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01:00 - 13:0013:00 - 00:00

@besw great link
@BESW and then some
not sure how you can answer it in a system agnostic way either
because then it stops being about rpgs
I think he put the system agnostic tag because he wants a good travel system from any system.
we dont do bespoke RPG design on demand
there have been plenty of problem questions along those lines in the past
@Aaron without a specific system, the question becomes ' how far do you travel in a day by different forms of transport' - not an rpg question
I was just explaining what I thought his thinking was not defending his question
@Aaron I know - not attacking you, just explaining my opinion :o)
I think his question boils down to "What is the most realistic RPG travel system"
@aaron you will be burned at the stake for your heresy
which is subjective without a lot of requirements
@JoshuaAslanSmith Good thing I have DR 20 against fire
Did someone start talking about a BBQ? Medium for my stake :)
@Aaron a whole different can of worms - define realistic ;op
too bad its radiant fire
@JoshuaAslanSmith ....does that involve a giant magnifying glass?
Playing a tiefling game in a desert. Our witch gave their familiar Resistance 1 to fire and cold so that the DM couldn't it being too hot or cold against them.
yes, and censers
@Phil How far can someone in peak physical condition walk in a day
@aaron still too manyv ariabels
are they wearing modern running shoes, and athletic geawr with their only weight being a camelback for hydration?
my point is that realism means different things in different systems, at different tables, with different genres
In what weather, at what altitude, over what terrain, with what load, on what diet....
what is their metabolism and previouis training experiences
And then how do you determine the elf's peak physical condition, and the halfling's, and the flying zombie elk's?
Ok ok I get it lots of variables I didn't think of.
[yawn] I needs me the sleeps.
I need to find some appropriate (but short) things to use as a gnome skald, who uses oratory for his music.
War chants?
Or renditions of battle?
A gnome skald? I'm picturing a very small Viking warsong.
My Summoner is now a Skald as well as a Summoner. (strange gestalt rules)
He rides around on his flying Eidolon, who is a giant multicolored gecko with scaled wings.
And summons things.
Summoners tend to do that.
Now he has a whip of spiders which he will brandish
He is a master summoner, but with houseruled changes. As a result, I tend to cast one, maybe two summons and then go into buff/debuff mode
well, in this case one, since I have my eidolon out
My DM got scared of my ability to summon 1d3+1 earth elements every round for ten rounds at level 3 >.>
I have a summoner in my group with a eidolon that makes me grind my teeth...
As a DM or as a player?
The wording on the Reach evolution is a little loosely worded. It doesn't specify what kind of attack, merely one that the eidolon can make.
I'm the DM, this is one of my players.
It is one specific attack.
That the Eidolon can make
If it has 15 tentacles, it can make 1 of them gain reach
So the Eidolon has an exotic weapon feat and an exotic reach weapon. Then they attached reach to that.
Ah yes
Thats valid
My Eidolon: 3 HD, but summoner level 6
15 foot reach dominates certain combat scenarios
19 hp
Speed 40 ft, Fly 40 ft (good)
AC 20, FF 18, Touch 12 (dex +2, natural+4, armor +4)

Str 15
Dex 15
Con 13
Int 07
Wis 10
Cha 11

+4(3) fort
+5(3) ref
+1(1) will

Bite: +5 for 1d6+3

Skills: Perc, Survival, Fly, Stealth(3 in each)

Equip:Chainmail Armor, Military Saddle

Free Evolutions: Bite, Limbs (legs) (2)
Evolutions: Mount, Fly(Dragon, Good), Skilled(Perception), Skilled(Fly)

+18 Fly: 3(class)+3(ranks)+2(dex)+4(maneuverability)-ACP(2)+8(racial)
+06 Survival: 3(class)+3(ranks)+0(wis)
I'm missing his feats. Hmm. Light Armor Proficiency and Wingover.
Yes it does.
Our group currently runs two front liners (barbarban/rogue and fighter) who make liberal use of reach weapons and enlarge person and have do so since level 1
The only way I can present challenges to a 15 foot reach with good damage is to provide varied terrain and/or tight quarters combat
Has combat reflexes?
The summoner herself is squishy, but has never been exposed to a threat due to careful combat coordination.
My DM has the same problem.
Have you considered spells?
Good playing on her part, can't knock it.
Grease makes people drop weapons if you target their weapon
Well the next part of Rise of the Runelords has more threatening encoutners that should throw her for a loop.
Ah, you are using the adventure paths?
I've never played them
or PFS
The rewrite of Rise of the Runelords, yeah. I like off-the-shelf adventures, especially revised ones. They're well played, well known, and there's other DMs to ask for input on how to run the adventure.
I wanted to like PFS, but had a poor experience with organized play.
2 hours later…
Well, that was fun! Tons of old, old gmail passwords compromised.
2-factor authenticate ALL THE THINGS.
Whoa. How'd that happen?
Article on the whole thing. Russian group drops 5 million gmail passwords.
Oh, phew. Okay. All of my passwords have been changed in the last six months, so I think I'm alright.
Huh. It also doesn't look like this came from a Google breach, but is just a compilation of other password leaks designed to look like a Google leak.
At least 60% of the list is still good.
Neither mine nor my wife's are on it. Score!
And I use 2FA anyway.
So is 2FA like using a VPN where you use your password and then get a token emailed to you that you have to put in?
I have an app on my phone that generates the token.
But yes, the idea is similar.
Generally speaking it adds a second factor in addition to the "what you know" factor.
My gmail account has been hacked a few times but it is my junk account that I use when I sign up for free games
Usually a "what you have".
I use it for everything, but I almost never give it away - I have my own domain and give throwaway addresses @my domain, but they all just get to my gmail eventually.
I change my password after each hack. Normally from china
I change my password when I think my current password no longer meets modern security standards, and only use my secure passwords on sites that are storing it securely.
(So I don't really need to change it if the hash is leaked.)
@Grubermensch are you available tomorrow night?
4 hours later…
Making a 2nd request for close votes for this question:
Q: How to speed up 4e combat

Etienne van DeldenI DM a group of four PC's and even "easy" battles take at least an hour to resolve. Normal encounters take even longer! I want to speed up combat so my players can do more in a session. I've been trying a lot to speed up combat, we are already using: Initiative cards that the players keep up 3...

Its major, core problem is that their combat reaches an absurdly high number of rounds, but we have absolutely no idea what causes that quantity of rounds.
All of their current techniques, and all the current suggestions, will naturally speed up each individual turn or round - but something is going horribly wrong, because their average combat should only be going for a bit over five rounds, meaning they're going for up to six times longer than they should. If we can resolve that issue, their combats will suddenly leap to 10-15 minutes tops, and all their time issues would be solved. But we don't have the info necessary to deal with that.
So I'd like to put it on hold as unclear, since there is information we badly need that is altogether missing: what happens such that they go that many rounds.
01:00 - 13:0013:00 - 00:00

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