Hi Mohsen. I see in my computer that for big Primes the calculation Prime[i] starts to slow down a lot. So i think a good idea is to store files with products of 10M primes and load them succesively. For example : To calculate the 500M-510M product it takes 864 sec in my machine. But to load it from a file it takes only 60 sec.
But before that , i am sending you my newnotebook here ....
10M is the best cluster. 1 M slows down a lot especially for small primes (below 100M)
I am preparing a nice post but for next week that i will describe all timings in such cases. I will post it in mathematica.stackexchange.com when i find the time.
From what we experienced during the last 5 days , the most important thing is to have a great algorithm. But also if someone else has the same algorithm with you it is better you have a better computing environment.
And left with 1312 numbers to be PRPed. I just started two instance of OpenPFGW after performing thousands of randomization over the final list ... Hope to catch one ...