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@RedRiderX Way to kick some ass!
Heh thanks
1 hour later…
@RedRiderX Any ideas/insights/opinions/criticisms/compliments are welcome.
@BESW On your campaigns?
Or Storium in general; it's a system I'm still wrapping my head around.
Heh yeah I don't think I understand it all yet either :P
Part of the purpose of my current campaigns is to see what it's good and bad at, and where it breaks.
My idea is that once it goes public I'll put together a couple large campaigns for friends who I normally can't do RPGs with because of schedule or location challenges.
Old players from college in the mainland, local players whose families and jobs keep them from joining my Saturday night games, folks on rpg.se from around the world...
@BESW Yeah it seem like the ultimate play-by-post platform
Just enough inbuilt structure to give it movement and form, but not invasive enough that you can't ignore it and go totally freeform if you want to.
One of the premade settings that'll come with the public release is Ursula Vernon's "Weird Fruit" world, and I'm really looking forward to that.
@waxeagle, @Emrakul This question says he's from math.se, but his rpg.se account isn't attached to any other se account at all. Is that something moderators help with, and if so how?
@BESW he can fix it, he needs to make sure his same open ID is on both accts.
@waxeagle What's the process for doing that? Can I describe it succinctly in a comment?
@BESW Suggestion noted :)
BTW, have you seen the current Atlantean Destiny scene?
Q: How can one link/merge/combine/associate two accounts/users? (Anonymous/unregistered/cookie or OpenID/registered)

ChopsI accidentally posted a question without being logged in with OpenID. Is there a way to associate that question with my account? Return to FAQ Index For more information, visit "I accidentally created two accounts; how do I merge them?" in the Help Center. a.k.a. How can you link an Open...

Shiny, thanks.
Also, in case you're unaware, Meta.SE has a huge FAQ index.
Q: FAQ for Stack Exchange sites

Justin StandardCommunity FAQ For sites in the Stack Exchange 2.0 network To see a list of commonly used words and phrases, see the glossary. For official guidance from Stack Exchange, visit the Help Center. Asking questions How do I write a good title? How can I get answers fast? Where can I ask a ques...

@BESW I have!
It pleases me.
I saw M4's post, though at the moment I'm at a loss for what I should have Fritjof do. I might have him climb up to the deck with some.... weaponry....
(I will do that, actually. I am no longer at a loss for what I should have Fritjof do. :D)
@JonathanHobbs ...is he going to shoot out the building so you don't crash into it?
Building, flying dinosaurs if they're attacking, y'know, sources of existential threat in general
@BESW lol that would be fine with me
My Internet appears becalmed. Huh.
mine is wonky here
has been since we got to this hotel
@BESW It's something the user has to do, but there's a pretty simple way to do it.
If you add a login that already exists on Stack Exchange, the system will automagically merge the accounts.
I've done it once when I accidentally used an old email to create a new account, and once more when I changed emails.
Q: How do I change my OpenID provider(s)?

ChristianI no longer use the service that I originally used to register, and would like to change my OpenID provider to another account, or at least add a second account. Is this possible? How do I change my OpenID provider or associate a backup OpenID? For more information, see "How do I add or remo...

@JonathanHobbs You've had several times now where you started crafting a Storium move and by the time you were done the scene had moved on, right?
I think that's an issue we should try to resolve.
Do you think that maybe a sidebar comment like "I have an idea for what to do next, but it'll take me some time to write. Please give me X hours/days before you make a move" would be appropriate/effective?
Behold! A question which legitimately uses and .
@BESW Too bad I can't think of a more detailed answer than "he got left out, sorry."
Who did the Raven Queen kill to get the cushy "curator of souls" job? I get all the 3.5 gods with undeath portfolios mixed up.
Oh, interesting. I didn't think there was much of a continuation between Points of Light and Greyhawk-lite.
Aaand answered.
A: What happened to Nerull in 4e?

BESWNerull's mortal consort killed him and acquired his portfolio. She's now known as the Raven Queen. However, due to... reasons... the gods revoked her authority over the dead, so her powers are focused on death itself. More details can be found in Divine Power and Manual of the Planes.

@JonathanHobbs [poke]
Q: If the Raven Queen claimed Nerull's portfolio, why isn't she a goddess of undeath?

BESWAs this answer outlines, the Raven Queen was a mortal until she killed Nerull and took his stuff. Why is her portfolio different from his, then? She's got Winter and Fate (Nerull didn't), but doesn't have Nerull's signature Undeath schtick; instead she safeguards the sanctity and finality of deat...

@BESW Good answer :)
Isn't someone like Orcus or Vecna attempting to take the portfolio of the Dead, now that it's kinda up for grabs?
I'm not exactly sure.
Vecna's Undeath, and various gods and demons rule over various afterlives.
Aha, Vecna's who I was thinking of then.
Undead are, after all, different to the dead, I suppose.
The Raven Queen's major pet peeve is necromancers keeping souls from going to their duly appointed afterlives.
That's understandable! The god of the dead wouldn't have much to do if there were enough necromancers around.
Good morning, folks and folkettes.
Good afterbeforevenorning!
What's new?
Nothing much. My Ars Magica game is losing its primary GM in a month or two and we're trying to decide what to do.
She's moving to San Francisco. Going to make things difficult.
I finished the trilogy I was reading and am now plagued by concerns over what to read.
@lisardggY Anyone in the group that wants to take on the role?
@Emrakul Me and another player were all primary GMs for this campaign at some periods in the past, but the other player is currently focused on a Call of Cthulhu/Delta Green campaign he's starting and doesn't want to take over right now, and I have too many other things going on in my life that take my attention elsewhere.
The other players haven't GMed before, or hardly at all, and don't seem too eager to start.
@BESW That's a good idea, and I appreciate you suggesting it. I've left a comment in there.
We're considering either taking a break until the CoC/DG campaign is over (it's supposed to be a short, limited-time affair), or starting a less focused "everybody GMs little stories" period, where I'll be the coordinating GM, but not the primary storyteller.
@Emrakul I might be able to make some suggestions, depending on tone/genre.
Hmm, that sounds tricky, @lisardggY. Little gaps like that where people can so easily forget details...
@BESW I'm always open to suggestions! To the notabar?
@Emrakul We don't really have a big overarching plot right now, and the campaign in its various incarnations has been going on for almost 20 years in real time, and over 100 years in-play with many changes of players and of characters, so we're not too worried about that. :)
Huh, cool! Have you changed editions during that time?
Yeah. We started with the 3rd, moved to the 4th relatively quickly, and then to the 5th about 5 years ago.
Though we tend to treat the rules very loosely.
Except for the magic system, which is central.
Has that changed significantly between revisions? I don't know too much about Ars.
The central concept remains the same - you have 15 scores, 5 Techniques (Create, Know, Destroy, Change and Control, to translate roughly from the Latin) and 10 Forms (the 4 elements, Body, Mind and so forth), and all magic is a combination of a technique and a form.
Every edition fiddled with the balance, with the 5th making it a lot better thought out, with effect levels being easier to understand and calculate.
Huh, that sounds similar to Art Magic from Burning Wheel, @lisardggY. Sounds like a solid system.
I'm curious, if it's possible to easily contextualize for someone who hasn't played, what changed between editions?
@Emrakul It's fiddly and requires a lot of bookkeeping, but it's very expressive with the combination of Formulatic magic (named, known spells) and Spontaneous magic, which is less powerful, but allows you to improvise any effect.
Huh, that's cool! That's one of my favorite features of Burning Wheel magic - that various forms of magic synergize with each other.
With my current character, for instance, I went for a specialized, rather than a generalist approach. I have a very high score in Rego ("Control") and took serious deficiencies in Creo and Perdo ("Create" and "Destroy", respectively). So I can do pretty powerful telekinesis-type spells, but have a hard time lighting a simple flame.
Ah, now that's cool. Magic is frequent in this world?
No, pretty rare. It's set in a mythic version of Medieval Europe, where wizards are rare (there are only around 200-300 in Europe), but that's the characters you play.
Generally speaking, the things I can't do are usually more interesting than the ones I can.
Such as it is with magic: the things we think are most useful are frequently the very ones we cannot do.
It also makes for more interesting characters. I remember the ones with the shortcomings, not necessarily the ones who were good at something.
I've noticed that - there's something intriguing about characters who don't have active strengths.
It's as though their deficiency in strength is replaced by strength of character.
Which might actually be a good model for reality.
Of course, in challenge-oriented games, like 3.PF, it can also lead to frustration.
Well... fair. I try not to play games that encourage murder-hoboism?
But eh, if it's a social event
For weakness to be interesting in a game, there must be a way to engage with it somehow. Just getting a "haha, you fail" is not satisfying. A magus in Ars Magica can try and come up with an innovative use of their arts to overcome their weakness. Innovative use of magic is the core of the game, hence it's interesting. A rogue faced with an undead monster in 3.5/PF can't do much of anything, which makes them seem incompetent and the player frustrated.
My very first 3.x character, I was joining a long-playing group at level 20. I created a Monk7/Rogue13, a cool concept that fit in with a lot of backstory.
Mechanically speaking, it was a disaster.
I was, literally, unable to hit anything or do any damage to anyone.
To support such a character (a fallen monk who turned into a thief), I could do one of the following:
1. Go over the splatbooks and replace monk and rogue with similarly-flavored classes that synergized better. Though this was 2004-5, so there weren't as many books then.
2. Replace monk and rogue with entirely different classes, flavor-wise, and refluff them. This is annoying, because I wanted the mechanics to reflect the character, not be entirely separate from it.
3. Say "screw it", talk to the DM and work out a way to make the existing build work. Which is what we did. A couple of magic items put me back in the game during combat, and a focus on acrobatics and not all-out damage-dealing took care of the rest.
But I remember feeling really annoyed that the initial build was so useless. I accept that there's a range of optimization possible, but to have entire character options be entirely useless without intervention was annoying.
Like when I played WoW and saw that despite having several large and varied skill trees to build your progression on, there were actually very few options that worked well together, and at some point, if you weren't at least somewhat optimized, you found yourself out of the game.
That seems to always be the case when a game offers many options: some of them are found to be better.
I'm fine with "better".
I just don't like "useless".
Even after the tweaking, my monk/rogue was far from optimal, but as long as I wasn't totally useless, I was fine with that.
Some abilities are, indeed, useless. Most are only useless by comparison.
In a party of rogue/monks, he'd be just fine
@Magician No, at level 20, relying on unarmed combat but not improving the monk's Ki Strke, everything was literally immune to my attacks.
@lisardggY The GM can field CR 15 monsters against you. Only when others in your party can take on CR 20 monsters that becomes a problem.
(CR was quite useless, but you get the general idea)
@Magician True. The question is how big of a gap can different character choices create.
I played a bard in a Pathfinder game. Again, I was not particularly optimized and not particularly effective, but I wasn't too far behind the curve, and so didn't mind.
Of course, that was also due to the levels being lower. At lv20, everything is intensified.
Just to be clear - I don't hold the whole monk/rogue thing to be a failure of D&D and its mechanics.
@lisardggY Agreed, it's not.
It aims to have this whole layer of mechanics around builds and optimization, which you always participate in, even if you're not a serious optimizer. There's always the things that work better or worse. That's a part of the game.
It's just not a part of the game that I particularly enjoy, which is why I don't primarily play D&D.
So, brief rant:
I've heard cylindrical dice are terrible. They're a neat idea, but it takes ages - or longer than about a second, which is ages - to determine which one you're even holding, because they all look the same, and you're still going to muddle them up more often than if you're using polyhedral dice.
HOWEVER, Q workshop seems to take the cake in making polyhedral dice equally illegible.
The only ones I've used are cylindrical d10s, which were, indeed, quite annoying to read.
Ick. I'm guessing you got to it as part the "dice in Japanese" question?
if you're going for readability factor, you're probably not going to get japanese dice to begin with, but they could still do with slightly fewer flowers and dots on all of those faces.
no, my friend and I went through q workshop dice a while ago when he was shopping for dice
I present to you the most illegible dice I will ever have to read
I had a set of V:tM d10s back in the day. Dark green over black. Terrible.
i say 'ever have to read', but i will probably never have to read them, nor be able to, and I'd probably ask whoever brought them to the table to just use the common dice pool
We have some of these too. They start out fine, but get worn down and illegible after a few months.
Jeez, I'm tired and my spelling is all over the place.
Ah, here, yes:
Hard to read for a well-sighted person, and impossible to read for a solid portion of the male population with that most common of colour blindnesses: red-green. A+
@lisardggY is that... a coating wearing off?
@JonathanHobbs No, it has a red tip for some reason.
By design. By awful, awful design.
Oh phew.
I think it's meant to evoke a drop of blood.
I assume it's not intended that I cannot read one of those faces?
Remember, this is hard-core 1st-edition old-WoD Vampire drama.
@lisardggY oh, now that you mention it that makes sense.
@JonathanHobbs It's supposed to be a rose. Which stands for the 1. Or the 0. I forget.
@lisardggY ah, ok, it's a desgn and not a number, good.
@JonathanHobbs "Good" as in "Oh, thank merciful christ, I'm not going blind just yet" - yes. "Good" as in "Oh, that's a good design" - no.
but still: gold on jade and black. red on dark green. black on red. I don't think these folks have quite picked up on what colour contrast is for and why it is a good thing.
@lisardggY hahaha! it's more like: "oh, thank merciful christ, I'm not even sure what number that would have been when it WASN'T worn out"
@JonathanHobbs I think these were official White Wolf products. Capturing, in essence, the same sort of problems that their games had, too.
Spsh. The first dice I ever got were dark marbled plastic with no ink in the number depressions. In all but the best light they're nigh impossible to read.
(They were a gift.)
@lisardggY okay yes because the lack of embellishment was surprising
@BESW I have a black Razer Arctosa with black ink on the black keys with similar issues.
(I fully regret my purchasing decision.)
Did you ever crayon them in?
I have a personal peeve, I dislike the d4s with the numbers on the tips.
For not real reason apart from the fact that I was raised on the Redbox-supplied dice, which had the numbers on the base.
But there you have it.
@lisardggY ... i always found every kind of d4 confusing for a while
our group had both kinds and i didn't pick up on which number i was meant to read exactly for a while somehow...
If I was looking for dampes8n, would I be in the right place?
@fredley Yes
@JonathanHobbs Great
He even has a post starred in the sidebar :)
*looks for dampes8n*
@DampeS8N I would like to help!
Alas, his chat patterns indicate he's unlikely to show up very soon.
I will lie in wait
He's usually more active starting five or six hours from now, and often not at all in this particular part of the week.
Is it something someone else might be able to muddle through in his place?
@BESW No, I'm looking to help him with his game
Unless anyone else is already helping with his game
Ah, fair enough.
Cloudkill? Bad. Living cloudkill? Scary. Living Cloudkill Hurricane? Eeep!
It throws buildings at people while arming itself with whatever was inside.
@fredley like I would give my email address to every website that asks me. Your Mamota game needs some legal disclaimer on which use will be done of that e-mail address, I think
@fredley RedRiderX is helping him with some sprite work, but extra help may not go amiss
@Zachiel I agree, but it's still in development.
And disclaimers schsclischmaimers.
@Zachiel The game running on mamota.org is a game that you play by email. I'd be interested on any feedback (I won't use your email for any purpose other than playing the game)
uuuuh an email game :(
@Zachiel :( ?
sorry, I'm not really in the mood for such a thing
@Zachiel Okay! No need to be sad.
@Dampes8n Mostly I've been slaughtering children, babies, and the old and infirm in your game so far
@fredley I am slaughtering runners even as we speak. Because, as everyone knows, you can't spell slaughter without laughter!
@lisardggY Somehow I've killed dozens of great grandparents
@fredley Not to mention Bill Cosby's apparently endless clan of similarly named offspring.
@lisardggY Not got there yet
I forgot to leave my work PC on during the weekend, unfortunately. So I'm still only lv2699. :)
@lisardggY Haha, 196 here
I don't think I'll finish the current quest today. 1475 battles till boss. It will probably be done by the time I get here tomorrow morning.
@lisardggY I'm only up to True Hell
How many Sp per level are you?
And 48 xp/sec
@lisardggY Not bad
I'm at 6sp per level but only 18xp/s
I'm a bit undecided about the game (this is for you too, @DampeS8N, when you wander on in). The game offers a lot more options than, say, ProgressQuest, but it doesn't feel like these choices I make have much impact.
It's still mostly a "do stuff while idle" sort of game.
@lisardggY Yeah
Which is fine, but I would like to either have fewer options (for instance, I don't use the spells at all) or have these be more meaningful.
What would be cool is allowing me to set up spell scripts (would work well with wider spell choices, to accelerate gameplay)
i.e. heal every 20 turns, fire if boss hp > x
I used the spells a bit in boss fights, but since 99% of the time I'm idling my way to the boss fights, they're a bit too minor.
@lisardggY Yeah
Still not sure what my Magic Power is useful for except for, maybe, the Fire spell?
And if you hit a boss that's too hard while idle, you just sit there and level slowly until you have enough hp to get through
@lisardggY Fire spell
And weaken, maybe?
Never used it
Does the damage for Fire scale faster than my attack power?
@lisardggY Yes
It's a good way to get through early boss fights
Let's check up on Deathmarch Three.
1149 battles to go. Hmm.
532 in true hell
Pretty good levelling in here, up to 285 already
I left it on over the previous weekend. Came back at lv2000 or so. That's the only really effective form of levelling in this kind of game. :)
@lisardggY Ha
Or hacking the javascript to speed up the game clock (not that I've done that here)
That usually feels like way too much work for something that's meant as nothing more than a CPU timesink.
@lisardggY Wait, is this thing mining bitcoins?
If not, why not?
@fredley Exactly the opposite. It's not doing anything important, so I don't feel the need to "beat" the game. For very, very, very loose values of "beat".
@lisardggY If I were @Dampes8N, I'd be mining bitcoins
Oh, I get what you're saying.
@lisardggY 'Incremental game', actually loosely disguised bitcoin mining
You get 'points', @DampeS8N gets coin
I don't know if it's all that effective a strategy.
At some point, especially with mining becoming less and less effective, the effort you spend on developing and pushing a game onto enough machines becomes more than what you get out of it.
@lisardggY It works for Android malware
Oh, I thought you were talking about relatively benign bitcoin mining, as in, use LevelUp's CPU cycles for it, as opposed to malware's hogging all the resources they can, regardless of whether app is running.
That's the line between malware mining and SETI@Home-style decentralized computing.
@lisardggY Nope, max out CPU while running otherwise unintense game
In that case, no, I don't think it @DampeS8N should do that.
@fredley I'm pretty sure that'd be some level of highly unethical without full disclosure.
With it, though, that's actually a pretty OK idea.
You play someone's game, they use a portion of extra resources to make a few cents off it.
Good morning!
@trogdor Fritjof got us through safely
at zero harm to anything of serious value 8D
@JonathanHobbs you just posted?
I did!
you completely destroyed it
He did! We can come back later with superglue or something.
Doolittle is not going to accept that
I, on the other hand, am amused
I'm glad to hear both of those :D
@JonathanHobbs I never said it wasn't
good morning
Morning :D
@JonathanHobbs, @trogdor New scene's up!
@BESW Woohoo!
@BESW cool beans
that first piece of text
Hahaha, less ruined ruin.
@trogdor i just noticed that XD
"I don't have a picture of this" XD
@fredley What would you like to do? :)
@DampeS8N What would you have me do? I'm interested in mechanics and design first and foremost.
@DampeS8N Any updates to the game?
Both graphic and game design.
@fredley I've already looked into this. There don't appear to be any good working JS bitcoin miners and the complexity does mean that it would produce very limited income.
@DampeS8N Haha, oh well
@DampeS8N I can help with marketing too if that's something you're interested in. I got my last game to over 100k people.
@fredley Dogecoin would be a better option, but I can't find a JS miner for it.
@fredley I don't need marketing just yet. And the way the game has been steadily growing in numbers, I may never need to really. :)
@fredley Yes, but take a closer look. How would I collect on the coins?
@DampeS8N Cool. I've had some good discussions with aniwey, if you wanted a tweet from him for example.
@fredley that name is phenomenal
@DampeS8N Mine it direct to your wallet
@fredley I take another look. But I'm not that interested in monetization right now.
What is mining? Is revealing his ignorance
@DampeS8N I'm guessing that site mines to a new wallet for every visitor, and that wallet is emailed to you. However you could hard code.
Also this is really unethical.
@fredley Not if you both give players the option to opt out and clearly state this is what you are doing.
@DampeS8N I guess!
As it sits, this is just a fun project for me. I'm not worried about making any money.
It should be low impact on a server too, since it polls the server for updates once an hour.
@Aaron devote CPU or GPU time to cracking mathematical problems, acquire tiny amounts of bitcoins/dogecoins/etc
@DampeS8N Yeah, you could run it off something very cheap
Also it's completely static right?
@JonathanHobbs How much money could you make off something like that?
@Aaron often not more than the electricity costs
1000 Doge is worth about 3 cents
@fredley I am at work. Is this something I want to look at at work?
@Aaron Yes it's fine
There is very little actual doge on that page
@fredley Ok
All your sysadmin will see is a CPU spike, if they're even watching that closely
@trogdor, @JonathanHobbs I found a picture.
@Aaron It really depends on fluctuating prices, since most of these currencies have a market economy around them. For Bitcoin, the poster-boy of the lot, it's usually not cost effective unless you're using computers you don't pay for yourself, or use highly optimized CPU blades designed for just this sort of work.
@BESW that portion of face is far too intact
@lisardggY How long would it take for a rig to pay for itself though?
@fredley The current Graphic Design is being done by my friend Mike and there is cool pixel art being made by RedRiderX
00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 00:00

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