Fair enough, curious if the content of the profile Q&A wise even exist any longer, or if that is gone too. I know Google changed Gmail policy and unused accounts get purged at that level if that has any relevance. @JourneymanGeek
Seems odd to just disappear with so much content out there (and correlated rep), I'm sure the contributions are still useful to those looking for such topics. I'd be interested in seeing one of the answers and what it looks like now. I assume a greyed out account, etc.
sometimes on a laptop i'm on, if I try to open too much, then windows start flashing and it goes mad and chrome crashes and then it's ok. Libre Writer also crashes. Winword is ok but sometimes even it doesn't have the resources to open stuff.
if you can see his total rep and calculate based on the rate, you might see when he quit the site
I remember he posted an answer on one of my questions, and I commented critiquing his "answer", and gave him a downvote, and he corrected his answer and I removed the downvote and he wrote a relatively long comment to me on how grateful he was to me for removing the downvote!!!!
If you think the bot is a menace to this room and the site and think think sufficient people agree with you, I suggest to take it to meta. With consensus, the bot can be taken offline again.
@barlop Ah.
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