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thats a really expensive flashlight
@JourneymanGeek No that's April's joke probably.
@JourneymanGeek Do you think ASUS TF300T tablet will drop below $300 in the coming Black Friday and Cyber Monday?
@JourneymanGeek You use Opera sometimes?
@JourneymanGeek @RakibAnsary May I know your opinion on this one guys? I was thinking about buying overseas and importing to my country:
almost never
I don't know anything about tablets ;p
question time!
Hope it isn't OT ;p
@JourneymanGeek Would you buy or ever bought notebook from eBay Top Sellers?
herro :3
@JourneymanGeek You should keep in mind that larger SSDs tend to last longer (more space for wear levelling).
@Bob: yeah. Trying to decide really, between a cheaper motherboard with no thunderbolt and ssd, and one with ;p
identical otherwise
and its something I was wondering about. A caching SSD helping a storage drive would be pretty neat too
slower load times for cold boot but there's only so much unique data on the HDD, and having it cached in RAM (page cache) is faster than an SSD
I'd just as soon buy as much RAM as my mobo will take, than go for a caching SSD
@KronoS coool
11.1 doesn't help those redheaded stepchild games that came out before stereoscopic 3d was a directx standard
@allquixotic: I will be throwing in lots of ram, gradually
gradually? O.o
ya, probably 8 or 16 gigs first, then 32
finances allowing ;p
one stick at a time or will you be removing/replacing smaller RAM with bigger?
sets at a time
considering ram is something I can bring with me if I leave singapore, pretty easily ;p
why would you leave stingapoor? D:
I may get a job elsewhere
its a while a way, 8 months + some interviews if they still want me
in Elsweyr? :D that's where the Khajiit live
US, probably dream job ;p
if nothing else, great experience builder
my resume as is is quite crap
a lot of people (especially techies) want to live in the US... there's a lot of land out there that isn't part of the US, and frankly also better education systems, better economies and better ISPs and copyright/patent policies in other places
we're basically a "second world" country now and people still want to emigrate by the droves
must be the statue of liberty :P
fyi it's fake, underneath the statue of liberty is a CIA headquarters
@allquixotic immigrate*
emigrate is moving out :P
eh... out, in... it's the same thing it just depends on your perspective
you immigrate to, emigrate from
no matter what, it's always out to someone and in to someone else
unless you're coming from outer space
then you aren't really emigrating from anywhere
so immolate is to burn from the outside in, and emolate is to burn from the inside out? :D
i guess if you swallowed a lit match
@allquixotic you can come from no country (born at sea on a non-flagged vessel, or in the anarctic)
you could also be born in dead space between galaxies
Thats a little harder (and anywhere in space would do)
i dunno, i think "space territory" will start soon, at least for near earth orbit
Already been proposed and rejected a number of times
it'll happen... probably once it is not as cost-prohibitive to launch substantial space to space weapons platforms into space
Whats wrong with the current missiles that are air to space?
(a space to space weapon may as well be a BB gun)
not much except that it's easier to hit a ground target from space than it is to hit a space target from ground, and certainly takes more accurate aiming systems to be able to hit a space target period... I can see countries having space wars but not ground wars because any kind of ground attack would be nuclear MAD
for example we go to war with countries all the time right now but we purposefully avoid warring with nuclear-capable countries because we don't want them nuking us... i don't think a space war would lead to ground nuking even between two nuclear-capable countries because losing a few space assets is not the end of the world but ICBMs hitting your territory is the end of the world
and what stops someone from detonating a nuke/nuetron bomb in NEO frying all satallites in the area?
...mostly the fear of it having an adverse affect on the infrastructure and/or health of their own country or their allies, I'd think
you can't do much in the way of detonating big nukes in the atmosphere without it affecting the whole planet in some way
Not true. and this is outer space (above the ionosphere)
earth's magnetic field will protect the planet
the sattalites, not so much
so if they're far enough away that it wouldn't affect the populations down below, then sure, you could see nuclear space wars and blow up all the satellites... so what? the nuclear threat doesn't stop us from claiming territory on the ground
it might not be a thing that's happening today but I don't think power hungry countries will be able to resist
it's mainly a matter of economics and the lack of anything truly valuable, tactically or strategically, in space at this point in time -- I mean there is telecommunications, but you don't conquer a country by knocking out their GPS, internet, science projects, and TV... you have to have something up space with military strategic value in order for combat up there to be meaningful
I wonder if they are ever going to succeed at that space elevator idea... it's been floating around for decades in books but the closest I've heard to building one is "hehe we could use carbon nanotubes, they're really strong"
@allquixotic: It isn't that its US, its the company in question ;p
I'd happily work for them anywhere if they want me, and that includes here
@OliverSalzburg: back to the table highlight thingy... what if I have html/css like the one in this question, and the functionality is working, but the background-color is not updating? (Chrome)
I'd rather not mention them precisely cause ... ;p
(psst. hide the evidence kthx ;p)
(yes ;p)
are they intending to hire you or is it just an interview or?
I think quite a few guys who were around when I was bouncing off the walls about it know
I got contacted by a recruiter
so I'd guess I'd gotten past the applying stage of things
they want a linux guy, which can be sorted, I'm a complete generalist ;p
google does a lot of things... what field?
is it like programming or tech support or infrastructure?
@allquixotic Yeah, it's not working on the fiddle for me either :\
basically their sysadmin team
@allquixotic I'm not sure if it'll help you, but you can toggle the :hover and other states of any element
(who seem to have near rockstar status 0_0)
@OliverSalzburg I don't know why td:hover in the CSS isn't an event that's being properly trapped by the code that watches for events
and yet for the YUI JavaScript example it works
@allquixotic: I did basically tell them 'wait till I graduate'. I'll likely get in touch immediately after my final term is squared off to see if we can get things started.
@allquixotic Yeah, no real live CSS property view here :\
we have a frightening number of CSS files but I did at least manage to find the CSS file that contains the implementation of what color it sets when you hover over a table row
mainly needed the color, viewing it live isn't so important
speaking of important
what does !important at the end of a color attribute mean?
in CSS.. is this some custom code or is it builtin?
@allquixotic First thing to know is, it doesn't mean "not important" ;P
It actually means, it's important :D
So important that it will override another rule that would have otherwise applied to the element.
OH, I see
so it's like saying "in general we paint the walls blue, but it's important to paint the bathroom walls white" :D
In the long, long list of how CSS rules overwrite each other, I see it as sort of a bumper :D
It can still be overridden by another !important element up the ladder
This seems to be awesome
Based on my 15second usage
"there's an extension for that" :D
Well, I found that one while looking into CSS related extensions
i know, it just reminded me of "there's an app for that"
there always is
there's a reason I call my phone the magic box ;p
I think I should start a new Chrome profile for web dev
All these extension loaded all the time for every tab...
That can't be good
yeah, probably a few security issues at least, and definitely going to slow down render speed, choke up RAM, etc
i have a pared-down Firefox profile for chat/gmail/SU/wikipedia and a separate profile that can launch simultaneously with gadzillion extensions for web app security testing
but it seems Chrome is better for JS/CSS/DOM testing
Ever since I noticed how easy it is to maintain and use multiple profiles in Chrome, I've been taking a liking to it
Now I just wish I could combine tabs of different profiles in the same window
that would be cool, but also awkward, the toolbar would load and unload extension icons depending on which tab you're on? O_O
or you could declare some extensions as global and others as profile-local? lolol
anyone want a second superuser t-shirt, or someone who didn't get one, want one?
the win 8 one or the black/white one?
idk... the one from this contest.
ahh, then not me p
@all me!
@Manishearth you!
okay send your address and desired size to the free google email service, account name, smcnam
@oliver Yeah, good idea. I use Chrome for dev and chromium for normal browsing (ubuntu), but its better to use profies
@joker (sinister tone) Yes.... ME... Bwahahahaha
You on mobile. I can tell.
it can be your Diwali present if you celebrate that
@allquixotic It's over.
It went right past this Tuesday.
wait, it's over? I thought ... hmm... we're celebrating Diwali today here at work
Maybe things work a little slow there.
@joker thats just the main day. Diwali lasts a few days
i think they set a date that's a compromise between Diwali and Thanksgiving
while being on neither day
@all who do I email?
@Manishearth me :P smcnam
You get diwali holidays for a couple more days. But diwali essentially is just that one day.
and my domain name in the email address is the domain name of the free google email service
@allquixotic sean mcnamera.
I'm doing this to combat spambots
Ah gotit
@jokerdino spelled wrong, but close... it's in my profile, so it's no secret
Which profile?
SU I thought
i don't have a real chat profile
So, it's McNamara
I forgot the other McN.
hm, was it mokubai?
we already teased eachother about it and said we were brothers
so, you were brothers? :D
yes, in some past life, but then we died and were reborn by different parents
also i analyzed "mokubai" in Japanese and it turns out that it could mean "wood <number>"
@all sent, thanks :)
moku = wood, bai = "many" for certain items
Ah, I thought he was trying to community to everyone by tagging @all.
like you would say "san-ban" for three pieces of paper... san = three, ban = saying that it's a number of thin things
Nope, on mobile like you said :p
so "moku-bai" would be "wood many" :D
Typing is paaainful
@allquixotic Naughty
@joker so this is your usual haunt?
I always felt mokubai had a slight Indian touch to his username.
@Manishearth Almost. I hang in AU chat room.
AU = Ask Ubuntu
Ive recently gotten interested in SU... A mod pointed me to a certain newly asked post (i was discussing a similar thing the ot he r day). I answered it, and answered one more. Got mucho reps :p
@joker Ah fellow ubuntu user high five
@Manishearth you missed the win8challege !
Hmm. high five
@hack I'd installed , tried, and removed win8 weeks before the challenge. Didnt have much space on my laptop.
So I didnt have any questions, and I didnt try looking for qs to answer :/
@HackToHell He is a Ubuntu user. Stop your scheme right there.
(I got win8 as part of DreamSpark)
@joker don't worry, I still prefer ubuntu. I installed it for fun. And then destroyed it :p
@HackToHell Yes, stop.
Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop it. Stop. Stop. Stop! Stop! STOP! STOP! (Data, just what is it you think you're doing?) - Sorry TNG reference
@Manishearth You still use it?
speaking of Ubuntu, I finally shipped rbpitch packages for Ubuntu 12.04 and 12.10
sighs and disappears
@HackToHell was jk man :P
@allquixotic awesome
@jokerdino early user testimonials indicate that it works
@allquixotic rbpitch?
i never use RB.
i use that ncurse app
@joker win8? Removed. My hdd is 250 gig. Old laptop (have a better one at home). Win7 was already there, with lots of stuff installed. Id triplebooted 8. Bery little space left, deleted it after I had my fun
every time an Ubuntu user doesn't use Rhythmbox, I die a little inside
@Manishearth So, you still have Ubuntu left. Alright.
@allquixotic Hah, just kidding. I use RB.
I hate Banshee though.
and most other music apps.
@jokerdino <3
@joker two ubuntus :) 12.04 and 12.10 for testing.
they just don't cut it enough.
@Manishearth that's the way to do it, soldier!
destroy win8 and use ubuntu! yes!
@Manishearth O_O
why are you not on Ask Ubuntu?
YOU MUST CHOOSE!!!!!!! </EmperorPalpatine>
Cut off Ballmer's arm! Thattaboy! :D
POWER!!!!!!!!!!! UNLIIIIMITED POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
I too use Ubuntu people !
All my questions have been answered by a google search. Need to find the time to join a new community
thought I was gonna share it before it's gone
@slhck Save it. Save it with fire.
vampires and werewolves suck
@HackToHell Twilight right there.
@joker I have plans on joining ~a dozen communities. SU, SO, AU, Bio, ELU, ProgSE, U&L, Mathematica, Math,... Lots. Need time
TeX as well
Ubuntu community itself is massive. AU is, unsurprisingly a very small part of the entire community.
@jokerdino The most dreaded word on the planet !
And Scifi
@slhck wow............................................ slightly NSFW, hope nobody's doing OCR
raped him with my wolf ? WTF
He was pulling Taylor Swift's new song somewhere in between.
@jokerdino lol
the word "leaked" is in that sprawling paragraph somewhere
do not read what is beyond it
Calls @TomWijsman
you can't un-read it
@slhck No seriously, Never ever getting back is her new single :P
@TomWijsman ;-P
@jokerdino I trust you :P
anyhow, gotta go!
@slhck woah, that's exactly what Oliver said some 12 hours ago.
@jokerdino you know what happens when mods start trusting you?
they force you to become one
You get busted.
Everyone trusts dinosaurs! Righ---AAAAH ITS EATING ME!
Hm, actually Oliver said "I believe you".
13 hours ago, by Oliver Salzburg
@jokerdino I believe you :)
@Manishearth :P
@HackToHell Yeah, that's the song I was talking about.
@OliverSalzburg, sorry to keep bugging you but I'm a CSS noob... I should probably learn CSS... anyway what's the difference between these aside from the color being set?
.lol-table table.row-highlight tbody tr:hover

.lol-table table tbody tr.row-highlight
Hm, Oliver, want to theme my GTK+ app with your CSS skills?
@allquixotic To me those two are very different and do completely different things
@all first one applies to all trs in the tbodies of all tables of class rowhighlight existing within an element of class lol-table
;( okay so I need to learn CSS
i've faked my way through it so far
now time to learn for reals
The former applies to a table with the class row-highlight set. The latter expects that style on the table row.
And works on hover
So.. one is for the dynamic row highlight on hover, the other is for permanently highlighting a row by setting a style on a row.
Second applies to all trs of class rowhighlight in a tbody in a table residing in some element of class loltable
what's the point of the table tbody thing in the second one? is that saying "apply this CSS if the structure of the elements is <table> <tbody> <tr>"?
@all its useless
I think
@jokerdino I would if it isn't too much work
Because I currently have lots of that :D
I don't think you can use CSS skills to theme a GTK+ UI, can you? you'd have to write a GTK+ theme... do they use CSS?
@OliverSalzburg well, I probably wouldn't need you for the next one month or so :P
and if you can't use an existing engine to do the job, you'd have to write an engine in C or Vala or Python
@allquixotic gtk3 uses css for theming
oh...... cool
TIL a lot of things
@jokerdino Cool, next year should be better hopefully :D
we just got our designer guy to do the designing.
so, once we got the initial frame, we need a CSS guy, and we have you :P
i can layout and code up a GTK UI but I have never written a theme... however I've played with the source code to an engine a bit
@OliverSalzburg yeah, it might even get to the next year.
I guess you could write an engine that doesn't use CSS at all o_O
the basic idea is to ship the app before 13.04 release.
Code Cola is extremely awesome btw O___O Why am I finding this now when the dark theme is almost complete
@OliverSalzburg lol, I feel deja vu
every day for the past week you have discovered an awesome chrome extension
Yeah.. I don't install them all :D
But Code Cola allows you to really live edit the css in a useful way
Like adjusting gradients through proper gradient controls instead of editing the CSS
some people collect stamps... Oli collects Chrome extensions
watch, he'll be 82 years old and living in his old decrepit house with a whole closet full of 30 TB HDDs full of Chrome extensions
Oh niice. Ive been doing that via the devtools. Not smooth
Anyhow, the commandline tools in Firefox is awesome.
firefox is best for security testing
IE is best for endurance testing
firebug, foxyproxy, sql injectme, xss me, user agent switcher, cookies manager, selenium ide
also mozilla archive format to save in MHT
@jokerdino IE is best for crash testing ;-)
"Does it crash?" "Yes"
I just had an uber idea
someone needs to write a proxy (or a browser plugin) that replays the http transactions of a browser session as they actually happened O_O
like you start up the browser and it starts playing back the http streams as they were sent/received, including all headers etc
but it does it on localhost using a fake localhost port as an interposer instead of the actual server
so the developer can see what http requests and responses occurred
i guess you could manually save out the http request and response data to files and send them the files, but that's cumbersome and doesn't provide the graphical representation because they'd have to extract the payload from the http response and load it into the browser
sounds like an interesting idea.
but basically the browser would have a tab that takes up a third of the screen and can optionally pop out into a window (similar to FireBug or Chrome dev tools) that shows the "live" http request and response and you can select it by file, and each request and response has a unique number assigned to it, auto incrementing
the browser side would submit the exact http request that you made to the server, but it would submit it to your proxy interposer
and the proxy would answer with what the server answered with
so a developer could watch your transaction unfold and see what your browser asked for and what the server gave it
beats screenshots and even saving the page html
if that doesn't exist already, it needs to
@all check out Paros. I think it does that
@Manishearth what size t-shirt do you want?
Oh sorry. Medium.
Forgot... :S
hehe... i'm so big an XX is slightly uncomfortable (but I can wear it, it's just a little tight) so i was like, eh, do i really want this
depends on how it's cut, though: I have some XX that are either so stretched out that they fit fine, or they were just cut big for an XX
I'll submit your mailing address to the contest so you get sent the shirt
hm, free t-shirt just slipped by
lol, you had your chance, i asked the channel
i have so many t-shirts i really don't need another one
@OliverSalzburg checking this out to see if it will work in my situation
well, we are moving house and I don't know the new address.
@allquixotic Lol I have a friend like that
hope it works with https. I don't care about sensitive data because we have a separate test environment
and I already have a SE shirt and that is massively huge.
Btw, @joker, check out askubuntu.com/review/community-eval
Being tested on a few sites
yeah, my queue is empty
Chem, Ubuntu, and a bunch more
I reviewed 7 and skipped 3
> There are no items for you to review.
@Sathya Finished, I see :)
I did them few days ago
didn't get anything today
Ah. I noticed it today
They're supposed to be one-eval-every-few-months
at least thats what they do on betas
pfft, graduated site mods. Don't know nothin' :P
Yeah, that's what the popup said.

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