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@Sathya: your actions are partial? Complete them ya slacker ;p
damn it
I'm trying to track down the source of my current Gravatar :P
@JourneymanGeek perhaps as opposed to impartial
@OliverSalzburg O.O thanks
I was going though my bookmarks :P
@OliverSalzburg yea, forgot to bookmark it
I feel stupid now
Now everyone knows you read /r/aww
front page :P
I kept all the defaults
dude doesn't give up
@Sathya subscribe him to Windows-related mailing lists
@Sathya What the... :D
tempted to reply:
Windows works very well for me, more so than Linux thanks.

Now please stop spamming me.
@OliverSalzburg look at above pics :D
@Sathya Yeah, I've been following :D
there we go, Gravatar updated :P
@Sathya: I'm checking if he's spammed me but no ;p
@Bob lol. Nice
I should follow suit before this becomes mainstream ;D
I don't see the new gravatar yet
looks a little off-centre.. ah well.
mustachify.me's face detection algorithm is quite good :D
@HackToHell wait what
I did that manually..
And suddenly Flash size bloats to 15 mb :/
@Bob my bad
now i'm curious :P
but it's algo is good, it recognized a tilit of my head in a photo
fail... where's the moustache?
@HackToHell doesn't work too well on foxes, unfortunately :P
or cats :(
or dogs :P
this is fun !
I take a shower, I come back, and the place has been stached
G'day chaps! Ah, I see we are playing with mustaches.
Mine is superior and comes with a hat.
user image
Variety is awesome!
I feel sad... as a fox, I can't be auto-mustached D:
uhh.. I mean... yip yip yip!
I was mustaching manually as well. Auto-stache didn't work well enough
A: What to do if Windows Update constantly fails without error code?

HennesCan you try these things: 0) Reboot. Then try again. (The reason behind this is that previously applied windows updates might block other windows updates until the host has restarted. 1) Check for error message in WindowsUpdate.log (This file is usually found in c:\windows). Then check the e...

Asked on Sep 12 '12 at 16:05
Accepted: earlier today
@Hennes Are you not formatting the list properly intentionally?
Which list?
The one in windows updates? If so I have no reason why I did that a long time ago
I would guess I added two points after writing first do this. Second tesest such etc etc. But it is long enough ago that I do not remember writing that post, let along why I formatted it that way
You can see quite a few edits of mine where I only replace 1), 2), 3) with 1., 2., 3. to fix list formatting :D It's one of my pet peeves ;P
I changed my gravatar back to the oh don piano cat :D
I double {dog,cat} dare anyone to moustachify my cat
looks like it will take a while because of aggressive caching
I burninated my entire browser cache to the beginning of time and it's still showing up mine turtle
I see it too
Sometimes chat takes a while to change
Am I still wearing a top hat?
@Tanner yeah, and a moustache
Oh I see the cat now
Wonder why mine hasn't changed...
YAY THE PSU JUST ARRIVED @Hennes Too bad I have to go to work in 2 hours, ah well have tomorrow off
@allquixotic takes a while to propagate to all the cdns
Request a different size and t'll show up
@HackToHell I just wanted to join you in kittyland so you're not all alone as the only kitty :(
why a :( ? o0
because... I ... REALLY... like... cats cries (youtube meme)
@Tanner Who painted you mustache?
The CIA. I'm undercover this week.
holy fffff..... @ layers of package paper, layer of fabric and fiber and 3 layers of bubble wrap to go to the psu
2 layers*
get to*
fffffffffff what is this, covered in dust/dirt and has a dent in it
@Tanner Then tell me who did this to me:
@Luke Who's this? Gandalf?
I would guess @Boris_yo
@Luke You pay a lot for sub-par internet in USA?
Canada, actually... At home, I got a 15 MB package, and pay about $40/mo
Internet here SUCKS
I imagine Luke doesn't pay anything for US Internet :P
Get out of the west
Yeah baby
$10 more for 100/100
@Tanner I'd take it!
Too bad the home owner's association where I live won't let them dig a line.
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)
So a client just called, they couldn't receive any email all day. So I sent them an email, checked our logs, the logs said "Can't handle your email. Insufficient resources". So I log into their server... C: is full
Why is it full? IIS was writing a fresh log file every day that grew to 1.6 GB
@OliverSalzburg yikes
Where I'm at, all channel cable, 100 up/down fiber, phone unlimited, etc, 120 a month
Cause? The SBS console going crazy and invoking massive logging on the WSUS administration site
Solution: Disable logging altogther
So I finished that and thought, let's look around a bit while this is cleaning up
The last working backup was performed 4 months ago!
And it's not backing up any more, because the target drive died
Sits there in Disk Management, offline
So all the backups died with it
And it hasn't backed up anything in 4 months O__O
Scary thought
Question is, how did it go 4 months without notice
So, naturally, one asks about the SBS reports that are sent out and that would tell you about this
"Oh, those stopped working ages ago!"
They only have this single SBS for everything and no IT staff
Sounds like a company I know of
@Tanner What company is that?
It's a benefit of the local infrastructure really...
With Google fiber releasing, it's really changing the market up a bit
Our Public Utilities District is running fiber eeeeverywhere, but due to some funky laws involving how the PUD is run they can't make a profit off it or something? So they just hand it off to the local ISP who sells it for cheap.
Oh yay... I get to call the devil machine so I can activate Windows again. :|
user image
@allquixotic Promise, last one
@Luke Boss.
Hmm, another rewiew test from Marc
@Luke 4 people with scooters at the same time? Oo
Are scooters mandatory in some shops or...?
@OliverSalzburg No; Walmart provides a lot of scooters because they know that many of their customers (a majority?!) in the US are so overweight that they'd be unable to make it through the store without having a heart attack if they went on foot.
or they'd fall down and break their ankle and sue them
I'm overweight but there are two or even three of me (by mass) contained within some of the people I have seen at Walmarts
It's true, they do the same in canada, with the exception here they have a sign above saying for disabled only
@allquixotic I have assumed people "going shopping" on scooters was a rare occurrence. That photo makes it seem like the norm
most of the food products Walmart sells are extremely unhealthy
In canada, walmart is more of a appliance and clothing store, very limited food, but yeah it's all fake crap
there are a few OK things if you know where to look, but most of it by volume is definitely things like potato chips, french fries, candy
I don't think "commodity" means what I thought it means :P
our walmarts are almost equally split down the middle between appliances/clothing/non-edible stuff and basically a grocery store
the nearest one to where i live, has a larger food section than the supermarket that i ordinarily shop at (I shop at the dedicated supermarket for food because their selection is healthier)
At first a read that as condiments and thought the rest was going to be say means 4 course meal
@OliverSalzburg actually they did something really creepy once
my dad is morbidly obese (way worse than me) and when me and my family entered into a Walmart, the greeter at the door was like "Hello Sir, would you like a scooter?" directed toward my dad... he didn't offer me or my mom one
Yeah, in canada, there is a massive amount of fresh/all natural organic food stores all over the place because most of the people here refuse to eat anything else, nobody likse fake crap here, which is why nobody likes the prime minister either
I think they want huge people to use them so that the store is less likely to be held liable for anything that might happen to somebody walking through a huge store on peg legs (let's face it, huge peoples' legs just aren't cut out to carry the weight that they have to carry)
@allquixotic Wow, that didn't even cross my mind
Guys no offense but can we get back to talking tech, I'm starting to get disgusted
also, from a purely profit motive, Walmart is more likely to "honor" and treat large people specially and make them feel welcome, because they figure that they'll buy more stuff because they eat more... OK, that's all I'm saying about it
Wow, I feel like a jerk now starting a debate :P
But ya, @user88311, tell us something techy we can discuss
And good to know I found a third Canadian on here
Who's the second?
I am, and I think you are too, if I recall correctly
I was talking to someone Saturday or Friday from Ontario
But I don't remember exactly who, cause it's been crazy busy at work
That's who
Most people on here aren't even on this side of the world, and to be honest half the time, I'd rather not be to
Tanner, where are you from?
take @Hennes in the UK for example
And Oliver in Germany
And Sathya in India
I know, North Americans seem rare in this room
Time to go out eating! laters!
Do me a favor, don't refer to canada as part of america at least, most interpret that as part of the US
I call it part of North America, cause it's still true
@Luke Washington state.
@user88311 Hennes is actually Netherlands.
Wait... Are you the old rftanner user?
Ya haha
The what?
@OliverSalzburg Yeah these logs can be weird find sometimes.
Ahhh, OK
I remember now
Did anyone sign petition against CISPA 2.0 here?
@Tanner @luke: check, Cloggy here
Cloggy, aka dutch person
Though that might be a UK nickname
Might be...
I know Canadians are "Canucks", and Americans are "Yankees"
Why cant I create a folder in Ubuntu ? I get an error that says I do not have permission to do that
destination is /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps
@Luke Check this out:
Oh boy.. -_-" OWO,NWO thing again ?
Anyone know of a decent OCR program?
@Tanner what do you want it for ?
Adobe Acrobat has it inbuilt
Accounting handed me a bunch of serial and item numbers and I don't want to retype it...
@Tanner that would work with PDF files only
@Tanner here is another one that has conversion functions download.cnet.com/123-PDF-Converter/3000-10743_4-10544297.html
Let me know if that worked :)
@Tanner they handed you a pdf ?
No, paper
In that case you will first have to scan it , convert the image to PDF
than try your luck with softwares
@LittleChild So how is your hard drive? Got replacement?
erm ?
yeah I did :)
been 500+ hours of use... no problems
Thank you for askin' :)
brb in 10
@LittleChild Do you just sit there and count?
No, I let some softwares show the SMART values
inludes the power on hours and power on count values :)
@Boris_yo Can't, at work
1 hour later…
Joe Humphries on February 25, 2013

We’ve been busy hiring more of the most talented people on the planet! Three cheers for the newest employees at Stack Exchange:

Max Horstmann, Web Developer (Careers 2.0)

New York

Max joins Stack Exchange as a developer on the Careers team. Originally from Denzlingen, Germany, he previously worked on the Windows team at Microsoft. On a recent one-year career break, he and his wife had a chance to travel to glaciers in South America, deserts in the Middle East, and jungles in Southeast Asia. His mission for the next five years is to sort all the pictures taken on this trip, write a few more mobile apps, and find out which German bar in New York City plays the best Blasmusik. …

hey guys
how can i read email on Unix ?
@EinsteinsGrandson Type mail
i am connected to a SUN
With a mail client. ..;
mail, elm, mutt, pine, thunderbird, ...
in terminal
i will try mail
it works
and how about copying file into my pc?
scp is probably easiest.
If you run a deamon on the PC, scp file your_pc_name:
and my pc name is gonna be what?
Or, from the PC side and if you installed puTTY: cmd.exe pscp your_linux_host:~/myfile.demo .
Then hostname of your PC
most probably something like WinSCP
notice the :, that one often gets overlooked
winscp is horrible, Performance is low
should let me connect to that directory on SUN right?
WinSCP works
@EinsteinsGrandson You can't "connect to a directory" and it doesn't make a difference who made the hardware
Terminology matters! :D
i meant my home direcotry on Sun Server
Sounds great :)
C:\Users\hennes>pscp [email protected]:breeder_reactor .
Using keyboard-interactive authentication.
breeder_reactor           | 0 kB |   0.2 kB/s | ETA: 00:00:00 | 100%

for a text file in my home dir (aka in ~)
they are Sun Ray Servers... on Solaris
and in the lab we only get on Sun Ray client terminal
which is horrible thing
is there a command to find out the operating system?
and the version of the OS?
i have not worked in linux for 8 years
forgot everything
@EinsteinsGrandson cat /etc/*-release
Try that :P
Success varies :D
it's Unix, I am sorry
uname -a
works on solaris too
that's it
uname -a
SunOS sunray3 5.10 Generic_147440-12 sun4v sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-T1000
holu crap
they still called it SunOS
it's the name of the OS
made in 1992
i'm sorry
it's from 2005
> 5.10
not that old
5.10 == Solaris 10
which is the previous stable version
anyway it keeps falling on those terminals
maybe because there are too many people trying to use the power of the server
working on their terminals at once
how can i find out my quota?
how of space i still have free on my UNIX account
and how much of space do my files have?
quota -v
is the answer
Filesystem usage quota limit timeleft files quota limit timeleft
is what i see
so it means there is no limit , right?
That assumes quota is used.
If it is not used, you can check with du
Optional is -s -c and or -h flags
1 hour later…
/me notes that The last message was posted 1 hour ago
My be a power of Slowaris
@allquixotic Oh, did you ever get your server moved to the new box?
stackoverflow.com/election/4#post-15077491 in the category of using music quotes in your election. runs
Thanks! :D
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