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Sadly Mark Hamil will never voice my badguys at a table. :(
Apr 6 at 1:21, by BESW
> The wit of Wexel the Wet was so sharp, the elven kingdom of Amarant had his tongue peace-bonded whenever he visited.
> Most famous satirists are wee folk, but Wexel was a dwarf who chose to leave his dwarfholt and travel across the open land as a bard. This is how he became Wexel "the Wet"--he got rained on a lot more than the average dwarf.
> Sadly, Wexel's wit turned toward puns in his old age. At the time puns were an acceptable form of joke, but Wexel's were some of the worst anyone had ever heard.
(click through for the rest.)
Heck of a fate.
Wexel is an unused remnant of my very early explorations into using holidays and calendars not just to mark the passage of time, but as a form of okapi's butt.
@Lord_Gareth Time for the throwdown?
But we can have a preliminary
After I cut him repeatedly with a chainsaw
In any event
@Lord_Gareth What'cha need?
Herd u were talkin' crap m8
(Yes I waited seven hours to be able to repost that at the correct person)
I expressed concern over how to weigh your statements and opinions.
Aye I'm not taking it that seriously or I would have, y'know. Spelled my accusation in a human language.
But it's something I'd like to actually address, for many, many reasons, but chief among them being that in order to do my job I have to understand PF.
@BESW This guy:
Now that's a REAL master
@Lord_Gareth If you could give me a brief summary of your history with d20-derived systems, I would find that helpful.
@JoshuaAslanSmith That would be Anthony Ainley as the Master, yes.
@Lord_Gareth Unfortunately, your reputation as a Demon of Drama, a Hellion of Hyperbole, and an Elder Evil of Exaggeration doesn't help your presentation a lot when you want to be taken seriously.
You chew more scenery than the Eric Roberts version of the Master.
@MadMAxJr Grew up in 2e, from age 7 to age 14 or so. Played it off-and-on until age 16 while slowly transitioning through into 3.0 and then 3.5 because my friends played it. Entered the world of system mastery the hard way, losing bits of my innocence one painful, bloody strip at a time either through play or through feedback on my homebrew content.
Participated in the Pathfinder beta, became one of the many victims of how much SKR hates critique when I got banned from Paizo's fledgling forums the first time.
Tracked Pathfinder's development out of spite for a few years, then started mostly ignoring it as a game except for excerpts from the designers' more amusing rants and public mistakes, of which there were many.
2e, so started late 80s, early 90s?
Late 90s, played with a holdover group DMed by my dad on the cusp of the 3.0 transition
Aww yeah nyssa's father's body taken over
In any event, I get hired by Dreamscarred Press, initially to help with the Path of War project. Things moved rapidly from there, but that's where I began in-depth research into Pathfinder's specific changes from 3.5's skeleton.
From PoW I got sidelined into their Psionic Bestiary project (I'm listed as a co-author for the book at this point, there was a lot of re-writing), had to teach myself psionics from the ground up.
As well as delve deep into the world of PF's 1st and 3rd party published monsters and antagonists
Bossman bounced me from there, once it was finished, into a Wilder supplement that's just about ready for publishing, pending edits for beta feedback
That got interrupted so I could work on a supplement we needed to pull from the shelves that expands race-based content
Helpful context for your particularly charged statements, thanks.
Which meant learning (and then rejecting because black gods of hell are you kidding me) Paizo's race point system
@MadMAxJr The TL;DR is that Pathfinder's PR group tries very hard to pretend that it's not 3.5 with a bunch of house rules, when it is in fact just 3.5 with a bunch of house rules. None of its unique content changed the meta of its game vs. the meta of 3.5 except to widen the caster vs. martial/monster gap that already existed.
@MadMAxJr Gareth's facts are usually pretty spot-on, once you wade through the rivers of bile and vitriol.
Most of learning Pathfinder, design-wise, has been learning how to dance around and through various community prejudices and attitudes so I can still produce quality work without triggering attack mode.
@BESW To be fair, he admits his prejudices freely, which is really all you can hope for.
The rest has been learning the little changes they made, which range from small things to things that look small but are actually gigantic, hideously needless headaches that spawned themselves from some forsaken pit of Hell.
For example, Paizo got rid of HD = Character Level
I have no idea why they did this because all it did was make monster design harder
@Miniman Mmm. His frustration is not unjustified, but if he could keep the volume and personal attack turned down a bit he'd be taken more seriously and not have to offer his credentials so often.
(And the chat would be a calmer place.)
@BESW I wasn't trying to justify. I just meant that, for example, if I tell you to ignore everything I say about 4e (or MMORPGs) because of my personal prejudices, it goes some way towards making up for the crap I subsequently come out with.
It also made designing monster-enabled prestige classes so much harder.
Sweet Asmodeus the headaches.
Is it me or you are talking about totally different things?
I'm lost
@BESW This was what I was trying to determine.
/me go back to sleep
Roll to fall asleep :P
@Lord_Gareth Apologies, but I was not trying to start a witch hunt. As expressed in the other room, you wish to have one of the moderators removed, so I wanted a better understanding of your contributions and interactions with the site. Often you make particularly charged statements in chat or on a question, so I really needed more information to get a bigger picture.
@Saffron There was a conversation about my opinions of PF. There's a side-conversation in why I'm always full of the raeg.
@Lord_Gareth Oh wow they were talking about you
There's some drama goin' on here m'lady !
@MadMAxJr My issues with Myx are rooted in how he chooses to express his opinions over Pathfinder and how he treats other opinions when he has power, not in the opinions themselves. But that's for the bar.
I was just reminded of my favourite conversation from a book I didn't actually like very much:
> "These kids make 'Lord of the Flies' look like 'Pollyanna.'"
> "YOU read 'Pollyanna?'"
> "'Pollyanna' was a book?"
@BESW Sorry, looked like the convo was happening here for some reason
It was. I was eyeballing it for getting moved, then it seemed to have tapered off.
Gareth pinged me here, so I responded.
@MadMAxJr well, that initial conversation was probably fine here
but it was a lead-in to evaluating the topic of the Bar
Aye. If you'll notice, I moved everything after it was suggested that the conversation get moved to the NAB.
Basically, there are a number of people who strongly value the General Chat's lack of drama and bile. If something gets heated or uncomfortable for the general population, it should be taken to a side room--whether it's religion, or sex, or bad blood, or whatever.
I've seen a year and a half of conversations on that topic and have learned to head them off at the pass.
Isn't this chat supposed to be 18- able ?
@Saffron Not really the point at issue
And even the whole site
@Miniman yes, it's a side question, since BESW mentioned some 18+ topics
It's no excuse to avoid being civil.
Stack Exchange is 13-and-up.
submitted to Us juridiction I suppose?
I'm glad I learned that before I let my mind slip to more darkened debates.
When you make your first SE account, you have to promise you're 13 or over.
> Interviewer: What's the weirdest thing a fan has every gotten you?
> Peter Davison: Oh, I don't know...
> Audience member: *A granddaughter!*
> pic of David Tennant laughing, "not even sorry"
I made that account some time ago, and my memory is not what it used to be unfortunately
Ah, yes, David Tennant. The Doctor actor whose previous appearance in the franchise was an uncredited voice role he begged for when he heard they were recording in the same studio he was working at.
And people gave Capaldi a hard time for his fan letter.
I think it's awesome to see fans get into the show
John Barrowman was kind of adorable about it
@KRyan hahahaha
Isn't "being adorable" Barrowman's stock in trade?
As much as my dislike of Tennant's Who, I like him as a person/actor
Tennant is the only Doctor I know. I only got as far as the Weeping Angels one.
I arise again in the glory of darkness etc so forth
@JoshuaAslanSmith I think Tennant has the makings of a great actor, but he doesn't have the necessary control yet. He slips in and out of it involuntarily mid-scene.
@Lord_Gareth And immediately retreat at the name of the Doctor.
[Recoils, flees to the bar]
Accursed Whoooviaaaaannnsssss
(Side note: Ahahaha Toad the Wet Sprocket replied to me, though I'm not sure how they found mine)
@BESW He got a number of credited roles in Doctor Who with BF before getting the big job. bigfinish.com/releases/v/sympathy-for-the-devil-363 is excellent.
@Quentin Fair enough. As much as I like BF audio, it's got a place slightly lower down in what passes for DW canon in my head.
@BESW Oh, did he have an uncredited telly role then?
Whereas when he begged the cameo in Shalka, it was going to be the official as-close-to-canon-as-DW-ever-gets Ninth Doctor.
Ahhh. Didn't know he was in that.
@Lord_Gareth Im only an old who fan and despise the term whovaian as a result
He's one of the guards who gets attacked by the scream-zombies.
@BESW Ahhh
It's, like, one line and a scream.
(The Shalka Doctor is my favourite Doctor. Alas.)
@JoshuaAslanSmith I lack any meaningful comprehension of the difference.
@Lord_Gareth Old who had low production values of scifi pre 1990s some truly goofy scripts mixed in with deadly serious ones and a whole bunch of other things going on.
new who is decidedly different in tone for the most part
New who being everything from the restart of the series a few years ago
Eh. I don't like schizophrenic tones.
Douglas Addams wrote a few storylines
later all
@JoshuaAslanSmith I say, what a wonderful butler! He's so violent!
@BESW I haven't watched it in years. I must get the DVD out of the shinkwrap and rewatch it. Fantastic Master IIRC.
@BESW Ah. City of Death. One of the very best.
I'd have liked to see more Duggin, but he only appears in that and one of the novels.
And.... ah, which was the one with "Oh, look! Rocks!"?
That line. Delivered by Baker. Always cracks me up.
(Baker's not even in my top five Doctors, but he definitely had some great moments.)
@BESW Don't know that one off the top of my head… and given how many episodes were filmed in quarries it is hard to narrow down :)
"Destiny of the Daleks."
Silly story, really showcased how introducing Davros neutered the Daleks' narrative punch.
Both Davros and the Daleks tend to have better stories when they aren't together
(Shalka, then Two/Seven, Three/Five/Eight/Nine, One/Four/Eleven, Six, Ten.)
Him offering jelly babies to just about everyone, including the villains is one of my favorite character traits.
I haven't placed Capaldi or Hurt yet...
That's a good order. Six shoots up the rankings when he gets to play on audio though. His TV scripts were terrible (as were the early ones for Seven).
I haven't gotten much of Six's audio, but what I have heard was nice.
(Warth is probably in with 1/4/11, and Capaldi--we'll see. So far I'm enjoying him and hoping Moffat won't get in the way of that for me.)
The best arc is Six + Charlie, which opens with a lovely reverse of the Peter->Colin regeneration scene. [The TARDIS lands on the desert island where Charlie is stranded after seeing 8 "die"]. Charlie: Doctor? 6: Yes? Charlie: I was expecting someone else.
Duly noted.
Audio stories are work for me to listen to attentively, so I haven't heard much at all.
I did enjoy Zagreus!
...and incorporated a lot of his themes into a D&D campaign.
I have an hour long commute, so I tend to listen to them while staring at the scenery passing by on the train.
Fair enough.
Oh, man, it's almost 230am. Sleeeeep.
Not that I've managed to listen to much this week since my relisten to the Bernice Summerfield series has hit Janes Kane and the End of the World (which is a fantastic piece of drama but has a really depressing theme) and I keep being distracted by thoughts of my Tyranny of the Giant Space Flumphs for 5th edition Spelljammer plot.
Poor flumphs
No one takes them seriously
Those were the flatulent space mushrooms, right?
@MadMAxJr And this is precisely why they don't get taken seriously, yes :p
That highly unpopular company previously mentioned put them in a book of terrible monsters they attempted to re-write as interesting, usable monsters.
Others were basically a mummy covered in glue, and living tree stump that puppets a bunny on top of it.
They also attempted to redeem the flumphs
user image
@MadMAxJr I can admire the attempt while still saying that there are some things that are just not able to be saved.
It's the d20 equivalent of taking childrens drawings and having an experienced artist recreate the same drawing.
@Lord_Gareth OR........................................
@JoshuaAslanSmith Or pyramids are actually the original wizard towers and our full caster overgods built them before they ascended to a higher plane of reality
I preferred the series.
so my wife resisted getting into Stargate because "it was too nerdy" after her getting into trek
Colonel O'Neil logic: They are ugly aliens, therefore evil aliens. START SHOOTING.
but she saw a couple eps and was like well now I want to watch it
so we started with the movie
But the movie was so bad
and she thought the premise was quite funny in retrospect with "It was aliens meme etc"
I love the movie
Especially the guy playing O'Neill my god
I also love the series
I never thought I'd see an actor more wooden than Hayden Christensen
Part of my soul died
The movie is trying to be 2 different genre flicks at the same time
(Loved the series though)
Kurt Russell isn't a man of words and the guns he carries speak very poor English.
its trying to be the classic adventure film AND the hardcore sci-fi film at the same time and its playing to both genres' conventions
That doesn't justify the movie's flaws, though. That whole attitude in general is weird.
"You see, X is trying to be Y and Z, so it's going to have some difficulties." If the difficulties are not surmountable maybe it should not have been done
It's still fun, even with it's flaws.
If you want to pick it apart, why does an alien race with mastery of energy weapons still only use metallic plate armor against the firearms of humanity?
(Thor had a really good comment on this in the series.)
My issues with the film boil down to:
1. The lead actor is terrible
2. See 1
3. See 1
Whos the lead?
Honestly Daniel Jackson is the main character
4. The writing is nowhere near as tight as the series ended up being
I can't finish your list, it's an infinite loop.
They try to set it up as both jack and daniel but its clearly daniel
also theres ever only 1 main character
Jack is mostly there to shoot things.
He's the fighter, skill selection is not his strong suit.
Yeah, that's bad.
The O'Neill you get to know in the series is, y'know
A human being
I think its unfair to compare the movie to later seasons of SG1
because season 1 is pretty bad
I did enjoy it while it was still on Showtime, because there weren't contrived plot pauses for commercial breaks.
SG1 got to have an incredible run time to work over these issues of plot and character
Leeg nao
I briefly recall from my hobby store days there being a licensed SG-1 RPG, then a few of my regulars being incredibly upset over the company losing the license.
probably wasnt good
All non show releated stuff has been pretty bad though I wish the MMO had gotten made
had some potential
I had some concern over how the FN-P90, a weapon intended for close range engagements, was issued to troops deploying to planets with wide open fields.
Then again the series is what made me go 'What is that gun?' to begin with.
1 hour later…
5.7mm round has rifle round profile ballistics vs. the pistol rounds commonly used in SMGs
So basically an assault rifle design in SMG profile then?
The barrel does run almost the length of the thing.
I dont think its a full on bullpup
The FN 5.7×28mm is a small-caliber, high-velocity cartridge designed and manufactured by FN Herstal in Belgium. It is a bottlenecked centerfire cartridge that is somewhat similar to the .22 Hornet or .22 K-Hornet. The 5.7×28mm was developed in conjunction with the FN P90 personal defense weapon (PDW) and FN Five-seven pistol, in response to NATO requests for a replacement for the 9×19mm Parabellum cartridge. In 2002 and 2003, NATO conducted a series of tests with the intention of standardizing a PDW cartridge as a replacement for the 9×19mm Parabellum cartridge. The tests compared the relative...
let me clarify
it does not have the length that a rifle in bullpup configuration would have
it is a bullpup design
barrel is 10.4 inches
longer than a UMP or an HK or the similar type of SMG
its interesting that the wiki article for the FN P90 classifies it as a PDW though, since that category of firearms didnt exist and its very large to other weapons that typify the PDW
Interesting design.
Hmmm it looks like its considered a PDW because of the ballistics of the round which makes sense
The other one that caught my interest, not SG-1 related, was the Calico with the helix ammo storage.
the 5.7 in a military and police setting is meant to be used as an AP round
so from a operations standpoint for SG-1 makes total sense, you may or may not be fighting indoors or ourtdoors and jaffa wear heavy metal armor
For SG-1 that makes sense, yeah.
Tight-quarters portable AP weapon.
I remember seeing m249s a lot though whenever there is another SG team around
they seem to be outfitted closer to a standard infantry team model
Which takes me back to my other question, "Why are Jaffa using plate armor against humanity all through the series?" You'd think they'd work more with those energy fields on their gliders.
SG-1 teams struck me as kind of a Force Recon role, when they're going to new planets.
In the Stargate fictional universe, the humans of Earth have developed many advanced technologies based on what SG teams have brought back from trips to other planets through the Stargate. Earth has also benefitted from technical knowledge provided by friendly alien races, such as the Asgard and the Tok'ra. == Real or semi-real technology == The producers of Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis collaborate closely with the United States Air Force. The USAF is portrayed in a positive light in the series, and as a result, the franchise gets access to USAF weaponry and fighter jets. The Oregon Air...
Oh wow there's an article for that.
so basically everyone but SG-1 seems to use m4 and m16 platform rifles with military shotguns and LMGs
SG-1 is a good example of in vogue military tech of the late 90s and early 00s though
let the downvotes begin!
just some subpar answers
Ive learned to stop worrying and love the downvote
This does seem to be a very downvotey Stack Exchnage site — lots of apparent downvotes for "I disagree" as opposed to reserving it for "actually wrong". *shrug*
Huh, I've had quite the opposite experience here, @mattdm
@Emrakul It's my first impression, at least, as compared to the Photography SE for example.
"I disagree", "This is wrong", "I don't particularly like you being here in general", "I meant to downvote someone else", and "This is just plain bad" seem to be valid uses.
Fair enough, and I don't disagree. (Hard to disagree with someone's impressions!)
Heh. :)
But, well, not too long ago:
Q: Why are voting habits so different on RPG.SE in comparison to other SE sites?

EmrakulI've been wondering about this, as I have since I first arrived here all those centuries ago. Voting habits on RPG.SE are very different than on other StackExchange sites. Very rarely do we see downvotes, and when we do, they are taken very seriously - to a degree I am still having trouble adap...

@Emrakul Interesting. Maybe I'm just more wrong than I think. :)
Possibly, but also possibly not. It's been a while, and I might not (read: probably wouldn't) have personally noticed the change.
I don't think it's just my answers, though -- I saw it on a couple of others.
Hmm... how so?
Well I don't have enough rep to actually see the upvotes and downvotes yet... I should probably come back when I have more evidence. I saw something the other night with a -1 that surprised me, though.
can't remember what. just talking. :)
Fair enough. Just curious! It'd be an interesting changing trend.
one thing I have noticed here is that we have a lot of voting, both up and down. and that's good. But yeah, some downvotes show up for weird reasons
One could probably use data.stackexchange.com to plot some trends
for my own answers, I'm not offended, but am puzzled by a couple of downvotes I got with no explanation
I'll note that 5e is an odd space right now for a variety of reasons
RPG.SE is seeing about 1600-1700 answer votes per week
Closer to 2200-2400 if you include question votes
Or rpg.stackexchange.com/a/46930/904, which is 4E — here, I presume that someone strongly believes that it's completely wrong for skills to ever influence players, or something. But really, that could be completely fine for some ways of playing, and if the group is all on board with it....
Wow, RPG.SE's seen a serious spike in activity lately
@Emrakul well, that's good!
@Emrakul seems like something big is going on in RPGs...can't be sure what... <_< >_> -_-
maybe something is making the headlines...or national newspapers...maybe someone is releasing a big new game..who knows...
That is what rekindled my interest :)
Huh. So the push to make 5e a success for RPG.SE worked, then.
@Emrakul well, in many ways it was already going to be a big deal for us
we're just riding the wave of WOTC's apparent marketing success
Surprised we haven't had more meta posts of, "This site needs to encourage games that aren't 5E!" like when 4E washed the front page.
@MadMAxJr we'll get there :). Part of it is that it hasn't drowned out other games completely
I recall getting downvoted to death for having the audacity to say CthulthuTech was an 'indie' RPG.
still lots of 3.PF, 4e and minor systems going strong
If a game penned by three guys who got drunk watching Robotech isn't Indie, I'm not sure what is. Then again they did have a notable publisher at the time, Catalyst.
Until Catalyst had some money go missing, and they dropped Catalyst like a bad habit.
tbh...indie for RPGs should basically be....not D&D...
Indie RPGs are those oddball niche games that collected dust on our back shelf because their target audience was small or didn't exist in Oklahoma.
yeah....those games benefit greatly from the digital pub revolution
Despite that, I still love my ancient little $10 copy of 'Ninja Burger' on yellow and white copy-paper.
"Ninja only have 20 skills. That is all ninja know. You may try to convince the host of new applications for old skills, such as driving using 'horsemanship'."
heh, I'm not sure I have a print copy of anything Indie...but I'm really new to RPGs
(IIRC the only thing I have a hard copy of that isn't D&D 4 or 5 is a munchkin d20 supplement, and a couple of cortex games)
Truth is, so few things we call indie are truly independently developed
From what I thumbed through on the shelves during the 3.0/3.5 days, the indie games fell into two camps. "Great rule system, atrocious fluff." "Lots of interesting fluff, rule system has weaknesses/doesn't fit the theme."
@mattdm the one thing you might notice about answer voting is that people will downvote answers they think are wrong (or simply bad advice) here. Sometimes that's a subjective decision, I'm looking at your 5e answer you linked, and could see a downvote for feeling like dodge shouldn't be usable until combat starts...if that makes sense. (some of that may come from a 4e POV where ready before combat was prohibited)
@waxeagle Yeah possibly. I've made an edit to make that all more clear.
yeah, I saw that. Much better now
Part of the problem I think we'll see for a while with 5e is that we have at least 2 very large, and very opinionated sections of the RPG populace converging on it. The 3.PF crowd who see it through that lens, and the 4e crowd who see it through that lens. We'll see how that goes as we continue
As a general fan of both, I think the 4E people are in for a bigger shock. :)
There are a lot of things which were carefully defined and delineated which are now intentionally subjective.
Because we didn't do the same thing with 4E. :P
One of my players believes 4E was written by programmers who just wanted a battle engine that ran smoothly and to hand-wave actual role-play.
You /can/ roleplay in 4E, it just doesn't bolt a ton of rules and constraints onto it, compared to my experience in other systems.
I think the 4E design assumes that the roleplaying would naturally be foremost in groups that wanted that, and the closest-matching rules used to model whatever was described.
Anyway: I'm off to run a first (5E) game for my 7 and 9 year old. We'll see how it goes. :)
1 hour later…
my physical books are 5e PHB (whenever it gets here), the terrible movie licensed LOTR game from a few years back that is pretty much a 3.5 clone, and Cyberpunk 2020
Hah. I knew one of the contributors to Cyberpunk 2020, many, many moons ago.
@mattdm I have the opposite opinion on this, at face value 5e is in a ADnD or 3.5ish vein but as I delve deeper it looks more and more like 4e or DW
They basically hid 4e's action economy with loose terms and less rigorous writing but its all there
ADnD? Oh please tell me 5E doesn't have anything like 'weapon speed' in there...?
@MadMAxJr I think in terms of feel/flavor less mechanics
2E didn't even /have/ rules for delaying action in the TSR print. :D
Took me a year to realize that many of the rules at our 2E table were house-ruled. 2E was merely a guideline he built on top of.
That DM added another stat to the list. He decided Charisma should only be how effective your social influence is and not be directly tied to your appearance. So appearance was another stat.
When I got my hands on 3.0, things felt much more structured. A lot of the stuff we had home-grown rules for had fixed versions now. And we wondered why 'feats' were a thing at all.
2E had a lot of our DM saying, "No, it doesn't work that way." to situations not covered by the rulebook. 3E turned into much more, "Well if we take this as written, I can clearly do X."
Nya~ Hi everyone.
Good afternoon.
How goes it?
@MadMAxJr want to hear something funny. 5e has more programmers writing it and they used software design methodology to create it :)
(Mearls and Crawford both have software backgrounds as do several other folks on the project)
Dungeons and SCRUM projects
(and actually you can see elements of OOP in the class designs)
there's and interview with Crawford (I linked part 2 of it in the 5e room yesterday) where he talks about their iterative design approach and software backgrounds
Alright, hi everyone, I'm Dave, the dragon of the dungeon. This is our 15 minute standup for today. I'm gonna go around the room and we're gonna talk about our projects. Kobolds, how's the pit of acid coming along? Need more materials? Okay put in an order form. Gnolls? Ahead of schedule? Great, bump your post-it note on the SCRUM board from work-in-progress to testing.
This is a big deal everyone, the Lich is coming by next week and we need these projects in order.
Mhmm. Okay Skeletons, we'll take that out of the sprint for this week. Better luck next time guys.
And that would be when the heroes fireball the stand-up meeting room, because all the monsters are there at once.
Note to self... Lich with a tie. Magic tie.
"Alright guys, you move into the next dungeon room and encounter the SCRUM MASTER..."
"The fighter is entrapped in red tape."
"The wizard is trapped in a zone of bureaucratic entanglement. Every action he wants to take needs to be signed off by two other party members."
"And nothing happens to the Rogue, since he picked up the Idol of Cowboy Coding and can't hear the Scrum Master."
I hope I don't sit and write this dungeon when I get home.
"Woe to those whom would enter here. Dungeon is in Beta and subject to change."
The dungeon is secretly just an office, and the walls are secretly just cubicles.
... The reverse sadly describes my office.
Your office is secretly a dungeon? o.O
With terrible loot drops and the challenges are unbalanced.
The kobolds are all armed with paperwork! Nooooooo!
In a programming pit next to helpdesk, which is defensively built so that you have to walk down the middle of them and the cube walls provide plenty of cover, so the only time you can see one, there will also be one flanking you.
And even if you get past that, there's just a half eaten box of Ray's doughnuts back there and the risk of manager agro.
And there's no getting out without crossing LOS of the manager.
And it's 5. I'm out.
@Emrakul My librarian with all the custom spells, when he hit epic levels, created a permanent suppress/activate at-will 10'-radius aura of swirling pages which dealt 100 damage worth of papercuts divided evenly among all targets inside the aura every round.
(And provided concealment.)
In reply to kobolds armed with paperwork? XD
Also, on the office dungeon theme: gelatinous cubicle.
Hey, lookkit the Nestene Consciousness.
(For the uninitiated or those who only saw it in New Who, the Nestene Consciousness is a Doctor Who monster which exists as psychic energy that can possess and animate objects made of plastic. Which then kill people.)
@BESW Hey it was kind of sort of in New Who
@RedRiderX "or those who only saw it in New Who,"
Note to self: read the words
'cause in New Who, it only had Autons as minions; aside from an errant trash can as a gag joke at Mickey's expense, it didn't animate any other plastic.
Still rory as the plastic centurion was pretty amazing.
Rory is my favourite New Who companion, hands-down.
Probably because he's the only one who wasn't overawed by the Doctor, and had his own life goals which he didn't abandon as soon as he stepped into the TARDIS.
Who's Rory? My favourite New Who companion is Adric.
Yep for me it's Rory and Wilfred though now that I think about it that sounds pretty sexist ;).
@Miniman amy's boyfriend/husband/the boy who waited etc
@waxeagle He's making the Doctor Who equivalent of the "Did you hear Disney's making the fourth Star Wars movie?" gag.
@Miniman Wait how are doctors 4/5 new who?
Yeah, that's my anti-new series comment for the day. Shame I used it up so early, but what can you do.
Although personally I'm okay with acknowledging the presence of the two Star Wars prequel films and I'm looking forward to the sixth film by Disney.
@BESW Well played, good sir.
@Miniman I think one of the reasons I'm okay with New Who is that for me, its utter mutability is one of the show's defining attributes. I can watch Ten just the same way I watch Six: "This is not the show, this is a moment in the show's history. This actor/writer/producer/director/budget/etc will be outlived by the show."
@BESW I'm going to have to disagree with that one. There is a definite paradigm shift that has been across every bit of New Who that I've seen (or heard about, which happens a lot more)
Well, yeah. There was a massive paradigm shift for the Third Doctor, and the JNT era, and [insert plentitude of examples here].

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