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@Grubermensch ... this reminds me of a certain villain's research notes and the dwarven civilisation
@BESW i am interested, though that will have to be another date i think :)
@JonathanHobbs Alas, I am not as well-read as you it seems.
@waxeagle I read about a system (may have been a Kickstarter) that used AR goggles & RF miniature bases... the idea was you could have virtual miniatures, spell effects, etc. Like a 3d virtual tabletop. Sounded cool but expensive.
May 29 at 9:00, by Inbar Rose
I think the "destroyed the whole dwarf civilization" bit was sort of hand-wavey and it seems like it was a bit too easy....
@JoshuaAslanSmith There are Pathfinder-branded battle mats. I think they're laminated cardboard. Instead of rolling up like the Chessex mats, they fold up to about A4/Letter size, so you can put them in a folder or just stack them with your books & papers.
woo caught up on the transcript
Must be this kickstarter with the not quite yet released 350$ goggles
@BESW Now that sounds awesome.
@mbriand Yeah, that's the one
Totally breaks down if you stare at it though. Could be the premise of a Discworld novel.
Have we seen this? If so, why aren't we talking about it?
Why FL is so dangerous MT @Obsessedwskulls: Lawn flamingos can pick a T-Rex clean in under 90 seconds http://t.co/BgmR3kvgMw
I think I have a new DFRPG monster.
I mean, my current on-indefinite-hiatus DFRPG campaign started with Skylanders coming to life and attacking the babysitting PCs.
@BESW I saw it, but I don't know Deadpool.
As the uninitiated, I enjoyed it. I even was okay with the quasi-cgi feel.
Deadpool is a joke character who's gone so far he seems to have come back around to being funny again. His backstory is: accomplished assassin Wade Wilson, diagnosed with terminal brain cancer, is recruited by the same organisation which gave Wolverine his adamantium skeleton; they want to give Wade a regeneration factor like Wolverine's. It works, and he's got one of the strongest healing factors in the Marvel universe.
However, it doesn't cure his cancer; it just constantly heals the damage. His brain is scrambled eggs with a hefty side order of lesions, driving Wilson utterly insane. He has multiple voices in his head, a totally unpredictable moral compass, and is convinced that he and everything he knows are just part of an elaborate fictional world--that is, he knows he's a comic book character.
He's a murderous foul-mouthed Quentin Tarantino character in a world that usually self-censors itself. That dissonance, and the fourth-wall-breaking, make him a comedic character more often than a tragic one. It doesn't hurt that one of his longest storylines had him paired up with a nigh-omnipotent egomaniac dictator; Deadpool works best when he's the better of two bad options.
He also appeared briefly in the X-Men Origins: Wolverine movie. Before & after being... upgraded
...I am not convinced that was Deadpool.
I mean, I know they meant it to be.
But that was Deadpool like Tom Hardy was Bane.
OK, a version of him appeared briefly...
There were a few nice touches in that movie, but overall it was pretty bad
Well, it's now been overwritten anyway.
Actually, I shouldn't say that. Comparing Origins Deadpool to DKR Bane is seriously offensive. That wasn't Bane at all.
I still haven't gotten around to watching DKR.
While Dark Knight drew on The Killing Joke and a few other storylines, it created its own story with a solid ethos. Ledger's Joker wasn't very Joker-like, but he was a solid internally consistent character who drove the story and provided a focal point for the film's themes.
Dark Knight Rises draws on too many other storylines--the graphic novel of the same name, Vengeance of Bane, etc--without either staying true to their themes or stripping them enough to infuse them with its own theme.
The result is a film with too many competing ideas, less a single story and more a collection of references to stories.
Its central figure, Bane, is in the end too weak in motive and agency to provide the pivot which Ledger's Joker did.
They define Bane too little, too late, and when they do it's in a way which reduces his narrative influence rather than strengthening it--not least because there are so many other characters competing for time and attenton. By contrast both the Joker and Ra's al Ghul had defining character moments relatively early in their respective films, and then they are the pivotal characters around which the films turn.
@Grubermensch Just cast my vote for Too Broad.
Bah, typing is hard.
@BESW I see what you did there
Defining "law" as an objective characteristic is contentious even within a single system like D&D 3.5. Additionally, Stack Exchange needs to be able to provide answers which aren't all equally valid, or the voting system breaks. Can you give us more specifics and details so this isn't an open call for unbounded brainstorming? Otherwise this would get better answers at a more traditional RPG forum or in the Role-playing Games Chat. — BESW 11 secs ago
I'm kind of curious what the system is.
That power is... interesting. And the question seems to imply this is part of the game canon.
"Punch buggy yellow no punchbacks."
"All attacks must be made in the form of interpretive dance."
"Heads I win, tails you lose."
@BESW There are systems I have played in which this is not as problematic as you might think.
Seriously it's a silly rule without more boundaries than the question gives.
"I cannot lose."
"You cannot win."
"No ties."
"No flinching."
TBH the I cannot lose doesn't work as the asker introduced it.
[shrug] "You can't defeat me."
Winning is not an action that a combatant takes
that, maybe
"Stand perfectly still."
i am leaning towards this might be Exalted
"Fall on the deck and flop like a fish."
...if I had a god of law, he'd be the god of a particular set of laws.
"No poisoning the drinking water."
"Treat prisoners of war as guests."
"If you take resources from the non-combat locals, pay them for it."
If this is in fact Exalted, then metaphysically, it should be the God of Law in [region].
(Common laws in early Islamic armies.)
Also I find it curious that the god seems to be exempt from his own rules.
"Do as I say, not as I do."
....the main site just signed me out.
they were doing maintenance on the cluster
anyone got a minute to do a quick tech check on hangouts with me?
@waxeagle can do
same username
(or do you need an invite directly?)
i need an invite, because i'm using my phone
gmail? or different domain?
seems all good
@Grubermensch definitely.
oh, one thing worth noting
@Grubermensch sure
the initiative table is global in roll20 for some bizarre reason
so when you switch maps, it'll still show up for you with all the tokens from the old map on it
but none of the players will be able to see anything
so you have to clear it and re-add all the tokens when you switch maps
@Grubermensch thats...silly...
k, will keep that in mind. For now I'll probably keep it in google docs anyways
it's handy in roll20
ok, looking at it, I'll add monsters when they enter the order...that seems right and fairly easy
did anyone notice the dnd.insider site is new, can't find the character generator ...
anyone knows something bout that?
I haven't been paying much attention to the wizards site, but...
yesterday, by GamerJosh
Wizards just borked the links to their past articles by upgrading to a new site... great job WOtC
:( arg, damn, i pay for that account
now they took it away, i hope not permanently
or they created a new enemy
a very very powerless enemy..
...I think Mystery Incorporated is parodying power metal songs, but I want the whole song anyway.
> The Captain said,
"You'd better take care;"
And all the fish are crying.
The gardener is clipping
The Wicker Man's chin
Because the flowers are lying...
> ...And what will you do
If you see a caribou?
Better run and
Get some hunters...
@waxeagle things ran long sorry
dont know if you still need to test
@JoshuaAslanSmith Gruber helped me out
i could access my characters
@pet could or can?
could, i already logged out
@pet ah, gotcha :). Yeah everything should be there (I assume they didn't dump the DBs or anything dumb like that)
if they did they would have a good number of very angry former customers
i expected they upgrade the tool for 5ed,
but not remove it
@pet nah, they're going with all new tools
so i will have to use 5ed soon?
@pet no, they've said as long as people are willing to keep paying for 4e tools, they'll keep them online
enough for me
not sure yet if i want to go 5ed,..
just grabbed that
@pet don't blame you. I don't think our main game will move anytime soon.
clicking on the legacy tools
takes you to a version of the normal 4e tools page
@JoshuaAslanSmith yeah, that kicks you to the 3rd link I linked
is there a dm guide from 4ed to 5th ? i taught i saw some link here once but cant find it anymore..
@pet not as of yet. There likely will be in the DMG, but that's note due out til November
okies, bedtime now, for me..
yeah, heading that way myself
@pet if you're free tomorrow night, and want to see what 5e is about, we're doing a game via hangouts. You can play, or we can do the youtube broadcast thing. (if I figure out how to turn that on)
@ESR.MourningDove Hi! You'll need at least 20 rep on any one Stack Exchange site before you can type in chat rooms, but you're welcome to hang out until then.
@JonathanHobbs Do you know if Daniel's hoping our online games will become regular?
(I remember he was talking about "next time.")
@Arkhaic [wave]
@BESW I got that exact impression, I'll ask him
'cause I'm not sure I can carve out another weekly chunk of RPG time, but we might be able to finagle a semi-regular Skype/IRL hybrid for my Saturday night group....
The problem with writing questions is that I come up with half-decent answers as I do so...
Self-answer! :P
Might just have to do that, by taking out half the question.
@Magician Do they have mutual aspects?
Nope, should they?
We've been thinking of making team itself an extra with a couple of aspects and a stress track for PR, as we keep coming back to that.
Recursive aspects--either uniques referencing other characters, or aspects shared by multiple characters--can help provide mechanical impetus to group cohesion.
You can get cute with it, too, like the DFRPG premade teenager PCs who all have I'm not a kid anymore.
Sounds like an answer to me ;)
Does raise a question immediately: so what if I'm compelling such shared aspect, do I give out multiple fate points?
One moment, we've already got that answered.
Q: Do all players have to agree to accept or deny a group compel?

WillifI just ran my first game of Fate Core and I ran into a question I can't seem to find an exact answer to. Basically at one point I used a situation aspect "Wanted by the city guard" to compel all players so the guards would show up at a bad time for them. Now 5 of them wanted to pay the fate poin...

Makes sense.
A: How can I help my players be proactive and dramatic together?

BESWGive them shared or mutually referential aspects! There are a couple ways to do this, and Fate Core suggests one of them already, so I'll talk about it first. The default character generation guidelines have players creating relationships between their characters as part of establishing backsto...

Added some examples.
Hah, I knew that was coming.
I try not to lean on it too much, but it's so helpful in getting priorities straight.
Mystery Incorporated is still delivering: "That terrifying mansion looks warm and inviting."
Ooooer. This episode is shaping up nicely for a CD game.
...I just got genuine "ooooh, creepy" moment.
Goood morning.
An Area51 proposal I supported is entering into the commitment phase, but Area51 is buggy and I can't log into my account there from half of my computers. :(
I don't know how or why yet, but this is gonna be a plot point:
Here's what a plane full of sumo wrestlers looks like RT @hakkakubeya 機内ではこんな感じでした。 ぎゅうぎゅう状態です。 #sumo http://t.co/H92ydsIpGE
@BESW I like the way it makes fun of the old Scooby Doo (and other) tropes
@Adeptus Yeah, but not in a mean way, and it still embraces a lot of its history.
That's one problem I've seen with some of the newer reboots of things, feeling like they have to mock their predecessors.
Another question that came up in discussion of our game: why isn't initiative rolled in Fate? It's a trivial house rule to implement, obviously, but I'm curious as to the reason. It kinda sucks to always be the last to go (out of the party, at least).
My guess is that it's a dial you could turn on if you wanted, but the dice curve makes it trivial.
Well, yes and no. Given highest Notice in our party is +2, rolling +1 or -1 could change the order easily.
Then turn on the dial!
I'll be interested to hear how it works.
So it's not a common house rule? Having 4 players probably influences us here.
I have no idea about "common."
We had a big fight at the end of the last session, which only lasted 2.5 rounds and about an hour. While there was some unfamiliarity with the rules still, most of the time was spent describing cool things and discussing aspects and whatnot. Things happened!
At the same time, one of the players felt they didn't get to do much, as they've created an aspect in the first round only to immediately spend the free invoke on a defensive roll, spent the second round on surviving as well (that was actually my stuff up, I can go into more detail in a bit), and the action wrapped up before her third turn.
Yeah, I've seen that happen and haven't yet figured out how reliably patch it.
Is that sort of combat length, in terms of rounds, what you're experiencing as well? I thought I threw plenty of opposition at them, but they nuked it.
If you've got a number of players and they do at least as much attacking as advantage-creating, stress gets thrown around like it's going out of style.
Cool, means we're not stuffing up anything major.
I've actually had trouble figuring out how to challenge my players.
@praveen9482 Hi!
@BESW I'll cross that bridge once we've burned it.
One suggestion: assume enemies have created free invocations before battle.
If it makes sense for them to have prepared, give them mechanical representation of that preparation.
Free invokes on location aspects, or advantages like I've read your book! with free invokes attached.
Mmmm. That's actually something that's probably specific to the genre we've picked, but when PCs heard they'd be dealing with a known supervillain, their first reaction was "ok, we're gonna do research, their powers/weaknesses got to be public knowledge". They ended up with two free invocations on both the guy's high concept and trouble.
Woah, superheroes that research? Isn't that against the rules or something? ;)
@BESW One thing I did was have a couple of the mooks hang back and Create Advantage of Sonic Suppression from their sonic cannons while the rest charged in. Seemed to work out fine.
@Adeptus We have Powerbook (like Facebook, but for supers) as one of the setting aspects. Superheroes as celebrities!
You can also give them incidental advantages. If he was testing his New Einstenium-Utilizing Tension-Racheted Almost Legal Ionizing Zed-Energy Raybeam when they attacked, he might have a few aspects and invokes from that.
@BESW Perhaps even things like "the longer you take to get there, the further along the villain will be in their plans, represented by more free invokes".
Absolutely. DFRPG has a scale for that, let me see...
The ladder of time has you start at the average time a task takes. You can spend extra shifts to make it take less time, or have it take longer to decrease the difficulty (if appropriate).
Notice that it's not a directly 1:1 shift-to-time-unit scale; the longer it takes, the more time each shift represents.
@agradine Hey!
@BESW Hello!
What's new?
Trying to get my players hyped about 5e
Life is getting in the way though
We actually had to make a dedicated chat for 5e!

 D&D 5e Overflow

For when main chat wants to talk about other things too.
Good morning!
@agradine Urgh, I hear that.
I've actually got a request for a new online group to meet regularly.
And I'm sitting here going "umm... maybe you can Skype with my existing group?"
Well, I had just finished a 3.5 Eberron campaign. and we decided we were going to try a rotational DM system in the same universe
Character creation was a disaster, arguments over what obscure feats and ACFs to allow, people thinking about quitting
I've never played in Eberron. That's where Warforged came from, isn't it?
Oh, dear.
Ah, speaking of universes. My Apocalypse World one-off to introduce people to roleplaying is going well, but I think the game is normally geared towards long-term progression. So I'm going to replace it with a rich adventure with a clearly defined objective.
@Adeptus Aye.
I played a bit of Eberron in 4e. It's an interesting world, though not my favorite genre.
Then right before our first session there was a death in the family and the campaign fizzled before it even started
I'm guessing it'll be a while before official Eberron content for 5e is available.
@agradine Aw. That's rough.
I'm hoping a new edition will spark people's interests, and the lack of bloat wont scare off my players that dont have the time or inclination to dig through dozens of books of options or feel like they're missing out
I hope it works out for you guys.
@kviiri The move from long-form to short-form has been rough for me. Let me know if you pick up anything I might find useful!
I figure I'll either fake the Eberron-specific stuff or start a homebrew campaign. My players love Eberron though, and I can't say I blame them
The current 3.5 game I'm playing in, the DM is fairly new to 3.5, so he has said, Core books only so as not to unbalance the game with unknowns. The one I'm DMing, most of the party are newbies, so it's easier for them if I don't complicate things beyond the core books.
@BESW I will. Running a single-session adventure with most or all players being new might be tricky, but at least Apocalypse World is an easy game to learn.
Yeah, I was the only one in my group with DM experience. I should have cautioned more about keeping closer to core
@agradine If bloat's the big issue, you might consider a game that's less likely to get more bloated as it gets older.
Usually, people know the rules well enough and have the courage to roll and do stuff by the second session - but there's not going to be one, so I'll have to accelerate stuff somehow.
Especially if you're looking at round-robin GMing, which triples the necessary reading for an average core-only D&D participant up from "one or two hundred pages."
@Adeptus [amused] Let me know how "using Core keeps things balanced in 3.5" fails miserably works out for you.
(Most of the fundamental balance problems in 3.5 are inherent in the core manuals, and adding more material from expansion books serves to, if anything, dilute the issues.)
[pats Tome of Battle on the head like a good doggy]
"Who's a fumbling precursor to 4e's power system, hmmm? You are! Yes you are!"
@BESW Oh believe me, I've tried introducing new systems. My players want to play D&D, and again, I'm not sure I blame them. We'll probably hold off for a while on round-robin DMing, given one of our players is pregnant (my wife, incidentally)
@agradine Congratulations!
@BESW "Balanced" may not be exactly the right word... but the DM doesn't want to get blindsided by an obscure rule/class/feat/etc from an expansion he's less familiar with
@Adeptus I can appreciate that.
congrats agradine
@agradine Aye, congratulations!
What about faux-D&D, like DW or 13th Age? Those are easier to learn.
My hope is that by all of us starting a new system together, it'll be a much easier point of entry, and we'll get to take in and learn each new feature as a group, and decide whether each one works for us or doesn't.
@Magician I've also heard good things about True20, which is d20 at its core but much streamlined.
I actually like the d20 mechanic, or at least don't actively dislike it.
@Magician If they already know one version of D&D, is it easier to learn a new version, or a new game?
I mean the very basic one, "roll d20, add bonus, compare to opposed roll or challenge rating".
"And always round down!"
@Adeptus 13th Age is as much a new version of D&D as is 5e. Dungeon World is different, though the rules are just simple.
@kviiri Yes, simpler than previous D&Ds THAC0 & the like
@kviiri It's elegant at its core; my big problem with it is that most of the developers who use it (including its own designers) seem fundamentally unconcerned about or ignorant of the nature of goblin dice, so they commonly misuse it.
@BESW That, but the biggest issues I have with 4e have less to do with dice and more with a bloated ruleset, bookkeeping and unflexibility.
Ah, I'm talking about d20 System in general.
Oh, I see.
I like the "miss, soft hit, hard hit" -levels of Apocalypse World. Particularly because "miss" is dependent on the narrative - it often winds up being a successful action with a severe cost.
D&D 3.5, D&D 4e, Spycraft, Star Wars, and other games are built on the d20 System engine. I see similar fundamental "using goblin dice for non-goblin effect" problems in most of them.
@kviiri Fate can do something similar, which pleases me as well.
(I now approach d20 System games and its offshoots with a skeptical "prove to me you're overcome the failings of your brothers" attitude.)
Yeah, they try to fix the problem of binary dice by making stuff rely on several die roll.
But since most d20 System style games also feature a host of gameplay elements my group can't really support right now--like a very high chargen length and the assumption of long-form campaigns--it's mostly a non-issue.
Which replaces the problem with the problem of tedium: the tedium of casting dice dozens of times to resolve something simple.
@kviiri Yeah, I'm enjoying "one roll resolution" systems which build the complexity into the roll rather than using multiple rolls to build complexity over time.
In that sense even Fate can get a little overburdened sometimes.
Same here, I'm rolling 2d6 all the way now.
I find goblin dice to be a fairly subjective issue, honestly
@agradine I don't dislike goblin dice as a concept; they're a tool like any other.
I think they're often used to create effects they aren't designed to support.
That is, the narrative importance of the outcome doesn't always match the swinginess of the roll in ways which make coherent sense within a game's paradigm.
That's only true if the narrative breaks down if the PCs fail
Which is, to be fair, true of a great many tables that nonetheless rely on d20s
Basically: the degree to which a PC's individual stats influence the likelihood of a roll's outcome is decided exclusively by the subsystem the PC is using, without concern for the nature of the outcome, the action's dramatic import, or even the PC's aptitude with the chosen activity.
In D&D 3.5 non-combat-focused bard gets more ability to have his action outcomes reflect his stats--IE, be non-randomised--in combat situations than he does in social situations.
He rolls the swingy dice more in combat and so he gets closer to average-plus-stat results over time, while in social encounters he rolls the swingy dice fewer times so the swing of the dice matters more--making his personal modifiers matter less.
If a group enjoys swingy randomised outcomes, then the d20 System fails them in combat situations. If they don't like 'em, then everything except combat fails 'em.
What if you're rolling d20s as much out of combat than in combat?
As much per significant outcome? I hardly ever see that. Certainly it's not supported in 3.5 or 4e; a GM would have to impose that paradigm by fiat.
What I do see is rolling for more significant outcomes out of combat, which isn't the same at all.
Well, I think skill challenges were an attempt to change that paradigm
Some very very loose numbers: a 4e combat takes... let's say 4 rounds. That's a minimum of 20 rolls for a four-player party, probably at least 30.
The conversation with the king isn't a one-time, winner-take-all Dilpomacy check
@BESW It also relies on much more than a single skill bonus value.
A 4e skill challenge is... let me look up the original rules, because I used a variant.
Twelve successes before three failures for a complexity 5 challenge.
It's a conversation, an encounter, comprising a back and forth with many rolls and many checks
In short, it's a goblin
That's 15 rolls.
By that rough math, a skill challenge uses half as many rolls to average out the swinginess than a combat would take.
@agradine It can be. But I have never seen non-combat encounters codified to be on the same level as combat in terms of goblin dice.
Now I've never really played much 4e, nor can how I vouch for how successful it was in changing that paradigm, but attempt was clearly there
Yes, and I appreciated the attempt. However, skill challenges sucked in execution. I used a variant system which actually delivered on the math.
I think skill challenges are just abysmal. It feels somehow forced.
They took a lot of effort and thinking on the part of the community to get to work.
Oh, they certainly are forced, and seem pretty terrible to try to actually bash into the proper shape
But it definitely, I believe, set the tone for a number of variants that seemed quite more popular and successful
I had a lot of fun using the variant model I found. It was well-structured mechanically but forced me to be creative about implementation.
In general I dislike the paradigm that everything has to fit an exact mold - combat is very rigid in 4e, and so are skill challenges.
It fit very nicely with the 4e paradigm.
Me, I always winged skill encounters, even in 3.5, but I used them often and never let them hinge on a tiny number of rolls
@kviiri Oh, aye. At the time we loved it (having come from 3.5, it was a breath of fresh air).
I've moved on since then, but I still really appreciate that 4e chose a playstyle to enable, and stuck to its guns. The result is one of the best RPG tactical combat simulators around.
Most other D&D editions I've looked at feel like their primary flaw is in trying to do too much at once, to please all playstyles simultaneously.
There are times I wish I could have found a solid group for 4e
Aug 15 '13 at 11:21, by BESW
Do Not Go Gently is a level-agnostic (I'd fill in the DCs from the skill challenge chart as appropriate for the party at the time I used it) skill challenge designed to let me be really REALLY mean about my encounters in a Shadowfell adventure.
("Bold" means you can spend a healing surge for a re-roll; "Helpful" means you get an extra bonus if you're using it to aid another on another roll.)
It's funny how many of the things DnD 4e does wrong, in my opinion, are ones I actually like in computer games.
(I specify that successes and failures on rolls create only successes and failures in the challenge, because in other challenges I've had them also grant bonuses, deal damage, etc.)
They're evolving! Flag as spam, please.
@BESW Indeed.
@Bankuei Hi!
@JonathanHobbs [wave]
@BESW Tell me something, whats the deal with Storium? (And good morning)
@InbarRose I'm not sure. I've been too busy/stressed to do anything proactive.
@Inbar are you in the atlantean destiny game or another?
@JonathanHobbs I think InbarRose must be in a different one, I am pretty sure I know who everyone in the Atlantean Destiny game is
in fact, I have met most people in that game personally, not all, but most
Morning all
@Mourdos Hi!
@Mourdos Hi!
@JonathanHobbs So... this Saturday night's schedule is a little uncertain as yet re:time, but we'll have just @trogdor and me.
Normally that means we'll watch more Ultimate Spider-Man, but if you and/or Daniel would like to join us via Skype, we could do gamey stuff.
it would certainly be completely acceptable to me, either way
So that'd be Saturday evening, probably no earlier than 7pm, going until we're tired (usually 10 or 11ish).
It could be 6, but I don't really know so I can't honestly correct you. besides which, I might need to go home and shower and or change clothes before heading over
Looks like I found a new section of the pfsrd that I never knew existed
@trogdor I've got a party I need to go to way up north. I'm not sure when it starts, and I don't want to stay long, but I have to show up for a while.
oh, yeah that
makes sense then
@BESW I will ask him!
And if we are going to be there all evening, then I will be happy to do whenever
@BESW you mentioned that, I just forgot it XD
I should know the party's times later tonight, so we can firm up a starting time for the geekery.
But @trogdor's schedule is often a little squishy anyway, so it won't be absolute.
Man, turns out I suck at pathfinder's rules
@Mourdos Anything specific? I find the SRD to be pretty well layed out, usually.
I just keep getting tripped up, I've a background in 3.5
@BESW well this Saturday is gonna be more so too, so there is that
Little things like NPC arrays
in 3.5 they were 11,11,11,10,10,10
Ah, DM stuff.
in Pathfinder they have basic and heroic for each archtype
Never delved deep into that.
@Mourdos Ah, yes. I had to re-learn skills for this answer.
I never GMed Pathfinder. In fact, I haven't GMed any D&D variant since the late 90's.
I tired to answer the intellect devourer one
I've deleted the answer, it was all based on the assumption that the monsters array was the NPC one from 3.5
I've never been in a game PF in any role.
My college group moved from D&D 3.5 to PF after I left, because 3.5 wasn't "living" anymore.
I need to find more games to play. Something non PF would be nice, non D&D would also be fun
@Mourdos If you were nearby....
@Mourdos there's quite a lot
My main problem is that the list of people I know is quite limited, I'm in the UK, so my timezone is off with a lot of English speaking gamers and I don't play PbP
I'm in two games at the moment. One of them starts this evening (Pathfinder, level 2, three players. "evil" game. ), the other is a western marches game that is starting to feel a lot like work, rather than play. Combat is taking far too long and management of what we are doing is taking up more time each week than the sessions.
and the IC is PbP

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