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I'm currently having fun making up characters for the hell of it
and I just discovered the ratfolks - and how they can both be in the same square and be considered flanking an enemy
now I was wondering when two ratfolks share a medium sized mount they're in the same square but conceptually they can't be flanking the way I imagine they would on the ground

"Swarming: Ratfolk are used to living and fighting communally, and are adept at swarming foes for their own gain and their foes' detriment. Up to two ratfolk can share the same square at the same time. If two ratfolk in the same square attack the same foe, they are considered to be flanking that foe as if they were in two opposite squares."
any thoughts?
Not really--the system you're using wants to advocate realism and common sense intuition in order to resolve these things, but it's actually built as a mechanics-first procedural system with a thin realism enamel.
right, but that's where GM'ing comes in - would you allow this or is that cheese?
By putting two ratlings on a horse you've chipped the enamel, and now you have to decide: You can patch it up and use "common sense" to determine what is possible, but that opens you up to being persuaded to allow really silly things if the person who benefits from them is sufficiently eloquent; or you can rely on the mechanics, trusting that the developers know what they're doing in terms of system balance and when unrealistic are technically possible there's a good reason for it.
Neither of these is an acceptable policy, because I could name a half-dozen instances where the devs obviously have no idea what's best for their game; but if you rely on what "makes sense" instead of the on the mechanics, then ALL the d20 mechanics quickly get thrown out the window because none of them really make sense together.
I'm not sure I trust the developers on this one, as they have another conceptually exploitable rat trait: "Cornered Fury: Ratfolk can fight viciously when cut off from friends and allies. Whenever a ratfolk with this racial trait is reduced to half or fewer of his hit points, and has no conscious ally within 30 feet, he gains a +2 racial bonus on melee attack rolls and to Armor Class. This racial trait replaces swarming." A sniper hiding 30 ft away from his party is in no way "cornered".
Or make a rat berserker with earplugs and some kind of goggles that give a penalty to perception so he can't ever know if his friends are down, but instead has tunnel vision on the enemy in front. :D - after every successful battle he is so relieved and surprised when his friends are still alive... hahahha
So as a GM in 3.5 (which is sufficiently PF-like that I think this is still useful), my policy on "cheese" was: "Anything you can break, NPCs can break better. But they won't until you do."
@Julix Here's the thing about that kind of power: the mechanics don't say anything about being cornered.
Right, only the fluff does
The name of the power is not part of the rules which describe how the power works.
if I refluff it, it could be a rat that was always an outsider and doesn't like sharing with the other rats
or was distracted by the chaotic nature of rats behaviour - and thus works best a bit away from everyone else
"has no conscious ally within 30 feet" doesn't say anything about whether the rat knows if his allies are there. Which is silly given the apparent intent, but by the exact wording of the rules...
Every time a discussion like this about Pathfinder/3.5/etc comes up it reaffirms why I never touch any of them with a barge-pole :o)
@Phil :D
One reason I abandoned 3.5 is that the rules and mechanics are not carefully written, but the game encourages a culture of careful reading.
@BESW right - the berserker was the fluff interpretation - the sniper the mechanical one
Your group has to decide where they stand on two scales: Literal reading of the rules vs interpretive reading of the rules, and fluff influencing mechanics vs fluff divorced from mechanics.
I hate fluff divorced from mechanics - makes me feel like the world makes less sense... ;-)
Then I'm afraid you'll be increasingly miserable in your chosen system.
Hm... Wasn't it you that said "Besides, Pathfinder is the perfect system, it can do any kind of game you want unless your GM sucks. " I don't agree necessarily, just noticed it.
@Julix Yes. I was being facetious; there is NO system which can do anything you want, and the idea that a "good GM" can FORCE a system to do whatever you want is a disservice to GMs everywhere.
haha, part of me figured, since I had talked with you before :D
Context was discussing the question about doing a low-magic game in Pathfinder.
hahaha, yeah that is possible... but it'll take staying on your GM feet and not taking anything for granted. don't use encounter tables carelessly, or anything like that at all...
We get a lot of questions about how to modify big-name, high-sunk-cost, systems to do things which are so outside their purview that you wind up basically inventing a new system to nestle inside the gutted shell of your previous system.
But wouldn't it be cool if you could? :-P
@Julix More than that, it destroys basic assumptions about the game both mechanically and in terms of setting.
If pathfinder was just the operating system...
@Julix Not really. If you want to make a new system, just make a new system that doesn't have to kow-tow to the now-obsolete assumptions of a system that wasn't designed to do what you're after.
And if you don't want to invent a new system, just find a different game that does what you're looking for.
The trouble is, ANY system you use has a set of rules, and those rules are designed with a particular gaming experience in mind.
Otherwise you're taking the most painful parts of both options.
Some are more flexible than others, but even the most flexible will still favour a particular type of game
A truly good system will admit that there are kinds of experiences it can't effectively support, and tell you what its goals actually are.
@BESW this
We talked about that last time, how D&D can't admit it's nieche because they need people to wrongly assume that they're the best system for their needs, to keep up sales and not get shut down
and its incredibly frustrating
because you see many new people assume its the only way to roleplay, and then bounce off of it when they find it doesn't do what they want it to
My starred comment about Pathfinder is made in the voice of one of the poor souls who have been fooled by the system's deluded insistence (which it inherited from D&D and others games like GURPS) that it's not only possible to have a Single Unified RPG System, but that Pathfinder is that System.
Do you think a SUS RPG is possible?
Single Unified System.
single unified system
Absolutely not
Every design decision, every rule makes a decision about how a system will play, and implicitly favours certain types/aspects of play
If a SUS were possible, it'd be so diluted, so inane, that its virtue would be in its inability to support any particular kind of play, thereby freeing the players to play anything they wanted without hinderance.
IE, the SUS exists, and it is called "free-form RPG."
hahahah :-)
heh, you got there first
faster typer than me
@Phil You'll have the edge when I'm on my tablet.
I blame it being quarter to one in the morning :op
So to get around assumptions at the beginning of play when starting a campaign, could I call my game a free-form RPG inspired by pathfinder?
no, because that wouldn't be free-form really
and assumptions are necessary for being on the same page
a homebrew system based on pathfinder?
so its still effectively d20
that's a much better name. :-)
depends on just how many rules changes you're making I guess
and then whenever I make changes I'd have to be sure to document them so I can present the homebrew rules to newbies
Here's an idea that I should probably take into meta, but I'll run it past out here first.
why don't you just choose a different system that fits your needs better? O_o
much less work
much more fun
Would the following kind of question be acceptable for this site?
@Phil cause I don't know of any that are free
I've been pointed towards Legends and I got bored after a few paragraphs
is it d20?
I'm sure there are others but I can't recall them off hand
not even close
> My group used the Same Page Tool and came up with these answers: <insert answers here>. We have X number players, our sessions last about Y hours, and we like Z kind of genre for our games. What game system should we use?
@BESW Hmmmm
Really tough one

What kind of game is Fate?

Jul 24 '13 at 7:43, 22 minutes total – 43 messages, 5 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked Aug 26 '13 at 15:00 by BESW

how much would answers still be down to individual opinions about different systems?
Also, re: Fate being free-form:

An excerpt on Fate

May 27 '13 at 12:39, 3 minutes total – 11 messages, 3 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked May 27 '13 at 12:44 by Jonathan Hobbs

:D nice, thanks. - but you mentioned sunk cost. I've read so much stuff now on pathfinder rules... sunk costs are really high :D
but if the experience you are having sucks, then it may be a fair trade off
me? I'm more than happy with Savage Worlds where you can pick up the core rules for less than $10 :o)
@Julix Sunk cost is a fallacy. A massive black hole of a fallacy that I really do understand is hard to get out of, but a fallacy none-the-less. If Pathfinder isn't working, no further amount of dedication to it will recoup the sunk costs; it'll just add to the costs without reward.
The ultimate thing to ask is why do you roleplay? For me its a thing I do in my spare time to have fun, and if what I'm doing is not fun then something is seriously wrong.
@Phil I think that the SPT results would provide a solid 10+ bullet point list that the answers would have to objectively (and through personal experience) address.
@BESW That's a fair point
On further thought, I don't see that much difference between your SPT question and a well formed sys-rec
Because that's the weak point in the SPT, for me: "We've got this list of what we want, but now we have to dredge through hundreds of unsorted options to find what fits our list!"
Welp got S1 of Sherlock finished.
yeah. not used it myself, but I can see that being a problem
I actually sometimes enjoy the fluff/crunch issues in Pathfinder... while they're futile and pointless problems, resolving them somehow can be sort of entertaining... the arguing about evolution with a religious person kind of entertaining, but sometimes that's what I need... - for actually playing I never really run into problems ingame since the people I play with aren't munchkins and sofar I haven't let my munchkin side get into the game as GM
@Julix well then if you're having fun doing it then its cool :o)
@RedRiderX Good innit?
Oh yeah
This site is amazing.
There isn't too much on those sites but what is there is great.
@Julix Fair enough. Worth mentioning, though, that one thing I value about Fate is that its "stunts and extras" system lets each player define their own level of crunch independent of the other PCs and without significant disruption of the party's balance.
@Phil i'm sort of having fun with it, but also judging myself harshly for the waste-of-time nature of that fun ;-) especially when there's stuff I ought to be doing, and much more "effective" ways to entertain.
@Julix slaps @Julix on the wrist
@BESW whaaaat? that sounds amazing :O - so one player can be low crunch and another high?
If you're having fun then there's no waste of time :op
@Julix exactly
@Julix yup! Each player gets a set of "game currency" that can either be used to create his own crunch rules (with the input of the rest of the group), or he can keep it to spend in-game for bonuses and effects on the fly using the game's (very simple) core rules.
Massively flexible system, although its narrative driven nature is a poles apart from d20
there sort of is... what's the point of fun? -- the good kind satisfies. at the end you feel recharged, somehow. -- the bad just makes bad feelings go away by focusing you really hard, but when it's over then you're left with an empty feeling of something missing until you continue the behaviour :-P
However, Fate doesn't really support the "lonely play" that you seem to enjoy.
I don't ever really get around to lonely play - but having all this hard crunch at my finger tips allows for mind experiments like simulating a battle given certain situation+characters w/o players
I also find the rules give constraints that can give me a push creatively - but I really haven't given non-constraining games a fair chance
@Julix Fate has rules, but they just push the game in a different direction
actually I might use pathfinder to generate crazy characters etc. and fate to actually use them -- if I ever get around to using them. ---- I always feel so busy that I don't end up starting a game (despite having access to many potential players via a quite large university club), but then I feel RPG deprived so I end up wasting time thinking about RPGs - like with making that snake headed goblin character and the image for it
From 6th Ed. Call of Cthulhu:
> The purpose of horror roleplaying is to have a good time [...] Call of Cthulhu is a vehicle for alternately scaring and then reassuring players. [...] Whether or not investigators cooperate, players should. [...M]ost of the entertainment of roleplaying is in the perceivable ingenuity of players' roleplaying.
it's true! when running the We Be Goblins one shot, as a GM I really loved it when the players where being creative.
@Julix Do you play in any games rather than GM?
@Julix For me, creative players are the best to GM for
They suit my GM style perfectly
I used to, but it was a beginning GM and we caused one another quite a lot of stress
Maybe try running pre-written adventures to get you going?
Yeah, that's what I was doing as GM sofar, and enjoyed it
so you get in the habit of running games rather than just thinking about it
I have a block about running adventures I write. I find it really tough
I do run games, but sofar just one shots because I don't have committed players because I haven't advertized running campaign games because I keep thinking I'm too busy to be a committed GM
how often do you run games?
I've run WBG perhaps 3 times since summer
And how long do you spend thinking about running games and creating characters etc? :o)
In the last few weeks quite a lot. in the months before that barely at all
it's connected to my activity on rpg SE :-P
correlated anyways, when A then B
in that case, I can see why you're unsure whether you have the time to commit
maybe try a 3-4 session campaign to test the water?
it's not just as simple as "will I spend that time on RPG either way" - because if that is the case perhaps I ought to spend it on therapy or something instead, if I'm that compulsive :-P --- it's more about given the course load I have, and that I have other clubs with higher priority (like salsa dancing soo excited!) can I afford to?
ah, fair enough
also those clubs haven't started yet this semester, so it's fairly likely once they'll do my RPG mind will take a rest.
Another reason I moved away from D&D-type games is the out-of-session prep time it required.
I'll shut up then :o)
With my current life I'm much happier in low-prep games.
@BESW s'what I love about Savage Worlds
The only way it doesn't is if you're super comfortable with improvizing
low prep =/= improvising
@Phil Agreed.
you can force pathfinder to be low-prep effort, I think... but maybe only after a while (i.e. when you're already familiar with certain aspects) -- and at that point the sunk cost goes up ;-)
Well a pre-made module is less prep - but you still have to read it.
Improvising takes 0 prep
@Julix Low-prep only necessarily equates to improvising in high-fiddly-bits systems.
If that's too much then you want 0 prep :op
improv takes 0 - if you know what you're doing
In a system like Fate, I can make an NPC like this:
NPC creation seems to be the timesink for prep in a lot of games
Angry Goblin Peon
Good at (+2): Stabbing things, cowering subserviently
Bad at (-2): Improvising, keeping out of trouble
probably. - but it's also a part that I enjoy quite a bit (at least currently)
Add the default two boxes of mental stress, say three boxes of physical stress because I want him to stay in the game a little longer, and I'm done.
@BESW less than a few minutes for the crunch impressive
so are we all agreed that @Lord_Gareth smells? ;op
@Julix Because the crunch and the fluff are the same thing.
@BESW yeah, I noticed. - that does seem advantageous.
I want a stabby, cowardly, uninventive goblin who can't stay out of trouble, and that's what I get.
In D&D there's very few moments where it's the case that fluff=crunch, and in those moments it's not clear if it's on purpose or not :D
Oh, and the name, "Angry Goblin Peon," is also a mechanic.
high aspect
I can spend game currency to give him bonuses when being an angry goblin peon is useful for him, and the players can spend their currency to complicate his life when being an angry goblin peon isn't good for him.
oh yeah, one last aspect to my D&D fixedness is having played Baldur's Gate so much. --- However I just recently learned that D&D 2nd ed was more fluff focused, do you find that to be the case?
never played it I'm afraid
If he turns out to be important to the story (because the players make him important through their actions), I might add a stunt like "Because I am a snivelling coward, I get +2 to rolls whenever I'm trying to create an advantage which lets me hide."
@BESW haha, sweet. what kind of dice do you roll?
Fate dice :o) (seriously)
can be done with d6s as well though
@Julix I haven't played it, but my understanding is that it's "fluff-focused" in the sense that it doesn't really give much in the way of rules for a lot of situations, and expects the GM to improvise mechanics for the described scenario.
@Julix They're called Fudge dice. Special d6s: two sides have +, two sides have -, and two sides are blank.
see the selected answer
You always roll exactly four of them, and you add the results together to get a total between +4 and -4.
Q: What can I use in place of Fudge Dice?

John FialaIf someone doesn't have any fudge dice, what are the best methods to replace them and why? Term: Fudge Dice are six sided dice with two sides labeled with a +, two sides with a -, and two sides that are blank. They are usually rolled in groups of four, and the + and - sides are added together t...

(But the result is usually between +1 and -1, and hardly ever actually hits the fours, so the modifier on your roll is alway important.)
hehe, so not rock paper sisors, @Phil?
floor(d6/2 - 2) :)
that too
alright, I might look into fate. thanks for the recommendation! :-)
This AnyDice formula lets you examine the bell curve.
And this script makes d6s in the Fate chat room look like Fudge dice.
okay, guys... what the fuck
Q: Can deaf people play RPG?

Yannis DranAs a deaf person, I guess that I can't play RPG but I am not sure, as I have never played one. Generally speaking, I think there are two genres of RPG: Table RPG (such as D&D) and Performing RPG (such as games where players act like actors). Correct me if I am wrong. Deaf people cannot easily u...

I basically have two questions about this:
1. What the fuck?
2. What the fucking fuck?
Can you be a little more precise?
If a non-deaf person asked this question, I feel like it would be taken down in approximately 3 seconds for being a bigoted piece of trash
this is on "how is babby formed" levels of dumbness, I'm sorry
Welp, let that be a lesson to you: ignorance can look like bigotry, but it's very different.
its asking a practical question about a specific circumstance
It's a very reasonable question, honestly. "I don't know what RPGs are like, but I understand they involve a lot of rapid oral communication; is there a way a deaf person can be accommodated without ruining the experience for everyone?"
OK, I will rewrite the question into that then.
I actually think its a very good, interesting question
I agree with BESW and Phil here.
Very relevant. - Imagine a GM had a deaf sibling and wanted to invite him along to play an RPG, but wasn't sure how that would be possible, it's still just as good a question. Doesn't really matter who's asking. How is it possible to accommodate deaf players? -- there's a few answers in the other question
@JohnCraven How isn't it that question already?
There are a different number of words, the words used are different, and where the same words are used, they are used in a different order.
@JohnCraven may tactfully suggest you post on meta about your concerns?
Because if you make significant edits to that question I am likely to just roll them back :o)
most of all, people who come to the site would not see "can deaf people play RPGs" when they come in
what is wrong with the question 'can deaf people play RPGs?'
given the likely number of practical issues, I think its a perfectly reasonable thing to ask
@Phil totally!
I'll edit for style and clarity, but I'm not going to re-phrase the OP's question.
It's certainly a challenge at the table top
@Lord_Gareth you have personal experience?
I really liked our "blind RPG players" question from a couple years back.
@Phil Not with completely deaf people, but two of my players were deaf in opposite ears
Which made describing scenes and actions...
I bet table seating arrangements become rather important
Liiiiiittle bit
I do find the grammar of this person's post fascinating; I'm guessing that it reflects the omission of connective tissue in sign language.
one of my regular players has issues with vision in one eye, and you'd be amazed how that has to be taken into consideration
I have some experience with people who are deaf talking on the bus, so I can imagine a complete set of deaf players and GM - the whole game run in sign language... and it's awesome. - But of course when it's mixed and due to not knowing sign language that isn't an option running a game would be difficult. -- looking forward to possible solutions!
I don't have experience with deaf RPG players, but I've participated in fluent conversations between deaf and non-deaf people where one non-deaf person knew sign language and acted as interpreter both ways.
I used to work with accessibility in a college for the physically disabled, and the whole area fascinates me
@BESW that would work of course, if you have a good translator - and the rest of the group accomodates appropriately by not going too fast, or talking over one another
@Julix Which groups shouldn't do anyway. Whenever my group got bigger than four players, I brought a stuffed animal to the table; if people were having trouble taking turns talking, the Hedgehog of Discourse was doled out. Only the player with the Hedgehog could talk.
@BESW brilliant :oD
(Stuffed animals can be thrown around without injuring players or breaking things.)
@BESW We used a Nerf revolver for this
And shot people who would not shut the hell up
People who wouldn't stay in character had ice water poured on them at random intervals
I must rule with an iron fist or something when I GM then, coz I don't tend to have that problem
I didn't want to encourage assault; the table got rowdy enough already.
@Phil It was usually only a problem when the group hit 7+.
Ah, I max out at 5
refuse to go any higher
Nothing like watching a big fat guy get freezing cold water get poured down his plumber's crack. He leaps up from the table screaming, "I'LL STAY IC! I'LL STAY IC!" while he prances up and down in an effort to shake the ice cubes down his pant legs.
I want to add a line to the deaf-players question. It's something he's not asking for specifically but which the answers are addressing and I think it's important.
"Are accommodations necessary, and how much does it change the game?"
I approve.
It highly depends on the system being used, the other players etc.
Isn't that already implied in what's written though?
to the subject line, please
or even morph it into "what accommodations are necessary to RPG with deaf people?"
anyways, I'll leave you to argue over this - bed time
nn all
@JohnCraven I'm usually very sensitive about this kind of thing, but I don't think it's necessary in this case --or even appropriate. The subject line is more accurate to the question than most titles we get, and all the answers are "yes."
the phrasing of the question implies that "no" is a possible answer
and all of the questions don't so much answer "yes" but "absolutely, but...", which implies that they're answering a different question
....yes, otherwise the person wouldn't have had to ask the question.
That's why I added the elaboration to the body the question.
But the title of a question is never expected to be the complete question.
@Lord_Gareth Meta Awareness: Because I am Deadpool, I can spend a Fate point to know something that my player knows, whether it makes sense for me to know it in game or not.
@BESW ...Take me in a manly way.
@BESW that is a cute solution and an acute solution
@BESW So, I think Same Page Tool isn't a system-picking tool. Only like 2-3 of the questions really have much to do with system choices as opposed to just how you drift/tailor the system. E.g. any answer to "How cohesive is the group?" is probably fine for a game of Burning Wheel or Sorcerer. Or you can play AD&D with any of the answers to "How important is survival?"
SPT doesn't really ask questions like "Do you prefer straight-up fictional positioning or abstract meta resources?
(E.g. we could sit down and come to agreement about all of our SPT answers, and on the face of it they'd be just fine for Fate, but Fate would continually rub me the wrong way anyway.)
@AlexP I agree, it's just a tool for getting people to understand how each other are thinking, right?
(That and introducing them to the idea that not everyone is playing the same game in their minds)
Heh, random upvotes for an M:tG question that I forgot I even asked. Like, years ago
And suddenly comment wars int he answers.
@Lord_Gareth Naw, those are old. Feb '13/
Unless you mean a different Magic question.
2 hours later…
Entirely off-topic for the chat, but discusses language and contexts in a manner similar to @BESW: Such DFW. Very Orwell. So Doge. Wow.
Good Morning.
I return!
from my system reinstall.
I need more userscripts.
@AlexP Point. I will think about this and generate a question about it.
@Magician I am amused that article made you think of me.
@Lord_Gareth ah yes, Cuthulu Saves The World, that is a great looking game
haven't played it, but it looks good
So I was reading through the "rules of hidden club" for stealth/targeting/etc in D&D4e, and it mentions total concealment and invisibility being basically the same thing (which, okay, seems reasonable).
But is there a situational penalty for melee or ranged attacks against a target that is invisible?
Is it the same as no line of sight?
is there a meta.chat.se?
@Metool Is there a meta.meta.chat.se ? :P
Surely after the second application the "meta" prefix is just the identity operation...
@Magician I think that article's author is missing a lot of nuance --he seems to be glossing over the class issues in favour of more simplistic motives, and I think he's totally missed the difference between adapting language and adopting language-- but he's talking about a lot of the right stuff.
1 hour later…
@Aaron I make my return.
"something producers ignore and fans argue over" — that is brilliant
I noticed an inappropriate application of badgers.
it describes quite a few canons
@detly Both RTD and Moffatt have gone on record saying they don't think canon is possible.
That doesn't surprise me
and TBH, as a casual fan, doesn't bother me
The general fan consensus is "If it happened on screen in an episode, then it actually happened. If things that happened contradict each other, they still both happened. If it didn't happen on screen in an episode, it might have happened unless and until something on screen contradicts it, in which case it probably didn't happen but if you like it you can say it happened anyway."
I feel a flow chart comingon
Aside from episode/non-episode, the only differentiation in "canonicity" seems to be that published materials take precedence over notes, interviews, and other non-published materials.
And non-episode televised events are evaluated case-by-case. Minisodes like Pond Life count as screen canon; the Proms and Red Nose events generally don't.
Something can't just be canon, it has to be canonized which means there is a process involving some authoritative body which determines what is, and is not canon. This (unless I am mistaken) is something that has not happened for any TV Show.
@InbarRose You are right about the first part, but you are also mistaken about the latter.
Okay, so has this happened with Dr Who?
Buffy, for example, has clear creator-mandated canon. IE, Season 8 (a series of comics) is canonised.
@InbarRose No, Doctor Who is uncanonised. That's why I say "canon in Doctor Who is something producers ignore and fans argue over."
@BESW Cool-to-know.
There isn't really a good word for what we call Doctor Who canon.
It's canon granted by rough fan consensus rather than creator authority.
But "fanon" means something else already.
Doctor Who is a strange Cuthulian place when you start talking about cannon
heck, it kinda already is before that too
but it gets more so
Well put.
Oh, @trogdor, do you want to work together on converting our DFRPG campaign to Fate Core, or would you like me to do it?
@BESW I can never think 'Dresden Files' before I think 'Dwarf Fortress', just because I hear a lot more about the latter than the former.
I am cool with working on it a little
not sure how much effort I will end up putting into it though
@Metool Some of my 4e players had the same quirk.
@trogdor The big choice is how much to simplify the magic system.
Do you LIKE the two-skill system, where one skill determines power and the other is for control?
uh, I am not sure I remember entirely how it worked
it was Lore and Will?
> 1. Determine the effect you want to achieve. This includes describing the element (such as one of the Classical elements of water, fire, air, earth, or spirit) you want to use.
> 2. Describe the effect in terms of one of the following basic conflict actions: attack, block, maneuver, or counterspell.
> 3. Decide how many shifts of power you want to put into the spell. You take mental stress for calling up power—the minimum is one point of mental stress. The cost increases if you reach for power greater than your Conviction, inflicting additional mental stress equal to the difference (so a
Thing is, we no longer need the magic system to support every kind of casting style in the DFRPG world.
We just need to make a magic system specific to your PC.
what do we do about NPC's though?
Let's figure out your PC's system, and then figure out if NPCs need something different.
I'm inclined to use a very lightweight spell structure for NPCs, to keep things fast and easy and keep the focus on your story.
No rush, give it some thought.
I am kinda on the fence atm
I'm all brained out for tonight.
on the one hand, balancing magic on 2 skills sounds nice
but on the other, I am inclined to keep-it-simple-stupid
They don't have to be new skills, could be new uses of existing skills.
Like Deceit and Will, maybe.
(Since your focus was on illusion.)
our Aeon campaign worked well with every ability being tied to a specific skill depending on what exactly it did
and while that was super advanced tech, mechanically they could work very similarly
One important thing is: do you still want spellcasting to inflict mental stress and have the ability to get out of your control as a major element of the mechanics?
Anyway, I'ma go bed. ttfn
I will reflect on these things
Q: beginner "rules light" start and future moves

earthtripI've been attempting to play 4E with my two kids for a while now. I've had some false starts trying to run very simple adventures partly due to lack of DM experience/prep time (demanding job for Dad) and partly due to complexity of the game mechanics. I have a bunch of books (both essentials an...

Take a few line breaks and come back if you still need some more title statements.
1 hour later…
Hmm, the below question intrigues me because I'm wondering what the implications are of advantage being thirded.
Q: Using 3d6 instead of d20 for D&D Next

Arle CamilleI am currently running a campaign with D&D Next playtest packet released at September. My player has been complaining about his terrible attack rolls (He didn't prevail because of fumbles, even at Easy encounters!), and monsters' decent attack rolls (20 does not look like 20 anymore). So, I am go...

> This question has been asked before and already has an answer. If those answers do not fully address your question, please ask a new question.
@BESW Had a whole thing he showed me (or told me) once about defeating the "woosh" factor. How you could use all sorts of techniques.
Good eveningish, everyone.
Has StackExchange added a glow/blur effect to bolded text lately, or is my vision going?
I tried to edit the torture out of that Create Water question.
@lisardggY Not that I know of - I hope it's not your vision.
Check your monitor?
It might also be my cleartype settings.
4 hours later…
tough question
A: beginner "rules light" start and future moves

Joshua Aslan SmithStart with pre-made Characters By which I don't mean generic characters that could be in any fantasy story, but by creating a character specifically for each of your children. These characters should be based around the characters from movies and TV shows they each seem to be drawn most toward. ...

@RedRiderX Ah, good, the comments already point out that Zagreus says we look like Gallifreyans because Rassilon forced sapient life to evolve in the form of Gallifreyans.
It's a Big Finish audio story, so it's not "screen-fact," but there IS a published reason.
@BESW Yeah and that was kind of suggested in Planet of the Dead
@RedRiderX And that particular "you look Time Lord" phrase was repeated by Eleven in The Beast Below.
I like the notion because it emphasises the show's running theme that the Time Lords have waaay more power than they can handle responsibly and Rassilon is King of Jerks.
@BESW Heh yeah I remember in that thread that Rassilon did that just to get rid of another race that might have eclipsed theirs eventually.
The Time Lords have always been pompous, entitled, and corrupt self-appointed Time Police, but Rassilon somehow manages to always be worse.
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