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@Zachiel Some people will just be wrong and stay wrong, and the healthiest thing to do is stay out of their way and let 'em be wrong somewhere else.
Especially when it's Someone On The Internet.
[trying to decide whether to put the shutters up now or in the morning]
@BESW May I have her stay out of my way, like, forever?
Oh boy. I'm the... uh, "chief of culture and leisure" of our student org. The IRC lit up like a bonfire after I mentioned we should have an intro-level RPG club.
In a positive way, I mean!
The only problem is the lack of masters. We have a fairly quiet RPG scene and most of the smaller player communities don't talk about their games much to outsiders.
I'm trying to establish contacts and getting new people to play.
where's the university out of interest?
Helsinki, Finland.
Cool, somewhere I've always wanted to visit
Good morning
This has been a cool Summer. First literally, then figuratively.
@Aaron Morning!
@Phil are you more interested to see the dark and gloomy Winter or the cold and cloudy Summer? :P
@kviiri While "masters" can provide more confidence at the table, they can also (unless they're really great and not just good) cause some problems re: tone, elitism, etc. I think that new and newish GMs working with new and newish players can be just fine, and help develop the club's own play environment rather than importing one.
@kviiri I think you meant to ping @Phil.
Oh, sorry!
@BESW We have lack of any people capable of being GMs. So far, we've got myself and one another - which isn't enough by my estimate of willing players.
How about GMless systems?
@kviiri A little from column a, a little from column b :op
@BESW I don't have any experience with those :)
@kviiri define capable
@Phil Well in that case you're out of luck, because this Summer has been quite fine actually after a coldish start!
unwilling, scared?
I think that's the opposite! But... we have very few people who have experience even as players.
People who, possibly, don't even know what a GM is supposed to do.
As someone who started his experience with RPGs GMing a new-ish group of players with only the three core D&D 3.5 manuals to guide him... don't underestimate the power of a willing noob.
I wouldn't let that be an obstacle. As @BESW says, a lack of experience can work OK
@BESW this
Anyway, I'm out for a bit - be back later
With a good premade adventure and a relatively light system, new GMs could be quite successful.
That's not exactly the same situation... we can't really prep the GM in advance.
Why not? Get 'em together beforehand for a GM study/planning session.
Or maybe we could, hmm. I need to ask around. People just tend to be very busy during Summer.
Maybe I'll just post about it online and tell anyone interested in mastering to contact me.
someone put a bounty on a question i'd answered, to reward an exemplary answer worthy of an additional bounty
@BESW, meanwhile, tell me about GM-less RPGs.
@JonathanHobbs Congrats!
@kviiri thanks. :D
@kviiri GM-less RPGS are sometimes called GM-full RPGs. Usually, each scene has someone doing the GM or a bunch of players collaboratively GM the others.
One of the better RPGs I've ever played is a GMless called Fiasco.
Hm, so for example, like many storytelling games?
For example, in Pilgrims of the Flying Temple each action your character takes is expressed as a written sentence about them helping someone or getting in trouble. Which they do is determined by your interaction with a bag of coloured tokens you draw from. If your character is helping someone, you write that sentence. If they're getting in trouble, everyone else at the table collaborates to write that sentence.
@kviiri Mh, what are you calling storyteller games now? Being RPGs a quite wide and ill-defined category, there's games someone does put under the ddefinition and someone else doesn't, in this case maybe I'm not giving you a thing you'd call RPG
guten morgen kinder
@Josh hi!
Hyvää huomenta opettaja!
Hafa adai.
@kviiri Id actually describe fiasco as a story boadgame, vs. an RPG
Buongiorno a tutti.
obvioiusly a blurred line
@Zachiel I define RPG's rather broadly myself. In this case I meant games like Storium, where you tell a story by describing your characters' actions turn by turn, usually using some kind of constraint.
how is everyone
I'm all cheery and well-hydrated, getting stuff done and working day almost over. You?
I can probably one-up all of you with a text in an alphabet you can't even read.
@besw new title sequence Im crazy about artofthetitle.com/title/halt-and-catch-fire
@JoshuaAslanSmith Prepping for a storm; dejected by GMNoob's unsurprising suspension; working on new household routines for the family; reading an insightful but elitist book about horror RPing...
@JoshuaAslanSmith It says "Lee Pace," so I'm sold.
@kviiri I'm not familiar with Storium, but I know about Fiasco, Montsegur 1244, Dō: Pilgrims of the Flying Temple, Blood Red Sands (competitive, one player versus 4 GMs with rotating players and elimination rounds, more a boardgame than a RPG by author's own word), Annalise (not for beginners IMHO, too complicated), Polaris and The Drifter's Escape.
@besw I miss out on drama?
I think I'll go with something simple, unless I find a skilled GM.
Im not asking for gossip but he got suspended from SE?
@JoshuaAslanSmith Yep, it's all there in the backlog.
might have to roll through that
certainly puts a damper on communication for our little blog
@Zachiel Also Microscope, if it counts.
@besw I had no idea who lee pace was until I started watching this show
because my fan grumpiness has caused me to eschew the hobbit trilogy
(Drifter's Escape is an awesome idea but looks like it's been poorly executed in the Forge tradition of relying too heavily on players rather than system to create the desired environment. Not sure I even want to try it.)
@JoshuaAslanSmith See also Wonderfalls and Pushing Daisies.
We could just do plain d6 roll to dodge in a ring. On your turn, describe what you're doing and roll d6. The next player, taking the roll into account, narrates the consequences and reacts as their own character.
Pushing daises is definitely a show I know exists but I have zero idea what its about, I remember the art and the promo materials never grabbing me
(There's a difference between trusting one's players and throwing them to the wolves.)
a million times this
@JoshuaAslanSmith I hear ya.
when we get into logic loops here on SE I think this is the big disconnect
@JoshuaAslanSmith Funnily enough, I suddenly remembered that show yesterday as well. It's about a guy who's touch raises the dead, and another touch kills them again (forever). If he keeps a dead person alive more than sixty seconds, someone else dies nearby instead.
It was some sort of a love story between the protagonist and his girlfriend whom he resurrected like that, but never got to touch.
ah yeah, that would hold zero interest for me now and forever
I remember it having a very colourful atmosphere, seeing how grim the subject matter is.
The show's main strength (aside from its perfect casting) is its relentlessly cheerfully morbid atmosphere.
I don't really watch television that much anymore, I just hang out online and lie on the couch imagining the perfect world!
@BESW that's very on the line, like Kingdom and maybe even Chronicles of Skin. But I forgot A Penny for my Thougths and, of course, Archipelago.
@BESW Tried it. Sure the mechanic works fine for letting the Drifter feel miserable
you need people who know the american culture quite well. My game featured people working at a wal-mart docks, hobo help centers, latino gangs and corrupted policemen
@kviiri :'(
@kviiri I'm not a skilled DM and Fiasco worked fine for me (I just had to explain the rules and it worked)
@Zachiel Does it take long to learn?
For the... rats.
I was about to clarify "for the GM, I mean" before I remembered this is a GM-less system we're talking about.
@kviiri Call 'em the "learned."
@BESW The Fiascorati.
I guess I could try Fiasco if I can find it in the local game stores.
@kviiri not at all, I think. I mean, I've played it before presenting it to other people, but I think it's easy enough to learn and explain to others
Isn't Fiasco GM-less?
it is
Ah yes
there it is commented on above
but there's usually someone explaining it to the others
He Who Read the Book.
@Zachiel Well, that's usually true with board- and card-games, too.
@Oxinabox: kviiri wants some games to play with a role-playing club that has maybe 2 people willing to GM
My roleplaying club has a copy (In fact I am almost certain I authorised it to be bought.)
But I've only had enough of a look to gather it was GM-less
@Oxinabox, @mbriand Hi!
hi hi
Calling a club was somewhat misleading of me... we don't have any organization or anything. I'm just trying to get the sleepers of the RPG scene at our campus to teach willing newbies to play, and give the new guys a chance to try the games out.
@user15299 Hi!
Although I always try to get new people in my games to keep the "tradition" alive.
@kviiri if you can get a few regulars together, you can totally org as a club and get the student association to pay for books...and snacks :)
Conversly our roleplaying club is kinda of big and significant. (I like to think I have contributed significantly to it.)
I think we have well over 100 members (not all active), and probable almost a dozen games being run.
Last few years have had 50 new members sign up and be brought into our fresher games. Though we have not retained all of them. (we used to retain like 5 per year, i think now more like 10-20)
Our Uni is not small and the student guild (which gives us money and a room and stuff) has multimillion budget.
Well actually, as the culture and leisure manager or the association I already have a snack budget. I'm just expected to spend it on events that have a wide appeal (which is one of the reasons why I'd like RPGs to get more popular here!)
@Oxinabox We have an actual RPG organization at the university, but it's harder to connect oneself with. First of all, it's reputed to be fairly cold towards new people (everyone has their established clique already). Second, our university is split between several campuses around the town and most people have an easier time associating with the people of their own campus.
I have worked hard to break our club out of that mold.

WRT money:
We were just given $800 for first semester.
We'll probably get something like that again at the end of the year.
Plus making ~$50 per week on selling snacks, for 26 weeks of the year.
+$500 of membership dues.
While I have nothing against the University-wide RPG club, I believe it'll be easier for the CS students to get into the hobby among their fellow computer scientists, informally.
Conversly I have considered working hard to destroy the roleplaying with-in the CS club here. (Considered doing it, but didn't).
They are a enemy of our sibling club, the Computer club (Seperate from the CS student club).
By destroying I mean trying to convert to joining us and using our resources.
Hah, that sort of thing.
University politics can be complicated.
...I wonder what my CS players would've been able to do outside 3.5. They were kinda hung up on the crunch, but had solid RP chops nonetheless.
It happens here as well - the CS students have a lot of money because they get far better sponsors than most. Most student associations have to bond together to get stuff done, but CS has enough resources to do cool stuff on its own.
Fiasco basically:
players cooperatively choose a setting. Settings are printed in booklets. They roll a bunch of dice, then proceed to pick pairs of dice from the rolled pool to draft elements from the booklet's lists. They need to pick a relationship per player pair (only players sitting next to each other are considered pairs), starting from the guy who lives in the less populated city and assigning it to the pair of their choice.
Let's say I want to pick *Father and Son*, which is relationship 6 from list 2, I'd pick a 2 and a 6 from the pool and assign it to any pair of players I want (
The CS club here is comparitively poor cos they get no sponsorship and are not guild affilated as are a faculty society. The do get some money from the faculty.
Where as the Engineers club is fantasically wealthy because they get bulk mining sponsorships.
(and Mining in Australia has more money than god)
It's a little bit more complicated but I didn't want to make the manual completely useless. Go buy it!
(especially, I did not talk abpout framing techniques)
that sounds fun.
I think I might try it out then as soon as i have some free time.
[takes notes]
thank you, that's the first explanation of fiasco i've actually read!
@BESW hello!!
@user15299 W
@Zachiel thx!
its quite good
Wil wheaton's tabletop had double episode where they played it
@user15299 Ah, I see who you are. Hard to answer question for our format and in general
i am sort of embarrassed that i caused some controversy
i still got some good info so there is a lesson learned somewhere
StackExchange's format is alien to most, making bad questions for the format is easy, especially (but not exclusively) at the beginning
So don't be embarassed. By the way, I'm glad you came to chat, where discussion is doable, because it looks like your curiosity is solvable by talking about it and I feel there's enough people competent on that matter to actually make it clearer for you. Most people just see their question closed and never show up. :(
i think that maybe my tone in the question did not help as it sounded like a challenge to some users ears
It might as well have been that but I try to only look at the facts.
So, there's someone who says that a solo RPG can't exist. If you show them one they could tell you "that's not an RPG", or they could believe. The important thing is to estabilish what is a RPG to them and to explain them what it is to you.
If to them an RPG is something you play with other people, we have a tautology.
maybe unconsciously it was? i'm glad i got a bit of the reasoning behind the opinion. there are actually some cogent arguments behind it which are different from 'rpg'ing is social because rpg'ing needs 2+ people' which sounds is a tautology
i now have to mull over the reasoning behind it. some compelling arguments actually.
not incontrovertible evidence, sure, but the explanations of why 'they' decide to hold this opinion are well thought out. IMO, of course!
It depends a lot on the definition of "RPG's".
For people who don't know what it's about, I usually characterize them as a mix of acting, playing and gaming (this is easier in Finnish because we have two different words for "playing" as in playing with toys and "playing" games)
One can certainly play on their own, there are single-player games and quite often this involves imagining certain characters in the mix. Hence, I wouldn't consider RPG's an inherently multiplayer activity.
Also, computer RPGs often would not be considered RPGs if played at a table, first of all because of the fixed plot.
There's a noteworthy comment by Adam Drey, followed by an equally noteworthy response by okeefe
There's one Computer RPG that actually has the RPG feel to me: Crusader Kings II.
Then again, it's not an RPG in the most traditional sense - it's a mixture of RPG, strategy and simulation.
CKII is a good story generator
Yes. I think that's how Paradox monetizes, anyway.
They make a game to last years. People play it, make funny and cool things happen, share the stories, and by doing that encourage their friends to play as well.
speaking of computer games like that, how would 'toys' like The Sims, Dwarf Fortress, etc, classify for you? it's very fascinating for me to see people tell stories using them.
I don't classify Dwarf Fortress, it deserves its own solitary confinement cell!
the first neverwinter nights is also another interesting case. It's like a hybrid of tabletop and typical CRPGs
I wonder if there's a german word for what Dwarf Fortress is!
I only realized the true potential of The Sims ages after I had stopped playing, when a few friends made this simulator of their own household and instead of minmaxing the family (like I always did) they concentrated on doing wacky stuff and taking funny screenshots.
@user15299 Zwergenspiel?
Seriously, Dwarf Fortress is awesome. As in "awe-inspiring", "magnificent" - but I'm not too fond of it as a game.
theres too much fine tuned management in dwarf fortress
also ascii characters
I know there are mods
Actually it's not ASCII, it's CP437! </computer_scientist_speaking>
But I agree, I'm used to it personally (having always played roguelikes) but it's not very useful for visualizing a 3D landscape.
I dislike several things in DF: the micromanagement is excessive for some tasks that should be simple (eg. building a square tower), the user interface is inconsistent, the fortification mechanics are too unrealistic to please the historical combat fan inside me... and most of all the economic system of the entire game is heavily geared towards "specialist economy" where you get the best results by having 1-3 super specialists for each task.
But then you get migrants and migrants and MORE migrants (and you need them to "progress" to Barony and beyond), who are basically useless unless they fill a niche you want an additional specialist in.
I'm still going to play it today though. I've got a new computer and 0.40 seems to finally be somewhat stable!
@kviiri you're weak! XD
Are there any good space games? I know about Eve but want something a little less time consuming and more solo possible.
The general lack of good sandbox space games is surprising to me.
@Aaron more solo, is single player ok? What about mass effect?
oh ok sandboox
sandbox in space is just... a lot of empty spaces?
@Zachiel Mass effect is fun but looking for more something where I can build ships go mine planets ect.
Well there is space engineers
Sandbox minecrafty with ship construction and volumetric asteroid mining.
@Aaron There's always Star Control II. :)
@lisardggY Never heard of that. I will look into it.
I still play that game.
The game is almost 20 years old.
I jsut cant wait for Civ beyond earth
Me neither.
Have you seen this? Firefly Online
sort of an anti-browncoat
Have you watched the great sci fi shows?
the great sci-fi shows?
are you asking if Ive watched firefly? If so, yes I watched all of it.
Babylon 5, Star Trek, Battlestar Gallactica, Stargate, Farscape, Andromeda....
Yes, Yes every one even stupid voyager, yes both original and reboot, yes even stupid universe, yes though not all of it because farscape is too wacky for me, and now im just laughing at andromeda being considered a great sci-fi show. Its good for the budget its at considering sorbo is in it.
I even watched the firefly movie
Hey, everything with Kevin Sorbo is "great" by definition XD
2 hours later…
@waxeagle Hey can you unfreeze my encounter builder room please?
Wow I just caught up on the drama. It's like someone forgot that RPG.SE is not a democracy.
Hmm. What would you say a good race would be for a very nature based warlike player? I was thinking Gnoll.
@MrJinPengyou Drama?
Yeah I was looking at this question on meta (meta.rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/4805/…) and came to chat to realize GMNoob was suspended.
And Gnoll is a great idea
@MrJinPengyou suspended = temporary right? What did he do? I missed all of this apparently.
@Aaron We don't know why he has been suspended. BESW reminded me too much questions getting closed could result in automatic suspensions.
@Aaron, gnoll sounds great. Any particular setting?
@Aaron link?
@Aaron Pathfinder? I don't know if they have killorens
@kviiri Custom setting. Magic is common ect. Somewhat steam-punk like final fantasy 7 and 8.
@Aaron, gnoll sounds great if they exist in the universe. Personally I tend to always go human, but that's just my quirk.
@Aaron Yes it's temporary
@kviiri I am building a guild of 9 wizards and want each to be a different race.
@Aaron there yah go
@Aaron Affirmative action taken to the extreme, eh?
@kviiri Moving over to here if anyone wants to join.

 Aaron's Encounter Builder

Spoiler! If you are in my Pathfinder game do not join
3 hours later…
@AlexP Hi!
Q: Does "scenario development" count as "campaign development"?

Foo BarI'm creating an adventure for my game world and would like help coming up with specific details. Answers would necessarily be rather specific to the scenario (although system-agnostic and probably genre-flexible). Is that on-topic in rpg.se? What sort of questions along this line are too broad ...

Wizards just borked the links to their past articles by upgrading to a new site... great job WOtC
@GamerJosh again?
oh no those were the forums, now it's the articles
"WotC: We Never Learn From Our Errors"
@Zachiel isn't that the truth
@Zachiel The Adobe style of online presence management.
@Zachiel ...I kinda want to pin this.
@BESW I knew a shower of stars would come
Should be their official motto.
Maybe with araldic insignia
and cherubins holding some parchment
green, bald cherubins
@Zachiel "heraldic," "cherubim" (never "cherubims;" "cherubim" is already the plural of "cherub").
too late ç_ç
but thanks
@BESW ooooh
Elves grow. Gnomes dig, Dwarves carve. Halflings build. Man takes. I feel like that's a setting pitch right there.
"Cherubs" is also an acceptable plural in most contexts.
@Grubermensch Hrm. Try just "editing" and resubmitting.
@Grubermensch I'd swap humans and halflings
@Zachiel I think you're confusing halflings with kender. But to be fair, I think Wizards does too.
But it has to be humans take.
I agree that it's awkward though.
"craft" is maybe better than "build"
I think one of the issues is that "take" in that context is more abstract than it might appear.
@BESW How so?
Humans "take:" land, traditions, crafts, gods, rituals, histories, D&D humans don't have much that's their own.
Humans are expansionistic and acquisitive, but unlike most real-world expansionist cultures they don't have much culture of their own to impose on those they expand into and over.
I can only think of one human-specific god in 3.5. He's a Lawful Evil deity introduced in an expansion book which dedicates 1/3 of its content to humans.
I think this is representative of D&D's racial homogeneity problem.
Same thing happens in sci-fi all the time.
afk taking a friend to the airpart in the storm.
The storm's CPA is in about two and a half hours, but the east side is stronger so it'll get worse after CPA.
00:00 - 12:0012:00 - 00:00

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