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This looks potentially interesting for a slightly beefier small home server tomshardware.com/news/intel-quartz-canyon-nuc-xeon-e,40124.html
"I might have put this expensive card back together incorrectly... Let me try my spare"
cries in onboard graphics
Tramp kinda looks the part ;p
@MichaelFrank I'm intregued, but but Linus annoys me something fierce
@Aibobot The motherboard supports some ridiculously big Xeon processor, 28 cores, etc.
So he puts that in, along with a GTX20billionTI
But then apparently it wasn't working properly, so he just opens a brand new one just to test.
@MichaelFrank the joys of being a youtube famous reviewer lol
Yea, pretty much.
At the moment I think the only tech review channel I watch is craft computing. And that's basically like Ian (of forgotten weapons AKA gun jesus)'s geekier clone ;p
1 hour later…
.... this processor seems to be pegged at 0.4GHz.
Everything else spikes as you do stuff, but the CPU is just... flat
Oooh, if I unplug the power supply, it drops to 0.3GHz
Looks like it's protecting itself from overheating actually. Turns out the fan is not running.
@MichaelFrank Check if PROCHOT is triggered?
@MichaelFrank The measured utilization of 16% is correct. Task Manager measures processor utilization based on the load on each hardware thread and the average clock frequency of the cores relative to the base frequency. The base clock on this processor is 2.5 GHz, so if all cores are under full load at 400 MHz, the overall utilization 16%.
A core is only considered to be 100% utilized if it's running at full load and its clock frequency is at least the base frequency of the processor.
So my CS teacher is unable to explain why we use different return values when exiting a program
As in, she knows that we use non-zero if we encounter and error, but she doesn't know why
She doesn't realize it's so users can check if the program executed successfully or that you can see the exit code of the previous program in terminal
Luckily I will have a different teacher from next semester
> I can't find any examples on the internet of values other than 0 being used with exit()
Q: stringstream::ignore(INT_MAX, '\n') causes stream to fail

bwDracostringstream always seems to fail when I call stringstream::ignore(), even if this is done after calling stringstream::clear(): #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <sstream> #include <string> #include <cassert> using namespace std; int main() { int a, b; stringstream ss; ...

2 hours later…
@MichaelFrank it was the 'Hummm this Xeon hasn't got enough cores, let me go to the storeroom to find a better one'
/me cries in student debt
That is, debt from being a student, not actual student debt, which while I have, isn't too bad.
@djsmiley2k Or the "This is the Xeon I dropped."
The ~$8000 Xeon...
@bwDraco what does that have to do with this?
2 hours later…
@Aibobot agreed
I'm sitting at work, one hour away from end of day, and there's no helpdesk tickets in the last 3 hours. I am fully expecting a half dozen to turn up right before my shift ends
@Burgi I don't even know what it is lol
Probably the general attitude ._.
also wierdly - there's not that many folks who can communicate engagingly on tech
(least on youtube, most of the stuff I watch seems to be cooking, or people making physical objects ;p)
@Aibobot yes.
@rahuldottech He has an exit(1) in there.
Do you think Ramhound is correct for trying to close my question, if so, why? superuser.com/questions/1469523/…
Seems like it's not really a good fit, since you should probably be asking the company that makes the product.
@djsmiley2k totally happened
I have question
If I have two choose between two laptops, identical specs, but one has a pretty great touch and an Nvidia graphics
How much is the battery life going to be lessened because of those two things?
touch should me minimal
GPU - depends , switachable gtrpahics may help
but might be a fair bit depending on how you use it
Do you think it's appropriate for another user to accuse another user, who has been around since forever and has hundreds of answers, if they work at a company and are trying to avoid bad press?
Now I am going to be late for my actual job that does not involve a known spammer: EaseUS and Paragon.
Bear does not agree with the fact I have to leave
They hardly if ever do ;p
@JourneymanGeek - Speaking of K9s?
Now he is just getting into trouble...
@Ramhound Bear is.... ?
Sounds like snauzers ;p
A dog who is a bear?
obviously :-)
I had a cat who was a cloud.
Didn't know if Dog or Child.
He dances around like a bear in a skirt.
Oh, I suppose Bear, could be a human name
Bear Grylls agrees.
I talk about Bear so much I figured regulars knew who I was talking about
my monkeys don't perticularly care when i leave atm
> AMD dominates when it comes to the performance-per-dollar. Going up against the Xeon Scalable CPUs, it's not even close at Intel's current retail pricing levels -- granted, many big Intel customers are reported to be getting significant CPU discounts. Intel has priced themselves out of competition from AMD EPYC server processors that it's virtually no comparison.
The numbers speak for themselves.
> So has AMD done the unthinkable? Beaten Intel by such a large margin that there is no contest? For now, based on our preliminary testing, that is the case. The launch of AMD's second generation EPYC processors is nothing short of historic, beating the competition by a large margin in almost every metric: performance, performance per watt and performance per dollar.
The general consensus is that for most datacenter workloads, the newest EPYC server processors are just miles ahead of any Intel solution at any price point.
And it's the datacenter where the big bucks are.
how to bypass proxy from university proxy?
@Aibobot I'm going to not really be using the NVIDIA chip, but that model has an additional ram slot too, which I like
So I'm just wondering...
Tbh practically probably won't be huge
@JourneymanGeek I rarely ever do digital art, but it comes with a nice pen that I might use sometime? idk.
I'm definitely never going to be taking handwritten notes on a touchscreen tho. I like paper best for that.
I type faster than I write tho :/
And I can read my typing.
@djsmiley2k I'm talking about pen on paper vs. digital pen on touchscreen
oh yah I know
I think everyone types faster than they write. However, I've found that writing notes on paper is the best for memorizing and learning
not everyone, not by a long shot.
@djsmiley2k Hm. Most, maybe? Typing takes a lot less effort than writing, there's no doubt about it.
what free partition programs for windows are there that you can boot from that let you resize a partition.. besides EaseUS (that no longer has a free bootable version), and besides paragon(that I have an issue with when creating bootable media)?
errr. I did it from linux quite some time back
I tried a linux partition program, about 2 years ago and it didn't let me resize, i think it was gparted i tried though was a while back
resizing is dependant on the FS you've used.
only sensible option is to nuke it all and put the data back afterwards.
only sensible option? i've been able to resize partitions having booted from USB even since the days of partition magic.. only reason i can't at the moment is partition magic went away about 20 years ago, and easeus bootable is no longer free, and paragon is playing up
no bizarre file system. just NTFS
and maybe FAT32
So... you haven't been able to do it for 20 years then?! :S
@barlop fundamentally almost every file resize tool seems to spam us :/
._. I go on SR.SE to check, get distracted and run out of reviews in the close vote queue
@barlop Sensible means you won't loose data
Don't even tell me 'oh it's never gone wrong'
because I'll just laugh.
eh You should back up even if you trust the tool ;p
@djsmiley2k a)I always backup the partition b)it really has never gone wrong, I used mainly partition magic back in the day when hard drive space was tight.. and I used EaseUS quite a bit
sometimes I worried about a powercut happening during the resize but it never happened
How often have you lost data during/after a resize?
@JourneymanGeek s/even if you trust the tool//
@bertieb there's a word for people who don't back up when they mistrust a tool ;p
@barlop I have had all sorts of "fun" issues
as i said, i did backup. but what 'fun' issues and with what tool?
@JourneymanGeek selects 'when they mistrust a tool', hits backspace
@barlop oh, data loss, then a backup not working cause of platform quirks...
can't remember what tool
But that is also why I test my backups
@barlop Soooooooooooooo if you've got a backup
and you know it's a good backup, because you tested it, right?..... why resize the partition, which at best is 'risky' and at worst 'doesn't work' ?
why not instead nuke it, repartition as per normal, restore from backup?
1. known good files
2. no dodgy files you don't find out about for 2 years because they got corrupted during the fs change.
Oh The restore tools I use will let you resize partitions ;p
resizing is at best works perfectly, infact always worked perfectly for me (not to say i woudn't backup)
macrium reflect?
and I can actually recommend macrium reflect free (which maaaay be able to resize but IDK) or veeam.
so the one you use that you know lets you resize, is veeam?
@barlop I use veeam, but macrium gets used when that's unsuitable - say for systems with a gig or less of ram... bit of a story there
@barlop done it on both i think
1 hour later…
> Major power failures reported across large areas of the UK, affecting trains, airports and traffic lights
Thanks, but where?
London and South East
Nov 12 '18 at 1:35, by bwDraco
The mouse pad at the Astaroth station (Razer Kabuto) is also overdue for replacement, but limited desk area means very limited options. I'm hoping to get a Corsair MM1000 to match my Dark Core, but I need a larger desk...
Well... finally got the MM1000.
@djsmiley2k s/oo/o/
1 hour later…
So I changed my system font to Verdana and the clock broke
Also, guess what?
There's no way to change the font in UWP apps
fricken amazing
yay let's break a completely functional OS with a half-assed UI and a shitty store and app framework that literally no one except MS themselves actually uses
@Bob I don't understand why you like UWP. The bugs and inconsistencies kill me. Why can't they at least get a team to test this crap out?
2 hours later…
@rahuldottech They do have testers. You or I would just happen to call them "users"
I don't understand why you use windows.

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