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@tchronis I wrapped it all into a function
It worked and printed the composites and removed them
but I don't know why the efficiency is not why I expect
in your latest gcd, each 2,500,000 primes GCD over 1300 samples took near half an hour
Unfortunately, my first run using new method took the same, 25 minutes :-(
It's a nested loop
the outer one over primes
the inner one over partitions of input data
In each iteration of inner loop, I calculate the product of the current partition numbers
so, for my 14 cluster primes, the same set of numbers are caculated 14 times
each partition product has 3.5M digits.
I feared from memory issue
but if I hold them (14 x 3.5M digits number) in memory
then I can save
500-600 seconds for each iteration of outer loop
look at this:
10:43:19 Partition 2 finished

10:47:53 Partition 3 finished
Nearly 4 minutes for a partition with 200 numbers
Now look at this:
In[113]:= Timing[ partitionproduct = Fold[Times, 1, func[partitions[[2]]]];]

Out[113]= {178.687500, Null}
In[110]:= Timing[GCD[partitionproduct, pro]]

Out[110]= {62.171875, 1}
In[112]:= {IntegerLength[partitionproduct], IntegerLength[pro]}

Out[112]= {64953267, 23104071}
Of that 4 minutes, 3 minutes was spending on multiplying the numbers and only 1 minute for the GCD
Hi Mohsen. I see in my computer that for big Primes the calculation Prime[i] starts to slow down a lot. So i think a good idea is to store files with products of 10M primes and load them succesively. For example : To calculate the 500M-510M product it takes 864 sec in my machine. But to load it from a file it takes only 60 sec.
But before that , i am sending you my newnotebook here ....
10M is the best cluster. 1 M slows down a lot especially for small primes (below 100M)
No fancy parallelization here not even catch ...
Hi @tchronis
Here i can only upload an Image...
I send u my note, too
Have dropbox?
Yes i show it (you mean here in this discussion ?)
Yes i have : [email protected]
Ok, let me
I am preparing a nice post but for next week that i will describe all timings in such cases. I will post it in mathematica.stackexchange.com when i find the time.
I sent
The version I sent you
pre compute all partitions
and will then gcd them
for me the initial multiply should take 14 x 40 seconds before the main loop
Nice! I sent you mine with results for the first 500M
Copy the file and run a new version of it to compare with your results!
Each calculation print out the following :
Index of 10M for example if 33 then it is for 330-340 million product
Time to calculate primes and product , Memory needed)
Time to calculate GCD , GCD
We should find the right balance of GCD
Number of remaining probable prime in prp list.
I'm not sure if the same operand size is the best configuration
I multiplied all func[i] and took gcd with Prod [10M primes]
Single partition?
for 33 numbers you mean
I tested with 1M and it looks that it is slower to calculate GCD .
Originaly 64 , then as you move on from cluster to cluster they reduce to 36 (for 500M)
What was the integer length of each operand?
I think around 150000 digits for the f product and 50 million for the prime product.
The most time consuming part is the calculation of primes.
The longer the operands the shorter the time you will get for GCD
you mean GCD of 150K and 50M numbers?
It is calculated in 60 sec
So it would become the old scenario, inefficiency
What do you mean ?
In my note, I sent you, the GCD is performed over
You can fit in memory 50M length number with no problem...
60M and 30M numbers
the products of input has 60M
and primes product has 30M
You don't have ineficiency because I split in clusters.
So my best senario for a single kernel says :
So you mean the final GCD operands are nearly same size ?
60 sec to load 10M primes product +
60 sec to calculate the GCD
(as long as you have stored them. It needs 10G of disk space to hold them on your drive
In fact
I come to a conclusion
So 2m for 10.000.000 but in a constant rate. The same for 1-10 and the same for 501-510
if average removing time
for a candidate
be larger than
1/3 of the full primality test using OpenPFGW
then that's the stop point of sieving and factoring
since by sieve
we only remove composites
while by primality test, we prove the primality or compositeness of a number with 100% accuracy
YEs , i agree. I suppose you have other mathematical methods to prove primality for the rest (like lucas-lechmer test etc /
in a prime finding scenario, 1/3 can be a good threshold
As an example, proving a single number of 300K size take me 1 hour
so if I can remove composites
in less than 20 minutes
it's good
But from 64 you go very quicly to 36 in this case (i think with good prime product files) you can achive that in 1 hour.
I mean for all of them.
1 hour for all of them ...
Actually, my functions differs from the one I posted in my question. so that may differ
I will upload in dropbox today my final findings.
Thank you
It is important to have these files constructed in your computer.
My code is just printing something after half an hour:
11:57:09 Multiplying partitions started

12:18:58 Multiplying partitions finished

12:18:58 Cluster 34 started

12:20:37 Partition 1 finished

12:21:41 Partition 2 finished

12:22:45 Partition 3 finished

12:23:48 Partition 4 finished

12:24:51 Partition 5 finished

12:25:56 Partition 6 finished
I am uploading a script for you to do it . Please don't run it in Dropbox as it will create 10Gb total.
Ok man, I know ;-)
But you have very good timings also !!!
The last timings?
You know, it's like Agriculture
Seeds are growning
12:25:56 Partition 6 finished

12:27:06 1764240371 divides 169587

12:27:07 Partition 7 finished

12:27:07 Cluster 35 started

12:28:24 Partition 1 finished

12:29:29 Partition 2 finished
My MMA RAM usage is 400MB for holding all those 14 numbers of 60M digits
In previous code, 1 cluster was running for 25 minutes
Yes... I am not holding them , move to the next cluster and forget the previous...
Now, it finishes in 5 minutes
the 5x fold
But you know, I regret that even those that we prove their primility using the long 1 hour tests,
most of them
have small factors
Yes. You save half the time easily now...
But you need more computers!!! Are you in a university ?
I think we (our codes, MMA, other apps ...) are some how slower than what we should be
I'm grad
So you don't have access to a Grid or something like that ?
And If I was nothing would change since "I" was going to create a small supercomputer for our university using PS3 in 2007, but ........
No, most of universities in Iran except some 5 top class ones in our capital, don't have and even "don't know" supercomputers or Grid ...
And those top class ones have some baby supercomputers with 1000 to 2000 nodes, I just heard the news ...
From what we experienced during the last 5 days , the most important thing is to have a great algorithm. But also if someone else has the same algorithm with you it is better you have a better computing environment.
My supercomputer has two nodes and 4 threads :-)
:-) nice ... one moment i will send you an interesting link for the future...
Wow, removing 5 composite in 20 minutes
I think it is very very promising.
At first, I though it's a service
It's a hardware
I saw some other news about
supercomputers using Raspery PI
Yes as long as you are a programmer and now C++ somehow well!
No raspberry Pi is extremel;y slow...
Even with 32 Rpis you don't get the power of a 4Quad at 3.2Ghz
Parallela is for univerisities for raw research or for us :-)
So Mohsen , i have to go to work. We'll talk again. Have a nice day!
Thanks for your time
You too
Bye :-)
11 hours later…
I sieved up to 225,000,000
And left with 1312 numbers to be PRPed. I just started two instance of OpenPFGW after performing thousands of randomization over the final list ... Hope to catch one ...

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