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@Magician Cuk.
3 hours later…
@BESW There, it's got +4.
2 hours later…
@SomeGuy [wave]
@BESW Hello!
Today I discovered bacon cookies.
Today is a good day.
Hey, chat, @SomeGuy is one of my old players.
@JohnCraven I heard you were looking for players in a Seattle-based FATE game! I'd love to play if that comes together, albeit I'm only really available for any length of time on weekends these days...
waves at chat
@SomeGuy Have you found any good RPG groups up there since you moved?
@BESW I've found a couple of solid ones, but they've all broken down fairly quickly.
All I remember is that for a while you were in a 4e group which thought Bharash was horrific (they were right, of course).
Bharash was retired as an intro character for a new player.
It occurs to me, that we have only one solution. One way to end this. We have to create THE OWLBEARLEPHANT.
He served her surprisingly well until the fateful day he yelled his way off a cliff.
At which point the chat will have served its purpose.
@SomeGuy That seems appropriate.
@Magician I urge you to reconsider.
It's not even dire. Or a hill-giant.
I mean, we have to go whole hog with this thing
It is, apparently, vorpal.
Well then I stand corrected.
Naturally there must be a way to dual-wield these things.
Which system?
I know it can be done in GURPS because, welp, it's been done.
As an added bonus, trunk over a beak makes it positively cephalopodian.
GURPS is sort of like The Simpsons in that regard, I suppose.
18 hours ago, by Magician
Having written a post on 13th Age, I'm now considering writing another one... on a single monster in that system. The Peculiar Case of the Owlbear. Am I insane?.. It'd be a vehicle to explore monster design, of course, but still.
18 hours ago, by Magician
A thousand words (I can't seem to write less) on a single monster with a single ability: on a crit it tears off your limb and wanders off. That's it :D
@Magician And no one could ever accuse it of being irrelephant.
Oh god the puns.
@BESW That is what I was going for :D
@SomeGuy The puns get rather owlbearing around here sometimes, yes.
You've officially hit Dad levels of pun.
For this, I award you nothing.
Ah, the coveted No-Prize.
@SomeGuy I'll keep it on the mantlepiece I don't have.
@BESW I was going to make that joke.
Foiled again.
@Magician The most lukewarm of all prizes.
So, with the Owlbear...
I've recently heard that it was originally a joke, like how a lot of the physical components to spells were SCIENCE!
Anyone know if there's any truth to that?
Not sure. I shall do RESEARCH!
Owlbearlephant would have hind legs, trunk and tusks of an elephant, front body of a bear, and a beak of an owl. Needs more owl. Hm. Wings instead of ears, just to complete the image?
Or it's just entirely feathered.
It's just weird that Wizards keeps putting out this staple creature that's supposed to be menacing, but ranges from 'goofy' to 'kinda cute'.
@SomeGuy It's recognizably D&D, and actually sort-of works, unlike many other hybrids.
@SomeGuy It's "iconic."
Which means people remember it, not that it's effective.
@Magician Well, it "works" in that it's still mechanically a bear.
(I have an origin, but am tracking down original sources.)
@BESW speaking of "iconic" characters, I have finally found a game with flumphs that aren't a complete joke!
@SomeGuy Wha?
when it attacks, your opponent must sacrifice 6 permanents [lands, creatures, etc]
@Magician "When ~ attacks, defending player sacrifices N permanents."
Wow. So, basically, if you get to 15 mana you deserve to win. Fair enough.
@Magician Yes, 15 mana...
@AlexP As well as similar reanimation tricks. Hopefully they're not in Standard anymore.
@Magician He's only in legacy, so that's nice
@Magician Err, see the "shuffle into your library" clause. You can do it at instant-speed but it's prohibitive enough not to be worth trying.
@AlexP Ah, you're right.
@Magician There are much simpler alternatives in Legacy, anyways. Plenty of elf decks will just hard-cast him.
@SomeGuy Priestess of Titania, mmm. It's been a while.
The nice thing about elves being that if you fail your win condition, you still have a bajillion 1/1 weenies on the field.
@Magician That's the spirit!
So, Wikipedia says "Inspired by a plastic toy made in Hong Kong, Gary Gygax created the owlbear..." and cites the Dragon Magazine 88 article "Ecology of the Rust Monster," republished in Dragon Magazine 346.
This sounds reasonable.
Except that although the account in Dragon Magazine 346 mentions the owlbear, it's clear that the plastic toy it's talking about is the inspiration for the rust monster. It's possible that the owlbear was inspired the same way, but it is not stated in that article.
So I went and looked up Dragon 88. The account isn't in that article at all.
I demand to see this plastic toy owlbear.
And the Dragon 346 article doesn't actually say it's quoting from 88 anyway.
So this Wiki citation is wrong both about what its source says and where its source comes from originally, because of very sloppy reading of the source.
@BESW I am disappoint.
And because Wikipedia said it, now the Internet is full of noise on the subject and tracking down any more accurate origins will be nearly impossible.
However, @Magician, I have found for you a thing: the owlephant.
@BESW !!!!!!!
Those owl legs are creepy.
Just... What.
I believe this must be some corollary to rule 34.
Also, this:
There is porn of it, and therefore it must exist.
@SomeGuy If it exists, someone will attach an owl and/or a bear to it?
@Magician That, too.
@BESW You know, I've gotta admit. An owlbear is basically just a big ol' bear, but I would think twice about attacking the sort of nightmare fuel that makes up an owlephant.
@SomeGuy I know, right?
The vacant stare is both hilarious, and strangely harrowing.
An owlbear is big, fuzzy, and has claws and a bite attack. It's a bear.
@BESW Give it... give it a gaze attack.
An owlephant is HULKING HUGE, fuzzy, has a stamp attack, claws, and a bite attack, and can probably rip you in half with its trunk.
Oh, and a gore attack.
And presumably some form of trample.
One must assume.
It has high Wisdom and Intellligence, as it is both wise and never forgets.
@BESW With something that looks like that, one really mustn't assume.
So, now to make a half-dragon version of it to provide it with wingslap and tailslap. Then cross-breed it with a bullette, and it will appear out of the ground.
My job here is done.
OK, so now this is a thing. I'm not sure how I feel about that.
@SomeGuy You feel like making multiple Fortitude and Will saves.
"What's with the spaghetti in the backgrou-- oh god it has TRUNKS ON ITS WINGS"
@Magician I think you're right. Chat's done.
1 hour later…
Rule 34d(&d): If it exists, D&D has crossed it with an animal and given it a funny name.
owlphent? :)
D&D was exploring Pokemon technology decades earlier.
Vote to close for too broad. It needs to be several questions, not one uber-question.
stupid owl crossbreeds
@trogdor Trogdowl?
it will not happen
I will burninate the entire owl race
all phails of their blood, all DNA of them, all wizards, and scientists, and any rogue druids for good measure
that is ok, I never planned on breeding anyway
basically that
The storm is slowing down, veering north, and getting more coherent.
The slower it gets the stronger it gets and the more likely it is to come back east over us. Even if it just slows down or stops to the west we'll get battered.
I was hoping the fact that it didn't hit us today meant it was gonna leave us alone
As it slows down it not only gets stronger, its path also becomes more unpredictable.
In the 90s we had one that went over the island, stopped, backed up over us again, and then moved on.
I prolly remember that one
but honestly most of the storms that hit us have all been logged in the same place
they are squished together anyway
@trogdor Are you in Guam too?
@SvenB. Trogdor is my most consistent and currently only RPG player.
'Kay. Hope that storm doesn't hit you too hard.
we know each other IRL and live on the same island
eh, if it hits us it hits us
"too hard" isn't much of a thing unless it loops around too
and even that will basically just be the same thing happening a second time
but thank you
Well. If it slows down or stops it can just sit off the coast and pound us for a couple days nonstop.
That's been pretty devastating when it's happened in the past.
as I recall, the worst one we had (that we have recorded) didn't kill anyone
knocks out power and water often enough
we have been due one for a while though
and overall, I think even though we have not had one in a while, the people who live here have gotten pretty good at damage control for these storms
I think it's "possible" though I admit not at all certain, that we have had the time it takes to get power and water back, to at least some places, cut down significantly by the sheer number of times it has happened
and I am pretty sure not many if any people die as a direct result, which is the most important thing
Our typhoon-related deaths are based on People Doing Dumb Things, like running the generator inside the house so it doesn't get wet, or going surfing in the eye of the storm.
The longest I ever had the power stay out was the most recent big storm--three months.
yeah,... my dad did one of those dumb things
he didn't die,... but he ran out in the storm to get the generator
not to run it inside,... cause he is smarter than that,... but not smarter than to run out to get it apparently
You father probably knows enough not to run a gas-powered engine in a tightly sealed house.
but to keep it out of the storm
but I mean,... we were all mad at him for pulling that
we can buy a new generator, or live without power if we have to
but him dieing for that would not have been worth it in the slightest
but yeah, I don't particularly count the "doing stupid stuff" ones, plus I did say direct
running your generator in the house is a secondary way at best, cause sure it knocked the power out, but it didn't tell you to run it in your house
@Phil, thanks for the idea
how do I post here links to questions?
Just paste the whole link, including http://, into its own line.
Q: What should be the story structure of a single-session campaign

VoracHow to write a short story? [closed] I and some friends are determined to try for this winter the following game format: rotation of GM single campaign per session one session per week-end moderate length sessions e.g. 6 hours not counting the breaks try out different story styles i.e. from hi...

also this
> @BrianBallsun-Stanton, reasons include to let other people try out GM-ing, try out different genres, to make the group size and composition flexible and to prevent story grind - wast winter our campaign started becoming more and more mundane as in "now do that quest that you gave your word on 15 years ago" or "you are STILL lost in the woods, no food, nop" – Vorac 14 mins ago
To make it a hyperlink, the format is [textgoeshere](http://www.linkhere.com)
I'm not sure how to phrase my questions: I'm just asking for someone who has tried this (stand-alone adventures) to share experience
Unfortunately, Stack Exchange isn't very good for chatty questions like that.
But we'll be happy to help you workshop the questions into something more useful.
Basically, I want to know 1) can it work 2) how to structure the time, without this I fear we will never finish a story line and 3) how to efficiently generate characters
Are you expecting to use just one system for all the sessions?
Because most of your questions have very different answers based on the system you'll be using.
Do: Pilgrims of the Flying Temple is designed for single-session games.
D&D of any edition is not.
Fate Accelerated Editions is good for it, but not entirely ideal.
And the reason each of those systems is better or worse for single-session campaigns is a combination of (among other things) their character creation rules, and the kind of story and story arcs they're designed to support.
If you'll be using the Roll For Shoes system, a question about character creation becomes meaningless.
hm, those are quite concrete
If you're using Do: TotFP, the "fitting one story into a single session" concern is already addressed by the system.
In summary: I don't think we can be very helpful until you decide what your policy on system(s) is going to be.
what I imagine the experience like is "Hey, lets gather, get some beer/coffee and tell a short story. The kind of story that one would read in a book of short stories or in a blog."
and am therefore leaning towards system-less
but ... maybe GURPS? or some * extremely simple * fully generic system
Both are fully generic.
RFS is insanely simple and lends itself to silly improv.
FAE is crunchier, but compared to a system like GRUPS it's still disgustingly simple.
And both are good for emphasizing narrative authenticity.
GREAT! I'll check those out
Both being free is a bonus too.
For non-free, you might consider looking at Do: Temple of the Flying Pilgrims and seeing what kind of houserule hack you could use to make it generic.
I took a brief look, but it talks about some teenagers and seems oriented towards humor
Again, it'd need a hack to make it generic.
But the mechanics of the system are pretty cool and I think they could be genericized pretty easily.
At the very least, Do is a good thing to look at in terms of learning what is reasonable to expect out of a single-session story.
Single-session stories need to be very very simple.
Exactly how simple is going to depend a great deal on the group and the system.
A D&D session is usually two to four encounters. A Fate session could easily be twice that, and thus have at least half again as much complexity in its storyline.
Do has a good method of delineating the scope of a story at the outset of a session, and then providing a clear physical mechanic for limiting the amount of time the story takes to tell.
I don't actually entirely understand how fate defines a session
is it a certain number of scenes? or just when you stop for the day?
Yeah, Fate's like D&D in that sense.
yeah,... I have played some fate, and definitely more D&D
and I dunno what they define a session as in either
When I'm talking about "sessions" to Vorac, I'm using his "six hours" definition.
though, in D&D it is not really as mechanically important
that's a lot longer than we go with either game useually
Well, our D&D 4e sessions were usually four to five hours.
but even those were not useually as long as 6 hours then
fate goes 3 hours, if it's long, at least for our group
if we are going to spend the saturday in the city, better use it up
afterwok sessions are 2-3 hours, in my experience
1 hour is just not sufficient to get into the spirit
yeah, I agree,.. at least mostly
1 hour later…
So in good news, the player and I from yesterday solved our issue over what he was doing, and he's very happy now
In bad news, two players somehow got into a totally unrelated to the game argument on facebook over religion
There is no universe in which that results in anything positive happening :(
most likely not
> If religion and faith are the causes of enmity and sedition, it is far better to be nonreligious, and the absence of religion would be preferable; for we desire religion to be the cause of amity and fellowship. If enmity and hatred exist, irreligion is preferable. (source)
Yeah, wouldn't argue that. I'm sure both of them would though. ;)
personally, I don't think religion by itself is generally a bad thing
but I do see and know that it turns into a point of conflict rather often
(my point being that several other things do as well, people will keep fighting over things with or without religion)
Anything that people care about very deeply will turn into a source of conflict at some point.
We're in TCCOR 2 right now, going into TCCOR 1 in a couple hours.
@BESW Yikes, stay safe!
[presents soup cans to solve]
[brings a can opener to the chat]
[Overkills opening the can by using jaws of life]
[misses being kicked into the void]
So I have a pathfinder cleric I built for crafting. Using a spell I get due to a domain I get a + 25 on my craft at lvl 5 I also automatically get a + 2 (+7 using spell) on any craft I have.
How 'broken' is that considering I will be the crafter of the group? I am also taking all of the enchanting feats.
@Aaron Is Craft a class skill?
@Metool Yes
@Aaron heavily depends on the DM
So which Craft subskills are you investing in?
@Metool Weapon, armor, and I think jewelry would cover everything else I want.
@Zachiel He already approved it. He said it made things a bit better as we are apparently soon to be weaponless.
@Aaron Sounds right. Can you break down the bonuses?
@Metool Let me look un momento
Racial Skill bonus (craft) 2 RP
static bonus feat (craft) 2 RP
Class (Cleric domain craft) enworld.org/forum/…
@Aaron Oh I don't mean this. If he scales up the difficulty of the encounters since your weapons are better, Crafting isn't going to be of any help
@Aaron Static bonus feat, can you name the feat and sourcebook for me?
And any restrictions the granting ability places on it?
[sighs, opens up Pathfinder PDFs purchased one time while drunk]
It would appear the Craft domain grants crafted items +4 hardness and +10 HP at level 5, as well as a +2 sacred bonus to Craft checks from Perfectionist (which probably doesn't stack with the +2 sacred bonus to Craft checks you can grant using Touch of the Craftsman).
Sorry had a work thing pop up
@Metool Craft focus it added +2
@Aaron I get that it adds +2, but can you say Feat Name, Source Book?
@Metool Core rules. Craft Focus feat
No such feat in Core. Do you mean Skill Focus (Craft)?
@Metool Yes sorry.
For the "Differences Between Freeform and DM-based Roleplay" question.
Because you have to take it once for each Craft (subskill) you want to apply it to, as "Craft is actually a number of separate skills." (CRB 91, Craft description)
Making it Skill Focus (Craft (armor)) or what have you.
Skill Focus also adds a +3 bonus, not a +2 bonus, and the bonus increases to +6 at 10 ranks in the skill.
Yea. The 25 is for the main skill. Bad wording on my part
Weapon crafting is 25
So, Craft (weapons) +5 ranks, +3 trained class skill, +2 racial bonus (Skill Bonus: Craft (weapons)), +3 feat(?) bonus (Skill Focus (Craft (weapons))), +2 sacred bonus (Perfectionist)... This is +15. What's your Intelligence modifier? Any more bonuses?
+2 for the touch of craft's man. and then +5 for the crafter's fortune spell would make 22. Hmmm. Where did I get the extra 3.
Touch of the Craftsman grants a +L/2 sacred bonus, and Perfectionist grants a +L/2 sacred bonus, and as a general rule bonuses of the same type don't stack. You could grant your bonus to other creatures 3 + WIS times per day, but applying it to yourself is futile.
@Metool Ok. I am still trying to find where the other +3 came from but I will drop that off.
How do you write "Write" In future tense?
"While still allowing it to be Wrote(Written?) to" is the context
Eh nevermind.
It feels like friday.
For me it feels like Wednesday.
@Metool Yesterday felt like Friday as well. I literally did nothing productive all day.
So you have a total of +19 to Craft (weapons), increasing to +24 with the casting of crafter's fortune... And you have a +6 modifier to any Craft skill you have no ranks in, plus +4 to +8 with ranks, leading to a total of +10 at one rank or +14 at five ranks, before crafter's fortune.
@Aaron Likewise.
So I can do just about any craft with a +11 using Crafter's Fortune.
This does not seem over powered when I point out I am Hephaestus's son in game
Oh, but conditional modifiers! "All crafts require artisan’s tools to give the best chance of success. If improvised tools are used, the check is made with a –2 penalty. On the other hand, masterwork artisan’s tools provide a +2 circumstance bonus on the check."
in 3.5 there were also +10 items for crafting
Masterwork artisan's tools cost 55 gp, while standard artisan's tools cost 5 gp.
@Metool That is rather cheap I would spring for masterwork.
I can find nothing to indicate that the "artisan's tools" item is different for each Craft skill.
So you're working at up to +13 untrained Craft, +17 one rank, +21 five ranks, and +26 Craft (weapons).
@Metool :D
> Check: You can practice your trade and make a decent living, earning half your check result in gold pieces per week of dedicated work (13+(1d20/2) gp/week if you make swords and flails, 6.5+(1d20/2) gp/week if you're selling these fine leather jackets). You know how to use the tools of your trade, how to perform the craft’s daily tasks, how to supervise untrained helpers, and how to handle common problems.
@Metool That's profession isn't it?
@Aaron Nope. Profession is the skill you use when the job doesn't end with a tangible product.
You can still make a decent living with Craft.
@Metool Ah. If I sold masterwork items would that up the income a lot?
@Aaron Either way, you're only making as much as your skill allows, plus what luck dictates.
Due to the nature of crafting, you can only create a certain amount of product over a certain span of time, and it would seem that you make as much profit from selling affordable bog-standard items as you do charging a bundle for the finest, perhaps because lower selling price mean higher volume of sales.
@Metool Hmm. I need to look more into crafting. I was under the impression that the higher the roll the faster you crafted thus. Under that assumption I was either going to mass produce cheap items or try to quickly make expensive items. I will read the craft more in depth though.
@Aaron You could try to do long-form crafting to test the Masterwork option. Gonna work this out in text here...
How do I bold text in this chat? bold?
Make an appropriate Craft check representing one
week’s worth of work. If the check succeeds, multiply
your check result by the DC. If the result × the DC
equals the price of the item in sp, then you have
completed the item. **If the result × the DC equals
double or triple the price of the item in silver pieces,
then you’ve completed the task in one-half or onethird
of the time. Other multiples of the DC reduce
the time in the same manner.** If the result × the DC
doesn’t equal the price, then it represents the progress
It didn't work that time
This is what I was trying to point out @Metool If the result × the DC equals
double or triple the price of the item in silver pieces,
then you’ve completed the task in one-half or onethird
of the time. Other multiples of the DC reduce
the time in the same manner.
100 gp of materials, plus let's say 2 gp for the base materials for a handaxe, for total 102 gp worth of material components for a product that goes on the market for 151 gp, meaning 49 gp of profit per unit.
For the masterwork component, each week, roll Craft (weapons) (let's say 26+10.5 for an average of 36.5), DC 20 (can't fail this one), then multiply your check result by the DC (average 730). Repeat each week until you have a total of 3000 (4.1 weeks, or about a month).
Just for masterworking a weapon.
It would sell for another 150 gp right?
Yes, but it would cost an extra 100 gp in materials.
@Metool True.
So selling simple items and keeping the MW would be my best bet.
Whoops, original post I derped. It sells for 153 gp, meaning 51 gp in profit per unit.
Although making the craft a daily check might speed things up.
Nevermind that doesn't work.
It would only increase the number of checks you make, bringing the craft time closer to the average.
@Metool The real kick in the balls about daily vs weekly is the daily you use copper instead of silver meaning the goal is x10 but your average is only x7
Not so.
@Metool Oh?
You make checks as per week, but divide the result of that day's check by the number of days in a week.
Anyway, you can add +10 to the DC to increase masterworking speed by 50% but introduce a 15% chance of no progress for that interval.
You may freely rush the basic handaxe (DC 15+10 for a total of 25, can't fail that if you have basic artisan's tools or better), 25*36.5 for 912.5 sp of progress per week on a 60 sp item, or in a 7-day week 130.4 sp per day, meaning about two handaxes per day.
You can quickly make an average of 15 basic handaxes a week, spending 30 gp on materials and selling them for 45 gp, for an average of 15 gp profit per week.
Or you can make 51 gp in four weeks, which is not as much.
Either way, you're not doing any better than the average of 18 gp, 2 sp, 5 cp making simple Craft checks each week.
Not sure where the difference lies.
Maybe customer service?
Not bad. Adventuring does get you more though :/
You might be making what people need, rather than creating a product for someone to buy.
Yeah, that's true.
There are also downtime rules in Ultimate Campaign, but my hard copy is at home, and I'm a buck shy of the cost of the PDF.
oh, hey, PRD. Would you be crafting magic or mundane items?
@Metool both
@Aaron WAY more.
> Skilled Work: If you have ranks in a useful skill, you can spend 1 day working in a settlement to earn capital. Note that this method includes both legal and illegal means of earning capital—for example, a day spent using Sleight of Hand to earn money could be a day spent performing as a street magician or a day spent pickpocketing.
Choose either one type of capital (Goods, Influence, Labor, or Magic) or gp, and attempt a skill check. You can take 10 on this check (for 36).
If you chose gp, divide the result of your check by 10 to determine how many gp you earn that day. For example, if your check result is a 36, dividing it by 10 earns you 3 gp and 6 sp that day (round to the nearest silver).
If you chose Goods, Influence, Labor, or Magic, by paying 10, 15, 10 or 50 gp (respectively) for every 10 points in your check, gain 1 of that kind of capital. You should be using an appropriate skill for the kind of capital (craft weapons being Goods).
15% chance for buying up to 2 Goods in a day, 50% chance for buying up to 3 Goods that day, 35% chance of buying 4 Goods that day, for 10 gp each.
Goods (as capital) are an abstraction so that you don't need to keep track of gathering things like stones for a building's foundation, timber for the walls, ingredients for the menu, and so on.
Although you can't sell a Goods unit, you can use it as 20 gp of payment toward any applicable downtime activity that requires you to spend gp.
But key is "At the GM's discretion, you may affect any activity you have in the settlement (downtime or otherwise) by spending capital. In general, every 1 point of capital spent allows you to add a +1 bonus on one skill check (maximum +5). The capital spent must reasonably affect that kind of check."
I'm gonna go make a deposit now. Best of luck in your artificing antics, @Aaron.
@Metool Thanks for the info reading the PDF now
@Aaron Speaking as a civil servant for Arstotzka, I hope that's a legitimately obtained document.
@Metool What?
Would extra hardness on armor affect the AC bonus of the armor?
@Aaron no
@Zachiel Thanks
you're welcome
A cleric counts as a spell caster right?
2 hours later…
@Aaron A game about being a customs officer has influenced me to be a bit more Lawful, so I'm saying I hope you didn't pirate that.
@Aaron Divine spellcaster, yes.
@Aaron Just in case, here's a link to my personal copy of the Downtime chapter of Ultimate Campaign.
@Metool I was reading the PDF you linked me to.
@Metool This one
@Aaron Yeah, that's a web page. The PDF can be viewed offline.
in and out like a thief I shall be
or superman, or a superman thief
@Zachiel btw thanks again for pointing me towards the .it play by forum, so far so good, although not joined anything, early days and awaiting replies
hhmmm...oh yea @Aaron wanted to say, have you checked out psyren? I can tell you that the manga is the best I've ever read, hopefully the anime is good too.
And I strongly advise tengen toppa: gurren lagan! If you like robots and ridonculous things, you shall enjoy
evening @C.Ross
I feel rather rude, but I only broke in to post a line or two, and shall have to abandon after having ransacked and looted all. Ta ta!
1 hour later…
@Emrakul Hi.
I really want to play a game of Nomic. Any players? (Rule set)
(URLs with spaces in them are weird)
00:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

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