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@waxeagle Comes out at midnight, no?
@GPierce no, that was last week
my wife has been sitting here reading the end of it
@waxeagle Ah, I still need to finish the first one. I've had the series for 10 years and never read it.
@GPierce I am about 2/3 of the way through the first one
@waxeagle I got about half way through before I got busy (and distracted..)
gotcha, its a good read, but I can understand getting distracted by it
*from it.
@waxeagle A fantastic read. But I'm all about intrigue and politics done right
hmmm, it's hard to DM when half the players don't show up
@CRoss Amen to that.
@GPierce Its a serious page turner as far as I'm concerned, but I am reading it pretty quick as I saw the show so I know the plot for the most part
@CRoss do you guys have a backup plan in case of lack of players?
@waxeagle They were one combat away from some city exploration, so I mucked through that combat, then let them roam Sharn for most of the session
but one guy hasn't shown up twice in a row now. I might need to be recruiting a new player(s)
pretty good session with the two people I thought
lot of setting exposition
anyway, night y'all
@CRoss night
@CRoss Sucks to hear that, but also cool you salvaged it and had a good time. I loathe with passion people who don't even bother to call or text that they won't be there. (We've got one of 'em in my group..)
@waxeagle I thought so too. I didn't want to put it down. The only places I got slowed down was when it was from Eddard's wife's perspective.
@GPierce yeah, I can see how that is.
The series is interesting, and I think it gets more so as you get more into the intrigue and realize that all of the narrators are imperfect and untrustworthy
4 hours later…
Q: Handling different, bordering cultural levels in Ravenloft

OpaCitiZenHow do you as a DM handle the transition/interaction between differing cultural level domains that live alongside (practically bordering, thanks to the Mists) one another in Ravenloft (any edition)? I mean, for example, how do you make traveling from "Renaissance France" to "Medieval Germany" no...

4 hours later…
Q: Do you know a good sound effect library?

SardathrionDoes anyone know of any free/Creative Commons sound effect library? I would be willing to pay for it as well but only if it comes highly recommended. In particular, I am looking at gun shots, renaissance combat, weather (rain and storms), and nature effects (forests). I plan to use two MP3 pl...

Q: Asking for one media is fine, another not so much...

SardathrionDo you know a good sound effect library? vs Where can I find artwork for my games? So, asking for pictures is fine, asking for sound is not... Why? From the FAQ, I believe that my question fits "Tools and equipment used while playing table-top RPGs" and "Techniques for running or playing RPGs"...

I like "let me google that for you"
it's... nice and snarky, but not quite over the line.
@BrianBallsunStanton agreed, and just about the perfect answer. Also maybe his other question is off topic too?
well, I responded in meta.
basically using the idea of standing and due-diligence.
the artwork answer has... some standing because of the "structure adventure around it"
but I did VtC
and it's a much tricker domain.
but, yeah. ::mutter::
pious winging on meta is...
oooh! a new person!
hello mathy person!
Welcome! We don't flense newcomers that often...
indeed we don't
also, your two questions over on math... are... fascinating...
@BrianBallsunStanton I'm actually starting to get a bit frustrated with that particular user, half his qs are closed and none of his answers have been good
well, the heat equation one
@waxeagle ayep!
but yeah, welcome muchly @onlybluemoon
do you game at all?
@BrianBallsunStanton tries to remember enough math to actually read the heat eq pdf
hahaha, no, I failed my INT roll on that one. I do relational algebra, not calc.
Thank you.
calc has ... never really clicked in my mind.
@BrianBallsunStanton I took 3 semesters of calc, and this is still greek to me
Hi, in this room, what should people talk about?
@onlybluemoon we typically talk about table top RPG games. However our typical conversation is rather broad
Ayep. We also gripe about our meta here, wish for more users, etc...
... wow, our info is ... uh, lacking
@cross Can we get a better room info please? "general discussion" doesn't... uh, mean anything?
haven't noticed that before.
why I have never heard about RPG games and meta ?
it should read something like "General discussion about Role-Playing games and the woes thereof."
Well, meta is because you're a 20 rep user :)
Meta is the stack-exchange's self-reflexive side, talking about the stack rather than answering topical questions
Role-Playing Games are a fairly specialized hobby...
Lets see here. As a kid, did you ever play "Cops and Robbers?"
Or tell stories around a campfire?
Or, for that matter, make armies out of legos and fight your friends?
(trying to zero in on which shared cultural influences we have)
haha, Yes, I played Cops and Robbers when I was a kid.
Awesome :)
A RPG is fundamentally like Cops and Robbers.
except that we have frameworks in place so that the "I shoot you! "No you didn't!" ... is reduced.
oh, Who are the people in this forum , mathematics?
and that we can explore rather more varied vistas of imagination.
No, we're gamers :)
let me go find the math room for you :)
@onlybluemoon Ive got it. This is the one you want chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/36/mathematics


Associated with Math.SE; for both general discussion & math qu...
No, It is ok
Mine turns into a neat box, @wax :)
you're certainly welcome here, though.
@BrianBallsunStanton I know it. those single line links are so pretty
Thank you.
@onlybluemoon indeed no desire to drive you away. BBS and I often engage in applied stats discussions :)
RPGing is, in many ways, telling a shared story and exploring the same kind of ludic space that "Cops and Robbers" explores.
though not all of us actually run around hitting each other with nerfbats...
@BrianBallsunStanton just the Larpers :)
LARPing is "live action role-playing"
wherin people dress up and act out their character's actions
most RPGing is done around a table with verbal description substituting for action.
@wax eagle, I try to understand you, haha.
(ugh, that map question is making me twitch)
@BrianBallsunStanton I haven't looked at it yet. I was sick yesterday
@waxeagle don't bother.
@BrianBallsunStanton I think at this point we may be upvoting out of habit more than quality... This is yet another only tagentially related to gaming question
@waxeagle ayep.
mind you, it does have standing
"what tool should I use to make maps" is a good question
of course, the answer is "a map-making tool"
but, y'know, with links.
but I'm dwelling in CBF land right now, cause I've got an intercontinental move on monday.
@BrianBallsunStanton CBF? are you heading back to NY or somewhere else?
cannot be... uh, fudged?
Hawaii, unfortunately.
@BrianBallsunStanton another strange TZ for you. Whats in HI?
Q: Any tips for drawing dungeon maps using Inkscape or similar software?

NumeneticsAs stated. I tried a few specialized mapping tools, but I feel like I'll be happiest just using Inkscape (an open source vector drawing tool). I'm still working on getting an efficient system down for it, though, and would definitely appreciate any tips.

@BrianBallsunStanton is that close enough to the GIMP question that we can VTC as dupe?
ugh, but it's a CW
@BrianBallsunStanton i know it, i'm still searching for one that covers the existing q
okay, technically, the "city-specific plugins for gimp" is a valid question with standing.
Q: What's the best software for mapmaking?

GameDaddyI use paint.net and paint shop pro to create fantasy cartography. Is there any better software, and why?

it's just... uh, "no"
mmm, no, not a dupe
subset and the mapmaking question is better, but not a dupe
@BrianBallsunStanton yeah, when the answer is "your using the wrong tool" or "there isn't one" then its not a great question
room topic changed to The Game Table: General RolePlaying game chat. DIscuss your recent games, things on the site, and topics of shared interest.
er, ... I think we have a - in RPing, for some reason.
and DIscuss.
but yeah, shiny.
woah, We're Role-playing games? That's silly.
also 'allo :)
I seem to be using apostrophes today.
and damp Sydney days make me grumpy.
@CRoss indeed good morning CRoss
and thats the second time i've misdirected a reply... been a long week and its only tuesday
@BrianBallsunStanton yeah, yeah :-)
@CRoss no worries, mate :)
room topic changed to The Game Table: General Role-Playing games chat (the kind you play at a table). Discuss your recent games, things on the site, and topics of shared interest.
also clarified for all the computer RPG types
meeting now, later y'all
@CRoss ciao
@CRoss cheers :)
this might be the best reason for gold accumulation in D&D ive seen "carve their faces on a mountainside visible from a major city they were banned from, Mount Rushmore-style. "
@BrianBallsunStanton Did you see that Borders has gone belly up?
can't say I'm too surprised, though
@BrianBallsunStanton yeah they dropped the ball and didn't have anything digital when B&N released the nook and Amazon had the kindle
@BrianBallsunStanton plus the nuked their online market share years ago by selling through amazon
@BrianBallsunStanton anyways, its apparently being heralded as a "sign of the times" "dawn of the real digital age" etc...
oh FFS
urgh, updating my iphone is such a pain!
@BrianBallsunStanton I wish I felt your pain...still a dumb phone for me :(
well, I use it as an ebook reader.
@BrianBallsunStanton gotcha. kindle app? or Apple's book reader thingy?
iphone :)
and Stanza :)
I've been doing this for a decade. I don't trust new-fangled "ebook stores"
my gorram bits.
@BrianBallsunStanton thats a nice looking app.
@BrianBallsunStanton I get that, I bought the wife a kindle so she has been picking up stuff gradually, mostly Gutenberg project stuff, but every now and then she will buy something
@BrianBallsunStanton Ah so you are a Luddite? Don't trust technology? There is some irony there, of that I'm sure!
@GPierce I'm an IT professional. "Trusting" technology would be silly
So, has anyone watched the trailer for John Carter of Mars?
@BrianBallsunStanton Hmmm, irony and logic. It hurts my brain.
I've got the methods I've evolved over the last decade to get bookz, and well, I'll take those over device-locked silliness any-day.
Jesus, is it just me or does Sard ask crap questions?
not you. Scroll up.
@GPierce crap questions, crap answers. He has one q with 15 votes and I'm not sure that one is even really on topic. All of his other contributions are borderline at best
I'm interested in who's favoriting all his questions
cause 6/6 favorites... strikes me as... highly suspicious.
@BrianBallsunStanton I agree.
@BrianBallsunStanton I would assume the first one is him.
And I noticed the favoriting, too and was confused
wait, you can self fav?
that's... so... silly.
I would also bet he is the vtr on the closed question
wow, you can.
that's... depressing.
I also enjoy the meta q he posed. It's quite... "Mooooom!!! They're pickin' on me!"
"I know nothing of Apocalypse World but some things hold true for all post-apocalyptic settings: resources are rare. To have a resource gives you power. There's always "lost" technology/stuff to find. And, of course, defeating gangs of cannibalistic mutated punks. Try to answer the question: If I were watching a TV series/film or reading a book about my character, what would I love her/he to do? Save the world? Create a new oasis of peace? Be the Lone Gunman?"
do I want a non-even number rep for a downvote of that?
@BrianBallsunStanton Yes, yes you do. This: "I know nothing of AW.." alone is enough to downvote.
but... but...
The admittance of not knowing about a system isn't bad. Answering a question about a system you know nothing about? BAD
Also, the cannibalism line just.. is bad. He acts like that is universal to P-A settings...
@BrianBallsunStanton you should be even again :)
on the other hand, now I'm looking at his other answers
@BrianBallsunStanton is it wrong to systematically downvote a user?
His answer on the artwork q is just bad too
where is the AW q? Link?
It's wrong to downvote without cause.
On the other hand...
I've done user audits before, up/downvoting all their stuff.
@BrianBallsunStanton Who said anything about downvoting w/o a cause? If it's bad.. downvote
Q: What should I look out for during my first game of Apocalypse World?

CatichkaI am coming close to playing my first ever game of Apocalypse world. This will mark my first post-apocalypse based RP, and will see me trying to transition from a combat heavy D&D 4e background into whatever this game ends up being =) Are there any hints more experienced players might have, ...

@GPierce exactly
@GPierce fair enough,
That is the purpose of a DV afterall...
and to be fair, there are some answers I'm not downvoting
anyone seen @dpatchery lately"?
like the eclpise phase question. I don't know enough
@BrianBallsunStanton I'd say that's fair
@BrianBallsunStanton except that his answer contradicts the one given by the game author on that one :)
@waxeagle Not since before the weekend
@waxeagle Well.. that's hilarious!
@waxeagle weelllll, that's not actually enough for me to downvote :)
but it is hilarious
urgh, just not touching that question.
bad question deserves bad answers.
A: What makes a good pitch for a new game?

SardathrionThe pitch needs to be different is you are presenting to friends, potential players, writers, artists, publishers and bank managers. But the main advise I can give you is be to point and grab their attention. The Dresden RPG does not need a snappy pitch. If you're looking at it, chances are y...

@BrianBallsunStanton Wow. That is completely subjective.
wow, an actual constructive answer!
(his identify a city answer)
Brian, you are nicer than I am with your explanation for the -1
@GPierce Eh, I have to be a "roll model" I feel.
and yeah, if I'm going to do a user-audit, my -1s deserve comment.
@BrianBallsunStanton Good point
@BrianBallsunStanton I should probably do the same if I dv anything in the future...
@BrianBallsunStanton edited so it actually makes sense
@GPierce strongly recommend.
a -1 without comment is kinda worthless
@GPierce always a good call to leave a comment with a dv
@BrianBallsunStanton I do it about half of the time. But really should do it more often (not that I DV often at all..)
@waxeagle nono, the Q to his A is... silly. doesn't indicate scope and it's from a user who threw a major hissy fit.
mmm, and an accepted answer gets me back to a round number.
@BrianBallsunStanton It's still a bad answer to a bad question
I can't believe how obsessive I am over my rep.
@waxeagle That said, the edit is better, but you can't salvage crap..
anyways, g'night you two.
@BrianBallsunStanton terrible question. There is a nugget of a good question in there if it was "How do I try to introduce a new game to my group" but that is so highly subjective that I don't think its a good q
@BrianBallsunStanton Night man!
@BrianBallsunStanton g'night enjoy your last week down under!
@waxeagle Exactly
@waxeagle oh, "how do I try to sell my group on a game" is a fantastic question
Is good subjective, has standing, has utility.
... Has anyone ever been caught operating two accounts and upvoting one's self?
Because I'm beginning to wonder...
@GPierce I'm sure of it. Although typically multi accounts are used to evade a suspension. I don't know of a specific case of what you are talking about.
@waxeagle Just reading some of the Q and As makes me wonder.
@GPierce one of the Diamond tools is a suspicous voting patern tool. I don't know what it does at this point because gardening isn't big enough for it to tell me much, but I assume it will look for users who have only upvoted questions from a specific user
@waxeagle Ahhh, that would make sense
@waxeagle Have you seen the John Carter of Mars trailer?
1 hour later…
@GPierce no I haven't
1 hour later…
@GPierce just had a chance to pull it up. Looks very interesting. I look forward to seeing more of it
@GPierce I don't know how I feel about that
Saw it the other day on YouTube
@CRoss @GPierce have either of you read the original source material for it?
@waxeagle no, but did read the wikipedia page on it
@CRoss same here, I wasn't sure if it was original material or not.
@waxeagle Yes, Burroughs is a fantastic author and the John Carter stories are seminal sci-fi!
@GPierce good to know, I was kicking around trying to pick one up
@waxeagle You can find the first book, Princess of Mars easily and cheaply in paperback at most book stores. It's really good stuff. He also created Tarzan and those are also fun and fantastic.
@GPierce I knew I knew the author's name from somewhere, I still haven't read him. But the name was plenty familiar. I will see if I can find it
Burroughs, Howard, and Lovecraft as some of my all-time favorite authors, all seminal in their respective fictions. Howard and Lovecraft were contemporaries and friends who used to send stories to each other. If you read some of Howard's Conan you can see the Lovecraftian influence on his writing.
@GPierce Lovecraft has been on my "read when I get a chance" list for a while not, but I haven't gotten to him
I read to darn slow
@waxeagle I have a bookshelf filled with that classification
After I finish Game I am going to read Something Wicked this way comes and maybe Farenheit 451
@GPierce my gosh if I grabbed just the sci fi I bought thinking "ill read this when I get a chance" I would have 2 full boxes of books
@waxeagle Bradbury.. YES. Both are fantastic, make sure you throw in his Martian Chronicles for good measure. (It's as short as the two novels you've mentioned)
@GPierce good deal, will grab it next time I am in our used book store
The good thing about Bradbury is that you get amazing quality in fewer pages. It's condensed awesomeness.
@GPierce good deal, I have heard good things about him and I am excited to get into them, I just don't want to start another book without finishing my current
@waxeagle Totally understandable. I'm shocked you have not read Fahrenheit 451, it was required reading for me back in the days of middle school.
@GPierce homeschooled...
until highschool
@waxeagle Ah, I'm sorry.
@waxeagle Not meaning to offend with the "sorry." I just knew too many people who did that and suffered socially for it.
@GPierce its true, a lot of folks do. thankfully I was fairly well developed between church and outside activities (lots of sports and stuff)
"Suffered socially" as in didn't know how to interact with people. Couldn't speak publiclyetc,
@GPierce yeah, not uncommon. Unfortunately some people confuse homeschooling with "removing your child from society at large"
@waxeagle Ah, got ya. One of my best friends growing up was home-schooled and hated his life for the first few years of high school
@waxeagle Haha, true, true
@waxeagle Unfortunately for the people I knew it was the latter
@GPierce that sucks. I had a very good highschool experience, I knew some of the kids from church I had been around a bunch of the rest because my dad had taught at the school for years and I was the ball boy for the soccer team
@waxeagle Well, that's awesome you had a good (and very different) experience. Sounds like your parents did it right
@GPierce They did their best, it wasn't perfect, but it was overall a pretty good experience. I got an incredibly good math/science base and a less good English/history base. Part of that was just me though
@waxeagle If you don't mind me asking, how come they wanted to home-school you? Especially if your father was a teacher?
@GPierce Well, he wasn't a teacher at first. They didn't want to send us to public school and they couldn't afford private school.
@waxeagle Ah, simple enough reason!
After my dad became a teacher they waited a couple of years because we had a good thing going.
Then it got complicated, we were leaving the country and they didn't know what school would look like, but they knew we wouldn't be homeschooling anymore, so they went ahead and had us go to school for a couple of years before we had to jump into one in a new place
@waxeagle That's cool and makes sense.
"Leaving the country?" Did you live abroad?
@GPierce I did, Costa Rica for a year and Ecaudor for a year and a half
@waxeagle That sounds awesome! Talk about life experience!
@GPierce It was pretty darn good. Costa Rica was the best year of my life hands down. The high school I went to was incredible and I had a blast. Ecuador was good too although I was a lot more isolated because it was my senior year and my options were homeschool over the net and Ecuadorian school and I took the home option.
But I stuck around for a while after highschool and helped with some english clubs at local universities and some other ESL stuff, it was a very good experience overall, even though I realize now I could have made a lot better use of my time there.
I assume your spanish is pretty good
@GPierce decent, another case of not taking full advantage of my opportunities. My 3 younger sisters that went to spanish speaking schools all speak perfect spanish...
@waxeagle That sounds really cool and a great way to immerse one's self
@GPierce doesn't hurt that I hear it every day at work now, and even speak a bit with my 2 coworkers...
@waxeagle I bet not
I have a less useful language knowledge, at least for the US
@GPierce yeah, spanish is sort of becoming a life skill here
Though, German is the 5th most spoken language in the US, oddly enough
@GPierce interesting. English, Spanish, Chinese, French, German?
wow that was a guess and wikipedia says im right as of 2000 :)
@waxeagle Yup, that's it
I hate the internet, btw
@GPierce we have our good days and our bad days :)
@waxeagle Also, it's a huge pain trying to get anything off of my old laptop when the screen doesn't work. Hooking it up to the big tv is awesome and all, but seriously...
@GPierce lol yeah. Next time you have it hooked up to the TV, make your C drive shared on your network, then all you have to do it turn it on, then you can get files off of it
@waxeagle We have a home network set up, but my old Vista laptop doesn't like sharing.. or networks..
@GPierce ick, my wife's vista laptop doesn't play nice with our network either...connection keeps dropping
@waxeagle We'll set it up, reset the computer as per instructions, and then all of our work is gone. If we don't reset it, it doesn't work anyways, so we gave up awhile back.
And I hardly use it anyhow
My Windows 7 netbook loves sharing and networks, though
And our two old XP desktops enjoy it too.
@GPierce I haven't spent much time trying to share things on networks honestly. Dropbox or a thumb drive have been more reliable for me
@waxeagle That's pretty much what I use
@GPierce neither is much good when your screen is dead though
@GPierce any chance your U is chucking an old monitor that you could snag?
@waxeagle Long, busy weekend. Long, busy work week.
@dpatchery gotcha, just hadn't seen you in a bit wanted to make sure you were still alive and kicking
@waxeagle I just failed my 100 day badge. was at 50 and didn't get a chance to login yesterday :(
@dpatchery darn, that stinks
@dpatchery Ah man, sorry to hear it
@waxeagle I'm planning on sharing the monitor from my dinosaur desktop machine with my lappy
@dpatchery somehow I am back down to 17...I have 24 atm on gardening
@GPierce that will work
@waxeagle for consecutive?
@waxeagle, @GPierce signing off now. just wanted to pop in and say hey
@waxeagle Yeah, figured I already have it, so might as well actually use it
@dpatchery Have a good one!
@dpatchery glad to see you.
@GPierce yep
@GPierce speaking of which, I think its time to get my desktop back up an running :)
@waxeagle I like my dinosaur a lot. It still works fine, granted, I do reformat the sucker once a year
@GPierce Mine's not so much a dinosaur as a fighter jet...loud and powerful, it just doesn't have an OS atm...
@waxeagle ubuntu that fighter jet!
@waxeagle easy/free = perfect
@GPierce I could, but 2 things, one don't know about hardware capabilities 2 games :)
@waxeagle Ahhhh
@GPierce thats what my netbook is running. Easy Peasy flavor
@GPierce + character builder
@waxeagle I'm pretty sure ubuntu can run a windows emu, but I could be wrong. That's why I just use windows. It's easier than fiddling with emus!
@GPierce exactly
Whew, finally done with the laptop
Again, hooking it up to the huge living room tv is nice but seriously annoying.
@GPierce yeah, is the TV at least high def? even if it is that screen size is really not suited to anything involving file ops
@waxeagle Yeah, it's hi-def. It is not suited to play games on
@GPierce Have you looked at BBS's play logs for his pbw game that he ran?
@waxeagle I glanced at them awhile back (around when I first discovered the site)
I think PbW is perfect for online play. My only concern is battlemat issues.
Also, I think group character creation is a good idea, though I'm unsure how to implement that
@GPierce me neither on char creation
@GPierce If you can do a google spreadsheet with colors it would perfect
@waxeagle That's what I was thinking
@GPierce they used coordinates on a map. I will have to see if he posted a link to it
@waxeagle Hmmm. That's one way to do it, for sure
I have started writing up the adventure. I went ahead and set it in my take of the Nentir Vale generic setting.
@GPierce I don't see the map posted. We can ask him next time we see him for an example of what he used
@GPierce Works for me, I'm already mostly familiar with the setting
I figured slight continuity with the mega-dungeon I'm building in the custom-nentir vale would be funny, at least to me. (but also helps me flesh out my version of it for the mega-dungeon I'm building in my spare time)
Wow, way to go me on redundancy
@GPierce that works for me. I am pretty laizze-faire on the whole thing, I haven't done it before and am mostly along for the ride
@waxeagle Thus far I've created the City of Redmere. It's a highly religious city comprised mainly of a Temple District and some guild halls. Redmere lies due east of Fallcrest along the Trade Road and about 70 miles southeast from the City of Fallen Sigil.
In my setting Sigil collapsed and no one knows why. Half of the city merged with the material plane north of Fallcrest. When Sigil fell during the Collapse all planar travel became impossible and all attempts to travel through the planes became illegal and punishable by death. The Nentir Vale is ruled by the Nentir Empire, which united several of the communities in the region for protection and economic gain.
@GPierce interesting
Fallen Sigil has become a major metropolitan hot spot and a cultural center for the new Nentir Empire. Whereas Redmere serves as the Empires religious community and hosts many pilgrimages.
Essentially because of the existence of Fallen Sigil, it opens up all races as playable.
@GPierce they were able to travel and now they are stuck?
@waxeagle They were in Sigil when it fell and have since populated the world.
Rough timeline is that Sigil fell a century prior
@GPierce Gotcha. How long ago did Sigil fall? are we talking 10 years, 100 years, 1000 years?
@waxeagle I feel like this way the world has had time to adapt to it and it's fairly commonplace to see any race walking about in any city.
@GPierce yup, its about the perfect time frame for things to adjust to a new normal. still some prejudices etc, but things are fairly balanced at that point
@waxeagle Precisely.
@GPierce note that its about how long it took the US to have a real civil rights movement after the civil war
@waxeagle Good fluff-justification for playable monster races that don't get lynched when entering cities!
(and I only just made that connection in my head)
@waxeagle This is essentially true. Though there was some minor movement during the Reconstruction Era (some places more than others..)
@GPierce yeah, not exactly sure how folks in the current Nentir vale setting would feel about our party walking around with a shardmind...or previously a Drow...
@waxeagle Haha, probably not kindly.. I imagine the as-written Nentir Vale to be slightly racist
Though, justifiably so, the setting is Points of Light after all and the world isn't exactly kind
@GPierce very true.
@GPierce When you are surrounded by monsters and demons you are definitely wary about new creatures
@waxeagle Alright man, I need to get off of here (and my butt) and go run. I'll talk to you later
@waxeagle Yeah, I imagine Gnolls are downright terrifying if you are a group of Human settlers in the middle of the wilderness
@GPierce seriously. Take care man.

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