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Oh man. I wonder if new users ever get scared off when they get dog-piled with downvotes.
It would discourage me
Two words: Car Wars!
@shatterspike1 I think it's worth it to the extent that it also discourages bad answers rapidly.
I might have been too
I mean, I agree, it's just usually also useful to leave a comment. I've seen a few answers go -4 or so, although those are usually so bad it makes me doubt said person would be able to contribute at all even with a comment.
I usually leave a comment. Sometimes it's a pointed comment.
Because, for example, I feel like there's no way you can read this site for even 2 minutes and decide that two sentences of edition-warring is an acceptable answer to a complex question.
I'm now curious as to where this particular answer is
Let me comb through my -1s and find it...
A: What are the major differences between Pathfinder and D&D 4e?

JeffFor the most basic and simple difference: 4e is a battle heavy game. Not so much about exploration. Pathfinder is dedicated to exploration. Battles are be "seamless" with the exploration and light. That's the central difference between Pathfinder and D&D 4e. D&D 4e is more suited to casual pl...

Ah, the answer that doesn't answer anything at all
"Casuals vs. hardcore" nonsense. No explanation of what "exploration" actually means.
I think there was a conversation about this a few months back even
Like, it's possible to have that opinion and still post an answer that gets a +1 from me. That answer just needs to be well-explained and thoughtful.
The other thing I will totally dog-pile on with -1s is any variation of "Ignorance is good!"
A: Why would you want to play with a deck bigger than 60 cards in MTG?

E RileyWhy would you play with a larger sized deck? 1- More fun 2- To show those who rely on law of probability that you can throw that out the window when you're dealing with thousands of options(number of existing cards.) It's the exact same science that "proves" that there is no life on other planets...

There is exactly one statistical reason to have a deck over 60 cards, and that's if you want a four-of of an important card, and even then, you'll still only have a 61 or 62 card deck.
Basically these are two variations of the "forum-like" behaviors that SE is supposed to weed out: drive-by opinion-flames and special-snowflake Time-Cubery.
SE is designed to let Time Cube answers vanish into oblivion instead of turning them into massive attention-hogging threads.
Which is excellent. Also, I'm pretty sure that particular answer might be both
The weirdest thing to me was how hard it undercuts itself.
"Don't play 60 cards! That is what math fascists want you to do! Also anything above 60 is stupid for any deck that actually wants consistency, i.e. winning."
That particular answer is klein-bottle shaped, I'm sure
But, like, that's a first answer that deserves a -1.
It's reasonable to softball people a bit, sure.
But ultimately bad answers need to change or go away.
Or occasionally linger on as object lessons in "Don't do this," I suppose.
That makes sense, I suppose
Being inclusive and welcoming to posters is important, but not at the expense of being welcoming and useful to readers, you know?
Also, I find it a little funny how many people are on B&CG SE that are also on RPG SE
The hobbies overlap a lot.
@AlexP yes, that's part of the reason that it's hard to delete answers, there is some value to a reasonably downvoted wrong answer
Breaking the cycle!
C-C-C-C-Combo breaker?
Is there some guideline on this specific SE site that says people should use header formatting in their answers?
Not that I know of
It's rather...ubiquitous around here.
Or maybe that's just confirmation bias on my part =)
Far as I can tell, it's just common because it's useful for breaking up posts which tend to be long given the nature of the questions asked
That's a good point. The answers do tend to be long.
It's mostly just a readability thing
@shatterspike1 Right. I guess I normally just see people using paragraphs to break things up.
@shatterspike1 That is fan-freakin-tastic.
Finding things on the internet
@shatterspike1 You can hit the 'upload...' button to host it on imgur from wherever it is on the web.
It was from tumblr
Yes. And it has an insanely long link to copy and paste elsewhere.
@Metool It seems like it would be 4 keypresses, regardless of the link length =P
Now I have to write about my troubles with the quicksand box...
Amusingly, that downvoted "casual/hardcore" answer is on a thread that already has a deleted answer with this phrase: 4e is a combat-based skirmish miniatures game, in which the players are sometimes convinced that moving miniatures on a grid is "roleplaying."
And then another that says: Through limited experience it [4e] seems, how do I put it, much more "video-gamely" to me.
Very much missing the point.
Some questions are just Opinion Bait.
Even when they're not supposed to be...
Speaking of Opinions, Edition Wars, and Missing the Point, one of my clients is a 3.5/Pathfinder RPGer. Last night before our meeting she saw me reading my Fate Core book and we talked a bit about it.
Her ability to understand "Fate is a very different system than D&D" is at first limited to her own previously established schema (naturally, that's how the brain works), so her initial takeaway was "Oh, like Pathfinder."
I managed to keep my forehead from driving a hole through the table.
Allow me to fetch my response to that.
We need a bot that auto-detects edition war comments and changes them to "<The edition I hate> is a combat-addled miniatures skirmish game. In contrast, <the edition I love> is a rich storytelling game, played on the Internet by telling other people I am better than them because I like <some random feature of that edition that has nothing to do with 'roleplaying'>."
@Metool Is that the tutorial level or something?
@AlexP The bot would also need to be able to produce "<The edition I hate> is a hippie-infested lovenest with no rigor or accountability. In contrast, <the edition I love> is a robust engine capable of handling any situation by RAW alone."
@AlexP It's half-way through the game at the earliest. He's just there to lighten the mood.
(It is a source of regular amusement for me that 4e gets both ends of the hatestick.)
Also, <the edition I hate> is totally a video game, on account of these features it has that are present in video games inspired by Dungeons & Dragons.
I watched a salesman at my FLGS sell a bunch of D&D 1e books to someone after comparing 4e to World of Warcraft the other day. I guess to get the "real" experience or something?
I fell prey to the 4e/WoW comparison when I first looked at 4e.
(I just dropped some notes/ideas/areas I need to get more ideas into the Spoil-Lair, if anyone's interested.)
@KyleSykes 1e like AD&D or old D&D?
Old D&D I suppose? It was the reprints of 1st edition that were released a while ago.
Several different editions of the Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) fantasy role-playing game have been produced since 1974. The current publisher of D&D, Wizards of the Coast, produces new materials only for the most current edition of the game. Many D&D fans, however, continue to play older versions of the game and some third-party companies continue to publish materials compatible with these older editions. Parallel versions of D&D throughout its history and inconsistent product naming practices by D&Ds original publisher TSR can make it difficult to distinguish between some editions of the ga...
AD&D 1st edition then.
Oh, I hate that one.
I've never played it, but i always got the impression that it was a bit rough.
Because BD&D is its contemporary and yet so much cleaner.
Like, the "Advanced" game is literally "And we added a bunch of details, but also there's literally complexity that does nothing, just because these two games were developed in parallel so none of the useful design work in Basic translates over at all."
I've been really disappointed with D&D Next thus far. We playtested it for a few sessions back in Spring, and it just didn't come off as that great.
@KyleSykes @Magician has facilitated several discussions of Next playtesting here.
@BESW I've stopped doing that because horses and kicking thereof.
The general reaction seems to be "A noble cause, doomed to failure by both its too-lofty goals and the abysmal incompetence of its enactors."
I like that the playtest was public. I disliked what came of it. Ah well, there's always 6th edition...
But I must go! [Photo Finish pose]
Later @BESW!
@KyleSykes There are also a few D&D-like games that people are talking about recently. Legend (@Metool is going to chime in to say that it's awesome ;) ) and 13th Age, for instance.
I find 13th Age interesting just because it's designed by Tweet and Heinsoo, who are two of the most "gearhead-y" designers from 3rd and 4th Edition, respectively. But not interesting enough to check it out myself, tbh, because a D&D-like game doesn't really fit into what I'm playing anytime soon.
My current stance on this is that it's embarrassing how much 13th Age is D&D, as compared to Next
I've actually looked into Legend before I think, but just skimmed it. We've also looked into Pathfinder, mainly because another group we know plays it, and we have nostalgia of 3.5.
@AlexP Damn right I am.
Nostalgia is a bitch though, because after years of playing 4e we switched back for one session to 3.5 and it was awful. -_-
Legend is something I poured my heart into, even not being a member of the dev team.
I'll keep Legend in mind for when we turn back to something D&D-y
@KyleSykes I've heard 3.5 is more fun to dust off if you basically only play with books made during the last year or so of its lifetime. I.e. no actual PHB1 classes, just Tome of Battle and Duskblades and similar things.
Yeah, we only have the core 3 books.
From Legend IRC, [12:05am] Aerdan: Any Fate fans want to play with an in-progress character manager? I need beta testers.
@Metool Poke @BESW because this.
[12:08am] Aerdan: http://fenrir.aerdan.org/urd/ -- only Open/Save/Save As don't work, otherwise go hog-wild. Known issues: the Stress Track dials presently sort alphabetically by consequence rather than severity. Nothin' I can do about it for now. Consequences in the Skills & Stress tab also don't sort.
1 hour later…
@BESW except I am not allowed (unless I want major spoilers)
you cad
2 hours later…
@Metool Some explanatory tooltips would be nice.
@Metool The ability to shift the position of items (like what order skills appear in), if it exists, is not apparent.
Why "URD"?
3 hours later…
@Metool Proud patriot neck stiffening, nose inspiration chest pumping and SnowWhite dwarven march fist swing included?
@Metool Removing consequence slots and stress boxes seems to not be a thing one can do.
Tweets to Campaign By presents a low-key one-shot:
It is a hard thing to befriend a man who will not touch coffee. MO1895
gah, NPR had a quick blurb this morning that reminded me of the RFS game we ran this past week. trying to find an article on it because it's both sad and hilarious
I am going nowhere on brainstorming for my next session.
@BESW Need help?
Where did you leave off your last game?
But my player frequents the chat, so I set up the Spoil-Lair.

 BESW's Spoil-Lair

CAUTION: High chance of plot. Not for BESW's players.
Dear Edition and Playstyle Warriors:
I have for you a pair of tweets that have nothing to do with RPGs.
It amazes me that people will try to argue with "This doesn't work for me." Do they expect me to suddenly realize I feel awesome about it?
If a bunch of people tell you something isn't working for them, why is the response to scream "IT'S WORKING GREAT!" and pour text on it?
Good advice in general! Though I'm not sure it helps the "Then you're doing it wrong" crowd
@BESW Uhm, because it is possible that it isn't working for them because they're doing it right, because it could be that it's the better option between the existing ones (meaning the others won't work and will be worse too), because people often don't know what is or isn't working for them despite what they say. I see a myriad of options...
Of course one shouldn't assume. One should ask.
"Why isn't that working for you?" "Are you sure this isn't really what you need, provided you change that other thing?"
Howdy y'all. Could anyone tell me what the D&D 4e enchantment is that lets a weapon teleport back to your hand?
@JonathanHobbs farbond spellblade
or some such
its one that also allows you to chuck it
Huh. There is that, but I thought there was a weapon enchantment that let the weapon return to you, so long as you were holding it for ~24 hours beforehand. Maybe I'm remembering something from 3.5e or Pathfinder..?
Farbond lets you call the sword back from up to a mile away, at will, if you have the Swordbond class feature.
(Looking at Adventurer's Vault 2)
3.5 definitely has something similar.
Hm ~_~
I'm looking for one of the weapons that requires you to attune to it for a day before usingit
Several ki focuses are like that but I was sure there were others
Sounds like a magic item. Are you looking for something the player can do to any weapon or an enchanted weapon?
I'm just looking to edit this answer actually
since Brian pointed out that there is attuning, which is basically the total extent of any concept of magic item loyalty in 4e
nothing pops for teleport specifically. and the mobile compendium is painful for this kind of thing
@JonathanHobbs the rules for ki foci say they all are
@waxeagle Alright O:
whats being looked for?
compendium wise
13 mins ago, by Jonathan Hobbs
Howdy y'all. Could anyone tell me what the D&D 4e enchantment is that lets a weapon teleport back to your hand?
wrong one :(
just a few minutes ago
well, that one too
Dont all magic weapons return to your hand if you throw them?
@JoshuaAslanSmith yep
Oh. o:
Ok maybe this isn't a 4e thing.
there may be a specific, more fluff enchantment where OoCombat it can teleport
Hey anyone running any D&D 3.5 games?
but in general 4e magic weapons are always there for you so your character isnt gimped for a round of combat picking up his magic dagger
\o/ rad, okay
@Aaron I'm running a 3.0 one, can I be of some help?
and if you can't catch it for whatever reason it falls to your feet
@Aaron (and I've been running 3.5 ones and I'm still playing by D&D 3.5 rules in other environments)
@Zachiel I am looking to join a game. I don't have any 3.0 books though.
Oh, ok, no, sorry, I'm not too into play by forums, I don't think I want to do play by VoIP and if I had to do a Play by Chat I'd better spend my time leveling up in ones I'm already in.
What kind of game were you looking for, anyway?
Not sure. Depends on what character I make. I have played the Druid class multiple times and the Monk class once.
I enjoy politics mixed with good dungeon crawls.
VoIP? I think I asked this once before but I forgot what it was.
Voice over something right?
voice over IP
as in mic chat
using things like teamspeak, mumble, ventrilo
hangouts/skype etc
Ah. Thank you @waxeagle and @JoshuaAslanSmith
@jonathanhobbs You sir deserve a gold star
@JoshuaAslanSmith yay :D
@JonathanHobbs Voice over INTERNET POWER
Main reasons I don't do VoIP are: lack of confidence with spoken English, different timezones and not disturbing parents.
not disturbing roomates/housemates is an extremely valid reason to hold back
You can get so caught up that you're yelling (in joy, anger or sorrow) at your computer to your friends and everyone else in the house is like WTF
@JoshuaAslanSmith Especially if they are sleeping.
where do you live, if you dont mind me asking, I sometimes forget the cosmopolitan nature of RPG.SE
@besw was trying to be conversational about it
I'm Italian
I try to refrain from the internet snoops if I can instead just ask
even if its on a public profile
by the way how are you this late night (for you) besw
Fair enough.
Thinking about an early night; I've gotta take my folks to the airpart in four hours.
hah, yes getting Some sleep may be advised, though the alternative (pounding energy drinks) can be fun once in awhile
Hmm. Wasn't there a question someone asked about where to find online games?
Talking about my profile, I forgot to add a game. Maybe it was a good thing.
Q: Sites for finding online RPG players for a play-by-chat RPG Campaign?

NocteAre there any online sites in which you can look for people that are looking to play in an online play-by-chat RPG Campaign? I'm thinking of running a Pathfinder campaign for Skype (text only) and I don't have a group of players.

@zachiel which game, lol
the first game by Vincent D. Baker
usually shortened as kp4s
probably my favorite game title :)
It's the kind of game which name alone could gain me the hate of half the Internet
so I'm not gonna actually name it - not out of prudery, mind you. It's just a game after all
But I don't want my usual nickname to jump up in internet searches, out of context, next to that name
His hate-mail page is great.
just googled that
I think the hate-mail page has been taken down
I was unable to find it last time I checked
Mind it's a game he wrote in anger after understanding what traditional games were about
satan is ultimately the DM, giving out power in exchange for the player's will to play according to predetermined canons
and it's a mockery of the rpg structure, with players allowed to cheat - and be punished if they do
and after that it's hilarious how some killings were done with a swiss army knife's corkscrew
@Zachiel it's been mentioned a few time in here: chat.stackexchange.com/…
or... well, players will find the strangest ways to gain points
@waxeagle you forgot a "
yeah, mostly because in quotes it missed at least one reference cuz I misspelled it once
and then I forgot to get rid of the other double quote
He categorized his hate mail: against killing puppies, against Satan, against satin (there was one that was all about how it's wrong to kill puppies for fabric), for Satan, and "disturbingly fixated with my anus."
Is there a pm feature or only opening chat rooms with the person?
Because for every 20 or so hate mails you get about how you are going to hell, you'll get one that is way, WAY too fixated about how you will be tortured there.
@Aaron Stack Exchange has no private message functionality.
Everything here is logged and archived and given to Google.
@BESW Ok. Thanks
I just noticed the post by me listing the games in my convention is indexed as well.
Hmm. Would anyone here be willing to DM a simple 3.5 dnd game?
Well, I think I might but... it would be from one of the modules I have and... I have bad experiences on pitching characters against module opponents
Also, because of what I said before, it should be play by chat -and- I don't really know when I could be present and not playing another D&D game meanwhile, which could be a big problem given how D&D 3.5 requires a party
@Aaron What do you mean by "simple"?
Module opponents?
Some people go all out making a ton of politics and such. I like politics but don' think it necessary to enjoy myself..
Oh, I'm not a politics DM - Even if I like politic plots, I'm not good at them.
You know, you get a module, you crack the book open and it has all the encounters pre-planned and the statblocks laid down
and those NPCs are usually really weak
Ah I got you.
Like they have fluff-valid feats that do nothing in combat
A pre made adventure is what I called them but I assume most call them modules?
I think it's WotC's official name is game modules but yeah, it's them
or was it adventure modules?
who cares
I use them as guides and up the amount or power of the foes if it is too easy.
I used to play Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil with 6 characters.
At one point I started advancing all the monsters 1-2-3 HD over the base - what it took to beef them without increasing the CR
It made the game more interesting but oh boy it was time consuming
I would likely increase damage dealt so it does not increase the time it takes to kill them.
(is the correct idiom "oh, boy, was it ..."?)
Makes them more of a challenge without making the game longer.
They died before even acting
0 is not more a challenge than 0
I'd even let people use ToB for a campaign but I always fear unbalances. In an unbalanced system.
Tome of Battle - Book of the 9 swords
Ah. I don't have that.
One of the biggest problems I have with D&D (there are many) is I should always model my encounters over the party
Mmmmh if we made a game over the internet what would be the rule? We can only use manuals everyone owns?
@Zachiel Your use was fine. "Oh boy" is an interjection.
I would just use the core books and maybe a book for that class for a prestige.
I wonder how compliant to laws I would be since the 3.5 core manuals we used at the table were of one of the players that now lives in England...
This is where Lord_Gareth or KRyan burst in and explain that the Core alone is the most imbalanced group of books you could choose, and that adding more options, especially martial options, will make your game much less swingy in terms of chargen op.
well, there's the SRD
@BESW ah I agree.
@BESW Can I burst in?
The most broken things are in core.
Since you've already started the rhapsodic waxing on about ToB, you might as well continue to fill the role.
I'd better look for when Lord_Gareth explained it to someone else
I must have starred it...
I have never had a broken character. My old DM also only gave us like 100 gold per level and that was if we worked really hard to get it.
Hey, I found my copy of Exotic Zoology! Yey!
So no magic items or anything really.
Feb 25 at 16:14, by Lord_Gareth
ToB removes action conflicts from melee, provides them with meaningful out-of-combat options via skills and utility maneuvers and adds variety to how you conduct combat
@Aaron Aaron, you had a druid
Maybe it was a low level druid
They don't need much money to be broken
Nobody had much money even the rogue
[a quick photo later...]
I'm pretty liberal with money. It's mostly "what the pre-made says". So when they gained five times what they should have gained in a single level I panicked.
It was rather annoying.
Our dm was trying to keep us from buying too much stuff I guess. I felt a little restricted though and didn't like it.
@BESW Do you really think flipping makes it "not a reproduction"? O.o (XD)
@Zachiel No, I just used Photo Booth and forgot to turn off the mirror effect.
Q: Is there a reason to ignore/adjust the Wealth By Level chart?

Ben-JaminWhile reading this Cohort Question I was kinda struck by a quote in there and instead of asking an unrelated question in that area I figured it would be good to make a separate question. The quote was "Though I am not advocating a strict adherence to the wealth by level progression..." So my que...

@Aaron So let's suppose I want to play a game (I'm weaker than Charlie Brown keeping Linus' blanket away from him). Who? When?
@Zachiel I would be able to play at almost any time. I am not sure what you mean by who. Do you mean do I know any other's wanting to play?
@BESW D&D NPCs can't afford many magical weapons. Not as many as the PCs do and no, not even a significant portion of that as shown in the NPC wealth table. Because if every NPC group was so equipped, given it takes 10 to 13 equal level encounters to level up, the PCs would find like 5 times their equipment in gold every level. That's exponential growth, isn't it?
@Aaron I'm not sure I could make a 1 on 1 D&D game
@BESW that dragon looks like it could have been the inspiration for trogdor
it would be interesting
@Zachiel Ok. I thought it would be fun but if anyone else is interested perhaps?
still broken :(
cool, interesting beast
I've never found any of the artists' reconstructions to be very satisfying.
But it's a really cool thing, especially since the Babylonians had a very different style and context for depicting fantasy and reality in art... and the sirrush is solidly done in "reality."
Maybe, @Aaron. But orgainzing a PbC session with 5 people (the usual D&D 3.5 group size) would be hard
So I'm going to have them in my Egypt campaign.
@Zachiel True. I could play multiple characters.
That's the main reason I chose to have Babylon be the invaders.
Or I could let you play a... howsitcalled...
@Zachiel I think 3.5 assumes 4 is default, and 4e assumes 5.
@Zachiel O.o?
But, nitpick.
@BESW 5=4+DM
3.5 doesn't like smaller parties in part because of the action economy.
I have not heard of that in DND before what is a Gestalt?
@Aaron A character that levels up two classes at the same time, taking the best of each
No matter how awesome you are, one guy still gets one turn until he can spam time stop.
And asking a player to run multiple PCs in D&D... well, I've run it in 3.5, SG-1 (d20 Modern mod), and 4e.
It rarely ends well.
So they would level two different classes at the same time taking the better HD and such while gaining the skills of both?
I've heard of a bard ending Return to the Temple... alone
best saves, best number of skill points, best HD and so on
@BESW I am used to rping multiple characters so the only difference would be rolling for them.
there's some other limitations like not taking two prestige classes at the same level IIRC
but it's a powerhouse. A powerhouse with a single man's rate of fire, though
@Zachiel Sounds interesting. Are you wary to do a 1 on 1 because of low power of a single PC or something else?
Its not so much the RP as the forgetting of feats and features as you swap between characters
low power of a single PC
I like a challenge and I actually tend to use traps and items to weaken stronger foes before I fight them.
Our DM had to increase the powers of the monsters in his game a lot when I joined because I would set up the traps and such. I took out a boss in one blow because of one of my traps once.
or you know he could be an archivist with persistent spells and blast through several monsters at once - but at the beginning it's harsher
That was not even using the trap master class.
I had a trap master in my group.
His traps ended up being a nuisance for the group
@Zachiel Again I apologize but I have not heard of Archivist.
divine wizard
@Zachiel His party members ended up setting them off?
can learn spells from every divine class
not setting them off but having to maneuver around them
@Zachiel Ah. I think I would go for the Gestalt.
@Zachiel Ah. If I had the trap master class I would set the traps behind us out of battle.
not so easy when they were invading places
I've never played with gestalt... I'm a little bit scared by that to be honest.
more players could be better
@Zachiel I don't know anyone who would join an online game. If you are not comfortable I was just asking if anyone was interested.
Let's say I'm considering the idea
Hello small creature under a helmet
I hated those things in mega man X
I never could get the timing right.

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