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@Adeptus Wait for high levels and hit them with Power Word: Kill, then they'll regret being elves!
@Adeptus Color Spray is another encounter-ender, as is Grease
Glitterdust will drop entire encounters to the floor thanks to the blind
Blind does awful, awful things to people
I'm not...boring people, am I?
@Lord_Gareth negatory
Eh. I always knew how to kill my players. It was challenging a party with massively diverse op levels that was my problem.
@Lord_Gareth Nope, although the 'Sleep, Grease, Colour Spray, Glitterdust' is pretty familiar at this point
@BESW Indeed. Killing PCs is never really the goal, honestly. It's sometimes a side-effect of the actual goal.
You have to be able to lose if you're going to win.
A game you can't lose is just a complicated cutscene
Trogdor's monk was nigh unkillable, but also nigh unable to participate meaningfully to a battle's conclusion.
We had a sorcerer who chose his build and spells based on "ooh shiny," and a warlock whose entire build was carefully trained to rain fistfuls of impossible-to-resist dice on as many targets as possible.
@BESW And thus do we see The First Great Lie of 3.5: "All of these characters are playing the same game, at the same level, and can participate in the same challenges."
I knew the lie before, but I'd never before had such a wide range of op in one place.
Spoony comes to mind: he talks about how he wants his players to win, but he isn't going to just let them win. He'll play the NPCs straight, and PCs will die. In a first-level AD&D encounter, he had a gang of three first-level wizards drop half the party with Sleep and charm the fighter, so whilst the two remaining party members were busy with the fighter, the wizards beat the sleeping ones to death.
Do you actually have a compendium of The Great Lies of 3.5?
@Arkhaic No, totally made up the phrase for dramatic effect.
@Arkhaic Gareth is a compendium of The Great Lies of 3.5
Could do a blog post to that effect though
When he dropped tales of a dragon in a cave for his players, they boldly decided to fight it. The dragon left its cave, and circled in the air waiting for them. They went outside, it flew in close enough to breathe fire on them, and flew away until it was ready to do so again. It took them a few turns to realise they were boned, and ran for cover among the highly flammable trees. Most of the party died. The players learned dragons were not to be trifled with.
Isn't Spoony the abrasive guy with stupid players?
No, that's @Lord_Gareth.
Spoony is the abrasive guy who refuses to acknowledge the evolution of bards
Not that I am bitter
Everyone knows bards are still largely reptilian in nature. Some even have vestigial fins!
@Lord_Gareth As in he sticks steadfastly to the idea of the 'Spoony Bard' and refuses to admit their ridiculous utility?
Bards are largely inferior to fleshrakers.
@Miniman And, if built for it, raw power.
There are bard builds that are slinging full wizard casting with time-stasis music
The phrase "full wizard casting" is terror enough
Man, I wish I'd found those builds when I was in that derpy epic campaign.
Dragonfire Inspiration is fun too.
Time stasis, party buffing, and mind control without spell slots on top of that is just gravy
I was trying to make an invisible, inaudible, intangible pixie bard who the party never actually knew existed.
Doesn't everyone have See Invisibility at that level?
@BESW Inaudible bard? How does that work?
@Miniman There's a feat.
@Arkhaic At epic levels there's more options for invisibility than just invisibility.
@BESW I get that they can still do their shiz, but there's a feat that lets them inspire others without being seen or heard?
@Miniman Yes.
It is called "Subsonics."
Though with a pixie, it's more likely hypersonics.
They really did break every rule they had at some point.
I think you can Iron Heart Surge the rules away.
@Miniman And sometimes, the rules cause fun. But that's okay, because we have rules to stop the fun!
@Arkhaic Spoony is a guy who runs a video blog called Counter Monkey. Unrelated to The Spooniest on here.
@Lord_Gareth Are we talking about the same Spoony?
@doppelgreener Yeah, I've watched some of it. He tends to come off as abrasive and approaches the game with the mindset of teaching players as lesson
@doppelgreener No idea but I just posted my sloppy design blog post
Considering doing The Great Lies of 3.5
@Lord_Gareth If you do, you should follow it up with The Great Lies of Pathfinder
(runs away)
@Arkhaic i have not watched a large amount of his videos myself, and most of the ones I have seen were ones where he was a player.
Actually, literally runs away, it's time I went home
@Miniman They're mostly the same, except with an added dose of "The developers' opinions are relevant to your table"
@Lord_Gareth I meant things like 'We balanced some of the more outrageous things from 3.5'
E.g. Tandem the Bard, or the bounty hunter in the Star Wars game where everyone else was a Jedi and treated him like he was outclassed.
@Lord_Gareth I'm trying to imagine legalistic rules in RFS.
@Miniman "We fixed the bad parts"
[Got to use his Favorite Image Ever, feels so happy]
I've noticed that thing appearing a lot.
@doppelgreener Did you ever upload the fudge dice and typing scripts?
As always taking critique and/or debate on blog post. This one was...pretty opinion-based?
Minor typos.
@BESW nope
Otherwise not very controversial. "Try to do a good job, know your concept and be true to it, and if you mess up apologise and try to do better next time."
@BESW Personal experience suggests that this is in fact super controversial
Since you can't seem to criticize WW or Paizo to their face without getting jumped
Though perhaps that has something to do with the initial accusation being that they did a poor job.
It's hard to hear that.
They likely agree with you in theory and then protest everything in practice when it's about them
Aside: The biggest non-rpg equivalent of the Paizo boards seems to be the Twilight fandom.
@Lord_Gareth Yeah, even I would umbrage for a few seconds with someone saying "Evil Hat did a really bad job with {feature} in Fate Core." A couple of weeks ago I got pretty frustrated with someone for comparing one of its core pieces of advice to an awful part of D&D's advice, based on a misunderstanding on their part (the comparison was not valid). Just that usually I can hit my well-practiced mental brakes and be introspective for a moment. And I don't have inclination to attack people either.
meanwhile there are people with that inclination and without those mental breaks
@doppelgreener Indeed. And then they get placed in PR positions, because our hobby is still full of horrible people who mostly set the tone of major design houses.
Which ones have gotten placed into official PR positions?
@Arkhaic SKR was the mouthpiece for Paizo's dev team during his presence therein.
He...officially? I thought he was just yelling at people because he wanted to.
@Arkhaic What's the word for "Acknowledged out loud but not actually on his resume"?
Embarrassing secret?
No because it wasn't secret
It's just not on his official job title
@Lord_Gareth de facto
Thank you
@Lord_Gareth There's also a load of correlations here (and I am about to make a lot of generalisations that I know are just that): RPG companies are created by the designers, RPGs are designed by creative types, creative types study creative stuff not business, creative types might actively detest the concepts of PR and marketing as part of the psychotic corporate machine they refuse to associate with but still find they need to do it.
therefore RPG companies are often created by people who have no idea how to run a business and actively detest several vital business practices including PR and marketing, and may cease to involve themselves with people actually professionally trained in doing those things for that reason.
There are exceptions, and there you find the places people are doing things right. Possibly everything right. (Candidates: Evil Hat, Rule of Cool)
RoC isn't turning a profit so there's things they're not doing right.
And then there are the places where all generalisations converge as actual fact GUESS WHICH COMPANY I AM THINKING OF
@Arkhaic [pins a medal]
I will wear it with pride.
That'll do
@Lord_Gareth That is a pity :(
Our culture often has trouble reconciling creativity with careers.
Illusions like the "starving artist" romance don't help.
@BESW yeah that's true
and there's this thing where a lot of careers really are creative in disguise: Virgin's CEO can be creative, it's part of why they have the position they do.
We have a narrow idea about creativity and many unhealthy and contradictory notions about the status and role of those who fall within that narrow group.
Guten morgen
Hail unto thee
I'm glad the Feng Shui kickstarter is getting a lot of love.
It's one of my favorite bought-and-read-but-never-played RPGs.
How does it compare to Nobilis, the Best RPG That No One Has Ever Played?
I don't think it's even in the same category.
I have several friends who played Nobilis and loved it. I asked about their game. I still don't know what the hell they did in there.
I don't like the overly metaphorical/philosophical genre.
Feng Shui, though, is fun.
Non-stop violent action through the streets of Hong Kong fun.
I actually have a copy of Nobilis at home. I have no idea how it got there. Neither me nor my wife have any recollection of buying or borrowing or stealing it at any point. Haven't read it.
In any event, I'll have to check it out sometime.
Amusingly, Legend's currently-aborted module is/was/will be based on wuxia
What is wuxia!? Is this just that group of tales featuring martial artists, samurai, ninja and so on, plus mystical magicalness, minus historical accuracy?
Internal Dev at DSP is highly professional.
@doppelgreener Pretty much. It's specifically Chinese Fantasy Imperial-Era Martial-Arts/Political-Thriller/Tragic-Romance Fusion.
Think Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon; House of Flying Daggers; Detective Dee; even Kung Fu Panda.
@BESW You may eat.
D&D monks try to be wuxia.
@BESW They may not eat.
@lisardggY These "Feng Shui Dice." Are they just fancy-to-look-at d6s, or are they actually Different Dice, like Fate dice?
[sigh] I kinda want to back FS2, but that means sweet-talking my bank into temporarily lifting their ban on KS.
@BESW In a game where everyone else is sticking to their position trying to full attack, it's hard to be the guy that has roof chases, roof-to-ground mundane jumps and flashy moves as his own specialty.
And that's the same reason why fisticuff builds are underpowered. The game cares too little about being able to portray cool things and way too much about mantaining a feeling of realism ("punches are worse than blades, of course they're less effective").
On a side note, I can't believe the description for was missing.
@Lord_Gareth it's 6 AM at me. WHY? WHYYYYYY?
@Zachiel Just to make you suffer
Which is probably the hour I'd need to wake up from next week if I get this job. 45 minutes with no traffic to get there (with a stop at the gas station), starts at 8:30...
I need to shift my sleeptime 5 hours earlier
And then people ask me why I don't like getting a job...
I'm failing miserably to shift my sleeptime forward three hours.
@BESW No clue. The system was changed enough for any of my vague memories to be useless.
I think they're just D6s.
That's what it looks like.
@BESW Which is probably why I never liked them, because I approach D&D and its spinoff with a European-medieval-fantasy mindset.
@trogdor [poke]
@lisardggY Makes sense. I mean, D&D throws in stuff from all over the world but it vehemently Westernises all of its source material.
@Zachiel For many playstyles, this is the right choice.
For instance, I played a campaign of d20 BESM, an anime-inspired system. It had a core mechanic of Special Attack, which is a signature attack your character can make with his main weapon, or unarmed, and its damage was calculated based on your feats or other stats, regardless of what the actual weapon was.
@BESW I like the middle eastern variety of monsters and classes. Djinns, City of Brass, Dervishes, deadly dancers who kill you while you're distracted by them. - Not really since the DC is Ability + your PrC level...
In effect, a special attack (which was an at-will power) would do the same damage whether it's a punch, dagger, gigantic two handed sword or laser cannon.
Which is fine for its anime-inspired style, but terrible for the sort of classic fantasy D&D game, where a dagger and two-handed sword being equivalent can be a terrible SOD-breaker.
@lisardggY and some players don't like that.
I mean, oD&D had all the weapons deal the same damage
@Zachiel Yeah, but that quickly shifted away in AD&D, with its huge polearm table. In 1e upto and including 4e, weapons matter. A lot.
A bit less in 4e, but the [W] is still important.
This is because AD&D wanted this sort of pseudo-historical verisimilitude.
See also: wargame roots.
@lisardggY In 4e as long as it has a +3 competence bonus it's ok, unless you need a polearm or a mace for some feat.
@Zachiel I did once see a scythe used to great advantage by piling on re-roll and bonus-[W] features until he was rolling something like 8d4 and re-rolling every die that came up 2 or 1.
It only raised his average damage by +8, but it also raised his minimum damage by 16.
Ah, yeah, brutal.
I forgot about brutal.
Actually, I think he eventually managed to find a way to make his d4s brutal 3.
@BESW hahahahahaha
@BESW What's brutal 3 mean?
reroll any result that is 3 or less.
Basically, d4 becomes 3+d1
@doppelgreener It's a weapon quality which means that you re-roll any weapon damage dice which come up 3 or less, until they roll higher than 3.
oh snap XD
always max damage scythe?
HOLD THE PHONE PEOPLE, I'm about to be recruiting a freelancer from DSP into our community
Now put that on a Fighter (Slayer), a class which is designed around adding more [W] to your damage rolls.
He will have questions about RPG design
And remember that for the scythe, [W] = 2d4.
@doppelgreener Of course, the difference between 2d4 and 1d8 is not the same that between 2d4 brutal 3 and 1d8 brutal 3
@Lord_Gareth We shall have some answers. I don't guarantee they will be the right ones if they come from me, but I have strong, impossible to actually turn into coherent rules, opinions.
@BESW And one with a great to hit bonus already
@Zachiel Yes.
Basically, Slayers can afford to use weapons with non-optimal competence bonuses and still come out on top of the to-hit charts, because they're the "I don't have nova potential, but I hit every turn" class.
...and then he went one step further.
He said, "Hm. This isn't enough damage. This PC should be a bugbear."
@doppelgreener rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/48040/… <-This question is a thing of beauty and grace
Upvote it just for giving proper information
@BESW was it the group with the lazy shaman|warlord?
Then make a meta post about how all future character advice questions should look like that divine gift
@Zachiel Yes, but well after that character retired and the player left island. Thank Celestia.
@Lord_Gareth I feel like it's too many questions rolled into one. Otherwise, it's very good.
@BESW Amen.
@AlexanderLeonClatworthy Hi! You'll need at least 20 rep on any one Stack Exchange site before you can type in chat rooms, but you're welcome to hang out until then.
@Zachiel Nah, he asked one question with a pair of secondary bonus questions relating back to it
@Lord_Gareth I'd post the bonus questions as separate questions, linking back to the first one - I'd possibly do that after getting an answer to my main question.
@BESW That gentleman would be my freelancer.
I believe I mean "my fellow"
Though it's possible that I've lost what's left of my mind and am now slowly becoming convinced that I run a company
@BESW can we try to get him access to the chat by moderator or room owner powers? Last time you tried I recall you telling us it didn't really work.
@Lord_Gareth It does look impressive but I'm not sure what I'd say. Pick out the build, goals, situation, and questions, use this template?
@Lord_Gareth Until it turnss out you're into slavery and you legally own him ;)
@doppelgreener The key part here is that he provided all relevant information to his question
"These are my capabilities, how do I finish fleshing out this role?"
@Zachiel I think @waxeagle might be able to, but I can't.
@Lord_Gareth yes, that is a beautiful thing that he did
So, while we're wqiting for our omnipotent eagle to show up, would @Lord_Gareth either lend him his keyboard, speak for him or just bring him to gain that friggin' 20 rep?
Since I'm going to bed, no
@Mourdos You may want to scroll up
And see where I linked that question to note its glory
[kayboard fails] - the irony is that I unwillingly made another typo, saw it and left it there on purpose.
I agree the intent is noble @Lord_Gareth but this is a) Not a character building board and b) he asks far too many things, some of which are inherently too broad.
The question's not too broad or too vague
" Give me a full analysis of all spells and metamagic " is too broad.
It is the subject of entire guides.
@Mourdos Character op questions are topical. And he's not asking for a full analysis of either of those things.
He is asking to know what spells and metamagic will help him with control and support.
That list is much, much, much shorter
Thus, an analysis of all spells to see if they fit.
His last bullet point, OTOH, is quite discussion-inviting
If it's not answered by the time I get outta bed, I'll answer it
@Zachiel jabbing at character options in existing builds is the norm
It's a lot simpler than you think it is, @Mourdos. The published answer is going to be pretty short.
@doppelgreener I'd phrase it this way "I'm open to accept criticism on the choices I've already make, if this is relevant to my situation"
Frankly it'll be much shorter than the repeated dissertations on why monks are bad and their designers should feel bad
I just feel that most of it should have been answered by reading guides.
@Zachiel it's fine either way though
@Lord_Gareth I'm playing a PF monk at the moment. Admittedly, its a Zen Archer, and we modified Flurry so that you can do it as a standard action. So I guess its not really a normal monk.
@BESW can mxy do the chat rep prereq thing as well? He's logged in.
Guides are a resource that can and possibly should be incorporated into an answer. They are not a replacement for the Stack that we throw people at instead of answering their questions. People are supposed to be able to come to us.
I expect he can, but I'm disinclined to ask because Wax has specifically offered us his services as a chat mod while Mxy has not.
Now I sleep
@BESW I'm more of the "he can always say no, right?" school, but I see your point. Mxy has a story of being overwhelmed by things he wants to do for this site and adding to that could be just unpolite.
@Lord_Gareth Goodnight
(Also, although he's logged in, I doubt he's actually around; Mxy's not usually active on the site until a few hours from now.)
On the other hand, we're having Alexander on the Music on Hold...
Unless I get asked to do something else like play on one of those horrible play by chat games I'm really fond of, I could open and IRC chat with @AlexanderLeonClatworthy and "retweet" his questions here while we wait for waxeagle. Supposing he can freely access IRC at the moment. I have nothing better to do anyway. (Or we could join the IRC channel as well)
just woke up, you have someone in need of explicit write access in chat?
Or he could just post a decent reply somewhere, get 2 upvotes and chat away :)
Nuff said.
@waxeagle @AlexanderLeonClatworthy is a coworker of Lord Gareth.
@TimB Or we could go to his existing question on SO and have three more upvotes, but I don't like breaking the system
I generally prefer to provide explicit write access in side rooms rather than main.
is the Not A Bar sidey enough?

 Not a bar, but plays one on TV

I'm not a place to unwind after work, but I play one on TV.
let me know when its added to the schedule :P
@Mourdos uh? What?
He's in
event schedule. For a room?
@AlexanderLeonClatworthy You're now able to type in the Not A Bar chat room.
So. I have no idea how to DM/ST and I want to learn how to do so; any suggestions on where to start?
No. [pushes into deep end of GM pool]
@Mourdos DM/ST which game?
Not sure yet. I have most experience with 3.5/PF, but I've played a large number of other games.
I'm tempted by Fate or FAE.
@BESW talked about the Aeon Flux Fate module at one point.
I think it might have been called that.
Aeon Wave is seriously good, if you need a premade.
(Aeon Flux is a series of animated shorts for MTV, and a really awful film.)
Now I just need to find some people to run it for.
Mhhh. I need to ready a skill challenge but my previous experience with skill challenges has been not-really-good. Will the chat help me shaping this thing? I'll take notes and get reusable procedures, I swear.
Good morning!
@Zachiel [wave] Which system are you using?
@Metool Good morning, little plasma-shooting helmet-clad dark-skinned creature.
@Zachiel Good choice!
In the past, I've been stuck by things such as "wait, I should tell them the subset of abilities they can choose?" and trying to adapt adventure book skill challenges to the new system even if they were supposed to work differently.
The party is in an underground merchantile enclave. They secretly work for the mages that manage the place but the people in the hall should not discover it. They retrieved a relic that's only valuable for some specific people. It's of drow manifacture and when they bring it to the drow merchant he tells them he recognizes the item and tells them the whole story.
A client asked him, he organized an expedition, the expedition was attacked by the very same duergars that the PCs defeated. So he tells them the item is worthless and offers them 300gp, but the players would like to haggle for som
So it will be something about diplomacy.
@BESW sorry. what did you need?
No big rush, but--did you want your own physical copy of Atomic Robo, or do you just want the group to have access to one? I'ma order it soon, and I definitely want my own dead tree copy.
I think I would like one
how much is it?
I'd say diplomacy, insight (to understand the final client is the couple of drow that are sitting next room, who the party saw before the doors were closed to ask for a private council), what else? There's an NPC in town that would hate them for dealing with the underdark races. Also, the PCs just freed a chain of slaves and they've told everyone in town about the heroes.
@trogdor With shipping, your half would come out to $42 for the book and a pdf.
(It's a 320 page book that looks really juicy.)
You don't have to make the decision now, of course, but let me know when you're sure.
Normally I'd be all, "eh, we only really need one physical copy, I'll just borrow Troggy's," but Atomic Robo looks amazingly useful even without actually running an Atomic Robo game.
yeah,.. but even if we just had the one copy for me,... I would still have to pay for it,... cause it would be mine
Someone just told me not to worry about my English skills over on the worldbuilding chat... I am entirely confused...
Suspiciously specific denial?
So there is a YTMND I just rediscovered that I'd lost for over a year
I'm gonna share it with y'all: michaeltyson.ytmnd.com
Good morning!
It might be. Depends on the answer to an email I sent out yesterday.
@Aaron I am reminded of Bilbo's conversation with Gandalf, and assert that it is a good one regardless
(and also that it is a morning to be good on)
@Aaron I hope you get a good answer though! Best of luck
@Mourdos BAM.
Just kill it with fire?
Author deleted it because they agreed it was a dup I assume
And now its in the rss feed :P
@Mourdos lightning fast
I loath javascript with a passion.
Go and get a real way of dealing with errors rather than silently sticking the middle finger up.
I apologise to javascript on this occasion. It was the hot code swap not working properly.
@Mourdos too lightning fast
My middle finger comment reamins. I would have realised what was happening if it didn't silently fail.
I didn't have a big issue with javascript. My biggest issue when I started coding was Null Pointer Exceptions.
See, I understand pointers and nulls, object initialisation and such. And the output when you have such an error makes it easy to at least find out where the line that tried to access the null object is. My issue is a combination of text based value (which are so easy to typo), combined with silent failure. They are quite hard to find.
I don't mind getting things wrong, I mind not being told even the general area the error is occurring, to give me a point to find it from.
I have a hard time writing good javascript.
I had fun writing an irc bot with nodejs
@Mourdos Is there much silent failure?
(I haven't yet had my JS experiences take me into cases where that's occurred.)
A function in a .js file had an incorrect .is method and then the rest of it just failed. Resulting in a further script not running
oh nuts :(
I do not like web development >.> I was tricked with this project.
I do! :)
JavaScript is a problematic programming language though, so I try to avoid it in favour of using proxy languages like coffeescript
(ones that compile into JS, so I don't have to deal with the syntax itself)
I need to think of a cool short-term PF character concept.
A couple of friends are running a marathon 12-hour PF game to be broadcast live as part of a fund drive for their podcast. I'm going to be a guest player for one hour with a 2nd level PF character.
@lisardggY Terminally ill rough guy wants to do somenting meaningful before meeting his god
@lisardggY A guy/gal with a deathwish linked closely to whatever the adventure is
A summoned creature that is going to disappear back to where they came from after a set time
@Phil Cool idea, but probably too much of a hassle to build, stat-wise.
Can you not use something existing as a template?
Could be a summoned human
or other humanoid
Maybe it's someone who has died and been turned back from the gates of whatever afterlife they believe in, and have to complete a short quest to prove their worth
The guideline is "20 points for stats, two traits, and any class/race, Paizo or 3rd Party". However, I probably don't want to take anything too complicated. Anything with mechanics more than a bard/sorcerer and I tend to get bored. :)
see my last idea
Master summoner, yeah!
I like it.
All the summons.
(Not the Master Summoner, no. :))
@Mourdos one turn, 40 minutes XD
Too much to keep track of.
Pfft. I use maptools, so I have macros for all my minions.
@Phil I like it. Maybe there's a "revenant" template somewhere or something. :)
not familiar enough with PF to understand the practicalities of any of these ideas mind
Generally its called Power Slam, and my earth elementals use it

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