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01:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

(keeping it clear from other things could be a second reason)
@BESW I won't allow it
Even if it could be a nice way to tier down the druid
(being it the druid it shouldn't be much of a downgrade, tho')
I ran monk-like-variant VoP druids a couple times, just to knock down the complexity.
Also because I liked the flavor.
OK, so, I have the 3.5 trinity (PHP, DMG, MM). I do not have anything FR and only have an inkling of the setting from the various video games (Baldur's, NWN). Is there anything I should know for character creation?
@BESW ???
@Aaron There are a few 3.5 topics that are nigh impossible for the Internet to discuss civilly, even here.
Alignment, Vow of Poverty, and monks top the list.
@BESW I see.
Also, since level 1, the druid is not gonna wildshape soon, so thee race choice is ok, unless we use the wossname variant
But Monks are the best XD Just kidding.
@BESW Don't forget hide in plain sight
Wait did I say wild or wood elf?
Not saying they're things we can't ever talk about, but it's best to take 'em into side chats.
I meant wood elf
@Zachiel Could I have one of the great cats as an animal companion as they are the favored animal companions of the wood elfs?
Having played a wild halfling druid in a town and having had problems in properly roleplaying him, my doubts are on the narrative side. Wild elf in city? Ok. Druid in city? Ok. Both? Needs a really strong reason not to be here but to stay (As I already said I can work around it but a "I hate this place" character could be problematic)
It specificly lists Mountain lions, Pumas and leopards.
There is an "urban" druid variant.
@Aaron I think that costs a feat.
@Zachiel Not all druids hate cities. They of course prefer not to be in big cities but perhaps he could hear a rumor an ancient druidic artifact is in the city where the module is.
True or not it would work as a character hook.
how strange. No felines in the standard druid list. I think we can refluff any other animal with the most similar abilities and attacks distributions until you get to an appropriate level
@BESW what's the feat? Wild Cohort?
I'd have to look it up.
@Aaron mmmh the city is big enough to have a druid grove detailed in the setting
The leopard is a lvl 3 companion I believe. I thought it would fit my character better as they are common companions to wood elves.
The only one I can track down is for multiclass. Bah.
One moment, let me find the urban druid variants... I've got a list.
Most of them take the "when in nature" bits and revises them for city use.
Like Nature Sense giving +2 to Knowledge (local) and Sense Motive, or Woodland Stride now working for crowds and debris.
Druids are divine right? would they have anything in the Complete Divine.
The Cityscape book itself has some sweet options, too.
The druids are Pri... nevermind, 4e XD
@Aaron Some, yes.
Wild Feats are kinda cool, but mostly underwhelming.
The big thing to get from Complete Divine is the Spontaneous Healer feat.
Lets you sub out prepared spells for cure just like a cleric.
(The catch is that it requires 4 ranks in Religion, which is cross-class for druids.)
O_O I got an idea. An evil idea. A completely unrelated idea but... animal companions take feats right? And they have all the requirements needed for takin' Leadership, right?
@BESW And works only Wis times per day IIRC
@Zachiel Eh, Wis-primary class with its own HoTs.
Not a major issue.
@Zachiel I don't think Animal companions take feats no. They get bonuses as the druid levels up but as far as I know that is it.
@Zachiel Sure, but they take some pretty harsh penalties on the Leadership score.
@Aaron They get bonus HD, which come with feats like all HD.
@BESW Hmm? I am sorry as I talk to you guys I realize I was taught many incorrect things please elaborat as I am realizing most of what I know is incorrect.
Let's say you've got a level 6 lion (he just needs +1HD from the druid's levelups to hit 6HD).
He's got 6 Charisma, moves around a lot, and is almost certainly known for aloofness.
That's a Leadership Score of... 1.
Which means your lion isn't eligible for even a single level 1 follower or cohort.
So when you say HD you mean how many times he has rolled his die for health right?
Let's say he's an especially nice lion and the "aloof" thing isn't an issue. Now he's got a score of 2, and a level 1 cohort.
Just to clarify.
My unequipped lion you mean XD
@Aaron Roughly, yes.
@BESW That, +1. You don't roll the first HD u_u
@Zachiel Only player characters get that.
So having class levels isn't what gets you feats it's the HD?
So when you have a character with 2 racial HD and 1 class level he gets 2 feats.
Each level of a class does give you an HD, but it's the HD that gives you the feat at level 1 and every level that's a multiple of three.
compare with familiars, they don't get bonus HD (even if they're treated as having as many as the class level of their master for many things). So they don't get new feats.
Druid Animal Companions get bonus HD though.
and that's one of the reasons I rage when Shamans asks me "can I get this animal companion" or druids talk about "my familiar"
Aye, because animal companions are expected to be combat-capable and familiars aren't.
@Aaron Exactly
(And Spirit companions are expected to be not)
How did we get on this topic exactly?
I was browsing for alternative companions and I stumbled upon a thread that reminded me of feat choices for them
Do you track what components and such are needed to cast spells?
I really like the idea of giving you a feline companion but the options are... underwhelming
mundane components? Get your 5gp pouch
@Zachiel Gotcha.
costy components? Better have them listed in your sheet
I is overwhelmed.
@Zachiel Anything above 5gp count as costly?
I think it's anything worth 1gp or more. Usually it's things that have a listed cost in the spell description
@leokhorn I think you've been playing 3.5 before. Am I wrong?
Ok what is the difference between rods, staffs, and wands? Wands hold a set number of the spell put into them and I think they are rechargable.
"Costly" components are those which have their cost listed in the spell description.
wands hold 50 spells, easier things to use with use magic device, costs are good for the single spell but you usually buy them full and it costs a lot.
If it doesn't have a price listed in the spell, assume it comes out of your pouch.
staffs and wands... I should check which one is which. One has different effects each costing 1 to 3 charges and a limited numer of chargees, the other usually has special effects
Rods have unusual/unique effects, though there are a handful of common types.
(Like letting you apply a metamagic feat you don't know to a spell a limited number of times per day.)
@Zachiel Only a few sessions years ago. I'm more familiar with Pathfinder currently, though technically it should be very similar eh? I'm mostly overwhelmed by people mentioning options from the zillion supplements XD. And I'm still pondering what class to take. I'm a slowpoke :|
Staves have 50 charges and a handful of spells attached to them. You can cast the spell out of the staff by spending charges (more powerful spells cost more charges).
Most rods are permanent just limited by per day stuff.
I was thinking Fighter or Rogue to be mostly straightforward and easy to fit in the context of the setting and adventure.
I know. options from a zillion supplements is **the** thing I usually solve by going core only - but KRyan did a pretty good speech on why that is bad.
Maybe we could hear the character concept from you and build it here to be a non-overpowered but reasonable character
@BESW Ah yeah it was staffs and rods, not wands (which I already detailed)
@leokhorn I'm a little biased against rogues... Unless you get your hands on things that help you deal damage to undeads or constructs
Try a scout.
They're like wilderness rogues.
@Zachiel Ah right, underwhelming restrictions on Sneak Attack in 3.5 :|
But they get bonus damage for moving rather than combat advantage.
What's your opinion on Factotums, BESW?
Not enough experience with 'em to have any opinions, I'm afraid.
They look powerful but needlessly fiddly.
I was also thinking Barbarian, but your doubts about the druid fitting in made me wonder.
@Zachiel How strongly do you feel about refluffing classes?
Your comments on the druid make it sound like you're committed to class fluff.
Actually, what kind of hook/blurb can you give for the adventure so I can see if that brings up something? It's hard to know what kind of character would fit without somewhat knowing what we're going for ;)
@BESW no problems with that (of course, refluffing a druid is -hard-)
@Zachiel That's why I provided the urban variants.
A couple variants and he's a street-smart urban warrior communing with the rats and the pigeons, eating with the raccoons and vanishing in the crowds.
@BESW Speaking of alternate classes and such... is there a complete resource of all OGL content for 3.5 somewhere? àla d20PFSRD for Pathfinder? Considering I only have the core books and whatever PCGen throws at me (mostly 3rd party stuff), I think I'd need that if I want/need something outside of core.
Barbarian could be an unruly fighter, a guy that fights alongside animals and casts spells that summon animals and plants is... way harder to refluff in my mind. I'm a little bit more committed to race fluff and society
@leokhorn You mean like d20srd.org?
@BESW a not-murder hobo?
@Zachiel Sure!
a not-murder-animals hobo*
@BESW Mmmmyeah... but isn't this mostly core besides Psionics? I'll look again, maybe I missed something >.>...
But he can also turn into a swarm of rats, or a stray dog.
@leokhorn yes it is, but that's what the OGL covers
@BESW Very cool idea for a druid.
@Zachiel Oh dear... I see. Wow... That's limiting :|
@William'MindWorX'Mariager I've always wanted to run an urban druid, since I saw those variants.
(though I technically don't need anything out of core personally... I'm not looking for uber-optimization or anything, as long as I can somewhat useful, if only for the party's sake)
The Cityscape book would be useful. [grin]
Does anyone have and editable PDF character sheet? I have a pdf but I can't edit it or print it out currently.
@BESW I can see why. I'm definitely doing something like that if I ever get to be a player again. God I miss it.
Maybe I can talk @trogdor into running me as an urban druid in Fate.
@BESW Impressive!
@leokhorn 5 starred comment here at the side
Better to delete that. I don't want to induce someone into temptation.
@Aaron I have an editable excel file somewhere...
@Zachiel Oh I saw that. But I'm kinda stuck here :P. I can't suddenly buy extra books for this ^^;
I'm used to keep .txt files with the useful stuff
Mine lets me click in it like I should be able to type but I can't actually type.
@leokhorn And I don't want you to. I think it's fine if I'm sharing knowledge with you of the things that are in manuals I own or I have physical access to
@Aaron you could always learn how to use itext :) But that's a lot of work for next to no payoff
@waxeagle Could you delete this, please?
@Zachiel Not very practical though, but okay.
@BESW moderation: deletion is magic
Unfortunately, it's quite a lot of books. I wish one of my players wasn't so into the hobby.
@waxeagle Glee!
I will just get a sheet of paper to write stuff on.
I am going with the moon elf druid.
Aaron, how can I send you a link to roll20 in a place where it isn't publically searchable, provided I can't get on touch with you on IRC? Same for you Leokhorn
@Aaron is it moon elf now?
Gah I can't type Wood elf
Face desk.
@Zachiel That's a.... very good question
Drop it here and then delete it?
This place isn't great on private messages :/
@Aaron You could call them Or-tel-quessir if you prefer
email is bad. You should write your e-mail in a public place
Or Copper Elves
Um. I would say post it here and delete it like @BESW said.
@Zachiel what I'd do? google form.
Great idea Wax
(Wood elves seem to be the closest D&D ever gets to Child Ballad fair folk, not that it's very close.)
that's what we use when we need to collect information from y'all for contests and whatnot
Didn't ask either: how do we get our attributes? 4d6 drop lowest? Point buy?
point buy 25 points
@Aaron Editing don't fool the All-knowing Dice Service.
It's asking for my name and mail.
It does d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, and d20, in combinations totaling up to 9, but doesn't handle modifiers.
it's me asking you your contacts
And we've got a script that turns d6 into dF in the Fate room.
so I can send you the link. If you don't want to, make a google form yourself asking me for the link
do you know how?
go to google, choose Drive, select New - Form
I answered your form.
tells me your addresses are not valid o_o
I will send you a form.
leokhorn can you do the same? Or even better can you reach me on IRC?
I made the form but how do I send you the link?
you can write the link here
Woo, melting.
Nevermind @Zachiel I found the link docs.google.com/forms/d/…
ok go look the answers
@Zachiel I have an IRC client, where on IRC would you be?
@Zachiel Why are you not on IRC yourself?
Ok. I am in. Saving the link.
@Metool because every time the modem crashes I lose everything that's been said and it's impossible to follow a conversation there, sadly
The modem seems more stable than this morning, tho'. I could give #Legend a try
Funny, a 5d6 drop lowest 2 has an average of 14, so a point buy of 30 would be the equivalent
@shatterspike1 generally you'll do point buy at a lower rate than the equivalent
@Leokhorn are you in?
you trade a bit for control
@Zachiel Totally crashed my computer, BSOD and all...
I'm gonna try again after I fiddle with a thing or two, but if it crashes again, well... ^^;
@waxeagle I could understand that, I suppose. Although I may just use point buy 30 without allowing the equivalent, since past a certain point it tends to help MAD characters much more than SAD characters.
@shatterspike1 that makes sense
@Zachiel you left the room?
wt... yes, I closed the wrong tab
what's all these #
I have no idea.
@Metool Sometimes if it's suddenly quiet in this chat, it's because something's going on in a different chat.
(For example, the Fate game room just figured out how to do Xanatos Gambits using concessions.)
Erm mah gerd?
Ooooh I'm interested
I'm fascinated by Xanatos Gambits because I often end up on the losing part of them
What's Xanatos Gambit?
> At its most basic, the Xanatos Gambit assumes two possible outcomes for the one manipulated — success or failure. The plan is designed in such a way that either outcome will ultimately further the plotter's goals.
So here's how to do it in Fate:
So an example would be. If I win I gain this item, If I lose I eliminate this annoying person in my army.
@BESW Danger, Will Robinson.
@Zachiel: OK, second crash with roll20. My compy doesn't like it at all it seems...
Lex Luthor engages Superman in a public debate on anything: collateral damage fighting the Reach, whether Batman looks too bishy in the new animated series, which pretzel stand is best.
Superman thrashes Luthor far too easily, forcing Luthor to take several mild consequences (you know he's got the skills to have multiple mild consequence slots for social damage) like Dropping stocks and Publicly humiliated.
But Lex dropped the Superman is a bully aspect on the crowd, and then conceded with a handful of Fate points.
Lex will recover from his minor stock drop and public humiliation by the next session, but meanwhile he's turned public opinion against Superman and has the Fate points to do some nasty work while Superman's distracted by the bad press.
I think I'm going to give up on this ^^; sowwy
@leokhorn I have a worse/best idea
Lex is deliberately taking consequences when he could be absorbing the blows with his social stress track, in order to set up justification for making the crowd think Supes is a bully.
(The rules do account for deliberately taking blows by not defending, and also for taking consequences despite not needing to.)
I need to get the name of a site that worked even with an old computer of a DM I knew.
@aaron try this
@leokhorn you too: twiddla.com/1298819
I just remembered. I have a full Game Master license for Fantasy Grounds.
Too bad it's such a hassle to design a custom system for it.
An awesome tool for anyone doing D&D 3.X/4.0
Really alleviates the issues with snail-pace combat.
I can't even open the page, the modem crashes too often
Let alone trying to do my dailies in Neverwinter
I'd like to know what it is but even calling the service would cost me almost 30€
@Zachiel just to get tech support?
What? :P
That's insane.
I thought we had it pricey here.
I guess there's a way to get assistance through the site without calling them by phone but if they decide to send someone at my home it costs even more
Don't you like, have a right to a proper service? :P
I get it the guy that comes at your home is to find the better place to put your wi-fi antenna (and ok it's something they have the right to make you pay)
I mean, if I ordered something and it wasn't up to what they promised, they'll have to either fix it for free or reimburse me.
The problem is I don't know how to get in touch with them without risking they charge me for something I don't want
Wow. :P
I'd get someone else.
How do these stats sound? str:8 Dex:8 Con:13 Int:13 Wis:17 and Cha:10
For a druid
Keep in mind you won't be able to transform up to level 5
of course I don't expect you to be on the first line since you have a companion. By the way, choose one of appropriate size from the list, we'll change it to a Leopard as soon as you hit level 3
got to go now, see you tomorrow probably
See you.
1 hour later…
Huh. Wizards is doing yet another community website reorganisation. Let the data apocalypse and link death begin.
Why, did they not get it right last time?
Oh, hey, I got that e-mail, too.
I guess my account settings survived the last community reorganization years ago.
just saw that...they better not screw mine up. I'm paying for that...
Are their forums and DDI accounts linked?
That seems like a bad plan.
@AlexP yep.
the account I created for my DDI sub is my forum account (not that I ever post from it)
and that's fine because no one ever shares their DDI sub. (right?)
1 hour later…
Interesting question. Are the "stereotypes" part of the established setting?
@shatterspike1 Dear Wizards: While I admire your firm commitment to alienating your D&D clientele in every fashion imaginable, I can't help but notice that you still have a relatively large number of loyal, paying D&D fans. You can't even get that right, can you?
@BESW The setting it mostly established in the player base
e.g. nothing is codified
I think SSD's comment requesting clarification of the obstacle or opposition you're hoping to avoid is on the ball.
@BESW This actually came from an idea I had the other day and I then realise where I should ask, but I've since forgotten the context :/
I'm hoping it'll come back to me shortly
@BESW Yeah
@BESW It should come back to me when I stop thinking about it
M'rr. Whenever someone says that 800+ pages of manual is a low-complexity entry into a game, I have to wonder what games they're comparing it to.
(And the argument that D&D has a system designed to allow you to intuitively ad-hoc rules for situations instead of looking them up in the book? Is also rather belied by the page count.)
@Pureferret Is your question more like "I want to improve the group's storytelling by reducing cliches" or more like "The way they do things right now actively makes me uncomfortable?"
@AlexP Eh somewhere between. I don't want to be too limited in my storytelling.
The reason is at the front of my brain....it should clear things up
What makes you feel like you'd be met with such strong opposition as your question implies? Have you seen others attempt it and be rebuffed?
@BESW One example was that we had 'Life goblins' (as they were dubbed) who had been in a strongly Life (our systems version of ~Neutral Good, heaped with pacifism) aligned location. I did some roleplay with them, and partly sided with them as my Druid character
Druid's have a roleplay restriction to 'hate all goblinoids' which is normally fine
Except I hadn't done that, so faced a trial in game
but I don't think that was the specific example I was thinking about
@BESW If it's all you know...
I've made the same mistake about our larp system
@BESW this could happen
@BESW If your entering an established group who knows how to play the barrier to entry is low (you don't need to read the rules and there is relatively little to explain. However if you're starting from scratch then yeah, the barrier to entry is huge
@trogdor Yey!
@waxeagle That's a good clarification.
Oooh, the USPS thinks my dice are in.
The Deductionist!
@AlexP ?
@BESW It just passed by in the feeds. An ad for a third-party Pathfinder supplement.
All of the pictures seem to imply a Victorian Sherlock Holmes thing. So Pathfinder really is just the new "D20"?
Nah, it's still a dungeon crawl class.
It's very important for me to keep up with the latest D20 stuff, because my hat of D02 know no limit.
"over 38 deductive abilities to overcome their foes," "avoid their blows with danger sense," "seek out the adventurous life for the sheer sake of knowledge and discovery of the unknown," and so forth.
That is... too many abilities, srsly.
@AlexP "Hat of d20" gives a +5 enhancement bonus to Knowledge (pedant) checks, and an Aura of Superiority (as the Internet Troll supernatural ability).
The original D02 thread. Man, that's like ancient history now.
First icon in the thread: The Great and Powerful Trixie.
That is tremendously appropriate.
Somebody wrote a D02 RPG.
> Characterscan can gain new abilitys over
time by adding them to sheet when the D02
Master isn't looking. Get new items by killing
people and taking their stuff.
That is actually a 100% accurate representation of that one time my friend tried to play BESM D20 with a GM who had no idea what he was doing.
He ended up changing his character sheet to "8." Just... 8.
It was more balanced.
@BESW born out of personal experience.
we can bring in a new guy and get him up to speed in a session or two. But it took us months to figure out how to play when we were just starting
The 800-page books are a lot shorter if you have a friend who read them all already telling you which parts you can just skip.
@waxeagle My introduction to RPGs was "Hey, you'd make a great GM, but nobody's got much experience with D&D. Here are my books, read them over the break, and teach us next semester."
Mine was "hey, let's play D&D" and we worked through the 4e Red Box
So I read all 800+ pages in a month, built a campaign, and taught a group of people who generally had minimal experience with RPGs.
(One guy had experience with L5R and Mage.)
This was the year 3.5 had just come out.
From then on, though, I made a conscious effort to learn how to quickly and easily introduce people to the system. Most of them were new to RPGs entirely.
@BESW yeah.
@BESW Have you found the Graal?
@Zachiel [grin] Fighter.
There are people in this chat who will fight me tooth and nail on this, but my practical experience has been that a properly-constructed fighter (3.5) or slayer (4e) is ideal for introducing an RPG newbie to D&D.
I always kept a pre-con character sheet at the party's level in the binder, ready to hand to a new player.
"Welcome to the group! This is a pretty straightforward character for your first session, and we'll work together to build your own character over the week."
By "properly constructed," I mean that feats and items should give flat non-conditional bonuses instead of introducing variables that have to be tracked.
@AlexP You know, I think I agree with that guy.
> In the end, d20 is too many rules, and not enough rules at the same time.Has too many strick rules, while leaving many feild wide open with no reason.
Yeah, ditto.
@BESW no power attack
No 3.5 Combat Expertise.
Amusingly, sticking to flat always-on bonuses usually makes the character a solid wall of can't-touch-this.
Especially in 4e. My goodness, a flat-bonus Slayer is a little boring and outputs suboptimal damage, but you've gotta work hard to make him sweat.
Which is good for a new player who's still figuring out the ropes and might get himself in over his head.
01:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

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