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I just walked a friend through deadearth creation
He got a warlike lycanthrope with Lingering Death.
I should roll up some deadearth characters. Is the info available online?
Jump to the deadEarth The Chargenning
@Aaron "should" is an interesting word choice there
Its hilarious
@Grubermensch Why is that?
"should" implies that some external authority obliges you to do such
Is anyone aware of a good race for a being that is a master of life and death? Something like a half Tiefling half Aasimar.
@Grubermensch It does?
master of life and death is an ambiguous phrase, do you mena like the "The Reaper"
@Aaron definitionally speaking
Actually I meant Light and Dark. The Life and Death I have not made yet.
also i'm being literal because it made funny in my head
@grubermensch big philosophical question and a semantics one as well, should can mean both externally driven and internally driven
@JoshuaAslanSmith Not exactly. This person can heal and kill.
Ought Implies Can
@JoshuaAslanSmith But I, sir, am a Kantian
Not very many reaper myths suggest he can heal as well as take life.
ought does not imply can
are you disputing that Kant said that or disputing Kant's theory summed up
I am using the spheres of life magic system. I am building a character with the Light and Dark spheres. They are able to manipulate both as they like. I am trying to find a race that would fit that theme.
my interpretation of kantian ethics leads me to the possibility that you can have a moral imperative which is unsatisfiable, but that does not mean it stops being a moral imperative
Maybe a Dhampir?
what I mean simply is that recognizing there is an obligation (to an external authority, a moral code, or one's own nature) implies he can make a choice about it but also that where that obligation is derived could be external, internal or both
two quibbles
1) a moral code is an external authority
2) you can't be obligated to your own nature
Did I spark a philosophical debate by saying I should do something?
dude it's cool this is awesome
I've actually been thinking about some of this for the last couple of days
A moral code could be both, I could adopt the tenets of a religion as well as form my own code after my various life experiences
but the act of codification makes it external
not external in the sense of being from somewhere else, but in the sense of being distinct from the self
2) If your self-knowledge and critical thought is high enough you can in fact self-compel (FATE). when faced with a dilemma by examining the problem and deciding to make a choice that you feel is consistent with your previous choices and actions.
but that is obliging to something external, in this case an ad-hoc code rationalized by examining one's own past
snarky fictional rebuttal:
alas, reference falls flat
as any true philosophical argument we have reached semantics!
to be fair, we started at semantics
good game, friend
the image is of judge dredd a character famous for his catchphrase "I am the Law"
But in a more serious sense he is an example of a character/person embodying an ideal and the writers over the years have played around with whether this is him supressing/submerging his "Self" in service to an ideal or if as a person he is only his self when acting as a judge in megacityone
@grubermensch For reference I count myself as a deontologist too
and Im big into Aritstole's virtue ethics as well
virtue ethics is weird
my ethics is... complicated
I think the two work well, because virtue ethics takes care of all the edge cases that if you go full on categorical imperative cannot work
for example (not trying to spark a big political debate here people so please take this as a philosophical setup):
So I am between a Dhampir and Drow. Any other suggestions for the light and dark user that are less known?
Police act to defend citizens
as part of their duty they may have to kill a suspect/perp to defend a citizen
kant basically says that if everyone can't do it morally its wrong
this is where virtue ethics steps in
ehhhh not quite but go on
I know
Im like super shorthanding it
but in essence police and soldiers whose duties include actions that would be illegal and wrong for normal citizens to take are correct for them is a case for virtue ethics
by nature of their role in society they can and should operate against different moral standards
you know, i kind of like this
i think i'll incorporate it in to my hacked-together ethical framework
I try
the problem with the categorical imperative is that it leaves a lot of empty spaces
Im also a big fan of the golden mean in greek (and also in eastern) philosophy
virtue ethics is a decent way to fill them in
now, here, we diverge
i am definitely an absolutist
more or less
it's complicated, man
but most people would describe me as an absolutist
thats fine, I alluded to this in my highest voted answer
A: Unhate-able Villains

Joshua Aslan SmithThe Road to Hell is paved with good intentions In the Screwtape Letters, Screwtape toasts at a banquet stating that all the best sinners were failed saints. Men and women with a powerful will and a strong virtue, such as justice or defending the natural world, whose zeal crossed the line or had ...

virtues in excess can be a vice in my opinion
only so slightly
@aaron sorry for ignoring you for a bit there
It happens.
philosophy does break out quite often here, both @Besw and @waxeagle have great minds to talk with and I think theres a good scholarly/research tone that hums in the background here given the nature of our hobby but also the kinds of people that would use SE for rpgs.
The problem I really have in ethics is anchoring.
@aaron so you were saying the character is great at healing with magic and also at killing people with magic?
@Grubermensch side question, are you a fan of batman?
@JoshuaAslanSmith I am using the spheres of Power Magic addon for Pathfinder. It adds an alternate magic system based on spheres of magic. Two of which are Light and Dark. (I meant to say Light and Dark not life and death. Although I will be making a Life and Death character soon)
@JoshuaAslanSmith as a person, or as a work?
@grubermensch character? but also concept?
I wouldn't say I've read enough Batman to make a really good assessment
I am making 9 wizards using this system each having 2 spheres except the leader who has 4 of them. The leader is a vampire with Creation, Destruction, Alteration and Conjuration.
@JoshuaAslanSmith Their races and personality should match their spheres as much as possible.
@aaron hmm there is probably some eastern stuff good for that, karmic balance, ying and yang. Western philosophy and cultural tends to not have someone embody both with exception that men are poised on the knife edge betwixt heaven and hell
But I think it's an interesting idea.
My view is mostly from recent film Batmans.
For example the Nature and War sphere is going to be a Killoren
one of my favorite philosophy collections (and it really deals with ethics mostly) is : amazon.com/Batman-Philosophy-Dark-Knight-Soul/dp/0470270306
I prefer the development of the Green Arrow and Iron Man to Batman, at least as they have been presented in film/tv in the last decade or so
@JoshuaAslanSmith Hmm. do they have any races that would work?
@aaron I have zero background on PF beyond helping you out with parsing rules available online
@JoshuaAslanSmith I only use the online rules as well. Just looking for good race ideas right now. I can build everything else.
@aaron are they any races that are hard aligned to be lawful neutral?
@JoshuaAslanSmith Not many races have alignment restrictions that are Hard set. Even Aasimar and teiflings are not hard set.
I read somewhere some analysis that was "Bruce Wayne really is Batman, and if the world stopped needing Batman, Bruce Wayne would fall apart."
And I think while that's very interesting as a story, I find it a little tenuous and as a person I prefer the characters who can exist outside of their superhero identities.
I think this is one reason I found the ending of the Nolan trilogy really jarring.
@aaron does PF have Devas and Rakshasa?
or something similar
@grubermensch So depending one which comcics you read it can go either way
who's writing and what is in vogue in that era
and what that run of the comic might be in reaction to from earlier runs
i guess there's also the fact that bruce wayne isn't the only batman in the comics
but basically Bruce Wayne as himself died that night in crime alley with his parents
when he makes his vow to war on all criminals as a child in the aftermath he essentially as a person chooses to become batman
yeah, and that's the part that doesn't resonate with me
so Bruce Wayne, the public face, the personal person without a mission is an sense truly a facade
i think if you look in comparison to the development of Arrow
New 52's "Batman" main title also has this going for it
where Oliver Queen faces some similar (though not quite as severe) circumstances, that's something that I find more workable
@JoshuaAslanSmith Yes but it looks like none of them are playable. :(
because you see Oliver going off the deep end towards Batman-crazy, but then something happens to reel him back in and remind him that he is a person and he can't just shed that.
The extremity of batman's (and spiderman's) character forming moments is part of both the appeal and the logical reasoning (though they work from opposite ends)
And I think ultimately that is a more interesting model for a character than "I am Batman and I am SAD"
@grubermensch thats basically what robin and Gorden do, but its not to say, hey youre bruce wayne still, but more to say, killing the joker would be breaking your own code and undermining everything you've struggled for
@JoshuaAslanSmith which I feel is kind of weakening it
to go back though, in the face of the unrelenting dispassion of the world and a terrible act both characters make a choice to resolve those events from chaos into order
Batman is held in check by his allies. Oliver Queen's allies remind him that he can be better.
Batman very rarely goes to that edge
Incidentally, I think this is a real strength in the latest iteration of Spiderman movies.
right but green arrow's motivation for becoming a superhero is less strong
The first set was very Batman-like, in that Peter Parker has a single defining bad event that drives the whole character.
I havent seen "arrow" but I know his various origin stories from the various comic ages
I think I am going to go with Drow for the light/dark and Dhampir for life/death
The new ones beat him up a lot more, but they also bring him back from the brink.
I love sam raimi spiderman and can't really be bothered to watch the new ones on the principle of a reboot coming so soon
@aaron sounds good, shame you cant play Deva in PF
@JoshuaAslanSmith So is Iron Man's.
I think I prefer the character who have more agency in the whole being-a-superhero thing.
@JoshuaAslanSmith Indeed. Is it a playable race in 3.5? I might be able to convert it to PF without too much issue.
in the comics I agree, I think thought that the film did a great job of giving tony stark a solid motivation and an epiphany
and then they pissed away all that character development in teh sequels and the avengers
Batman and (pre-current movies) Spiderman seem compelled to be superheroes.
@grubermensch but Batman has complete agency, he made the choice, albeit it was a very very uniformed and wishful choice, but he made it and he followed through with a decade or two
I dont know that Bruce is compelled in Nolan's movies
@JoshuaAslanSmith That's.... not really agency.
at least not in his origin in Batman Begins
agency is making choices
the ability to choose
But the way the character is, he couldn't have chosen otherwise. That's kind of the whole thing of Batman,
theres plenty of alternative otherworld stories where bruce never becomes batman
He is so incredibly defined by the murder of his parents, that really the entire character is just a consequence of that event.
@JoshuaAslanSmith And here we run into my lack of canon knowledge.
I can only really talk to you about the Batman persona and his characterization in the recent movies.
I guess you see it as a decided outcome but I see it as a choice, possible the craziest and toughest choice he could choose to resolve his grief
So in batman begins he is completely and utterly lost, to the point where he decides that to shoot joe chill
hes robbed of that chance and he's chastised by rachel but really he hasnt changed
even after falcone threatens him and kicks him out he still hasnt changed or made a choice'
he runs away to examing criminality/find himself/beat up some thugs to feel good but he still, agian hasnt made THE CHOICE
Is this a conversation about movies/comics?
even when Ras trains him its not until the moment where he is forced to choose between executing the criminal or doing what he actually does that he begins to crystallize into the character of batman.
Focusing more on the nolan films since gruber is less knowledgable about the comics
Well, I'm just wondering, because I thought this was the 'RPG' chat room, not the movies and comics chat room XD
@ESR.MourningDove so you have a question you need help with?
we can talk about anything in rpg.main so long as users with rpg questions and needs are taken care of as well
Actually, sort of? I'm trying to figure out how to reword a question I posted the other day.
the only thing we cant talk about in rpg.se main chat is D&D 5e
ah okay on hold
@ESR.MourningDove Link to the question?
I had asked for resources on building ConWorlds and ConLangs, but was told that it's to ambiguous / not relevant. but it is relevant... okay hang on
I guess the Nolan films are more complex than I remembered
Q: Good resources for creating ConLangs and ConWorlds?

ESR.MourningDoveI'm really interested in ConLangs and ConWorlds, mainly in creating my own, but it's terribly hard to get started in it, at least if you want a reasonably realistic world with a language that you can actually speak. I am hoping to find a few good resources for creating ConLangs and ConWorlds, I a...

okay reading through it and the comments
@grubermensch yeah we can talk more about his later or maybe in THE BAR
ah okay so off-topic, basically questions about development of languages and fictional worlds are outside of scope, because even if you are going to use them for an RPG, the actual act of working on these world building exercises and asking us for help is outside of rpg.se's scope
basically if you made a world and then were asking how you could adapt it to fit a specific RPG we could help
but we cant help you make the world
ohh, I see thank you
so where would I put such a question?
Also the question's requirements/format would basically be seeking list answers and those are considered "not a good thing"
the worldbuilding.se isn't even beta ye
I would definitely sign up to support the world building site on area 51
yeah I was gonna say worldbuilding.se is where it really belongs
and post you questions there as example questions
would help it get defined and made
okay, thank you
for what you need though maybe check out this google community
@ESR.MourningDove Cartographers Guild might also have some things you'd want.
Okay, thanks!
grubermensch to finish up, he saves ras leaves asia and goes back to gothamand he decides to take on the symbol of the bat on that plane ride
its a a much more drawn out choice
in golden age comics bruce is praying at his bedside before going to sleep and he vows"to make war on all criminals" and later as an adult states "Criminals are a superstitious cowardly lot" and decides to take the bat symbol
@JoshuaAslanSmith The Drow works well. Even it's spell like abilities it gets grant both a light and dark spell.
pell-Like Abilities (Su): Drow can cast dancing lights, darkness, and faerie fire, once each per day, using their total character level as caster level.
@Aaron good
contrast this with Modern comics (1980-early 2000s) with the excellent Year One which is batman's origin for that period
And an alternate racial trait eliminates that pesky light blindness.
they don't ever show his decision to battle crinimals but it starts in media res with bruce returning from a dozen years of training abroad with the intent to fight crime
he goes out to the worst part of gotham disguised as a war vet and wanders around looking for trouble, he steps in on an altercation between an barely teenaged hooker and her pimp, beats him up, the the other hookers actually fight to defend the pimp cops nearby respond and the one cop just straight up shoots him. He wakes up in the back of the patrol car bleeding and the police are talking about dumping his body since he has no ID. Bruce over powers them, the car wrecks and he saves them
from burning alive and then struggles to drive back to wayne manor before passing out. He makes it inside, he's lost a lot of blood and he sits there in his father's study staring a bust of his father and having a conversation with the memory of his father as he bleed out
He knows he has the skills but not the method to effectively fight crime and while alfred could save him with his surgical skills he would rather simply die if he can
*can't complete his goal, his promise (which again is not made in year one, but year one is referencing the golden age origin). He asks his father what he should do, a bat that made it into the house alights and lands on top of the bust of his father. Bruce then declares "yes, I shall become a bat" and rings for alfred to save him
well then
not sure that's a ringing endorsement of batman's agency
I was more trying to just give you the comics knowledge as best I could
yeah i know
I mean my favorite batman comics do present it as a strong compel a duality of his personality that he chooses to inhibit and embody, not a fully made persona, but more the Dionysus side of himself to his own internal Apollo
Like he knows he could lead a normalish (for a billionaire) life and do things the way his father did to try to help people, but that instead he chooses to damn himself to sacrifice a normal life, for his war on crime ( which is a serious callback to western heroes)
btw more generally even if you are strongly compelled to do something again you can always choose not to, to stop it later, to walk away.
if you are tired of me droning on about my favorite character in all of fiction let me know
nah i'm not tired there's just less for me to say
and I'm trying to draw up an index card FAE character sheet for my game this weekend
i think something that i don't see in batman is the conflict between the choice he made and the life he gave up
and maybe that's more prevalent in the comics
I mean he sorta gets that life as his "reward" at the end of the nolan films
but i like superheroes who aren't convinced that they took the right path
@JoshuaAslanSmith that's just weird
that it is a reward or you mean the ending>?
tonally it was just way off in my opinion
like the harry potter ending
its a pretty bold choice to end a batman movie with bruce wayne retiring from batman
in the books? I never saw all the movies
in the books
it was just odd
harry potter ending felt like, hey if I want to I can write another slew of potterverse books based on their kids
actually, same thing with the nolan trilogy
so Bruce/Bats managed to save gotham both physically and metaphysically and in the process bow out from his role and set things right in many ways
Lets be clear, I would love a JGL as a nightwing/2nd batman film
I think my problem is I don't buy it
that he would walk away?
like, have you seen the Bourne films
physically his body is no longer really up to the task
DKR felt like the ending to the first Bourne movie
and in terms of the world, he was able to convince gotham to stand and fight and reject Bane's french revolution eventually
which is of course followed up by the second Bourne movie in which things are not peaceful
Civic order has been restored (something he in party helped to damage)
right that whole thing. that's what I don't buy.
it ties everything up in a nice bow
unlike the false victory ad the end of Dark Knight, its for real this time
nope nope nope
!!!!!!!!!!!! enworld.org/forum/… !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wait no....that's just everything we've seen so far :(
I hadnt seen the bard pages
@JoshuaAslanSmith d20 monkey had those on monday on the comic
I stopped reading d20monkey because I get bored by his winter storyline stuff
and even before that (before the injury that delayed the winter storyline) he as doing a lot of non rpg related storyline stuff that I was pretty meh over
Does anyone here have maptools experience? Got a quick question.
ornor the pally nor the barb
@JoshuaAslanSmith gotcha, his curent arc is pretty cool, it's another Karthun arc
@mourdos whud up
hmmm might have to check back in
When hes on point for rpg jokes and world building I love it
its the best
Hello Critty
@JoshuaAslanSmith Dugeon Bastard had Barb yesterday, not sure who had the Pally first
Trying to put a <br> in a label and its showing up as this line instead of:

Trying to put a
in a label
that whole storyline where he goes killer gm
@JoshuaAslanSmith definitely. His Karthun and IGS stuff have been his best work IMO
@JoshuaAslanSmith that was good too
one of my favorite webcomics ever is every one freaking out about how his box uses dry ice to chill his dice so they "roll better"
@JoshuaAslanSmith that was great :)
Did that make sense @JoshuaAslanSmith
so in the arc one of the characters is upset at everyone for different reasons, he resolves to murder the party, they show up to play and hes wearing black robes and sitting in a high backed chair with skulls on it, and his dice box is covered with bones and smoking/sublimating dry ice is chilling the dice inside the box
my goal with PHB is to go full Avenger with the pally and see how it works out
the advantage it seemed to generate from the palytest would suggest you could spent more slots on smite and other spells vs self buffs
@JoshuaAslanSmith yeah, if you're going full avenger that should be a legit path
right in the playtest spells wise I sorta overlapped and lost some of the benefits
because I had spells to buff my accuracy
I also felt the normal pally spells that werent smites werent that great, instilling fear or a few other conditions were cool but they were ifffy and of limited utility
dice: the ideal structural element for everything
God does not play soccer with the universe, he just builds with them?
Play dice*
ok the invisible PCs make me squee a bit here: escapistmagazine.com/news/view/…
What is a good race for divination and Fate abilities? Angels are an obvious go to but I would like something less common and something PCs can play. Aasimar fall under the same thing.
@Aaron are Deva playable?
they are not
@waxeagle Josh suggested the same but No.
from an earlier discussion for a different character question
gotcha, cuz that would be my 4e go to for that kind of ability
I think I did see a 4e to 3.5 conversion for a Deva. What are they exactly?
@Aaron not quite angels :)
So like Aasimar kinda?
@Aaron not sure
Aasimar had a celestial in it's ancestry but is not as a parent.
@Aaron same wikipedia page for both, so yeah
Oh. So Deva are 4es Aasimar
wikipedia tells me they are equivalent
Hmm. Digs deeper into the Races
did not know that tieflings and deva are opposite ends of a spectrum, but it makes sense.
Dives into 3pp
oh I didnt thin that
I thought fallen deva aka raskshasa were the opposite
@JoshuaAslanSmith that would be fallen, not oppo from birth
Deva - angelic heritage
Tiefling - demonic heritage
@waxeagle but rashaka are a different race
if a deva "falls" they are reborn as a rashaka
they are evil tiger humanoids
this is obviously not an official source is a homebrew PC race for it but the actual story of it is true
in 4e
Ive read about them elsewhere, basically keeping in line with western ideas about demons being fallen angels
AAAAAgh dandwiki.
My poor eyes.
Anyone online?
and yeah dandwiki is bad also a text crime
my mind also changes it to dandy-wiki
Dand wiki screwed me over when I was trying to learn D&D.
its not explicit about its homebrewness
so yeah ....
Also, sometimes it's homebrew isn't homebrew, but actually illegally copied text from actual books.
ah yeah that too
Just to muddle things further.
I generally avoid ever pointing anyone there ever it was just the first place I could find a rakshasa link
they're in the fiction of 4e but not a very big part so its hard to find exact sources
Do you have any citations in pathfinder about targeting Type (Augmented Humanoid, other subtypes) creatures with Enlarge Person?
I have some from 3rd edition, but I can't find anything of the sort in pathfinder save for the rules text there not actually changing.
hmmm im the wrong person to ask that
Who's the right person?
no one here, I dont play 3, 3.5, or PF at all, never had
If its a serious issue post it as a question, itll get eyeballs
It is a question.
ah okay
so you were just doin a little side job for it
I'm trying to figure out why SevenSidedDie thinks it works otherwise.
I respect that
you can @him here and hell get notified about it and can respond
if you are looking for a more lengthy explanation
@SevenSidedDie: We should probably take the type discussion in here
Not sure if that worked right.
edit it and remove the colon
right now its reading that as part of the name
@Arkhaic try it again but without ":" at the end right now its reading that as part of his name
@SevenSidedDie we should move this in here
If he shows up, can I tell him that I'm fixing computer issues? Grr, logitech...
peripheral devices?
uh yes you can communicate general stuff
I had a long discussion about batman and philosophy earlier
the guideline is stay on topic for RPGs when someone needs help or there is already an active rpg discussion going on
but in general anything goes so long as you aren't being a troll or anything like that
@JoshuaAslanSmith ....which term?
You guys talked about Batman without me!
@waxeagle aww, can't today, but i would love to give 5ed a try, also want to try pathfinder once..

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