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Oh man. I think something's about to go down.
Check out Yamikorune's answer here:
Q: Does a Dread negate its own immunity to fear?

SirTimbleAt 7th level a Dread gains immunity to fear, but by this point they already have an aura of fear which causes all creatures within to lose immunity to fear and take penalties on saves against fear. Since a Dread would be a creature within 10 feet of itself, would it be affected by its own aura?

I think that's the first time I've seen someone outright diss DSP here.
the rule wording on those powers is straight up terrible though
The fact that that question is a valid one means that whoever wrote that class failed at being clear.
so as a basis on his/her answer I think its fair to say, dont use materials written by this publisher as they of lesser quality than Paizo's published products
I don't know that I'd say that.
Paizo isn't great at wording things either.
I dont see anything terribly inflammatory in her answer, its not edition warring or the like
My general rule whenever I read anything in any tabletop game that doesn't make sense is that the designer wrote it poorly.
Ive regularly seen people say and I think its fine to say, use Dragon magazine article items with discretion for 4e because some of them are written quite bad
I would concur with that
It baffles me how often people try and use a tortured version of the RAW, rather than just assuming the RAW is crappy and doing what makes sense.
depends on what game you are playing
4e is lauded by me ant others for the general rigor that its RAW have
and its design focus on RAW
I eschew 3.5 and its scions specifically because the game depends so much more on DM ruling and RAI interpretations
4e is a notable exception.
If I want that kind of world control Ill do dungeon world or fate where themechanics support that kind of thing much better
Then again, 4e is basically a minis game with the ability to roleplay tacked on.
A buddy of mine once compared 4e to a JRPG: There's combat, and there's non-combat. They can interact to a limited degree, but in general, combat is where all the rules happen.
on that PF question, does PF not have a general rule about whether or not auras affect the generator of them?
seems like it would be important
And combat is done on a very tight set of rules with little ability for the players to change them.
lol strange comparison I think a boardgame is a much more apt comparison
@waxeagle According to Opa, it doesn't.
4e for instance: "A creature is normally unaffected by its own aura."
@JoshuaAslanSmith The reason I like JRPG more than board game is that in a JRPG, there are tons of cool and interesting things that happen outside of combat, they just use an entirely different and less well-defined set of rules.
Where in a board game, there's just the combat rules.
I 100 percent disagree with your view of jrpgs
but thats fine Im kind of a hater of them
What part of it?
only JRPG I ever got into was chrono trigger and Id probably never replay it today because of how JRPGs work
I guess I disagree because I find combat in jrpgs to be an absolute chore
whereas in 4e I relish it
Well, there is that.
so the comparison is one I cant support because of the dissonance between the two I feel
That's more a matter of taste than of type, though.
agree to disagree?
You don't like jrpg combat, but that doesn't mean that the separation between jrpg combat and jrpg story isn't similar to the separation between 4e combat and 4e story.
shrug sure.
@waxeagle I've been looking through the pfsrd, and I can't find any rules about auras specifically. I don't think "aura" is a thing in PF.
@DuckTapeAl huh....things like this continue to make me apreciate 4e :)
and dread 5e just a bit
5e is actually way better put together than 3.x.
I didn't want to bother with it before, but I joined a game, and I'm coming around to it.
I've liked what I've seen so far, it seems to be boiled down well. Hopefully the bounded accuracy mechanic works
I've definitely found some poorly written stuff, but that makes me feel at home more than it actually affects play. :)
I'm staying out of the playtest materials for the time being waiting to read the starter set when it comes out. I read them fairly thoroughly the first few weeks of the playtest but have only skimmed them since
So, the thing about auras: I've been doing some more reading, and I think the reason there aren't defined rules about them is because the word 'aura' doesn't mean anything from a rules sense.
Like, there are effects than emanate from a creature, but the rules for them are specified in that specific ability, not as a general thing.
@DuckTapeAl gotcha, so there isn't a generic aura object that all auras inherit from, they all have to create their own mechanic
(we should make RPG designers take programming courses)
OOP would help them tremendously
Speaking as a game designer with a CS-like degree, I don't think that would help. :)
It would certainly help if rpg designers used OOP techniques more often, but there's a big difference between knowing and using in this case.
The problem is that, especially for an old game like D&D, there is a tendancy to do things the way they used to be done, and to not significantly change everything, even if it should be changed.
Most system updates or overhauls change a few big things, while leaving most of the system intact.
Like, PF could probably have taken some of the good things that 4e was doing and integrated them into the game, especially with the later books.
makes sense. In a way it might actually help 5e that 4e came before. A clean break followed by something closer to 3.5 but free to not repeat as many mistakes due to tradition...
And PF had the opportunity to make non-magic characters actually useful, and they totally dropped the ball.
(though I'm quite concerned that 5e's non-magic classes won't compete at higher levels)
I'm concerned about that as well, but I'm pretty hopeful.
It's not like in 3.x, where there was a huge power gulf that started at level ~5 and only got worse from there.
@DuckTapeAl No, I anticipate solid balance through the first 5-10 levels, which is probably OK for most games anyways
And it seems like they're trying to strictly limit the number of spells that anyone has access to.
yep. That should help a lot.
seems like 3.5 casters had too many tools in the toolbox
And there was an awful lot of role dipping in the spell lists.
Like, clerics getting DD spells like Flame Strike.
yeah, 4e did a pretty good job of making role choices meaningful, and letting you pick up a solid secondary role, but you're hard pressed to fill all 4 in a single build and be good at anything
I know one of the unstated design goals is to go as far afield of 4e as they possibly can, but hopefully they learned some things about what works
My favorite thing about 4e was that every class, even the crappy ones, was reasonably useful all the way to 30.
definitely. Even the worst classes had baseline competence 1-30
It wasn't like, "Oh, you're a fighter? Well, be ready to be a meatshield and nothing else once we hit 6."
not at all, the Fighter is one of the stars of 4e :)
I played a paladin until level 6 or 7, and god was it terrible.
It got to the point where monsters basically ignored me, because my punishment mechanic was so bad.
But even then, I was useful as a secondary healer.
And I could do secondary striker damage if monsters ignored me.
@DuckTapeAl Well. Some classes are definitely crappy. But they tend to be weird as well.
@DuckTapeAl Is this in 4e? I haven't played or seen a level 7 paladin, but I've observed a level 25+ one, and it was terrifying.
Yeah. Eventually, because shenanigans, I was able to switch classes and be a warlord instead, and I was way more useful.
It was 4e.
Was he using sourcebooks other than the PHB?
I've been told that paladins can be pretty good if they use other books, but this was before any of them were written.
It was... If you attack someone else, you deal half damage and get nuked. If you attack him, you're blinded, and he has stupid high defenses, so good luck.
That's way better than the normal punishment.
@Magician define nuked
@DuckTapeAl Some of this was epic stuff, and everyone gets ridiculous by then. It was perhaps because I haven't observed the character from level 1, that it seemed so powerful.
@Magician I heard stories about Brian's Pally...
@Zachiel Well. Not nuked-nuked. But damage was dealt. He dealt a lot of damage, it just seemed it wasn't because he would attack 4 targets at once.
@waxeagle That's the one :D
I love technology
130 hp, 0 of 14 surges. I think he still has records from the very last battle of the campaign! Sweet.
:( That link reminds me of one of my biggest problems with 4e. I've never had Compendium access, so all of these cool resources that people used were unavailable to me.
Yeah, DDI was basically required.
Great financial move on Wizards' part, but it meant that I was never going to play 4e seriously.
I played one campaign, which didn't last long, and a couple short campaigns in college that all involved weird shit that a buddy of mine built.
fun, we have a weekly game, DDI just made sense for us
One of the things that was always attractive about tabletop games to me was that you bought the rules once, and never had to spend money again. Spending 70 bucks a year on 4e when I already had a few systems that I liked just seemed like a ripoff.
So, I'm reading that SKRticle that got linked earlier, and jesus christ is he off base.
How did this guy ever get his math license?
I'm impressed by the level of assholery concentrated in a single sentence there: "I've decided to redo this rant, as it's sorta scattered and makes some assumptions that are correct but some people aren't comfortable with." Didn't read further.
My favorite sentence was the one right before that.
"I respectfully disagree on both points."
Has SKR ever done anything respectfully?
This guy is a moron
Oh wait did I say that out loud?
The biggest thing he is not accounting for is the fact that you auto hit if you crit even if you do not confirm said crit.
Or playing a barbarian with the auto confirm rage power. HE would destroy everything.
@Aaron false
No, the biggest thing he's not accounting for is Strength bonuses and Power Attack and all of the other stuff that actually does damage at mid-to-high levels.
@Aaron I guess he's talking 3.5e, not pathfinder
@DuckTapeAl this
redo the math with just a +10 to damage instead of a puny +2 and let's see how the numbers change
@Zachiel Yea I knew that. Is it not true in both systems? (It may be a house rule I thought was a real rule if so I apologize)
It's like, no one cares about a difference in average damage of 2 points.
@DuckTapeAl I care. Greatsword for the win
yeah, too many factors...what about things that trigger on crits? (not sure of the presence of those in 3.5)
@waxeagle (lots of)
@Zachiel Well, yeah, because crit-fishing is a crappy build option.
I mean I won't begin to argue one way or the other, but when your only talking about base damage, you've missed a huge section of the argument
is a crit always a hit in 3.5/PF? or only a nat 20?
@Aaron Crit confirmation is a thing, but if you're comparing two characters with similar attack bonuses, then they confirm as often as eachother, so it comes out in the wash.
@waxeagle I thought so I am checking now though. If I can't find anything I will post a question.
@DuckTapeAl I want my damage to be reliable. If I need to fell an enemy on the first round I don't want a 55% chance to fail dealing all the damage I calculated for
@DuckTapeAl Thanks.
@Zachiel Yeah, which is generally the better way to build a character in 3.x.
Basically, in his article, he takes a character that is not at all built to deal damage, and says "See? He doesn't deal damage! The system is broken!"
lol watching penny dreadful and they are drinking absinthe which is emerald green AFTER dripping water over sugar into
shake my head
@JoshuaAslanSmith ...is that not supposed to happen?
HA! I just got to a point in the article where SKR goes even further off the deep end.
"... he still loses compared to the greatsword-wielder, even though he spent more money (25gp) on his weapon ..."
an actual emerald green suggest artificial coloring (low quality, possibly hazardous absinthe given the time period)
@JoshuaAslanSmith Ah.
@DuckTapeAl (how on earth does 25 gp matter at all)
on the right is what a high quality absinthe looks liek straight
and then on left is after water has been dropped over sugar into it
@waxeagle (past level 1, it doesnt)
@JoshuaAslanSmith Interesting.
exactly, and they are well past
@JoshuaAslanSmith Is it just the colour of the bottle that makes people think absinthe is supposed to be green?
is absinthe a drug or alcohol? I always thought it was some kind of drug?
@Aaron Well, alcohol is a drug, to the answer is "yes."
this is what it looked like in the epsidoe
@Aaron its a spirit with purported hallucinogenic qualities
whaich made me laugh
absinthe is alcohol
@waxeagle I second this motion.
Absinthe ( or ; French: ) is historically described as a distilled, highly alcoholic (45–74% ABV / 90-148 proof) beverage. It is an anise-flavoured spirit derived from botanicals, including the flowers and leaves of Artemisia absinthium (a.k.a. "grand wormwood"), together with green anise, sweet fennel, and other medicinal and culinary herbs. Absinthe traditionally has a natural green colour but may also be colourless. It is commonly referred to in historical literature as "la fée verte" (the green fairy). Although it is sometimes mistakenly referred to as a liqueur, absinthe is not tr...
@JoshuaAslanSmith Thanks.
absinthe contains thujone in small quanitities thanks to the wormwood infused into it
thujone is a hallucinogenic , but its presence is so small (despite being combined with alcohol and thus the doubling effect) that its been shown to be not an issue anymore
@JoshuaAslanSmith Ah this is why I thought it was a drug.
That distinction has always confused me. Why is alcohol not considered a drug?
At least, in common parlance.
@DuckTapeAl mostly just history
most of the history and stories associated with absinthe are really the long-term/near death effects of alcohol poisoning
basically alcohol's regulation and sale has been very different from medicinal drugs
I think the main difference between alcohol and drugs is the fact that drugs can kill you a lot faster if not used correctly. (As long as you are not driving or something)
though it was used as a medicinal drug itself in many ways
@aaron, you can die pretty easily from an alcohol overdoes
@JoshuaAslanSmith Except there are a number of other drugs - medicinal and not - that are commonly available over the counter, and which are legally restricted in some way.
plenty of college students do it every year
@DuckTapeAl right but do you go to the pharmacy to by alcohol or do you go to the drug store to buy liquor?
@JoshuaAslanSmith I go to the corner store an buy cigarettes, or cough syrup.
My uninformed opinion is that alchool kills your liver way faster than your brain, while still releasing chemicals in your body that produce the intended effects
those OTC drugs are still sold and provided by pharmacies vs. alcohol as a social event and beverage
if your liver cant work, then you die because a whole lot of toxins that your liver takes care of in your blood stream (like alcohol) remain
for death by alcohol check out: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delirium_tremens
Part of it is likely a recent cultural thing. Until the 1800s or so (IIRC), there were a number of other drugs that were both legal and not socially shunned.
Like some opiates, or pot.
alcohol, like coffee or tea, has purposes beyond drinking it for its biochemical effects
But now the word "drug" means something bad, generally speaking, and most people don't think alcohol is an inherently bad thing.
alcohol has a firm foundation as one of the bedrocks of civilization, excess grains could be converted to alcoholic beverages as a way to store calories and as a release
@JoshuaAslanSmith That never made sense to me either. Decaf coffee or tea boggles my mind.
do you not like the flavor of coffee or tea?
or alcohol?
I regularly drink gin, whiskey and rum straight in tumblers, slowly sipping
@JoshuaAslanSmith That too. I've heard reasonable theories that state that civilization started because people needed to figure out how to make more booze.
@JoshuaAslanSmith No on all three counts. I've found a few kinds of tea that I like, but they're typically green teas. Black tea and coffee taste super bitter and crappy to me, and I've been drinking both off and on for years.
ah yeah, I love coffee black or black with a small amount of sugar
I exclusively drink tea straight
black teas in particular
earl grey is a favorite
And any form of straight alcohol tastes bad to me. The only alcoholic beverage that I like straight is cider, and that doesn't have any alcohol taste.
I drink black tea with a bit of sugar a lot, but that's only because I'm addicted to caffeine, and I'm not getting free Coke Zero anymore since I got laid off.
no slight against you, but generally Ive found that while alcohol is an acquired taste in many ways, I also feel most people's exposure to liquor is usually in the worst way possible via the most bottomshelf rotgut there is
coke zero is a fave of mine
I prefer diet Dr pepper
diet dr p is surprisingly good
@JoshuaAslanSmith My initial exposure to alcohol was mainly crappy stuff, but I've tried top shelf too, in recent years. It all tastes crappy to me.
right now though I'm drinking Harney and Son's Hot Cinnamon Sunset a lot. Good black tea with cinnamon and clove oil, bit of orange. Doesn't need sugar but its sweetish
I do actually prefer the taste of coke zero to regular coke at this point
I don't trust diet doctor pepper, because the advertising is grammatically ambiguous.
for liquor I always ease people in with cocktails featuring that liquor, maybe highballs, and then increasingly make stronger versions featuring the flavor of the liquor more an dmore
I've been drinking three pints of iced tea a day for the past few weeks. I use the crappiest tea I can find, it's like a buck for a hundred bags.
my tea brand of choice is usually bigelow
For alcohol, I typically drink cider or iced tea with raspberry vodka.
Ive avoided high end tea because there are multiple shops for it in philly and I already spend enough money on high end coffee and liquor as it is
Oh my god. I just got to the end of that SKRticle. He is SO BAD at making viable characters.
It's like he's never player 3.5 before.
@DuckTapeAl SKR was the one that playtested 3.IDK with a int 12 wizard
@JoshuaAslanSmith yeah, tea is easy to spend a lot of money on....I've found loose leaf to be too much of a PITA at work, but sachets are perfect and the tea I mentioned sells at target for like 30-40c/sachet
While I understand the "I'm not playing to win, I'm playing to see what happens"... it's strange
seems like you'd want to at least build moderately competent characters...
So basically, he personifies the Stormwind Fallacy.
He thinks that interesting characters must be shitty characters.
Even if he's not interested in optimizing at all, the topic he chose to tackle has everything to do with mechanics.
who is this?
Sean K Reynolds.
One of the D&D 3.5 designers, IIRC.
And apparently one of the primary PF designers, according to Wikipedia.
article link?
AKA "I have no idea how to build a crit-fishing character in 3.5, and thus we should make the most powerful crit-fishing builds even better"
though IIRC he no longer works for Paizo as of...earlier this year?
@DuckTapeAl mmmh I won't get that extreme. He surely thinks that you don't need to get a competent character to have fun and that the compromises people accept to play a powerful character are often detrimental to the character concept (which I think to be true and to which he definitely is an a-h about)
is there anything wrong with critfishing in your opinion?
There's nothing wrong with it, it's just non-optimal.
ah guess thats a 3.5 issue
Also, it makes certain things harder, as a GM.
@JoshuaAslanSmith I don't see a problem with his argument, his logic is just abysmal
@waxeagle Exactly.
critfishing is total winsauce in 4e
I agree that you don't need to make a competent character to have fun, but you can totally make a competent character and have just as much fun.
you can't make an argument that something is balanced by looking at simple damage expressions. You have to talk about riders, additional powers etc etc etc.
I agree that some of the things that people do to optimize their characters at the expense of roleplaying are sort of crappy, but you don't need to do any of that to have a competent character.
It is possible to build a competent character to fit any character concept.
I think that's the part that people who rebel against optimization miss. You don't have to sacrifice all of your competence to be compelling
@JoshuaAslanSmith I have no sense of how 4e works at this point. My last serious campaign was PHB only, since there weren't other books at that point.
its a beautiful thing
aside from a few weak and well known for being weak classes (seeker, vampire, witch) its pretty much balanced out and solving a build in 4e is very easy to do with the community, guides, and expertise available at this point
From what I hear, it's also pretty much assumed that you have DDI if you're playing 4e as well.
a minor bit of powercreep, but I think that its not so much powercreep as making feat taxes less taxing if that makes sense
you dont have to, but to me its what makes the most sense
how I got into it
Ugh. Feat taxes.
I dont own a single 4e book
so like expertise feats
in phb its just you have expertise with this weapon group and get +1 to hit
but now, thanks to essentials there are a ton of cool riders for those feats
A buddy of mine made a mod of 4e where he basically fixed all the shitty math that caused feat taxes, and abolished those feats.
@DuckTapeAl you can do that with rules intro'd in DS for the most part
heavy blade expertise gives you +2 to defenses against opp attacks, axe expertise lets you reroll 1 damage die on an attack made with an axe etc. in addition to their +1 to hit
@DuckTapeAl dark sun
introduced an optional ruleset called inherent bonuses
though actually those replace magic item bonuses so they don't quite do the same thing...
that way you dont need to have items at your level all the time to stay competent
you can still have and use magic items
but you could be level 10
using a level 2 (+1 magic item) sword, but the modifier you would get would instead be +3 from the inherent bonus
Yeah, this mod didn't replace magic bonuses like that (IIRC), it just made it so the basic numbers that attacks and defenses and skills were based on worked.
the only point it falls off with is that at epic/high paragon you start to have access to masterwork armors and those have additional bonuses that inherent bonuses dont
@DuckTapeAl monster math got overhauled for essentials with MM3
as did DRs in general
When was that?
@DuckTapeAl 2010
And did that fix the fact that the expertise feats were basically required?
@DuckTapeAl nah, they still are for the most part
See, that bothers me.
expertise feat is the difference between an 18 and a 20 in mainstat
the key is that they do other stuff now
so depending on your build you could forgo them
a DM could also just houserule you get 1 expertise feat for free
honestly its the easiest thing to do if you dislike expertise feats that much
It's certainly better that they do other stuff, but bad design decisions shouldn't be fixed by dictating one of the options that every character has to take.
In heroic an expertise feat isnt something I thin is required, it certainly helps though
There was an official guide for writing new feats in 3.5. One of the first big points that they made was that if you make a feat that's so good, everyone should take it, that you've made a bad feat.
but that +1 become =2 and then +3 as you hit the other tiers so it matters by then
but Ive never played in epic so yeah
I dont really want to though
@JoshuaAslanSmith It might not be required, per se, but from what I've heard and read, expertise is better than basically every other feat you could want.
wow, I need to clean my office, new desk will be shipping soon
Or at least, there's no build that couldn't be improved by removing one of it's feats and replacing it with expertise.
from a math perspective its the most widely applicable feat
its always on
there are better racial feats depending on the weapon you are using
It's really academic, since it's incredibly unlikely that I'll be playing 4e again, but the idea of a feat that every character has to take bothers my design sense.
Githzerai Blade Master

Heroic Tier
Prerequisite: Githzerai
Benefit: You gain proficiency with all military heavy blades, as well as the bastard sword and the fullblade. Additionally, you gain a +2 feat bonus to damage rolls with these weapons. This bonus increases to +3 at 11th level and +4 at 21st level.
I'll take your word for it that that's a good feat, but if that's your first feat, would expertise be your second? Or your third?
second probably
lvl 2 feat
some people say you should take the damage focus feats as well
Ive never done that
That's my point. You can probably find a feat that's better for any specific character you could name, but you probably can't come up with 10.
eh theres lots of very specific feats thanks to dragon mag that give you a +1 with a weapon and an implement and have a nice little bonus worked in as well
paladins for example are spoilt for choice between 5 different expertise feats
depending on what kind of weapon they decide to use
but yeah I can understand what you are saying
if its so prevelant then it should just be baked into the characters already
Based on what I've seen in the char op boards, I wouldn't trust the design sense of Dragon MAgazine further than could throw it.
@DuckTapeAl heh, sometimes good, sometimes bad
eh, there are very few truly broken things from dragon mag
which usually comes down to a few badly worded written items
I cant remember the example item which doesnt work at all
feats and backgrounds and themes from dragon mag are all game
theres a lot of great optional rules supplements in them
It's less that their stuff is broken, and more that their stuff is poorly considered, and allows for other stuff to become broken.
you talking about OP broken?
This is mostly from 3.5. I tried to avoid char op stuff in 4e.
when I use broken in this context I mean the rules dont work for the items
handwave theres plenty of super optimization stuff in the books without touching dragon magazine
frost cheese which anyone can do
and a radiant mafia party
which is in my opinion the highest level of partywide optimization possible
IIRC, there's a combo in the PHB which allows two characters to kill everything in the world as a full-round action.
everyone deals radiant damage and has ways to make enemies vulnerable to radiant damage
what are you referring to
you can only take one free action attack per turn
so there are no infinite chains
also no such thing as a full round action in 4e
It's a thing where one character can grant the other an extra standard, and the other can make an attack to refresh the first one's ability, and somehow they can move as well.
one of those is probably a daily
if not both
@DuckTapeAl ah, that's been errata'd then, granted attacks can only happen 1/turn
yep thats what I meant my only 1 free action attack a turn
there were a few silly powers in the PHB that they've toned down quite a bit
(and in the #Source Power books)
My point was in response to @JoshuaAslanSmith saying that there was broken stuff in core books, and I was agreeing.
I can't find it right now. I know they were dwarves, but I can't remember why.
@DuckTapeAl probably easy healing and near free access to superior weapons
No, it was part of the combo, I think.
MAn, this is going to bother me all day.

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