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@JourneymanGeek Ugh, really? Who drags up ancient memes in a tech chat? Try to focus, people.
@OakBot is @OakBot prefacing everything with Oakbot @Michael ?
@JourneymanGeek Oh, brilliant observation, Sherlock. Maybe it's a flawed design, or maybe I just like reminding you who's talking.
1 hour later…
2 hours later…
@XKCD XKCD #2946 Explained: Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address features the phrase "four score and seven"‍ to refer to 87 (a score refers to the number 20). Cueball likes the idea of unusual ways to refer to numbers so he uses a metric prefix to state the population of the town (1.2 * 1000 * 5 = 6,000).
11 hours later…
@JourneymanGeek I recently started logging all OpenAI requests to investigate this exact issue. Thought maybe it was a bug in the way Oak parses the OpenAI responses, but nope. That's just what OpenAI is returning. shrug
that's alightly odd :D
Maybe it's happening due to the fact that many messages in the chat room start with mentions .
that's partially Oak's fault :D
5 hours later…
What happened to John T profile? Anyone know.
1 hour later…
@TroubleMakerChatBroom that's a name I have not heard in a VERY long time
@TroubleMakerChatBroom I literally have no idea, and that's slightly worrying
Short version? His account seems gone, I'm not sure why or how, and I'm not sure who to ask on the details, but I might make some enquiries
I've make some enquiries, no promises I'll have a 'good' answer though

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