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00:00 - 12:0012:00 - 00:00

@NiteCyper Lurking is always better than not even being here.
I don't think that the rules say that one cannot manifest powers (mental action) while asleep (helpless).
manifesting powers requires you to concentrate.
@Mourdos Like the skill?
I do like the idea of a mental illness that caused you to manifest whle you sleep though
As per the definition of concetration. It requires you to focus on shaping the change. This isn't a RAW answer, but how can you manifest a power when doing so requires you to be thinking about activly doing it?
@Mourdos But...but how can I answer a question that isn't about the rules? D:
In that case its also RAW that the DM can slap you with a salmon.
and common sense
I have a knee-jerk reaction to the term "common sense".
You go: " I cannot find a direct reference in the rules but X would suggest "
Common sense isn't common, nor does it always make sense.
Just like the rules.
And almost every while wolf product.
Aw what the heel. The unconscious condition doesn't say sleeping characters are unconscious, the Sleep spell only implies it, and the helpless condition lists sleeping beside unconscious. So, unconscious characters can't (fall) sleep, but sleeping characters can become unconscious?
Good mornin
@NiteCyper Welcome to the d20 System, how may we contradict ourselves today?
@Aaron Morning
@NiteCyper Woah, that's rich.
@NiteCyper Snakes are subject to being knocked prone. I think Oozes are as well. Including the Gelatinous Cube.
@NiteCyper I agree with how that is.
But not in PF. They fixed that one.
@Mourdos I guess it's more like disorientation than "prone" (or "proning") in those cases.
@Mourdos "Prone" never really indicated a narrative concept in that system. It's a mechanical conceit with a narratively suggestive marker.
@NiteCyper Someone who has been hit upside the head is unconscious. Being knocked out like that does not count as sleep and you cannot wake up easily even with loud sounds/commotion around you. While sleeping loud sounds will (Probably) wake you up.
Saying snakes can't be knocked prone is like saying Sneak Attack can't be used if the target is aware of you: the words make narrative sense, but only if we ignore the context that they're placeholders for specific non-narrative-bound mechanical conditions.
@Aaron Makes sense.
But then, the d20 System is full of self-contradiction as it never could decide whether it was narrative-first or mechanics-first.
The only part I somewhat disagree with is the part where you can't go from unconscious to asleep. If you were really tired before being knocked out when you would "Wake up" from unconsciousness you might just "Fall" asleep instead.
@BESW "Standing up is a move-equivalent action", according to the "prone" condition, but they never define what standing up does or the condition of being upright/up-standing.
@NiteCyper That's a great example of their inability to discern or define the narrative/mechanics barrier.
@NiteCyper Honest question. Isn't that self explanatory?
@Aaron Not in the context of a system which felt the need to define "prone."
"Here's a specific mechanical condition which can only be created by specific mechanical actions, but can be removed by an undefined narrative action."
@BESW But prone is a disadvantage where as standing is a fairly self evident neutral.
@Aaron Yeah, I'd say that it's self-explanatory.
@Aaron Um. In this case, standing removes a disadvantage which can only be placed through specific rules and rolls.
That's an unequal rules state.
@BESW Ok. So you go from standing(Neutral) to prone(Disadvantage barring certain feats) and then back to Standing(neutral).
The standing condition grants the player +0 and -0. They could have added that but probably assumed players would understand that. (I just realized I sound snippy I think. Not meaning to, sorry if I do)
One of my little treasured memories is that the Wreck Ashore adventure has panthers in it who have an interesting interaction between their starting HP and their combat behaviour.
I dislike DnD for paying lip service to role playing while being very rigid in terms of mechanics.
It's like in 5E. They have the advantage and disadvantage conditions but they don't have a condition for the in-between of those do they?(Just using that as example I don't know much about 5E)
@NiteCyper I will stab you if you use that word :-) #Disgust
Okay, I rescind my irk because they actually do define standing up in relation to being prone.
"Stand up" is an entry in the combat actions list, and its purpose is defined as removing the prone condition.
Is that rules-lawyer-y nitpicky of me? Yes. Am I justified in being so? Yes, in a system that encourages a loophole "it doesn't say I can't" culture of play and regularly forgets whether it's narrative-first or rules-first system.
@kviiri Finnish! I could hardly have been more off with my Guam-esque guess then :)
@NiteCyper Did you just say 'proning' again and then delete it? [shakes fist]
@Mourdos No, you.
@MrLemon Well, you got the planet right.
Also the hemisphere!
Greetings. Would anyone care to try and work out with me a probabilistic equation for meeting an Intellect Devourer, inspired (to some extent) by the Drake equation?
[brain asplode]
@Magician I think I'll pass ^_^
@BESW That's the goal, yeah.
Sorry, my brain has already been eaten.
@BESW technically, every two points on a sphere are in the same hemisphere if you so choose :)
Fair enough.
I think 13 is a very good value for this question
@Magician would love to
apparently, the dice roller does not support username-based dice
what would that even be?^^
@MrLemon It only does the D&D polyhedrons.
@waxeagle Should we retreat to, I dunno, 5e room?
XdY, where X is no greater than 9 and Y is 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, or 20.

 Dice roller & formatting tests playgr

The roller supports: d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d20. You can roll ...
@BESW Is this a hidden room?
sounds good to me
@Aaron "Hidden"?
@Aaron it's right there on "Site Rooms"
I can't remember ever seeing it before. Guess I just wasn't paying attention.
It's seems to only exist since the first of september
@Aaron @BESW @NiteCyper needs 2 close-votes before editing his question rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/48434/… so that noone needs to retract his vote :)
I don't plan on doing it for half a day, so no rush.
You have 5 days from when it's put on hold, and it will prevent answers
actually hidden rooms show up with locks on them...
I would like to thank my knees for their wonderful support for many years.
Was that an attempt to see if 6 sized dice were the default?
Wow. They are
Makes the fudge script easier!
@BESW Fudge script?
ahh too bad :)
Doppelgreener made a browser script which turns d6s into dF in the Fate chat.
It's just a reskin, so you type 4d6 and it churns out 4dF.
ahh, very nice
(or, as you just discovered, 4d.)
@doppelgreener [poke] You still haven't re-uploaded the fudge and typing scripts, have you?
Dice Service: • • • • • • • • • • • • was what I got for this room on my notifications.
now I'm wondering if it makes a difference if I take 5*(1d6 -> fudge) or 5d6 -> 5 fudge
for 1d6 it's halve, round up and subtract 2
color coded for convenience!
Because Greener is awesome, the script includes an in-chat custom colour modification panel
@Mourdos yeah, the pipped dice are the result of CSS trickeration.
But if you favrite them, it shows up properly!
@NiteCyper is currently testing what seems to be every text format from fliptext to see if he can roll dice with them :P
I think
Guten morgen
@besw testing out fate dice in chat here?
Showing off, and wishing Greener would re-upload that script.
@BESW i haven't but i think i will do that now
@waxeagle I should still be on for 5E tonight.
@doppelgreener When I'm done with the DF playtest, I need to swear off premade franchise settings for a while. [bangs head against wall]
Limitations of a franchise setting or intrusive rules that try to preserve some setting gimmick?
@MadMAxJr awesome
The rules are expansive and useful; the setting isn't playing nicely with my plot.
I'm trying to stat up a franchise character for the PCs to meet.
@besw oh?
I guess Im very loose with DF's setting because Ive only seen the TV show

 BESW's Spoil-Lair

CAUTION: High chance of plot. Not for BESW's players.
So its just Raymond Chandler noir with the occult/magic trappings
Close enough in tone, though perhaps not despairing enough.
Not innately familiar, which ruleset is this based on?
I noticed it's keyed to only work in the Fate chat, so I'll reconfigure it to be enabled in other rooms sometime.
@MadMAxJr The Dresden Files are a novel/TV/comic franchise with a Fate-powered RPG published several years ago (before Fate Core, DFRPG was the representative flagship of the Fate engine). We're currently participating an an alpha playtest for a more streamlined version based in Fate Accelerated Edition.
'any tips' really is a good mental cue to stop and think about whether the question fits here yet
@Murch @Grubermensch Greetings!
Hey there
funny thing. Studied all day for my Intro to Crypto exam with my student friends. Turn on the computer after they leave and have a look at Bitcoin.SE, and the first question is about a topic that was heavily featured in our studying today.
It's almost as if the topics we are studying have real-life applications. :p
RPGs have real life applications. Teambuilding exercises. :P
Yep, and again, I am in dire need to have one.
Luckily, we will play on Sunday
@Murch very nice!
@waxeagle I even attempted an answer! ;)
I should go shopping for food. I think I'll make Chili con Carne for tomorrow. I'll be having my moving helpers over for a little house warming party... but my chair is too comfy right now.
If anyone is interested we've got an opening tonight in our 5e game. 915pm ETD. We're playing the final dungeon of the starter set tonight
@waxeagle Online? Sounds fun, but 915pm ETD would probably refer to EST, right? That's unfortunately 3:15am here, I don't think I will be up anymore, nor up yet. ;)
@Murch aye. and EDT since we're on daylight, but yes, eastern time
yeah that's not a time of night I'd be interested in being up at either :)
ah, I was wondering if you actually meant "estimated time of departure" ^^
ah no...just juxtaposed my letters
I wasn't familiar with EDT, so I didn't make that connection.
We are on summertime here too, though, so should be the same 6 hours difference
cool...we just swapped our change dates a few years back and I can never remember when we're out of sync with the rest of the world who changes...soon I think though
I think the general rule is: You are almost never in sync
The whole thing is completely unnecessary anyway. At least I've read that some studies showed no significant reduction of energy usage and what not they had hoped to achieve with it.
Well, I am going shopping now
Allright (wave)
tty later guys. @waxeagle Have fun with your gaming.
I'm also gone for now
1 hour later…
hello agian everyone
terribly busy at work today
I'm not agian, but hello nonetheless
on lunch watching LOL vids
Listening to 'Welcome to Night Vale' on lunch.
Ive cooled on it after I listened to the live show episodes
@JoshuaAslanSmith League of Legend vids or just funny vids?
@MadMAxJr excellent way to spend a lunch break.
they were too casually self- referential in a bad fanservice way
I'm partial to them for road trips personally
@Zachiel gettin my runeterra fix, yep
@waxeagle Just a friendly reminder, dogs are not allowed in the new dog park. People are not allowed in the dog park. Please do not look at the shadowy, hooded figures in the dog park.
@JoshuaAslanSmith uh, runeterra?
@Zachiel name of the fictional world setting that LOL takes place in
terrible name for a planet/plane of existence
@JoshuaAslanSmith oh, I only knew the names of places on it
I'd like piltover if I wasn't almost certain Heimerdinger comes from there, given the theme
@JoshuaAslanSmith the 2nd anniversary ones? or the pay what you want live shows?
I haven't gotten to the other live shows yet
@waxeagle the 2nd anniversary one htat made it to the podcast
@JoshuaAslanSmith gotcha. I can understand that feeling. Are you referring mostly to the final results of the mayoral election?
nah I was fine with that
its just the callbacks in that were the easiest/already worn threadbare
in some ways though I feel like you have to sort of go with the most obvious ones in a live ep though
undoubtedly beyond that in a more ephemeral sense I dislike audience response beyond applause at the end
fair enough. Definitely a more...rock concert type atmosphere than a serious play type
not my jim jam
especially because what I appreciate most about the show is its very specificity and requirement of high user investment
the live show season 2 finale felt like arrested development season 4
haven't watched it
(or any of AD at all)
so season 4 had a lot of expectation, but it sorta relied on playing on older callback jokes rather than developing new ones and it made it a less original, less "good" piece of work as a result
it felt like it was written for the casual fan or someone who heard about arrested development, not someone who's watched all 3 original seasons multiple times to find all the great hidden hints and callbacks that it became known for
makes sense. Both in why they'd do that and why that would be a disappointment
@Lord_Gareth The Internet has not enough good quality Cait x Vi fanart.
@Zachiel meh on cait
I concur. But... Vi!
love me some vi
she needs a roller derby skin
So I have a question about Warlocks
What are they?
in general? think halfway between a cleric and a wiz
they channel magical power granted by making a commitment to something (pact magic)
So a 'cleric' serving a (Insert powerful being here) but casting wiz spells instead of divine?
more or less
spell lists are different between the 3, but that's the basic flavor
some warlocks are bound to the stars, some elder gods, some the fey....
serve is the wrong word. Have bound themselves to is a better term
Deal with the devil kinda thing?
Only not the devil in every case
Interesting. So why was the class dropped in later editions?
huh? It's a core class in 4 and 5 e
(well not core exactly, but PHB1)
Ah. I haven't played those
I have played 3.5 for a bit. Then moved on to PathFinder
4th had 3 different flavors with half a dozen pacts
I am thinking of getting 5e. Haven't decided yet.
I wish we could go back to the barter system sometimes.
amazon has the sourcebooks for about $30 a pop, but that's still a good bit when you need to buy 3
(or at least 2, I'm not willing to say the DMG is optional at this point)
The MM mostly is unless you want all the monsters
Yea. I just don't have the money to sink into that hobby right now. I hate needing money sometimes
1 hour later…
Someone just linked this on the Bones CAV ks. WH40k army units painted with MLP schemes: miniwargaming.com/content/…
@waxeagle That is impressive.
@BESW Would be interested I think. (See Wax's thing on the Bones CAV things)
speaking of which I haven't linked the Bones CAV kickstarter in a while. It's down to a touch over 48 hours left. kickstarter.com/projects/1513061270/…
Are you serious
A: Is there a legal way to get D&D 5e core rulebook PDFs?

briddumsYes. You can go to a country that does not support the copyright monopoly. Once there you could legally purchase a copy of the PDF, or just go to The Pirate Bay and download it for free.

@shatterspike1 Should I flag it as other or spam?
It is technically an attempt to answer the question, I'll give it that. I'd flag as other.
How does that guy have 3k rep and still posts something like that
It's possible its a major political thing for him
No idea otherwise.
@waxeagle PHB isn't core?
I'm just going to wait for 7E at this rate.
2 hours later…
movie reviewers saying children will be "put off" by creepy character designs seem to have a grave misunderstanding of how kids work
@Metool I consider the "core classes" for at least 5e to be Rogue/Wiz/Cleric/Fighter the basic characters. The PHB is a core book but I don't think I'd call all 12 classes presented "Core classes"
@waxeagle what definition of "core class" are you using?
(since typically it has been "classes in the core books")
@doppelgreener A pithy one? [ba-dum tsh]
@BESW haaa i get it
@waxeagle Is Bard not a core class?
You might want to call those the Big Four or something instead.
yeah there might be some other more useful term since "core class" already has its definition
they're sure the most famous four, at least.
@Metool Bard managed to get itself left out of 4e's PHB1... :)
but Ok, so if core classes are the PHB1 then I guess the 4 BD&D classes are the.....um something else
Wait, what?
@Metool didn't show up til PHB2, we have a question about that
Q: Bard removed from D&D 4.0. Reasons?

Stefano BoriniAre there any officially stated reasons why the bard was removed from 4.0 main class roster ?

00:00 - 12:0012:00 - 00:00

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