too
@Miniman yes, and hte starter cleric is built that way
@waxeagle Well yeah, the premades in the Starter just suck.
@JoshuaAslanSmith oh yeah, don't forget that your cantrips just caught up to your melee attacks (or are very close)
@waxeagle Cleric cantrips can't even come near their melee attacks
Their only attack cantrip is Sacred Flame, which is Dex save for nothing
2d8 at +7 vs 1d8+3 at +5
(or better, 2d8 at 15)
@Miniman well...basically no cantrips have miss damage unless your a very high level Evo wiz
@waxeagle Yes, but attack roll spells hit a lot more often than saving throw spells
@Miniman odds aren't that different
remember, high dex save means high ac too probably.
(or moderate AC depending)
saves do scale more than AC does though
@Adeptus that was good :)
Oh wow! The name predictor now shows avatars. (Try typing @a)
@doppelgreener That's pretty cool
Spell save of 15 vs +6 to hit?
2 str mod, 3 prof at level 5 and magic weapon for +1
when I type @m, Mourdos has the special privilege of two avatar icons showing up beside his name. Is that just me seeing that?
also at that resolution, Mourdos's avatar looks like a ball of lightning. Except it's square.
@doppelgreener Nope, me too
So maybe a squircular ball of lightning from D&D 4e?
Maybe it's not choosing betweengrav and se yet
@BESW script's loading again
yeah I dont know I like the cleric in theory but Ive been underwhelmed in actual play
really hope the pally turns out different
@JoshuaAslanSmith Like I said, the premades aren't great
Wait till you can make something better before you judge
I can judge via the math
they are using the array
you either have to max one thing or have both be meh
@JoshuaAslanSmith That applies to every class, I feel like I'm missing your point here
Paladin and cleric have the widest stat requirements to be effective
as a wizard you use int for everything
str for a melee fighter
dex for ranged
dex for rogue
cha for warlocks
Paladin can just max strength, most of his spells are buffs
monk and barb have a split but its not terrible, and monk's split gets fixed by the class depending on feature choices
@miniman depends on the type of paladin
Correction paladin spells in the spell list use cha
if you are making a spell save attack its going to use cha
@doppelgreener I get it too.
likewise if its an attack spell
@Miniman agree to disagree?
I mean Im giving it a critical eye because 5e is going to get compared to 4e and on the other end, dungeon world
from my perspective
as in why should I play/run 5e vs these two
Im still answering the question to myself
whoa its midngiht est, good night
@JoshuaAslanSmith Cya, agree to disagree for now
Q: In the chat's @name autocomplete, a user is showing up with two avatars

doppelgreenerSo, this suggestion just got implemented: Show profile picture in chat autocomplete That is very cool, and I'm happy with it. However, there's a chat user who has the special privilege of showing up with two avatars in the autocomplete suggestions in the RPG Chat Room: I suspect this is a bug.

heads up, people might be popping in here to try it so we might have some visitors
Sweet! We shall lay traps for them, baited with cookies and laced with incredulous amazement.
@doppelgreener Wow that is so strange
I can confirm the bug manifests on Linux Chromium
Yup, I've got it on my OS X version of Chrome 32.0.2.
Whups, typo.
@doppelgreener Sorry, that's 37.0.02.
@BESW fixed, but on second thought i might not even need to report the version number
chrome's real version number is infinity
I'd make an anti-Chrome joke here, but it doesn't seem worth it.
it wasn't a bug \o/
mourdos actually has two unmerged chat accounts (that will probably get merged shortly)
Clever, that.
@doppelgreener Tomorrow's session is looking like it'll be a lot of non-mechanical RP.
@BESW Spoils everything
Oh, gnomes!
@BESW i'm ok with this! :)
Hmm. Maybe I should throw in a bit of prep for after this scene, in case it goes short or we don't want to stop when it's over.
But I have no idea what you'll do next after this scene.
Also I think we kinda need Baily to continue.
So if we finish and still have time tomorrow night, we'll do something else. RFS, maybe.
Now give me some shoes!
@Miniman You have no shoes?
9d4 9d4 9d4 9d4
[laughs evilly]
@Adeptus Of course I have teh shoes. But he said roll for shoes, so I did, and I rolled high, so where are my damn shoes.
@Miniman Curses! Foiled again!
Hrm. Goona try something.
Dice result: 1/4
Hah, not fooled this way.
i see what you did there
(... though i'm not sure exactly what is with that d!)
"You notice something amiss about the writing that no one else would because no one else bothers to put points in Forgery."
@NiteCyper also I apologise if I'm stressing you out; I'm in a sorta pressed state myself at the moment and I am not at my most helpful in this state.
@trogdor If you're okay with spoilers about who I plan for you to meet tomorrow, would you be willing to take a look at some NPC blocks and see if you think they're reasonable approximations of canon DF characters?
It's nothing you won't know five minutes into the session.
fine by me
I am not entirely sure why the first one is currently in the NeverNever
not that they have no reason too so much as they probably are not very often
is the second one just a random sample of their race?
anyway, they seem fine
He's not the Eldest Gruff, if that's what you mean.
yeah ok
I figured
I dunno if they all have the huge swords
Eldest is at least a Gruff with the Wizard mantle on top.
But since he ripped through multiple Denarians like tissue paper, I think he's got some extra mojo as well.
I think Eldest Gruff is probably more than just a gruff with the Wizard Mantle
plus, he also had enough left to keep going afterward
I figure he's able to stack mantles up to 5 for some actions in some contexts.
anyway, I think what you have there works
Am I missing anything?
I don't see any flaws in it
I took the aspects from DFRPG, mostly.
well, I don't think we are aiming for a full bio of the characters
plus, one is an at least relatively generic version of his species, and the other is a person who doesn't show up too incredibly often in the books, considering
I think you got everything you need down
As for why they're there, let's just say it's not a random meeting.
I mean, I figured that, at least to some degree
there is no random reason for them to be there
that is why I mentioned it
@trogdor Aye. Thanks for taking a look!
@BESW no problem
2 hours later…
@Mourdos You got merged!
No, I forcefully logged out of chat about four times and then it finally logged in with my correct account.
I've been merged for a while, just chat refused to realise.
But thanks for noticing :-)
A: In the chat's @name autocomplete, a user is showing up with two avatars

balphaThere are two users with that name*. And when two users have the same name and are pingable in the room, then you can't ping one without pinging the other. And that's why in such a case, both avatars will appear inside the same autocomplete element. To be precise, they don't need exactly the sam...

But thanks for noticing :-)
Ah, I see.
They failed to merge me in chat :-)
Thanks for getting that fixed, was bothering me.
Hobbs did it, actually.
Hey, do you know much about practical kabbalah or the like?
I'm trying to figure out a "vision quest" style encounter for a rabbi to represent his gaining supernatural faith-based powers.
There's an Ars Magica sourcebook for Mythic Judaism and medieval-style kabbalistic sorcery.
Hmm, seems I even have it.
A central tenet of Kaballah is the Tree of Life and the Spheres, each representing different ideals. A symbolic travelling between the spheres is a common path of enlightenment.
Sephirot (/sfɪˈroʊt/, /ˈsfɪroʊt/; Hebrew: סְפִירוֹת‎ Səphîrôṯ), meaning emanations, are the 10 attributes/emanations in Kabbalah, through which Ein Sof (The Infinite) reveals himself and continuously creates both the physical realm and the chain of higher metaphysical realms (Seder hishtalshelus). The term is alternatively transliterated into English as Sefirot/Sefiroth, singular Sephirah/Sefirah etc. Alternative configurations of the sephirot are given by different schools in the historical development of Kabbalah, with each articulating different spiritual aspects. The tradition of enumerating...
The spheres/sephirot are inherently connected by paths, which can stand for spiritual journeys. You can think about the entire journey to the Infinite, but the path between any two sephiroths can be a spiritual journey.
Let's see Ars Magica's intepretations of them:
> Yesod: Foundation.
> The ninth of the sephiroth, it is connected with two Divine names, *Shaddai* and *El Chai*, the former having the connotation of nurturing, the latter of life.
I'd been looking at the beinoni level in the Chabad levels of divine service.
My player is also interested in getting help figuring out how to describe/manifest his faith-based powers.
It might be interesting to note that Chabad and Chassidic mysticism isn't exactly Kaballah, though there are many shared ideas.
Ah, good to know.
We... aren't very well versed, or picky.
This is a modern-day game, right? Because Chabad is a 20th century movement, and the Chassidic movement and its mysticism goes back to the 18th.
@lisardggY He's the rabbi of a tiny town in the Arkansas Ozarks circa 1871.
1 hour later…
Okay, so now I'm thinking about an encounter which represents his walking through the paths of the Tree and trying to master/manifest the Sephira he encounters. The ones he masters before the vision ends will be the action context he's supernaturally good at.
Does that sound... sufficiently not offensive?
@waxeagle looks like only 400 invites went out
Im guessing there was a big surge that first hour
though I feel like we shoudl be close to that number considering how quickly we jumped on
@JoshuaAslanSmith yeah, I'm kind of...puzzled at how few that is...I hope this thing actually works....I'll be honest, TDT seems to move super slow
What's going on?
@JoshuaAslanSmith trapdoor technologies, the company making Dungeonscape
@Aaron 5e tools beta
@aaron beta invites are slowly creeping out for the Dungeonscape app (Nee Morning Star)
They said theyve sent out only 400 invites but that 3k people signed up day one beta signups went live
me and wax pounced on it within 20-30 minutes of it being posted
So if we arent already in we should be very soon
400 is a deeply dissatisfying number of beta invites
Im getting the vibe I got with ascension where this is a company that knows how to program for apple (since they did the ipad beta first) but can't handle the challenges posed by the android market
I feel like making an app for the Apple App store is pretty forgiving in that there are only ever 2-3 different enviroments you are programing for and the differences are very very small
@JoshuaAslanSmith Yes, they've said their "engineers" are only experienced in iOS
I have something to share with you all:
an absolutely extraordinary ballet performance
So shake my head at WOTC/Hasbro for not making sure they had a fully cross-platform experience company
shake my head at trapdoor for not hiring an android expert contractor
I guess having it out and public by the end of the year would be a win. (basically coinciding with the completed release of 5e), but its definitely a disappointment that they couldn't manage to have a beta out to coincide with the PHB release.
Question on how edits work.
(also that ballet performance really is incredible ^ and it sure might look like the normal thing but eeeverything's fine)
Modern Dance > ballet. Im not sure still if I think post-modern as a whole is below ballet or equivalent.
Is there anyway that I can make sure that an edit to a question is peer reviewed? I have noticed sometimes my edits go right through but I want this one to be peer reviewed.
@aaron 2 ways
post it here and we can look over it
just submit the edit and the community will upvote/downvote or the edit will be reveresed if its truly terrible
@aaron I take it this is on another user's question or answer?
work meeting just came up
question is here
Q: How do I deal with players that do not put much effort on character background?

Aldath Le'CardeMy group is, on its majority, is cnformed by young players that even tho we've shared Game Table for 4 years and are close friends of mine, have a tendency to make shallow characters and observe my NPCs "steal" the spotlight... However I have a player that over develops his character and makes th...

my edit
My group is, on its majority, formed by young players. Even though we have shared Game Table for 4 years and are close friends of mine, they have a tendency to make shallow characters and observe my NPCs "steal" the spotlight. However I have a player that over develops his character and makes the rest of the PCs look "unimportant", not because he tries to steal spotlight, but because the rest of the guys never have ideas for character development.

How can I encourage my players to make their characters more in depth, speak more than a few lines, and become more active?
oh that's 100 percent fine lol
still dont think the question weill be reopened
@doppelgreener that has to be painfully hard for them to perform (I'm sure they had an amazing time doing it). Letting yourself not be perfect has to be incredibly difficult for ladies with that much discipline
I wish we could better mentor ardath lecarde
seems like a nice person
with some pressing and/or thoughtful question on the hobby
Has anyone invited them to chat? It's nice to have nice people in the chat.
I feel like we tried a while ago
they have a chat acct
See, that kind of question I know someone who can answer it.
Because I used to be one of those players
I still am, to a degree. But occasionally I surprise my DM
@waxeagle yesss XD
as a friend put it, you have to master an art before you can lampoon it
Oh, @doppelgreener. Can we have a quick Skype chat tonight?
@BESW yes!
i will be on soooon
@besw I have and they have come and workshopped a question
they were very nice in person
but there isnt a drive to adhere to our standards
sort of a lead a horse to water but you cant make it drink situation
@JoshuaAslanSmith Would there be anyway I could edit it so it would be reopened? Or is that something the asker would have to do?
@aaron your edit may have already put it in the reopen due to edits queqe
hmmm no
yeah maybe thats only an owner thing
I just saved the edits
@JoshuaAslanSmith edits should put it in the queue
I hate being beaten to the punch on posting an answer because I was adding in extra information.
@Mourdos usually that means the late answer is better
Sometimes if I know there is extra info out there. I'll push mine, and then edit it almost right away
Get them the right answer ASAP, source it in a follow up edit. Not ideal, but its a FGITW secret
Yeah, I was trying to decide if to do that or not. Hey I Can Chan beat me by about 10 seconds nad got 2 upvotes in that time :-)
@Aaron @JoshuaAslanSmith I just approved the edit, though I don't see it in the reopen queue
yeah I didnt see it hit que
There might be a feature that checks if the edit was major enough to warrant reopening
Yeah I was thinking about that
"Similarly, the reopen queue will contain any post that currently has an active reopen vote. "
@MrLemon Yeah, it's been updated since that was written. At least certain edits are supposed to kick posts into the queue..though It actually might only be OP edits
ah, it also says: "Questions which get edited within 5 days of being closed will automatically show up in the reopen queue for review."
When you go through the Queue, sometimes you'll see "This post has been edited"
I have the feeling @NiteCyper is building an invocation user.
Due to the ton of questions on such a topic.
Me right now: "oooh new email, hope it's @DungeonScape beta invite...nope." #tryingtobepatient #really #Iam #stoplookingatmelikethat
no yeah Im doing the exact same thing everytime my yahoo email ticks up
@waxeagle So how did the # thing actually start?
are you asking for history of hashtags?
@Aaron basically it tells twitter "hey this is something that might be interesting if other people click on it"
and it kind of memerolled from there
it's sort of like a foreign key when it's used for a topic.
when you click on a hashtag you get all the tweets with that hashtag
@waxeagle If I didn't know Data Base structure this wouldn't make sense but I do so that makes more sense than any other explanation I have seen.
@Aaron yeah wouldn't have used the metaphor if I didn't think you had the background for it :)
also DS favorited my tweet. slight squee
# dates from early computer use to denote important metadata.
The # symbol has significance in programming, and is used in website coding as well for CSS. # denotes a class, a grouping under a keyword for HTML objects,. web developers are nerdy categorical, kind of people so the usage of that same # to denote keyword categories makessense
yeah, and it's used in HTML for anchors which is not dissimilar
It was used in C, and then probably its first recognisable modern use was in IRC.
I believe it jumped directly from IRC to Twitter, and then expanded from there.
/me is trying to remember IRC uses...
I remember C, but I think I've used C more recently than IRC...which is sad
It was used for... like, channels and groups? With a number attached.
sigh web dev at work trying to get me to care about info on a printing by locations info page on our site, cant bring myself to care because I was taken off as being responsible for that page without my knowledge and no one has said anything anymore to me about content editing for almost a year.
@MrLemon and @Aaron scripts had to run, now appears in reopen queue
yay, magic!
Also, # denotes comments in Python (just for completeness, not historical at all)
its a fairly common operator symbol
So, due to the alternate form ruling, for example, bronze, gold, and silver dragons (who have alternate form) cannot cast spells in a form without "humanlike hands", no matter how similar their alternate form is to their draconic form.
Random interesting fact: # (hash/pound) != ♯ (sharp), unless you are talking about C#, which is technically C♯ (C sharp), but the spelling is officially C#
C hash. C pound. C octothorpe.
C octothorpe almost sounds like a marine animal.
The C octothorpe is distinguished from its cousin the River octothrope not only by its preference for a saltwater habitat, but also by its appreciation of Hemingway.
its intriguing how much the intro for masterpiece theater has become a cultural artifact in its own right
00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

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