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01:00 - 13:0013:00 - 00:00

It's currently settled at "one player," and I'm very glad that we've found systems we prefer to D&D which also better accommodate tiny groups.
Ah, what system do you use for small groups? I honestly haven't really played anything besides d&d 3.5 for table top roleplaying games.
We're currently using Fate Core.
It's a simple, robust system that can easily adapt to different settings, styles, and group sizes.
I honestly think I'll never use another system.
Fate ftw :)
There are other systems out there which are specifically designed for "twosies," and I'm looking into some of them.
@ProfessorLokiCaprion It has totally eclipsed other systems for me..
@Gameboon The pdfs are pay-what-you-like to download, including free.
We did a brief rundown of the game's mechanics here:

What kind of game is Fate?

Jul 24 '13 at 7:43, 22 minutes total – 43 messages, 5 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked Aug 26 '13 at 15:00 by BESW

@BESW I downloaded them by donating $5 each for the Core and the Toolkit, then I bought the hardcover books at my local gaming store.
There is also the Fate-SRD Which is free, and very informative.
Thanks for the links. I'll look at the fate site and read the fate explanation later today, most likely in the evening. I've been wondering what other kinds of RPG's are out there since I'm fed up with certain aspects about d&d 3.5, and honestly the one 4E campaign I briefly played just....wasn't for me.
@BESW not the same thing as high BAB, unfortunately.
@Gameboon Yeah, I spent eight or nine years in The D&D Bubble.
@Zachiel With claw/claw/bite/gore, you hardly need the iterative attacks of high BAB.
@Gameboon I'm still in the dizzying "oooh, look at all the shiny different ways RPGs can be shaped!" mode.
@BESW I'm atm in the 'Disillusioned with D&D-mode'.
I'm assuming Fate goes better with 'a bit more roleplay, a bit less roll-play' than d&d ?
@Gameboon Fate basically requires it.
@BESW Persist divine power. Quickly Polymorph into a cave troll. Use pounce with your magical greatsword instead of your natural weapons. ... Profit.
As of now, I'm only trying to find a way to plolymorph into a good looking cave troll
@Gameboon Instead of stats like "Str" and "Dex," your character's defining stats are short, pithy phrases that describe something about his nature, ability, gear, or relationships.
@Gameboon Fate is pretty much always "story first". It's an RPG that focuses a lot more on the RP than the G.
These phrases ("aspects") are used to justify actions and to make your character's life both easier and more challenging, as appropriate.
Stuff like "Black Sheep of the Delphi Council" or "What's the worst that can happen?" aren't just catch phrases for your character in Fate; they're stats.
@Gameboon Fate has 3 core rules:
The Golden Rule: Decide what you want to do, then consult the rules to
help you do it.

The Silver Rule: Never let the rules get in the way of what makes
narrative sense.

The Bronze Rule: You can treat everything like a character.
And one thing they say in the Fate Core book that I've found to be amazingly accurate: you will be amazed at how often a player will want to "screw over" their own character if it makes a fun story.
@Aaron Yawp.
hmm, seems more like what I'm looking for I think.
@Gameboon Someone did a summary of all the mechanics in Fate: fate mechanics summary You will be surprised how short it is :)
If you want something really lightweight, the "Roll for Shoes" system is hard to beat; it consists of 7 bullet points.
Thanks, I've put all the Fate links I got here into it's own little map to read through later today :-).
@Gameboon :) good luck.
@Gameboon Another time.... :)
Anyway, for now: Thanks for all the suggestions and links and explanations. I will be off to eat lunch and do other stuff.
@Gameboon ttfn! Hope to see you around.
See ya! ( I might hop in here sometiem soon)
@Gameboon "do other stuff" = contemplate the meaning of your existence now that you realize suddenly and harshly that D&D is not the end-all and be-all of rpg's ?
@InbarRose Sounds like he already did that on his own.
8 mins ago, by Gameboon
@BESW I'm atm in the 'Disillusioned with D&D-mode'.
@Gameboon When I read Fate, I was struck by how much the system was designed to let me do the things I've been doing despite the systems I was playing in before.
I have a deja-vu
@lisardggY That is so true :)
@Zachiel Yes, I'm repeating things I've said before. But chat.rpg.se is a very Fate-missionary room. :)
And now is when I usually chime in saying that I don't really like putting my character into risks at all.
@lisardggY :)
@Zachiel Now we wait for someone to ask why you play RPGs rather than tell stories, if that's the case.
@Zachiel That's also good. That's a different sort of character for a different sort of story.
anyone know of a good map generator that can generate forests?
@BESW I think I like reading actual plays set in the same universe I'm roleplaying in and I sometimes wonder about what would happen if I was the protagonist, instead of them. Just reading is awesome, but makes me wanna be part of it.
@Aaron I have always wanted to know if there is a good map gen, or map tool somewhere.
@InbarRose I know of a few good world map generators but I am looking for a forest specifically.
Care to share some links?
sorry, link fixed now
That's far too focused for the kind of map I am looking for.
@InbarRose let me find that world gen I was talking about
I am looking for something that will help me create worlds so I can layer terrain, with cities, roads, and even zones of control
@InbarRose your GM has enough rep now
@Zachiel But he is currently teaching a class :)
@InbarRose later, then
He works as an instructor in extracurricular activities in schools, teaching kids D&D ... :)
I like the automatic +100 rep you get on all SE sites once you have enough rep in one. It lets you skip all this tedious business to downvote or join chats.
@InbarRose Is that a job? Do they pay him for that?
@InbarRose How do I get this job
That could be a job I could do
You will have to ask him next he comes to the room.
It's not fun, let me tell you.
I did it a couple of times after highschool. It's not fun to run a game to 12 teens crammed together.
I prefer my programming job anyday
What? 12? I'll bring more DMs
Lots of elementary and middle schools offer (paid) extracurricular activities to students, like art classes or, in this case, D&D. We're trying to convince my nephew to go.
@lisardggY When I was in High School I tried to do that with a Torg game, and it could be quite unfun.
@Zachiel And split the already meager salary?
The schools try to cut costs by squeezing as many kids into the same class, and RPGs don't scale as well as other hobby classes.
Though there are quite a few good stories, too, and kids who went on to be serious roleplayers.
@lisardggY I'm fine with that as long as I get something in while having fun.
@Zachiel When you're half-babysitter, it's not as much fun.
I have a friend whose first RPG experience was actually teaching one of these classes. She never played before. The company gave her a quick tutorial (using a system they developed in-house, to keep it simple) and sent her in.
She had two groups, one she loved, one she loathed.
A few months after that she joined our PF game. She was surprised that people do actually role play in these games, rather than just hunt down and kill various monsters, in as vicious and violent a manner as possible.
@lisardggY It depends on the age of the players
@InbarRose Here is one ok generator still looking for the one I really like. donjon.bin.sh/fantasy/world
@Aaron Looks cool, thanks.
@InbarRose Here is the one I really like and have used quite a bit. topps.diku.dk/torbenm/maps.msp
@Aaron Their servers are busy :(
@lisardggY I find that the older I get, the less I care about "roll-play" and the more I want "role-play".
@ProfessorLokiCaprion I think most of us feel that way.
Indeed, the less I have to look at my sheet or toss dice, the better I feel about the whole situation.
@Aaron That's kind small ?
@InbarRose If you change the color to black and white the maps scale up quite well.
Cool. I like them. Though now that I have them - I wish I could have a tool that lets me design my own maps, the generator is awesome, but it doesn't get exactly what I want. I have the map in my head already - I just suck at drawing.
@InbarRose maptools
Plus - I want to be able to manipulate the map digitally, including labels, territories (that could shift and change) roads, etc. and castles/towns... :)
@Zachiel maptools?
oh, sorry. maptool. rptools.net/?page=maptool
unless you want to really go for a cartographing software it's pretty neat for drawing maps
Is it online or offline?
Ah, can't look at it now - at work.
IIRC you need to have premade "terrain type" squares
So I can't download stuff onto the computers.
I haven't used rptools for years... they were the best free stuff I could find pre-2008, when I actually needed such things, but weren't very satisfying.
@InbarRose legit
@BESW I use it for my 4e campaign, using the original maps as a background, to move tokens around on a screen that's visible to everyone
it also manages lighting
I never got combat fog to work...
Eh, it was 6+ years ago.
@BESW it's kinda awkward to be true. You need to mash ctrl+something at every step to reveal what's new
Is "ctrl+something" the new "any" key?
no, any is not specific. IIRC Ctrl+I removes fow from the new current location's point of view (useful for teleports), while Ctrl+S de-fogs the whole path
@InbarRose There are some downloadable map makers that do that.
Does anyone know a marketing executive here? Thanks ;)
I think you might be in the wrong chat for that.
I have many marketings! Send $240 by Paypal and I will give you best pro marketings. 100% executive quality guarantee. Also, local singles in your area.
@AlexP Local singles in MY area?!
Sure, why not!
@Aaron HA! awesome.
@Aaron Ha, I love that one!
There's another like it, though...
Dammit, I can't find it!
It's like "Singles in your area." "In your house!" "RIGHT BEHIND YOU!"
Wow, getting a lot of love on this changeling answer I gave :) Got a "Nice Answer Badge" and everything! :)
@InbarRose Gratz! =)
@GamerJosh Thanks.
2 hours later…
End-of-year RPG news bitlets:
Shannon Appelcline on industry trends: D&D coasting, industry as a whole doing well, some strong market penetration from "indie" products like Fate Core and Dungeon World, plus a bunch of other stuff, if you care.
That last part makes me happy because screw the OGL.
Meanwhile, in other news, that one niche system that you love but have a hard time finding others to play with still remains something you can only discuss online but never play. (We all have one if you've been at this more than a few years.)
Heh, @KRyan and I crossposted the same answer.
@MadMAxJr Get married and play one-on-one with your spouse. It's some of the best gaming you can have, anyway. :)
It's still a 4-5 year plan before we discuss getting married, but I do need to drag her into more sessions.
@ProfessorLokiCaprion Yes, and at the same time no. Strictly speaking anything that isn't Lord Pun-Pun, Dread Prince of All, is mechanically inhibiting oneself. More practically speaking, I tend to define 'inhibiting' oneself as choosing options that don't make your concept work.
Unless your Barbarian is made of not just fire, but vorpal fire, you're holding yourself back.
@MadMAxJr - Well if your concept is 'highest damage Barbarian possible' then yeah. I'm thinking more along the lines of something like, "I want to represent a sorcerer with some draconic heritage."
You might be a half-dragon (shooting self in face), a draconic creature (easily bought off), or take lineage feats (weak but screw it you have spells)
@MadMAxJr our "we'll probalby get married in 3 years" turned into engaged in 7mos, married in 11mos..
So in that scenario I'd yell at people who take the Half-Dragon option because it's the absolute worst way to represent what they're aiming at
[Not-serious reply] Dig through dubious quality 3rd-party materials until you find the re-write of that thing you want that is totally unbalanced and constantly ask your DM to accept the material
Half Dragon may not work, but Half Awesomeagon has the same rules and can use wands of magic missile as ammo magazines in a crossbow.
I used to let my players propose solutions to character building problems if they could make something similar to an existing feat/class/race/rule, but unfortunately over time, this became more the norm than the exception, so I've had to roll back to by-the-book to have any hope of playing and not stopping to discuss custom rule interaction every 5 minutes.
@KRyan I did no such thing. You presume overmuch.
Q: Multiclassing in Pathfinder-How do Feats work?

2nd Generation ClericI'm making a character who is going to be multi-classing, specifically Fighter/Cleric. He's a Reach Cleric, so I wanted him to have some good feats (Selective Channel, Power Attack, Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative, and Extra Channel), thus he will have a fighter level. Thing is, I can't figu...

@Lord_Gareth You got how feats in Pathfinder worked wrong, which I can't blame you for. It's 1 at every odd hit die.
That... probably should have been a comment.
@waxeagle Mawwage is what brings us togethwer todaayy.
Yup yup.
So that happened.
Hows tricks?
As Run DMC would tell you... it's tricky.
tricky TRICKY
@ProfessorLokiCaprion I guess it's like that
@MadMAxJr And that's the way it is
How did we go from Run DMC to Walter Cronkite?
1 hour later…
@BESW rewind by a few dozen years?
Apparently so.
And here I am finishing up a Doctor Who answer about time paradoxes and the BLE.
Am I bad person for running a half-dragon (black) gelatinous cube as an NPC, or am I a bad person for running aforementioned cube as the assassin sent to slay the party?
I think that depends entirely on the party.
It used Shadow Blink to teleport into their inn room and swallow the entire party
Because it was bigger than the room was
Is his mount a monster truck made of skeletons?
Or is there a template where we can have a half gelatinous cube dragon to be his cohort?....
am I crazy?
> The rules say X
> No, they don't
> KRyan, the rules aren't the legal document you think they are! This isn't just about how you would play the game! Blah blah blah
this has nothing to do with how it's played
Myx again?
a claim was made that the rules say X
they do not
no, d7
@KRyan ?
A: Can you cast Invisibility on a large box and hide inside?

OpaCitiZen "items picked up disappear if tucked into the clothing or pouches worn by the creature." – Invisibility, d20srd Based on the above, I'd say stuff put into the box arguably becomes invisible. A pouch is a container. A box is a container. Stuff put into an invisible container disappear. S...

the rules really leave no room for argument
that doesn't mean you have to, should, or are best off if you follow them
nor did I ever claim it was
I just said that the claim that the rules support his "interpretation" is inaccurate
because it is
they do not support that interpretation in the least
they quite explicitly block that interpretation
@BESW, I need the Edwardian version of a rant that could be summarized, 'that scumsucking wretch'.
well, later
had to rant
@Lord_Gareth actually, the question didn't specify RAW, and you're only inviting more argument suggesting it was.
the real problem is that the answer claims to be supported by "unclear" rules
Eh, screw him anyway, it was implied.
which is inaccurate
@Lord_Gareth several members of this site will object massively to that claim
anyway, dinner
@Lord_Gareth Wat.
Is including a disclaimer 'This is not a strict reading of the rules, and is, in fact, one man's opinion' not common?
@Metool It's the necessity of such disclaimers which is being debated.
Specifically, SSD is right: the space between descriptive and legal text is often very fuzzy in 3.5, and taking all text as legal text leads to strange internal contradictions.
However, there is no way to confidently determine which text is intended to be legal--and often intended-legal text is also problematically fuzzy.
tl;dr: 3.5 doesn't know or care about the difference between flavour and rules.
@Lord_Gareth No, really. Wat.
01:00 - 13:0013:00 - 00:00

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