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(no USB ports were harmed during this experiment :p)
1 hour later…
I hate super glue.
I managed to get two fingers stuck together...
(some nail polish remover did the trick)
2 hours later…
May 31 '18 at 4:16, by Michael Frank
5 hours later…
@bwDraco What's really tricky is when you get two fingers from different hands stuck together :) You can also use vinegar if you don't have nail polish remover (which most single guys probably don't have to hand).
1 hour later…
I just flood it in water
3 hours later…
I talked to this one guy who hasn't programmed in a l000ng time and he asked me with sincerity if I was planning on learning RPG or COBOL anytime soon.
Which brings me to ask: what was RPG used for in its heyday?
@JohnnyApplesauce Are you too lazy to use google?
RPG is a high-level programming language (HLL) for business applications. RPG is an IBM proprietary programming language and its later versions are available only on IBM i- or OS/400-based systems.It has a long history, having been developed by IBM in 1959 as the Report Program Generator — a tool to replicate punched card processing on the IBM 1401 — then updated to RPG II for the IBM System/3 in the late 1960s, and since evolved into an HLL equivalent to COBOL and PL/I. It remains a popular programming language on the IBM i operating system, which runs on IBM Power platform hardware. The current...
3 hours later…
@JohnnyApplesauce lol @ "l000ng"
2 hours later…
@rahuldottech thanks for the heads up but i don't run that plugin

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