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I opened a ssh window and ran an command(wget), I accidentally closed puTTy, now how do i see the progress of wget ?
you can't
you close the window, the command ends
The command is till running, so is another bash, as I can see via ps aux
you'd have to detach the command somehow for that - for example by using screen
try fg
And wget ended, will try it next time
And i got myself locked out of the VPS 2 times already :/
(you need to get used to the oddities of remote access)
I was setting up ssh to run on a different port, then configured the firewall. For some reason ssh would not run on that port
Second time, messed up with iptables
Also do these guys shout if you use max cpu for 30 minutes ?
never done that
I use it for mostly low cpu things
I am 7zipping Win 8 RC
to save bandwidth?
Is it just me or is arstechnica being REALLY slow
Q: Are there significant problems with the AMD FX Bulldozer processors?

manasij7479I'm considering buying one, because of the great price. Though the advertised specs and features are enough to more than justify the price, some reviews and benchmarks I've read have a very 'mixed' feel about it. I'll use it for programming and and some heavy tasks on a Linux system, apart fro...

I can't decide if i should VTC this or not
er whut?
easter egg?
Am I late to some party?
@Paul na
If anyone has sucky bandwith, here is Win 8 RC 7ziped, to 2.1 GB !! goo.hacktohell.org/lol.zip
p.s:it's a 400 mb improvement
@Paul: tis just clippy
1 hour later…
oh boy
win8 release preview
If I had known that, I'd have woken up sooner.
Q: Editing OS-specific questions or answers if the question or answer will also apply to another OS

galacticninja Possible Duplicate: Should the original intent of a question be broadened to make the answers more canonical? I recently found out that this question - How print multiple independent pages in one print job?, which is tagged with linux, and currently, its only answer, both also apply t...

meta question closed as exact dupe w/o Mod intervention. I'm surprised. And happy.
Cool :)
Off to work!
3 hours later…
Q: What is the impact of running the CPU at 100% for long periods at a time?

LyndaI recently upgraded computers and with this upgrade I decided to try Seti@Home to run in the background. I was watching the CPU and monitoring how it works and when idle the CPU is running at 100% (due to Seti). But does drop down when I start to do things with the computer. With the CPU runnin...

How the heck did he get those temperatures?
Very much unlikely. Too low really.
@Bob: looking at her other questions would help
she asks a lot of n00b questions
@Sathya :P
Now i wish i had very low rep
then i can edit in "I totally agree with this, thank you!" ;p
@JourneymanGeek Her profile says Boulder, CO, which is around 13 degrees Celsius, 12 min (55 degrees Fahrenheit). That's cold, but those CPU temperatures are still crazy...
I'm suspecting inaccurate monitoring tools.
@Bob: her fully loaded temperatures are pretty much what my systems run at day to day
@JourneymanGeek As I was saying :P
they're still almost plausible
@JourneymanGeek The current ambient temperatures here are about the same as hers, and I'm at ~40 degrees C essentially idling - stock cooling.
If she can be under half that temperature... wow.
@Bob: i'm around that at 30 degrees ambient roughly, stock cooling
and nothing fancy (though my case shaves off about 5 degrees off the temperature the dell runs at ;p)
and i run the same idle temperatures you do
@JourneymanGeek My CPU temperatures are the same idle no matter what my ambient temperature is :P
It might go up to ~45 at 30-35 ambient
lol. Our ambient temperature is stablish
@JourneymanGeek Completely depends on season here. Freeze in winter, roast in summer :D
actually the main killer for me isn't temperature, its dust
@JourneymanGeek On dust, my case is odd. The front intake fan has a dust filter, but the side doesn't :\
Its either hot, very hot, hot and wet, or places are flooded
I'm going to have to go buy a can of air at some point
@Bob: my last one had the same..
but the dust filters disintegrated after a few years ;p
@JourneymanGeek o.O
replaced it with felt. Not much temperature difference, quieter, and better dust resistance
thin foam like material
came apart to the touch
(also, the mesh seems to have rusted slightly. Prolly the sea breeze)
@JourneymanGeek The side mesh on this is coated with dust... the front mesh, I can't feel any air movement. Probably a badly designed case with a fan too weak to drive air past the filter :\
@Bob: old keyboard gunk or a vacuum cleaner works quite well
plus.google.com/photos/106187684082000485043/albums/… this is the last time i cleaned the case of the shared desktop
(took it apart totally, dusted everything, changed the filter to felt, blew out the heat sinks with a air can. Everything short of re-doing the heatsink ;p)
@JourneymanGeek lololol. Sounds like my hometown
@Sathya: I live right next to the ocean, and a very busy port, and something like 8 lanes of expressway and 8 lanes of normal road
Its hell on hardware
But since you are in a apartment, dust must be limited
I wish
I have to clean my stuff of dust at least weekly
lol That dusty ?
It must suck
@JourneymanGeek sounds like the place where I am living XD
mostly with my laptop
(and most of my gear won't last more than 6-7 years total
both @JourneymanGeek & @jokerdino are in S'pore right?
of course, my views are coloured by the fact that most of the systems i have had have been PIVs and i didn't know of capasitor rot
Yeah :)
small world
I suppose i'm still number 1 in singapore and also JB ;p
Justin Bieber? eww
@jokerdino: you know of the ubuntu sg mailing list?
pfft. PCK reference ;p
@JourneymanGeek Don't think so. I can hunt for it if you need it though.
I'm on it
oh right. :P
not hugely active at the moment, but they organise FOSDEM and other things
me wants.
AC boy...
I studied ACPS and ACS Barker
way to go man! AC FTW.
I have 3 of my college classmates working at AMD in S'pore
32 secs ago, by Journeyman Geek
I studied ACPS and ACS Barker
51 secs ago, by Journeyman Geek
AC boy...
ACS = Anglo Chinese School
[username] is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported. Wait this means that i am locked out again ?
Anglo-Chinese (Primary) school.
there's two elementary schools, two high schools, a JC and... i lost track of the rest, all under the same family of schools
@HackToHell su root && <blargh>
He's in the better one ;p
He thought it was a course?
I kept going to the crappy ones
@HackToHell: no, the VM dosen't have sudo set up
lol i don't blame you ;P
just use root + the password you registered with
@jokerdino: JC, applied for ACJC, went to pioneer ;p
then mucked up uni twice ;p
<no comments>
and afk a bit, going to school
now now, what fun is life without a mispent youth ;p
lol, I only joined ACS (I) in 2009.
This is my graduation year.
@Sathya That ain't working
@JourneymanGeek i created my own user and usergroup
@HackToHell su root isn't working?
@JourneymanGeek hm you going back to school?
@Sathya Oh wait it's working, it elevates the bash to root doesn't it ?
Wouldn't it be possible (and possibly easier) to set up a VM as you want the VPS and upload it as an image?
okie, hack worked :)
i made a spelling mistake while adding user groups
btw thanks :)
Q: How to move tab title from top to bottom in gnome-terminal on Ubuntu?

YestinI do love konsole on redhat, but now I have to work with Ubuntu. So I installed konsole on Ubuntu, but it seems not good since when I copy something by selecting, tail of the line are full filled with blank space. Too ugly! Although gnome-terminal doesn't have such problem, all tab names are pl...

I found a 10 year old wish list bug report on that.
@HackToHell that's not a hack.
sudo elevates, su switches the user.
@Sathya oh well, just referring to a command as one for fun ;p
@Sathya, does SU have a policy on vendor-supported answers?
@jokerdino: ya, doing my degree (again) ;p
@tombull89: as long as they're open about it
@Sathya: too many people who use ubuntu don't know about sudo
@Bob: I think the method the cheap VPSes do use some form of containers with fixed os options or something. If you went for KVM or one of the more costy options you can do that
@HackToHell: even if you're on ubuntu most VPSes make you have a root account. You can set up sudo if you want by adding yourself to the sudoers file with visudo
(got to class early ;p)
@Bobby, the general network consensus is that users or accounts that represent a company are fine (as long as they are not spamming their product). If off-site discussion is needed then that would be fine, as long as the answer is posted here with how the solution was found and a link to the knowledgebase (if applicable). — tombull89 1 hour ago
your comment is closest to what we have as a policy
@JourneymanGeek yeah.. ye ol' days..
imgur seems to be acting up
@JourneymanGeek :/ i know abt sudo, just not su ;p
@HackToHell:ya, cause you probably mainly use ubuntu
I started with suse
true, My first linux was ubunutu
@JourneymanGeek sudo su is a nice trick if you ever need a root terminal in Ubuntu (but something that should probably never be done :P)
@HackToHell Dude!! It's Ubuntu.
I rage when someone misspells Ubuntu. :P
Watever :P
this is what happens when i get bored in class
@JourneymanGeek that many apps open lol
@Bob: I know of it, some people use that in their instructions for some odd reason
@JourneymanGeek What are you doing with 7 in VMware player ?
@HackToHell: oh, i use it for various things
I also want to test if i can install chrome remote in it for direct access
@JourneymanGeek Does VMWare Player come with an RDP server?
@Bob: no
but chrome remote seems snappy enough
@JourneymanGeek Ah damn. Well, not like the VirtualBox RDP server is actually fast enough to do anything.
@Bob: actually, the latency on this is pretty impressive
It's smoother if I use the RDP server built into Windows inside the VM :P
I can watch a video without a headache through chrome remote
@JourneymanGeek o.O
What's your latency to your home anyway?
no idea
let me irc home to check ;p
@JourneymanGeek ping?
ping is turned off
irc server says ~0.4 seconds
(i irc in cause i can never remember my ip address ;p
@JourneymanGeek Ouch that's high (if it were ping, I'm not sure what's normal for IRC)
What is the reason for closing this question?
thats about normal
Q: How to make a dial up connection disconnect automatically after downloading + uploading 90 MB data in Windows?

ShankyI am using a modem (ZTE USB Modem FFF1) to connect to internet and I want it to disconnect automatically after completing 90 MB (Downloaded data + Uploaded Data). Can anyone suggest how can I do this. I am using a desktop computer running on Windows 8 Consumer Preview. There's no router. I am usi...

@SgtOJ: originally i VTCed due to lack of information
I randomly make those things when really bored :\
Yes. I understand the user asked a similar question earlier... Which I honestly didn't know. However, it seem it's able to be answer now. Wouldn't you agree?
@SgtOJ: he should improve his original question with more information
I would have suggested reopening the original question if knew it was there before.
then ask for it to be reopened the right way - say through meta
What will happen to the 2nd question that I have already posted an answer to?
ideally? They should be merged
but the original question needs to be noncrap
and the best way to handle this/making sure this happens is to post on meta
Are we looking at the same thing? He is asking a for a utility to disconnected his connection after 90Mb has been used.
yup. The issue isn't the question, the issue is he should have had more information, and edited it into the answer.
Yes. I know. I will post a meta question in a moment. What I am trying to understand now is, what's the problem with the question in it's current form.
see the other question ;p
the current one is almost passible
I just the original question and its edits. The only thing I see a problem with, it was missing the OS. Which it seems he quickly edited to add.
well, it was closed before it was, i suspect.
his attitude isn't helping
Anyways, I just want to get a understand behind all this. For this is a new user who never asked a question before yet we treated him like crap when he was trying to ask, what seems like, a legit question.
voting to reopen the old one, voting to close the new one, and flagging to merge
Yeah... I am about to open a meta.
@SgtOJ: Its just how things tend to work. We have far too many questions that require psycic powers
@JourneymanGeek done, done, done
It seems like I was too slow with my meta.
@SgtOJ: Worth asking, especially with reference to meta.superuser.com/questions/4918/…
fwiw @Sgt it was resolved independent of chat, I was going through the flag queue & then once I had a look here saw the convo
@Sathya I see. The end result was all the same. Thanks.
you're welcome. nice to see you back on site, @SgtOJ
@Sathya lol. Thanks. I took a long break after I got back from Afghanistan.
Looks up
@JourneymanGeek I agree with your comments about asking for more information in relation to that meta question you sent me.
@JourneymanGeek I would like to see more time given to user to understand and update the question with the information that is being requested.
@SgtOJ: thing is closures arn't final
nor are downvotes...
course, if he asked the question again after that, he dosen't quite get how it works
@JourneymanGeek I understand. Too me though, it seems a bit harsh to close a noob's question when he doesn't understand the site quite yet. If I was him, I would have went to somewhere else (if he hasn't yet). I'm just trying to look at it from his eyes, not ours. We understand how the site is suppose to work.
... but a new user doesn't.
Well, now he has some idea
assuming he did stick around
I do have a general question not related... What does OP stand for?
@SgtOJ the assumption is that a new user should spend some time in understanding how the site operates.
@JourneymanGeek lol
if not for that, at least put in a proper question
granted, he did edit it and add the details
the pile-on effects can be quite bad at times
@Sathya /agree
and that's where mod flags can help, not just comments
@SgtOJ Original Poster
anyhow, I rarely reject edits, but yeah, this goes into the rare category superuser.com/suggested-edits/11771
you have seen my greatest hits ;p
@bob Thanks. I understand from context clues what it meant. I just wanted to know what it stood for. Thanks again.
the one asking people to spam a site... and.. that other one
@SgtOJ: I feel VERY odd using it here
(we don't post. we ask questions. There's a difference ;p)
@Sathya I don't even understand what he was attempting to do.
@JourneymanGeek I see. I just use user, for the most part.
> Formatted the look of the edits; Fixed the grammar; Formatted the way the keyboard shorcuts appeared;
let's see - edits - redundant. I don't see any grammar fixes. Keyboard shortcuts remain the same :\
edit rep farming ;p
so yeah @SgtOJ I don't understand what he was trying :\
apart from what @JourneymanGeek said :P
chal, back later
@JourneymanGeek I sometimes use "asker" :P
Actually, I don't think I've ever used OP here.
I made a mistake with my assignment
Can anyone help me quick? I'm at work and my hard drive is frozen... What can I do?
Heat it a little?
@jokerdino Nonono, the water will kill it :P
@WilliamHilsum That's a joke... right?
What do you think!?
FYI, it's June 1st today.
I know... I didn't have anything this year.. saved it and will do it next year!
Very well then :D
@WilliamHilsum Now I just have to know... did you actually do this yourself, or just grab the photo?
yesterday, by jokerdino
Use a mechanical fan dude!
Ooh, my message is starred.
@WilliamHilsum Well, I know that you are one of the more knowledgeable ppl on SE so I was 99.9% sure you were joking... But then again, you never know.
@SgtOJ hehe, lol, thanks!
@SgtOJ That's a joke... right?
@jokerdino lol
just joking. I know Wil is awesome.
Owie. Willy shows his sadface.
Is that really you? I wonder..
freezing a hard drive is on the list of things i'll simultaneously be happy and scared to do
very likely
@jokerdino lol! It really is!
No way. I won't be fooled twice in the same day.
But... had a hair cut now!
can do webcam if you know a broadcast site!?
I was going to take a new unhappy face!
tinychat.com might do?
hmm.. no webcam on desktop
one second
but I'll take your word. You are very convincing.
and I have no webcam here. >.>
I take it you are joking though... look at my icon! Have nothing to hide! :P
doing tinychat anyway - really wanted something like that before and didn't know it existed
It looked like your brother of sorts. But I had a tiny little doubt that it could be you. Turns out that was the case.
You never seem to know about a lot of web services. You are missing out on a lot of fun.
I am just joking. I know you know too much. I am just trying to poke you :P
hehe, I don't know a lot... I feel out of the loop for the past 6 or so months... Check my profile! I love my new job (why wouldn't I... even in that unhappy picture, I have a stack of 6 servers behind me and carrier grade equipment in the wall box!!!)... but, I have had no free time :(
:'( my new GPU is not running thanks to my sucky power supply unit :'( :'(
right... I'm on camera here - tinychat.com/mqtdh ... Thanks, @jokerdino - Tinychat looks cool!
mind you, quite low quality image
I can't seem to connect from here. My school network seems to be blocking the stream.
If the computer never gets past POST, shuts down when the HDD is accessed, then the PSU is to blame or the GPU. I think it's the Power Supply unit because it sens only 11.5 v instead of 12v :'(
oh well
hey... if I go to a different tab, then go back... the video goes really fast and catches up... quite funny!
last time I used, it was really buggy.
@HackToHell If it never gets past POST, how does it access the HDD? :S
@HackToHell: the PSU is probably the easiest/cheapest thing to check
1 hour later…
@Bob It gets past POST now
@JourneymanGeek Yeah, it must be the problem, I am highly dissappointed, it is a 400 W PSU
When cleaning up HDD
3 hours later…
@HackToHell lol what is this website? How did you find this?
This person is never going to find an answer. They are clueless/stubborn.
Q: Page(s) Unresponsive in Google Chrome

Perdana PutraIn Windows XP2, running Google Chrome (too long to responds), I often receive a message "Page(s) Unresponsive" asking me to either "kill pages" or "wait". I already reinstalled it, but the same problem persists. My PC specs: Intel P4 1.8GHz 1 GB Ram 64mb BGA 5 GB free HD space (In System ...

@Boris_yo QuickMeme is a popular image macro generating and sharing site. It is used throughout the internet, especially social sites and forums.
1 hour later…
He needs a hug. :(
A: Should we answer based only on the information given or should we guess extra info?

Bon GartYou can attempt to ask for clarification, but that will sometimes get ignored. If you get clarification, then you can move forward. I initially answered questions based on what the underlying problem was, rather than the literal question that was asked... essentially assuming based on some of t...

This is my 200th day on SU \o/
@OliverSalzburg Consecutive? Your profile lists you as being a member for 2 years
Took me a while to get what Randolph was saying there:
@iglvzx In those 2 years, I visited SU on 200 days :D
The only way I've figured this out is arduous, but seems to work. Copy and paste to a new sheet. Set the entire pasted area to "text" format, then delete it, and paste in the values again. Bob's your aunty. — Randolph West 10 mins ago
131 consecutive
Oh. I see!
Good job! I've been here for: 225 days, 216 consecutive
You have more rep and badges than I. Well done. :)
Take a look at...
Q: simple php file browser/editor to admin site

lucaI have a simple static website I built.. but now other people have to edit it. Do you know of any simple php script that shows a browser of the files on the server, with a simple plain text editor? thanks

Look at the latest answer...
A spam bot was trying to implement a FORM? lol
I know.
I flagged it.
I just wanted to get it to attention of someone so that it can be taken care of.
@iglvzx Thanks. I try my best :)
@SgtOJ I made their code properly formatted, as per community guidelines. :P
I see the changes.... Am I wrong? Or, was the original post an attempt to add malicious code?
.... Damn I'm slow. Now I get what you said... and did.
(For our non-UK users, "Bob's your aunty" is an idiom which loosely translates to "and you're all set".)iglvzx 20 mins ago
wow :D
Yeah. I didn't understand that at first
I thought Randolph knew the OP or something
I've never heard that either. Thanks for the explanation :D

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