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Id say you really only need 3 players (unless you like to use lots of minions in your xp budget) not that a controller isn't always helpful but its probably the role you can most do without
They're playing 3.0 now and despite using all the characters even if someone's missing they don't like to play when it's 2+me. Once one of them said there's not enough different opinions
it's not the number of characters, is te number of people contributing to the story.
that is a good enough reason
3 PCs is the magic number.
And a Wizard to solve all their problems.
I don't mean in 4e. I mean in general, because of how characters interact.
@AlexP I didn't mean in 4E either, but yes, I get what you mean.
@AlexP let's discuss this tomorrow, will you?
@Zachiel Sure, whenever.
2 hours later…
@AlexP Want to know the really depressing part? The website asks where you're from, and after I've said "Australia", the price was set at $17,645. Probably AUD, which translates to 16,321 USD.
$14,140.00 in Canada.
I could accept such a mark-up for one and only one reason. It has to be delivered in a drop pod.
"This collection contains plastic, resin and metal miniatures. These kits comes supplied unpainted and require assembly - we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue, Citadel Super Glue and Citadel Paints... and you're going to need lots!"
@Magician Games Workshop basically lives to screw over Australia.
@AlexP "as deployed at the Battle of Orar's Sepulchre 888.M41"
That is the context, apparently.
1 hour later…
But I think Pinkie's using a totally different system--probably Toon.
except I would think even in toon stuff happens because you decided to do it
I just wrote up one of our best sessions (here). It was all crazy and dreamlike. We've decided that the real art to doing dreams in games is crazy use of "pulling" narration and being absolutely brazen with scene changes.
Also even-more-aggressive-than-usual reincorporation, I suppose.
Basically just take out the narrative glue that holds scenes together and run full speed ahead and get through like three-four session's worth of stuff in one go, in the dream.
What kind of surface is a Chessex battlemat?
@BESW You ever seen a vinyl couch surface?
.... ew.
@BESW Iiiii'm not sure I get what that ew is about.
It's all bumpy and reptilian, in a factory-made kind of way, right?
Well, it's actually quite smooth, except for the raised lines that are the design, and any creases from pinching or folding.
I should mention that it creases easily.
er, that's the squares side. Let me check the hexes.
The material does not respond well to debris, so make sure the surface beneath is clean.
You say reptilian, and that is sort of what the underside seems to be.
I bring to you latest D&D Next news. In which we find out that "removing skills entirely isn't a popular option".
I though just presenting that quote was sufficient, yes.
Skills are tricky to get right. Looking at their numbers, we get that they cap out at +6, and abilities at +5. Which means that a high-level rogue that specializes in lockpicking has a modifier of +11, whereas a low-level drunken dwarf can manage about -1. Which means that while there will be tasks entirely outside of the dwarf's capabilities, your average lock of DC 15 will still be pose a potential problem to the rogue, while being surmountable by the dwarf.
And seeing as it is solved with a single goblin die roll, i'm not sure there's enough of a sense of advancement. At least in combat you can do more damage and pretend that's epic.
@BESW Not sure if they offer any more colour options, but mine is this sort of dusty cream colour? The gridlines aren't high-visibility.
Sigh. It's curious, how I'm highly critical of any Next updates, while just shrugging at a simple skill implementation of 13th Age. Probably because 13th Age, while absolutely a D&D game at heart, does not pretend to be the D&D game. I can easily play it as is.
I'm putting together a list of options for Ben to try to get the mess off his mat.
Caution--most of these might also remove the grid lines.
Simple Green--careful, the stuff is powerful and should be diluted.
Mess Master (florist's chemical).
Draw on the permanent line with something you know you can erase, then erase *that* as normal. Sometimes the permanent line comes with it.
Rubbing alcohol, a soft toothbrush, and a strong arm.
Mr. Clean Magic Erasers have a good rep for this.
Tearful supplications to the Mat God, accompanied by cruel sacrifices of metal d4s (his greatest foe).
Thoughts? Additional suggestions?
I think we've been lucky in that we've only had to draw on older marks to get them out.
@Magician "simple" is different from "hapless, directionless, and incompetent."
Shaenon Garrity is looking for someone to help with her Comic Press site: Okay, I need to hire someone to fix this website’s problems. If you’re VERY proficient in ComicPress and want to save me from myself, please email me.
@AlexP I've mentioned the Buffy episode Restless, right?
I gotta go mail money to the feds, buy eighteen gallons of water, and maybe pick up some glue.
(Tweets to Campaign By is jealous of my life.)
@Magician So, I'm reading that article. (More fool me.)
> I like that I can create a cleric with a high Dexterity, pick leather armor and a ranged weapon, take skills that improve checks dealing with stealth, survival, and perception, and play an outdoorsy tracker and hunter who feels much different compared to a traditional, mace and chainmail cleric.
And then...
> The expert bonus is important to ensure that rogues are the best at finding traps, rangers excel in surviving outdoors, and bards are the best at performance. We'll use it selectively in design to ensure that classes that are experts in certain areas can live up to that billing.
Yanno, I'm increasingly thinking that their core system should be inspired by the Chameleon PrC.
That... is a wonderful idea.
Instead of classes, have feature packages.
@BESW Mace and chainmail cleric? The only clerics I've seen in play were full-plate w/ bash shields and an unarmored unarmed SPELLCASTER: THE RACE.
@Metool I liked running Cloistered variant clerics, meself.
How are citizens of Yerlindania doing today?
I remember the power of cantrips and 1st level spells all too fondly.
Spellcasting in general is hilarious.
@Emrakul I dunno, why don't you ask them?
Cast grease, cast spark, disable spellcaster.
Hard to get to.
@Metool Cast grease, disable fighter.
I should note we were 8th level at the time.
A survival package would include bonuses/expertise/proficiency/whatever with the requisite survival skills, some nature-related features like trackless step, the ability to never be lost, and a handful of appropriate spells/spell-like/supernatural abilities.
It would be distinct from a "hunter" package, which would give tracking and investigative abilities/bonuses, some kind of sneak-attack-like damage bonuses, and proficiency/expertise/whatever with ranged weapons.
Taken together you'd get something like a ranger. But if you take the Hunter package with the soldier package (teamwork, discipline, intimidation, abilities to fight multiple enemies) you'd get a battlefield archer, maybe a bow for hire or the veteran of a war.
I think I'd have it be a three-package deal at chargen. Packages would all be designed to have roughly equal mechanical balance.
Alternately, there'd be "skill," "utility," and "conflict" packages and a character would choose one of each.
To make a ranger, you'd take the Survival skill package, the Tracker utility package, and the Archer conflict package.
For a druid, it might be the Survival skill package, the Nature Friend utility package (animal companion, talking to plants, and so forth), and a primal or divine conflict package.
Or it could be survival skills, primal spellcasting utility, and wildshape conflict.
skill/utility/conflict packages would initially restrict the combination possibilities, but would provide great opportunity for making packages in later releases.
(And would probably make balance easier.)
Easy way to make things like skill and attack mechanics into snap-on modules divorced from the core ruleset: the core ruleset just has things like "expertise" and "proficiency," which are numerically undefined. Each module says what "expertise" means for its particular mechanics.
If a package gives "proficiency with bows," one package will define it as granting a +5 bonus to attacks and a +1d6 on damage; another will define it as having a better BaB when using a bow and being able to use your Wis or Dex modifier to damage, whichever is better.
This sounds interesting.
Where is the start of this conversation? What is this about?
Now, this means that the core ruleset isn't playable by itself.
@InbarRose I'm thinking out loud about what the D&D Next system might have been.
I love modular things. :)
It started with @Magician's quoting the newest D&D Next blog entry.
2 hours ago, by Magician
I bring to you latest D&D Next news. In which we find out that "removing skills entirely isn't a popular option".
Which led me to this idea:
42 mins ago, by BESW
Yanno, I'm increasingly thinking that their core system should be inspired by the Chameleon PrC.
So I'm imagining the core ruleset being a set of mix-and-match specialty packages: pick one each from the Skills, Utility, and Conflict package options to define what your character is good at.
And then the group chooses a set of rule modules that define what "being good at a thing" means mechanically.
So its also a collaborative process in deciding the way the mechanics should work
So a character with the Survival/Tracker/Soldier packages would have the same basic concept and set of "what I'm good at" regardless of the modules the game uses, but he'd play differently depending on whether the modules chosen were more like 4e, or 3.5, or whatever--and you could choose to use a 4e conflict module with a 3.5 skill module.
@InbarRose Or the GM chooses.
But yeah, if I were making this game I'd encourage a Same Page Tool-like approach to module choice.
Taking the Soldier conflict package would give you Excellent Toughness, and the conflict module chosen would determine if that was represented with 4e-like flat hp, or 3.5 die-based hp, or d20 Modern's wounds/vitality system, or something else entirely.
The package/module concept makes room for continued release of extra content, which is crucial to the D&D marketing strategy, and allows for inter-IP licensing opportunities as they release a set of Transformers packages or a Magic: the Gathering spellcasting module.
"Magic: the Gathering spellcasting module" interesting.
With this model, it would be possible to almost literally allow people to continue playing their D&D Edition of Choice in D&D Next, simply by releasing a set of packages and modules which mimic that edition's mechanics.
Anyway - I think there is definitely something to what you are saying. Make yourself vocal, who knows - might land you a job ;-)
This is basically what I thought they were going to do when they first announced the DDN edition's goals.
Well, I have one main concern about this idea
it removes the cohesive feel of the game- by making it modular, you lose a "core" element. the game is expecting to become esoteric and differing across every group that plays it... maybe they want a similar experience/
@InbarRose Well, yes. But that's what the DDN's stated goal is.
And I do think it's a major problem which will fragment the community.
But if you're going to do it... this is how I'd make it work.
> We want a game that rises above differences of play styles, campaign settings, and editions, one that takes the fundamental essence of D&D and brings it to the forefront of the game. In short, we want a game that is as simple or complex as you please, its action focused on combat, intrigue, and exploration as you desire. We want a game that is unmistakably D&D, but one that can easily become your D&D, the game that you want to run and play.
Yeah okay, but how do they want it done?
So far as I can tell, Wizards has noticed that the RPG community is moving away from monolithic brand-adherence to a few systems which try to satisfy every playstyle. The market is now populated by a plethora of systems, each dedicated to providing a specific game experience so that a group can choose the system best suited to its desires.
But Wizards can't turn D&D into a niche system; they rely on their monolithic status to bring in the money needed for Hasbro to consider D&D worth not shutting down.
So D&D Next is the compromise: a monolithic brand that tries to also cater to every niche market.
It's an awful idea, and I think they know it, but they're backed into a corner by the fact that the RPG community isn't interested in their business model but Hasbro needs them to keep it.
If they could succeed on the concept it'd be brilliant and noble and awe-inspiring. But they don't have the chops; Wizards's D&D team has an established history of only being competent when focused on a very very narrow range of gameplay goals to the exclusion of all else.
I think people change - especially people in this industry. Where learning and growth are an important part of success.
The more they try to integrate multiple styles or approaches, the lower the quality of balance and playtesting.
@InbarRose Oh, sure. But the D&D Next playtest has shown a backward trend from the advances they made in 4e.
And I don't mean that they're going back to older traditions of mechanic. That's part of the D&D Next goals, so it's fine.
But the playtest seemed scatterbrained, unfocused, and like they had to re-learn all the basic gamedev elements that they'd learned in 3.5 and leveraged in 4e.
I read an article/blog or something about the new D&D and it was about how they wanted to try to focus on the root of roleplaying game. By encouraging roleplay, using something they called "action points" (i think)... anyway.. it has a small segment there about how they want to introduce story hooks of the characters past and origin story into the creation/mechanics of the game or something
After a year of playtesting there is no sense that a ruleset had solidified, or even really advanced in concept. The very last playtest they released was "Hey, what if we drop skills entirely?" and the learning was "People don't like that."
That is not the kind of experiment you want to see in the last playtest set, if you want to feel like the devs are competent and have a vision of the game.
@InbarRose Heh. Doctor Who: Adventures in Time and Space, nearly every game based on the Fate engine, and even Pathfinder have been working with those concepts for five to ten years now.
But Wizards wants to reinvent the wheel.
I guess that's the fundamental problem I'm seeing with D&D Next: it feels like they've forgotten their hard-earned learning, and are trying to replicate the success of other games without actually studying what those game devs learned.
Seven years ago they could be pretentious. Now, when their tightest, most mechanically sound system drove half their client base into the arms of a competitor and small-company non-serialized games are an increasingly significant presence in the market...
And they can't lean on Magic sales, because Hasbro is looking at each IP's income individually.
@InbarRose Any time someone talks about using mechanics to enforce roleplaying, they're liable to insult half the RPG community by saying or implying that what we're doing isn't RP.
This is different from using mechanics to encourage a particular gamestyle or play experience, because it's not assuming that the experience is the One True RPG Way.
@JonathanHobbs You're in time for another installment of BESW Laments the Tragic Decline of an Institution, While Making Merciless Fun of Them Too.
@BESW (All Quite Thoroughly And Equally Unfortunately Earned As Well)
There is an amusing yet accurate acronym in all that somewhere.
That.... is about right to describe what we know so far about D&D Next
Some Not-Overly-Wrong and Fervidly Loquacious Analysis of a Monolith's Erosion.
Gotta end in "E."
... I see what you're doing there
I should hope so.
Snowflame might not be a culprit here though
at least not any longer
he'd be flipping out doing completely nuts stuff right?
these people don't seem to be doing that so much as experiencing total mental blanks and going "uhh... uhhh..."
Maybe he's branching out from cocaine.
Oh dear.
Well! I'm going to abscond and get something to eat. Ttfn!
Oh, before I go:
Can someone please sanity check the advice & edit I gave and performed here?
Q: Hide in Plain Sight - Shadowdancer clarification

Can CanbekIn pathfinder; a shadowdancer acquires the ability to hide while being observed. A shadowdancer can use the Stealth skill even while being observed. As long as she is within 10 feet of an area of dim light, a shadowdancer can hide herself from view in the open without anything to actually...

I can't right now, but I will when I have the chance.
and tell me off if I did dumb stuff
Ta, I appreciate it
@Shkeil Heyo!
@Shkeil Hi
How are you all?
fine, and you ?
Fine too
Currently waiting for an ally to appear.
2 hours later…
The Walking Mind has received 4 upvotes, hitting my entry criterion for being added to the chat feed.
The ticker will freak out once or twice as it gets used to the addition.
@Rob [wave]
@BESW [tapdance] Hey there
What's new?
Just found a handy list of npc names hidden in the data files of The Second Step :)
I can ad lib just about anything; just not NPC names
Yeah, I like lists of those too.
How's the @BESW world?
Some family stress, some awesome Fate stuff, it balances out.
So far I have mostly avoided going mad with power.
You've kept the evil cackling to government recommended minimums?
Well, you know, in moderation it's a good upper-torso workout, with respiratory benefits. Clinical studies indicate therapeutic effects as well, but the FDA hasn't signed off on that yet.
It takes years to finish a comprehensive cackling study, the different styles, moustaches, stances....
You just gotta be careful not to overdo it, or you could crack a rib or miss the hero coming up behind for the sucker-punch off the railless causeway over the vat of acid.
I keep mentally rereading that What does this mean? in the quiet voice of someone philosophically shocked and with a thousand-yard wide-eyed stare.
@JonathanHobbs Me too!
Anybody up for some poorly directed Fate brainstorming?
not me at the moment! gonna watch some avatar and do some ironing
It's always frustating to see removed message before we can read it.
livin' the high life
@Shkeil One of the options in the drop-down menu (on the left of the message when you hover your cursor over it) is "history."
@JonathanHobbs Korra?
@BESW Does it require some reputation? I haven't anything when I look the drop-down menu on a removed message.
Maybe it does. I thought most chat stuff was universal.
@Shkeil It wasn't very important; just me missing a reference.
@BESW You've not gained any chat super-powers then?
@BESW Maybe it's just for you: you're an owner of this room.
I can see "history" then again it's my message
This stuff is pretty poorly documented.
I am dissatisfied by a lot of SE's documentation, actually.
@Rob It's your message, you probably have some added rights. It's like comments: you can always comment on your questions and answer, even without having 50 in reputation
@Shkeil Possibly!
@Rob iirc history is viewable to everyone
but as @BESW said the documentation often sucks
Man, looks like I missed out on some quality Decline-Lamenting.
@AlexP heh :)
Good Monday...
I am hoping if I say it enough it will be true.
Hey @Aaron - Sounds like an oxymoron to me...
@Rob It's too early and too Monday to remember what an Oxymoron is.
@waxeagle I think you forget a word. Or you're implying something
He's right, though.
@Aaron two word that means opposite things. "a deafening silence"
I am lousy documentation.
@Trajan Thanks.
has Zachiel been on recently?
Or something like "Military Intelligence"
Hmmm, need a quasi-obscured name for a clone
@Rob Ooh, I'm that guy!
@Aaron Thanks :)
Remus is newly obscured because everyone thinks it's a werewolf name now.
Earthdawn game tonight; group are going to brush close to their first horror
@BESW You're quasi-obscured? :)
I'm good at referential names.
@BESW I never thought about Remus as a werewolf name... But I understand where it's from.
I like that name
@Shkeil Harry Potter brought us Remus Lupin, the least subtle werewolf name since Harry Wulfmanne.
Remus I like too; the horrors making everyone it marks turn themselves into a version of itself. Of course, this will probably require surgery, a rack....
@BESW True
@BESW I just thought of the Rome founder
@Rob Aye, but Romulus and Remus were raised by a shewolf.
@Trajan sry fixed
You could make a Blade Runner reference.
@BESW Now that's tempting; hmmm, could call him Isidore.
@BESW I know. But I have to admit I think first about my werewolves' names when someone speak about a werewolf name.
@Rob Leon Kowalski?
@BESW Maybe... feels a bit modern; it's a fantasy setting
Other clones/twins... Luke and Leia and the elder Fett immediately come to mind.
Carl Krummet is an alias of Superboy.
I think I'll go with Isidore; it's the Do Androids Dream... book name of the JF Sebastian character; and he makes dolls...
Sounds good.
Thanks for the help peeps :)
Our pleasure.
Better do some work now; adios all, happy gaming :)
It's too Monday. Can I crawl back into my bed?
@trogdor :'(
wait an hour and 20 minutes and it will be tuesday (where I am anyway)
@Aaron aww dang it, fine you can go to sleep
but only because I made you cry
It's only 7:45 AM here
well, generally I don't go back to bed at that point myself
especially on monday
curse you monday, I know you can hear me
@JonathanHobbs Yea I saw that with the caption. "Apparently blind people are trains"
@JonathanHobbs Where is it?
blind people aren't trains just because people who can read are not :P
@trogdor I know it was just someone's joke.
@Aaron Oh wow I hadn't seen that caption XD
@Shkeil I don't know
I see @BESW is this rooms new lord and master.
@Aaron yes I realize this
@Aaron for now,.... for now
Anyone want to roll for shoes?
I roll for shoes
I have excellent shoes
you have shoes
You have Shoes(2)
most definitely
@Aaron I'm up for it, provided you don't mind me potentially fading in and out as the workday progresses
It's fine. I actually have a room for it.
@BESW I have excellent shoes. Check it out!
@waxeagle That's fine.
@JonathanHobbs Those are indeed shoes fit for a dandy.
I roll to see if I have the dandiest shoes
@BESW Have you demanded tribute yet?
I do not have the dandiest shoes
@DiceService Lol
I don't think anyone even needs to oppose me on that one
@Aaron I was given an offering of ponies by @Metool.
Anyway. @JonathanHobbs if you want to play join the room I linked to above. Metool is playing.
2 even
@Aaron Thank you but I'll be sleeping very soon :)
I just wanted to see if I had shoes
Speaking of @Metools, it's time for this one to wander off.
@JonathanHobbs Ok.
I couldn't for the life of me find a rules quote on why rages don't end when knocked out in 4e, but I could find a forum entry with plaguescarred saying so which is pretty legit, but not legit enough for the site i think
@JoshuaAslanSmith End of encounter and it's not a stance so end of encounter means end of encounter :)
Anyone able to check the ports gamesurge is listening on?
@JoshuaAslanSmith Do rages grant any sort of survivability that vanishes once the rage ends?
If so, it'd suck to lose that when KO'd.
@Metool not by default
@waxeagle Not asking if it comes standard, asking if it's on the table at all.
@Metool there are some utilities I think that provide it. And maybe some of the rages do. I think some of them come with damage resistance or a bundle of temp hit points
Last week I learned a thing: the pages describing our privileges are editable. Meta Stack Overflow hosts the master copies which get copied to all network sites. You can suggest edits, and 20k users can edit freely.
Tempted to star no longer.
I dunno if it's necessary to star but it's fukken awesome.
Oh, that's what you meant xD
so this is a thing
Calvin and Mua'dib
@Metool Why is that?
@Aaron cuz he starred it
"In Devil May Cry, leaping in the air and firing the pistols to keep yourself airborne is a strategy noted in the manual." My justification for having a weapon that grants a bonus to Acrobatics.
@JoshuaAslanSmith That.... is a thing.
welp, got some wimsdom teeth outh
@AlexP How many?
@BESW top two
the bottom ones are: 1) missing, 2) grown into the jaw bone
so it's no big deal
I had to get all four out at once.
oh, ouch
I hear the bottoms ones are a MESS
I nearly got addicted to Vicodin, and one of the top ones got infected.
@AlexP I need to get mine done at some point, I've got 3 that need to come out (4th is missing)
One of the bottom ones had a root that had wound itself around a nerve, and my tongue was partially numb for about a month.
@BESW Ouch.
When my wife got her foot done, the doctor prescribed her like 80 Diladud. The pharmacy fraeked out trying to fill that order.
My teeth are wonky. One of my canines is sideways because the baby tooth refused to come out while the adult tooth came in.
He basically told her she's be in excruciating pain if she didn't pop them all on schedule.
@BESW I have a canine that pokes out a bit.
Also a couple of gaps or baby teeth.
That's one of the things I worry about when we play historical-ish fantasy: is it reasonably for my chracter to have good teeth?\
Depends on when, where, and how rich he is.
I mean, the earliest dental fillings known are about 6,500 years old.
The Egyptians experimented with dental prosthetics, and Babylon was familiar enough with dental extraction to use it as a legal punishment.
@alexp its standard practices many places to just take em all out at once because then you don't have to have 2 surgerys if the other set becomes a problem. I had the same thing done to me. The only issues iwth the bottom 2 is they have to stitch your gums back together and its weird for a little bit
oh hey, some of the colors are fixed in the wizards char-op forum...that's helpful
@AlexP 80 generic units?
that is in fact cool
@waxeagle let the charop begin anew
wassup my peoples
@JoshuaAslanSmith, @philosophyguy Hey.
@philosophyguy did my answer and the other guys answer clear up the differences between D&D insider vs. books
@BESW Looks like Legend Tracks to me
Hey @Zachiel What's new?
@Zachiel If taking multiple tracks replaced classes, yeah.
@BESW It replaces class features. Not save bonuses or BAB or HD, save for racial tracks.
@Aaron games getting blown all over the landscape
@Zachiel ?
My 4e group might never see the light, I have a guy who I know who now wants to DM a PbC. He's never been able to DM anything for more than three sessions. Once because we were unable to meet al 8 of us at the same time, once because we spent the first evening creating characters he had to prepare in advance and then nobody wanted to go on, once because "you're too powerful, I don't know how to challenge you guys" and one because "I ran out of inspiration"
@Aaron Either a tragic gamestore explosion, or the most awesome tumbleweeds ever.
What about our game? @Zachiel
@JoshuaAslanSmith I only have the top two.
Well, I have one on the bottom but it's liked fused to the bone, not going anywhere. And missing one on the other side.
So, after like two naps, I feel pretty good.
@Metool 80 doses. Like just pop them straight for a week. (For bone grafts and reconstruction.)
Oh, also, hi everyone. Back from my naps.
I feel surprisingly good.
@Aaron The willing GM is the player I told you about. I still have to understand when we will be around togheter
@Aaron @Zachiel I'm here if your decision depend on me...
Not only on you
@Zachiel they want to DM our game? If we are doing a scheduled game I am available after 4pm - 8pm (It's 12:30 here now. I never was good with time zones so not sure what to tell you.)
after 4 to 8 or after 4 and after 8?
I am available between 4 and 8. Weekends are just about any time.
it's froM 11PM to 03AM here. I can be there, my friend can't because he wakes up early except on thursday IIRC. But I'm away on wednesday evening.
00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

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