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Some friends of mine had a cat that liked to jump into their turtle's aquarium (no top, not like the turtle is going to climb out) and poop on its back.
anyone listened to the new D&D podcast yet?
no, I didnt even know there was a podcast
@waxeagle did you see my interview link above ?
@JoshuaAslanSmith no, just got to my desk #$%^&*( tires
interview with kobold press about the 2 adventures they are making
I think I read it last week though, but not sure
no, didn't read this one, some of the others
I've not read any of these guys' adventures, but they sound like they write really fun stuff
ok, this is the 3rd different interview with these guys I've read, I could nearly write my own, complete with quotes :)
dun dun dun
@waxeagle could you spin your answer to #2 on my D&D5e planning question into a planning question for the site redesign? I feel like you nailed some really great important questions and Id like to get the mods looking at them, but also don't wanna steal your thunder/rep
@JoshuaAslanSmith Meta doesn't give rep.
I mean wax doesnt need rep per say, but they are his ideas
You can always just go edit his answer.
no his answer is fine, im asking him to spin it out into its own question
theres no rush (Or is there? July 15th approaches fast) since we don't know whats going on between SE and WOTC (though apparently something is transpiring)
Has anyone ever tried D&D 3.5e with an alternative dice rolling mechanic, like 2d10 and 3d6?
@GregRos we've got a question about 3d6, but I think it's more about the statistical consequence rather than play experience. I'm not a 3.5 guy so I definitely haven't tried
@waxeagle Well, I'm asking about how the statistical consequences change the play experience...
@JoshuaAslanSmith yeah, give me 10ish
@GregRos let me point you the the relevant questions
Q: Using 3d6 instead of d20 for D&D Next

Arle CamilleI am currently running a campaign with D&D Next playtest packet released at September. My player has been complaining about his terrible attack rolls (He didn't prevail because of fumbles, even at Easy encounters!), and monsters' decent attack rolls (20 does not look like 20 anymore). So, I am go...

Q: 3d6 vs a d20: What is the effect of a different probability curve?

yhw42What is the effect on game play of replacing d20 rolls with 3d6 rolls in a D&D 4e campaign? I started thinking about this after reading this question where the example was given of playing a d20 system with 3d8 (actually 3z8, but I digress). I like math and probability and it got me curious... ...

neither of these is specifically about 3.5, but both next and 4e use d20s in much the same ways as 3.5 does
TLDR version is less swingy
@GregRos check out anydice.com
then put this into the entry field and you'll see distribution comparisons
output 3d6
output 2d10
output 1d20
3d6 basically resembles a bellcurve
So basically crit fails and crit hits will be extremely rare
Q: 5e and site design

wax eagleThis question is asked to serve two slighly disparate, but very related purposes. It's ultimately an extension of this answer Overall I'd like to come out of this with some ideas on what is possible and what we are capable of doing related to doing a site redesign during the period. For contex...

@JoshuaAslanSmith thanks, I've read those. I also understand the statistical ramifications. Some of these ramifications can cause serious problems, and can have a serious effect on balance. I want to know how to deal with them. I guess I'll ask on the main site.
My players are awesome players :D
@GregRos other than crits, what else hinges on d20 at either extreme in 3.5?
@waxeagle danke
Hit chances. Read the 2nd question you mentioned. The people there explain that when using 3d6 (or 2d10, though the effect is smaller) bonuses become much, much more meaningful. A high AC for a monster with d20 is an impossible one in 3d6.
Similarly, if a wizard is fighting lower-level mooks, there is no chance they will make their saving throws.
yeah that was my thought, basically you can't throw high lvl monsters at a party and expect them to ever hit
basically it becomes like an MMO where youll just die if you go somewhere you're not a high enough level for
It's not just that. The CRs are determined using a standard d20. If you change to 3d6, they can be seriously skewed. I don't know if I'll be able to tell how good this monster is relative to the party.
oh most def
Of course that assumes your CRs are on-target to begin with
whats prompting you to think about changing dice?
Yami: That's a good point... they do provide some indication, though.
I don't suppose any of you are experts at Star Wars Sagas?
@JoshuaAslanSmith, I've sort of never liked the d20 roll. It reduces the importance of character skill.
It seems too much of a bother to switch, when I voice my concerns aloud, though. Seems like it's just better to switch to a different game, lol
ah yes definitely
its too core to D&D for literally everything
@GregRos have you read goblin dice?
@waxeagle Goblin dice?
Yesterday I had the shortest combat I've ever been involved in :D I barely had the books open to the right section and we were done
@Yamikuronue very nice!
I'm definitely interested in how Next's combat is going to work in the space of a larger campaign.
I'm tentatively planning on theater of the mind for minor battles and grids for medium to major ones
Later when I skipped off for a bit to move laundry my players got into a heated discussion about how the system sucks because they're way too OP at level 1 XD Each of two PCs killed 2 of the 4 enemies each on their turn.
are you new to the system?
Yeah. We're reviving my old idea about doing a campaign involving virtual realities so we can test out a bunch of new systems and see what we like
I used a published module though
I suspect it was meant to be a curb stomp...
@waxeagle thanks, that was an interesting read.
CR1 vs a party of 3 level 1 characters seems like it should last longer than a round but hey, what do I know
@waxeagle have you tried it?
@GregRos np. A lot to like there (the author hangs out here btw, he's a cool guy). His answer to the problem your trying to solve is "roll more dice" I like it
@GregRos ran a couple of sessions during the playtest mostly theater of the mind or mildly gridded
was a challenge for me and my group as we're all devoted 4eites right now
like the simplicity of it (don't know if I'll like all the design decisions), but it's got some cool bits
planning on gathering a new group for this as running non-main games for my normal group is a bit of a challenge (too much "blow off steam" mindset from the players)
I sort of like that they actually DID remove most of the broken spells (from what I've seen of the material), unlike some... other... revisions.
ack why were all the stars 4 hours ago
@Metool that's usually BESW's bedtime (and his hour or two overlap with the US east crowd)
(and Hobbs is in a similar TZ to BESW)
[twitch] someone or other starred three messages in a row
note to self: remember new bottle of sriracha for desk tomorrow.
I mean Ill probably run 5e all grid all the time if theres a hint of combat
but Ill probably dungeon world it for exploration
@Metool 1pm, GMT, that's where all the stars are awarded.
@lisardggY Indeed.
Today the Readers in the Stars selected @JonathanHobbs to be their anointed, showering him with the benediction of the heavens.
Q: Tag fix request: [mastersummoner] to [master-summoner]

SevenSidedDieThis question has the tag mastersummoner, which should be master-summoner per the guidelines that spaces should appears as dashes in tag names. Seems stupid to ask a mod for something so simple, but the site won't let me fix this tag: You are attempting to create the tag [master-summoner]; h...

Daily vote limit reached.
solid :)
Say anyone here watch hunter x hunter?
Horde of the Dragon Queen goes to press today!
@Aaron Not seen that yet. Why?
@Metool I was thinking of building one of the characters in pathfinder.
@Metool Also if you enjoy anime I would highly recommend hunter x hunter. I thought it was going to be a silly anime but the character design and everything is just insane. It quickly became my favorite anime and it only gets better the more you watch it.
I marathoned the 100 something episodes that were out in around one weekend.
@Metool I starred the middle one and found interesting three different people were interested in three different parts of what he said. It says something about the variety of mankind, I guess.
@waxeagle Dragon Queen eh? think I need to go visit her, lol
@waxeagle nice
@trogdor both of the announced adventures so far as dragon centric :)
yeah, I noticed that bieng mentioned here earlier
by you, in fact, if I remember correctly
yeah...I'm a bit hyper about this
dragons are very exciting
Riding the hype train all day every day
anyone played quarriors? Looks like wizkids is doing a D&D flavored version of it
I have played quarriors a few times
looks intriguing. I'm playing an IOS game that I'm thinking is rather similar
I dont actually know what wizkidz is
@JoshuaAslanSmith they're the company that makes PF and now wizard's prepaints, also the manufacturer of Heroclix
okay gotcha
quarriors is quite good
probably the best dice based game Ive ever played
its basically a deck building game except you build dice pools an dyou each get a pouch
Have you ever played ascension?
well then
quarriors has everyone start with the same dice pool
then you take 5 dice out of your pouch a round on your turn and roll them
used dice sit in a discard pile until you've drawn on the dice in your bag and then they go in
dice can be used to attack, as energy to cast spells, as victory points, and to buy other, better dice
have you played dominion? @waxeagle
@JoshuaAslanSmith yeah, I've got that one on my shelf, played a good bit
its very very similar to that
except dice based and sillier
seems like :)
reading slightly further, looks like Wizkids has a line of games called "dice masters" which is what the D&D line is under...can't get to the site for it though...they currently have a Marvel version out
same designer though
but with a CCGish element to it
buy base game, add random boosters :(
2 hours later…
@lisardggY \o/ i am pleasantly surprised all those fate messages got starred
@JonathanHobbs What do you think?
> Daily vote limit reached; vote again in 27 minutes.
@Metool Hm? Of what in particular??
@Metool Oh wow. I still haven't hit the vote limit on any day myself, haha.
@JonathanHobbs The armour dealybit.
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