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@TomWijsman Oh, don't worry. Somewhere, someone is already drafting an angry "Eeeek! Where did the information overload go?" post.
You have a life stream of unfinished drafts? Now that's awesome...
But yeah, once it's there again, it'll only last again until all those 8.3k posts are out of the queue.
(Although there are more SE sites where this tool is present)
@jokerdino no way, I still have only 170 rep to get :P :P
@OliverSalzburg lol. Cute, but not ONE answer? pfft. Not worth voting for, unless it was for site mascot. In which case i'd throw ash's santa hat into the ring.
Note, if she wins, next year, ash gets an account and stands for election. And bloody well will win.
this looks a little weird superuser.com/a/446459/104400
lol, how about that for matching SU's theme: superuser.com/a/447389/100787
@jokerdino Dunno, funny how he copied the name style. Don't see anything else between both of them though.
And yeah, weird solution.
@TomWijsman it usually is not normal. i would like the mods to take a look
Oh, thats normal
They're both french
@HackToHell: I remember having seen this mark on a video camera one or another day.
@JourneymanGeek I don't remember french people that uppercase their last name, or do they do that in letters or something?
They uppercase their last name
two French in one question is not normal.
least they sort of suggested we did in most documents
@TomWijsman It's on my cam too
@jokerdino: few possibilities, they know each other, and he didn't want to self answer, co-incidence...
I think you are part of the accomplice now.
but It dosen't smell fishy like the Indonesians.
@HackToHell (Saw you retweeted something, so subscribed and took a quick scan over the first page of your blog)
heh, I've at least once linked a bountied question to someone i suspected knew the answer. Or G+/tweet/facebook...
@jokerdino This coverup goes right to the very top of SU
@Paul o0
@TomWijsman Another one of my dumb blogs :D Someone actually reads my tweets !!
Maths.se rocks !
Where's @studiohack? He mistakenly migrated an Inkscape question to StackOverflow...
@Paul About your question, is it possible to set/clear an attribute on the files? Something like the 'archive' attribute on FAT/NTFS?
@jokerdino Now we play ping pong... and wait.
@Paul, can you create a stack of some kind in shell-script?
@Bob - interesting idea
@Bob it is a ext3 file system
@soandos What do you mean by stack?
then if you know everything in advanced, you won't do the same thing twice
if you need to change the total amount of files, I would normally thing hashtable (name, hash keypair)
Well you know turing and all, I can do anything! But I can't see how it woruld apply here
not sure how to do it in shellscript
@iglvzx lol hehe
@Paul, it would be you don't have to scan, you can just use the hash function to see it it has been done before (in amortized O(1))
Ah right
Its faster, but not too fast
also possible is adding a magic prefix or posfix to the file name after you have done the processing
Yeah the shell doesn't have something like an associative array, so I would need to switch to a more modern language, but then serialise the array and dump it to a file and load it each time. Seems like the trade-off wouldn't be worth it
@Paul Is moving the "completed" files to a different folder out of the question?
@Paul, powershell supports this natively :)
Yeah @iglvzx and @soandos I need to leave the filenames and locations intact. I was considering symlinking processed ones into a different folder for comparison, but it didn't seem to offer any benefit over a file list in a text file
@Paul, can't you just have two folders, toprocess, and doneprocessing
@Paul Extended attributes?
@Bob, are there any in ext?
@soandos No because these logs are used by other processes that expect to find them where they are, and which I cannot influence
Extended file attributes is a file system feature that enables users to associate computer files with metadata not interpreted by the filesystem, whereas regular attributes have a purpose strictly defined by the filesystem (such as permissions or records of creation and modification times). Unlike forks, which can usually be as large as the maximum file size, extended attributes are usually limited in size to a value significantly smaller than the maximum file size. Typical uses can be storing the author of a document, the character encoding of a plain-text document, a checksum, cryptograp...
@Bob, requires kernel change (or is the default)?
2.6 and newer
Extended attributes are name:value pairs associated permanently with files and directories, similar to the environment strings associated with a process. An attribute may be defined or undefined. If it is defined, its value may be empty or non-empty. Extended attributes are extensions to the normal attributes which are associated with all inodes in the system (i.e. the stat(2) data). They are often used to provide additional functionality to a filesystem - for example, additional security features such as Access Control Lists (ACLs) may be implemented using extended attributes. Users with search access to a file or directory may retrieve a list of attribute names defined for that file or directory. Extended attributes are accessed as atomic objects. Reading retrieves the whole value of an attribute and stores it in a buffer. Writing replaces any previous value with
so, we have a gentoo user here.
@Paul what OS/distro/version are you using?
@bob - no attr command - this server is a firewall management station, effectively an appliance, so you cannot install stuff. It is a BSD derivative I believe
Ah. That could be an issue.
@Paul Possibly important information to add to the question.
Don't you love it when every good idea hits an impervious constraint!
@jokerdino /me raises hand
Oh, actually, it is GNU/linux derived
@Bob thanks I have added the info
uh oh. I'm in trouble @iglvzx. lol
@TomWijsman hola
@studiohack teet a teet
well, it's not like they don't do it.
I didn't read the description, just the title
it was flagged
my bad!
Q: Marriage proposal on StackOverflow

bluefeetSomeone posted a marriage proposal to another StackOverflow user. The question was closed as off-topic (as it should have been) but the asker requested this in the comments: I want moderator to remove all up votes except one up vote. which I want it from her any takers? It has now been ...

@Bob That is seriously random.
Hi guys
you got a candy for me?
I wonder how many of you are using trackball and which one do you think is the best for the hand. I am using logitech marble ( one with a big red ball in the middle ). Although other trackballs from kensington such as slimblade looks awesome, IMO they lack a support for palm
omg, geeks
lol. I've always wanted the old MS giant one
@gunbuster363: geekhack has a pretty comprehensive guide on them
is a mouse/trackpoint fan
Call me nuts, but I like the trackpad on my laptop
@soandos I like the trackpoint nub best
I like that nub. hope I get one when I get a thinkpad in a year or two...
My laptop had no trackpad at one point, I ONLY had a nub.
oh god
I totally didnt notice that at all, I was just looking at the ball
oh i missed it nooooooooo
@SimonSheehan yeah. people sometimes :(
Good night all
what was in the pic?
@soandos good night
@studiohack there we go, all fixed :)
Nice close up.
@SimonSheehan :) cheers!
@studiohack jeez that was embarrassing haha
well man, i am too curious now.
@SimonSheehan lol yeah - is the photo yours? (the 2nd one)
@studiohack Unfortunately no... I did have a Thinkpad for years, but my Toshiba laptop was the one that ONLY had the nub
@studiohack it's on Google
Close up of my keyboard:
Why do I feel like I was hellbanned? o.O
@SimonSheehan i've seen this photo before, and it's awesome! i like it a lot!
@studiohack Haha yeah, its a good one
@jokerdino Its on google...somewhere. "Red thinkpad trackball nub" or something like that
OH GAWD, I am hellbanned from Chat.
@jokerdino don't feel bad. it was nothing worth seeing
Yeah, it was pretty stupid
Not feeling bad. Plain curious.
@Journeyman can you provide the link to geekhack?
all the link I got from google is dead link, maybe the site is dead?
let me take a look
I will be very sad if it was
ya, seems to be down :/
Trying out suse studio
Me and a friend wanted to deploy a lightweight server easily so this might be good
@SimonSheehan I've played with that. pretty cool! somewhat buggy though I think
He actually has a full size server too
@studiohack Ahh. Well I'll virtualize it first :)
@SimonSheehan have fun! :)
@studiohack Oh definitely :) I'm helping him transition, he's a bit unfamiliar with Linux (although I don't know much either!)
Linux. I hear thee
Howdy folks
hey @nhinkle
Morse code testing :D
@jokerdino beep! haha
hehe :D
howdy? we've got a cowboy dude
You got me a candy this time?
hey @gunbuster363 :P
wanna have a shoot out? ;)
LOL, @studiohack's the cowboy, not me
I need to ride an actual bucking bronco sometime @nhinkle :P
I petted a horse the other day...
O_o @nhinkle
Was at a friend's farm. They had a horse. I petted it.
it's the wild west out here, man
you city folk amuse me at times :P
/me pokes.
Hi - where does the rep in chat come from?
For some reason I have 3150 here
total rep
Let me rephrase that: how did I get the rep in chat? From the conversations?
@Isxeks: total rep on all SE sites
nothing to do with chat itself, at all
Gotcha :)
@studiohack true fact. I've been bitten by a pony, and chased around a french farm by a giant turkey the size of a very small car.
@JourneymanGeek saw that yesterday.. what's up
no idea ;p
And probably shake my walking stick at them.
For a modern currency, the methods of actually purchasing bitcoins are either archaic or arcane
I'm just not very happy with the overall impression people have of well, people off the subcontinent.
well, join the club
(part of it, i suppose is what little attachment i have to india ;p)
and it doesn't get better :\
posted a comment to that
And probably teed off anyone to the north ;p
For what it is worth, my overall impression of people off the subcontinent gets better all the time. It started off pretty well though.
@Paul: Its almost like there's two countries (And no, its not an india pakistan joke). There's one part of it thats awesome, and one part of it thats just broken
Q: My account related problem

hiiiI had created my account before one month..And I had few questions and got some answers of that..So overall my reputation was 30 but today When I open my account then I socked to see it that My repu is devoted and all question is Question from SO Full question Acutually i had created my ac...

1 step forward, 2 steps back
One reason we have so much issues with 'bad' IT folk is that IT is a 'respectable' profession, so to speak, so we get a bunch of idiots who don't actually have any passion for it doing it.
@JourneymanGeek I see. Sounds like the US.
@JourneymanGeek this ^^ was a reply to this
(That said, not all people who're in IT for the wrong reasons are bad either ;p)
IT is one of those professions where it looks like a good career option to anyone who has played a computer game or watched sci-fi. But you don't get to find out if you are any good at it until you take it for a spin. Passion comes from enjoying it, and you enjoying it if you can do it well.
Often once you are in a career, the option of switching because it isn't fun looks a lot worse than just sticking it out
It is the same for any profession I guess, but some have more impact than others
@Paul true
no nomination from you, @soandos?
@Sathya, I don't think I am the best, or even the third best for the job :)
@soandos we need humble mods :)
I think we have them, and will get more of them :)
@Sathya, @studiohack, is there a reason to run if I think there are better people for the job?
@soandos Isn't the point of an election to let others decide who is better?
By not nominating, you are being a dictator
@Paul, that is an interesting take
@soandos I am not being entirely serious, but if you are interested in the job, you may as well put your hand in :)
@Paul: All those things hints at... geekish tendancies, that helps.
@Paul, Why not. First line though is an endorsement for some other candidates :)
@soandos: Up to you really, but thats one reason i'm not running. I am going to have a headache deciding who to vote for ;p
@JourneymanGeek, I am kinda curious. Of the serious candidates (not alex for example) how many actually are going to vote for themselves
(as the first choice)
@soandos in the interest of good sportsmanship, I didn't vote for myself.
@soandos I agree with @Paul - let others decide that.
@soandos well even if they did vote and didn't get selected - your vote would be transferred
@studiohack, I don't just mean you, I mean everyone that is running now. They are all nice guys :)
@soandos: In theory, i would ;p
(or at least top three. While i'm against strategic voting to hurt others, there's nothing wrong with the same to benefit myself ;p)
@JourneymanGeek, I hear that
Practically, would depend on the field
My first two choices in this one are pretty much locked in
third choice... i might end up flipping a coin
@JourneymanGeek, I defintly hear that.
@studiohack lol. Understandable. It got fixed quickly. :)
aww ;p
I hope she saw it
@JourneymanGeek, it was deleted
Wow, there is no room for anything in the nominations...
Who came up with such a short limit?
@soandos some people decided to write autobiographies for their nominations...
@Sathya, but 1200 is nothing really (especially with links)
(now trimming 300 charachters)
Nomination is now up, feel free to comment, point out errors, etc
is anyone else's user page messed up?
@soandos nope..
@Sathya, was everyone always in a column, or did the gravitar use to be on the side?
@soandos no that's not correct
@Sathya, that's what I thought...
that's how I see it
That is how It remembered it. This latest version of chrome is getting very buggy (dev build here)
@soandos strange, I'm on dev too
Lots of things are "broken" since I last updated (last night for me, ~24 hours ago)
very disconcerting
looks like i need to fix these headphones, and look at getting a new pair
i think the jack has had enough, pretty simple to fix, but the headband disintegrated as well.
2 hours later…
would mentioning a mod candidate got suspended in the past be out of line? ;p
@JourneymanGeek, for what?
Bulk editing tags if i recall
without following a proper procedure
Q: Bounty system : case of bounty awarded but no acceptance

harrymcI have lately encountered several cases where a poster has awarded the bounty, but has not marked that answer as accepted (or any other answer). This is the symmetric case to the grace period introduced some months ago, where an accepted answer gets automatically the bounty after both the bounty...

@JourneymanGeek, I remember (similar username I think, not the same guy)
I though you meant that this happened during the election for some reason
xkcd what if
posted to that effect
its good to be a pleb ;)
2 hours later…
@Sathya 738 days consecutive O__O
he is botting. obviously.
wait @OliverSalzburg you nominated yourself as well?
Man, I can't decide who to vote already @.@
superuser.com/election/2#post-447308 this should be deleted.... she is just joking...
@Diogo I really wonder what got him/her into doing that.
But I'd just let it stay…
Morning everyone btw :)
omg people
@Diogo dude she is cute.
@jokerdino If I were to change my gravatar to a girl's face, would you say I'm cute? :P
@slhck it depends on the girl's face :P
but if it is cute, i'll call it cute
@slhck lol
this should be deleted.. it stimulate people to joke on elections...
@Diogo instead suggest the requirements to be a little serious.
if I could, I would flag it to moderator attention, but it is not possible...
Well I guess that's up for existing mods to decide. As a nominee I wouldn't want to get other nominations deleted, even if they're stupid.
the mods saw it already.
and what slhck said. it will put you in bad light.
we will see a lot of people really voting on her, just because "she is cute"
No, she will be weeded out during primary.
at my contry we see this thing everytime, and a lot of people get elected for such reasons....
you know what, i don't even think it is a she.
yes, probably she isn't she
@Diogo don't get worked out. it is just a nomination. long way to go before the election.
@jokerdino probably we wil not have primary, as I know, just in case of 30+ candidates
if i were you, i would stop worrying about this and get back on the site and doing useful stuff.
@Diogo primary when there are more than 10 candidates.
election phase has only 10 candidates.
you need to read up on this =)
After 7 days, the top 30 nominees, ordered by reputation, advance to the primary phase. However, if there are 10 candidates or less, we skip directly to the election phase.
that is true, I missunderstood before..
yep, so you shouldn't be bothered by this
Hello! Nice first question you have. Hard drive plz wrk — Kyle 20 mins ago
not bad.
Can I ask a new user(1 rep) to accept an answer or is it a bad etiquette?
Q: Is it wrong to ask people to accept an answer to their question?

MaxMackieI was looking through some of the questions I've answered, and an unsettling amount have: Not accepted an answer Not given extra details to help people answer In essence, these questions are now dead in the water. Would it be proper ettiquette to post a comment on the question reminding the O...

@HackToHell ^
Oh.. darn, i think i might have made someone pull out from the election
oh Tommy.
@JourneymanGeek how and who ?
that wasn't me ;p
kinokijuf - i pointed out he was suspended this year for overzealous tagging
ah yeah he is missing too.
btw, needs upvotes here :P
Q: Comments on election page don't have a permalink

jokerdinoI can't share some hilarious comments posted on the ongoing Super User election page. Please enable permalinks for comments on the election page. Thankyouverymuch.

@JourneymanGeek Oh, did he nominate himself?
@slhck yeah
quite badly too ;p
Heh. Oh well.
woah, 4 votes in no time. thanks all
I have no idea who to vote in the SU elections, I want to choose everyone !
@jokerdino Why what happend ?
don't know. Ask him maybe
@HackToHell yeah. it is pretty tricky atm.
i know so many of them and i don't want any of them to be disappointed.
I'm glad we get to have three votes though :)
yeah better than 1
@TomWijsman Why did you revoke your nomination ?
@HackToHell: I'm grasping too high, which makes me only bump into negative comments and what not. It's not that I can't withstand and ignore them, but the lack of any positive feedback that's hurting. I don't want to be in a team where there's no support. Perhaps it's bad timing or who knows what, but I have to accept the position I'm in and will not nominate anymore in the future unless that's requested from me...
@SimonSheehan: Commented on the meta post wrt blog categories, it's not that I'm against them but I think that having to strictly maintain them week-to-week was burning us out in the past, I've mentioned some other reasoning there as well. Although one or two category days and perhaps a third that switches every month is still a good idea...
FWIW, @HackToHell, it's a good learning experience in the end.
@Diogo I don't even think it's she.
Humm, now I'm uncertain how to proceed with my question :P
Q: Why is Windows Explorer no longer listing some of my drives?

Oliver SalzburgI just opened my Windows Explorer and was greeted with this: Which is confusing, since I'm missing 2 drives: There's also another device that uses BitLocker. It's a USB key mounted as X:. It also doesn't show and it is currently in locked state. After manually entering Z: into the address ...

Logoff/logon fixed the issue
So it's useless now
Or is it? :P
I already deleted and undeleted it :D
@OliverSalzburg A reboot would do the same?
@OliverSalzburg: I know there is a list in the registry where you can choose what drives to hide, but I think they would hide from the side bar as well.
@Diogo I have no reason to believe otherwise
More importantly, that list is meant to be permanent so wouldn't go away on a reboot. It feels more like a cache problem in your case...
@TomWijsman Yeah, I restarted the BitLocker service, completely restarted explorer.exe, nothing changed.
Although I'm not sure if the list of drivers is cached, as that's a fairly easy API call.
@OliverSalzburg On my oppinion, just delete it, an answer telling you to reboot is useless....
But now I can't check any possible solutions anyway
Q: Should I delete my own question if no new answer can be validated?

Oliver SalzburgA while ago, I asked this question for which no solution was found. I have since re-installed the host in question and gave it to a family member. So now I will be unable to validate any answers given (if there might be new ones) and the problem was never solved either. So, should I delete that ...

Although drives can have custom icons and all that, so hmm, still might be worth caching. But well, turning it off and on again seems to have fixed it...
@Diogo Yeah that was my thought was well
I was bored enough to do this:
Q: In-line retag doesn't result in last editor being updated

SathyaIf I do a retag using in-line tagging, then the last editor for the post doesn't get updated. For instance: Now, once I complete the retag, the editor name isn't updated.

Q: In-line retag disappers after completing an inline edit

SathyaOnce I complete an edit using inline editing, I see that the in-line tag edit link is no longer visible. Now it's happened several times that I see a fairly bad post, I immediately click on the inline edit & fix the body & update it, and then I go and realize I haven't updated the t...

@OliverSalzburg: This actually makes me wonder to what level there is information about Windows Explorer listing the drives, as to really know the answer it might be required to reverse engineer that part...
@TomWijsman The frustrating part was actually that I was unable to unlock my USB key
If I tried to access it directly, I would get "Access denied" because it's still encrypted.
The only way I use to unlock drives is through Explorer.
@OliverSalzburg: Perhaps there was an invalid DosDevice entry in the registry on which Explorer decided to stop showing further drives?
I'm sure there are alternatives, but, yeah
Or the volatile / temporary counter part of the DosDevice entries.

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