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"momentarily", lol
election ends
just now
Election closes momentarily.
no official results, gotta calculate them ourselves
> Winners are Daniel Beck, slhck, and Oliver Salzburg.
Congrats guys!
Wait what?
 R|Daniel Beck  |soandos      |Randolph West|slhck        |Oliver Salzbu|DragonLord   |romilnagrani
  |             |             |             |             |rg           |             |
  |Luke         |MaQleod      |KronoS       |Exhausted    |Surplus      |Threshold
  |             |             |             |             |             |
i win
> 10,103 voters were eligible, 3,011 visited the site during the election, 2,057 visited the election page, and 1,011 voted
ack, that's come out awful
i called it
Where's KronoS?
@DanielBeck kronos eliminated in round 16 - so 4th
no wait
I hate reading this thing ... :/
Damn, should have made you my 1st choice then @KronoS
Dang. I was rooting for @KronoS as well.
@IvoFlipse lol it's ok... just tell Jeff to add another mod like last year @nhinkle ;)
Too bad, hey, let's make it 4 and put @KronoS in :)
where are those stats?
@IvoFlipse THanks :P
no, I think Kronos was 4th, DragonLord 5th
That being said, congrats to all our new mods :)
You'll have to remain my bitch then @KronoS
@Rob goto the election page, download OpenSTV and the data and run it :)
@slhck we could pull an @nhinkle and add @KronoS a week later
mkay, thanks
@Rob see my horribly formatted thing above for the output
I'm also surprised that @DanielBeck came in before @slhck. I was certain he'd be elected, but thought slhck would be first.
@nhinkle Sounds like a plan :P
@Rob I didn't, just random ordering on the site
@nhinkle @slhck is selected in round 1 with 504 1st votes
@nhinkle Huh.. that's interesting!
504 voted for slhck, 213 for me.
I can't download openSTV. :/ at least not with my package manager
@DMA57361 I'm confused - why does the order say db, slhck, oliver then?
@nhinkle cos the votes shuffle about a bit and DB ends up with slightly more in the end
Man, STV is weird
sorry @DanielBeck, @slhck had my first vote
In fact DB has more than slhck in round 2, so we can assume a lot of people who voteded for slhck 1st had DB 2nd
Anyways... congrats @OliverSalzburg @slhck @DanielBeck... be prepped for an interview for the blog ;) I gotta get back to work
@KronoS yeah you'd better get back to work. Starting with interviewing them :D
@KronoS Thanks! Hope you keep up the work though, you've been doing a really nice job lately :)
@slhck have you gotten the notification yet?
@nhinkle Notification?
well guys, congrats, now you just have to wait for everything to kick in :)
@slhck saying "click here to get ALL THE POWERS"
i'm harassing all the SE staff to go push the buttons
I'll be like…
user image
@slhck Add the ♦ to your name :D
@slhck I tried to convince Ivo to leave the dozen flags we had this morning for you to deal with once elected, but then they all disappeared.
@Diogo Can't, forbidden char ;)
@nhinkle No hurry though, I'm a little busy these days anyways with private stuff :)
Can't believe I went up to round 8
@Luke I don't think you dropped until round 13
TL;DR - STV is really confusing
trying to invite @slhck to the mod room, but no can do :(
@nhinkle it's not too bad, but then I'm a maths guy so shrug
I'm guessing we have to wait until they push the buttons. Everyone ping @aarthi and tell her to push the button!
stop that
@Aarthi Push it already!
We just want to welcome our new mods in all their diamond glory.
Our newest minions have some work to do
shaddup it's not my button to push
Oh. Then tell us who we should be bothering instead! :P
@Ivo I think we should go on a flagging spree so they can have some fun once they get in.
hey, be nice to the new kids on the block.
ps: slhck got the most voted. it totally kills the scale, it's funny.
We should just give @slhck 3 diamonds
lulz after we clone him twice?
@Aarthi Off course
Nah. It'll just be slhck♦♦♦
@nhinkle A Super Moderator for Super User.
looks like dbeck'll fit right into TL
This is very confusing. Did I come in 4th?
@soandos, no, @KronoS came in 4th.
it's all very confusing.
@soandos Yes. If there were 4 seats, you'd have been elected.
@nhinkle actually, he's right
Order: slhck, DBeck, Oliver, KronoS, soandos
This is incredibly confusing...
> Exhausted
what's that?
@Aarthi KronoS was eleminated in 16, soandos is still present in 17
votes that were lost?
I put in 4 candidates and my name came up
@KronoS votes where all of a the choices of a voter are out
whoops my bad
i'm not good at reading.
Does that mean 4th place?
@soandos for you, yes
@DMA57361 Users voting for Randolph, Romil and MaQleod?
@DMA57361 that is not true in all cases?
damn, no @KronoS?
@DanielBeck or anyone whose votes were for those not still in in the round you're looking at, and I think those who did vote for those still in, but where only part of their vote is needed to elect
@Aarthi, how so? I ran the ballot file for 4 candidates and I came in 4th...
@Sathya sorry dude... next year :)
@DMA57361 If I didn't drop out till that late, then how the heck do you read teh results?
@soandos FYI that's unreliable as it changes he thresholds and can alter the order
@soandos that changes the math :( KronoS is the first runner up.
@Luke find your position in the table (you're left-most bottom row), you're present until round 13, so that's where you're eliminated
well it's official.
Got it now!
@Aarthi this is a very confusing election process. to be clear: If there were 4 spots, I would have one, but since there were only 3, I am not the first runner up?
congrats, I see they;ve made it a lot faster.
@DMA57361 I only see 10 rows?
@DanielBeck congrats :)
@Luke you ran it MeekSTV with no changes to the other options (seats, etc)?
Grats to the new mods
@Mokubai Thanks!
oeh oeh a flag, a flag!
Well, I'm still jetlagged and need to go to bed, but I'll definitely be around tomorrow!
@slhck you've got your blue text in chat.
congrats @danielbeck, @slhck & @oliversalzburg on getting elected as Super User mods :)
@DMA57361 @Sathya @Mokubai Thanks
@DMA57361 Right
See you around guys, and a big thank you to everyone who voted!
So, when are the next elections? ;)
@Mokubai Next week?
Woo! I'll be there!
man I was writing a Stack Overflow answer while this countdown was going on,,
what is wrong with me!
well @slhck & @DanielBeck should have blue colour text; refresh folks!
@KronoS :-<
@DanielBeck time to update your profile
anyway, I need to catch some sleep, congrats to the winners; cya all around
@Sathya I'm reading the stuff linked from the moderator agreement page. For the first time...
Well, I for one welcome our new robot overlo^H^H moderators and wish them all the best, they've been great members of the community and may they now be great shapers of the community.
@DanielBeck Don't you know you're not supposed to read that crap, just [next] [next] [next]
@DanielBeck They deserved it
Wait, what is that scary big number on the top left of the next screen?
They never had numbers when I became a mod :P
The number of flags each month
We seem to be having a small spike
I can haz blue pill?
Why the new mods are not blue?
@DanielBeck flags received per month
Holy crap you guys have been busy, check the closed and deleted posts on DB and slchk
@DanielBeck refresh?
@Gigili That is a great idea.
and the edits on Oliver and slhck
slhck has closed 3.2k questions o.O
and deleted 352 even though he wasn't a mod
That's almost scary
@slhck has put in 3x comments I have put in last rolling month
I think I'll go on a vacation now
A: 2012 Community Moderator Election

SathyaThe Community has spoken. According to the election page, the new moderators have been picked: Congrats Daniel Beck, Oliver Salzburg & slhck for being the newest elected Community Moderators!

I would just like to offer my congratulations and good luck to our new moderators
@slhck , @DanielBeck and @OliverSalzburg . Please don't try to fix everything at once. Burn-out is a real issue (speaking from experience).
@DMA57361 I see that too, but I also see that I am dropped from round 8
@Nifle Amen
@IvoFlipse - I hope you old farts have some good advice for the noobs. Me, I'm off for bed after a bottle of decent red wine and a chat with some good friends. And never once during the eavning I worried about SU. :-)
Nice to see @slhck getting right into the swing of it ;)
@Nifle Well I think SU is about to become even cleaner, so you have fun with that bottle of wine and your friends
intriguing is that all 3 new mods are from Europe. @slhck is from Austria, @Daniel & @Oliver are from Germany
He probably programmed a bot to delete stuff in his sleep
@Nifle enjoy the wine.
I'm off to sleep, g'night!
@Sathya Get out of my time zone! ;P
Or actually, stay, so I don't have to do shit
It's all gone and my friends have left. That's why I'm here :-)
Off to bed. I have work tomorrow...
good night everyone
@DanielBeck good night and congrats
@slhck Great news on your modness
1 hour later…
ugh, serious dry spell. Haven't found anything i can answer in a few days :/
@JourneymanGeek ouch
@JourneymanGeek heh. I haven't seen anything to answer in weeks, but then again, all my time's spent moderating.
@nhinkle: I'd rather not answer than do a halfassed one. This is probably one of my worse dry spells tho
@JourneymanGeek Yeah I find it comes in cycles like that. Makes me twitchy.
@Mokubai You were the last close vote (and the one after my comment) on this question. So, I was wondering if you would like to answer with your thoughts in this meta question?
Oh, election results!
Congrats @DanielBeck, @OliverSalzburg, @slhck!

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