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I missed a lot of PF questions that I could have answered :(
Here is one for you
" Who thought it was a good idea to let level 6 casters (or earlier with boons) create tornadoes for a single spell point? "
Which no save if the funnel runs over them. :-)
A DM that will throw said character against creatures much stronger than they.
and no description of how far they fall (height or distance) from the tornado.
You realise that The Weather Sphere with one talent lets you make a tornado?
/let me look again
Its 6 steps from wind 1.
There is a talent that lets you shift by 2 + 2 per 3 CL for a spell point
You are correct.
Weather sphere could use some balancing apparently.
My Witch has currently spent her talents thus: Entire weather sphere, all the geomancy packages from nature, enough warp to get true teleport
I love the idea of just doing cold severity 7, heat severity 7 and making them exhausted with no save in a 50 foot radius or such
But once you make this tornado I control it. You just choose where it lands after that it is mine. Keep that in mind.
Actually, you don't.
I pick the direction for the wind to blow in, and greater wind control lets me set up simple patterns (when I spend a spell point to maintain it)
While I maintain it, I can change the direction of the wind up to 90'
(although it does move 250 feet per round in a given direction)
Don't abuse the power. That is all.
My problem is that for 1 sp, I can pick up every enemy in a line and send them 1d10*(2 or 3) rounds worth of running away
no save vs the funnel, fort save to not be sucked in from 5 * cl feet away
Its... glorious
Thank you Paizo.
>Attacking from Invisibility: Usually making an attack against a creature ends the invisible condition. If during your last action were invisible to a creature, you are still considered invisible when you make the first attack of that new action.
Because people need to be confused when certain invisibility effects don't end it.
Oh dear god. How many arguments is this going to cause.
> Sniping: If you already are invisible to a target and you are 10 feet from that target, as a standard action, you can make one ranged attack against that target and immediately make an opposed Stealth check to stay invisible. You take a –20 penalty on your Stealth check when attempting to snipe.
They used the word invisible to mean "hidden by stealth"
@Mourdos I hate mistakes like that
Except that specific trumps general.
this mean that when you snipe you can make a stealth check for the spell not to end :P
Ah I see. You now gain the "invisible" condition when you are hidden
@BESW Enjoying that chat?
Also, what does your name stand for?
It's my initials.
I should not have found this while I was at work. Some of these are actually very fun and relaxing.
@Zachiel waves
I'm in a bit of a hurry, is there anyone who can explain me a ting about magic item creation rituals in D&D 4e? I'm a little bit confused.
The Enchant Magic Item ritual just tells me I can create a magic item by performing the ritual and paying the item's cost and providing the mundane item. Any magic property? Even uncommon/rare ones? The remainder of the feat mentions rarities so I know it's been updated.
At the same time, the Disenchant Magic Item ritual gives me residuum. Is it needed for enchanting with the Enchant Magic Item ritual? EMR does not say.
but it was 4 years ago
really, 4e was 4 years ago?
@Mourdos Ah, nice. Just as I supposed.
You be welcome
I'm dashing under the shower. Any thoughts on what's residuum for, now?
I don't play 4e, I just google :P
...I am really, really sick of people shouting "You just hate list questions" instead of listening to why their list question in particular is pants.
@BESW Fool! The Dread Name has been spoken, and I arise in darkness and wrath into the wretched kingdoms of Man!
[Proceeds to get some coffee and breakfast, shave, needs to look good for the apocalypse]
@Lord_Gareth was that "sick of people"?
@BESW I am picturing a ? in pants now.
@user14793 [wave]
@BESW Hello!
@BESW " List questions are a poor fit for the Stack Exchange Q&A format in general. " should perhapse stop being posted as comments then...
Perhapse " Open-ended List <snip> " might be better
"List questions, while not technically against SE guidelines, frequently suffer from failure to follow SE guidelines in predictable ways which result in a breakdown of the voting system."
I'm just pointing out that saying "this is bad because it is a list" has a direct correlation with people thinking you hate lists.
Which is what the comment heavily implies, even if it doesn't mean it
I'm reasonably sure you're reading someone else's comment.
I am
The comment on the question you were discussing over on WB
I...I just realized that I want to become a surgeon so I can sing Viktor's rap at people just before installing prosthetics
"Doctor, what will my life be like with my new leg?" "Well..." [clears throat] "STEEL WILL FIX ALL YOUR FLAWS, YOU WILL RISE ABOVE HUMAN LAWS! You will mock them made of meat, they'll drop to worship at your feet!" Patient: O.o
... Sounds like an HMO plan.
@MadMAxJr Pffft ahahahaha
@kryan poke
Can you ping someone who hasn't been in chat for awhile?
That is not how you summon the KRyan. You summon the Kryan by offering a living sacrifice into a stone bowl lined with opals.
Well I don't have any of the above so a ping will have to work.
@Aaron no, not usually
You can also turn off the lights and whisper Paizo into the mirror 3 times. Also makes Gareth appear.
This does not address the actual question, because it does not address the linked Mass Combat rules. — KRyan 5 mins ago
He commented that on my answer when half of my answer references the rules.
I just replied to the comment
@Aaron the whole question is a mess
@MrLemon I understand it now and am doing a complete rewrite of my answer
I just commented asking for clarification
can you tell me which interpretation of mine you share?^^
@MrLemon All of them pretty much. He has 3 questions in one but they are all related in a way that he wouldn't be able to ask them as 3 separate questions without a lot of difficulty.
@MrLemon I just posted my edit do you think I could clarify more?
@Aaron OP just stated that it's about balancing Leadership below 7th level, as he will take it for Mass Combat, but doesn't wish to overpower his character as a side-effect
I have edited the question to focus solely on this part
@MrLemon I address that in my answer as I saw that comment
Ahh, I didn't notice the discrepancy in text-length per question part :)
Leadership does very little pretty much. It might get you access to a few boons early but your followers would do diddly squat because they are so low leveled.
@MrLemon Huh?
Oh. Yea the third question was the complicated one.
Wow. My edit did something right I just got 3 upvotes
Ok, MrLemon, so I don't really want the Feat for followers, but just for the Leadership score bonus during Mass Combat
Err that should have been addressed to Aaron
Hey David :)
Thanks for being patient, I realize how horribly the question was asked
@DavidWilkins Waves
@DavidWilkins I have done the same :)
Did I answer your question or do you need further clarification. I have played in a game using these rules and I pretty much ran the entire section we used the rules so I know them well.
I think from your most recent edit @Aaron answers my question appropriately
Ok. Glad I could help
The army's Size (number of units) isn't determined by Leadership, if I am understanding this correctly - but by the DM
as far as I can tell, the Leadership score affects only the Boons
@DavidWilkins Correct. Leadership(Commander) Score only effects what boons you can use.
"as far as I can tell" = Ctrl-F "Leadership" through the whole page
That is what I thought, and since there is very little I could control outside of Mass Combat (as far as the Feat is concerned) it isn't really overpowering my character
@DavidWilkins Out of curiosity did that think of leadership score as commander score help at all?
@Aaron Yes, sortof...I think that is the way I understood it to begin with, but it is confusing when you talk about the Feat and the Score with the same name....perhaps d20pfsrd could have been more careful with the wording
@DavidWilkins It isn't the pfsrd's fault. They just put what the developer called it.
@DavidWilkins But yea I agree with that. Having two things with the exact same name is confusing. Especially when one can effect the other.
@Aaron Thanks for sticking with it on that question
No problem. To be honest I had fun answering it. Not very often a question comes up that I can answer before someone beats me to it.
Heh, this is a nice quote.
"An IT enthusiast will tell you not to yell at your PC, because it can't hear you. An IT professional is already yelling at your PC, because he damn well knows this cheeky bastard is screwing with him on purpose."
@Lord_Gareth That last part. Is so damn true.
Once upon a midnight dreary, fingers cramped and vision bleary,
System manuals piled high and wasted paper on the floor,
Longing for the warmth of bed sheets, still I sat there doing spreadsheets.
Having reached the bottom line I took a floppy from the drawer
I then invoked the SAVE command and waited for the disk to store,
Only this and nothing more.
Deep into the monitor peering, long I sat there wond'ring, fearing.
Doubting, while the disk kept churning, turning yet to churn some more.
But the silence was unbroken, and the stillness gave no token.
"Save!" I said, "You cursed mother! Save my data from before!"
One thing did the phosphors answer, only this and nothing more,
Just, "Abort, Retry, Ignore?"
And old favorite to mutter while fixing machines. globalnets.com/education/htmlbook/poepoem.html
That was glorious
And that's from 1998. Excuse me while I visibly age a little.
Oh the 90's. No one wants to admit that we're vaguely ashamed of them.
[Total 90's kid]
The days of arguing with my DM for AD&D that his NPC was nothing more than a glorified, house-ruled personal avatar constantly there to remind us how awesome he is.
Gotta love the 15 page typed house-rule book that makes use of the words '..because it's more realistic that way.' every other paragraph.
I love Amazon descriptions:
Untertitel: Deutsch, Englisch, Mehrsprachig
Subtitles: German, English, Multiple Languages
@MadMAxJr I apologize on behalf of all DM's with DMPC's who aren't god-like ubermensch by way of DM fiat.
Let it be noted that I, personally, would never do that.
My house rules all pertain to making the players (And the enemies they face) have more power to throw around.
@Tarmikos11 It was the early 90s, I didn't know games could be run differently yet. :P
I remember those days of newbieness.
I don't.
I was never at the receiving end of the DM's house-ruled wrath.
It was funny as hell to watch, though.
@Metool Can attest my dm PC isn't too bad... So he might be a god. Pfffft that isn't OP or anything...
As long as he's not hurling people off of cliffs when you're mad, I don't care.
In my D&D 3.5 game, my DMPC is a Cleric.
Because there's no dedicated healer in the group.
I was mostly kidding. He isn't even stated. Originally I was going to have him join the group in mortal form but I ditched that Idea
@Tarmikos11 That is one thing I love about spheres. Your wizard can be a blaster and healer by adding a few talents to life.
And a good healer at that
I've never seen the sphere stuff, and I've already got a few too many irons in the fire in regards to my game's custom content to throw more stuff in there.
This 90s-era DM would pick up a system he liked, declare half the rules wrong, that the designers had no idea what they were doing, then rewrite a bunch of it so we had to keep bouncing between the rulebook and his 15 page booklet.
@Aaron Yes, a good god is offscreen 98% of the time.
And a full page on how blackpowder firearms cause additional fire damage if used at point blank....
Maybe if they're loaded with paper after the charge, but otherwise...
And my favorite on the front page, "These rules are not up for debate at any point in time."
That was just your DM power-tripping.
Very much so, but he was my first one. Didn't know better.
I am a bit too lenient rules wise but I try to follow the rule of fun.
Just found the most in depth Yo Dawg I have ever seen.
Hehehe. I think I already broke one of my new players.
Not permanently. I just got back from doing Graveyard shift at the Rail Yard.
Sounds fun. What kinda work do you do there?
I do security.
It's so much fun. [sarcasm]
Ah. So you patrol the yard.
Hourly until the trucks start showing up.
What do you do when not patrolling?
Make sure trucks leave with the right vehicles loaded.
Basically nothing, because they only get paid if they take the right vehicles.
So they make double sure they have the right vehicle.
Of course.
That's funny.. I also work in the rail business.
I work in IT.
Once I get the tags and the load sheets, I enter the VIN's into the tracking system and work the gate.
Then make sure the sheets get off to the right people.
Then I take the bus home at 0700 PST and get home around 0900
I manage the helpdesk software that people report issues about the software they use for determining routes, car movement rules, etc.
That sounds like a lot more fun than what I do.
Because when I'm not doing paperwork or smacking my head on the roof of the patrol vehicle, all I do is read the AD&D monster manual and wish my laptop hadn't taken a [snip] in my lap.
It's all fun and games until a train stops moving, then executives are stomping around like Balors and Cthons.
... Jesus Christ.
A stopped train is $$$ lost per minute.
"There was a slight... problem at the US/Mexico/Negative Energy Plane border..."
God damnit I almost puked up my glass of milk.
I want to star one of those comments but not sure which
Porque no los dos?
I'm just picturing a bunch of really bored skeletons with trooper hats at the negative energy plane border, with booths and stop-gates made of bones.
Living Wall Fences.
@Tarmikos11 Google translate says "because no two" but I don't think that is right
I meant to say "Why not both?"
@Tarmikos11 You are supposed to just star one comment per convo. Stars are meant to be the highlight of the conversation.
Vampire taps on the glass of the car. Shines his darklight inside. "Gonna need you to open the trunk...." "Sir, you have a holy book back here, we're going to have to confiscate this..."
I like to pretend that all of the planes have dull humdrum work like ours does.
A bunch of necromancers chilling in a coffee shop not too far from the border, which is being run by a Flesh Golem.
Even Limbo?
Limbo has REALLY exciting people doing really dull jobs in fun ways.
Limbo is actually just one gigantic infinite plane of a dentists waiting room.
A bunch of nurses with batman lanyards, talking about being "Too blessed to be stressed!"
Some with mohawks.
There's like four magazines and a copy of Highlights.
And uncomfortable plastic chairs as far as the eye can see.
And the air tastes like mint chocolate chip ice cream just to make things weird.
You can try to fill out some forms but every time you flip the page, there's just another form.
And then just to give you hope, they buzz you through, but it's another waiting room.
You try to leave early and outside of one waiting room, there's another waiting room.
The Hotel California scenario.
At least that had sex and hotel rooms.
We also need to update the layers of hell at some point.
Pretty sure the first layer of hell is now mostly tech support.
This is just an infinite string of Dentist Office waiting rooms, with mohawked nurses that are nuts about comic books.
Second layer is definitely a bunch of train stations with no benches, and trains that you always JUST miss, no matter how close you are.
You're given a mobile phone but you always barely have one bar of signal that flickers on and off.
@MadMAxJr And the games have been deleted
Well of course, it's controlled by Hell IT, so it's only got the apps they push.
First Level: "Have you tried turning it off and back on?" "Have you checked to see if it's plugged in?"
Second Level: "This is the last train to the Elysium Transit Center, with Stops in Tartarus, Heaven, The Fey Wilds, and The Elemental Plane of Air."
Unscheduled stop in Pandemonium.
Every stop in Pandemonium is unscheduled.
Third Level is a Restaurant that never has what you want.
And really terrible waiters.
And you don't speak the language.
They all happen to speak a different language than you.
Even if you speak EVERY language currently in use, they speak a dead language.
we made enworld's top referrers! enworld.org/forum/…
People from here following links to them?
Any ideas for Fourth Level of Hell?
The administration has it closed for renovation.
I was thinking a windy highway that you're forced to hitch-hike on, on which no car ever stops.
But, that works too.
How about fifth level?
I've run out of steam for this gag. Also my lunch break is over.
Ack, I accidentally closed the feed ticker without intending. Can someone tell me what the latest link was?
@waxeagle Er, no, I don't recall it being that.
Nope, not that one.
@Metool Mine is still open.
Scroll of styles now available from accessible games
and A mildly interesting Traffic Report
@Aaron Ah, yes. I'm actually interested in that one, thanks.
the scroll?
Yeah. Cheers. Gonna go search for that.
> Styles including Assassin Vine, Blink Dog, Dire Weasel, Kraken, Mammoth, and more.
I find it interesting that they refer to a creature known for its extradimensional movement stuff.
@Stephan Taking Creative Build Requests might help you.
solid angry DM article about how bad wizards (and by extension many RPGs) are bad at selling themselves: angrydm.com/2014/09/dear-wotc-why-do-you-suck-at-selling-games
My gaming club is getting new games (we do this about 4 times/year)
@waxeagle Good article
Getting Microscope, Deadlands reloaded, Dread (the jenga based RPG), Nights Black Angels
Fairly pumped for Microscope, looks real intereting
@waxeagle Interesting article, but (like the first comment says) there's a large Beginner Box-shaped hole in it.
Not to say the BB is perfect (I've never seen it myself, so I can't say), but it deserves to be considered among all the other starter sets he's putting down.
I'm still stumbling into DM'ing myself, and I'm one of those weirdos who likes to read the books Cover to Cover, over and over again.
Still, the AngryDM guy makes some solid points. Even for a masochist like me it's kind of intimidating, and it's hard to get the newbie in my group in the know about the rules (And my House Rules) while still trying to figure out how to run this game.
@MonkeezOnFire Hello!
@Metool Hi
> I'm not even angry anymore. It's like... I just feel content. Paizo is like hypothermia.
Just did character creation with my very first group. Took 6 hours, haha.
We're a very distracted group, it seems.
Eh, these things do take time.
Which game?
Ah, yes, especially with Pathfinder. What's the game going to be?
I picked up the anniversary edition of rise of the runelords.
@Lord_Gareth <Psyren> It's their game, they can make rulings by whatever vector they deem expedient. We don't have to like it.
@rockbeatspaper Ah, nice.
3 hours later…
I answered the coat question. I think I'm wrong.
Move to RPG.SE? or keep on WB?
Q: Measuring player intervention on self-sustained world

guidoI am modeling a medieval permanent-death game world which is self-sustained: a closed number of npc with specific roles and ai compose the economy and the "liveliness" of this setting. The "player" can impersonate npcs - making them playing characters actually - during his game session, having t...

Or even game design?
This appears to be about meta-level game mechanics rather than worldbuilding. You might have better luck at gamedev.se or rpg.se depending on the medium of your game. — BESW 10 secs ago
Does WB not have an active chat?
It does. Was intending it as asking RPG crowd if they thought it was appropriate for here.
@Mourdos Ah. It's a private beta, so only people who are active in WB anyway can see it.
@BESW I thought that might happen.
I have an answer with four games that should be perfect for him, except for the "creature compendium" and "relatively well-known" thing.
Until these questions are answered, I'm voting to close as unclear; I've got four systems I think would work wonderfully, but they all violate both the things I've asked for clarification on and still may not meet your group's gameplay needs. Are you okay with GMless games? How many players do you have? What about no-prep systems designed for on-the-fly improvisation the whole group helps with? I think you might be underestimating the scope of the RPG landscape. — BESW 9 secs ago
Seriously. Someone concludes an answer with "I guess that's not really what you're asking for, but I hear that something like it exists which might be better for you! You should Google that."
@BESW The part where he complains about downvotes is pretty hilarious.
I let him have it with both barrels.
I hate being downvoted, but saying 'no you can't downvote me it's not justified' is...not how this site is meant to work.
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