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2:41 PM
Should I use ZFS on a single external HDD for backups?

After some resource, I've found that ZSF is good with data integrity and correcting corruptions.
I'm making a 1TB external HDD for backing up my data. After eliminating FAT (Windows compatibility isn't very important, since I mainly use Linux), I checked stuff on ext4 vs ZFS. What I found is that ext4 is better for installing Linux (mainly as the root FS), while ZFS is great at detecting & fixing data corruption.

I plan to just use the drive for storage, and data integrity is a top priority, even over read/write speed. With that, ZFS seems quite tempting. I'm very open to experimenting and learning, so even spending a day or 2 troubleshooting is not an issue.
@ChocolateOverflow You don't 'need' to have the same filesystem across the system, but ZFS on root is a thing
IIRC ubuntu's desktop installer supports it natively
also ZFS is very much going to depend on how you set it up, and what your set up is

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