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recharging is just applying a reverse charge, which isn't good for the batteries but the batteries can't really do anything to the phone
But I just put 2 rechargeable batteries in it, which I've just taken from my charger, and the phone thinks they're empty
wait, your phones use AAs?
that is werid
sure there's no scale on the contacts?
@JourneymanGeek AAAs
@JourneymanGeek all the new ones here do
Well, I'm gonna call that support now
technet is two keys per product
10 activations per key
for standard, anyway
Doesn't really matter what business you're in, the solutions are always the same
"Did you try turning it off an on again?"
Yes, yes I did
"Did you try turning it off for longer and then turn it on again?"
No, I did not
"Do that!"
"try unplugging & plugging it back in then!"
"Take the batteries out and replace them with ones authorised for use in the product."
@HaydnWVN The worst part about that is, the phone started behaving weird a few weeks ago. It wouldn't charge properly. So my girlfriend replaced the batteries. Now all the pieces fall into place
I guess that phone hasn't seen rechargeable batteries since it came from the store
@OliverSalzburg Or the charging part of it has never worked/failed soon after purchase?
@HaydnWVN Trust me ;D
Might be best not to mention the wrong batteries being changed, say it was used with the batteries it was supplied with and now you've changed them for rechargables it isn't charging them?
You might get a direct replacement that way, rather than a repair?
I have Windows 8 withdrawals when I come to work...
I have really grown to like Windows 8
@JourneymanGeek That actually works sometimes, though :P
@Bob: I know ;p
@Joshua: I run 3 different versions of windows at the moment
are we counting VMs here? :P
I think 7 is my fav, followed by 8 (though its growing on me)
I like xp
@Bob: shared PC is XP, laptop is 7, desktop is currently 8
believe it or not, the UI of Windows Vista is my favorite o.o
next desktop will run 8, and the old desktop will be switched to linux
@JourneymanGeek eval or full?
@allquixotic it's close to 7, though
what do you prefer about Vista?
@Bob: next desktop will be full
(I was on that for the 4 years, only got 7 last year... ... ...)
the main reason I'm avoiding upgrading is to avoid using my school supplied windows 8 licence
I would take the kernel underpinnings (WDDM 1.2, DirectX 11.1, Hyper-V etc.) of Windows 8, completely remove Metro, and re-instate the Windows Vista shell. And I'd be happy.
@Bob mainly the layout of the taskbar, the coloring, and the transparency effects of Aero
although I do like how you can drag and drop taskbar entries to different places in Win7
but I dislike "pinned" icons; I prefer the old quick launch menu
basically I like Cinnamon (Linux compositor)
To me, 8 looks 'brighter' than 7 looks 'brighter' than Vista
default themes, of course
@allquixotic: I wouldn't be suprised if someone threw together a full vista/7 like shell for 8
@JourneymanGeek Isn't there already a way to copy explorer?
Or does that no longer work on RTM?
oh, the start menu hack apparently dosen't work any more
no, not that hack
and the advantage with a full shell replacement is you don't need to actually hack anything
I meant copying the explorer binary
damn MS regional pricing
technet standard for me costs a tiny bit less than pro in the US
I wonder if a VPN is enough to fool payment
apparently, downloads are faster from the US technet site too
@allquixotic I loved the UI on Vista, to bad it turned out so shitty as an OS...
Nick Craver on October 31, 2012

We’re still up and running in Oregon, and have powered down all services in our New York datacenter at 75 broad.

While we’re not actually running anything out of the datacenter, here’s what’s happening:

After our last update the Peer1 datacenter continues to stay online any way they can.  When Sandy hit, their basement fuel store was contaminated and the pumps necessary to get it up 17 stories to the generator went offline.  Since then employees from several companies hosted there have shown up and continue fueling the generator via bucket brigade. …

this is just whoa
(and yes, I linked this xkcd.com/705
Stop breaking the brackets.)
actually i did that hoping it would onebox
NOW it oneboxes
Also, the mouseover text:
XKCD can be scary sometimes ;p
I am totally confused at this point. At AOC webiste they say e2243Fw2k uses IPS panels while some other sites say it has TN panel. Could anyone confirm it ? I am simply looking for a monitor with IPS panel and hdmi
finally back home
@Bob I hate you
(see the reply comment for context)
@allquixotic: well that WAS my fault
@allquixotic :(
this is wierd.
One of the drives I've used for ages dosen't seem to work with an XP box it should work it
apparently tis GPT formatted
which I don't remember doing
GPT? I don't even know what that is...
@Joshua GUID Partition Table
the new partition table format replacing IBM MBR which supports more than 4 primary partitions and removes the concept of extended/logical partitions and supports more than 2TB volume sizes when booted from EFI
ya, which this disk isn't
and XP apparently doesn't support, does Windows 7?
it should
it bloody well should
Vista and later support GPT + UEFI... I don't know if XP can boot from a GPT volume
I remember using GPT for many years, even before Vista was released, and XP always worked
How come I have never heard of this?
boot, no, opening, should
the drive has worked properly in this system for ages
which makes this REALLY wierd
and its not picking up on my 7 box wither
@Joshua most people are oblivious of underlying technology changes, like MBR -> GPT or BIOS -> (U)EFI
it happens but if you just take the easy path you'll never know
fair enough...
point is here, I have a wierd potential data loss situation
this does not make me a happy camper
@JourneymanGeek couldn't you just boot into an Ubuntu live disc and access your data there?
move it around a bit.. maybe to a NTFS drive...
its an external drive
Okay...still though...
Is he keeping his rep in sync?
I guess I should not have upvoted that answer
@Joshua: its a simple enough thing to do, It just would take a couple of hours spent doing better things
@HackToHell really? Harry Potter?
forensics is something I am trained todo
yeah :p
I have a first edition print of one of the books at home...
I don't remember which one...
I found it at a "Goodwill" like store, for 25 cents...
@Joshua Well, it's a first edition, so basically a beta
The previous owner most likely upgraded to one of the final builds where Harry is a robot
ok, not detected on windows 7 either
it frigging HAS to be the 1 gig drive ;p
@OliverSalzburg lol
@JourneymanGeek does it come up as a connected device?
New gravatar.
@Bob: ya
running testdisk on it now
anyone have an event log aggregator they know and love?
running testdisk on it now
ok, weird
chat just went down for a bit for me :\
@r.tanner.f For what?
@Bob Just want to collect all my Windows logs in one place, maybe get a popup when something hairy comes up
The Windows Event Viewer isn't good enough?
Event viewer has so much crap
@Bob Can it pull from multiple computers and show it in one log?
eh you need to learn to filter it
As for popups, you can set up a scheduled task on certain events, and maybe use msg with that
Event viewer is really slow, but I'll use it if I can get it to work like that
@JourneymanGeek I have now ;)
@r.tanner.f That would be because there's a crapload of logs :P
@Bob Yeah pretty much lol
@HackToHell: or dump it to a text file and grep it like a boss ;p
Event Viewer, you can go Action => Connect to another computer...
@JourneymanGeek lol
not sure if you can have a scheduled task notification with that though
Hmm, looks like subscriptions might do the trick too
I might hack around at that if I don't find something that's less... windowsy. Thanks.
the irony: downornot.com
@TomWijsman: sigh patent troll
@Sathya What's he been smoking? :D
@JourneymanGeek Well yeah, it's pretty clear they waited for MS to release everything before going to the court.
Max penetration, Max Damages
itll probably be settled out of court
@JourneymanGeek sigh patent troll indeed, but it couldn't have happened to a more deserving company except maybe Apple (even then I'm not sure if they're more deserving or not) :P
it's one of those yo dawg moments. yo dawg we herd u like patents so we made some patents to troll you so you can be trolled while yo troll
Why, exactly is M$ "Deserving"? Is it considered evil that they are a successful company capable of turning a consistent profit?
ms hasn't been too bad about it
sure they do some licencing, and some FUD
but I think trolling is trolling
@JourneymanGeek FUD?
Fear uncertainty, deception
@JourneymanGeek the "D" is "doubt"
claiming linux uses their IP when they're probably flogging exfat licences
what he said
@JourneymanGeek "some" licensing is pretty generous ;)
@r.tanner.f: they play by the rules, IMO
@JaredTritsch Financial success in and of itself isn't evil, but if you haven't seen Microsoft commit any evil and completely abolish them of any wrongdoing just by looking at their bank account, that's pretty foolish... just as foolish as it would be to call any corporation with a lot of money evil
licencing isn't bad. using it as a countercompetitve method, or well as your entire revenue stream coming from well time lawsuites is
Yeah, any company of sufficient size HAS to take steps to secure their product, thats a given. The real character shows on how much they go after the individual consumer. Microsoft, as far as I've seen with the current iteration of windows, does not seem to impose any real "EVIL" upon the individual user from a licensing standpoint. The occasional Product Key does not consititue evil IMO
this is why the companies with a lot of patents should be first in line lobbying the government to abolish patents, though... they are not only the trolls, but they are among the easiest targets to troll.
@allquixotic +1
one would think that Microsoft would be beating down the USPTO's door begging them to please abolish all patents before they're sued into oblivion, just as they are more than happy to do against their competitors
@allquixotic problem is, What would you replace it with? People should have the right to keep their inventions safe from usurpers.
it's really a nuclear option, mutually assured destruction and all that. they might think they can use patents to their own advantage to beat down competition, but right as they're raising their club to beat down an unsuspecting opponent, someone knifes them in the back with a submarine patent
if they're OK with that, then I'm happy to see them tank as all the patent trolls feed on them like sharks
but if they want a saner system where people actually share ideas and build upon them rather than using them as weapons, then they should fight for a more open society
oh, i meant patent licences
Open source is not necessarily better (ducks)
@JaredTritsch: Products need to fight in the marketplace not the court room
Kudos to allquixotic for getting 'nuclear, club, knife, submarine, tank, trolls, shark and weapons' into a single paragraph about licencing lol
@JaredTritsch "People should have the right to keep their inventions safe" ---> completely disagree, couldn't possibly disagree more... ideas are meant to be free. Fighting over who found what idea first and hoarding them like gold is COMPLETELY counterproductive. It's like trying to fight the ground for creating friction as you walk.
@allquixotic: people should be allowed to profit form their inventions
Ideas have the unique trait (especially with the Internet) that transmitting them is cheap/free, and building upon them is extraordinarily easy
@allquixotic I INVENTED WALKING!
but that dosen't mean at the cost of anyone who begins to have some idea thats remotely similar
@JourneymanGeek Nobody's preventing anyone from profiting, though! There's this huge misconception that if you aren't the only one who's allowed to use an idea then you'll make $0 from it
@HaydnWVN do you call it iWalking?
@allquixotic Yes, but remember back in the industrial revolution? Inverstors would constantly steal and profit off of other people's inventions, and, because they could not compete with the magnates in the market, all their hard work would be lost.
@allquixotic: well, thats the idea behind patents isn't it?
how many billions have been made from ideas that are in the open? open standards? HTTP? what is the value that has been accrued from using these ideas? would that value be greater if the ideas were hoarded instead?
@JourneymanGeek yes. the wrong idea. exactly. thanks for proving my point

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