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Q: FR: Starred messages in chat

LukeI like to star lots of things in chat as being interesting (which I believe was the point of it), but I would like to know how can I see what I previously starred later on? For example, when there are links to useful sources or items, I may want to see it on my work computer or on my home compute...

@DragonLord sorry about that... I shouldn't have commented.
feeds.gawker.com/~r/lifehacker/vip/~3/hP2t2iKPBH0/… this may be of interest to some of you ;p
(free e books from the evil empire microsoft)
@Sathya I should have my next bounty hunt post up any time soon. ;p
ugh, this is PROBABLY a dupe superuser.com/questions/456546/… and if not i need to throw a protect on it, but i can't ;p
@JourneymanGeek look at the starred post :p
anyone here know the difference between parchment paper and wax paper?
Do we have a reference on SSD lifespan?
In case anyone wants to take a stab: superuser.com/questions/456567/…
Hmmm perhaps it is inappropriate to promote my own questions here
@soandos: not as far as i remember
@JourneymanGeek kind of surprising, and I can't seem to find authoritative references on it
@Paul: try reloading alsa / pulseaudio?
@Paul no idea, sorry
@soandos: too much variation i suppose
@soandos: you can bake parchment paper, not wax paper ;p
Yeah, I figured that out
now I know
@JourneymanGeek KDE doesn't use pulse, and alsa is happy, but thanks
Q: What BIOS settings should I tweak to maximize performance?

SFun28What are some BIOS settings that I should tweak to maximize performance of a dual-CPU workstation (if I don't care about power consumption)? I have an ASUS Z8NA-D6.

CorkaMIX.exe is simultaneously a valid:
 * Windows Portable Executable binary
 * Adobe Reader PDF document
 * Oracle Java JAR (a CLASS inside a ZIP)/Python script
 * HTML page
@Sathya reminds of of a program that is valid for many different languages
I forget what those are called...
that's it
I saw one for like.. 10 languages, it was ridiculous
the one I linked to does C, COBOL, Pascal, fortran, postscript, bash, dos, perl
zsh, bash, sh, Ruby, Perl,
tcl, make, C, C++, Haskell,
Brainfuck, Python, HTML,
JavaScript, Perl 6
@Sathya Took a crack at it
@soandos wow.
raw.github.com/mauke/poly.poly/master/poly.poly is less impressive (to me) but much easier to read
My Windows installation is already hogging 50 gigs and I've only installed.. 3 programs and Java.
@ekaj what programs? (default windows 7 is 18ish GB)
Ye - I think it's vendor crap.
I think there is a program called decrappifier
I installed IRC, Chrome and.. Adobe came with the computer, so only 2
I'm going to reinstall tomorrow so I can put OS on the SSD =s
2 hours later…
yay, my 1000th day on SU ;p
which means i have a daily average of about 37 rep a day ;p
@JourneymanGeek Congratulations!
@JourneymanGeek yay! apparently I crossed my 1000th day 76 days ago
Oooh. Proofreader badge
@Paul nice
arulappan seems to be on a mission to add tags to everything
> Broadcasting tag-engine reload
huh. that's new.
@Paul did you approve them all? there were 10 suggested edits, next thing I know they were all gone.
crappy tag is crappy
@Sathya no way. Some had to be rejected, some were ok, some were improved
Crappy command tag is crappy
not me either. I was pondering if the range tag had to die.
I did about 6 of them I think
Its the same person on most of them
hes gotten like 50 rep that way today
sorry, 128 that way today
its insane
The tag has to go
Damn, how do you do tag markdown here?
@Paul [tag:<tagname>]
Also, there's [meta-tag:<tagname>] (for tag links to MSU)
@arulappan please take a moment to read the question, think about the tags & correct any mistakes on the question than blindly putting on tags.
What's with these tag edits anyway, suddenly?
no clue.. maybe they found about suggested edits giving rep :P
Maybe the amount of additional tags you can add when you're low rep should be capped at 1 or 2?
Seems an easy and quick way to get a lot of rep... kinda boring though
@HaydnWVN Well, a question can surely miss more than one or two tags.
The problem is when they don't fix any other issues with the post.
Yeah agreed, it's not very common that a question needs a couple of tags adding for clarity
True, I mean, sometimes I wonder how much these tags are used anyway.
tags help to target the question and guide the answers - which doesn't help much if the underlying question is still very poor
Woohoo i'm close to 2k rep! xD
@HaydnWVN there's a cap of 1k rep that can be gained so
Oh yea, did you ever figure out the problems you were having with that site, @HaydnWVN?
I just wish they had started out with a proper taxonomy.. like having an ordered relationship between software » browser » chrome » chrome 14, etc.
@Bob Nope, used ZAP but couldn't understand how to grab the GET requests with it, so my workaround (using an online web proxy for that site) has resolved it for now
@HaydnWVN: doing it on front page is nice. doing it for old post makes me want to do some cranial percussive attitude adjustment with a LART
@Sathya Yeah sure
also, welcome to Super User & Super User chat.
@Sathya: you linked su twice ;p
@JourneymanGeek intentional :P
Quantum SU?
@Sathya I'm not adding tags just to score reputations. I just started to edit the posts. And saw that most of the posts were not tagged fully...That's why..
@ and also giving reputations just for adding one tag is not needed i think...
@arulappan when you add tags, just try to improve the text of the post as well
@arulappan: Good rule of thumb is generally not to edit posts not on the first page, unless its a major edit, and generally adding tags should go with that.
@soandos: jinx ;p
@soandos & @Journeyman will follow that
@JourneymanGeek I tend to be a tad more flexible, same day is good enough
no, i generally dig in 3 years old stuff in Ubuntu tag
I tend to dig several pages back too - at least then when answering someone generally doesn't beat you to it by a few seconds with a better answer lol
heh :P
lol. answers are different
they actually add value to the site on their own ;p
@JourneymanGeek Even mine? xD
maybe even yours
or mine ;p
@HaydnWVN well yours should grade higher than mine in any given day
Anyone programming Ruby here.. @Sathya?
["foo", "bar"].permutation(2) gives me permutations like foo bar and bar foo, but what if I want foo foo and bar bar as well?
Duh, okay, got it product().
@jokerdino Lol maybe with some hardware, but no way with anything Ubuntu based :P
@HaydnWVN: I started off a hardware guy. Its my gateway drug ;p
@HaydnWVN i wait for the day where you invalidate your statement yourself :P
Q: What BIOS settings should I tweak to maximize performance?

SFun28What are some BIOS settings that I should tweak to maximize performance of a dual-CPU workstation (if I don't care about power consumption)? I have an ASUS Z8NA-D6.

seriously, people, are you kidding me
4 close votes?
@Gnoupi: I'm one of those
"too localized", so what, you can't ask anything
er, actually not constructive
since I don't think overclocking is a precise science.
unless i changed my mind
wait. I THINK i misinterpreted that.
it's not even overclocking
Hm, I guess the question is reasonable if you take it a little broader – not specific to the mainboard they have, but some general advice.
Unless we already have one that covers this already.
@Gnoupi: needs moar info
depends, then
on one side, ones says it needs to be broader, on the other, you need more specific info :p
commented. If it gets closed maybe we can meta or chat organise a reopen ;p
Well, that's always the big problem. Do you want a question that applies to as many people as possible, or do you want to solve an actual problem one person has.
Since that person doesn't really have a problem, I'd say: Make it a more canonical question.
he has a question
We don't know if he does ;p
thats a problem
doesn't have to be a "breaking" problem to be a valid problem
@Gnoupi: what is his needs? more IO? processor pegged?
oh well, anyway, i said i wouldn't get into metaphysical discussions anymore, so i'll stop
or i'll again get angry, lose my time, and close the site for 3 months
well I don't think it'd be terribly useful to have questions like "How do I tune my ASRock X79 Extreme4-M, X79" and "Settings for my Sapphire PURE Black 990FX" et cetera.
out of curiosity, in the review page, does the "do not close" button actually does something? Or it's just a way to say that you made a choice and can go to the next without skipping?
@Gnoupi The latter.
And it shows that you deliberately chose not to close a question in the "history" page.
When you press "not sure", it won't show that anywhere.
yes, it's just putting the item back in the queue
I'll just stay by my "late answers" or "first answers" lists and chase the occasional spam user
I hate it when they end their answers with "Thanks" because then you have to double check if it's not actually a new question.
Cheer up @Gnoupi, they're going to tweak the dials once our queue runs out
A: How do I insert formula in between sentences?

karan vermahai everyone i need your help i am trying a way to use excel formula and text in same line. i found related topics on the internet and nothing worked for me. so my situation is a1=http://www.putlocker.com/file/3113E127939CA570 b1=putlocker c1=putlocker what i want that is the link in a1 will be...

nice one
any way to convert to questions, btw?
i know there is way to convert to comments in the same question, but
I left a comment before I deleted
No, not possible
@Gnoupi nope
though to be honest, i don't even understand what's written
so even as a question
If your question fits a comment, its probably not worth asking
I miss mod tools. If only for the 10k tools
You and your slacker rep ;P
Ever since /review, I haven't really used the 10k tools that much
I mean mostly seeing deleted things
@Gnoupi when were you a mod?
he's cute
pat pat
@soandos Long long time ago
in a galaxy far, far away?
@IvoFlipse for SU?
He would have suspended your ass when you were younger :P
I actually was in mods before all the Area 51 and elections kind of things
I was a mod when it was cool.
Then they gave it to everyone.
well good night all
@Gnoupi That guy 'overclocking/teaking', seen what board he's using?
night @soandos!
@HaydnWVN I'm not really good with hardware, so, not really
@slhck we had a question like that which was closed by 5 moderators, if i remember, didn't we, @IvoFlipse ?
@Gnoupi Well chances are those diamonds are now gone
@HaydnWVN "server", let's migrate that to SF
it's a dual Xeon board with 14 SATA ports and 6 RAM slots
People keep bailing on me :(
hmm, there's no mention of @Gnoupi's appointment anywhere in the blog
@IvoFlipse yes, but I remember a question closed by you, random, quack, me, and diago to finish
@Sathya I'm looking on Meta
@Gnoupi Really don't think it's the sort of board for overclocking... It's aimed at servers ffs lol
and it was even weird for a moment, all first 4 were mods, and diago was not anymore
@HaydnWVN overclocking, maybe not, but optimizing. Typically, the VM setting is interesting for servers
Actually I think we got Gnoupi appointed through a backdoor
Q: Summer 2010 Moderator Appointments

Jeff AtwoodDue to a continual and ever-growing stream of mod flags, and a desire to be respectful of the time existing moderators are contributing to our community, I propose we add one new moderator to each classic trilogy site. So, I submit for your disapproval: on Stack Overflow: Will and mmyer...

what say you ... Mr. Gnoupi?

We like the cut of your jib :)
Yeah, I remember that mail
I found it :)
Well there you have it …
Q: use excel formula in same cell between text

karan vermahai everyone i need your help i am trying a way to use excel formula and text in same line. i found related topics on the internet and nothing worked for me. so my situation is a1=http://www.putlocker.com/file/3113E127939CA570 b1=putlocker c1= href="http://www.putlocker.com/file/3113E127939CA570...

Could we ask Gnoupi to join the moderator team?

I often feel like I'm simply following up on his flags and close votes, rather than coming up with anything myself anyway.

Or do we keep the team 'small' on purpose?
Who wants to fix this?
"closed as too localized by random"
That's what I mailed the others :P
@slhck it's weird, it's always the same link
@slhck even when he says it should be like this, or that
"I found related topics on the internet and nothing worked for me."
Always love these.
trying to download it crashed my opera, hm
@slhck worst is "i searched for this on google and I found the answer". Then of course, with the SE popularity, the question is the top result in google
Guys, have you checked the link?
Body of Evidence (1993) ( 364.78 MB )
I don't think it's a valid excel spreasheet
I can't understand why someone would reference that in google under "excel problem"
Okay I think I've got it figured out.
It's not about us downloading the link.
do we want links to piracy on SU tho?
would the question be diminished by any way with a generic link?
The question is not understandable anyway
It kinda is...
@Gnoupi Check my edit – is it now?
He has an excel spreadsheet with three fields. He wants to construct an HTML link from those fields.
nice edit
But isn't this a duplicate?
We can finally tell if it is ;p
@slhck very nice :p
So I'm going to have to decline the spam flag if that's okay? Because I think if I mark it as helpful something's going to happen to that user, right? @Sathya
Can i just point him at my question so all the clicks following the link from google goto my question and i get an answer? :P
@HaydnWVN what question?
@slhck sure
See, this is why we pay him the big bucks. By which we mean we pay him nothing, and give him a load of responsibilities ;p
Q: Excel comparing 2 workbooks, combining them and then comparing

HaydnWVNI want to compare two price lists for different years from a supplier. I have multiple items (thousands) with multiple different size codes for each and then prices for each item for each size. I want to combine the two price lists, (I have 1 'Cost' column in Euros and 1 in Sterling 'Our Price'...

That's not an answer
that's a precision of your question
You should have edited it into your original question, rather than posting it as an answer
Israel has A LOT of catching up to do!
But if its a part-answer? lol
serverfault.com/questions/117584/… this is how you self answer
@HaydnWVN: I actually would recommend updating the question until the problem is totally solved, then self answering
@slhck right
Aside from the massive amount of data, my column/row labels appear to have gotten rather large...
@slhck alternatively there's a "clear spam flag" option that you can use
@Bob Yeah tell me about it :P
@Bob It's alot of data so i kinda want the formula to work lol
hmm that Karan guy's blog link redirects to something that my network firewall blocks as suspicious.
@jokerdino blospot.com <--- note the missing g
I think 3 redirects on and i quit cause this isn't a wipable system ;p
OMG spammer
blo-spot. chuckles
@JourneymanGeek Need a Chrome add-in that displays a < POW! > whenever a page redirects :D
It just offends my keenly tuned sense of smell ;p
no zoom
@HaydnWVN: one one that does what the second robot here does youtube.com/watch?feature=fvwp&v=timfETD-N4o&NR=1
@Bob Excel 2010?
@HaydnWVN yea
@Bob Hmm mines fine :o
it just looks weird
i know they're wide, but they're wide for a reason :P
never seen that before
@JourneymanGeek +1 for Robocop ref xD
@HaydnWVN They're wide in the direction they can't be expanded in :P
@HaydnWVN This is the kind of thing I'd use VBA (macro) (or C# (add-in)) for...
@Bob I barely understand IF and LOOKUP functions in excel, nevermind any programming languages, gah :(
i learnt them and then quickly forgot them
@HaydnWVN well, would you object to such a solution?
never mind I've never used VBA seriously before, and never tried Office add-in's either, but this would be a fairly simple one
@Bob Of course not, kinda why i posted it up was for answers, but would really like to learn the Excel way of doing it so i can utilise it again at some point :)
@jokerdino I've figured out how they work, but don't seem to have the result i was expecting...
@Bob But yeah, i realise the Excel way may be the most difficult lol
it's only about 18000 lines total
that's nothing in most programming languages :P
well, unless you need it to update continuously
Oh no. I think I deleted my AutoReviewComments customizations...
@OliverSalzburg :O
@jokerdino Not sure how it happened though
you didn't store it anywhere?
i have a copy in github gist
@jokerdino I thought I had it stored. In Chrome :P
But, no, no backups. Other than all the comments I left...
@OliverSalzburg Google probably have a copy, ask them :P
Good one :P
@HaydnWVN Hehehe
ellipsis FTW
@HaydnWVN Why is one of them (2010) columns C, D, E and the other (2012) columns A, B, C? :S
And are these going to be modified? (yay for hard coding values! :P)
@Bob I've no idea, didn't notice that myself lol
erm... they're not in my working copy... Let me open the uploaded one
Oooh yeah, i've stripped them out in my working copy, feel free to do the same
@HaydnWVN stripped what out? :P
@Bob Column C in the original reads A and B so the output (C) is the same (product and size combined) as A in the 2012 sheet
I had fun as the original 2010 sheet was in CSV to start with :P
CSV would have been so much easier D:
also, the C is a concatenation of A and B... gonna have to paste value here :P
Yeah but my 2012 sheet was an .XLSX :P
yeah i have in my working copy, i'll replace the linked one in the question with my working copy ;)
@HaydnWVN And the whole thing is a XLS
yeah... now :P
makes it easier!
and the guy who wants it is on office 2003 :P
@Bob See it's all good fun ;)
got another problem :\
some of these in 2010 have double spaces
which don't match up with 2012
time to trim
Ahh yeah, i've stripped out some where i could
can I just reduce all multiple spaces to one? :P
cause there's a good chance of almost-but-not-quite duplicates right now
you could but you problem you might then get - some of the size codes the spaces differentiate the code so for example a BR30 P10 is different to a BR 30 P10
but might not be many/any of them there
@HaydnWVN Multiple to one, not remove single spaces...
the BR30 means its bare root 30 girth, the BR 30 means its bare root and 30 height
so you will get BR30 30's
but a BR30 P30 is different again :P
and don't get me started on HS!#
@HaydnWVN I mean things like ABIES ALBA ZOLLA 175-200 will become ABIES ALBA ZOLLA 175-200
notice the large number of excess spaces at the end, and the reduction of the double space between ALBA and ZOLLA
ok thats fine
the products you see are the descriptive names, the spaces don't overly matter
now if they where the product codes they would :P
Fun fact: Know what you're looking at yet? They're latin names of plants and the different vareties :)
majority of these will be trees
@HaydnWVN they do matter when checking for duplicates :P
But shouldn't it match as long as the spaces are the same? The lists are from the same supplier so i was kindof expecting them to be the same
then again it has come from holland so anythings possible!
@HaydnWVN slight differences between the two sheets
probably introduced while converting from CVS/XLSX/whatever
Ah... :/
@HaydnWVN ?
the drop, or was it only 1 packet?
the ping timeout, nevermind :P
Q: Making Google Chrome pinned tabs more compact

Let_Me_BeIs it possible to make tabs in Chrome more compact? Particularly the pinned tabs. This is what Chrome vs. Firefox looks like on my machine:

grab the sources & change 'em
@Sathya Ewwww, i generally have so many tabs open from the same site/icon i prefer the Chrome way of doing things lol
Although a hovver-over with mouse which made the tab larger would be nice
@Sathya Huh
That answer...
@OliverSalzburg yeah, LOL
@HaydnWVN the newest dev builds have a rolling-window type of tabs
At first I was like, that's genius! Then I was like, wait...
so the tab size remains fixed,
@Sathya Want!
once more tabs come in, it gets hidden as a drawer..
@OliverSalzburg check about://flags
A: Is it possible to have rectangular tabs on Chrome?

Daniel BeckIf Oliver Salzburg is correct, and you want differently shaped tabs: It's hardcoded in (NSBezierPath*)bezierPathForRect:(NSRect)rect of chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/tabs/tab_view.mm. You could try to play around with the constants used there, and compile Chrome/Chromium yourself: // Constants for i...

> Stacked Tabs
it's there in stable too
I don't want them to stack :(
I don't remember there being so many flags O__O
@OliverSalzburg you cleared them all? how many were there
@Sathya I meant about://flags
ah smacks head
Q: Does rm -rf continue on reboot?

ButterflycodeI just did a big mistake — I did rm -rf /home/. I can't afford to lose this data so I quickly did a reboot. Then I was trying to roll back some of the damage it had done. But now I am struggling to log into my server. It just hangs asking for the root password? Am I completely screwed? Does rm...

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