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What's your best Techpriest insult?
@Ben Your brain runs on Windows ME!
So far the best I have is along the lines of "Listen here, Meatsack!"
@Ben The best insults have context: who's being insulted and why?
A technopriest insulting another technopriest is very different from insulting someone else.
Techpriest insulting a druid
anything that isn't a machine or another techpriest really, but if you have some good ones for those, there all welcome too! It's all just a bit of fun really :)
"v1 wetware."
It's my personal headcanon for any cyber-future setting I run that Bob becomes a generic insult.
@BESW I think I vaguely remember that haha
@Stephan Hi!
Hail unto thee
Yall play pathfinder?
No, but I design for Pathfinder
o.O neat
i'm looking for a site where I can find character build ideas
Check the various guides on #giantitp
erm, giantitp.com
I've been there, it tends to have really comprehensive guides
I'm just looking for a way to discover individual build ideas
instead of entire class-guides
@Stephan Hang around here for long enough and you'll find plenty.
the chat? or the stackexchange site?
@Stephan both; we have lots of questions where you might find people asking about specific individual builds, or people here will talk about builds in chat sometimes when it comes up (no guarantees how often that will occur, especially considering many of us don't even play games in the D&D spectrum, let alone pathfinder)
giant in the playground probably has its own build discussion forums, so you can go there and explore all the various builds people are discussing, including odd and inventive ones and etc
other rpg forums like rpg.net probably have the same
if you want to discover a variety of different build ideas, best method is to just go where people are talking about a whole bunch of them
thanks, i'll try the subreddit, and some other forums
meanwhile concepts from this morning:
Robots bent on destroying humanity because they really really really really really do not like blues music. They have asked people to stop but it has not worked very well. They have tried disposing of blues artists but new ones keep appearing. Their only logical recourse is to prevent new people from appearing.
@doppelgreener [takes notes]
@doppelgreener So that's why one of the members of The Black Keys keeps saying they don't do blues, despite most people saying otherwise!
Two alien societies previously at war that have ceased to be: I'll call them Mardu and Temur because I can, even though they have nothing to do with those clans from Khans of Tarkir.

Mardu had a militaristic and nomadic warband civilisation that was fuelled by a war economy, and by constant movement through the wilderness, and raids on the Temur cities.

Temur had a small number of cities, and was very well defended, and generally did not care to take the war to the Mardu: they were content to be attacked, in part because they feared the Mardu and retaliation or advance attacks only made t
and uh. I think there was a third but I must have forgotten it.
@Adeptus and yes this may be a contributing factor
By word-association, I have come up with what may be an interesting Fate aspect/concept/trouble... Self-fulfilling prophecy Self-fulfilling prophet Self-fulfilling profiteer
@Adeptus ha, i like it. what do they do?
(if you have worked out that part yet!)
I don't know. Either... generally sell things at high price, for their own fulfilment... or, create the shortage of goods that they then exploit by raising prices
... Yo.
What'd I miss?
Love, passion, betrayal, honor, death, and the fires of war.
Sounds hardcore, should I have brought popcorn?
Only as an offering to Lord Potatothulu
... But I can keep the cheesy popcorn, right?
I'm* assuming he only wants the caramel corn?
[Gives caramel corn as offering to Potatothulu, goes insane instantly and bathes in cheesy popcorn]
Has anybody thought about trying to run a game in here?
I believe @BESW has/does
Though @doppelgreener would know more
[Coughs and calmly waits for one of those gents-and-or-ladies to say something regarding this]
@Tarmikos11 BESW ran many games on here when Fate Accelerated came out just to test it out, named the Enchanted Forest chronicles (see all of his "EF" chat bookmarks), I have run a couple of games of roll for shoes
Roll for shoes?
That's pretty cool, actually.
Q: Answers to bad questions

MinimanI thought there was a question for this, but I couldn't find it. When someone asks a bad question, should it be answered? For example, this question seems like a very poor question as it stands. However, it has already attracted 2 answers, both of good quality. Is this correct practice, or should...

@Tarmikos11 it is very cool
Burninating the country side. Burninating all the peasants.
@Tarmikos11 lol
Trogdor was a man... Or maybe, he was a, dragon man.. Or maybe he was just a dragon... But he was still TROGDOOOOOOOOOOOORR!
@Tarmikos11 I always thought Godzilla was Trogdor's wimpy kid sister
I still like Godzilla
I think they're a pair of masked wrestlers in the WWE.
honestly, Godzilla has been a lot of different individual lizard monsters
some of them have actually been female
though not all said individual lizard monsters lived up to the mantle
I just answered a Pathfinder question, having almost no knowledge of Pathfinder... simply by searching the SRD
@Adeptus You just demonstrated more system mastery than the majority of PF's player base. How do you feel?
one of which is questioning how someone is managing to carry 200 smashable vials of acid and alchemist's fire, and how they are doing that and not already having been lit on fire or melted from acid
Bag of holding in an outstretched hand, tossing and running.
I think we timed the release of Path of War correctly: giantitp.com/forums/…
@Magician but the bag of holding is extradimensional
idk man
if I were the GM I'd really question the player's survival instincts
and discuss with them the chance of them exploding and killing their entire party just on the average trek
@doppelgreener - Am I wrong for having this NPC name her +1 wounding saber Schadenfreude?
whoops help I slipped OH N[smash, FWOOOOSH]
@doppelgreener Has happened to our alchemist...
@Lord_Gareth no :)
@Lord_Gareth Cool!
@doppelgreener ...have I told the Tale of the Gobber here yet?
@doppelgreener Even if she's a CE gang lord with anger issues?
@Lord_Gareth even better
She's going to be one of the iconics for Harbinger. When she says her sword's name it launches violently from its sheath
Typically into someone's fragile and breakable face
At which point she catches it and the murder begins
@BESW I don't think so, I think you should tell it
@Lord_Gareth Sounds appropriate
@Lord_Gareth The Magic of Vague Articles allows me to envision her catching shards of a person's shattered face and then murdering other people with those shards.
@doppelgreener [takes a moment to collect his breath and catch his thoughts]
@BESW And now I need to write this PrC
> I've spent the last three hours trying to come up with a good devil's advocate argument.
Pick the ACG because
-It has true martial characters that are somewhat functional sometimes.
-At least a couple of the classes are legitimately not bad.
I love the backhanded not-quite-compliments to the ACG
...Okay, folks. It's story time.
I am pretty sure I have heard this one
but then that was a while ago
We're once more going all the way back to BESW's first campaign ever! I was brand-new to RPGs, and was GMing for people only slightly less new to the medium.
[sets up campfire]
[arranges logs and stones for seats]
[sets out sticks and marshmallows]
Being young and naive, I composed a setting and narrative which allowed any and all d20 System material to be used in the making of PCs.
(Yes, this is a horror story.)
a lot of your stories are horror stories
(The conceit was that a schism in reality was grabbing creatures from the broad multiverse and dropping them into my campaign setting.)
at least to a degree
My player with the most prior experience in RPGs used the "Gobber" race (a semi-civilised goblin, I think from Iron Kingdoms) and the rogue class for his first PC, and used blackface to pretend to be the drow monk's son.
The gobber was a major driver of plot, as he frequently got radical and overambitious ideas into his head which would almost work--right up to the point where the party suddenly has to figure out how to leave the city limits with a dead body while there's a price on their heads.
The gobber came from a universe with a slightly advanced level of tech compared to my campaign setting, which the player used to justify the first and only time someone in one of my D&D campaigns produced homemade gunpowder.
He also liked coffee, and so his belt was lined with alternating pouches of gunpowder and coffee grounds; only he knew which was which. And then there was the big pouch, labelled FOR EMERGENCIES, which contained an equal mix of both substances.
So we went along for several levels, merrily defacing corpses, urinating on the stoops of authority, and overdosing on healing potions, until we came to a small border keep deep in undead territory.
It was really more of a glorified guard shack, but the party was slightly more cautious by this time and so the gobber snuck in to check it out.
He had a level in wizard so he could cast spider climb, and used this to avoid the patrolling zombie guards by clinging to the ceiling as he explored. Satisfied he knew the layout and danger level of the place, he was about to leave and report to the others when... An Idea Occurred To Him.
Everyone else covered their faces and groaned as the gobber's player got a manic grin on his face.
"There's a guard with his back to me at the end of the hall, right? I light the fuse on a pouch of gunpowder, crawl along the ceiling until I'm just over his head, and balance the pouch on top of his flat helmet. Then I run!"
"Okay, that's two rolls: one to not be noticed, and one to balance the pouch."
Roll for sneaky: natural 20.
Roll for balancing: natural 1.
Re-roll to confirm critical failure: natural 1.
Were you playing with fumble rules, you sick deviant?
They liked natural 20s and natural 1s to be critical on all d20 rolls, including skill checks.
The gobber slammed the sack of gunpowder, with lit fuse, onto the zombie's head as hard as he could.
@BESW "Excuse me, old chap, would you mind holding perfectly still while I balance this innocuous bag of explosives on your magnificently flat helmet?"
"Oh, man. How much damage do I take from the explosion?"
"Damage? You're wearing a half-dozen more primed grenades on your belt, alternated with flasks of alchemist's fire." [I turn to the rest of the party] "Roll Reflex for half damage from shrapnel as the guard post explodes."
@BESW This sounds like a problem for roguespace!
The gobber's squirrel familiar (he had a level in wizard, remember?) wept at the rubble-strewn crater which was all that remained of his master... until the vampire PC dominated it and told it to stop blubbering.
That's just mean.
yep, I have heard this story before
And now, amazingly metal League music
Meanwhile, I've redesigned the rust monster in the 5e room, into something I'd actually enjoy facing. Because of reasons.
While I was locked out of my car this afternoon, I started designing this Saturday's DFAE session.

The Tale of the Gobber

32 mins ago, 26 minutes total – 50 messages, 6 users, 6 stars

Bookmarked just now by doppelgreener

(I may have the precise details wrong; he might've been trying to use a flask of alchemist's fire in there too.)
[pops in] Hello!
Actually, wait--I remember now! The zombie was especially vulnerable to fire, and he was balancing a flask of alchemist's fire on its head, planning to throw a rock from a distance to set it off.
But instead he slammed it onto the helmet, and the blowback set his gunpowder on fire.
@Emrakul [wave]
@BESW Would his gunpowder go off from a fireball?
I recall object damage rules in 3.5, where worn items would make a save and take damage on a 1. I don't actually recall ever using that rule.
@Magician When he first strapped gunpowder to himself, we'd agreed that a natural 1 on a save vs fire would set it off.
I then proceeded to not use fire attacks against him, because the first rule of GMing I ever learnt was that my players will kill their own PCs faster than I ever could.
First rule of GMing: PCs will kill themselves, if you only let them.
Second rule of GMing: Let them.
our ninja from our first DFAE session almost got himself killed
Instead, he was defeated by a cheap motel door.
he was repeatedly insisting on trying to get into the room of a wizard
which in that setting/universe is a big no no
On reflection I really should have given it to him with both barrels.
even some pretty badass magic monster type things have at least a little trouble with it
@BESW if it had been me you would have
cause I know better
then again,.... he ran into the issue once and still insisted on trying a couple more times
by then I would not have been surprised if you did
If he'd tried again.
I hadn't expected quite so much perseverance in trying to break into an obviously-warded Warden's room while he was inside, so I'd've had to call for a break while I actually statted up the wards.
you used a ward to specifically scare him away, and I think we managed to teach the player that breaking into the place a wizard sleeps is a bad idea
Well, now that the Warden knows who you all are... [rubs hands]
I remember the last time I was designing wards for a wizard, though this one was in 3.5
but my point is that we have hopefully managed to teach him something
Every time you touched the vault door where he kept the McGuffin, if you didn't have the key to the door, one of your bones was teleported out of your body
@Lord_Gareth Did it also levitate and whack you on the head, just to add insult to injury?
@Magician No, when you broke the ward the pile of bones exploded into flesh-shredding splinters, then summoned his Force golems
Which proceeded to activate the triggered fireball and chain lightning traps they were immune to, letting them smash you across the triggers
For repeated AoE damage to everything but the golems
Most of that encounter's CR was the traps
The glorious, vicious, evil traps
The rest of the CR was the golems being smartasses
"Look brother! They can dance!" [Kinesis blast into chain lightning]
In this case, the wizard had fire-suppression, telepathy-suppression, physical force fields, and a lion.
Wooo! Just had a big long earthquake.
I'm watching here and here for details.
I was about to wonder aloud what its numbers were
We've been getting quite a few lately.
What, a 5.4 about a month ago?
Whew, 6.8.
I thought it might be a bit higher than the last one
that's kinda a big difference
if my classes were right, one magnitude is twice the power of the one below it
Assuming they're still using Richter, which they aren't specifying.
Also, 7.1 may be the strength at the source and 6.8 is what we felt.
that would make some sense
EQR just downgraded it to 6.5.
USGS is saying 7.1.
@trogdor - You got mentioned in the credits of an Honest Trailer
@Lord_Gareth you sure it wasn't Strongbad, or the creator of Homestar Runner?
Pyro was/is my favorite class in that game XD
even if most people say it's a skill less class
@trogdor those people are probably doing W+M1 and dying horribly
@doppelgreener yeah
flare gun + axtinguisher means a trail of corpses
not just that though
just knowing when to engage in general
and using M2 properly
having half a brain about what you are doing counts for a lot
it's also one of the classes where their primary weapon is not necessarily their primary weapon
you might be using the secondary more often than your flamethrower
Never played TF2. I own it (it's in the Orange Box, isn't it?) but I don't have much game time, so don't want to wait for others to play with
@Adeptus yeah it's in the orange box; I've rarely played with anyone I know in meatspace
I just join games on the 'net
@doppelgreener same
pretty much just my brother and one of his friends
@BESW I like my version better
@doppelgreener Aw. "Punchspace" isn't catching on?
@BESW ..... I am now going to help "Punchspace" catch on
@BESW they both convey the same thing,...
@trogdor and both are funny
so why does one have to catch on over the other?
"Punchspace" provides... context and a tinge of intent which "meatspace" does not.
"Meatspace" is. "Punchspace" implies.
All space shall henceforth be separated into Punchspace and Potatothuluspace.
@Magician And if Potatothulhu comes into Punchspace, we punch 'im.
With madmen, poets and potato living at the ever-shifting border.
1 hour later…
Morning all
Is it appropriate to update an answer from a question a year ago that is out of date?
Q: What are some suggestions for a brawler-type unarmed character in Pathfinder?

kelvingreenI have played a monk before and enjoyed it but I was thinking of playing a character who's more of a brawler than a mystic martial artist. I know there are some options in the barbarian class but what else is there in the game? As a supplementary question, is there any point in making an unarmed...

Going to add "Brawler" to the list of classes
You'll get a badge from it, even.
My "ageing paper" answer has almost outstripped my "don't bury yourself alive, it's dumb" answer.
And it's tied with my "Paladins shouldn't be jerks" answer.
Right, also bullet pointed his answer. I hate reading paragraphs of text that are actually a list.
I'm just glad that now two of my top five most-voted answers aren't "Don't be a selfish jerkface."
Is that the most appropriate answer then? I shall have to read your stuff.
It certainly feels like the majority of my reputation comes from saying "You could be a jerk, but why?" in increasingly creative and incredulous ways.
Soon, a degree in philosophy.
It is not them that we hurt, but through them, ourselves?
Nah, we've already got a mod with a degree in philosophy. Needless duplication of citizen resources.
Anyway, I look forward to getting a new badge, assuming my edit was good. HAve you seen the new spheres of power book for pathfinder?
Also, I need to actuall go post or answer something on worldbuilding.
I have a feeling that I'm going to be far out of my depth on worldbuilding
I... don't pay any attention to PF at all except what Gareth says in chat, and the occasional ridiculously complicated answer to a ridiculous question.
It is... interesting. I can make a tornado at level 6.
The rules for tornado being fort save or sucked into the funnel, no save if the funnel runs over you, and for 1d10 rounds you take 6d6 damage.
And then fall out (it doesn't mention how high you are at that point)
and the tornado can move 250 feet per round.
Oh, whats that? I just sent everyone in a line several turns worth of running away from the fight? Whoops!
Also, I did like that answer on survival.
@Mourdos It was interesting to research, because PF made some changes from 3.5 skill mechanics which I thought would make a big difference--and in the end, made no difference at all.
> This kind of detailed analysis on the minutiae of animals in a Pathfinder RPG is what I believe life is all about.
@Metool Shhh. I haven't ever shown Gareth that comment, and I'm afraid what'll happen if he sees it.
@lisardggY [wave]
Someone dredged up this old question, which should probably be closed as opinion-based/too broad
Q: What are some suggestions for a brawler-type unarmed character in Pathfinder?

kelvingreenI have played a monk before and enjoyed it but I was thinking of playing a character who's more of a brawler than a mystic martial artist. I know there are some options in the barbarian class but what else is there in the game? As a supplementary question, is there any point in making an unarmed...

If you scroll up slightly, twas me.
I randomly came across it (through related link wandering) and noticed that there was no brawler in the answer. I disagree on it being too broad, the style of question is often to broad, but looking for classes that can use unarmed attacks but are not mystic monks is specific enough, I would have thought?
Well, it's not asking for classes.
It's asking for every possible option to provide non-mystic barehanded combat, AND a discussion of poweredness for these options.
It's no surprise there wasn't an accepted answer - there can't really be an accepted answer to that question.
@lisardggY Leaving a comment, including that idea.
This appears to be asking for a list of every possible option to provide non-mystic barehanded combat (not even a list of all classes dedicated to providing such options), AND a discussion of poweredness for these options. I speculate there's no accepted answer because it's not a question which can be answered within the SE format. — BESW 13 secs ago
@Mourdos I agree that, were it to be a good question for the site, the Brawler should be mentioned.
Somebody give me the name of a film set in the mid/late-1800s Wild West, kindly.
I'm looking for a bank of likely names to draw on.
Silverado is a 1985 American Western film produced and directed by Lawrence Kasdan. The screenplay was written by Kasdan and his brother Mark. It features an ensemble cast, including Kevin Kline, Scott Glenn, Danny Glover, Kevin Costner, John Cleese, Jeff Goldblum, Linda Hunt and Brian Dennehy. The film was produced by Columbia Pictures and Delphi III Productions, and distributed to theatres by Columbia, and by Sony Pictures Home Entertainment for home media. The original soundtrack, with a score composed by Bruce Broughton, was released by Geffen Records. On November 12, 2005, an expanded two...
The new World Building network is getting interesting!
Hmm. That's a decent start. Not a lot of last names, though.
Thanks, mix-and-match between these will do nicely.
....this is perfect.
The Goodnight Mine: A played-out diamond mine which cost more than it ever gave back.
(The DFAE playtest for Emrakul and Aslan is going to be a Wild West type thing, so I'm sticking it on a town around a dead diamond mine in the Ozarks.)
Are we a min max board?
@Mourdos yes and no
As in, do we support optimization questions like this: rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/47992/…
Also I want to yell at point 2) THAT NOT HOW IT WORKS. You can't just use a 1st level spell to bypass the fact that +4 armor costs 16,000 gp
takes off mutants and masterminds hat
@Mourdos [casts dispel magic]
point it out. and if those kinds of misconceptions are rampant, then vtc as unclear
In theory, 2) is viable. But any DM that allows it should be smacking with a haddock, repeatedly.
And then I want an item of constant true strike.
Heck, [casts reaving dispel, laughs hysterically]
Can we use the wild mage?
All of your buffs are as the rainbow.
And the rainbow burns, freezes, corrodes, drives you insane and planeshifts you. The best kind of rainbow.
I've voted to close as too broad, but "unclear" would probably be equally valid. Overlooking some of the peculiar assumptions in play (which are addressed by other comments), this is a request for discussion and open-ended lists rather than actionable advice. — BESW 11 secs ago
@Mourdos That system is so confusing.
Is it?
I love M&M because it doesn't give a crap about the fluff of your character. IT doesn't let you cheat it.
I have a power that lets me shoot flames out my hands. The system goes "thats nice, what does it actually do?"
Well, it lets me fly! so buy the flgiht power And then I can fire it at people so buy damge but it also sets them on fire at the same time? link it to a condition But thats expensive! then your power is too strong if it does it all at once
Wait a moment, if I use my fire to burn someone, I need to keep flying! then you have have two powers, not one power that you use in differnt ways
Every time you try to gain an advantage based on logic, the game says "then buy the ability to do it"
It completely avoids the argument about "I'm so light I can float" argument that you might get off someone who makes themselves as small as an atom by turning round and telling them that to do that costs 10 points, and if they don't have it, thenits their job to explain why not.
Sounds a lot like 4e-meets-GURPS.
I think once you start building a character in it, you get to understand it a lot better.
So, the official Doctor Who Twitter feed is having a #MonstersWeMiss thing where they post screenshots of monsters we haven't seen for a while--from both Old and New Who--based on tweeted requests.
And it is hilarious how effortlessly cheap 1972 practical effects outperform cheap 2006 digital effects.
Dear BBC: I'm concerned that this hashtag event isn't going to have the effect you wanted.
And now they're all "Hey, did you forget the time we tried to make you afraid of fart monsters that got blown up by pickles?"
What's a reasonable population size for a dying little town in the middle of 1800s Wild West nowhere?
Somewhere between 20 and 100
Depending on how close to death it is and how long its been
How do I reference a user in a question?
For the purpose of assigning credit
There is no established protocol.
I suggest you link to their user profile.
@Mourdos I would think that top number is a little high - I'm pretty sure there were towns in the high 80s that muddled along without dying
Depends what is causing the death though.
If there is a lack of resources and work that recently just happened, the town could be starting its death, in which case I would expect malcontent and a lot of people to start leaving shortly.
This sounds like a WB question, btw :P
@Mourdos I'ma ask a meta Q about real-world questions.
I personally think that is kind of worldbuilding, just on a smaller scale. I'll take a read after lunch however.
Mmm. The more I think about it, the more that particular question seems like a history.se question.
Q: Are alternate earths on topic here?

ton.yeungWhat I mean by alternate earths is taking current day earth geology, and then applying different realities to it. For example a geographically identical earth but with a machine based civilization post apocalyptic earth zombie apocalypse earth

See the answer, one of them is pretty much your question
@Mourdos It also wouldn't work because he has bracers of armor already, and mage armor doesn't stack with them.
and was higly voted
Ooh, yes, that's nice. Okay, I'll just ask, no meta needed!
@Tridus This is true. I was more focusing on the complete and utter disregard for the item creation rules, which are a guideline and require RAI
@BESW :-) Glad to help
@Mourdos Yep, I agree with you. But even if you get past that issue, it still doesn't work. :)
@BESW what is this?
@trogdor Online DFAE playtest with Emrakul and JoshuaAslanSmith. Starting next Tuesday.
ah ok
They're going to start as mortals (they're really set on that) and gain mantles by the end of the first session.
certainly a different angle than we went for
The concept is a supernatural gang trying to take over an Old West town, and the PCs will seek out mantles to be able to kick the gang out.
to be honest, I didn't see any reason to start as mortal
there are no benefits to it in DFAE at the moment
They're interested in the drama of how a mortal's life is turned upside down by the invasion of the supernatural.
man,... I wish I had remembered to mention that in my playtest report
I think that is the only thing I forgot to mention though,... unless I still don't remember something else I noticed while playing
Q: Population range for a dying town

BESWI'm designing a town in the Ozark mountain range circa 1871, and am unsure about what population size to give it. River Bend was a mining town (they briefly struck diamonds) founded high in the Ozark mountains and far from other settlements, about 1845. But the mine's been abandoned for ten year...

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