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Is everyone lurking?
11 hours later…
And another day.
It is
how are you doing?
Well, our data loaded without error today. So unusually optimistic.
2 hours later…
Looks like that one was deleted.
it was ...
Y'all are too quiet today. I was expecting to come back from a morning of meetings to read something interesting! :)
I know, we have our own server, lets make use of it :-)
a bit more activity on the main site though. So that is good
@PatLudwig, You said you'd been linking to the site, where from?
I dropped a link on EnWorld, but I don't think it let to anything.
I'll try again in another day or two, I don't want to appear spammy
was figuring I'd also add a signature pointing here and just answer some questions on wizards site and enworld
I haven't actively participated in either of those sites as you can get bogged down arguing with a troll pretty easily
at least here you have the satisfaction of "winning" votes and seeing the troll plummet :)
I definitely agree, they are depressing by contrast
yes...but they are where I have been going for answers. I'd love to peel off some of the good d&d folks and get them to look here.
however, I have no "rep" there as I post very little despite being a voracious reader for years
Here I can state my opinion and back out of the discussion if I wish, knowing that my argument (if it has value) will persist instead of being buried on page 4 of 12
in short, I like this place and want it to thrive. I'm just unsure how to help that :)
Q: How should we promote this site

C. RossHow should we promote this site, when we reach public beta. So the SEO team has come out with some specifics for how they could help promote. What is the best way to reach the RP community?

but also, keep asking and answering questions
that's the engine of the site ... if you have content and experts you can bring people into it
Yeah, that last part has been my focus. Tonight is game night, so I should have a couple more questions tomorrow
good, I posted my Monday night questions already
heh, we have 0 Announcer/Booster/Promoter badges awarded That ain't good
those are hard to get
definitely. I tossed a link out onto facebook, but getting 50 folks to click it isn't likely.
SO with it's massive views and user base has 13/2/0
gaming, the biggest SE site has 2/0/0
wow, I guess I'll give up on those for the time being :)
Heck, I can't even get 10 votes on any of my extremely awesome answers! :-D
hmmm....the SE flair is too long for an EnWorld signature
hmmm, really? What is the max length?
one line, and it can't be too long (I tried squishing it)
looks like I need to ante up $6/mo to get a bigger allowance..ugh
Remove the whole alt=".*" title=".*"?
hmm...I could try that
That's like half the length
142 chars for mine
<a href="http://rpg.stackexchange.com/users/45/c-ross"><img src="http://rpg.stackexchange.com/users/flair/45.png" width="208" height="58"></a>
still too long :( suppose I could try a URL shortener
<a href="http://rpg.stackexchange.com"><img src="http://rpg.stackexchange.com/users/flair/45.png" width="208" height="58"></a> 126 chars
I changed my avatar picture there to the flair :)
those must be awfully short sigs .. you can get it down to 118 chars (for mine) with no quotes
I think they really want you to ante up some cash. Their servers are really slow too.
I let my sub lapse a while ago, maybe its time
blocked alas ...
I'm using traditional methods to get the word out. One physical note on a cork bulletin board over at a local shop, passing word along to contacts via IM. I have views about mainstream social networking apps that prevent me from using them. I'm trying to help in the ways I can though.
yeah, I have a note on the board, I've done facebook and stumble (I need to stumble the home page), I have a couple gameshops in other towns I visit, I'll throw a note up there
welcome @ShawnCampbell, what's up?
Shawn Campbell
Hi I saw the announcement on the front page and thought I would check out the chat.
We're just trying to find ways to increase exposure and get more questions asked.
yes, but we do talk about more fun things from time to time
2 hours later…
This has been a quiet day.
But I did read "Happy Birthday Robot"
we played that as a warm up exercise ... eh
I'm not sure it's role playing
Not quite. But it does look like an amusing activity for kids.
yeah, but so is Red Rover :-)
Ugh, anyone want a job? I'm ready to retire and game full time....
lol, happily employed
How do feel about the occasional humorous question? (CW of course)
I'm good with it ...
Just don't get to prolific
I don't know if anyone else would be amused by it, but I continually amused by how many words I have to teach my spell checker thanks to D&D
At the same time, I think EGG did more for my English skills than any formal teacher I ever had
indeed. StackExchange has really helped my writing skills. It's mainly technical writing, but still.
It really is true that practice makes perfect and our love of gaming does give us practice in areas that we would not normally exercise
Heck, if I didn't DM, I don't think I could speak in front of an audience at all!
Anyway, headed for the house, talk to you later, enjoy your game :-)
thanks, cya!

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